' Sled Aunt II.pIull.fth. "K rtK-STblm h.'llh.U jrou for It, y".??jtlM nwrrlod ft man who ...II IV MAIt " nougn r J"" "WHIZ" A New Pror Card Game .t. nd buy a pound package of ft!BOBA. .. Out off lh. top 10 .,kare and mall o i " felKomiwlMU promptly ..nt you pre- 2sy,ro.lMdlth.bop.. You can V.l1lieU- m.m lilk. IFVOUVB NEVER VORN towers SUCKER wuveyet (n learnt H bod IV comfort it gives In the wettest weather Hard tFfVice . AMP GUARANTEED WATERPROOF ATAUCOOOSTOBO catalog me Mi ta teateat UlA. IMUMUWI1W(1(M KASPARILLA xi..uiu Imim-lintil rrmrdv Is moat pcctssfullr presenbed for a "world of toobltt." For derangements of the di mttve organs it Is n natural corrective, Ktntlse directly upon the liver nnd all astir canal, gently but persistently itoU'lne b healthful activity. 'Its Uttfciil influence extends, however, to tmyportion of the system, aiding in the trocasti of digestion and assimilation of bod, promoting a wholesome, natural rjprtite. correcting sour stomach, bad buth, irregularities of the bowels, con-rS-atioa and the long list of troubles forth; traceable to those unwholesome cosdhions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi tes, headache, backache and dcspotid r.er due to inactivity of the liver, lidatji and digestive tract. It is a ftugtbening tonic of the highest value. Ii it fails to satisfy we authorize nil aim to refund the purchase price. EOYXCiiSMicJaCo, Portland, Oregon tv C. Gee Wo The Song of the Hair There arc four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Holr Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. The chorus Is sung by millions, " Before tulng Ayer's Hair Vlpor I hid vtrr thin and very poor hair. Hut 1 continued i tJ ttia the Vigor until my hair arV.Ur lmpr0d n eTery way. I hay.' t, Tt off IndTn f'? A Had br J. 0, Avar Co.. Lowell, Kail. Alio manufaoturtrs of 9 fiABUPlDtll 1 11 0TQ PILLS. If W J CUEMY PECTOttAL. Apportioning the Year. Now strolls the youth beside the sea, No longer grimly thrifty, v For Just two weeks' vacation ho Must vara up coin for fifty. Washington Star. Mothers wtlt And Mrs. Wlns1ows Boothlag Byrup (tan twit remedy to um for their childnsj aurlng tbe teething period. Hevrraal of Farm. "Scrnnley, have you abandoned tbe lee ture platform for Rood?" "I have, Horrockd. I married a sifted and eloquent woman and I'm the audi enco now." Tba wall known reliable CHINESE Root and Kerb DOCTOR i nf mn-U a Ufa ttu-ir of I ........... itvrivi muu i u Inj to the worU hU voudor- iui rviriim i ii.i isvt i. i ui ivirtum, Wwcwy. Peitont or Drugs Used-Mc Cures Rtat Operation, or Without the Aid of a KnIU a 1 im trri Ka wvr vAinrrB. .Atmnift, juna Pfw. Bttlra, N.rtou.nw. Nortoiu IXehllltr. ESS5VJ', KI4d.? .TroHhlwrolw Let U&atiood. IWJ.WtAkliM.Bnit All t'Ul. Illuu wltahtd from Peklnr. China-Safe, Sure iiunciiauic. fflOnABEAPMfixEt) jXJN'T DELAY. "WomMmJI, wrltWor.ytnpton blank mdolro Mrintiit.,Cor UoirlMo, i'ortlaod, Oragon. riMt ii.ntloo Thl rir. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen' FooiEaae. a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting-, sweating- feet. Make new ebooa cany. Bold by all DrusstUta and 8ho fltnrra. Don't accept anr aubatituU. Sample FJIBB. Addreaa A. B. Olmated, he Iter. N. Y. Oea. Corliln Mke Old Clothe. Ever see Gen. Corhln's old vhoesT lis bad thorn made four yean ago when be went to the Philippines, and he's wearing 'era yet. They're great. Tbe general de tests a new pair of shoes or a new suit of clothes. A young fellow came along to bis placo near Washington recently and said : "Sir, I don't want to asV for money, but I would be grateful If you would give me an old suit of clothe." "Not by a good sight." said the general, "but there Is a new suit Inside you can have." New York Sun. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with I.OCAI.AITUCATION8.M thcr cannot reacli tbeacat o! the dl.eaae. Catarrh la a blood or eunitltutlonal dleate, and In order o euro It you mint take Internal retncdlci. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts dl rovtly upon the blood aud lnucoui surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It wa pretcribod by ono of the beat pbTaleiana In thlacounta for years and is n regular pre rrlptlon. It Is rorapnted o( the beat tnnlca know .combined with the best blood purifiers, Bctiiiif dlrerllynn thetnuroua surfarea. TJio iwrfect romblnatlnnof the tno liiKredlontala what prod urea auch wonderful retulta In cur ing Catarrh fend for ti-it'rnonlala free. , , P. J. CtlENKY A CO.. 1'rot.a., Toledo, O. Bold br DniriilMa, prlra7Sc. Tako llall'a Family Pills for romtlpatlon, Th Lnnd of the Pres. "Thero's eight nations represlnted In this ward of ours," aald Mr. Hullorat' to his wife on bis return from n politi cal meeting. H began to count them off on his fingers. "There's Irish, Ifrlnch, Eyctnllans, Poles, Ocrmnna, Itoosalons, Greeks an' " Mr. Hnlloran stopped, nnd began again : "Thero's Irian, Frincb, Eyetallnnh, Poles, Germans. Rooslans, Greeks an ain't it queer I dlsremlmher tha other wnn? There's Irish, Frincb " "Mnybo 'twas Americans," suggested Mrs. Hallornn. "Sure, that's it," sold her husband. "I couldn't think." WffiN A WOMAN WRITES A CHECK .it .JBlSffl sFLr AVcdclnfilo PmMMiiAn r i . S12N 1 iinfiliie Sunadu arulBotlsof RomolcsDittesHonfltffrTiJ. ttcss an1 l!pir ront.iin mMw 0 --.wwuHaajHUUM pluni.Morphlnc norSacraL' NotNah coTin. i Aperfect Remedy faComto lion, Sour Stoioach.DlaiTWa "orros.i'onvuhkjnsJewWr new ondLoss or Sleep. iaBaaras M saaaaaaaaaaaiiBa - NEW YORK. GASTQBIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , Signature of mutpici. under M 1t py of Wrapper. in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Ti ifn hw rTt I 1 - - isaassssjsMsjr---1 Why is it thnt the nverngo woman innnot bo taught to wrlto or Indorse n hank check? It is regarded by bnnk olllclnls and employes ns the eighth wonder of tho world and a never to bo solved mystery why It ennnot be done, but It Is generally admitted that It Is ono of the imposalblu things compnrnble only to the riddle of the sphinx or wiuiirlng the circle. Tho numerical amount on tho date lino, no dato at all, the written amount where the nnmo of the pages should bo written (nnd tho written nnd printed nmount,ito disagree nt least 50 cents), nny signature In nny; plnce the back of the check Is Just as good as any where else nnd a sniff or a fus If tho prematurely gray pnylng teller dares to mnko a correction 1 That's the way tho average woman banks, except that ho can ring in a dozen changes In as mnny minutes. "And tho ladles, God bless 'cm," said tho president of one of the big trust companies, "nil love to bnnk nnd they arc all at It. The gener ality of them would rather havo a bank account and have it overdrawn 7 cents than sport a Bolld silver purse full of shining gold coin. 'My bank' nro words that they linger over lovingly nnd their elation knows no bounds when a type written letter from the cashier requests Mrs. X. to call at the bnnk In reg'nrd to her account, which is overdrawn $3.83. "Only recently a prominent Chicago woman, upon receiving ono of these no tices from our bank, rushed in breath lodsly nnd confided to tho cashier that she did not know any monoy was com ing to her, for she thought she had drawn It nil out, and she asked sweetly how sho could get It. Should she make a check for It or would the teller give It to her If she presented tho slip tho hank had sent her. "Hut It Is not.alwnys the women who show Ignorance of the forms of hand ling checking accounts, and at tho end of a week will go over them and make" them bnlnnce to n cent. Hut a business man with a savings nccount very fre quently gets himself sadly tangled up. Tho savings bnnk book always seems to him to bo a Chinese puzzle, and mnny nro tho breaks ho will mnke. Ho will sometimes write out nn order for his nccount on tho bank book itself, nnd send somo ono to collect It" Tho women Imvo a very satisfactory way to themselves, if not to tho bank olllclnls, of adding sulllclent funds to their nccount to meet nn overdraft. Only a few days ago a Indy who had been notified thnt her nccount wns bad ly overdrawn presented herself to tln cnshler nnd nttked Just what sho must 1i to rectify tho mistake. Ho courte ously oxplnlnod thnt sho must deposit enough money In tho bank or a check Inrgo enough to cover tho nmount due. Her fnco brightened nnd Sho sighed ns If u great lond were taken oft her mind. sat calmly down nnd wrote n check for tho amount duo and sho drew It upon tho same account and tho samo bnnk. Sho does not understand to this dny why tho bnnk would not accept It. Just glvo a womnn a chock book and there Is no tolling to whnt lengths she can uid will go. Mnny amusing tnles of women's bank ing methods are told. An olllclnl of a Chicago banking company snld a lndy walked Into his bnnk reecntly nnd re quoBtcd n lonn of $500. Sho was asked for her security whether she owned property or lnnd In tho city. Sho re plied In tho negnttve, whereupon the olllclnl snld that ho was sorry, but thoy did not do business on such terms. The lady was more than Indlgnnnt and In slsted thnt ho go out nnd look at tho sign on his building and then ho would very plainly seo tho word "trust." She guessed whnt thnt meant because her grocer trusted her and Bho never hnd to' glvo him any security. "Now money," not tho sound article, is tho cry of tho femnlo Ununcler, and. woo to tho bnnk that Is not prepared" to hand out fresh, crisp bills and nowl. minted coin In return for a mixed tip. bndly written, Ink bedaubed clieek. Women object strenuously to making out tholr own deposit slips and ennnot or will rot understand thnt tho bnnk request them to do it for their own protection. A great many women re qulro tho toller to make out their checks. Not long ngo n bank had an amusing exporlenco with a new depos itor. Sho confesood to tho teller thnt sho did not know how to mnko a check, and ho made It out for her, oxplnlnlnp as ho went along. Then ho.handed U to her, saying: "Sign, madam, lower lino, plcnso." Sho took tho check and delivered tho goods all right, for when I sho returned it for payment the cheek wns signed "Lower lino" in a dainty hand. At ono of tho big national banks somv months ngo a perfumed, crested noto of a depositor of tho bnnk rend; "Plenso stop payment on check No. 107, ns I havo accidentally burned tho same." A depositor nt tho samo bank was notified that her account was overdrawn, but still her checks continued to pour In. When they did not censo for four or flv days nn olllclnl called her up on the tel ephone nnd told her that payment would bo stopped on her checks unles- slio made her account good. Sho puffed right up nnd said she would show him that ho was wrong nnd that sho hnd money in tho bank. Half an hour later she camo down to tho bnnk with her check book nnd the explanation that "she knew she wns right, for there were nt least half a dozen blank checks left in the book I" Another peculiarity Is the way they mnko out checks to themselves. Where n mnn makes It out to "cash" a woman makes it to tho order of Mary Brown, signs-it Mary Brown, and turns it oven and Indorses it "Mary Brown." Thus fnr have women progressed In the last ten years, since It become common for them to do general banking business. It remains to bo seen how much they will develop In the next ten years. Chlcngo Inter Ocean. AUTOS CHURN BUTTER. Parmer Utlllce Hoot-Watron "While Tlicy Are CroxalnK Bridge. "Tlie road that runs from Denver out past Petersburg nnd on down to Little ton, Castle- Sock, Larkspur, Paln?fr Lake, Colorado Springs and all points south" passes the home of John C. Mulcr nnd is thickly traverecd-by nuto mrjbilcs. In fnct, one of those Joy bug gies comes sky-hootm along abont er-1 ery second, or perhaps oftener, keeping peaceable residents of that community either sidling along ns close to the edge of the road ns the bnrb wire will per mit, or climbing trees. It occurred to Muler thnt with nil thoso autos streaming by ho might util ize them to his own ndvnntnge, and auto-churned butter Is the result. There's a small bridge, about 20 feet long, over a little ditch In front of his house. He just took up the floor of that bridge nnd relnld it, in corduroy fashion, with round pieces of timber set POWEB FROM TASSINO AUTOS. very closely together, but which revolve when ,an nuto or nny other vehicle strikes them. Then, under thnt bridge nnd nttnehed ta tho logs, he framed up n system of cogs which work whenever the bridge floor does. He carried a piece of belting to the house nnd at tached It to tho handle of a revolving churn. Now, every time anything passes over thnt bridge the lloor turns, nnd the turning of tho floor turns his churn, over nnd over, with marvelous rapidity. Tho autos and other vehicles come 'so closely together that Muler soon hns n mess of ery fine butter churned up. MAY SAVE MANY LIVES. Stlckern on Dottle AVnrnlns It Con tnln I'olnon. As long as people, through careless ness or otherwise, will contlnuo to ad minister poison In mistake for medi cine, In mnny cases causing death to the patient, radlcnl measures must be adopted to prevent such accidents. A California mnn, in working on the prob lem, devised a Bchcme which should undoubtedly provo effective. Accord ingly he patented tho Idea. Tho poison is sold only In bot tles of peculiar form, tho surface consisting of numer ous projecting rmlnia n nnrami In hasto picks up tho poison bottle In mistake for another potion ho will be quickly apprised of the fact by the stickers on tb bottle. These stickers will naturally inform him at onco that ho has tho wrong bottle, causing him to drop It hastily and contlnuo. his search. Tha Occasion for It. "Ho says ho never prnyed in nil his life." "Whnt & monotonous existence t Ap parently ho has never been in' a tight nlaco." Tho Catholic Standard and Time. 'o o o l S S. MAKES A LASTING CURE There arc certain mineral medicines which will remove the external symptoms of Contagious Blood Poison, and shut the disease up in the system for awhile, but when the treatment is left off the disease will surely return. Then the loathsome symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colored spots, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc., are usually worse because the disease has made rapid progress ,on the internal members, and weakened the constitution and general health of the sufferer. S. S. S. is tlie only remedy that can be used with perfect safety in the treatment of Contagious Blood Poison, and with the assurance that a lasting cure will result. This medicine, made entirely of roots and herbs of recognized curative and tonic value, antidotes and destroys tlie powerful virus of the disease, and by purifying the blood of every particle of the poison and enriching and strengthening the circulation, removes every sypmptom of the trouble. S. B. Sfrxloes not hide or cover up the disease in any way, but drives it entirely out from the blood, leaving not the slightest trace for future outbreaks. Home treatment book with valuable information and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Item of Interest. Chattel mortgages. Bonds. Promissory notes. Pawnshops. Loans. Toledo Blade. Seeking a Fitting Rnrlronment. Mrs. Ilaynor Your brother Algy is going to spend tbe rest of the summer In a logging camp, is be? What is his idea in doing that? Mrs. Shyne The poor boy has taken a notion that he wants to wear a French beard, and he's going there to try to raise the necessary foundation for it. OTC St. Vltai Dance ana orrona vtaeaae panaa II 1 J nasUy car.d br Dr. 1 .toe'a Groat Nerre Re atorer. Send for rSEC S3. 00 trial bottle and treatise. Or. JL U. Kline. Ld., HI Arch St.. Philadelphia, Fa. Tt Kaultr Construction. "I vjas away up in front," Mrs. Lap sling was saying, "and yet I couldn't hear half the actors said. I tell yon there's something wrong with the agnostic properties aof that theater." Chicago Tribune. One of the Essentials of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and know ledge of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world wide acceptance through tb" approval of tho Well-Informed or the "World; not of Individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty 'of selecting and obtaining the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and whole some family laxative Is the well-known Syrup of Figs and lullxir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. IS OUR MOTTO Said an Employer: "Stick to quality. It will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality.1' That is the reason cur graduates are so thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. Portland Business College Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orecon A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B PRINCIPAL HOWAltD C DTJnTON. Assayer a"3 Chemlat. Leadville. Colorado. Specimen prkea: Uuld, Bllr.r.Iad, f I ; Uokl, SIlver.Tuc: Oold, 60c; Zinc or Ccppcr, H. Cynnldo tests. Mailing envelopca and full price list sent on application. Control and Urn- Eire work solicited. lUforencet Carbonate Nar onal Bank. WHEN YOU GOME TO PORTLAND ARRANGE TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS PARK AND ALDER STS. A New and Modern European Hotel, catering particularly to State people. A refined place for ladies visiting the city, clone to the shopping center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus. H. K. CU'.XE, (late of PortJantJ Ketel) Mgr. CRESCENT EGG-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER A modern lea verier at a moderate price; is 30 per cent more efficient than "Trust" or Crean of-Tartar products and absolutely free from the health-racking Rocheile Salts residue invariably accompanying their use. Get it from your Grocer 25c - FULL POUND 25c la onr troath al . Il..r In anjr way to the above? It KS, no need to wear a vobbljr, unuwible partial plats or Ill-tittin--. ordinary bridge ork. The Dr. Wla a stem of "TEE'H W.THCUr PLATES" The remit ol 21 yeara' experience, tho new way ot replacing teeth In the trouth teeth in fact, teeth la appearance, teo-h to chew jour food upon, aa yoa did upon jour natural ones. Our force Is ro or?an lzed we con do your entire crown, brldto or plat work In a day II necessary. IWtlrely painless ex. tract Ins. Only high-claw. KientlQc work. WISE DENTAL CO., INC. Dr. W. A. Wixe. Manager., 21 yean in Portland. Second lloor. Fulling Bui! J in;. Third and Wa.h. Inston Ktrt-e:. Office ) ours. 8 A. M. to 8 I. SI. Bon. das, 9 'a 1 V. M. 1 ainltvs Kxtractlnv, 60c: platea. 16 up, l'honea A and Main 2ti9. P N U No. 38-03 w flEN -writing to advertisers please mention tins paper. BUSINESS COLLEGE rOIUXAND, ORKQON BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? They are Trained for business in a business-like way. . Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of Its graduates? I. M. WALKER, Pres. SEND FOR CATALOGUE" O. A. BOSSERMAN, See. Cheapness vs. Quality In the matter of food you can't afford to sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy is right and good but inferior food products are dear at any price. Iff BAKING IV V PflWLlFR is economical not Cheap, Try it The best at any price or your back. money JAQUES MFG. GO. Cklctvtc 'GuaraaWwd Pis-) aad Whulssasaai. (