BAIN FLOODS RIVERS km Number 300 in Cagayan . ' Province Alone. THE COMING ELECTION, WHOLE TOWNS ARE SWEPT AWAY 'Dozens of States to Voto Upon Now Laws and Amendments. Chicago, Oct. 20. Elections will be held in the various states and in the territories of Amoria and New Mex ico November 3. Three states, Ore gon, Maine and Vermont, have held their state elections, and have named members of the next congress the sixty-first Arkansas and Georgia have namea state otucers only and will se lect congressmen at the coming elec- OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST WHO CAN VOTE. section of State Laws on Proslden tial Eloction Requirements. Who can vote for presidential elec tors, and thus for tho presidential can r e pc. 11, ... . . A.rin. n,w m M-.,.... rr on. In 28 states governors or other T.' nttho presidential election of ' "" r"" state otucers are to be elected: a November 37 This is h question whic Roofs of Houses Floating Down Streams. ----- - -" w.wi.u, ti 1 - ' " " . 10 u vucabivu Willi; number of these states will also eieet is asked mnnv tlmnn nnMi inu thf-mmi. - w 1 kT wmv uuv VII4 I . c oix states out tne since ;v":cllrosl-Jusuccr .ol lK suPrcme On every hnnd thero seems to be vuuiv ui iiiiiiui siaic oiiiccrs. ill deVted.7ndi in two' cZ," United. States can east his ballot a legislature only. ?f u Presidential ejection, whether at The terms of 31 Un ted StatM en. ",D. w on iruvoi in a aistanc amveiing men, distant lrom Manila, Oct. 22 Belated roports in dicate that tho storm of Octobor 12 in the Cagayan valley was the wor.t and ato7 w Ren, hHcnn TnVirU: state, most destructive within tho momory crats, expire March 3, 1900. Alabama, their homes, aro making daily inquiry of living inhabitants of tho valloy. Tho Arkansas, Louisiana and Maryland whether it is possible for them to cast official figures aro not yet available 7 iT cnocn crattS-', a"a Ken- x VVQ2Z u town wncro tnov mny . iB,t.wu V , l",OI' tucky a Republican, while Vermont bo on eloction day. In order to mako ns many places have not yet been heard has chosen a legislature which will the situation plain tho law of tho state Xrotn, but it scorns certain that tho name two Republicans. The present is herewith sot forth. Article 2 sec "uuiuur ui uuuu will rcacil OUU. I - vuiujiugku vi via xxcpuuutaiis Thorn . i,.,, .1 4 and 31 Democrats. i " 7 : " r- Mcmbcrs of the natjonai housc 0f '"ul "l,U8 "iruugnoiu ino vaiioy ami representatives are to be elected, in the mountains. Tko rivers were Oregon and Maine have already Hooded' and in many place rose to a cnoscn nepuoiican representatives. T . i I height nf nn fnf .....n.s- some or tne soutnern states Uem- , uuur.u(. t , h . nminatA tion 2, of tho constitution of tho state of Oregon, sets out the qualifications oi electors in tho state. Section .2 as follows : Section 2. Qualifications of elec tors In all elections not otherwis provided for by this constitution every white male, citizen of tho United uoioro tneiu m tncir rush to tno soa. while in others Prohibition. Socialist Hundreds of animals and houses wcro and Independence party nominees States, of tho age of 21 years nnd up swept away oy tne waters. will oppose Kepublicans and Demo- wards, who Bhall have resided in tho At Apam, which was almost com- crats. ine present house is com- state during tho six months immcdi dents, headed by Lieutonanta Treadway ans and 166 Democrats. There are everv i,hito ma, f farpiirn h'5rMl of nnd Clark, Postmaster Foss and Engi- two vacancies. fc7nT oi - fore,en brth of neor Clark. tormoU n South Carolina, as usual. h.i onlv e.?Be of 21 y?? ?nd upwards, who Tvhich rescued scores of natives, taking one ticket the Democratic-for state haU . "avo in this state during many off their houses whilo floating officers. Louisiana also has but one the six months immediately preceding .i ii.. i uuwu iuo river, xuo government nas aispatcnou a coast guard cutter to investigate con ditions and organize relief. It is reported ihat cholera has broken out among tho refugees. WAR CLOUDS THREATEN. I where thev have fused with tha Demo. situation in uaiKans t-ar Prom Being crats. Peaceably Settled. The number of tickets in the diffcr- Pans, Oct. 22Tho feeling in French Louisiana: 2. Alabam and North government circles is distinctly nerr- Carolina; 3, Delaware, Florida, Mon ous. both with regard to tho situation tana, New Hampshire. Oklahoma and in tho Balkans and tho proposed inter- Nrt.h I?a.kot.a5 i- :?lo?i0 NcTv.a, uawumu congress. Auyices are tuat Washington,-West Virginia and Wis tne rurKisn government is ticket the Democratic. In this state, such election, and shall have declared however, a justice of the supreme hi8 intention to become n citizen of tho court and a railroad commissioner are united btates one year preceding such the only state officers to be elected. election, conformably to tho laws of The Prohibition party has tickets in the United States on tho nnhiopt nf tin si states, tne socialists in 27, the in- turalization, shall be entitled to voto aepenaence party in ia, tne socialist at nil elections authored hv lnw." I . r . -I lL Ti-,.T7 . . I ' ' ' " party in 5, including Nebraska, onm.f t, mttMmill 'mA ,n list the Federal constitution rendered tho restriction to white males of no effect, so that the colored men of Oregon come under the same constitutional require ments that bind the white voter, and have the same privileges. In addition to these constitutional qualifications the registration laws of impatient consm; 5, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, ,tnn tvT ah because Bulgaria has failed to present Kansas, Minnesota Missouri and -th tobV registered in an official communication einco Tur- ' ".. v.u""'u',.iU"tv uu ,nlln a -!-. ;nu,Mi.uUf . cnusetts. xuicnigan, XMew xork anu ... Key received tho French assurance m Texas; 7, Ohio. reside permanently, or if not register- the namo of Emperor Ferdinand, while The' Prohibitionists have tickets in ed, to bring six owners of real estate from Sofia comes information, that th Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Ilh- in their precinct to make allldavit as to Malinof f cabinet still refuses to accept no,s Idaho, Indiana, lowa, Kansas, the residence of the prospective voter. tho advice of Ferdinand, wlm nilvnt Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska. New fin other words, thero aro three re a peaceful settlement and insists that Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, quirements asked by the law of the it would bo preferable to go to war aoBW raKoia, lexas, vvasnmgton prospective voters. than to pay an indemnity. West Virginia, Wisconsin, Missouri First: The voter must be a native until the Bulgarian ministry yields an"n . born citizen of the United States, over iimi imii'iv it i ft pnnR norm nv rrtn r.t-- i ia. il i oi i i. xi ax i-r , . -1 :Z- J""L "J . rnrfn RlnrHn TJ, Till- I ' WHO IlUo rcalUuu in tLO SulvU lor DlX r,?.ol.UBren" government tnat f"" t"I ' ":rTf' months or more. tho danger of war has not been dis pelled.. Reports current in Paris tha,t Baron von Bieberstein, the German ambassa dor at Constantinople, has been coun scling war, whilo not confirmed, caused disquietude, especially as Germany's attitudo grows more and more enig matical nois, Indiana, lowa, Kansas, Massa chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis souri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota. Ohio. Ok lahoma, Rhode Island. South Dakota. lennesssee, Texas, Utah, Washing ton, West Virginia and Wisconsin. The Independence party has tickets I or more of age. Second : If not a native-born citi zen, be must at least have declared his intention to become a citizen one year, or more, previous to the election, and must have resided for six months or more in the state, and must bo 21 years in Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada. New York. Ohio and Texas The People's or Populist party has . ' T 1 T - T iickcis in inaiana, lowa. iuissoun. ine braska and Ohio. The Socialist Lahnr in Connecticut Reno, Nev., Oct. 22 Colonel Win- Massachusetts. Michigan, New York, in order 'to register by affidavit. field Scott Prosky, a mining man own- Ohio and Texas. Section 3 of article 2 of the Btato ing property in a number of districts. In ,23 states a total of 90 proposed constitution also says: I ncf i f if tinnnl itnanHttiiintc loure I iir t 1 tit Yesterday announced that on January V. ?.a 1 "o idiotic or insane person snau De upon, xnis noes not inciuae iicm- nj th ;vn nf n ,.. hn CONTEST LAND PATENTS. Nevada Miners Will Attack Southern Pacific Land Grant. Third: Both native-born and for eign-born residents, qualified under the two preceding requirements to vote, muBt be registered with the county clerk, at the registration time preceding the election, or, if not so registered, must bring six freeholders 3 next the statute of limitations will Lave applied to the patents granted six gan, where a revision of the present years ago to the Southern Pacific tu a constitution will be submitted to the large area of mineral land extending voters for adoption or rejection. The from 'Winnomucca to tho Novada-Cali- number of amendments or questions jrornia lino ana aitecting ngnts oi nun- m the different states is: 1, Iowa dreda of prospectors and miners. Texas, Wyoming; 2, Idaho. Illinois. The men have been patiently waiting Kansas. Montana. Nebraska. Rhode for a number of years, thinking a de- Island, Washington, West Virginia; 3, cision m tho one ease decided would Alabama. Colorado, Florida, Ohio: A similarly affect them all. Now it ii Minnesota. Wisconsin: 5, North Da discovered that each disputant must kota, Oregon; 6, South Dakota; 2, filo a separate protest to establish his Missouri; 9. Louisiana; IS, California right. The railroad company hoped The amendments or proposed laws this would be overlooked. Ilowover, of several states are of general inter- every effort will be made by the de- est. in south ualcota, the question oi partment at Washington to givo all claimants an opportunity to present their cases and have a hearing. rcpealingthc onc-year-rcsidencc act, which was passed by the last logisla ture in order to stop rapid divorces. will be submitted to the voters. For merJy suit for divorce could be such soldier, seaman nroucrlir niter si ranntns resirlenrf tun .;v.4- t-n " in uic siaic. opposition to tnis snort term of residence resulted, and the The latter Andersonville Monument Project AVhito Hall, Til., Oct. 22. Tho annual convention of .the Illinois Association of Union ex-Prisonors of War met here one-year act was passed yesterday and will remain in session nas been objected to in certain quar- uvw luu' l'" uuiir vu ,.r(.j fnr th. cllr,mc?nn of the one receive attention is the project for tho vcar act to a vote of the people at erection of a monument at Anderson- the coming election. villo, for which tho last Illinois legis- 1" Uhnpis the question ol a Lakes , . - . , ...... ,. to-the-Gulf deep waterway will be be laturo appropriated $15 000. The asso- forc hc ,,', thc fom of a c01, ciatiom will have n leading part in car- stitutional amendment authorizing the forfeited by a conviction of any crime which is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary." Men who have been sentenced to the penitentiary, however, who have serv ed a portion or a whole of their term and have been pardoned by the gover nor of tho state are restored to suffrage by virtue of that pardon. It is also provided in section 5 of the constitution of the state, article 2, that "no soldier, seaman, or marine in the army or the navy of the United States, or or their allies, anan uo deemed to have acquired a residence in tho state in consequence of having been sta tioned within the same; nor shall any or marine have TRIAL IS INDEFINITE. Hormann Caso Is Postponod Again by Agroomont of Attornoys. Portland Once ncnin tho trial of Bingor Hermann, indicted in conncc tion with tho Oregon land frauds, has been postponed and this time indefi nitely, or at least until tho nttornoyB in tho caso como together at some in definite timo and decido upon a (Into for trial. Tho dato sot for tho Her mann trial was November 9, but owing to tho absence of Judgo Hunt, before whom many of tho trials had been held, and because Francis J. Henoy, who was expected to conduct tho prosecu tion of tho caso could not come, nn agreement has been renched among the attornoys to postpone tho trial un til such timo ns Judgo Hunt could como to Portland and Honey was through with tho trial of Ruef in San Francisco. Ex-United States Senator John M. Gearin, Hermnnn's attorney, was in court when Attorney Becker, on behalf of tho government, made his statement and agreed to tho postponement, lhe Williamson caso and tho application of John H. Hall, ex-United States nttor ney, will also be postponed. This means that Binger Hermann will not be tried during 1908. ENROLLMEN 1" IS NOW 510. Attendance at University of Oregon Increases 30 Per Cent University of Oregon, Eugeno There aro at present G10 students en rolled in the rcgulnr undergrndunto de partments of tho university. Of theso 62 aro seniors, 91 nro juniors,-112 are sophomores, 233 arc freshmen and 12 are unclassified. Tho enrollment will probably reach tho 575 mark boforo tho year ends, showing an lncrenso 01 nearly 30 per cent over tho total en rollment of last year. A number of old students will enter between now and Thanksgiving, and many freshmen will como at the open ing of the second semester in February. The present enrollment represents nearly every county in Oregon, be sides many outside states and foreign countries. In addition to tho largo number of rcgulnr students thero is a big enrollment in tho department of music. Resume Fight on Pinchot. Pendleton J N. Burgess, president of the State Woolgrowers' association, has issued a call for the annual conven tion, which is to be held at Hoppner, November 17 and 18. It is believed here that at this meeting the fight on Chief Forester Pinchet will be re sumed by a large number of tho wool growers of Jthis state who are opposed to the forestry policy inaugurated and being carried out by tho "Czar of the West," as they call Pinchot. Horses for Philippines. Klamath Falls Eighty horses for use in the United States cavalry were shipped from Klamath county this week to Seattle, where they will be loaded on transports and taken to the Philippine islands. An army inspector of horses has been at tho J. Frank Adams ranch in Merrill for a week forc the people in thc form of a con iuo ww vB iivuiuj; m stitutional amendment authorizing the at tpstin horses and the 80 select rying out tho project as many of it. statc to issue bonds of $20,000,000 for iS 'mLn tliA members wcro among tho prisoners con- the enterprise. eu averae 1,. Punaa ana are saio fined at Andersonville during tho war. rnliforAin i, oneW the Litest of the to be the iinest lot oi norses ever snip states to agitate election reform. To Ped out oi Kiamatn county. Dmlamat With Record. the nconlc there will be submitted a I ... , I n r r . . IJI. Cononhneon. Oct. 22 Tho new Dan- proposed constitutional amendment, tseot ougar raciory mie ' 'imnnrr H of c mnnurorinn' inn NflflC. I t l n T.l. lei minister to Washington will bo . ' " i: " I. uranue-nuu Tirui, tt i ac ai" ... r"i-j " "..w,v ""the sugar iactory nero to stand iuic Moltko. Ho is only 40 ,,rov d ni? for the d rect nomination of ... .f ..Vs.i. At . jP.--- i iLu:n ff: I until UlOTUliiu buubiuu. t. jiiL-nciii. Count Carl years of ago, but is ono of tho cleverest mats. He has had a somovvhnt unusual career, starting as a navy officer anu considered to bo of Danish diplo- Huge Ranch Changes Hands. Orrlnn Utah. Oct. 23 A deal was Arctic explorer, being once tho leader cjnBei i,er0 yesterday by wiich a mil- of a largo Greenland expedition. His family ranks among tho oldest nobility in juiJiiiurn, jvi u u ib iviuivu uu iiu mother's sido to ex-Empress Eugenie New Route for Smugglers. San Diego, Cal., Oct. 22-Although tho smuggling of Chinese coolies across tbo Mexican border has been practically ended, it Is acknowledged by tho immi gration authorities that many Asiatics nro being illegally brought into this country by water. Commissioner Wed djo says his office is badly handicapped ly not having a fast boat in which to pursue craft bringing coolies up the oaat, lion dollars in cold cash will bo paid for the biggest ranch in tho intorrnountain region. The purchasers are uaviu J'jc cIoh, M. S. Browning, Joseph Snovvcroft and Adam Patterson, Ogden capitalists. They obtained titlo to tho famous Sparks-Harroll ranch in Novada, which covers hundreds of square miles. Tho now owners will put 100,000 sheep nnd 50,000 cattle on the mammoth rango im mediately. Cholera Less In Russia, St. Petersburg, Oct, 20.Thc chol era still continues to decrease, there being only 44 new cases reported to day and 24 deaths. tho hichwavs aro so muddy that beets cannot be hauled from tho field and the sunnlv at tho factory has run out. The furnaces are kept hot even though tho wheels stand idle, and for this rea son the factory can resume its work as Boon as sufficient beets are ngain in tho crn, 3732 per dozen. Record Price for Pears. Medford Tho highest price yet re alized this year for Rogue River valloy pears was reached during tho present week, when Cornice pears brought $6. GO per box. Tho price received is S2.20 less than received last yenr, but when the conditions of the markets are taken into consideration tho growe s feel satisfied with the result. There are less than five cars remaining to be hipped from this valley, the balance oemg of thc Winter NelliB variety. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Bluest em. onfi-Olc; club. 80c fife, 89c; red Russian, 8Cc; 40-fold, 90c valley, 90c. Barley Feed, S2027 ncr ton : rolled 27.r.o28.r)0 ; brewing. $20.50. Oats No. 1 white, $31(2)31.50 ncr ton gray, $3030.50. Hay Timothy, Willamette Vallev per ton; Willamette Valley, ordi nary, Sll ; Eastern Oregon. $I0..'0ffi) 17.50; mixed, SH: clover. SO: a fa fa ; altalta meal, $19. Fruit Annies. 75c(?r$1.50 ner box peaches. 40(53loc per box: ncars. 75cffi) $i.a.i per dox; grapes, oocyst. 85 .per craie; local concorus, jac per half bas ket; eastern concords, 37 j(fi10c per has- . I 1-1-1. " . . tin; nucKicncrncs, vnt'iuc per pound quinces, $1(77)1.25 per box: cranberries $10 per barrel; prunes, 2(?Ij23c per lb.; nutmeg melons, $1.25 per box; casabas $23 per dozen. Potatoes 80l)0c per hundred ; sweet, potatoes, 2(fj)-c per pound. Onions Oregon, 00c$l per hundred pounds. Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per sack; carrots, 85c; parsnips, $1.25; beets. $1.25; artichokes, 05c per dozen; beans, o(&Jhc pound; canuagc, ljc per pound; cauliflower. 75c(rt)$l ncr dozen: rolorv 7585c per dozen ; cucumbers, $2.25 per oox; egg mam, $i.7ora per crute; let nice, 75crasi ncr box: narslcv. lr.e i.r iiu.uii; licas, oc ncr 110 IK : nennnra. $2.25 box; pumpkins, l(r?)lJc tier nniiml- radishes, 12jc per dozen; spinach, 2c per jjvuiim; spruniH, uc per pound; squash, isc per poiuici; tomatoes, i5f0Jc. muter city creamery, extras. 35G7) .luc; laiigy uuisiue creamery, 32i5jj35c per pound; Btore, 18c. Lggs Oregon selects, 37i(2)38c: cast. SOLDIERS ARE ATTAOKED. iiimiLa IJ ill i m " V -M I 1 1 KTL u Rovolullonlst8 Start Quorlllft Warfaro on Austrian Troops. London, Oct. 23. -Open warfare linn boon in progress in Bosnia and Ilor- fifirfTlflfl VfWnl llninJ. zogovina for 10 days, Itnd scores have UBI"WI1 R5Sei Mlfo . . in . ; 11 . - n Clin DnnJIl. n . UOOn Kiiiou, ncconiuig io nuormniion uun UUllUIIS LflirlnfT brouuht hero yesterday by tho -Monto-1 ""II nogran ngont. jMoro tlian 120,000 Aiur- . ... . ..11 1 1 i.. trmn troops navo noon uttnenou ny n- Pipyrn pDnu r.. nurreetlonlsts lit tlio nnnoxoc torritorioa "wni.u mum OlElfl Tfl and tho fighting has boon continuous. "'uu So fnr ns irt known no- pitched bntllo Iuih tnkou place, nH tho InRtirroctionmtn Outlaws Tnko nro grontly oiitnumborod by tho Aus trluiiH, but their guorrllln tactics have boon very offocilvo Tlio sitiintlon i so serious Hint tho Attstriitl govornnioiit lias rtiHhod rein foroPinontH to tho aid of tho .border tronpM. Through strict coriHormiip, tli f, 1: to .H enA B. Cnrrylng Away Their Loot 1 Crow Was Best.H inn steams in simii.r.. 1 . ""w " 1 .. . "' wn irh i.j iiiivun ncrc rnm ri..-i m ngont said, tho Atistrliil govornmont hns " ' , m Cllllc. tenon. 1 mipprossed nil roports of tho situation successful - raid by Chile !t ns it really is. Anarchy oxiBts in tho pirates on the German 1 .i oastorn and Houthorn sections of tho Scrato in the harbor a lnu finnnP.l torrltorv. n.. ..1... . . .. r 01 Antofan,!,! .0 Montenogran ngont enmo horo c"., " , ti;f)tcmbcr M. ni ?lv to instigate closely tho ex- ZTmt 'S!T. act Hiiutmon wiin n viow in innnung ctinbont Ptiriiii . 1 3 CWcm' what course Kngland will I pursue in tho gaSJ,5t'0iM J'W.taS ovent that Borvln and Montonogro 0- tofngasta rind escaned b"k of AJ clnro war on Austria. The ngont do Tf7 .fcnP,c1- clnroH thnt tho notion of Austria amounts to nn nttompt to terrorize Bos nia nnd llorzcgovimi into Htibmlsiloii by foreo of arms. Tho tompor of tho people, ho nssorts, is such thnt thoy will novor Ktinnnt to annexation Tho detention tho Austrian nut! chorcd in the harl Z t W for sailing on the W . 1 r saillnir nn V' 1 ' .'Vm Out of ll.e"WeS Ving ; iM.Htw, ijicu on tno vessel! of Tny Vuketitcl, by' tuthoriticH nt Affrntn i0""lni1 aK. r''c noise of . Tuesdny was tnoroly a pretext to nllow "V'T "r , t,lc captain, ri, them to search his bnggngo, tho ngont KI)CllJ 's r,f.v vcr and rushtd (lochtred. For this renson, ho ald, tho l , 'ra,c . crept into Z npoiogy offered ny Aiistrm wan not nc- n , ",,.."1: t. 1 'PProaeltd; .,.. ........K ,rm uehnd win,.1 belaying pin and fell uncoil l.' nology offered by eopted, and Montenegro will insist upon the pnymont of nn indemnity. IW ti l. ""-""Kioaj, - ..iiiw nip rrru cucti anu ns t nev was awy encu ami as tncy appeared on iV OKLAHOMA UNDER WATER. f'e Pirates attacked them, A niitW battle with knivMfn : " ...... ...., luiiMivni in 1 Torrents of Rairt Swoll Rivers and Flood Country. Oklahoma City, Okln., Oct. 2.1. Sorl- our floods thronten portions of central itnd northern Oklnhomn, tho result of 11 steady downpour of rnln thnt has pro- , -I m tile rriit 1 tf " the remainder boun.a several of jiircd and gagged, I he CInl(nii tlmn ...t...i .1 I IJU i Ull IlL!lllC-rH l,.,l I.. .1 . t .4- tncm. - Unrly next day a Chilean gunboav ivivu hk ii.mxir anu the still continuing. In aomo portions tho 1 . "lo was "'."covered. m ... '. . .. party was sent m ...,.. .1 .f rnintnu una amounted nin.ost to tlio pro- )ir ,c. w, : . .1 . . . 1 . - . . --' iiuu 1 lurr iifiriiiiiiH ni 11 nimifiiiiirur KitiHrtrnim ...r..... .... - 1 - - 1 jiMinu 3,i uiy m me ijwj. roports of losa of llfo, mndo yostordny, nro unconfirmed, nnd thoy nro bollovcd to bo without foundation. No Hingle report of loss of life hns been voriflod. At Tulsn and vicinity tho ArknnsaK ims nsitn ten root in tlio 21 hours ended yesterday morning, and wns then still coming up. This brought tho stream REVEALS SHARP PRACTICE, Schomo to Make Uncle Sam Dtfcnf Cabrera's Stealings. San Francisco. Oct ?t IfuM Elates imimurat on tnsneeion W to within throo foot of the highest stngo "vc occn inycstigating naturalwto!! rnfixl,1 !, II, n flnn,1 ,tf Inuf u,,r!.,,. fr.lttdS III t 111 S CllV .ITf milling,. Mnnv farms around Tulsn wore flooded, lorwaracu a report to Washington if. and farmers and tholr fnmilies wore "nK the fact that Diego EstriJt comttolled to movn out. Tho town nf V'tbrera. son of thc Guatemalan nresi- Wcst Tulsn is threatened with intinda- IVPW' .,sa "Ruralized citutn of tie tion. In tho vicinity of Porry last night all HtreatiH roso suddenly, nnd hundreds of acres of crops wero flooded. A third of tho town of I'awnoo. with United States. lhe report further reveals tht young Cabrera took this step at tit instance of his father. ,It "is allegtd that thc president of Guatemala tool: 1500 inhabitants, wns covured Inst night lI,is "'cans of safeguarding jiis prop- with six feet of wntor. In tho valley of tho Canadian river tno vnlloys for savornl miles between ahawnco and McLoud nro inundnted. SEND WATER FROM ALTON. Ono Crty in. thc southern republic usdtr the American ciiizeiishio of bis 101 After young Cabrera became a citizen his father began thr transfer of Urge property holding-, both in this cotn- Irv Himf rtiifiln (a lilm TV transfers still continue and lhe Unittd f- 1. 1.. . 1 .L. auiicn i.t iiiinijiL- i" urrvtui 111c and in thc event of war in Guatemala could be called upmi to protect yoiuf Cabrera s holdings, say the officials. SAILS IN TRIUMPH. bins to permit it. Fall Work at Sweet Home. Sweet Homo Tho rain of tho past veek has been welcomed by most peo ple hero. It was tho first rain this fall to do any good, and pastures wero suffering, and many wells wore dry. Now, however, there is plenty of wa ter everywhere, and fields nnd pastures aro already showing green. Tho San tlarn at this point has raised eight inches since the rain began. Poultry Hens, 12()inc per pound; spring,; ducks, old, 13l2Jc; young, 1415c; geese, old, 80c; young, 010c; turkeys, 1017c. Veal Extra, 80c per pound; ordi' nary, 77ic; heavy, Cc. Pork Fancy, 7Jc per pound; large, 5jflic Hops Oregon, 1008, 78c per pound: 1007. 34c; 1000, 11 Jc. Wool Eastern Oregon, average best, 1014c per pound, according to shrink age; valley, 15?SlCc. Mohair Choice, 18c per pound. nols Town Supplies Drouth-1 Stricken Sections, Alton, III., Oct. 23 Tho continuous drouth of moro thnn fiO days in tho in land towriH of Illinois tributary to Al- 1..... ---...I .I. , .1 - v...., .. lvlBm UIU ruamoiun 01 uini, I Zennelln Alrshln Makes Great Show- ... ......1 . . .1 . ouunuu 11, buimi away xor water xor cooking and drinking purposes. Knob day a train of fivo cars is bo- ing sont out from Alton, loaded with wntor for tho various towns in the lighted district. Largo stool coal cars ing In Germany. FricdcricliKhavi-n, Oct 21-Tte constructed Zennclin dirigible air ship No. I made n triumphal reap pearance and ascensimi with ten pas- xiii(.'-ri I'riiltiv nftrrnnon and west c ..... - -' - - ,.v. 1 n . - ' -.... ........ --- Illll'l) licM iiritUHml lnt.i un.i'li ...1 I ( liri-inirli xunliil inim I1i.1t lor SDSCU W- loadml with innnn mill,.,. .,nnl. fu Ui.nliilitv vin must satisfactory. IK. of tho wntor is sont to aillcspio nnd trip in the air lasted for three and a Chipmnn, but others towns receive tholr half hours and passed without aw'' quota. Thc balloon made nn average pe. 'i'horo is (Inncor. nccordlnir to Alton of 29.21 miles an hour at a mean altf, Wntor company officials, of tho sunnlv tttdc of 800 feet. Driven alternater boiiiL' cut off if the MinHlHlitit rtvnr bv a siiiL-Ic motor and then by DJ falls much moro. Tho stnuo of tho motors, the craft made easy pW stream is lower thnn 1t hns been lmfnrn its movements bring tontcoliea " in 20-yonrn, nnd the intako pipe of tho facility. Aeronaut, and throngs w .... , 1 . 1.1. i.i it, chnres or i;uniiiwiy j now ouiy ,m incuoH unilor nc popuiacc crowmu .w --- , water. Unless thn rlvnr rlnM. a linn I Lake Constance from 3 ocWCK win soon bo short of water. uoiisiancc i" ":;v.",u' 5s0 yesterday evening,, waic6 - ovolutioiis ot tlic airsmp. Czarina May Lose Reason, St. Petersburg, via Evdtkuhnon. Oct. 23, Unless tho czarina loaves soon for n. ..!... ninnHv Assiies. St. Petersburg, Oct 2t.-Tb R wiuunn u,o czannit joavc-s soon ror - .ytbm a son voyngo to tho Moditorrnncan sho has obtained and made PbHc we ...III 1 . 1 t . I r ,1. jvrtltl0n! ''V "'"i1 "or minu, according to uifor- ciai statistics oi un- .wu rilfit nn 1 1 .1 I 1 !.. ..I !..,- .1... rnnr tOOIJ UU 8- .......... wu.iTujruii viiniuriiuv 10 inn (tin- i miHsin 'iiurinu iui v... .,,. poror by her nlivsicinns. Itodinfoil tn n tences ininoscd by the tntltary cw , , . . ' - --- I - t i. oi itfrr Kit nervous wreck by terror of revolution- The nrf 41. , . - 1 mm. 1 I. II j iwivhlu, Liiu uiiiiirunn ih Hiirrnrinrr i initi ui i civiii J- " " almost constantly from Imllucinntlotis. the official classifications, 4H per lr over 70 per ccm, toffl.: ivoru, iir over iu ""'i ",... nccoai of a shot for murder or robbW ll,l. n.mied bv violence; 0a m? ?J a i .... r . - r i . " z " ' M4iii niict"1'- ivuuiu. Alio Ulinks linrHflf rlfiln.l nw1 fnr milt I1V or vi- u. tfi..i. 1. 1... .1 tit ' ... I t , 'If..-. Atar bolioving that sho h a victim vocal defect making speech imposs domntids chair. to bo wheeled in an invalid hint nst military mscipiv; 71 unitary aisfV.. , (or crimes niminst the state anu . desertion. . Thousands Die by Storm, Amoy, Oct. 21. Thc damage done in Thursday's typhoon was much greater than at first reported. Tn Chang Chow inni 1. . . .wcre destroyed, nnd 1100 says llf.rkM Ulll.l I.. I .v .... 1.1... west of Chantr Chow, .inn hmt,- in Simd.iv. i cstroymK ".e. w1a iiA destroyed and 1200 persons killed, Five Kio Grande nnd PriwapnlM years ago Lamchcng was flooded, and ing considerable ilnmage in .1000 were drowned. THUrt-n mitre tmi-tti ,.rini- Onlv meager a"v"'" kt of Chang Chow, three villages were en. lipf.ii lirouuht here by sclioon - - Urev ,i,iru.,i .- .1.. .' i ttm cut re C0J 'i : r i. vh lij ua 'v , - .. J - - - -. ,. Llos Lostlnucion,, rvr n ft ip nnnu un from Uluctleius, n- Picayo"'' date of October SI. to the J cay says: "A disastrous hurricane j vt ---. " .... inil'M "'j persons wcre killed. and .there was much loss of lift" Electric Fower Over Slorrns. Sim I'ranclscn. Op.1. p.i w. a Worthington, iiNBlHtnnt to tho director l mnintOliancO liml nnnrntlnn nt llm iimcliniili III . - I ats. T Annies. Oct. 8i-rV"j.'m1 IJarrirnan linos, in conforring with of J western Kaunas, Santa '!rj Cfr ffi vm ui liiu nuiiLiitirii i 'ii r i r i . nvnrntn ititintni rrrniiH urn j,i mi" rogardlng tho proposed clmngos of tho hourfi Intc. Overland no. , motive power to oloetrlnltv In. tim hi. w,iii,inv inorningi w.1 ' Iri orras, both to facilitate shipments and until this evening. W"' roduco tho cost of hauling. until una iv."" ' ., ,(nvs. from Chicago in seven days-