FT7u, In nr f ' I'M rt-wt, If "".trTII WITHOUT PXATEfl" IM Ik In .'hi irouth (! In fart, twill In ,J ehw ;our too-luyon. mo Zrf '- ,M'farl km Our Ion l K) ortitn. "" Vise mntal co., iNtt T gaMn railway from Limlmch to jf2 to b. clmnl from .team to .wtrlcltT. - One of the Essentials the bappy bomcs of to-day Is a nit fund of Information ao to Uio jeit methods of promoting health nnd lipplnesj and right llvlns nnd know ItJjj of tbo world's bent products. Product of actual oxcoilonco ana leuonible claims truthfully prosontod lid which havo attained to world fljt icccptanco through tho approval d th Well-informed of tho World; tot of Individuals only, but of tho saj who havo tho happy faculty of Klecting and obtaining tho boat the vorld affords. One of tho products of that class. ttaown component parts, an Ethical rraedr, approved by physicians and toamended by tho Woll-Jnformod of tt World as a valuablo and whole tat family laxatlvo Is tho woll-known Errop of Figs and Ivllxlr of Senna. To pt Iti beneficial effects nlwnya buy tit jenulne, manufactured by tho California Fig Byrup Co., only, and ferule by all leading druggists. C. Gee Wo Thn wall known rolUbU CHINESE Root and Ncrb DOCTOR II m null) Ufa (iodr of root, and htU. and in that lu.l !, errl and U at. In 10 tli, world lilt wood, lul raa-adlea. OWitlon, or Without Iht Alii of KrJU ruu 10 van Ularrli. Aatbma. I.tin. ir. KMaar TrflulilM ali lot Maaltood, Catarrh !s a Constitutional Disease It originates In Impuro blood and requires constitutional treatment, actinic tliroueh and purifying the blood, for Its rnuicitl mm porinnnunt euro. Th jiuuwai. vuiiaui'iiviuiini roincuy 18 Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tab lets known as8araatabs. 100 doses $1. Nasal and other local forms of cntnrrii nro promptly relloved by Antlsoplets or uaiiirncia, wuc, unijrgisis or mull. 0. I. Hood Co., Lowell. Mass. Pour Horn. ISvencr. Ono of tho simplest forms for four Imt-u.i .... ........ i ... . .....-... Kill , n . -uiiui in HI1UWI1 III 1110 llIUHini- A Now p.ntriniwi in nn i.wi . . lion wiilcli Is Bolf-cxnlnnntory except from n voar n Hout i rnrnthin ,.n. nuiuiin;iii. iiesuics uouuie ..... ..... . . ' ' Ifri'CM flf nrilliui. Food for Young Calrcs, Withhold solid foods until the calf will tnlce them dry, which Is usually lit nbout three weeks of age. As 'the calf grows older encourage big eating In order to mj'.nrc good storage capacity, and with sound and nutritious foods stimulate both digestion and ability to digest. Hy rich cream wo haro commonly n llttlo darky whom ho ciw tho week .fCCM of ord,l,ur3r Plough length, nnd como to understand to mean milk rich after his arrival, nnd from whom ho dc- . Ht,clc of lo"K,1 onk frorn whlch to butter fat. It Is admitted that milk rived erent nmiiscinont lnrl,iW 1.1. n",ko the evener. two pulleys large richest In linttnr fat Is also richer In III tho South. enough so a smnll link log chain will casein; and, while an excess of butter Tho man was lying In his hnratnoefa . u,roKi them, two bolts to bolt ft Is not likely to disarrange the stom- on the hotel piazza one day. nnd onenwl . I,,,lloyH 011 '' two pieces of two- nch of the cnlf, nn excess of casein will. his eyes after a drowsy period to find 10 w,do Btrnp ,ron bcnt nnd U8cd nB Therefore, allowing the milk to cream, a small, coul-blnck boy regarding him 08 I0V Ul lu,leyH' nro required, and removing this to reduce the rlch solcmnly, a tall glass of somo coollnc r""'"0 I,leccH of Htrnn ,ron nnd octtcr ness of the milk to the needs of the calf, ir i,n,r uoneii, niso. Their use Is to furnlsli s nn ncRrnvntlon rather than a modlfl drink on a tray held tightly by both hnnds, "Who nro you?" asked tho Invalid tlx. I. ..4 .... ... in , mil iiictu nu uu reply BaVO 0 broad smile. "Where were you raised?" Inquired "lcnt"' tho invalid next, with a vague Idea 'that he hail heard that was the usual opening question. Thcro was another broad smile, but out of tho midst of It gurgled tho reply; "I ain't uone raised yet, eah." Unci Hen Liked Her. A Kansas City girl recently mnrrlce a nun who lives In one of Uie smallei near-by towns and went thcro with hltr f to live. Tbo bridegroom was naturallj linger tuut his relatives sliould like hit brldu and as one, an old farmer, voiced no complimentary opinion In his hear lng he ut last asked: "Uncle Ben, what do you think oil ray wife?' a brace for tho pulleys. Any small link cntlon, for by the skimming process the log chain can be used, ami If too long It can bo wra'tped around tho plough where hitched. Now for the measure In the first place, the stick CVZ5" 3 proportion of casein has bwiii Increased, while tho effort that should have been mado should have modified the casein. This can be accomplished by simply adding water to the whole milk, main t'nlnlug blood temperature, simpijc roun-iionsE eveneil A SURE CANCER CURE and Reliable. rn)UI It -r a. rv r "ii'wiui uminun mini f&nn aiihi Tho Abo at HUeep, The age of sheep Is very easily shown by nn examination of the teeth. A lamb lias the first pair of permanent front teeth when nbout 10 months old ; tho second pair appears at; about 18 months; the third pair nt 28 months nnd tho fourth nt about 33 to 40 months. When the whole of the per manent front teeth have appeared the sheep Is In Ira fourth The, .Meri no maturels Its teett ter than the otlier breeds; tlio Cotsr-uld and South- downs and other highly-Improved mut ton sheep are some months ahead of a Merino, but at 4 years every sheep has Its full mouth of teeth. Later age Is known by the appearance Wn., for a fact. George," responded needs to bn nv iw mnr hidden lomr. the olJ fellow, "you shore outmarrlei and from the right end to the first pul- j1"8 3 ouruelr." Kansas City Times. urcment is to th center of the pulley, w' graauany lose Jieir Tho -ri.. iiercrcnduw. From the center of the right pulley, lu" u.m won uoh In some of the cantons of SwItzcHniefiHiiro nfloon nn.l on.nimrter Inches I . . a nenitby sheep will keep Its land a inolhml rcscinblltii; tlm rifi-rra L,i imK,. ...i.ii. i .,.i, lcel" K0- until 10 or 12 years old, - -------- i wwiv iwiit i ti i vii in intLiu i 4 , dum has been In nructlce since the six nloiiL.h bon.i oinvi fnHto,i nw iro " !'" ' not unusuaiiy oare tcenth century. Tuo present form wai bncle to the extreme right end of the ,"""'B . K ,my' 60 as 10 wear we adontcd In tho canton of Bt Gnllen It itir.ir n,i,i ,,.,. m.i.-i. on,i hrn. I i-aucobulij, m r- I nvi iiivl0lllb tl I I. J 14 1830. In 1&M8, In spite of conservatlvi quarter inches. You then have the opposition, tho referendum was Incor place where the second pulley Is to be pornted in the Swiss federal constltu plnced. This puts tho two pulleys Just Uolt, ana In 1874 Its application wa twenty-four Inches apart. This com extended. In all the cantons, except hlctcs all the measurements that need Frleburg, tbo referendum is now cs to be accurate. At tho left end, where tabllsbcd. the left team Is hitched, it Is best to ITuflilnff nnlno. I i.i.uu iiuiu, uu v.... Rn t hMPm.,hn.i. I,, mm. fasten the doubletrees In whichever said I was a liar," blustered the vll- H0' WIllcn RCcms Dc8t BUllcu 10 u,e lace, htillv. nimronphlntf . pmun ol tcnm- nre the first holo about two men he thoueht ho know. "Where's nnd one-half Inches from tho end, then Uuirustlno. Sent B. ir.iw. a:tn vMni n-f, the srulltv nartv?" K lwo ,nc,les nn ore anouicr, nnu From Mint ,iav to thlR tho hm h,, "I guess mnybe It was me.'' quietly lwo mciics imm uint, u a imru uo.c w uocn tho most unlversal llve ngent of Coined a huakv strniiirer. who mens- '' eciicr ui ur ""-' tho settlers In suhtlnlnf? tbo oniintnr r,.,1 full Rlr fnt mu! looked to ha horse III the furrow and three on the nnd mnlntnlnlnir l niwIiiotlvnnM.- stronger than an ox, as be pulled ofl P'ui. n,,d t,lt'rc will be no side draft nnd wucnover they ,mve ,iegiected them his coat and proceeded to roll up his u,u u' invLl im,UM- DU sterility exists as n monument to their sleeves. Sheep aa a Clvlllcer. A speaker at a farmers' meeting eulogized the little .animal with the golden hoof In the following Interest ing strain: Sheep arc always the advance guard to attack new and undeveloped territory. The first sheep and. the first negro slaves that placed foot on what Is now the United States of America, were landed from the same fleet at St thf Utatlon Tbl Vht, KOU. ud, Oracca, No. 46-08 II ueniliin thU i III! Ili there Is not too much slack when turn- ni. .it rirbt - ronHri..t th to the left, and hitch it to the w.., " I .. I , i i. I i 1 II.. ..! bully, as ho hurriedly backed away. M"01" m "- "Keep your clothes on; I didn't say I f cxper nientlng tells you 5 uio oesi I)IHLC. .uuiiucai ouir. folly." Weekly Witness. wasn't" 1I Did. roullrj-lloune I. Ice. Turn out the fowls some days and First Walter You tried hard enough I , .,. . ,., , , -.-.i. . ..n ri.i i. close nil the cracks In the house ex- vv nuift iuv anvil kuj tui m iiu, aiu ui To L.ltt a Loaded Wagon. Build a grip of timber under a wa gon nnd plnco upon It a heavy beam. as shown In the sketch. Let this come Just under the axle of the wagon. Then give you one? Second alter lea; he gave me two. cept tho door. Take a kettle of live eonls, nnd place on the ground In the worn. L i r $3- " " I yarn ' K08! il Jtl ,.n... ' ' 1 Jj I ' 1 " I L,l ALl'OIlOl. .1 dp i mI.'.." smlaiijisihc,,. big Uie Stomachs ondDouds of lie handed me a dime and told me never center of tho house, but If there Is a lo Jtidgo a- man's wealth by the clotliet he wood Door, lay a flat stone under the kettle. Throw n half ixnind or n jKnind of sulphur on the coals, and shut the door. If tho house Is left closed for n few hours It Is safe to conclude that no lice or mites will bo found therein after the operation. The sulphur cure Is the best method of ridding poultry houses of pests, but If the house Is not tight It will not provo satisfactory. , ('lean the house as well ns It can bo done, mix whitewash with fresh lime, mix In a liberal supply of sulphur, aft er which throw sulphur Into nil the cracks. Apply kerosene oil to nil the roosts, nnd bum off the outer surface. Air the houso thoroughly. -w eoKiy Witness. HANDY FOB OIIJNQ AXLES. m IWulcsDtecsllnnfWnl riCSSnnrll!fitrViniii 11 HAiJrM yium.Morphlnc norMtoeraL UT .NARCOTIC. " 1 " ioiditsmjammR JlaphirSttJ' JocSima Anerfertrtpmpilu Mon, Sour StonwcliiDiarrlm norras,Corrvulslons.Fcwlslr ncss arulLoss or Sleep. lacS'millc Signatureof NEW YORK. OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of place a stone In front of the wheel, so that when the team draws the vn won forward the wheel will be lifted upward on the Inclined beam. If the Incline Is not to much the wagon will not slip bnckwnrd and the wheel will be loose for oiling. Farm nnd Home. ZAP mam m Ur .. tr t 1 1 1 The " I" oT s,U muro for 10 Af foment paid n.,Kc!B has often been demoustratCMl. f88." Jr t,10 Iloxlous I Uie demonstration was repeated nt " !? e,,c"' AiiMtrnllu'a Itublilt Peat. In 18T2 two rabbits were imported into Australia. Their descendants In thnt continent now number billions and arc a great pest. Five rabbits ent as much grass ns one sheep. From 1878 and from 1SS3 to 1SSU $2,200,000 for the same purpose. For somo years th. rabbits died by millions, owing to the drought, but since 1004, with tbo rainy seasons increasing, tliey hnve again como Into notlco and bid fair to be- I -JB. -Lq-JL IL- iuunrardeed under the vawti "ct Copy of Wrapper, 11 Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA mange nnd tho demonstration was repeated Woburn last season. About fifteen tons of farmyard immure were applied to four plots, and this appeared to bo sulll elent to produce nearly ns much as could bo grown on the soil of the Held. In..,. li.iil iiIua n f(n.1rrKHllli nt nm Lundredwelghtof nltrnto of soda, which come us Kre,,t "e8,a 08 lu tlie PbL very slightly Increased tho yield. Where ono hundredweight of salt was added (hero was a further Increase; but where tho quantity of tho nitrate was doubled, without salt, tho yield was reduced Agricultural Gazotto. Looking Forward. Luther Burbank, tho famous hortl- miiurni wizard, says there Is not a weed alive which will not sooner or later respond liberally to good culti vation. A day will como when the earth will bo transformed, when mnn shall For Intestinal worms in colts tho offer bis brother man not bullets nor AVnrma In CoKa, following mixture Is used by somo vet erlnarliins: Mix together ns a baso ono pound each of salt and granulated su gar; In this mix ono-half pound of to bacco dust or fine cut tobacco, four ounces of sulphate of Iron powder, six Ounces of powered worm seed. Glvo a heaping tcnspoouful In tho feed nt first bayonets, but richer grains, better fruit nnd fairer flowers, YHl C1KTUH OHeANY, hiw o onv. tfeft. API riMP I'oullry I'lekluira, Tho heating of the brooder plays n very important part In tho growth of tho young chicks, Tho fowls nnd eggs from n pure bred once a day, then twlco per day, and flock of hens will bring more money on keep it up for tlireo weeks. account or iiieir uniformity. A good brooder Is of more lnmort Fre.i, isKsra. nnco tlmu nri jncuuator, if ono ca'n bo Secretary Wilson says that hereafter moro lmnortnnco th ' , " Do .. .ni,i na "frosb'' or "strict v fresh" . must bo exactly what they are repre- Tlcro 8 oU'l8 nto tho "en ed to he. Storage eggs must bo sold 'np fftr,n " nd , etock bet .. Li. nndn,. fbo .mm food Inw tbo tor U,nu wel1 l"Bed llock of poul- no ouvh, - " - - - I l-j-. in llnblo to a flno of $500 or six innnMm' ininrlsnnineiit. or both. Thou- Do not expect to find smooth sailing A Flavorinrf. It make a minds of neoplo do not know how n wlUl tM0 incubators nnd brooders ut -vrun better than Maplo. "etrlctly fresh" egg taBtes. This will W Patlenco nnd vigilance O CONTAINS .O.NO MERCURY Medicines containiug Mercury are often given to persons suffering with Contagious Blood Poison, and so powerful is the action of this frequently removes the symptoms in a short while, and shuts the disease up In the system to do greater damage to the delicate internal members. When, however, the treatment is left off, the disease always returns, and the patient finds that his health has been injured by this powerful mineral, nnd he is often left with weak stomach, disturbed digestion, mercurial rheuma tism, etc. The action of S. S. S. is entirely different. It contains no Mercury, nor any other harmful drug, but is made entirely of Healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It cures Contagious Blood Poison by removing the virus from the blood. It searches out every particle of the poison and does not leave the least trace for future outbreaks. S. . S., in addition to curing the disease, builds up and strengthens every part of the body. Its fine tonic effects tone up the stomach and digestion, improve the appetite and regulate the entire system. Home treatment book containing valuable information about the different stages of the disease and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Delay in Dlrorcea. "The underlying reason why so much time usually elapses between the filing of petition and the hearing or trial In divorce proceedings Is not generally un derstood," remarked a lawyer who makes a specialty of this character of practice. "Perhaps It Is within the cir cle of truth to say that In a majority of cases, if either husband or wife, whichever side be plaintiff, should 'stop, look, nnd listen,' as it were, tho trouble would be adjusted out of court entirely. "As a rule, Judges are inclined to afford ample time for domestic partners to ponder well before pursuing further toward legal redress for matrimonial difficulties. 'Divorce in baste and re pent at leisure' Is a logical paraphrase. Of course, If after mature reflection a different opinion does not ensue, the av erage Jurist would favor progressing the suit" la Dm Form. Orlindo Spoonamore bad proposed. "I shall have to refer you to papa," aid tb young and lovely Clarinda Hewll gus. Orlando reflected. "Yes," he said, "I suppose that is the correct procedure. I take the initiative and you order the referendum." Chicago Tribune. ' Soma SulUfuctlon In Thai. Mrs. Hewligus You iay that If a burglar wants to get into the house he'll get In In spite of everything you can do to keep him out. Then what is the use of your taking so much pains to fasten all the doors and windows? Mr. Hewllgus-1-! want to give him all the trouble I possibly can, blame him I Chicago Tribune. KASPAKILLA This sterling household remedy is most successfully Prescribed for a "world of troubles." For derangements of the di gestive organs it ia a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthful activity. Its beneficial influence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, con stipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. Hovx Chemicai, Co. Portland, Oregoa The cleanest. linhtMt. and most comfortable SLICKER at the same time cheapest in the end Decause It wears longest 3Q0 Everywhere Every garment quar enteed waterproof Catalog free rA I7 r 8s WE BUY FURS HIDES tor scot rli- Mll at home. Write for 14 B'lUca. 10 to 80 mora monrr for pro to ihlp Haw For and Hide to tu thaa to ivrlte for Price Utt. Market Heoort. Rhlnnlnir Tmn. and iijnntm. E4llrlTC:DC7 &. to A DenciMiinr; .. w . a i tno uuiLUiiiii,oib.k V? Ilb. bo""1- Bo tblnr oo th subject tTtr writwn. Maatnllnc all For XoimaU. 1U . ,I.rppr" Secr'U. Dtcoji, Trapt. Gmma lin How and wtwn to trap, and to txcoma a ww f ... . JT1?'- "Pla'E"7eloptdla. Plica. J2. Toooreu,tn.ri. II tl. BMaatannad lata MaoUfal Bobaa. Oar XarnaUe Bait and DarayatlraetaanlmalitMrapa '1.08r-rb4tla. SnlpTonr BidM and fur to tu and trt hlibut sricaa. Andcnck lira., UcoU 13 JUaacalU.MUiu Crescent Egg-Phosphate WOIDOAU THAT AST lUGUrCXZD rOlYDEX YiTU DO AM) DOITBETnX BAKING POWfiTR A FULL POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer 1 Martha Washingrton ! I . -! omiort onoes i rvr Vnti Trrlll novnr rnrxxr wf.nl irantttnA foot comfort is until you wear Martha wnanintrrnn nrntArf S iaoo -- IIVA f Irtprlnnrl nrhltKrfnAi'nnrl mib-Aivnlf " - n wvaHMtj w Mu UlUttV II aUta.w ' buttons or laces they just slip on and off at wilL The clastic at "u wu sura wiui oyciy uuvemeni or ino loot, insurinz free " u. uauiuio cvnijorT guaranteed. Bewaro of Imitations. Only the genuine havo the name Martha . . uou.ujiauu uuu iuaycr x raue mane srampeu on tne sole. Keiuso iiiuiw, x uu ucukji wiu suppiy you; n not, write to us. FREEU you wilt send us tho name of a dealer who does not handle Martha Waahlntrtnn Cnmfnn Stvu. u will send you tree, postpaid, a beautiful picture of Martha Waslilncton, ske 15x20. Wo also make Honorbllt Shoes, Leading Lady Shoes, Yermu Cushion Shoes and Special Merit F. Mayer Boot ? Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE,VlSCONSIN Pure Wholesome Jounces 4J UE3MAMf Those who beKeve in quality use BAKING POWDER 25 Ounces for 25 Gents Made from pure, carefully tested materials. Get a can on trial. You never saw such cakes and biscuit They'll open your eyes. o SoU by fcTowsr. I ye them a chanco to find out in learning to manage them