ic pp-ru-na. far Parnna Jfff. t b effective Kfor I?tht I'orunft Is in wl 5?15 r 5omodyr Lot us oo W'aeb't?S States Dispensatory fy tho Pal 'nB"d,ont ' ft . . in.tanco, tho Iniirodlont Tk. ,or 1 tln.li or golden, seal. i KSody, that it U largely membrane. lining various ffCCfi f tho bnman body. tf,n, inVrodlont of rornna, cory in tho United S"wP,S S?Sih.r ingredient ot fS! United States lMspon-a-.nf tho action of codrdn that 'yJ Vi a bitter tonlo and in tho ntof dyBontory, andln inter SS aiaS as a substitute for FlDln. m for a free book of tofltl BeD1 , lhat the looplo think of Po 'ftfS;!rh remedy. The best SncoitbotcatlmouyoXtUoBO who Ijye tiled . r-i. Ilnrd One. "p t.i.r Into the neon-Is of n' hn hd accumulated a fortuno "fSlrrf from active buln In order Crimen., was observed to bo coBl- "SB 51& rr ?,nd 10 Jf Inquired one of hie laboratory as- h!I. merely wonderlne;." ho answered, Ut brconx of nil the cork..." CRESCENT EGG-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER AooJtrnleivenerat ttiietiic crlce l U 30 paat.mofe efficient liia "Trust" or Geam rf.TtrUf crocfocU and Wrftly free from he kilikidln? Rochelle Silts tesUoe Invariably lacofjuyiog their use. Get if from your Grocer fa FULL POUND 25c The Rar Plni. "Hon does It hoppon tlmt Brown li treating everybody in sight?" "Why. rou nan. vmm mm . . i ii 1 i.i I, .. "cn:iiieu his wlfo with a little toy bnnk In which mi! emmron couia Keep tnolr ponnles," "I soo. And now lie finds hlmnolf the nonu or. a iriifrni, inamtrlous family." "No j now ho finds the hunk." Puck. Iln ICiierr. Gobsn Ooldo has accepted tho young onrl'B proposal for his daughter Lottu's nnna. "And I trust. Lord Laelan.i" n with stiff, old world formalltr. th in. terviow concluded"! truBt you know tno vaiuo or tiiu prlzo you'ro gottlnjrr Tho other flushed. "Er aoventocn millions, Is it uot?" no Btntnniored. As to tho Ilflln. Protty Olrl Yoh, I must say that I lmvo a Host of admirers. Now Hultor More than you enn Blinlto a stick at, eh? Protty airlKr worse than thnt. Moro tlmu my father can shako a stick at MlmtnUn In I li n Kb ... , Olrl fin Brand tnnH !t' (ntrA.ftn. to watch the crowd. Look at the faces or tlie people. Thoy'ro all agog for the cams to uegtn. Pie Faced Youth lAllag-Oft? I don't find anv inch name nn iha You mean Altrock, don't you 7 -Chicago iriDune. lfnttia ftnA Um Wln.lMMla a..l.lH v.w.t.v.n ..... .i.ii. ft ( niu.iun n puuiuiqk Byrup tho buit rmncJr to uio toi lUelr chlWnn flllvlnM tllM lAnttiliiir I wl IT ' ff,L.I)oagli miibnt nml anlli ior wiM.OOnil H3.A0 Mior thrwi ony lfr innafrturrr In tlm wurlil. Im nuHbrrlialil their nlmpn, fit hotter, weir lonsor tlmn nny other mitko. keilil MMMi fer Eirv M.mber of the fllJl. Uil. Ravi Vn.. ill.... I Cinj. " j m . -""raiUUIWinq ...ww, jplft ai iifocKiBii. Mm. Not 8uploloa, Tho Constnblc Yea, your worship. tho prisoner Is a most suspicious char acter. Tho Accused (indignantly) It's him that's suspicious. Aw'ai no BtiNpeclous o' ouyhodyl Punch. Limit. Mrs. Stubh It states In this ninga zinc, John, that tho shortest men on earth are tho Itplnmlcrs. Mr. Stubb Il'mJ They couldn't bo any shorter than nn American man after his summer vacation. PJTC HI. Vltna' Mutes tnl urtoai UiKinxn pirmfc. llUmoUf ttni Uf llr. 1 lDo'a Orcut Nenn llo loror. kodiI for TKIZ 12.00 Iml liotlla nit tmtlM Dr. 11. II. KJIne, hi., 831 ArcU St., l'blltdelphl. 1' I.oat Its ndect. "Great kuum, hurber, that razor or yours Is In a torrlhlo corvdltloni ex claimed tho victim In tho chair. "Ycsanh, Ah 'spect yo' nm nil right. Ah done wore dot razor to cr ball lus nlbt, sah, an' Ah reckon do Brlu'stoue niu whnt It needs." IloBton Post Iln Knew. "Why in It," nski-d the teacher of tho claw In chomletry, "that there Is more nutriment In beaus, for example, than there is in nortt?' ! "Ilecnune," answered the boy with the bud eve. "when rou order 'em at n lnnrh counter you got a plateful of beans and only hnlf u bite of pork." Chicago Trib ute. Permanent Recelrer. Patleuco I hoar Will is going to marry that girl no's been spending so much money on. Patrice Yes. Ho's going to make hor n jermanaut receiver. Yonkers Stntcsman. Kitchen, itabtm. thole and kenneln. If "20- Mule-Tntm" llornx l e.(irinklcd on the floors and placoa lnfectd with dry rot. mould, decay, and IntrcU nuch an beetle, ant, cockroaches, buirs and other vermin. It will nrrmt tho dry rot and drive tho vermin away, llorax 1 not injurious, and tlicro U no dansor from poUonlnif when - in mfimi.'m HUlLrrr10".' onljl. r. unuul.l.. ... - """"'r work. Tim Dr. Wl Kila. . " )tt l'ltnirli.ni. il.. ...w Uin . : "'""III I (wilt il fm.l. In HitMiA.....' . rour nioil unmi. vnu i u ii.. i . v -iimn. iiriuuii nr i.iniM ITIIftn "viviiiiiiu worK, ut , n i. r;r tun W 1 U'i .. .1V, U.lV.t' " .(I. M. ......... n. A Oentle Hint. Chnrlty workers often feel great awk wardness In making public appeal for funds. Fow of them, declares the Washing ton Stnr, can carry off that embarrass ment with tho grace of tho colored preacher, who said to his congrega tion ; "Hrudren, All kaln't preach hynn an' bonrd In licb'n." Catarrh Cannot be Cured vltl LOCAL Al'J'UOATIONS. bi thoy cannot reach tho tunt of thu illoie. Catarrh li a blood or ooiulltulloniil dl.easo, and In order to euro It you mint uku internal remedied. Hull' v.ninrni wuro ii tnken intornnny, ana act m root I y tiiion the blutxl and limcoun surface. Haifa Catarrh Cure Is not r quack ntcdlcmc. It wai prufcrlbttd by ono of too bet jiliyticiniu in iiuacuuiuiijr loryear ano is ureguiar pro crlntlon. It I enmwiml nf thu hkL tnnlri know ',enmblncd with tho bett blood purifier, acting illreetlyon the intirnu iirfaco. Tho poriuct combination of the two Incrodlont! wimi prouiico.i uen woiHierim reuit in cur lna t atarrh Pend for teitimnnlal free. . F. J. CHUNKY A CO., I'ron., Toledo, 0, Mold by I)niL'i;lt, prko7.Vt. Tako llair Family 1'UU foreonttlpation. With the Mlntrel. "Mlstah Wnlknh, wot am de dlfTunce 'tween a trav'ler stnrtln' to Tangier an' a plate o' veftl hash?" "I glvo thnt one up, George. Whnt l the difference between n traveler starting for Tangier and a plate of venl hash?" "Do ono am Morocco bound an' do ud'dnh am half calf." "Ladies and gontlemen, the celebrated vocalist, Prof, ltox do Mote, will now sing that benutlful and touching sentimental ballad, 'Take Your Knee Away, Clarence; You Hnvo "eon Using a Safety Raror.' " SSSk. JVV v Beimel sw m 5 CURES ECZEMA, Tm W iter f I 1 nl r. IP.I I r.rtff r.l I,. TllAsl.f.. I Nes rss, .an i,u,cx to the quality of the blood. Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Sriti u u7 w.wPUnB, etc,, show tlmt some unhealthy humor or ncid JiWyiiVno ai8U,K ftU(l corrupting the circulation, so that instead of 5 is contDi ,,ucnt ai,d strength to the fine, delicate tissues of the skin, Stomal nnnii ,,ytlPurinff out its acrid nnd unhealthy accumulations. 'kitchwT. caJ 0,18 of salves, washes, lotions, etc., mny relieve some of Nttereforo ' sucU treatment cannot reach the humor-laden blood, tforsn?.?annot cre. A thoroutrh clennsinir of the blood is the only n .... . u aciu nit o o rs i. i. la tun ipse . 1 . 1 1 1 n . J LLWk.3 .1.1 W 1 1 ...... ...IT LIILUIUIIUII .. - " ' ??,aon anil acit,s' "ttpurllles and humors, thoroughly purifies the 8-8,s '""' Perninnentlv pnnn ntcin rlinpns.a nf everv kind. When nit.. '""Mirivon n.o. i r . . r.. . .r.i nnntj r'Mnsed n, , , ""mors nnu impurmes irom wic wuw, iai9.,' Ule neid-henteil rlmninu i-.r nvmninm nnsses nwav. the Hl'Illtt ... . . " ... I.1I1U..UIII vv.l I wj.. i r . JllMiriUlluil ...lit. . ... . 1 1 I A..- ..1.1. nliri.ll Dfl ""Chiiii hu " h lieu, iieaiimui uiuuu uuu i ; . , 't lo a'l who T Vemoved, Book on Skin diseases nnd any medicnl advice u write. mnw cnrriMi onwnnrro rn ATT.ANTA. OA. ALASKA WHEAT. Idaho Experiment Station Man Writes Concerning It. Ily II, 13. Hyttop, AKronomldt, Unlverlty of Idaho AKrlcultural Kxpcrlmcnt Station, Moscow. On account of the numerous in quiries coming into our station, wc find it necessary to issue this press bulletin concerning the so-called 'Alaska" wheat. This wheat, when given ample field space or conditions favorable to the individual plant, has a branching head borne on a rather tough straw at a height of between four and five feet. The mesh bears two and three ker nels. When grown under close field conditions the head tends to be much smaller, branches less, and the mesh bears from one to two kernels, very seldom three. If heads grown under these conditions alone were examined the impression would be obtained that this wheat never bears but two kcr ncls to the mesh, a mistake which some writers appear to have made. The beards, while not numerous. arc dark in color and considerably stronger than we find on our common wheats, but not so long or stiff as those found on the durums or maca roni wheats. The normal kernel is light in color, short and plump, with an unusually open groove, which al lows tne kernel to he easily broken in thrcshiiiK. A cross-section shows the interior to be white and powdery, wiui comparatively mtic norny starcn. The shrunken kernels naturally are n artier. Taking everything; into considcra tion, I am led to conclude that this is the Egyptian or Miracle wheat, a Poulard, and that it belongs to that variety of the hgyptian known as u. I dorado, which is very closely re latcd to the seven-headed variety. The Poulards arc peculiarly adapted to dry regions, but never have been grown to any extent in America Their yields have never proved to be of such a nature as to warrant their extensive growth, even for stock food And the inferiority of the flour pro' duced from them has prevented their use to any extent for the production of bread. The high yields claimed for the wheat in this section of the country, in some cases m uusncis per acre, arc fabulous. One of the promoters states that from one head of the wheat he obtained seven pounds: from these seven pounds he produced 1515 pounds, or a yield in round num bers of fold, It is from these figures that the yields noted in the various papers, and in the circular of the Adams-Hobc Seed Grain com pany, of Juliactta. Idaho, arc com puted. To show the ridiculousness of computing yields in this way, wc de termined in a couple of cases, the number of grains .produced from one seed of Little Club crown under fa vorable conditions in our breeding plat. Unc plant produced 1170; the other 1800 kernels. Now, reasoning as this seed company has done, if wc should plant one bushel of this Little Club to the acre, wc would obtain 1170 or 1800 bushels. This would be a rather high yield, even for Idaho. This year the company had 700 acres in the wheat grown on diffcrqnt farms in this locality. A thirty-acre tract near Moscow, which was threshed in the middle of August, went about thirty-two bushels per acre. Mr. Adams stated at that time that his best yields had been thirty five bushels. He supplemented this remark, however, with the statement that his stands were poor in every "case. Hut considering the large acre age, the fact that several different farmers grew the crop, and the effect of a close stand, noted above, wc must take this as an indication, at least, of the yielding power of the wheat. This. however, would not be considered an extra large yield for this country. The analysis of the wheat upon which the company appears to base its hopes amounts to practically noth ing in determining t he bread-making duality of the flour. It is true, that blticstcm wheat, which analyzes higher in protein than Little Club, makes a better quality of flour, but it is also true that macaroni wheat, which an alyzes higher in protein than Blue stem, makes a lower class of flour, and consequently is discriminated against by the miller. The low-grade flours turned out from our mills usu ally show a higher protein content than the patent. Lorn lias consider able protein, but the chemist seems unable to find any gluten (that all es sential pari of a good flour). Kven if the chemist had found a high gluten content in "Alaska" wheat, wc would still not be justified in concluding that the wheat would make a good quality of flour. The proof of the wheat is in the bread it will make, promised to have a milling test madt Upon our request the company has soon. Until this test is made, how ever, wc must assume that the wheat will make no better flour under the name of "Alaska" than it did when known as "Wheat of Miracle," In spite of all the beautiful stories which have been written concerning the origin of this wheat, regardlcss of t lie many wonderful things which hnve been imagined about its quality, and taking into consideration the im pression as to yield, which has so skillfully been thrown broadcast throughout the American continent by this seed company, who advertise their wheat for sale at $80 per bushel, we have yet to find any point of merit in it which would warrant the public paying more for "Alaska" wheat than the prevailing market price of our common varieties. .Southern HiMiton llimcult. Ono quart sifted Hour, one-lmlf coffee cup of lord, ono-imir pmi mint, urns level tonspoonful salt, vuli Hour, snit and lard together until smooth, tlion add milk. Bent twenty minutes, or un til tho dough bllHtors and pops wnon pulled apart, Itoll out about a quirier of nn Inch tiueic, cut wun simm m- cult cutter and prick each wun n ron;, Rako twenty minutes m rumor not nvon.. This quantity mnkos about; thirty biscuits. I siixirrfenna acts eatlyyet prompt ly onthe bowels, cleanses w on me ooweis, cleanses flie system elf ectually. assists one in overcoming habitual constipation permanently. To get its oeneicial ejects buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Jig Syrtjp Co. SOLD BY LEADING DRUCGISTS-SOI-BOTTU. I v .VV met, .w 1 mm j rr sr TOWERS FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED GARMENTS , are cut on large patterns, designed ,to give the wearer ,ine uimosi comion .llGHT-DURABlE-ClIAH I".. ..r,..ND jjUwmi i ttrj VtAJEnr"" SUITS 352 SLICKERS 322 tt suit nit uphiiit rwiaviuuinti st"fs sic or ut run. e l Imiwj AlTOwt CO 1O1T0N U1A. T0UtMUJICO.lMTI TOWMTO CM A nrljtlit Lad. "That's a powerful boy of your'n, Ike," Bald n prominent citizen of Polk vlllc, Ark. "You betchnl" proudly replied the parent of th prodigy. "He can swear like a pirate nnd tho little feller's only 5 years old nnd hain't never been In sight of the ocean in his life, neither I" Puck. TTe EzpIalneA. "How many horso power Is sh?" he mirthfully Inquired. The stranded automoblllst was work ing over his car. Up camo a sarcastic follower of the plow. "Sixty," replied tho automobllist "Then, by heck, why don't she go?" "Becnuse, my friend, thirty are pull ing each way." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tallest Tree In the World. The tallest tree In the world so far as has been ascertained Is an Austra lian gum tree of tho species eucalyptus regnnns, which stands in the Cape Ot way range. It is no less than 415 feet high. (Aim trees grow very fast. There is one in Florida which shct up forty fect In four years and another in Guat emala which grew "120 feet In twelve years. This corresponds to a rise of ten feet In a year, or nearly one foot per mouth. Knew the Game, A young woman was In company with a university graduate, and natur ally the talk ran upon books. By and by there was a lull In the conversation, broken presently by the young womnn, who said: "What do you think of Fielding, Mr. Smith?" "Oh," was the answer, "fielding Is Important, of course; but It Isn't worth much unless you have a good batting average." All In tho Name. "Here, you I" said the aristocratic own er of the corner building. "What are you putting up this measly clapboard shack alongside of my house for?" "Shack nothln' J" answered the bus!-ncss-llke youth who was superintending Its erection, with equal arrogance. "Thii Is a shoe shinin' parlor." IS OUR MOTTO Said an Employer: "Stick to quality. It will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality." That is the reason our graduates are so thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. Portland Business College Tenth and Morrison. Portland, Oregon A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. D.. PRINCIPAL For Coughs and Colds fTh ere is a remedy over sixty years old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of improbably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Askyourdoctoraboutit. " I hare hud pnaamonU three timet, and Ajet't Cherry Pectoral has brought raeiafelr through each time. I bare Inat recorered from my latt attack, aired tlzty-teyen. No wonder t pralte It." E. V. Iliooing, Steyeoi Point, WU. A A Ude by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell. Umi. aibq manuiaoiurerf ox yers SARSAPAEILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Ayor's Pills incroaso tho activity ot tho llvor. and thus aid recover resccsnt sine 222BDTTLE 35LTS.ATAIL GROCERS WHEN YOU GOME TO PORTLAND ARRANGE TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS PARK AND ALDER STS. A New and Modem European Hotel, catering particularly to State people A refined place for ladies vlaitine the city, does to the shopping center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus. N. IL CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mer. P N U No. 37-08 WHEN irrltlng to advertisers please mention this paper. BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGON BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? They are Trained for business In a business-like way. Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of Its graduates! I. M. WALKER. Pres. SEND TOR CATALOGUE O. A. BOSSERMAN. Sec What is Castoria. ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and - . SootMng,Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, MorpMne nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Platulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea The Mother's Priend. The Kind Tou JIave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H, Pletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. F. Gerald Blattner, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "Your Castoria 13 good lor children and I frequently prescribe it, always obtaining the desired results." Dr. Gustavo A. Eisengraobor, of St. Paul, Minn., says: "I havo used your Castoria repeatedly in ray practico with good results, and can recom mend it as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and prescribed your Castoria la my sanitarium and outsldo practico for a number of years and find it to bo an excellent remedy for children." Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used your Cas toria In tho caso of my own. baby and find it pleasant to take, and havo. obtained excellent rosdlts from Its use." Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: "I havo used your Castoria la cases of colic In children and havo found it the best medicine of its kind on the market" Dr. It. E. Esklldson, of Omaha, Nob., says: "I find your Castoria to bo a standard family remedy. It is tho best thing for infants and children I have over known and I recommend it" Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria certainly; has merit Is not its ago, its continued use by mothers through all these years, and tho many attempts to imitate it, sufficient recommendation! ;What can a physician add? Leave it to tho mothers." Dr. Edwin P. Pardeo, of New York City, says: "For several years I havo recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as It haa Invariably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to -what are called patent medicines, whore maker alone knows what ingredients are put la them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and advise Its use." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jboarg mm (KisS! ! ALCOHOL 3 PER rpn'p AVegelaWePrcparallonrorAs. slmltaling (hcFbotfanaRcdula ling die Stomachs andBowis of 89 Promotes Digestionhf crful ncssandResLContalnsncitinr Opiumlorphlne norMiaeralJ NOT .NARCOTIC. RiaphaSttd" l&iaptaafam Aperfect Remedy for CtmsRpa- UOH OOUT OlUlUdUliUiaiuww Worras,v.ouvui5iuiuatu iau ncssamlLossorSLEEP. TtaStmilc Signature of NEW YORK. .Guaranteed under the Pbodi Exact, Copy of Wrapper, 2 JBoar tno Sienatnra of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. in1.s.Bii TT UT BTRICT, NCW YOUR OITV, UIIU'A Wlf