. ly ... "-. ' , 'I I I I '. I. IU I (I I - 'TUMBER LAND, Notloofor Publl outloii. Department of the Tnte nor, U. S. Land Office at Tlio Dulles, Oregdti, June 80, 1003. Notice Is here by given that JESS J. WO YD, of Bend, Crook county, Oregon, who, on June 30, 1008, made Timber nnd Stone application No. 46S1, for nwU BwsnVi unit Uejuwi sou 20, tp 18 p, r 11 e, w tn, Una filed notice of Intention to make tioHl limner ami stone nroof. to pstuli huh claim tn the land iibove described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S Commission er, nt li is office In Bend, Oregon, on me ---no uny ot September, l0S. Claimant, mimes ns witnesses: Charles D Brown, James A Boyd, ju.imer j.iwonger, Uhnries U John ston, nil of Bend Oregon. jlG-e17 0. W. MooiiK, Register Not Cool Lnd OME3TEAD. Notice for Publlon- tlou. Department of the Interior, U, S. Lund OQlce ntThe Duller Oregon, July 30, 1003. Notice 1b hereby given tlmt ARTHUR S. MoDONALD, of Youngs, Oregon, who, on June 12. 1007, made Homestead entry No 15519. iSrhil No 0142) for wVtiwJ, neinwj and nwuei see 25, tp 9 8, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice of Intention to muke final commutation proof, to estab lish claim to the laud above described, before Frank O3born, U S Commis sioner, at Madras, Oregon, on the 19th day of September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles FKIaun, Peter Vlbbert, L T Larson and William Browuhlll, all of Youngs, Oregon. n6 sl C. W. MooRE, Register Not Coal Laud JJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca- tion, Department of the Iuterior, U S Land Office ntTbe Dalles, Oregon, August 12, 1008. Notice is hereby given that OTTO L. HOHLFELD, of Youngs, Oregon, who, on January 11, 1902, mede Homestead Entry Ser inl No 0601 No. 10270, for ejsei sec 6 8wswJ boo o, nwinwi sec 8, tp 10 s, r 14 e, w m, has filed notice of intention to make final five-vear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank Oeborn, T7. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 23rd day of (September, isus. Claimant names as witnesses: George White, of Youngp. Oregon; John Thomas. George E Laughlln, "William H Stouehocker, all of Mad ras, Oregon. C. W. Moohe, 20-sl7 Register Not Coal Land TIMBER LAND, Notice for Publl cation, Department of the lute rior, U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June 25, 1908. Notice is hele by given that HENRY C. COLLINS, of Tbe Dalles, Oregon, who on June 24, 1908, made timber and stone appli cation No. 4677, for tbe lota 1, 2, 3, 4, and swlnwl see 29, tp 11 s, r lie. w m. lias filed notice of intention to make fiuul timber and stone proof, to estab Hsh claim to tbe above described land; that THOMAS H. MELLON, ofTouino. "Washington, wbo on June 1. 1908. made timber and stone appli i;atiou No. 4678, for tbe Bse4, eeiswi, Tt4sec30. to 11 f. rile, w m, ha filed notice of Intontion to make finul timber and stone proof to' establish claim to the land above described; That said final proofs will be offered before the Resistor and Receiver of Km IT. S. Laud OOlee at The Dalles, Oregon, ou the 22nd day of September 1908. Claimants name as witnesses; Michael O'Connor, William G Ma eon, Alice Webb, Henry C CoUius, all of The Dalles, Oregon, Thomas H Mel lon, of Tonlno, Washington. Jg-sl7 0. W. MooBE, Register ISOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub iicatlon. Public Land Sale, Serial No 0407. The Dalles, Oregon, TJ. S. Land Office, AugUBt 8, 1908. Notice is hereby given hat, as directed "by liie Commissioner of the General Land Olllce, under provisions of Act of Con gress approved June 27, 19C0, Publlo --No 303, we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 25th day of September next, at this ofllce, tho following tract of land, towlt: seluei sec 18, tpl2e, rl3e. WAny persons claiming adversely the nbove-described lands are advised to iile their clalmB, or objections, on or before the day above designated for Hale. . . a20 b!7 O. W. Moore, Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca lion. Department of the Iuterior, U. 8. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Ore goo, August 27, 1008. Notlco is here by given that GEORGE DEE, of Grltsly, Oregon, who, nn October 0, 1900, made Homestead Entry (Serial No. 0070) No. 15347, for e!uwj and uaeii Ben 18, tp 12 s, r 15 e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the laud ubovo described be fore Warren Brown, county clerk, at bis office at Prinevllle, Oregon, on the 1th day of October, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses: William Joslln, Jleury Montgomery, Mansel Wheeler, oil of GriKljS Ore goi! ; Philip Graham, of Hay Creek, Oregon. Q e8.ol Register Not Conl Land TIMBER LAND. Nottcofor Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U. S. Lnnd Ofllco nt The- Dalles, Oregon, Au gust 15, 1008. Notlco s hurebv glvun that OLOA M. DHOWN, of Portland, Oregon, who, on August 15, IMS, made Timber and Stone Entry No. 0H38, for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, awJiuctf sec 12 nnd Lot 1, sec lit, tp 11 s, r e, w m,' has filed notice of intention to mnko (lunl timber nml stone proof, to establish clnlm to the land nbovo described before the Iteglster and Uecelvor of tlio U. S. Land Oloc, nt Tho Dalle, Oicson.on tho llih day of November, 1003. Claimant names ns witnesses: llonry A Foster, Zuiemzy M Brovui, both of 'Prinevllle, Oregon; Roy C Foster, ArtliurG Alliughnm, beta of Sisters, Ore gon. C. V. Mooiik, o27-o29 Register. Not Coal Lnnd T'IMBERLAND. Notlco for Publication A Department of the Interior. U. S hand Ofllce at Tlio Dalles, Oregon, August 14, 1908. Notlco Is hereby given Unit MARY L. HEALY. of Culver, Otegon, who, on August 10, 1008 for sncjf sec 20 and snwjf sec 25, tp 11 s, r w e, w in, Has filed notlco of intention to mnko final timber nnd stone proof, to establish claim r une innu auovo described, before .Frank Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, nt his olllce aMfadras. Oteuoii. on the 23rddnvof Oc- louer, iwo. Claimant names as witnesses: v Ora VanTassel. of Mndras. Orecon: VI oln Arnold, William F Arnold, Myrtle uruuiu, an oi oisiers, uregou. C. W. A100UE, a20-o22 Register Not Coal Land LJ OMETEAD. Notice lor Publlca tlon. Department of tho lute rlor, TJ SLaud Office at The Dalles, Or egnu, September y, 1903. Notice is hereby given that JOHN WAGENBLAST, of Madrae, Oregon, who, on February 11, 1902, made Homestead Entry Ser ial No 0947 No 10382, for sw sec 21. tp iu s, r 13 e, w m. Has filed notice of intention to make dual five-year proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, before Frank Osborn, TJ. 8- Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, ou tbe 26th day of October, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Voiney Z Branstetter, Henry J Bran Ktetter, D R McDonald, Thomas 13 Tucker, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. Moore, al7-o22 Register ISOLATED TRACT. Notice for Publl- 1 cation. Public Land Sale. Serial No 0373. The Dalles, Oregon, United States Land Office, Aug. 7, 1008. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of -4ct of Congress approved June 27, 1006, Public No. 303, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 0:45 o'clock a. m., on the 25th day of September next, at this office, the following tract of land, towlt: wjsw'f sec 1, tp 11 s, r Its e, w in. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their claim", or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale, al3sl7 C. W. MOORE, Register, Not Coal Land H OME3TEAD. Notice for Publlca tion. Department of the Iuterior, TJ. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gnn, September 2, 1008. Notice is hereby given that JAMES FULTON BANTA, of Culver, Oregon, who, on July 1, 1003, made Homestead ,ntry berial No 00661 No. 12788. for sMnw. ueiswi aud nwlsei sec 23, tp 12 s, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, be' fore Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commls sloner, at bis office at Madras, Oregou, on tbe 1st day or uctouer, iwa. Claimant names as witnesses: Oria C Hale, William 8 Hale, both of Madras, Oregon ; William H Banta, David W Barubtt, both of Culver, Or egn- U. V. XUOOKK, sl0ol5 Register Not Coal Land TOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca tion. Department of the Iuterior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, September 2, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLES L. LOWTHER, of Culver, Oregou, who, on May 24, 1002. made Homestead Entry Serial No 0743 No. 10940, for se sec 28, tp 13 8, r 13 e, w m, Has filed notice of inteutlon to make finn I five.vear nroof. to establish claim in tbe land above described, before Frank Ouboru, TJ. S. Commissioner, at bis office at Madras, uregou, on tue 21st day of October, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses: .Tampa T Robinson. Walter Ruble, O G Collver, Katie Ruble, all or culver, Oregon. U. Y. BUJVllVj, slO-015 Register Not Coal Land TIMBER LAND. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U, 8. Laud Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon, Au gust 11, 1008. Notice is Hereby given tnai MARY E. PAETOW, of Warmsprings. Oregon, who, on Augut 10,1008, uiade Timber and mone Entry No. 0575, for nwtf sec 14, tp 11 b, r 10 e, w m, ins filed notice of Intention to make !!!'! . i.:.i.Ur n.wl Htona nroof. to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank Osborn, U. a. Commissioner, at hjs office at w auras, un:gon, uu of November, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses: Ora Vau Tassel, Bartlia Van Tassel, both oi Madras, Orecon; Lincoln Stiver, Neal Street, both of Bisters, Oregon. 1127-025 0. W. MOORE, Register. TIMBER LAND. Notlco for Publica tion. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Lund Ofllco at The Dalles, Oregon, Juno 25, 1008. Notice Is hereby given tlmt MARY J. MELLON. ot Tonlno, Washington, who, on June 15, 1008, innile limb, r nnd 8t"iio application 4008. for lieu ve 25. tn 11 s, r 10 e.w in has filed notice of intention to mnko fluid timber nlid stone nroof. to establish elnliu to i he land nbovo described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Lnnd Otlice at Hut Dalles Oregon, on tlio 22nd day of Claimant unities ns witnesses: Mlelial O'Connor, Wllllnm 0 Mason uoiuei . McDonald, Alice Webb, nil i The Dalles, Oivgnn. J10-sl7 C. W. MOORE, Register. Not Coul Land H OMESTEAD. Notice lor Publl cation. Department of tho Ine rlor, U. 8. Lund Office at Tho Dalles Oregon, September 2, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that . HARRY W. GARD, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Junnury 4, lwua, mime ll"inetend Entry Sr tnl No 0667 No. 10229, for m wJi w2e$ sec 4 and nwjuet seo 0, tp 10 s r is e, w in, Has filed notice of Intention tn make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above desuribed, before Frank Osborn, TJ. S. Conimbsiuuer, at his office at Madrii-, Oregon, ou the SlHtday of October, 1008. Claimant names us witnesses: John E Campbell, Thomas B Tuck er, Miles Fox, Howard M bluckerby all of Madras, Oregon. 0. W. MOORE, nlO-015 Register Not Coal Land h; OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca tlon. Department of the Interior U S. Land Office at. The Dalles, Ore gou, September 2, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that donald it. Mcdonald, of Madras. Oregon, who, on April 8 1902. made Homestead Entry Se rial No 0801 No. 10040. for nwj sec 28 tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m, Has filed uotlce of intention to make final five year proof, to establish uluim to the land above-uesunoeii, neiore Frank Osborn, TJ. S. Commia-doner, at his office nt Madras, Oregou, ou the 22ud day of October, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: H J Bransietter, Voiney Z Branstet ter, Charles McCall, John Wugeublast, all of Maudas, Oregou. sl7-o22 C. W. Moore, R-glster Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notlco for Publl catlou. Department of the Into rlor, V. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 2, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Julius A. Larsen, of Madras, Oregon, who. on Juiip 2o. 1D03, made Home- stead Entry Seiial No 0828 No. 12777, for uwt sec 2, tp 10 , r is e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to tbe laud above described, before Frank Osborn, TJ. S. Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, ou tbe 22ud day of October, 1908. Claimantoiumes as witnesses: WB Williams. William Harper. M D Fox, Andrew Larsen, all of Mndras, Oregon. el7 o22 C. W. Moore, Register Not Coal Laud TJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca tlon. Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Office at The Dalle, Ore gon, Septembers, lvm. Notice Is hereby given that JAKE UEAM8, of Heleler, Oregon, who, on June 8, 1907.mHdeHomeMtead Entry Serial H 0827 No. 15497. for HeinwJ, wjne aud wjsei see 7, tp w e, r 10 e, w in, Has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commls hioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 23rd day of October, 1UUH. Claimant names as witnesses: Willis W Brown, Ralph A Brown, both of lielsier, Oregon: Arthur uot tingin, J II Stewart, both of Youngs, Uregou. V. VY. iJlUUttl'J, b!7-c22 Register. Not Coal Land OMESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Au gust, 12, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that JA3ESE. WILSON, of Mndras, Oiegon, who, on June 111. 1007, made Jlonieateim jiiury loernu imo umjij No. 15501, for se tec 10, ti 11 s, r 14 e, w m, lias filed notice of Intention to mnko film! commutation proof, to establish claim to tho lnnd above descr bt-d. before Frank Osborn, U.S. Commissioner, at his office nt Madras, uregou, ou uic iru uuy ui Sep tember, 1008. Clnlmnnt names ns witnesses: John E Wooldndce. Wllllnm McElrnv. M O Irwin, Ira Eagles, all of Madras, Or- egOll. irnnnn 820-817 Register. Not Coal Laud TIMBER LAND, flotlce ror ritDiica tlon. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Lnn I Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 81, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that MARGARET JWcLEAN, of The DnllesOregon, who, on August 20, 1008, made Timber and B'one Amillcntloii No. 0HI4. tor 8e8CM sec -an, hwj4swj4 sec 27 and uXnwU bee 31, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w in, Has filed notice of Intention to make final timber aud stone proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before the Register and Keeelver of the-United States Land Office, at Tho Dalles. Oregon, on tho 10th day of November, 1008. Claimant nnmes as witnesses: Mlchnel O'Connor, William 0 Mason, Alice Webb, all of The Dalles, Oregon James McRea,xf Portland, Oregon. O. W. Mooiik. siO-iiia Register. Not Conl Lnnd TIMBER LAND. Notlco for Publlcn tlon. Depnrtmentof the interior, U. S. Lnnd Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Au gust 15, 1008. Notice Is hereby given Mint 1MIBBK L. I1JWU1K. of llcml, Oregon, Who, on iV'KU5' A ii' i,. T.,,, i,,,.. in., l Rimiii Kntrv Nn. l)li.HI. muni' jwiiiii.vi i...i w...... , : n it, for sJfi.wW "a Jut8 11 nml ' stu l' s, r 11 e, w m, JIhr filed notice of Inlenllon to mnko Innl timber nnd Mono proof, to e.stnhllsh j aim to the land above ilese.ilhed, heroic 11. C. Bills. II. 8. Coiiimlssloner, nt hi oflluo at llend. Oreg.n, on tho Oh dny of ovoni her, 1008. Clnlmnnt mimes ns wRiiesos: - Willful 1M H..IHII1 of Rlntcrs. Oreaou: L muel A Bnuiilonhorg, Lllllo B HrmUii- beru, Kicd A J lunnIl, Kllxa M Miiteou, Oliarlos D Brown, nil ot Bend, Oiegon. C. W. MOOR 15, 27-o20 Roglstor. inoI Conl Lnnd TIMBER LAND. Notice Tor Publl cation, Department of the Inter ior, U S Land Olllce at The Dalles, Ore gnu, August 11, 1008. Notlco Is hereby giver: that Eoaves G. WHlcoxon. of Bend, Oregon, who, on August 8, 1008, uiade Timber and St""" Entry No, 05.10, for njswj and swnw Bee 18, tp 13 h, r 11 e, w in, has filed notice of Intention to innke final timber and tonne proof, to estab lish' claim to 'lie land nb vo ibscrlbeil, before H. O. EIIIh, IL B. Commission er, nt hl office at Bend, Oregou, on the 27 h day of October, 10'8. Clnlmnnt mimes hh witnesses: Charles D Brown, Elmer Nlswongor, Fred A Ilunnell, Allen W WIHcoxon, all of Bend, Oregon. C. W. Mooiik, a20 o22 Register Not Coal Lnndl TplMlJER LAND. Notlco for Publlca- tlon. Department of the Interior, U B Lnuil Ollico nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Au gust 13, IWS. Notice U hereby given Unit DUNCAN MACLKOl), of Prinevllle, Oregon who, on July 13, 1008, made Timber nnd Stone Entry No. 0110, for nwse, sV$no)f and Lot 2, sec 5, tp 12 , r 10 e, w in, Hits tiled notice of Intention tn mnko fmnl timber and stone proof, to establish clnlm to tlie land above described, befoioW.urcn Brown, County Clerk, nt hU otlieo nt Trine vlilo, Oregon, on the 5th day of November, 1003. Claimant names as witnesses: Ilenrv A Foster. David P Adnmson, Wilde II Huston. Alexander Thomson, all or. I'rineviiie, uregon. C. V. Mooiik, n27-o20 Register SOTICE 4 Htatea For Publication. United Land Office, -The Dalles, Oreeou. August 20, 1908. Notlco Is hereby given that the Slate of Oregon has filed In this office its application. Serial No. 0724, to select under the provisions of the Act of Congress of August 14, 1818, aud the acts supple meutary thereto, the neinei of see 7, tp 12 s, r 14 e, w m. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lauds described, or deslr lug to object because of the mineral character of the laud, or for any other resson, tn the disposal to applicant, should II Ih their affidavits or protest lu this office on or before the 10th day of November, 1UU8. C. W. MOORE, s8-o8 Register. Not Conl Land TIMBER LAND. Notice for Publlca tion. Department of tho Iuterior, U. 8. Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, July 0, 1008. Notice is hereby given that L1BBIK TURNER, of Prinevllle, Oregon, who, on July 0,1008, made Timber nnd .Stone Entry No. 051, for bUavtli see 83. tn 12 s. r 11 e. nnd nw i- wi nekiiwl sec 4, tp 13 s, r 11 e. w in lias tiled notice of Intention to make final timber and Mono proof, to establish claim to tne innu above described, oerore n. o. Ellis, U.a. Commissioner, nt his ofllco sit Bend, Oregon, on the 21st day of tiuptcm bcr, 1008. Clnlmnnt names ns witnesses: Chnrles L Brock. Lillle O Turner nnd Charles B Turner, nil of llend, Oregon; lonu moss, oi msicrs. uicuou: Howard Ferguson, or OWell, Oregon; Llbhlc Tur ner, of Prineirllle, Oregon. 0. V. MOORE. J16-S17 Register. rVTOTIOE FOR POBIJOATION. U. A S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, August 27,' 1008. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Oregon linn filed iu lids oince Its application, Ser ial No. 0811, to select under the pro visions of the Act of Conuress of Au gust 14, 1848, and the Acts fupplcuen- tary thereto, tue iieiswi and nwlswii sec 8, tp 11 h, r 15 e, w in. Any and all persons clalmlm: ad versely the lauds desoilbed, or deslrini; to object because ot the mineral char acter of the laud, or for any other rea son, to the disposal to applicant. should file their affidavits of-pro test in this office, ou or before the 17th day of November, 1908. 0. W. MOORE. sl0-ol5 Register. Not Coal Land TIMBER LAND. Notlco for Publl. natlnn. Unnnrtmnnt. nt Mm T,.i,. , . v.. w ,U" rlor, United States Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 11, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that Delia A. Moore, of Prinevllle, Oregon, who, ou Auuust 8. 1008, made Timber and Stone Entry No. 0502. for nisei. Bwisei aud stlswi teo 0, tp 18 s, r 11 e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention tn nmlm finul timber and stone proof, to estab I luh clulm to the land ubovo described. . tir ......... . ) n . . . in ciuira to tue taiiu unove described, fore Warren Brown, County Clerk, his office at Prinevllle, Oregon, on e 27th day of October, 1008, ueiore at the Claimant names as witnesses: Robert Q Smith, Ilenrv A Foster. both of Prinevllle, Oreiton: Ervln ft Person,. Charles O Buchanan, both of Sisters, Oregon, 0. W, MOoltn. a2Q-o22 Reulhter BUY L.OTS Now To wnsi . He Prices Are Prices will be raised railroad starts and prei prices offer exceptional portunity for profitable vestment in good prop Business Lots Residence Lots Prices Right mm W cnon mm facili i w mm m -w -w w " - DESIRABLE LOCATIO w Madras Townsite MAX LUEDDEMAt AGENT In I firms ta mm mw m m m m r m Buy at