fiPOHQE W. HONEY, xtr 1 rMiir Mntlc.nnl g n i" Cavalry, ex-Treawrer STof Wisconsin, and ex-Quarter- ... General State of Texas G. A. f St from 1700 First St.. N. E., Lhngto"'0' C as follows: "I cannot too highly rccommem ..... ,,naritioii for the relief of Sirrh.1 troubles In their various tans. Some members of my own y have used it with most grati SI results. When other remedies ;y peruna proved most efficacious ,nd I'cheerfully certify to its curative ? ...... ..I t !... llf ITefl 1. Iicuaiu, iui iiiiiv i tjainz pnuuii'v. u. ............ Citf Mo., located at the northeast corner of 12th and Grand Avcs., tktrfully gives the following testi cony "It i$ a proven fact that Pc rena will cure catarrh and la ejrlppe, ,t ii a tonic it has no equal. Dru- rfsts have tried to make me take lamelhing else 'uit as good,' but Pc food enouKli for me. Pe-ru-na in Tablet Form. For two years Dr. Hartman and til assistants have incessantly la tored to create Peruna in tablet form, tad their strenuous labors have just ln crowned with success. People vlo object to liquid medicines can tow secure Peruna tablets, which rcp rtient the sojid medicinal ingredients of Peruna. "20-Mule-TeW Borax tends to stop & development of blight and mildew, and dotrovs parasitlcnl Inlets. Stales, young lutes and budt affected should be carc- v iwinklcd with Dorax solution, and "20-Mult-Teem" Borax should be used bcly around the wnlnscotlnjf and floors ladings to protect from insects. C. Gee Wo The well known reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR lit) made a Ufa tudy ot rootaamt heri. and In that atudy dlxier4 unit la lir. Iny lo lb world bU wonder Mercury, Poltont or Drugs Uf ed-fle Cum M Ootrallon. or Without the Aid of a Knlfa ft turutMt to Cur UaUrfli. Aathma, Luna. Pl Bfctanatlim, NrrtoaintiM. Norton, ftelillitr, Iwks.Uw, Kldnar Trmil.lw al.oi.oat Manhood! irsiWtikDOMtod All 1'rltBlo Dlutaxn A filTHE f!AMf!TO rfTTWf lotRtulvcd from Peking, China-Safe, Sura urn, nciiao.c If TOO AJIE AfMCTKH. IONT WKLAY. CONMI II TA'T-irfvj r)nrr "leanoteJI. wrlteforajmptonbUnkandolroa Tnt.'0"..r."!ll!"rl,. f lu Mention Thla I'aixr. Another Kind, Whon Johnny Hobbn loft his homo up among tho New Hnmpshlro hills to visit his grnndtnothor In Worcester, Mass., ho was cnutloncd by his mother thut ho would find things In tho city Btrnngoly different from those at home. Johnny arrived in the early after noon, and long boforo tea tlmo his grnndmothor, who lived most simply, told him to run out to tho pantry and get n bowl of milk which she had left thoro "for a hungry boy," A moment Inter sho followed him, and, to hor amazement, beheld hor grandson bravoly at work on a bowl of sponrmlnt tea which sho had forgot fully put In tho plnco where sho had told him to find tho milk. "Why, child," sho cried, seizing the bowl from poor Johnny, "don't you know this Isn't milk?" "I I know It wasn't like Hlllbury milk," stammered Johnny, with a final gulp, "but I thought tnnybo it was the kind folks bnd hi Worcester." I'ovpunnltit nnd Tolmaco, If you havo a boy who has begun smoking too early and whom you wish to euro of tho habit, food him pepper mints. Dr. 0. Clayton Jones of Silver ton, England, writing In the London Lancet, is authority for this slmplo euro. Dr. Jones writes : "To break the smoking habit In a youth there Is noth ing better than pcppormlnt drops. Ho cannot amoko with a 'bullseye' In his mouth, and oven for some time after It In dissolved tobacco will not blond kind ly with tho tasto that remains. Social ly the cure may seem worse than tho disease, but from a medical point of tIow the sucking of peppermints is far less hurtful. A common 'bullseye' will provont smoking for nearly an hour, so the amount of sweots used need not be great" Uuaiiarrerablc. The lion was mooring at tho awkward, mieoutb, and generally ugly apyuaranco of the Upliant, "I may not be tu graceful jou are,'' obwrved the elephant, "but I'm nearer ekln to the human family than you are. The knees of my bind lt;i bond forward, as a mau's legs do, while your bend back ward, the same as a ayena'e, or a box's, or a skunk's. You belonr to a lower order of citation, and I'd rather not associate with you on terms of equality It It's all the came to you." Whereat the. lion, observing 'tfcat the elephant was waving his trunk threaten ingly, went back among the wolves and coyotes, where be still retained some pres tige. An Unfortnnnlo MUundrrwfnritllnir. "I hnd to lenvo my last situation be cause the missus said they were going to Icud the sinful life, aud they wouldn't want any servants about the place." Punch. KASPARILLA Hits sterling household remedy is most successfully prescribed for a "world of troubles." I'or derangements of the di gestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating n healthful activity. Its beneficial influence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, promoting a wholesome, uaturul appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, con stipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency clue to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purclinSc price. Hovt Chumicai, Co. Portland, Oregon MM M MHH'JLHMH A Flavoring. It maker a MUI Wm -V-up ttcr than Maple. jf Sold" by grocers. BUSINESS COLLEGE rOHTLANI), O11KU0N BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? They nr Twined for business In a buslncss-llko way, Why not enroll in a rcputablo school that places all of IU sradustosT It WALKER, Pros. SEND FOR CATALOGUE O. A. JJOSSEJIMAN. See. Improve Your Baking K C Baking Powder will do It! Get n pnn 'TV,. St. r . .. r-.;--Ji. TP a doesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, I If It Isn't daintier, more delicate In flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. lMW1ffl0lJ If n BAKING EV POWDER Pure, Wholesome, Economical, CHANGE IN METHODS. farmers Seo Necessity of Getting Out of Old Ruts. By W, D. Foster, foreman State College Experi ment Farm, l-ullm-.i, Wash. An up-to-dato fanner nowadays must study tho problems that confront him. Consequently thoro must bo a moving out of tho old ruts, and tho adoption of Improved and now methods. In tho eastern part of Washington tho growing of wheat is an almost ex clusive farming Industry, but I bcliovo tho present state of affairs In this re spect will In tho future become merely a memory of tho past. There will bo changes. Tho younger generation of farmers that Is growing up nround us will assuredly adopt different methods. If I can read tho signs of tho times correctly, I believo I can safely pre dict that the stato of Washington will, In tho near future, become n great dairy stato. Kvcn now tho farmer who has a fow good cows and "'tends to husi noBs" is novor bankrupt. Ho has in his possession a certain producer of value. With milk and butter ho can go to market twico a week, instead of once a your, and in many respects ho is free from tho annoyances that harass the wheat-growers. But there aro some things he must attend to if he would "Miecced. Many people there aro, Indeed, who would not make oven a bare living handling cows. To uso a familiar ex pression, "Thoy aro not built that way." Nevertheless, it is certainly truo that no matter how tho farmer is built, tho cow is built to yield value quito material in kind. Lack of pasturage is an objection to dairying in many parts of eastern Washington, of course, but whero al falfa or clover will grow this hind rance can bo overcome. And theso two valuable forage plants would grow in many places where they arc not found at present, if the land was properly fitted to receive tho seed. On tho experiment station farm we havo two fields of clover that havo given splendid returns. Both alfalfa and clover are valuable for feeding cows. Farsightcd dairymen now recognize the fact that there is a better method of feeding dairy cattlo than by pasturing, especially in regions whero land is as valtiablo as it Is in Washington. This is by tho proper use of soiling crops, and silos. A very indifferent mathe matician can figure that one acre of land well tilled and seeded to some kind of a soiling crop will equal two njid ono-half acres of tho best kind of pas turo land for feeding dairy cows. Thercforo, oven if one has enough land to pasturo a largo herd of cows, it would bo unwise to do so. Every suc cessful dairyman wishes his cow to do tho best and yield tho best return pos sible in coiiHiflcrntion of the amount of feed consumed nnd caro given. Tho cow must havo favorable surroundings. Sho must not bo permitted to roam all day in search of food, oven if requiring only that necessary for a living, aside from tho production of milk. To givo a largo amount of milk at night would bo contrary to nature. Tho quicker you can get tho cow "filled up," the sooner she will lie down and inasticnto lier food. I ven turo to assert that when milking time comes, if you havo the right kind of a cow, nnd nro tho right kind of a mas ter, sho will not disappoint you. There aro many different kinds of crops that can bo grown for soiling purposes. Winter rye, oats, barley and oats mixed, peas nnd oats, clover, and vetch aro somo of them. A few will suffice. Caro, however, must bo taken not to sow too much at ono time, with tho exception of corn. That can bo planted in nbundnnco, becauso as it ap proaches maturity it continues to mako good feed. Wo havo grown at tho collcgo farm two and onc-lmlf acres of peas and oats, which aro sown on a north slope, tho stcopest, porhaps, on the farm, and from this plot havo harvested fivo and ono half tons of hay, in addition to having pastured on tho samo plot for fivo wcoks a small herd of tho experimental farm cattlo. This is an examplo of what can bo grown on a small tract carefully tilled. Tho farmer who undertakes to man ago a herd of cows under, this system must ' mako nmplo provisions. Ono ne cessity, of course, is n good stable This, without elabornto surroundings, can bo built at n modorato cost. It should bo planned in a way whicb will enable the farmer to feed ten ncres of good pasturo to start on? with in tho spring. His intention should bo to uso this ten-aero tract for night pasturo after ho has commenced to feed tho cows In tho stable Ho will also nocd a mower and a horse rako in tho field to lessen tho labor of cutting and handling. For tho purposo of winter dairying, no up-to-dato man would bo without n silo. In this part of tho stato corn is past tho experimental stage. It always matures on tho collcgo farm, Tho cows nro fed tho year nround, nnd do well, nlwnys having an nbundnnco of sllago. This process, in my opinion, largoly solves tho pasturo problonv. Naturally, questions arlso relntivo to tho cxpenso connected with tho feed ing of soiling crops. Over in Ontario, which is without doubt n dairy coun try, soiling nnd tho silo go hand in hand. Evory farmer thero will toll you that it would not bo possiblo to keep up tho flow of milk in his hord without resorting to thesd methods. If tho silo nnd Roiling crops nro necessary In n country whoro, ns n rulo, thoy hnvo plenty of rainfall, how much greater is tho nocossity for thoir uso in )mrte of tho Pacific Northwest whoro rainfall Is not always sufficient! Tho timo is nt hnnd when a radical chnngo of methods in farming Is neces sary. Especially Is this truo in tho case of tho rancher who does not own 'a largo acreage, since ho cannot grow ' wheat enough to mako moro than a bare living, Tho dairy cow opens tho way to a moro lucrative pursuit. Trained effort, however, is required to handle this opportunity to tho best advantage and thoro must bo concentrated and conscientious effort on tho part of the dairyman and ovcry member of his household. It is not my intention to say what, kind of a cow is. tho best for dairy purposes. That is a problem which dairymen should decido for themselves , but, ns a rulo, tho cow to keep is tho ! ono which you fancy most nnd is best suited to tho surroundings you have to offer. Pedigreo will not mako a cow give milk, but pure bred sires nro nec essary in order to have high class grades. Thercforo, it Is necessary to keep a pure-bred sire at tho hoad of tho herd and also to bo very careful in the matter of selection. Insist that the sanitary conditions nround your stablo nro tho best pos sible. Bo prompt at milking time. Givo tho herd tho best of caro in tho matter of feed, salt and water. Keep tho cows clean, and permit no ono to uso rough methods or uso obscene languago in your cow barn. Havo a great big heart for your "job." Your work must bo done right; nnd assuredly, tho farmer who is willing to adapt himself to tho require ments demanded by tho country will bo a successful dairyman. PRUNING TREES. Professor Thornber Tells How to Procure Best Results. From Washington Stato College, Pullman. In response to an inquiry from Sher lock, Professor W. A. Thornber gave the following discussion of pruning: "When trees produce too much wood, and not enough fruit, or no fruit at all, it is well to prune them very severely in the summer time, say about June ; also cut them back at that time. This is to give the trees a check, and make them produce fruit buds, rather than wood. Here at the station, in the case of young trees, we do considerable early spring, or winter pruning, in order to makij the trees produce large quantities of wood. We are thoroughly convinced that it is well for a young tree to produce large quantities of wood, even though you have to cut it out the following spring. This extra growth gives a splendid root development, and thiB is necessary before you can secure a good tree. In the case of trees that have been graf t ed I would recommend that you re move the suckers just as fast as the scions seem able to take care of the entire food Bupply. In cases where the tree is a very rank grower, I fre quently leave a few suckers around the graft, so that the graft may become hardened, and not make such a soft growth. "Another good plan, at times feas ible, is to keep an orchard in grass, and check the growth somewhat in that way. The western soils and an excess of moisture are' very conducive to a heavy growth of wood; therefore it is somewhat advisable to grow grass in the orchard, with the idea of check ing tho growth in this way. Some of our most successful applegrowers west of the Cascades, make a practice of growing grass in their orchards to pre vent the growth. The station does not advise you to make use of any kind of fertilizer whatever. A small amount of potash would serve the pur pose to make the trees more fruitful, but under no conditions do we advise the use of barnyard manure, or nitro gen, since this would only exhilarate the growth. In your locality, I think you could grow the Gravenstein, North ern Spy, Rhode Island Greening, Jona than, and probably the Golden Russets very successfully. The station now has specimens of these apples from your locality, and they certainly show up well." A farmer residing near Larane in quired about the "common sorrel." Professor Beattie replied: "This is not an extremely serious weed, although sometimes it does dam age. If the sorrel has a tendency to choke out the crop, it is an indication that the land is rather deficient in available plant food. You could im prove the condition of your region by growing some crop of alfalfa, clover, vetch or peas, and plow such crops un der, as this would put humus in the soil, and improve its condition. On tho West side, this weed is very abund ant in tho worn-out soils, and the farm ers find it desirable to 'lime' tho soil, to make more available plant food." From the Washington Stato college, Pullman. IliiUcil MulUna. Scnld a pint of inllk nud' when luke warm add ono compressed yeaBt enko dissolved, half a tenspoonfnl of salt, nnd two cupfuls nnd n half of flour. Bent thoroughly and stand nstdo until very light about two hours. Then add tho yolks of two eggs well boaton, and fold In tho we,ll-beaten, and fold In the well-beaten whites. Stand asldo for thirty minutes, nnd bako lu greased muffin rings or gom pans. Celery Snlnit. Ono boiled egg, one raw egg, ono tu blespoonful salad oil, ono teaspoonful whlto sugar, ono snltspoonful snlt, ono snltspoouful pepper, four tablespoon fills vinegar, .ono teaspoonful raado mustard. Cut tho celery into bits hnlf au Inch long nnd scuson. Eat at once, boforo the vinegar Injures tho crlspness of tho vegetable Molnascn Cnlic. Ono cup of molasses; oue-hnlf cup ot brown sugar; one-hnlf cup of shorten ing creamed with tho sugar and mo lasses; two well-beaten eggs; ono tea spoonful of baking soda dissolved In a half-cup of sotir milk; ono teaspoon ful of ginger; two cups of Hour. Bako In a sheet In n shallow pan, well greas ed, la a slow oven. HtufTcil Iotntoea, Choose largo potatoes of uniform bIzo and buke. When done, cut off tho top of each potato nnd scoop out tljp ln Bides with a tenspoou. Mush tho pota toes soft with hot milk, nnd season with salt nnd pepper and several spoon fuls of- grated or Pnruicsnu cheese. Mix well, nnd return tho potato to the skin. Pack tho miiBs In well. Replace the tops of tho potatoes which were uit off and return to tho oven until hot all through. s. s. s. THE CURE FOR SCROFULA Swollen glands about the neck, weak eyes, pale, waxy complexions, running eores and ulcers, skin diseases, and general poor health, are the usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested. The disease being deeply intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling, or hip disease, and the scrofulous and tubercular matter so thoroughly destroys the healthful properties of the blood that Scrofula sometimes terminates in consumption, an incurable disease. The entire circulation being contaminated, the only way to cure the trouble is to thoroughly purify the blood and restore the circulation to a strong, healthy state. S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Scrofula ; it renovates the entire blood supply and drives out the scrofulous and tubercular deposits. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and it not only goes right down to the very bottom of the trouble and removes the cause, but it supplies the weak, diseased blood with the healthful properties it is in need of, and in this way builds up weak, frail, scrofulous persons and makes them strong and healthy. S. S. S. is a gentle, safe, vegetable preparation and is suited for persons of any age. Book on the blood containing information about Scrofula and any medical advice free. TH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA 3 A. An n Safely "Voire. "Sc'orchley doesn't have any more of those terrible epileptic fits h used la hare, docs he?" "No; whenever he feels one of them coming on he goes and takes a spin In his automobile. One Reason. Bella What do they want to dis cover the north pole for? Stella What for? Why. for tho sake of getting some picture postcards from there, of course. Plck-Me-Up. Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Soothing syrup the beat reinedr to uso for their ch.'ldi"n during the teething period.. Kvcn Clinnac "You spent a month at the seaside. Did ft pay?" "I can't say It paid, but I came out exactly even." "How?" - "Paid out $G0, but gained twelve pounds. Same thing, you know." New York Jevrn. The Jewish community of ftew York fs now the largest In history or tra dition. It represents 10 per cent of the entire Jewish population of tho world. CITC Bt. VUn" Dance and orrcrat mteasea prmfc rllJntntljr cored by Dr. i .Ine'a Great Nerve Re storer. Send for rEEE $2.00 trial bottle end treatlxe. Or. B. H. Kline, Ld.. S31 Arch Bt., PhUadelphU, Pa. Circular Ambition. Slocum Curious fad that Boxley, the baseball pitcher, has taken up, isn't it? He's building an airship. Gofast No; it's perfectly natural. He thinks he can make one that will de scribe a shorter curve than anybody else's nachine." It Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain euro for hot, Mvcati ng, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address AllenS. Olmsted, Lo Kny, N. Y. When the Wind Blow Right. Stranger How far is it to the stock yards? Native Right here. Can't you tell b. rour nose? Stranger No; been smelling just like this ever since I came in sight of the town. Chicago Tribune. How'sThis? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buisness transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga Jon made br his Arm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drmrclsts. Toledo.O Hall's Catarrah Curols ken internally, act ing airectiy upon tne oiooa ana mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Undo Allen. "I see the government is going Into the airship business," said Uncle Allen Sparks. "Sooner or later the airship will get Into politics, and then we'll have ma chine politicians and flying machine poli ticians." Symmetry. The smoker who sat directly apposite bad put his foot on the edge of the seat occupied by the professor. It was encased in one of those easy going, hygienic shoes that look like a can vas covered ham. "My friend," said the professor, eying It disapprovingly, "oblige ma by removing that thing from my soat. It's bad form." Chicago Tribune. HOWAHD C. BURTON. Assayer arl Chemist, lieadvillc, Colorado. Specimen prtcra: Gold. Silver, Is ad, SI ; Gold, 811 ver,75c; Gold, SOo s Zinc or utpper, t Cyanldo tnlB. Mailing envelopes ana lull price list scot on application. Control ana Urn- Sire work solicited, lulerencel Carbonate Kar ons! Dank. S The cleanest. liahtest. and most comfortable SLICKER at the same time cheapest in the end because it wears longest 3Q9 Ever.ywhere Every carmen! guar anteed wclerproof Catalog frco i tow? o BOinw , TQwfM C .APIA CO UMlTCP TOOO-TQ CAN 4o0 CRESCENT EGG-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER A modern leavener at a moderate price; Is 30 per cent more efficient than "Trust" or Cream-of-Tartar products and absolutely free from the health-racking Rocfaelle Salts residue invariably accompanying their use. Get it from your Grocer 25c FULL POUND 25c la jour iaonth similar In any war to the above? If ro, no need to wear a wobbly, unusable partial plate or Ul-mtlng. ordinary bridce work. The Dr. WI aystezn of "TEETH WITHOUT PLATES" The result of 21 years' experience, the new way of replacing tooth In the mouth Jeeth in fact, teeth in appearance, teeth to chew jour food upon, as you did upon your natnral ones. Our force la bo organ ized we can do your entire crown, bridge or plate work In a day It necessary. Positively painless ex tracting. Only hlith-claaa. aclentlfio work. WISE DENTAL CO., INC. Dr. W. A. Wise. Hanafer., a year In Portland. (Second Floor. l''al!ln(t Hulldln,;. Third and Waah. Incton Street u. Office hours. 8 A. it. to 8 P. JI. Bun. da) a, 9 o 1 P. M. PainleHa Fitructlntf, 5t!o; plate. V5 up. Phonea A and Main SCSI. P N U No. 40-03 WHEN tTTlting' to advertisers pleaie mention this paper. Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought has homo tho signa ture ol Chas. ir. Flotchcr, and has been inatlo under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' aro hut Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor othor Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It rolioves Teothing Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Me Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Si In Use For Over 30 Years. THCCtNT.UR OOUMNV. TT HUHHAV STRCCT, NEW YORK orrv.