E BUS OF THE DAY items Gathered from All fans oi mi? nwiu, BffPAMD FOB THE BUSY READEft i.nt hurNot Loss fntor- i . KMniii iuiii - l rnn Pnlntu ting HflpP"""0 OuUldo tho State. , .union negro minor won shot a ""v.'i. n rm ntr iam. Ain. h indictments hnvo been returned .rcritiBfieW, Hi"'0"'' "f . .. . f n uhnil awaits trio rojiorfc i. .uMntf on linni action Editorial association rking forn now libel law, Booing WgA nmlicnt BtUtutt'8. 4fecw i" ,u i . v.t- Arms havo sccureu con II 1W . nr. nnn J . .mounting t io,uuu,uuu ior SSwdewerwork In Havana. i.form aafloclaatlon has to Secrotary Root against ron of Free Stato by Bel . rMMcal larmcr omuumwui a w" : ... ii urin flrecn by atucmpung w "y Jriths pair of paper wings ho had con itnicttd. f t'.o Fourteen'!! amend l'"'!"" ......I 41.,. Mntnn1 t TII-CUICICU Ilk 1U iilinuiii" ...i.nonf nttornov generals hold ygKiauv. " k Denr. Huriman has promised to extend it. Emilia Southern railway into Antral Oregon and nays work will be pit once. Arowison In tho BrItiBh cabinet. Uiiwlllend King Leopold's bloody iffgn in Africa. Tnrkiih women aro to bo cmnnci Mted under tho now regime. Ike Belgian chamber of deputies has tinted tho Congo annexation treaty, The pope, who has been suffering i . jA lina nlmnat nriMrtlv rn. orcrci The Pacific Telenhono & Telegraph tereaftcr accept no whiskey ado for directories. Sprineneld was inflamed by tho nc- c&nUl Bhooting of n grand jury wit ksj wd for a time it looked nu if tatter riot would break out. Ike Wclls-Fnrgo Express company Ml M all Hock Island business, aranting to 54,700,000 a year, be aae a $2,000,000 loan waa refused. Attorney General Hadloy,. of Mis- win, lays mere ib something wrong nil a judgo who will render n decis- taliMthe federal court gavo in the ixmrtl Oil appeal. i i a ueieprograpn is iKMntr Bet up on Koast Rose, Nevada. .. This machine Raters automatically for -10 dayu at i lime, the temperature, atmospheric KMfQrP. hllmitlitv nml nlhiir A I m j IM . isportanco in determining weather toMitions. uitro continues to refuse Dutch teseen to call. The Young Turk party Ib nerfectlnir t. j-- ... . , " i The Orecon Simmmn wimw ft case Stlirt(( 1R vitnrn nrrn M KUSSinn trnvornmnnf onntt b execute alleged revolutionists by loeiWlf Talnnl I.. 1.1 a.: "wing control of tho Moffat road jw building from Denver to Salt Lako VHT, preparations will bo mado to cwmeuooseveltin Egypt when ho twu there on his trip around tho In ll Pru.-' . "ccopmnce, unniin, TOobition cam frfnn J.i..-l ?S iMue J1 PartiM of "upproiwlns tho 1 ,. ivanao an nroumnn - -i.i- u gW to ;tho British consul for pro- t!i if Iff' . 1,10 labor unIon faring i "anger. Whitfl mt . . ... kn m I 8 nc KnoxvHo, Tcnn., till Im -"--t;u mo. colored men MOUNTAIN IS MOVING. mon womoat Lnnalldoon.South0rn ,v facmc in Nova nono, oy., Aug. 18. For tho post uireo uaya Hcores of section men In tho employ of tho Southern Pacific com pany on tho PnllBodo division In No. 1 1 i vaua imvo oeon at work trying to pre vent tho caving of tho big tunnel of that compnny near Palisade. Tho tun nel Ib 300 foot or more In length and cost moro than $100,000 to complete uuukycuruio western 1'aciflc Btartod atunnol ,50 foot to tho south of tho Southern Pacific. This was recently completed, and now It Ib known that tho blasting has practically shaken tho cntlro mountain, which Ib now slowlv Blldlng Into tho Humboldt river,. Big timbers In tho Southern Pacific tunnel aro bolng slowly crushed llko Bo much matchwood, and unless comunttmg- tho Blldo is determined upon It mny ncccflsltato tho company abandoning tho tunnel. A thousand men and twice SLfl mnnv u i i . . . ' iiurnvn unu iiiuica wero piaccu at work along tho WesU-rn Pacific railroad In hub Btato yoBtcrday, and from now on tho lino will bo rushed to completion. For nenrly a year operations have been practicnlly at a standstill In this state. ino grade lias been comn eted from Salt Lakti to n point near Elko, whllo from this end tho grading has reached n comparatively short distance. Work westward will continue now unt 1 com pleted. Trains will probably bo run Hlng into Winnemucca early this fall. NEEDS CASH FOK BIG NAVY. NEWS ITEMS FROM WASHINGTON, D. C, Be NEEDS LARGER NAVY. Vossols Out of Commission Must Prepared for Emergency. vyasningtoh, Aug. 22. With tho "08t Portion Of tho Amur pun nm A..j i. . " " ""'J iiuBiraiinn waters on its crulso around mo world, and with demands for gun boato in Cuban waters, nt San Domih t UUU6UU1U. central America nnti various other places where American intercsta mav nood nrnptlnn Vin V I -WVV.V.., VIIU wavy department has been put to It to Hucuro enough ships to fill urgent iivcuh. oomo vesBelfl which have been lOllg OUt Of commission nntl ntlmra WhlCh hOd been rolnirntid tn Innimtinim desuetude because of their nnfcimm build and ewuipmcnt hnvo been ordered Into commission, und It Is probable that inu next conirrcss win bo nHkpd in nm. vuio for Bomo additiorlal gunboats which enn on occasion bo utilized for ponce duty. The gunboat Ranecr. an old iron find woou uarkentine, will bo placed commission nt Cavito. Tho Frolic. mere steam yacht used durintr thn apanishwar, wil also be nlaced commission and accompany the Ranger to New York. Tho Wheeling will bo placed in commission at tho Pugct uounu navy yaru. BALDWIN WILL LOSE MONEY. in Re Britain Will Raise Loan of $600.000.. OOO for Ships. London Aug. 18. Tho British gov ernment, according to tho Daily Tele graph, contemplates raising a largo loan In view of tho growing naval com petition abroad. It is stated that finnnclera of tho highest standing have undertaken to get $500,000,000 on nominal terms to meet the necessities of tho licet for tho next few years without disorganizing tho annual bud gois or casting a heavy burden upon tno present generation. If such u plan Ih attempted, it will be because it is possible to forecast the future requirements of tho navy until ti general shipbuilding program. has been crystallized and tho sotting aside of this' fund would bo a declaration. translated into terms of cash, of the country's intention to maintain a two- power standard at all costs. TROOPS PURSUE REBELS. Thousand Chlneso Pillage Town and Floe to Mountains. Hongkong, Aug. 18. Tho soldiers stationed at Konghau, near Wuchow, who rebelled last Tuesday and killed thoir commander because a comrado had been arrested for gambling, have joined tho Ynus, a warlike tribe of aborigines, living in tho southwest portion of tho province of Kwangtung. Their home is in n region of inaccessi ble mountains and they have never been subjected to governmental con trol. Admiral LI has arrived hero In his flagship, uccompnnied by gunboats, torpedo boats and launches. Troops liavo also been summoned and the coun try is in a turmoil. Tho mutineers nre 1,000 in number. After murdering they pillaged the ?100,000 in monoy tho Talking moun- Airship Does Not Como Up to quired Contract Speed. Washington. Autr. 18. Tho airshfn board of the signal corps today calcu lated that Thomas S. Baldwin's dirirri ble balloon traveled at the rate of .19.61 miles an hour durinpr the official trial yesterday ut Fort Myer. This speed is BUDjcct to correction. Unless General Allen, chief siimal officer, allows Baldwin further speed trials, the latter will now receive but $5,573 for his military diricible bal loon. This is much less than the actual cost oi delivering tho airship to tho government by Captain Baldwin. He estimates the total expense of building Bill) m $o,uuu. Captain Baldwin was allowed three speed trials and now will have an op portunity to make three trials four en durance. An average in yesterday's Bpeed trial will have to bo maintained Enlarge Bremerton Yard. Washington, Aug. 21. Naval de partmcnt ofiicials have decided that Pugct sound navy yard shall be made the principal naval station on the Paci ficmst and are formulating plans for its enlargement. It already has been decided to recommend at the next se3 sion of congress that another drydock bo authorized, making three in all, and that when this is under way, a fourth will be asked. It is the intention of the department to equip this yard bo it can handle all repair work on the larg er vessels on tho Pacific and Oriental stations. Detailed plans are now being worked out their commander, village, Bccuring and withdrew to tains. Extr, PAmA 1 i WUU I pnr In 4 1. a ""igprostrntiiona nml ,lm.M,u y,. krllU itlan. FrnclHco Bhirt waist $100,000 worth ""'"iment btir,.,i dn .KHes, of Now York, has CL '"veatigation of betting at Wnsto Coin on Novels. Berlin, Aug. 18. Twalvo and a half million dollars aro thrown away every year in ucrmnny oy tno jroorcr ciasa in tho purchnso of "pernicouB penny dreadfuls." according to a statement just published by tho Durer Union, which is engaged in a campaign against tho growing tendency in Ger many to read trashy literature. Tho secretary of tho union vouches for tho nBtounding declaration that 40,000 es tablished booksellers and 30,uuu ped dlers nro engaged In selling sensation al aerials and books of a low order. May Talk 700 Milos. Paris. Autr. 18. Tho naval Heuten- nnto, Colin, Joanco and Mercer, tho invontorfl of an apparatus which re cent testa havo shown to bo suporior to anv oxistlnir. achieved romarkablo succors yesterday, communicating with tho wireless station at Kaz do boinc, dopartmont of Finistoro, a distance of ubqut 810 miles. The officers nre con fident that they can itinko great im provements In tho nppnratus, onnbling conversation up to COO or 700 milos. Employos Will Assist. St. Paul, Aug. 18. Threo hundred Mntlwrtrwl nmttlrttrnu mnf fr Htltt mtV to "Ermine. J mt ma WKKiKIon . , t tho runrom nt0r- csts. Tho men are of tho opinion that HlRlhAM.Vit ' w "PftUWiVUU, WUH UV HI 1 I 1 Uf UY UIU UUHUHUO nt .v.. llwayon tclllcnKoWhilo boating fight they will bo benefitting them ga. "icial 'ing. PaHseniror trnln. 8 mile of the French coast. i aecn W Si fiover ?10.00Q,000 la llnlJ f ".t,l,arn,"Kfl of tho I! ro- Ilnr- Juno teamf.r a i , "co. Tho undeniablo rolgn or crimo n VI mii.. vr AUerdeen. wltk n n.l U fn.. Hint mnnv fnrolim' vrhy. cS ? tho rockB nt "um- era nro out of work and aro attempting 'beached Ltor tho yes- to adopt tho methods of European bnn- boIvcb. It iB tho intention to support only those candidates In tho coming olectlon who nro favorablo to tho rail roads and thoir employes. Crimes Puzzle Police, Boston, Aug. 18. Boston and Eas.fc orn Massachusetts are unuorgwnitf "crimo wave." Half a dozen murder mvatorlofl nro still unsolved by the po lice Tho undeniablo roign of crimo is Idltti, Attack Immigration Law. Washington, Aug. 21. The Oceanic and Mercantile Steamship companies have appealed to the Supreme court of tho United States tho cases which were decided against them in the Federal court of New York and in which aro Involved the question whether the col lector of customs is justified in refus ing clenranCe papers to vessels which rofu8j to pay penalties imposed upon them for bringing undesirable aliens into this country. This brings into consideration tho constitutionality of the present immigration law insofar as it deals with this point. Stands All Tests. Washington, Aug. 20. Tho army airship board today decided that Cap tain Baldwin's dirigible balloon had met all conditions entitling him to tho amount agreed upon for its purchase. Tho board calculated that the airship had maintained an average speed of 19.75 miles nn hour while in tho air two hours, one minute and 50 seconds, this speed being slightly more than tho required minimum per cent of tho max imum speed oi 1U.01 miles an hour. California's Gift to. Her Namesake. Washington, Aug. 19.---Captain V. L. Cottman, commanding tho cruiser California nt Maro Island, haB recioved $2,000 from the silvor-servico commit- teo oi tho State oi Unlliornia, to oo awarded in yearly nllotmonts for excol- lonco in target practice, stonniing and in tho care of engines. 'Ihe prizes nro to bo known ns the California stato prizes for tho cruiser California. Bacon Silent Abput Castro. Washington, Aug. 20. Assistant Secretary Bacon declined today to die cuss tho newa from Tho Hague to tho effect that the war minister had nssur od Tho Netherlands government that this country would interpose no objec tion to a blockado or other maneuvers on tho part of Tho Netherlands against Venezuoln. Records Distant Earthquake. Washington. Aug. 19. Tho Coast rind Goodotic survey observatory nt Chelttonhnm, Md., reports an earth qunko beginning at C:0C and terminal ing at 7:17 A. M, today. Tho medium phase was recorded nt G :10 A. M, Tho record Indicates that tho origin of "tho trempra was nboyt 3,000 miles distant from.WnBhlngtonj Bacon Takes ta Mountains. Washington, Aug, 21. Assistant Secretary of Stato Bacon loft Wash ington today for a month 'b vacation in tho Rocky mountains, where ho ex poets to hunt and fish. CATCH JAP SEALERS. Two Vessels With Crews of 60 Cap tured by Revenue Cutter. Washington, Aug. 20. Dispatches received today by tho Department of Justice and the revenue cutter officials of tho Treasury department Btato that two Japanese poaching vessels with total crews of 59 men have been cap tured by the revenue cutter Bear, near St. Paul's island, tho chief Island of tho seal group in Bchringsea. The dispatch received at the Department of justice came from Assistant United States Attorney Raht at Valdez, who Informed tho' department that the Bteamer Dora had ju6t put in there. Iho captain brought word of the cap tue, with the Btatement that tho Hin- zer Maru, the larger of tho two ves sels, was painted white in imitation of tho revenue cutter Manning, which is at San Francisco, and that in further Imitation of tho United States vessel tho HInzer Maru carried forward vards of papier mache. The boat had a crew of 32 men and the Zeiki a crew of 27. The captain of tho cutter Bear in his dispatch to the rovenue cutter service, says that tho captured men will be taken to Unga, Alaska, and turned over to a United States commissioner. He says he has sufficient evidence to convict the men and it is therefore, as sumed here that tho vessel captured contained seal skins. Extend Cable to Cordova. Washington, Aug. 22. Brigadier ueneral Allen, chief signal officer of the army, today received information that the Washington-Alaska military and telegraph system had been extend ed to Cordova, Alaska, by the construc tion of a branch from the existing cable on tho north Bide of Montague island to Cordova. The work was com pleted by the cable ship Burnside and the office of Cordova was called and opened for business on August 12. General Allen says the branch will be of great convenience, not only to the army, but also to commercial interests in Alaska. Plans for Torpedo Fleet. Washington, Aug. 18. -A plan is being outlined for a special board of construction to supervise the details of the fleet of torpedo boat destroyers and submarines which are now under construction or to be begun. On Sep tember 1 proposals for the construction of 10 destroyers authorized at the last session of congress are to be opened. t is stated today that by that time specifications, for the submarines au thorized at the same time will.be ready. Bids for the construction of the submarines will be advertised to be opened on November 2. Recruits for Pacific Fleet. Washington, Aug. 18. Determined that the Pacific fleet must have a full complement of enlisted men as well as officers for the approaching cruise to Samoa, orders were issued today by Admiral Pillsbury, acting secretary of the navy, for 250 additional men to be rushed to More island. Orders were wired to the officers of tho training station at Newport, R. I., to assemble these men tomorrow night. It is said they will be sent to New York and from there to Mare island. Press Rebate Cases. Washington, Aug. 18. The attorney general's office has been constantly in touch with the Interstate Commerce commission's representatives at San Francisco, where tho railroad rebate cases are soon to be heard. It is re ported that Attorney General Bona parte has given orders that the agents of his office be in constant attendance at the hearings, as the reports are ex pected to hnvo important bearing on rate and rebate litigation that is soon to be I egun through the department. Finishing Plans of New Warships. Washington, Aug. 19. Naval Con structor Robinson, with a largo force of assistants, today is busily engaged in completing tho original plans and specifications for tho two big new bat tleships, Florida and Utah, that are to bo added to Upclo Sam's navy within io next two years. It was announced the bureau of construction and re pair today that it is hoped work on tho hulls of the ships will begin not lator than December 1. TROOPS SCATTER MOB, Police of Springfield Also Foil Attempt to Cut Wires. Springfield, 111., Aug. 17. Two deaths from injuries received in pre vious mob fights, the attempted cutting of the fire alarm wires, the exoneratiou of Private J. B. Klein, company A First Illinois Infantry, by a court of Inquiry for the killing of Earl Nelson at Kankakee Saturday, and tho pursuit of a mob by guardsmen wero tho chief developments In the race war In Spring field yesterday. The attempt to cut tho telephone and firo alarm wires leading to the city hal was not successful. A policeman saw three men on top of an outbuilding try. mg to reach the lines overhead. He turned in an alarm to the headquarters of General Wells, commanding a pro visional brigade, and tho latter dis patched a wagonload of soldiers to the scene. They arrived before the trio had done any damage. The would-be wirecutters fled, leaving their nippers behind. A genuine scare was caused at the headquarters in the arsenal last night after a squad had been sent to disperse a crowd at Allen and Sprint? streets. Five minutes later a report reached Lieutenant Colonel Eddy that shots had been fired in the threatened district. Ho immediately sent a full platoon to the place to reinforce the squad. When the additional, soldiers appeared the crowd broko and ran. The soldiers pursued them for several blocks and the district, which is near the scene of Saturday night's lynching, was in an uproar for a few minutes. The arsenal was crowded last nirht with negro refugees from Springfield and Burrounding towns. About 200 men, women and children sought shelt er in the building and slept on the floor or in chairs. Alarms were more numerous last evening than on former nights. In no inglo case, however, up to a late hour, was there any circumstance which com pelled the use of force. A fire early in the evening at East Mason and Fourth streets brought out the largest crowd, but it wa3 composed mostly of curiosity seekers and was handled easily. Three barns were destroyed by the fire, which is supposed to have been started by mischevious boys. Governor Deneen explained last night that the disposition of troops at the capitol was not because of any ap prehension of danger to that edifice, but because the grounds offered excel lent camping facilities and were a strategic point from which Colonel Sanborn could control the situation west of Seventh street. The state's attorney county called on the afternoon in an effort to have arrested the soldier who stabbed Earl Nelson with abayonet in the First Regiment tram at Kankakee last night. The governor referred him to the military authorities. of Kankakee governor in the HE CLAIMS VICTORY. nt Honduras Incldont Straightened Out. Washington, Aug. 19. Advices wero received today by tho State department which led to tho belief that tho inci dent which caused tho Honduran gov ernment to enncol tho exequaturs of American Consul Drew Linard nnd Vice Conusl Rynolds has been satisfac torily explained and that they will soon bo restored to their former-status. Sonds Greeting to Francis Joseph. Washington, Aug. 19. The presi dent sent a cablegram of congratula tion to Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria-Hungary, yesterday, tho occa sion boing tho birthday of tho emperor, Tho messaga ,was in the usual form, expressing tho president's .wishes for tho happiness of the emperor nnd for the prosperity of his country,, Garfield Completes His Tour. . Washington, Aug. 19. Secretary Gurfield, of the Interior department, returned today from an inspection tour through tho public land states and territories, which was extended to Hawaii. Ho has been absent einco Juno 1. Castro Crows Over Holland, Although No Blood Shed. Willemstad, Aug. 17. It seems that the authorities refused to permit the Dutch cruiser Gelderland to enter the port of La Guayra, and this act was re garded at the capital in the light of a defeat for The Netherlands men-of-war. It was celebrated with a recep tion by President Castro, at which there was music and dancing, and, when the president made his way through the streets of the city, he was given an ovation. An official of the customs house at La Guayra, wno had communication with the Gelderland has been dismissed. The Netherlands vessel went into La Guayra August 1 and, when she re turned here, her commander said that all communication with the port had been refused. The port authorities eclined to accept an official communi cation to the German minister, who is in charge of the interests of the Neth erlands in Curacoa. The population of Curacoa has peti tioned tho governor of the colopy to declare free the importation and ex portation of arms and ammunition. Gold Amalgam Stolen. Reno, Nev., Aug. 17. A sack of amalgam shipped by express to the Carson mint from Manhattan, a few days ago has disappeared. About a week ago two sacks, containing gold amalgam worth several thousand dol lars, wero shipped from Manhattan. Only one arrived at tho mint. Where the other is is a mystery. Detectivos havo found that the shipment, instead of going via Mound House, came to Reno and was forwarded. They be lieve one of tho sacks was stolen while they wero being transferred in Reno. Bloody Yaquis Raiding Again. Tucson, Ariz., Aug. 17. Meager re ports havo beon received hore of a Ya qui raid in Mexico in which four men were killed. A raiding band attacked tho ranch of Jesus Mojia and killed the owner and his three daughters. A young son was carried away. Other outrages nro also reported. A strong force waB summoned and iB now in pur suit of tho Indians. Most of tho trou ble is in tho Montezuma district, near Nacozari. Bars Up Against Curacoa. Willemstad, Aug. 17. Letters from Venezuela say that all cargoes and pas sengers coming from Curacoa will be refused at Venezuelan ports, but ves sels from the island "will bo admitted without consular despatch. RIOTING CONTINUES Two More Deaths Recorded at Springfield, Illinois. HARD TO MAINTAIN ANY ORDER Frequent Shots From Ambush at tho Troops Serve to Keep Whole Town In Uproar. Springfield III., Aug. 18. Follow ing the addition of two victims to tho death list, sporadic outbursts of law lessness in various parts of the city and increased symptoms generally that the mob spirit still rules Springfield. Governor Deneen last night issued six proclamations offering rewards amount ing to $1,200 for the arrest and con viction of the riot leaders. The deaths now number five, but sihee one death was due only indirectly to the disturb ance, no account has been taken of it. The two new victims were J. W. Scott and a three-weeks old negro baby, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Payne, of Springfield. Tho baby succumbed to exposure when its parents started to walk from Spring field to Pittsfield in an effort to avoid persecution. Scott died in a hospital from wounds received Friday" night. Scattered sections of the city wero in an uproar at different times during the early part of the night. Harvard park was again the storm center. Twice patrols were fired upon in that vicinity, but in neither case was any one injured. This is the section to which troops were called Sunday night by similar occurrences. Over in the western end of town in the vicinity of the state house and arsenal there were several cases of revolver firing by rowdies. The marauders traveled in groups of two or three, obeying the orders of the militia patrols to keep moving, but as soon as they were well past the group3 of soldiers they drew their revolvers and fired into the air and fled down Bide streets, escaping in the darkness. Two arrests, apparently not connect ed with the rioting, added excitement and served to frighten timid residents. As a consequence calls for troops were frequent and the militia had a hard night. A picket from Company L, Fifth infantry, fired five shots at a negro who attempted to break the sentry line at Eighth and Jefferson streets early today. The negro escaped. Thomas Richardson, a brother of the negro accused of attacking Mrs. Mabel Hallam, fled to Mississippi last night after he had been attacked by white men in Harvard park. Tom Richard son was a teamster, and when attacked he jumped from his wagon, leaving the horses standing in the street, went to the railroad station, and boarded a train for the South. YELLOW PERIL IS REAL. Canadian Statesman Says America Has Cause to Fear. Montreal. Aug. 18. T. Hamer Greenwood, the most prominent Cana dian in the British parliament, and a member of the executive committee of the Liberal party of Great Britain, who is visiting Canada, predicts a conflict between Japan and America. He says : 'Japan is preparing to restrict the overflow of her people into countries where they are not wanted, but it does not require a prophet to foresee that the feeling between these swarthy John Bulls of the Pacific and the white races of America may soon grow acute and may mean war. Just now Japan is having a struggle to make both ends meet in national finance and has cut down her naval and military program by large amounts. "Ihave no doubt myself, however, that when she gets over the enormous losses of the late war with Russia there will be trouble. If she can stir up and force an alliance with half awakened China the yellow peril will bo a reality." r Call on Langdon to Act. San Francisco, Aug. 18. District Attorney Langdon today was presented with a copy of a resolution adopted by the depositors of the Market street bank at a meeting yesterday, calling upon lum to immediately begin tho prosecution of the officials and directors of tho suspended institution. Langdon as scored by several persons at tho meeting for his nlleged inactivity in the investigation of the bank's affairs. Tho resolution demanding immediate action by the district attornoy was adopted unanimously. Arkansans Draw Color Line. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 18. Serious trouble is expected today at Truman, Poinzett county, Arkansas, over tho importation of 12 negrroes to work in tho yards of tho Springfield Lumber company. Last night the white em ployes of the company and residents of tho town declared they would not per mit tho blacks to livo among them and declared they would be driven from tho county. A posseo visited tho camp, but tho negroes fled. Eva Booth Is Stricken. Warsaw, Ind Aug. 18, Overcome by tho intense heat, after addressing an audience of 4,000 persons at tho Winona Lako Bible conference, Miss Eva Booth, leader of tho Salvation Army In tho United States, fainted just after leaving tho auditorium and ia now under tho core of physicians.