ntrinftntnri"mmu .'i at Madras. ... In OWn fliv"" f inivii mat .. ..ii in . ..-.near lte wife oi - - WH . .s. (i son. lAtfffl 1111 i in iupii " i . ..itT : imhiii ... lead were m in - . ... .i..,homentuivcr. ...-ad an . ,.., f I'rlnevilie win n LiSMnrdayannoon. A. II'"- . ...C.nll.. j-frtlHDBOn n " . rif Ilend was m town i, evening on her way to ff PlirMh wns In ttmn last I.!.,..., in town last Satur ;totoeonlHe North end of j wibon en over 10 ,,rine"' i Wednesday, ana is vmimK ... hobs returned last Thiirs'dny r ' . ......... 4iitirM lt jibtt'edian returns from this r t.A. rime UD froill Mntlrhs , i j ,tf the week and marketed some li thh local dealers.I'Hne- L M. Frank 0born went to haiij 'o attend the Head' Land' pi Mrs, Oiborn is a brother LDtVinney, who organised the iff lodire at this place last kii been m town during the week in lodge a? over oo voicj were sworn in Lb 1'nncville precinct. It is a lillu men cannot find time to I a (our months. Review. i.Tii)y was in town Inst Pri- Ircaj on his way home from n jPiismlle, Mr TirTwyis the gov i firmer at the warimprmgs liter was in town last Saturday (torn Antelope, where lie is cn- (t! dock business, lie came I ld of grain, taking back brat. CC, Covey of the Wnrmspring i, ent to The Dalles last pri st! hi father, whohas come out a to spend the Winter at the tb b's son, WKarnpftr and wife and their Jrtawere in town last Saturday from their Mr. Kimpfer is in the sheep bus tint locality. W, Harnett came down last Fri- Colrer, Me expects to make Madras this winter. His spending the winter with her Mis. Joslin, at Griwly. bwe went to Shaniko the first lth a load of wheat from t lleuvt (lin n1.l. I........... 1 - ..it. lunua uciwccil :4 Shaniko are ill Hie mh. to ever known them to be. Sherlock of Pauley w.i In tn.'n tfiwa load Of Mnrlrn flint r 'mI Mercam.le Co. The Madras to.sellInB a good deal ol Hour tcUnfy. and a!n In .L 'postmaster at Vminus.lri brought in the elcc- .-. Wednesday. L. A. VoUng, !."nhll and Cliarles M on is j!" lb party, having business n,y comt-Ciouk County I'D'fey and family mov?d r on tlc l)rschutcs this """idem Mndrns tilts Wiu V i!' rcnled ,llC rooms under n- vui.l. v,iiuiica ,,f'H hvc at the ranch ot) f'op was lown anund t Kc "P '' duties ns ran . vu inuian ' W11 accompany hmi. f!aHeuier , ' " SlMer m,.,- c 'or wr )Vbi; Pal,0n,eslead ftdJ"i . F and he and hi, family rifttr . "lecountiy, t: of the pr,,;1 Mr. and Jtri, John McTnggntl re turned Monclny evtntng Irom Pdrtlandi 0. Springer was In town yesterday and tdday strnlghtenlng out accounts for the Grimly LukS Lumber Co. Itegtilnr services morning and evening nl the M. E. cllurch rldxt Sunday, Sac rament of the Lord's Supper will be seiVed at the close of morning service. G. K. MorrJhcnd, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. John Drumm of I'aisley are in town this week visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. A. S, Phillip, Mr. and Mrs. Drumm arc among the pioneer settlers in Lake county in the 1'nisley neighborhood. William Hrownhill was in town Tues day from his farm on the North rnd of Agency Plains, lie says there will be a meeting nt Krogpring schoolhotine Fri day evening, Nov. 20, to organise n liter ary society, All interested are invited to attend. Howard Turner, who had n long siege of typhoid fever at Prinevllle, has almost completely recovered from hUtllnest. He and Mrs. Turner have been at Culver duiing the past week, visiting at the home of lhc laltcr's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Head. Tlley came down lrnm Culver yesterday and visited frienJs in Atadras. Mrs. U. S. Lnrkin has been in The Dalles for two weeks or more atiending at the bedside of her brother, Frank Smith, who is very sick in the hospital at that place. Mr. Smith came out from Kansas to visit his relatives in Oregon and was in Madras for a shmt lime. He bo came ill during his vUil here, and was taken to the hospital at The Dalles. An other sister, Miss Elva Smith, who is teaching in the public school at Prine ville, has also been at The Dalles with her brother for n portion of the time, A. M Drake, founder of the town of Band and one of the pioneers in the irriga tlnn business in that section, was in Mad ras yesterday on his way from Portland to Ilend, where he still has large interests. He Was traveling through wjih Roscoe Howard, manager of the D. I. & P. Co, who was also returning from Portland. Mr Drake has just returned from a tour of the Kuropean continent, where he and Mrs. Drake spent the pat year visiting the principal points of interest i.iisiifrrsy,trrrriliififfi-,r-t- rtm nr ' t "rgiiisffii r ' "',,a'criitmimMii mwimt DEATH OF MRSi HENRY WILSON Died, Wcdnefsdayi November 4, I908, Mrs. Hubble Wilson, wife of Henry Wil son of this place, tit the age of 46 yeais. Mrs. Wilson had been a resident of this section for the past foUr years, having formerly tesided in lown. She was the mother of 1 1 children, eight ol whom sur Vive her, and who with her hsuband and n host of friends, mourn her Untimely death, The remains were laid at rest in the Madras cemetery last Thursday after noon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing neighbors and friends. CLASSIFIED LOCALS STEAM AN J) DKY lfX)LLING-Urliig I t your grain; fur eimlr or toll. At M11I run Public Well mid Chnnplntr Mill. "10 I) LACK HAULKY need for enlo. 1'ro ililced 29 liiifthelH to uore oti my pluci IIiIh hpmhoii, Upr'olHlly ndxptcd to IIiIhhoII mid cllmuto. dm uhhowii I'Hlier Fall or Sjrrlng, Ih IiiiIMpm mid NhelU nut llko wheat. Will huvt! nhont 00 btiHhelH of ficcd frr Mftlfi. Flrot Pom't tirst nervi'd, G. L. PAXTON, Mmlran, Gregon. tf CICDaR HIIINOLHS. the beat prade. Lenvo your order with me. I have a car now on hand. A. C. Sanfonl, MndrnH. tf A 'Good ClubBlng Offer We have arranged for a clubbing rate willi the pliblishcrs of Campbell's Scien' title Farmer and are able to offer it to our subscribers for only Jo cents in addition So the subscription price of the Pioneer. This tffer applies to both new subscrip tions and renewals of old subscriptions. The Scientific Farmer is edited by Mr. H. W. Campbell, the oritjinator of what j known as the "Campbell system" of dry ! fanning. His magazire is filled with use fill information fur the farmer in sections where the rainfall is deficient or irregularj and every faimer in this section should be a subscriher. The regular subscription price is St f er year. Mrs. 1 1 A: E. PETERSEN ANTELOPE, OREGON d Edward G. Pease Go. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORE J 75 t Have you seen the new DESIGNER? A GREATER MAGAZINE AT THE OLD PRICE 9 VOU GET A Standard Pattern FREE With this new Fashion Book showing hundreds of the very latest styles for all occasions DON'T MISS IT CALL AT OUR STORE AND ASK TO SEE IT Prio only 20c with Free Pattern M agazme .jlTANDARD IFASHION BOOK . .nr 1 . . - ,-r 't ;- of Real Use I More Fashion News lore IUnstrations More Home Making Suggestions More Good ShorlSiori.es More Timely Articles And more than ever before IT IS "THE toW omem 99 STILL ONLY loc -A. Oop3r Don't Miss The October Number Get It Here Now TODAY STILL ONLY 5OC "STear A COMPLETE STOCK MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FURNISINGS GENERAL MERCHANDISE The Ghief Study of This Store Is to Satisfy Its Customers 7 several ! and Jeweler I lewclrv of all kindi made to or der and repaired. Settingt for Preaoul btonei made. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Drake is now visiting her old home in j 5 -xyr r 1 "j Minnesota, but expects to join Mr. Drake J W 9.tChmSlkeif in Portland in a few weeks. Gillis I'izney has recovered the team of bav nonies which he lost 1 months ago, and which he had despaired of ever seeing again. The team got out of the pasture nt the Dizney ranch on the Deschutes nnd as no trace of them could be found, it was believed that the horses had been driven out of the country. Last Friday afternoon E. S. F Newcome of Shaniko phoned id Mndras that he had round the ponies, and. John T. Dixney went nvci to Mr. Newcome's ranch and got them. Mr. Newcome hnd found them on the range near his place, and knew them from a descripiion which Mr. Dizney had sent him some time ago, irz zz ADlltTlsIs your "Want" In the Pioneer. It K"!" results. Hegulur lo cul iidvt rlltsliic rater. A, M. WILLIAMS & GO. ! Jyl Dandruff and rL n DKAlitvItS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods . BOOTS AND SHOES HT8 AND CAl'8 TrlE DALLES 0REC0N are but outward siens of the evil bone in secret by myriads of das Jrttff germs sapping the life blood 6t the hair. Micro kills the para site, sootbes the itchiag scalp, gives lustre to the hair and stops if falling out A single application gives relief aad proves its worth. Save your hair before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It is a delightful dressing (or the hair, free from grease and" sticky oils. Ask your dmftistforffea booklet HOYT CHEMICAW C'd, A complete supply of legal blanks for ' t-nlo Inolildln wnrrMiity ami quit claim deeds, real, chattel ami crop mortgages, etc. Justice court hluiikH atirt justice court work a specialty. Notary Public. F. J. Brooks. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. fRANK 0SB0RN U. S. COMMISSIONER Near tlr'eeii Hotel MADRAS OREUON IMS 'si BUSINESS RESUMED!!! BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH s3 GALLAND EXAMINE OUR GOODS 0, C. ClOLLYER NOTARY PUBLIC Nature Provides BUT ONE Jnstibo of the Peace CULVJSR I'RECINCT CULVER OREGON w. II. 8NOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OfUce in Drug Store. UADRA3 OREGON J( H- HANER ABSTRACTER OF TltLES NOTARY rtJDUC Fire Itisurnni-e, Lite Insurance, Surlily itoild: Real Estate, Convdyanelng PRINEVILLK, OREGON BAKING POWDER Al 1-2 lb. can 20c J " 40c 3 " " 1.10 5 " " 1.65 Columbia Oata 40c Puffed rice 2 for 25c 2 for 25c Forco CD.J.B. 35C A TIN ALL fotHEft COFFEES 5f OFF PER Li. BEANS Pink, 5c lb. Small vvbjfe, 6c " Large " 6c " Lima, 8c " Corn meal 40c Homony 40c Al Japan rice 8c lbi Soda 3 for 25c fyAX LUEDDEMANN NOTAHY PUBLIC I'iouccr Bulldlne MADRAS OREGON NO. 3851 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE) OREGbN B. F. ALLi. PreslUeim ,. . T. M. DAUttnx, Cashtcr. Wux WunztTErLKR Vico Trcsi , II. lULtuvift, Aat. Caslilfr. All Granite Ware 15 per ct. off the Dollar K UNIVERSAL RANGES We have Several that will go at the Lowest possible Pried FOR OASH 1 Silverware and Cutlery 15 per ct. off selling price Screen doors, $1.10 and $1.20 CEDAR Doors will go AT COST WINDOWS, all sizes, AT .COST ABOVE PnlOE'S ARE FOR CASH OR WE WILL TAKE GRAIN AT MAHKElT PRICES IN mA McTAGGART & BYE Hardware, GjoceHfes MADRAS R& h8 ESTABLISHED 1QE38 t'fl)ltal, UtupjUs ittld tJndlvidcd $100,000.00 r-r'rf' - in .... -"-v - r - t rroQtfi CALIFORNIA it is tbo natural winter home of many ihoriraud of th world's best people. Under the gelitlu hitlueiice of its mild Winter climate every am mo ment and re'creinlon abound?. Such bathing', hpatfrig, ilsh inp, driving such' picnics, par- ' ties and "jollficallons." Los Ai'gtles, l'aso llobles, Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, Sari Diego, Sinta Barbara-, Santa Monica. Venlcel Long Beach, Fauta Cruzi or a score of siml- -lar resorts ar.d you ull Hnd heaitb, Congenial surround, iugs, hospitable associates, faultless accntu modal Inns and numberless attrauti-ms aril conveniences. TheO.R.&N;C0; CONNECTING WlTlt Southern Pacific Go. f Slakes Inexpensive round trip exoursinn rates to California A six iiiemths stopover tickef SHANIKO to LOS ANGELES ' Hhrl return is' $67:00, Correppo'nrllHe rnt'es 'Are iii ell'ect to Other points'. Ae have some very dlstlnoiive Illerii? ture covering California's Winter re!" sorts, and will take pleanure in Klvin" you all of the information aud assist.-" ance at our command. tor tlcts. liplriir caf risdrvatloris, etc., call on', telegraph or write E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Oiv OR VM, MCMtJRRAV n..Attt), poWland, f0Rud6 LIVERY The best In Shaniko I GOor tqek. )l. n Oest A Careful Drivers ay ana Qtd h Fed RedsbnaolS Jrlce3 4 Eh As H8vv&iis hahik6$ & " KkK f0W on the VUlniah