ras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1908. NO. 17 VOL V' The ,i . n mm mh tt(i-Mn Hit nit un i.Hn -h T 1 2 iL l8D ROC mqW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT lUmki been thoroughly renovated. No better table in Ccn l Ofeaoi) for the money, Your wants will be courteously Idetito' Headquarters for traveling men. First-class Livery in Connection i W. LIVINGSTON, Proprietor MADRAS, UKKOON Harness Slto E. m. DAVIS, Prop. LOCATED IN POSTOFFICE BUILDING Just received a full line of Horse Blankets, Collars, Buggy Whips, Collar Pads, Whip Stocks and Lash es, Spurs and bits. Horse Furnishing Goods Always Kept In Stock Repairing Neatly Done Prices Are Lowest Give Me A Trial A. E. CROSBY V It 0 V III K T 0 It rin'.ci Comn ctu I. luu o( Drug, Mctlirlnci, Clicmlcsli, HoimclioW Remedies DtannU'BniKlriM ntil I'liolo Hnppllvn. Country Mali Order I lvo mjr Ksronl iMstion A i.tmlutio In olmritc Kb(c dulivory Kunrantttfd. Your prwrlptlon illicit .. HtryHinlni nihI I'oxt HMtroyuM. Htot-k Food nd Dip ol nil IdmU. Ijwtlforliutiiiaii Kodk. llolli TIioiim. WHOI.KHAMJ AND ItKTAJL. A, M, WILLIAMS & GO DKAliKKK IN Dry Goods, Clothing Furnishing Goods II00T8 AND RIIOKH HATS ANp CAI'S THE DALLES ORECON List your proper! WITH OE r have mi re buyers tliun I liuve land for wilo Ora Van Tassel LiMf4D AGEfiT MADRAS, OREFON T. OREGON B. TUCKER Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK M-Class Work Gnarauteel Located in the old limn; shop A1ADRAS, OREGON Blankets & Robes asrE-w stock: Fine stock of Harness, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips and other articles kept in a first class Harness Shop DURABLE LINE OF SHOES Wheat Taken In Tirade B. S. LARKIN MADRAS, ORE. MADRAS MEAT MARKEf JAMES W. HURT, PROPRIETOR FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fish, Vegetables and Country Produce OREGON FURNITURE & R TAKING' UPPLIES LOUGKS BHD MADRAS, OREGON The Pioneer gives you the homo unci county Hows ami keeps you in touch with your surroundings. Subscribe for It. Prlco $1.60 per year. .. . ii i 1 J l Pistfnas And NOVELTIES Big Sp assortment of Christmas candies and nuts t A ft A ecial once for nublic Christmas entertainments . . - - PRESH GROCERIES And Dainties For The Christmas T; WILL LEVY TAX FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES An annual meeting in School District No. 22 will ho held at the school house in Jladras next Saturday afternoon, at one o'clock, for the purpose of levying tux to meet the expenses of the schoo for the current year. All qualified vol eis in the school district and all persons interested in the matter are urged to he present at this meeting. Last year it jyas necessary f o Jcyy tax of 8 mills in this district in order to inocf. ijiteresj- on Morula and Uiepxpensea of the school, and it is likely the levy will have to be increased this year. By the addition of the 9th and 10th grades to the Madras school the expenses the fchool were increased in tbeneigh borhood of S1000. a good portion of which will have to be met by a tax The enumeration tins year, however. shows a greater number of children o school aiies, which will to that extent reduce the amount to he raised by tax It is probable that the levy this year will be in the neighborhood of 10 mills for school purposes. TAKES BACK TOWNSITE OF BEND A. M. Drake, founder of the town of Ik'iid on the Deschutes and original owner of the townstte, lias again come into possession of that valuable prop erty. The townsite and his other prop erty at Bend was sold by Mr. Drake to the Central Oregon Development Com pany about a year ago, and this coin pany failing to meet the deferred pay mentB on the property it was re-con veyed to Mr. Drake last week. The failure of the company to meet pay ments is alleged to have been due to the financial conditions during the past year. Mr. Drake is one of the best informed men in the state on the immense possi bilities of development in Central Ore gon and especially regarding the upper Deschutes country, and ho is coiri-a- pondiugly optimistic regarding thegrcat future of that country, and of all of Central Oregon. While in Mwdras 10 days ago Mr. Drake said lie felt very sura that this section would have ade quato transportation facilities in the immediate future, and that this whs all the country needs to bring it into Its own. STANLEY GREWELL BUYS RANCH ON SAGEBRUSH U. S. Grewell has purchased from Mrs. A. J. Priday and II. I,. Priday 840 acres of land lying on Trout creek at the mouth of Sagebrush, the deal having been closed last week. The land in cludes a school section on the 11 at above the creek and 200 acres adjoining that, u portion of which lies on the creek. There is about 20 acres of alfalfa in the tract Tins was formerly known as the Cowles place, and was bought by the Pridays from J. B. Cartright lust year Mr. Grewell expects to stock the place when he takes possession, which will not bo before Slay 1 next year. He ex pects to go into the hog business on an extensive scale and will also run some cattle there, although there is only a limited amount of open range adjoining this laud. Tlio last survey of the Ilarriman line up the Deschutes comes out of the can yon at the mouth of Trout creek, and then on to the plains above by following up Sagebrush, and this Hue crosses the and bnunht by Mr. Grewell. If this ine is built, Mr. Grewell will certainly lave a station somewhere near his land. IMPROVING THE FRED FISHER ROAD THIS WEEK J, C. & M. A. ROBINSON GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, OREGON 4 Some work has been dono in the past two weeks on tlio Fisher road which en ters Madras on the Nurth near the pub lic pumping plant. Tlio principal work was dono on the grade at this end of tlio oad, which was very steep and had an brupt turn in it which made it bad for heavily loaded wagons. The work has improved the road very much and it will probably be used moro in the future by travel from that direction, This Is the only county road leading nto Madras from the North, with tho exception of the Agency Plains road, although the principal portion of the travel from that direction comes into Madraa ovor tho ruud thiough tho James D. Mayes place, and which has nover been declared t county toad. There is no appreciable difference in the distance by the two roads, although tho road through the Mayes place la more convenient for pcoplo and teams stop ping in tho lower part of town, aiul It liaa also been given tho preference by travel generally because it follows prac tically the old traveled road into town. Although the road through the 31 ayes place is not a county road, it is under stood that it will not be closed to travel by Mr. JIayes. The old-established road camo into Madras by that direc tion, and a good many travelers in this section would bo lost if that road should bo closed. STRIKES CAS AT ONTARIO Ontario, Or., Dec. 7 At 5 o'clock this evening a series of gas explosions oc curred in the Ontario ojl well and con tinued fpr more than an hour, throwing vatxTj mpd and pebUes into the air to n Jicight of JflO feet. The gas flow, which opened last week, had been closed. Tbis inorning drilling was re sumed, the shaft being extended an other 00 fept, Today's find is the larg est yet made, and proves an immense supply of gas here. The directors of the oil company to night applied to the City Council for a franchise to light and heat the town. LOCAL POLITICAL FIGHT AT PR I NEVILLE Tii e city election at Prinevillo comes off a week from next Monday and there promises to bo a fight that will make the contest in the last county election look like a love-feast by comparison. Will Wnrp.wejler, the retiring mayor, says the present administration oi tne city's government has reduced the float ing indebtedness by $2500, and that it deserves credit instead of censure for the manner in which the affairs of the city have been conducted. It appears, however, that the prohibition element of the citv held a meeting at the Metho dist church some time ago and nomi nated a fu)l ticket for the city election. Mayor Wurzweiler is quoted as say mgr. "l wasmot at ttie meeting at the Methodist church which nominated the ticket now in the field, but I will be at the polls December 21," Will Corral Babbits On Large Territory LARGE CROWD WILL ' HELP WITH THE DRIVE HORSE BUYERS FAIL TO COME Paul Rrunzel & Son, who advertised several weeks ago that they would be in Madras to buy a car load of horses, and who asked that persons with horses to sell leave their names at the Pioneer office, have not yet put in an appear ance, and it is surmised that they have found the horses elsewhere. It was re ported here last week that they had gone through to Bend, but if so, they did not stop at Madras. In the meantime several score of peo ple with from two to six horses each to sell left their names at this office. Since the buyers fail to put in an appearance-, the Pioneer is sorry to have been the in strument for disappointing so many, for the local advertisement brought a mul titude of responses. MADRAS FORCED TO A CALABOOSE The following item ftom a Prinevillc correspondent appears in the Portland Telegram ! Mudras, hi this county, which will probably be the first division point of tho new Ilarriman railroad up tho Deschutes river, and which is now tho headquaiters ol numerous survey- ng crews, is building its first calaboose. With the coming of the railroad comes also the usual apportionment of "drunks and disorderlies" of everv railroad town. Heretofore, Madras has been content with handcuffing its ''bad men" to the proverbial telephone pole, but hence forth tho town will have a regulation lockup. E. P CONTESTS JERR0 PLACE , Itobison filed a contest against the homestead of Josoph Jerro, and the hearing was had before Max Lucdde iiiann yesterday. The defendant did not appear to defend the entry, and tho abandonment of tho homestead sinqo the date of entry was shown by tlio wit nesses of the contestant. Tlio Jerro homestead lies on tho bench ibove the Covo Orchard on Crooked river, and a good portion of it is first- lass land. Mr. Itobison will file a homestead entry upon it when tho Jerro entry is cancelled by the land office. Mrs. M. E. Bradford and U. S. Prine wcro his witnesses in tho contest,' Will Movo Rabbit Corral And Makq Several Drives No Guns Nor Dogs. Tho rabbit fencing for the killing cor? ral.and its wings which will be used in the rabbit drive next 3Ionday, has arx rived and will be set up the last gf this week. Arrangements are practically all made, and it is expected that there will be nothing to prevent the success of tho drive next 3Ionday. If tho first drive proves a success the corral and wings will be moved to other sections and tho drive will be continued for several days, The first driye, to be made Monday, will take in -the territory near the 3Ionr ner place. The corral will probably bo erected on the A Jlo.nner homestead, and it is the plan now to surround a big stretch of country adjoining the corral and gradually close in the lines so as to drive the rabbits into the corral. Tho corral itself will be only about 150 feet in diameter, but it will have wings ex tending on two sides for a distance of a quarter of a mile. There will be no guns and no dogs, and all who partjej pate in tho drive will probably have to go afoot on account of the fences. After the drive at the 3Ionner place is com pleted, other drives will be made in' other localities, and it is expected that the drive will be continued for several days. General L. Paxton has been chosen as "Captain" of the drive, and with sev eral "aides", he will see thai the line stands firm against the onslaughts of thp rabbitH. There will be a large crowd in attendance at the drive, as the farm ers of that locality will turn out in a body and there will be quite" a number of people from neighboring towns. It is reported, also, that there will be sev eral hundred Indians over from tho Warmspring reservation. CETTINC READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Madras merchants have been receiv ing large consignments of freight in tho past few weeks, getting ready for tho big holiday trade which is expected. Tho business men of the community' agree generally that business has been better in 3Iadras this Fall than ever be fore, and they are all expecting a good holiday trade and are making prepara tions for it. ITEMS FROM OUR EXCHANGES Plat Of Surveys Received C. W. Moore, register of the lai.d of fice, and Louis K. Arneson, receiver of the samo, have issued notices that plata of the survey of townships nine south, range 14 east; 13 south, range 12 eastj and 14 south, ranee 11 east have been received at the land office and placed on file for entries, filings and selections on December 31, 190S. The Dalles Chron icle. WATER AT 72 FEET John Lovenll has had t well drilled on his lots in the Snook und Loeknrd addition and water was struck at 11 opth of 72 foot last Saturday. Plcntv of good water was found t that depth for all household purpOfea Tho flow of water which was found Is doubtless tho nine as that found in tho wells in tho flat, tho difference In depth being duo to lie difference in elovatioif. The well on Mr. Loveall's placo was drilled by Ivon Hale, who has sunk a numbor of wells in this locality. ADVEKTJHE ymir 'Witnt" In the Inni'or. Ii gotN results, llegulur lo- cul udVerilslug rates. Hato To See It Go Sheriff Elkins Btill holds the Estebe- net stock of liquors, the disnoeal of & which has at last been arranged for by the defendant filing a petition in bank ruptcy. The case having been thus transferred to the Federal court, the sheriff is expecting an order to ship tho stock to. Portland or Shaniko and turn it over to tho propor authorities. Several Prinevillo people will be sorry to seo that stuff leave the county. Prinevillo Review. Will Have To Hustle Prinevillo must hustle! TIim people of this section must Wako up if they want a railroad. This ia not "hot air," in tho parlance ' of tho stroot, hut a cold hard fact, A railroad is being built, or about to bo built"-all preliminary work having been completed from tho month of the, Deschutes river as hir aa Madras, which ia on tho main line. Whore is Prinovillo? That's juet the question. Where do we ftttuid? Prinevillo mid its tHUuttiry country seems to bo out of It at lat 20 mile out of it according to an interview witli Guiiernl Manauer OMtrini of the Ilnri i nian lines published in tho Portland. Telegram. O'Urion says that no ad vances have been madq to him by any one in Prinevillo; heimo he Is led to be lieve, whether true or not, that Prinu-' vllle.does not want to get on the rail road map of Oregon What are you going to do about It.- ' Crook Couuty Journal, r