The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 03, 1908, Image 7

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nit MA
TuTm F. VAMLbtUu.
, William P. Vnhlbcrg, Oklahoma
riadld more toward relieving mo of
t"01 0,0 ., ,, nt niiurrh of the
than years of treatment wtui
t I.lnna
.iKif nnvsiciutin.
- . . hnnn ni mi in i . iliiii
i than con hum" ""r
.. i.j if ,ni r-fTect an entire and per.
IllUHtu iv
antra . .. .
i r.iiin s s rvt m nnn I'nnu
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V r -ll.. ij.n nd n Innr rn
Feruni w uauunjr
ton vi.w. .
i it j iiimiif riiiriiiiiin iiuiu uui.ii
(I N. ' " . . T. :-
C5W. owiimu. - -
1 I - I m,ari rtl Til
1M nail ULL1I iWfWB v
At last l'eruna in tncu. xtcnei in
. . . . . t
lnumsiurv io
.i. ivnni ilnv in (hn vpnr. It
isnch results as mis mm, j;ivu a u-
I t 1.. . . 11. m.
ti,. .1.1 .. ..nlliinr 4linf iimillrt
i .1 1 ii.f.iKir .it imp n rrt
BOW oe rnaui:.
T Shut OA 1'npn'a Ineomt,
not whr arc you In micli a hurry to
ptDirneuf i iovo you uuu you arc
I know, but It a tula keeping on the
fill Me o: papa mat is worrying me;
tbea we are married I won't havo to
The Suburbanite,
ci eumm nn train, lor sue maue uira
llnrtr xiib iipti n mruir irunuu urn iiiizri .
X "Bin, 32," oilvrrtlses In a mornlnr
I AflrfAfi rt tuit Id l 1.. I. till ti
-1 - - - -
Alt M en.
wKi beller-wearj longer
KSti no mnro Ihnn
the JUSl OSQOod klnH
I. . . -v-
vlw LVL MTWHrnr
WW Bit w "O
Wi'' '' - M
. .. ""J IT .inllfll for n Xumr i r,t
I'ur lt'lMilcrfittint .11.
fl"'M u is it iiniiirm itnrnr)inM
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-TlK a ll.-al,ft n.V.!l VS.
'' mi ueiii c vt,.iwio i. ..,:...
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correctiiiit em,- .(n,..Ll,
'."Wfirreifiiiiir.n -i .. .
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r"!' . Aasimrillii illmicl!. Ami.
i ucaaaclii i'.,i..i. ' , , .
4vr.n,0.1,mc.l'vlty of the 'Jiver,
t fail, K10" oj ItiRlieat value.
(;,. . ,s.I!t,sfy w5 nutliorize nil
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
TliLsniHt OhlnMii phx
fr '"I . In wll known
f ijliwauaaor lilt '
"mil tttiil nmrm ou
cur. mill U .y Ur
lJu l l.y nil lil. imllonl.
WJ.".,!!!!.! pf III.
MP'!; il llimla.ny mill
vcinrin. . " biii ir imt : t . '
i tin M.nt;'7iL jo mo moa
i- ,'lVr ,q vl f'uwll. u. :
,n;5 Gee Wo Medicine Co.
--..-iiu, ur.
rloma CoihII.Ioiin Nlnilliir In Tliono
Will Hi I'rnvnIliMl In old Unyn,
A IMttHliurKor, now In UIkIkh. Ariz.,
wrlteH liitercHtltiKly of llf In that fa
inmm iiiIiiIiik town, mill his duwirlptlon
would lead ono to hnlluvo that hoiiio of
tho condltloiiH which prevailed In the
old romantic daj-H of mining towim
haven't changed much, after all. He
wiyH :
"IIIhIicp In JuHt 10 feet moro thnn n
mllo high, and Iiiih tho llncHt library
of any city of I(h hm In the unlvcrw.
livery dally of nny eoiiHcquuiico Ih to
ho found on (lie thcro.
"niHhco IIch right In tho heart of the
mountalim and CocIiIko Peak, Young
Wood hill and Chihuahua hill rlKo jx-r-IM'iidleularly
to the north, went and
Kouth of It. Ilccr Gulch Ih a cIiihhIc
thoroughfaro and Ih not anything cIho
than ItH name linpllcH. Thoro are kov
on teen Haloona In one hlock, and nt
.1 a. in. It Ih an noisy an Median.. There
Ih only ono tree In tho town, a Hlckly
looking eottonwood In the yard of Wal
ter DoiiglaKM, ono of the big mining
men of Arizona and the Htate of Bonora,
"College men are nn thick In IJlHhee
iih IIIcm In KaiiHiiK City. I roomed with
two Harvard, ono Vale and two MIh
Henri School of MIiich men during thy
five montliH I put In In BIhIicc. There
ii ro four thriving Imnkn, and one (the
Honk of HlHbee) Ih jih elegantly fur.
ulHhed iih any hank In America. Hand
n harder or porter anything Ichh than
two hltH' and ho will give It back to
"You are anumed at an unearthly
hour by the braying of hnrroH, of which
there are thouHaudn. Mexicans lead
theHd little fellows with great loadn.
and, with a helled hiirrn, make trlpn
Into the inouutalnH. Hefore Iilnhee had
waterworkH many .Mcxlcnim made for
tuiicH by hrlnglng water from themoun
talim on hurroH and Helling It nt exor
bitant prlci'H. I Imught two In rroH for
nix hltH apiece and then had to dlKclalm
owuerHhlp when fceillng time came,
which a liiirri never fullx to let you
know. Hay Ih ..".() a ton, ho tho owner
of a hurro Ikih to have plenty of -time
to riiHlle. or he will gut the Antl-nolnc
Society after him.
"Cliliiene and JapH bring In prfMluce
from the ranches, but neither Chink
nor Jap can remain In IllKbce after 4
p. m. It Ih a city ordinance similar to
the ciiHtom In certain Philippine towns,
where a bugle Ih blown at -I. and the
Moron with their boloH are let out of
the gates."
The boncH of an uverage whale weigh
forty-live tons.
TIiIh country hnH 1J18 titleu with -u
IKipulatlon of over .'10,000 each.
In Texas there Ih a man who carries
on a regular trade In rattlesuakCH.
Ily a recent decree, women are not
allowed to engage In bull-llghtH in
At Yale University there Ih ii kIiuII
of a prehistoric animal which measures
nine feet long and hIx feet broad.
The wife of the Prime Minister of
Bulgaria Ic the president of .the Bulgar
ian Woman SulTrage Association, which
has a membership of about .'1,000.
I'arm laborers In tho South, paid by
ihe moil t Ii or year and fed and support
ed by the landowner, receive :W and -10
contH u day during working season.
I)r. Martlm Hughes Cannon, formerly
n Slate Senator of Utah, has gone to
live In California with the Intention of
helping the women of that State to get
eipml suffrage. Dr. Cannon Is describ
ed iih a powerftil and witty speaker.
Andreas Dlppel, the tenor, was born
In CiiHisol In 1800. He was originally
connected with a banking (Inn In Cas
Hel. but studied music In Berlin, Milan
and Vienna, and made his first appear-
unco In 1S87 In Bremen iih the "Pilot"
in "The Flying Dutchman."
Dr. Matilda Kvaus of Columbia, S.
C, Ih the llrst negro woman to practice
mcillcliie In South Carolina. When 15
she entered the school fur negro chil
dren conducted by Miss Martha Scho-
Mulil at Aiken. S. C. From there she
went to Oberlln College and later to
tbo Woman's Medical College In Phila
delphia, where she graduated.
Mine. Poppova, a Itusslan woman,
Ihih invented a rudderless airship which
she has named the annulated dragon
becauso of the peculiar shape of Ita
body. This airship Ih said to adapt
Itself naturally to every variety and
strength of wind. Persons who have
examined tho airship declare unit in
splto of its peculiar appearance it 1h n
practical sailer.
Miss Josephine It. Upham lias Just
accepted the post of woman missionary
and organlHt In the new American Sea
men's Friend Society Institute In West
Blreot, Now City. Slio has had
f,d,,.m rears' experience in tho work
for Keamen and comes direct from Hie
Sailors' Haven, Huston. She is known
personally to sailors from every part of
tho world, who speak nnd look upon Iter
iih their friend. Her Intluenco with
men with whom slio comes in contact
Is very great.
Slio was a student at Vimsnr,
Wlillo ho was a Princeton man;
And during tho Newport beason
They gathered a cout of tan
Which caused unlimited wondur
Kuoekora cried "What a disgrace."
For each of tliu jmlr was sunburned
On oppoiilto Bides of tho fuce.
invites Consumption
It wenkonn tho delicato lung tissues,
(lorangea tho digcotlvo organs, nnd
breaks down tho general health.
It often causes licadacho and dizzi
ncB9, impairs tho taste, smell and
hearing, and affectH tho voice.
Being a constitutional dlscaso it re
quires a constitutional remedy.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Kadlcally and permanently cures.
Inunual llqiilil form or In chocolated tabloti
known as Sarsatabs. 100 doios $L
Atrnliml Ailveraa CondlillonD.
Interviewer May I ask how you nc
iulred your clear and luminous style of
BiicccKsful author Do you think it's a
luminous style, young man? Well, I ac
quired It by lonjf nnd painful labor in
a dimly lighted back attic.
Nor can panurglc craft In making stitches,
With effort operose, particular,
Transmute Into a silken bag for riches
A fsmalo swine's affix auricular.
Bain Is never known to fall In the
region between the first and second cata
racts of tho Nile.
An English brewery has given a con
tract for a million labels per day for the
present year.
Our million Immigrants a year aro
bringing with (hem 525,000,000 a year,
besides their labor.
'Die growth of girls Is greatest in their
fifteenth year; of boys in their seven
The tropical seas contain a greater per
centage of salt than those of tie more
northern latitudes.
Vnnilln comes 'from a genus of climb
ing orchid which grows plentifully in thr
I m . . t u
How a busy man doesn't lore a per
Ktstcntly cheerful Individual who suc
ceeds only In being noisy.
The sum of $5,750 was paid in London
the other day for nn orchid an Odonto-
glossum Crisplum Pittnnum.
The man wiio can say "yes" nnd "no
at the right time has a sulllclent coin
tnnnd of nngunge.
1'he art of glove cutting requires
great skill, and In France some of the
best workmen are paid $100 a week.
Australia exports 24,000,000 rabbit
skins a year, lo kill this great number
costs about $325,000
Dr. Joseph Samde, the royal dentist to
the Khedive of Egypt, studied surgery In
Chicago for three years.
Wages in the machine factories of Ger
many advanced last year 10 to 15 per
The Japanese have established a steam
ihip line connecting their ports with
Dresden hns opened a bathing establish,
ment for dogs. It is owned and govern
ed by the municipality.
About 44,000 square miles of arable
land are available in Cuba for sugar cul
ture. sutiMigc four feet long and one foot
thick formed the wedding cake at a Han
over butcher's wedding.
The world uses nt least 170,000,000,
000 matches yearly.
Side I.lBhta on HUlorr.
Cotton Mather was persecuting the New
Salem witches.
"I'm going to make it still hotter for
'em I" he exclaimed, vindictively.
Misunderstanding this remark, some of
the best citizens of the community, a?
we have every reason to believe, went
ahead and built tiio fires.
OiiiUKlnim at ItUtarr.
The pilgrim fathers bad just landed at
Plymouth Kock.
"Just tho thing," they exclaimed with
enthusiasm, "for a New England farm!"
Whereupon they proceeded to plant tho
treo of liberty right there. Chicago
Hadn't Forirotlcn.
Miss Screccher 1 wonder If Uncli
Jim remembered mo when ho made hl
will? 1 used to sing for him.
Lawyer Yes, he evidently remembor
od you nt least your name Isn't men
Moned in the document.
Tli I ml (or Knowledge.
"I will wait a few moments," said the
lecturer, who had delivered an eloquent
and Instructive address on "Tho High
Mission of Women in Our Modern Civil
ization," "lo answer any question that
may be asked."
"There's ono thing I'd liko to know,
Mr. Croxton," spoke up a dyspeptic look
ing man with a thin, straggling heard.
"Where do they git the names fur all
hese brcokfost foods?"
Tho Ouly Wnjr.
"This bathing pool on tho lot you
sold mo Is a fake," blustered tho Irate
"in what way, sir?" asked tho crafty
real estate agent.
"Why, you told me I would find the
water up to my neck. Instead of that I
Und It only 12 inches deep."
"Well, er I meant you would find
It up to your neck, sir, If you Jumped la
head llrst."
Coughing Spello
lire promptly rellevt d ty a .in
cle Sou of l'Uo'i Cure. Tin
r . . t . .i, nf ihU famous re
mciiy will relievo tho wont
lorm of coupln, colcU, lioarie
MM, bronc Jim., a.thiru and dl
taiei of tho throat and lunn.
Absolutely freo from larmful
drug, and oiilatts. Kor lull a
century tho liouiehold remedy
la million, of lioraci.
At U drugsUU, 25 cU.
JTew Jersey farmer flcmve Hie life
was saved by ghost of his wife.
Mothers wilt find Mm. TTInslow's Boothln
Byrup the best remedy to tiio fos their omldra
luring the teething period.
Wasps rank next to ante in point of
Insect Intelligence.
CITC Bt. Tito.' Dane and orroo. Uiae pmt
ll 1 J n.ntlr carta by Dr. ' .ln Great Norro Ile
rtorer. Bend for rXEE M.00 trial bottla and treatU.
Dr. H. U. Kllna, Id., 831 Aroh Bl., Philadelphia, Pa.
"Motor lurries" Is the name given In
Manchester, England, to power trucks.
These trucks pay well, provided they al
ways have full loads to carry.
It Cures While You Walk.
Alton's Foot-Kft.o I a a certain euro for hot.
twcatlng,CAllu, and awollen, aehlngfcct. Bold
by all Uruggliti. Irleo2fte. Don't accept any
nibatltute. Trial pacltogo KKEK. Addreis
Allen B. Olmated, Leltoy, H. Y.
Would Do oa Well.
MI am sorry to have to toll you," said
the eminent surgeon, "that we shall have
to perform an operation."
"That's all right," answered tho pa
tient. "Go ahead."
'But the condition of your heart Is
such that we do not dare to use ray an
rcsthctlc." "O, well ; tell me what the bill is going
lo be. doctor. That will' be sufficiently
Mix for Rheumatism.
Tho following Is n never failingrem
sdy for rheumatism, and if followed up
it will effect a complete cure of tho
very worst cases : "Mix one-half pint
sf good .whiskey with one ounce of
Torin compound and add ono ounce
Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound. Take
in tablespoonful doses before each meal
and at bed time." Tho ingredients can
be procured at any drug store and
easily mixed at home.
The Bengal government pays a reward
for sharks caught in the Ganges. This
varies from 25 cents for small sharks to
(1.50 for those six feet long.
and Quality
appeal to tho "Well-Informed In every
walk of life and aro essential to per
manent Buccess and creditable stand
ing. Accordingly, It is not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna Js the only remedy of known
value, but one of many reasons why
It is the best of personal and family
laxatives Is the fact that It cleanses,
sweetens and relieves tbo Internal
organs on which It acts without any
debilitating after effects and without
having to increase the quantity from
time to time
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxative, and Its component
parts aro known to and approved by
physicians, as It is free from all
objectionable substances. To get Its
beneficial effects always purchase the
genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for
sale by all leading druggists.
No. 48-03
W1IKN irrltlnc to adrertlserfl ploaio
mention thle paper.
...ti. to In no", morn monr forrou tft ahlp Haw For. and FW'i to Hainan la
. ... , , . ... . r i Y.-: T , . l(-.l... T KhlnMntf 1 flff. fltlfl I1DOHL (TOT
Mil at home.
nnmn. vvrim it rrico i.ii. jirc iirp... .....i.. ... - rr , , . ,
a a a iaitr7n ni p. n aucru w " . g h a . . .
4W l..thr tmod. Bit tWnt on tit oMl ..r wrllt.n. rutArimtU. ill
lillriY.'J::' .T.. nlZ... V..V. a.m. IIw and whfr. t tr.n. l bCom. a toe-
tmfnl triprxr. II f a ri al.r EnertkipMi.
Fritt. 11. To otf taititpir 1 1
ctrni tr.ppr. ji .rtai.ri.nercipvnia j-nca, ...
Kal.fi1 rVir. Osr M.r nrtle lull and Daff allr.rtt t a I malt lr.D "
- I- IhlfliMlprlcaa. Andenwh Jtrw.. ' ,m
llldM Unnrd InW
lrf-l. Ship "r
A Flavoring. It makes a
syrup tetter than Maple.
Norway has twenty hospitals devoted ' The women of Italy ore much ot
to the treatment of leprosy. j Industrious than the men.
ran. -rri I IT.... IT...... A 1 mt'rfmra 1? ml rail f1. linQ hnrtln f.llt f fTl fl-
tare of Chas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made wmlcr his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-crood" aro but Experiments, and entlniifrer tiio
liealth of Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR! A
Castoria is a harmless (substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothinar Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its apro is its destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Tecthinp: Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulcncv. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
Bears tho Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
CRESCENT Egg-Phosphate
V.TU. DO All
DO A3)
on t pfrrre
in Mi b n w a na s v tr-a & v.
Get it from
your Grocer
Should remember that our force It so organized that WE CAN
EXTRACTING FREE when plates or bridees are ordered.
no uncertainty but SPECIALISTS, who do the moat sdea.
tlfic and careful work.
Dr. W. A. Wise. Met, 21 Tears In Portland. Second floor
Failing; buildlnir. Third and Washington streets. Office
hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 1 P. M. Painless ex.
tractine COc; plates $5 up.
A Choice collection Of 80 recipes, with the latest baking helps and
a fund of valuable information, edited by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, of
The Boston Cooking School, the noted authority on Domestic Science.
Elegantly illustrated and printed on finest plate paper.
This artistic book absolutely free
to every user of
To get the " Cook's Book"
Secure the coupon from a 25-cent can of KC
Baking Powder. Cut this out, write name
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Manufacturing Co., Chicago. DeptN
If you have never tried K C Baking Powder, this is the time to buy
your first can, and get the beautiful " Cook's Book " for the asking.
K C Baking Powder will please you better than any other or vou tret
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Guaranteed pure, wholesome, and the most perfect in action. Com
plies with all Pure Food Iaws. No " Trust' prices.