The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 03, 1908, Image 8

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    WW "
Not Coal Land
tJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca-M-
turn. Department of tlio Interior.
IT. ft, Umm Ollh'o nt The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 10, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Sisters, Oregon, who, on April 5,
100?, made Homestead Entry .Serial
No H1320 No. WOSS, for Lot 3, SelnwJ,
siiel fO I, ip 13 8, r It e, v m,
7' s filed notice of Intention to make
ii mil five-yor proof, to establish
claim to the land above described
before the C-unty Clerk, at bis office
at Prinevllle, Oreitnu, on the 22ud day
of December, 10HS.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Hubert B Jordan, AVilliniu Van Bus
kirk, Ola Larson, N J Lambert, all of
Sisters, Oregon.
0. XV. Mookk,
ul2-dl7 Register.
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of tl.e Inte
rior, U. S. Lund Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 12, 190S.
Notice is hereby given that
James 11. Davis,
of Madras, Oregon, who, on November
7, 1003, made homestoud Entry Serial
Ni 0l471'No. 13048, for iH-JnM J, nwii
ne sec 12, tp 12 s, r 12 e, w m.
Has filed notice of intention to make
filial five year proof, to establish claim
to the land above debcribed before
Frank Osborn, U.S. Commissioner, at
his office -at Madras, Oregon, on the
22,1 day of December, 190S
Claimant names as witnessed .
Nelson Klilingbeck, George II Kit-HngtM-ck,
O'-orge Fenluer, Henry M
Davis, all of Madras, Oregon.
nlO-dl" Register
Nt Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice lor Publi
cation. Department of the In
terior. U. S Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 13, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on March 10,
1903, made Homes lead Entry Serial
No 01542 No 12224, for Lots o, 6 and 7
and tswj sec G, tp 12 s, r 13, v m,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final five-year poof, to establish claim
to the laud nbove described, before
Prank Osborn, TJ."S. Commissioner, at
his olllce at Madras, Oreuon, ou the
24th day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witno-ses:
Pauline DeKner, C. "Wawrinofsky,
Pied llenske, B Dombrbwe, all of Mad
ras, Oregon.
C. W. MooBE,
Ul7-d24 Register
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. U.
Land Ollice ac The Dalles, Oregon, No
vember 11, 100S.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Priiievlllc, Oregon, who, on August 27,
1900, made Homestead Entry (Serial No.
01112) No. 15810, for &e4'm&, nse& ami
neJ4awW sec 17, tp 12 s, r 15 e, v m,
Has filed notice o intention to make
final commutation proof, to establish claim
to the laud above described, before War
ren Brown, County Olerk, at his office at
Prlnoville, Oregon, on the 22nd day of
December, 1008. .
Claimant names as wUnossas;
Andrew Moi row, John H Ueams. Rob
ert XV Uland, Mack W Jones, all of Prine
vllle, Oregon, '
C. XV. MooitB,
Jil9-dl7 Register
Not Coal Land ,
TIM11EK LAND. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of tiie Interior, U.
Sj. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, No
veniber 10, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Prineirille, Oregon, who, on October 27,
.1108, made Timber and Stone Application
No. 01001, for su , iiswX sec 22, tp
12 s, r 1 1 e, w m,
Has flcd notice of intention to make final
timber and stone proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before II. 0.
Ellis, U. S. Coininlssibiior, at Ids office at
Bend, Oregon, on the 2ud day of Janu
ary, 1909.
Claimant names an wltnossos:
James 1J Davi, Edward It llaltcrinan,
ot Prinevllle, Oregon; Charles L Urock, of
Rend, Oregon; Francis H Marlon, of Lnld-
luw, Oregon,
jilO-JU Register.
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca-.
tion. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 13, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on October
22, 1903, made Homestead Entry Ser
ial No 01541 No. 13008, for nei see 83,
tpO s, r 13 e, w in,
Has filed notlce.of Intention to make
dual five-year proof, to establish
olalm to the laud above described, be
fore Frank; Osborn, U. S. Couiiiils
Hiotier, at his ollice at Madras, Oregon,
on the 23rd day of Docember, 1008,
Claimant names us witnesses:
ThomttH M Utlrdeu, George Dillon,
lloWurd M, Blackerby, Samuel Ed
motideou, all of Madras, Oregon,
C, W. MooitB,
Iil0dl7 . Register
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notloe for Publica
tion. Department of tlio Interior,
U. S. Land Office ntTho Dalle?, Oregon,
November 13, 1008. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on November
23, 1003, made Homestead Entry Ser
ial No 01520 No. 13077, for netf eeo32,
tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m,
Han filed notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish claim
In the land above described, before
Frank Osborn, V. S. Commissioner, at
his oflleo at. Madras, Oregon, on tho
2.trd day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as wituesse?:
Chris Harry, Chris Hegnauer, Peter
Murnach, Joseph Rloh, all of Madras,
nl9 d!7 C. "W. MooltE, Register
Not Coal Laud
TIMBER LAND. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the Inte
rior, United States Lsnd Office tit The
Dalles, Oregon, November 10, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Prlneville, Oreuon, who, on Octo
ber20, 1908. made Timber and Stone
Appication No. 01100, for eeiiwj, w.
scj,, lie-, I sec 4, tp 12 8, r 11 e, w m,
Has filed nl ice of intention to make
final timber and stone proof, to estab
lisli claim to the land above described,
before II. C. Ellis, U- S. Commission
er, at his olllce nt Bend, Oregon, on
the 22ud day of January, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ed .van! R llulwrmau, Pleasant N
Turner, of Prinevllle, Oregon; Charles
L Brock, of Bend, O'egon; Frauds II
Marion, of Luldlaw, Oregon.
C. W. MooitK,
nl9-J14 . Register.
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion, Department of the Interior,
U S Laud Olllce atThe Dalles, Oregon,
November 7, 190S.
Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oretron, who, on January
27. 1902, made Homestead Eutry Ser
ial No 01207 No. 10338, for ue) sec 21,
tp 11 s, r 13 e, w in,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
dual five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above desciibed,
before Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at his ollice at Madras, Ore
goo, ou the 15th day of December,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank.A Smith, Thomas A Taylor,
Rockey C Robison anil Frank Gallo
way, all of Madras, Oregon.
C. W. MooitK,
u!2-dl0 Register
Not Coal Laud
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
liou. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 7. 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
widow of Juliuri Deguer, deceased,
of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 5,
1902, made Homestead Entry Sorlal
No 01169 No 10082, for frjnej and lots
1 and 2, sec 1, tp 12 s, r 12 e, w m,
has filed notice of Intention to make
final live-year proof, to establish
clnlm to the land above described, be
fore Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at hisollli-e at Madras, Oregon,
on the 16th day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles Wawrinofwki, Fred Henske,
Theodore IIurtiitiel and George KH
lingbeck, all of Madras, Oregon.
C. W. MooiiE,
ul2-dl0 Register
Not Coal Land
TIMBER LAND, Notice for Publi
cation, Department of the Inte
rior, U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, October 10, 1908. Notice is
heieby given that
of Bend, Oregon, who on September
19, 1908, made timber and stone appli
cation No. 01015, for the neiupj sec 20
and ujtiw, sec 21, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m,
has filed notice of intention to make
final timber and stone proof, to estab.
lisli c'aim to the laud ttliOve desoribed,
before II. C Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at his olllce at Bend, Oregon, on
the 6th day of January, 1909.
Claimant names us witnesses:
Arthur King, Charles L Brock, both
of Bend. Oregon, Frank H. Marion,
J Huston Beun, botli of Laldluw, Ore
gon. C. W. MooitB,
u5-d31 Register.
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
tion. Department of the Inte
rior, U S Land Olllce at The Dalles, Or
egon, October 24, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madrus, Oregon, who, on December
10, 1901, made Homestead Entry Ser
ial No 01137 No. 10132, for seise! sen
21. SH'iswi sec 22, nwjnwj sec 27 and
neinej stc 28, tp 1 1 s, r 13 e , w m,
Huh filed notice of intention to make
final live-yeur proof, to establish claim
to the land atiovo described, before
Frunk Osborn, U. H. Commissioner, at
his office at Madras, Oregon, ou the
Bth day of December, 1008.
Claimutit names as witnesses:
Anderson L Williams, Janles Wil
liams, Berthold Dombrowe, John
lloirmun Sr., till of Madr'as, Oregon,
0 Wi MooitH,
o29-d3 Resistor
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Nolloo for Publlca
Unit. Depart niotit of tho Interior
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 2, 1008.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras'Oregon, who, on October 0,
lOOS.niMilellnmestead Entry Serial No
01107 No.20ti0, for hiw4 Sue- 0, tp 12
p, r 13 e, w in,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish
claim to the laml above described, be
fore Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at his olllce a: M ulms, Oregon,
on the ISih day of December, 11)08.
Claimant names as wit nesses:
Delbert O Jenkins. Ot la C Hale. El
mer K Gillam, R V Jenkins, all of
Madras, Oregon.
n5-dlO Register.
iON:TE3T NOTICE. Department of
the Interior, U. S. Land Ollb e,
The Dalles, Oregon, Qctobor 24, 1008.
A sulllolotit contest having been filed
in this o ill co by
contestant, against homestead Serial
No 01377 entry No. loOlO, made Mioh
10, 1900, tor bi'H Hto 30, tp 13 s, r 13 e,
w m, by Claude S. Wilson, contesiee,
In whloii it Isulleued that, said Claude 8
Wilson has wholly abandoned suld
i met of In nd for more than six uioiiiIih
last past and that said abandonment
stilt exists, tlfat said alleged absence
was iiil due to tils employment In the
army, navy or .marine corps of the
United States in time of war.
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, and ofler evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
n. m on December 10, 1908, before
Max Uietltlemaun, a notary ptibllu at
Ills olllce at Madras, Oregon, and that
final hem iln: will be liel i nt 10 o'clock
a. m., on D cember 17, 1908. before the
Heglster ami Receiver at The united
States Laud Olllce in The Dallef, Ore
gon. The said contestant liavini', in a proper
affidavit, filed Octotmr 21, 1008, set
forth facts whloh show Unit utter due
diligence personal service of tills no
tice cannot lie made, it Is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice lie
given, by due and proper publication.
n5-d3 , Register
Not Coal Land
'T'W.HER LAND. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Lund Olllce at The Dalles, Oie
gon, Novomber 10, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Prlneville, Oregon, who, on October
20, 1908, made Timber and Stone Ap
plication No. 01405, for wjsel, st-Jawl,
sec 22 and nejiiwi sec 27, tp 12 s, r 11
e, W M,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final timber and stone proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before II, C. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at his olllce at Bern), Oregon, on
the 22nd day of Januury, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James B Davis, Pleasant N Turner,
of Prlneville, Oregon; Chailes L Brock,
of Bend, Oregon; Fiaucie II. Marlon,
of L'itdlaw, Oregon.
C. W. MooitB,
D19-J14 Register
Not Coal Laud
TIMBER LAND, Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the Inte
rior, TJ. S. Land Ofilco at The Dalles,
Oregon, Septenil er 10, 1908. Notice Is
hereby given that
of Bend, Oregon, who, on September
8, 1008, made Timoer t nil Stone ap
plication No. 0959, fur se)tfeJ4 and
w68ei sec 31, ip 11 e, r 11 e, w in,
Has filed notice of intention (o make
final timber and stone proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before H. C. Kills, U. S Commission
er, at his olllce In Betid, Oregon, ou
the 4th day of December, 1003.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J Huston Bean, Charles L Brock,
Richard King, all of Bend, Oregon;
Frank II Marlon, of L-iidlaw, Oregon.
0. W. MooitE,
o8-d3 Register
Not Coal Laud
TIMBER LAND. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
September 23, 1908.
N-jtlce Is hereby given that
of Uc'iid, Oregon, who, on September 19,
1908, mode Umber mid st"iio application
No.olol7, for Bwnef and sec 25,
tp 11 s, r9 e, w 111,
has filed notice of intention to make final
umber and stone proof, to establish claim
t Hie land above described, before II.
1.'. Ellis, U.S. CommUnloner, at his office
at Kunil, Oregon, on tlio 11 tit day of De
cember, 1908.
Ciaimuut names as witnesses:
Charles L Brock, Arthur King, James
Boyd, Charles 0 Johnston, Frank 0 How
Ice, Helen D Johnston, all of Bend, Ore
gon. o8-d3 0. W. MOOJtE, Register.
ISOLATED TRACT. Notlco for Pub
1 licutlon. Public Lund Bale,
Tlio Dalles, Oregon, U. S.
Lund Office, Oct. 20, 1908. Notlco is
hereby given that, us directed by the
Commissioner of the -General Land
Olllce, under provisions of Act of Con
gress upproved Juno 27, 1900, Fubllo
No 803, we will oiler tit public sulo to
the highest bidder, at 10:45 o'clock a.
m., on tho 7th day of December next
at this office, the following tract ot
luml, towlt: fiejst'i sec 21, tp 13 s
r 13 e, w m.
Any persons claiming adversely the
ubovb-described lands aro advised to
fllo their claims, or objections, on or
before the day above designated for
0. W. MooitK,
o20-d3 Register
XTnt rinnl T.and
IVlOriCE For Publication. United
J States Lund Olfino, The Dalles,
Oregon, October 23, 1008. Notice Is
hereby given that tho State of Oregon
has filed In this olllce lis application.
Serial No. 01415, to select under tho
provisions of tho Act f ConnresM of
August 14, 1848, and the acts supple
mentary thereto, tho lo" 1, r see J,
tp 13 e, r 10 e, w m,
Any and all persons claiming ad
vefsely the described, or . oh lr
log to object because of tho mineral
obaraclei-ofthe laud, or for any other
.earn o tho disposal lo applloi nt,
should IIIh their ulfidavl Is of pro Us
In this olfiVo on or before tho 10th da
of January. 1009. Q w M001lB(
o20-d3 Register.
Not Coal LnmlJ
HOMESTEAD. Notice for 1'uhlton
tion. Department of t lnUrlor,
JJ S Land Office at Tlio IMIIus, tKi
Novomber 14, 1908,.
Notlco is hereby given Hint
of Haycreok, Oregon, who, on Jnnimry 8,
1903, inndo Jloniosteiul Entry Sorlal Jo.
01C52- No. 11991, for s,S'so sec 8, n
ni'H sec 19, tp II s, r hi. w '"1 11,18
fll.'d notice of Intention to make final llv
year pi oof, tu eMiiblMi claim to tho m ml
iilmv do-cilbed, befoie Prank Osb-rn, U.
i. Commissioner, ut Id njlb'o '1VMu'hiw'
Oregon, mi the Stilt li day of December, 19US.
Claimant naiiios as witnesses;
David 0 (lay, Hun-bun U (irator, John
X Foley, Phillip Oralmiu.ftll of llaycruuk,
0ru0,, C. W. Mooui:, Register.
Not Coal Laud
HOMESTEAD. Notice fer Publication.
Di'piutnuint of tho Interior, U. S. Land
Office at The Dalles, Orrgon, Novomlnn
17, 1U0S. Nutlco Is hereby given Hint
of Madras, Oiegun, who, 011 October 0,
ltttt, made Homestead Eutry Surhii No.
01002 No. 1IC72, lor mvfe'uoM, uJtiiwtf
and neHswK tec 14, tp 1 j s, r 13 0, w m,
lias filed notice of Intention to uinko Until
llvi-eur proof, to establish olal u to
the land nbove described, before Frank, United States L'oninilssi'iiH'i, at
ids office at Madras Oregon, oil tho Siltli
day 01 December, I'.KkS.
Claimant llamas ns witnesses:
Chaster K Loueks, M L I.ouoks, Ernost
V Duty, B C Dove, all of Jfadras, Oregon.
na5 d21 G. W. MOORE, Register
Not Coal Land
TIMBER LAND. Notice for Publlca
thin. Department of tho Interior, U.
S. Laud Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, Sep
ten.ber 23, 1908.
Notice Is hereby glvou that
of Beiid.Orcgon.who, on 8e)itcniber 1U,1008,
made Timber and Stone Entry No. OlOltl,
for eXso) sec 21, and encK sec 25, tp 11
s, r 0 e, w 111,
lias filed notice of Intention to make final
timber and stone proof, to establish ciulm
to I ho laml above described, before II. C.
Ellis, U.S. Commissioner, at lib office at
Bend, Oregon, on the lltlidayuf Decem
ber, 1U0S.
Clalmnnt names us witnesses:
Charles L Biock, Arthur King, Jainos
Boyd, Clim b s O Johnston, Frank U Row
lee, Helen D Johnston, all of Bund, Ore
gon. C. XV. MOORE,
o8-d3 Keglator
iNol Coal Laud
'ylMBER LAND. Notice Tor Publi-
cation, Department of lliu Inter
ior, U S Land Olllce utThe Dalles, Ore
mni, Oct. 23, 1008. Notice is hereby
given that
of Prinevllle, Oregon, who, 011 Sep
tember 28, 1008, mude Timber and
Stone Application No. 01121, for uw
bw i sec 4 and nHeJ and w-e.J Sec 6,
tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m,
handled notice or Intention lo make
final timber und stone proof, to estab.
lisli claim to tiie laud ah vo described,
before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at his olllce at Bend, Oregon, on
the 12 h day of January, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Nathan B Beach, Hugh M Mitchell.
Jumes R Green, John Raynolds, all of
rriueviue, uregon.
C. W. Moojik,
n5J7 Register
S. Laud Olllce, Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, October 23, 1008. Notice Is hereby
given that the State of Oregon ban
tiled in this olllce Us application, Bur
ial No. 01448, to select under tho pro
vision of the Act of Congress of Au
gust 14, 1818, mid the Ads supplemen
tary ihereio, nw.iiiej seolO, hujne
and nelswl. mi 28, wuwj see 21), tp
12 s, r II e, tho iiwnw sec 12, ip 13
s, r 10 e, and tho swlswi of seo 12, to
18 h, r 10 e, W. M. ' '
Any und all persons clulmlng ud
versely the lunds desciibed, or desiring
to object because ol the mineral char
acter of tho lutid, or for any other rea
son, to the disposul to applicant,
Bhould file their ufllduvRs of pro
test in this olllce, on or bofoio the
lOtli duy of January, 1909.
0. W. MOORE,
o20 d3 Register,
Not Coul Laud
TVJOTICE For Publication. United
Al States Lund Olllce, Tho Dalles,
Oregon, October 23, 1908.
Notlco is hereby given thut the
Stute of Oreiron bus fllml in ti.iu ,.
its application, Serial No 01101, lose-
ii-oi. iiihiui uiu irovisions or tlio Act of
Congress of August 14, 1818, and Die
Acts stiniilemeuiurv therein
iw'4 of seo 28, Ip 10 s, r 14 e, w m.
Any und all persons claiming ad
versely the lunds described, or deslr-
loir to ob cut hecuiiH l Of lll ml ..I
cliuruclor of the land, or for any other
reason, to the disposal to applicant,
should file their affidavits of !rolestln
tills Office, on or befurx tin. fi'il. .1
Jutiuury, 1000, 3
r Mn 0. V, MtJoltlJ,
n6-dl0 RetiAr
, . While Prices
Prices 'will be raised when!
railroad starts and present
prices offer exceptional op-
portunity for profitable in
vestment in good property!
Business Lots
lesidence Lots
Max LueddemanN
Now In
ro wnsite
Are Lo
Buy at 0