The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 27, 1908, Image 3

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. i nnn likes a
N,iriywwi---n m efhn
e h hair more manaec
?f kP It from be ng J
'! ends. Something too,
?, wl Ted the hair at the
f ill remain w M
f". .i..,i nnton the comb!
OB . . . ,. ...tlmnnlnl
. Lowell. ta"a(.
iDnuroturnr of
- U'nnl.
Mlli -
.11. it. 'iiAiifVMtnflr
A con '-:- ., .,,,
jjlt,"1 fald t w""!
;Sr .bout Itn naked
rm P.
w like It. toftther with any number dl
S i and expect to keep the pattern
-Jlr fctoken n w rrjuoceu m ... .
"" 1. ..lnf ii ufnril to Uli
kj'i notice jrimou' p-v" "
Nil M IS '""' 7 . mi
III tk It." a'1 ,be customer. -Chi-
Sf) Tribune.
' seti
VRff Tietft
deetrnie.ftll tlie
comfort o9m
WW itn. lAHtlltl
nnin uml niKM
----- T- -,-r
Cin newt, and
bO-jscM ' nerr i without luem.
? . .... k. ..i . r. Aunt firalHIia for zflo.
IKreuid Modern European Hotel, caterinir
eritsWr to Stste people. A refined place for
Ua ikltitf the city. cloo to tho shopping
dc. Kile reonW. Free liui.
LLCUHIE, (late of Porflud Hottl) Hp.
C. Gee Wo
The well known reliable
Root and Herb
Hftf mede a life elpdy of
miiiini neru., oii i in inu
tulrdlcrlri4 1 Kir.
Inu to Ilia world hU wonder.
ful rtnfMllM
it Ktrcury, Pelion or Drugs Used-He Cures
Mm Owium. or Witttoul the Aid of a KnlU
uiurutw to Cum Cttirr.i, Aclhron, Luna,
Mnnoutlia, NTTOu-ttni. Ncrtnu fM.lIUr.
l'ri alii lliMifthtMi
A RTTPP nATJrrt5 -tticc
wKtuKcd from Peklnr. Chlna-Sof.. Sura
onu liciiauie.
CONK! !l TATinw raimro
wcuietnll, elite for ymMon tiUnkandeiroa
KMUntbt.. Oor. MorriMw. i'orlUnu, Oreeoo.
IMed ESeef
Unlike tlio ordinary dried
W-lhrt sold in bulk
Peerless Dried Dec!
comes h a acalod fjla3s ar
k which It i3 packed tho
Jentitis sliced into tnow
Wcious thin wafers.
None of the rich natural
or goodness escapes
Oftooul It reaches you
with all tno nutri-
Ify's Peerless Dried
etl11 only one of a Groat
rerve.P"ro food products
WWte Kllchcn.
OIL,.. '
LIIliy, McNeill
ilr Nowod And you pntd only oa
ecntri for that lint?
Mrs, Old wed Thnt'B all.
t .. n irua uiT"
lighted, of course?
Mm. Oltlwctl -I hopo you don't think
I wnn foolish enough to tell him I got
ouch n clionp tint.
Mrs, Nowed Whore would the foot.
Ish pnrt couio In?
Mrs, Oldwed Why, If I told him
whnt It cost he'd oxpoct mo to bo sat
isfied with hnrgnln counter hnts nil tlio
rest of my dnys.
Btato of Ohio, City of Toledo
Lucn County, I
Frnnk 3. rjioney Jnnkciontlillmt lie Imonlnr
put tnor of tho llrm of V, J. cuienoy li Co fiStSZ
nforoaald.nml thntun ( firm will .ov tli.Min
evorycttMi of ( ftinrrh tlmt ennnot bo cured bv
Uio uo of Ilnll'i Cotnrrh Curo. uy
Bmrn to tMfnro mo nnd innalUunSn
enco,tlifiOtlidyofDcccintr A D lStf.
(Bcal.) A. W. 01,1 A HON,
Ilall's CUrrb Cure Istnkon fmcMy.m.
Mtedlrot'tlyupon tlio Moo.I atnl miieoiwaur.
rec of tho.y.tom. taintntlnoSSiii
... p-Jc,,,NKY&CO.,Toledo.O,
Sold Jir a druB(.., 7s,., "
Take nail's Famllyi'M, for eonitljmtlon,
linn n Iletlrr Thlnjr,
"I used to know thnt mnn when ho wns
a striiKgllng lawyer. What bualnes does
he follbw now?"
"Rklnimhif; cream,"
"Hkliiimlng cream? Is ho In the dairy
"Dairy nothing 1 He's receiver for s
bankrupt trust company."
"Jones Is certainly original."
"Well, he's written a melodrama nnd
qo'b dono nwny with the 'old mill' nnd
the 'missing pniwrs' n:id tho 'hand-to-hand
encounter ou tho cliff.'" Detroit
Freo Press.
Hr Ilia Pen.
Wcnlthy Stranger Vcs, I made my
money, every fnrthlng of It, by my pen.
Youth Ah, a novelist, or a drama'
tlst, maybe.
Wealthy Stranger Not me. I used
to keep a sheep farm In Now Zealand,
Okt Rein to Iter Thoughts.
"Looks u bit like rnln, ma'am," ob
served tho friendly milkman as ht
handed In his morning pint
"It dis( Indoed," replied the ready
witted housekeeper, with her gaze fixed
on the bottlo, Huston Transcript
Purify These and You Will Be Safe
From Gomiagion
Borax, a Simple, Safe and Sure Method
Two tnblesnoonfula of Bornx In n
nnilful of hot water nourod down tho
p;rcnso-chokcd pipes of ti sink, or flushed
through n dlaoasc-iaucn drum, cieunscs
nnd purifies it, leaving it clean and
Hed clotlilnir nnd clothes used in u
sick roomenn bcnindo hygicnicnlly clean
nnd snowy-white, if wufihcd in a hot
solution of norax water.
Kitchen and cntinir utensils, UBCd dur-
intr illnoHH will be kent from nil nosei-
bility of contajjion if Borax is used when
wanning mem. I'uro as biiow unu imrm
less ns Halt, nnd because it can be used
for almost overy domestic and medical
purpose, Bornx must be considered the
ono great uouscnoiu necessity.
Local ftceoU wantoJ. Write for money meklng pln
iiui tuiniucua bdiiio oi iuv sirougcat
tobacco in tho world, aud she makes uso
if the crop herself.
So It X.
Teacher If a vohlclo with two
wheels Is a blcyclo and one with three
wheels is a trlcyclo, wlrnt Is ono with
only one wheel?
Scholar A wheelbarrow. Illustrat
ed Bits.
Onlr Then.
Tilttln hav. do vou ever swear?"
"No, ma'am, 'ceptln' when It's nec'sary
and I gotta do it."
"When Is It necesnary to swear?"
"W'en de empire calls ye out on two
strikos an a ball."
Stnnillnur nnd Sitting.
Sho sat for an oil portrait of bersolf,
did she not?"
"Yep, Jinx wns the artist"
"How'd It come out?"
"She sat for It but when she saw 11
she wouldn't stand for it" Houston
Tim tflflnlinno ha not reached tho point
of a domestic convenience in France, It
is hut llttlo used hy tho public generally.
Henry Codrnnn Potter, Dishop of tho Episcopal diocese of New York,
whoso death Is mourned by thousands, wns born in Schehectndy, N. Y. In
1830, and came from a family of famous churchmen. His fnther nnd an
unclo wero bishops beforo him, nnd It wns natural for him to follow in their
footsteps. It was not the original Intention of his father to have him enter
tho ministry. The elder Potter selected the life of a gfocerymnii for his
son, nnd this was the first business in which ho engaged after leaving school.
It wns not to IiIh liking, nnd ho entered the Episcopal Seminary of Virginia
nt Alexandria, from which he graduated in 3857 at tho nge of 22, when he
wns ordained n deacon. Bishop Potter wns well known as an educator. His
Influence In secular affairs extended far beyond the pale of the church.
As bishop his Influence In broadening the human sympathies of church
work throughout tho dloccso and In bringing it into touch with the social
movements of a complex civilization was incalculable, nnd he always accom
plished his ends without weakening tho church's tenets or compromising its
historic nnd llturglc integrity, of which he' wns. a staunch upholder. Cul
tured, suave, a ivrlnce nt dinner, he wns yet. whenever occasion required, n
rugged defender of his faith, nnd his unwavering fnlth wns that of his church.
The bishop was married twice. Ills second wife and several children by his
first marriage survive him.
and Quality
appoal to tho WolMnformod In ovory
walk of llfo and aro cssontinl to por
nianont success nnd orodltablo stand
ing. Accordlnoly, it is not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Sonnn Is tho only remedy of known
valuo, but wno of many ronsons why
it is tho best of porsonal, and family
Irvxatlvos Is tho fact that It clonnsos,
swootonB nnd rollovoa tho Intornnl
organs on which It acts without any
dobllltatlng aftor offocts and without
nvlng to lnoronso tho quantity from
Umo to tltno.
It nots nleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxutlvo. and Its componont
parts are known to and approved by
phyBlolnns, as It Is freo from all
objootionablo substances. To got us
bontjflclat offoota always purchase tho
gonulno manufactured by tho Call
fornla Fig Syrup Co,, only, and for
Ml9 by M loading druggists.
The meteor trains studied by Prof
Trowbridge of Columbia University, are
tlio luminous streaks often seen In the
wnko of shooting stars, and they may
contlnuu ninny minutes, or even nn
hour or more. They drift slowly nnd
become distorted, ns If by air currents.
They seem to be self-luminous, nnd may
sometimes be seen In daytime. They
somewhat resemble the after-glow on
turning off tho surrent from vacuum
tubo electrodes. Tho glow Is greenish
yellow, diffuses 100 ynrds n minute, nnd
is most striking nt n pressure calcu
lated to bo that of tho atmospphcro nt
i height of flfty-llvo miles.
Itecent study of tho Hottentot
tribes In Southwestern Africa leads to
the Interesting suggestion that tho
nushmnn typo of negro ouco ranged
from Central and Western Europo,
across the Mediterranean, nnd down
tho east coast of Africa, to the lands
whero these people aro now found.
This is based upon the superficial re
semblance In features between somo of
the Buslunnn nnd Hottentot types nnd
some of tho peasant population of pnrts
of Central Europe, eastern Franco nnd
some parts of Ireland. Sir II. II. John
ston remarks thnt tho Bushman tribes
aro scarcely In an ago of stone, but
rather In nn ago of bono, wood and
skins. Their arrow heads aro usually
mado of bone. Wood, leather, gourds
nnd thorns are tho nirttorlals from
which utoiiBllH nnd ornaments nro com
monly made.
Now that tho season of thunder
storms Is here, this long-dobated sub
ject assumes fresh Interest, It has
been redlscussed by Dr. A. W. Borth-
wick, In "Notes from the Koynl Botanic
Garden of Edinburgh," who concludes
that no tree Is Immune, nnd thnt light
ning will strlko ono species quite ns
readily ns another. In opposition to
tho popular hollef that "It Is qulto safo
to stand under a hooch, while tho dan
ger under a resinous treo or an oak is,
respectively, 15 or 50 times as great."
Doctor Borthwiek says that tho beech
is struck qulto as frequently ns any
othor treo. Apparently tho taller
trees In any neighborhood nro tlio ones
most llnblo to bo struck.
If tho uso of tho various means of
communication Is to bo considered ns n
measure of civilization, this country
certainly appears to an advantage when
compared with Europe. Tho last fig
ures obtainable nro for tno year ending
January 1. 1003. Of letters and pos-
tal cards, each 1,000 persons Bont 0,710,
ns compared to 20,554 for Europo. In
the .attor of tolegranis each 1,000
Americans scut 1,000 messages for
every 731 transmitted by Europeans.
But It is In the matter of telephonic
messages that the Inhabitants of the
United States far surpassed those of
tho Old World. While each 1,000 of
population In the old country sent 7,304
messages by tho telephone, each 1,000
Americans sent 44,344, or more than
six times as many.
Client, Tlioiiffh Forevrnrneil, Pnt
HoNtcaH In n I'rcdlciunciit.
An nmusing nnecdote wns told by h
young matron the other day npropoa of
nbsent-mlnded persons. Sho hnd been
married only n short time nnd wns giv
ing a luncheon to some of her mother's
friends. Sho wns particularly nnxlous
to hnve everything go off well, that her
reputation ns n housekeeper might bo
established. Tlio little menu wns made
out after much consultation with tho
now French cook. Sho hnd trimmed
the table with her own bauds and all
wns In charming readiness, when nt tho
eleventh hour nn old school friend ar
rived from out of town nnd asked if
she could stay for luncheon. It wns
most inconvenient, but tho wnrm
hearted brldo welcomed her.
"Stay, by nil means, dear Amy," shb
said. "But thero is ono condition.
Please do not take any chaudfrolds.
There was not enough chlckon nnd the
cook has only Just told mo. 'These
French people nro so economical. But,
after all, If you and I both say 'No' to
them, they are sure to go nround
Don't forget, dear."
Amy promised fnithfully and went
upstairs to preparo for tho party. Tho
guests arrived promptly and tho lunch
con began with nn excellent melon for
ench. Tho hostess, having been warn
ed against too much food, especially ns
thero was to bo bridge afterwards, had
ait out nil tho oxtrns nnd limited her
dishes to tho melons, a cheese souflle
nnd tho chaudfrolds. Tho laBt sho re
fused when they came her way and
trembled nt tho small nmount on the
dish. Thero was not even any extra
aspic Jelly, but sho reflected with re
lief that there would be Just enough
when Amy refused. Then, to her hor
ror, sho saw her absent-mludcd friend
not only -tako ono. but two, upon her
pinto. Tho waitress had not sufllclent
presence of mind to hnlvo tho remaind
er, so two women went without any.
"And I mil sure," ndded tho nnrrntor,
in conclusion, "that they all went homo,
hungry. Why, I blush oven now when
I think of that luncheon." New York
Out of tlio Frying Pan.
"Do you lovo mo well enough to
glvo up cigars?"
"Certainly, Besides, nftor wo art.
married I won't bo nblo to nfford nny-.
thing but a pipe." Illinois Stato
An ounco of action Is better than u
pound of that tired feeling. 1
There Is scarcely any one, no matter how vigorous and healthy, who
docs not need a tonfc sometimes. Little physical irregularities upset the
system, the appetite fails, digestion is poor, the body feels tired and worn
out, and other unpleasant symptoms give warning that the system Is disor
dered and needs assistance to ward off, perhaps, some serious sickness or
ailment, S. S. S. is recognized everywhere ns the best of all tonics, nature's
medicine, .made entirely of healing, cleansing, invigorating roots and herbs,
a systemic remedy without an equal. S. S. S. has the additional value of
being the greatest of all blood purifiers. It re-establishes the healthy circu
lation of the blood, rids the body of that tired, worn-out feeling, improves the
appetite and digestion, and brings about a return of health to those whose
systems have been weakened or depleted. S. S. S. acts more promptly and
pleasantly than any other medicine, and those who are run down in health
should commence its use at once. It will thoroughly purify the blood and
tone up the system, S. S. S. is admirably suited for a systemic remedy
because it is free from minerals ; it may be used without harmful results by
persons of any age, and no unpleasant effects ever follow.
Nothing Doing.
Diogenes had abandoned the search.
"It's a waste of time," ho said. "Every
time I think I've found an honest man
he turns out to be a hireling of some
predatory trust."
Winking nt the bystanders, he extin
guished his lantern. Chicago Tribune.
"I see that Little Lcejip Is to sing
and dance at another dinner somewhere or
"What I Is she alive yet?"
"No; again."
, You Can Get Allen's Toot-Case f REC
, Write Allen S. Olmited, Lo Roy, N, Y for a
Irco sample of Allen's Foot-Kate. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain curo for
corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug
ging sell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute
Getting Clone to Nat are.
"Wrigiey, what ever became of that
little Miss Goodsole?"
"She turned sociologist and married a
"Why, I heard her say once that you
were her beau ideal of a man."
"Did you? Well, she passed me up
for a hobo ideal of a man."
, Not Good Form.
"When shall I call again with this
bill, Mr. Ardup?"
"I think, young man, as a concession
to the conventionalities, you'd better -not
come any more until I have returned at
'east one of your calls."
Lifting the Itefcrce.
- Itodrick Stood out In the middle of
the road the other day to decide an
automobile race. They both camo In
Van Albert It was a toss-up, eh?
Itodrick I should say so. I wa
trticd over a hiiystnck.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's' Soothing
Byrup thf b.3t remedy to tisofoi their ch.'Wr"a
during the tc-e thing period.
Let no one say that the mind, has n&
power over the body. If it can cause
such effects ns in the case tnken from
Ulk, how much more can It influence
the physical conditions of the now and
"You look pale nnd thin. What's got
"Work! From morning till night;
and only a one-hour rest."
"How long have you been at It?"
"I begin to-morrow."
CITC St. Vitoe" Dante and ii-rpoe Itwca-e perae
ni J neatly cured bjr Dr. i .lne'e Great NerTe Re.
etoror. Bond for FREE 43.00 till! bottle nnd treatlia.
Dr. Ii. U. Kllco. Ld.. 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa.
ThcArtlwf !c Temperament.
"Yes," said Mrs. Nurltch, "my soa
means to be nn artist"
"Indeed?" replied Mrs. Ascum.
'That's a very laudable ambition."
"Yes, he thinks it's Just cute to weaj
those flowing black ties." Philadel
phia Press.
11 2tTUfeSJSfelfi
a i
ting lite Stomachs nMBowIs of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Promoles DIgeslioniZhceifid-1
ncss and RestXIontalns ncittur i
Opium-Morphirte norJfiocraL
Not Narcotic, i
... :
tlsqpw Aad"
Jit Scrum
Aperfect Remedy for Oonsfipa
tion , Sour Stoiaach.D'larrhoea
i.r n. l
ncssaniLosSOFSLEEP. .
RcSimilc Signature of j
us n
or Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
No. 34-03
WHEN writing; to advertisers plcasa
uicmtl.iii this pnpor.
St. Helen's Hall. Portland, Or.
Resident and Day School for Girls.
Catalogue on Request.
Said an Employer: "Stick to quality.
It will win out in the end," We do
"stick to quality." That is the reason
our graduates are so thorough and in
such demand. Investigate our claims to
superiority. Catalogue, business forms
and penwork free. Call, phoue or write.
Portluiul Business' College
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orecon
They are Trained for business In a buslncea-Uke way.
Why pot enroll in a reputable school that places all of Its graduates!