The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 20, 1908, Image 3

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    7ftt before wo wore mar-
" nl.ln't rOU " .
8,M Don't you Know uiiu
lKPA. b enough for two numi
..I . . -llll
-.hmrai ,a wiih hliii
r0 himflelf.-Dotrolt Free
men who devote " -
Trv'i servlco suoum uu U4t-
. itf cam liiv . i
etui i vii rmnr Li'iiiiuinnuu
,"" .. ... nit,M 'nil tin
" Scd if 001,1,1 fti'i,rortfh
I I in uivnv
tour Insuraneo com-
u hie conducted wore cconom-
II 4fm ImnA.
'I'fl.'y doesn't Bond mo nearly
aKU- :. ' liii1nra nit It
Undo Alien.
. A. -
... l....,1 nno til ne nHOUl n iuui-
J: Ju clo Allen HparkH ''If you'v
nn the result it alwav
Z voatly from what you tlilnk
Kot " 8,tm'
.. n tnl,l tun orifHi flint I
1, nrAttV.
Sites CliClltlB IW. U 'ou lul"
,B aero nulto pretty once
. I r lli Rlliirlnn rnll.
i treat txinwwu ui
ii. nnil alone the IUver Amur,
. i. L.. w in npnnv niiiirovui ou
a'.n ' .. It will mien un 40..
(5 p( comimv.v-.. - --
. ... . tti I (iil
ttsU, chener itikc oath that ho is senior
( V J. CluMiuy A Co.. tlolnif
.tn.t.iA ti.At Htow.f tin otirrtl tiv
hiitoWnreBnti(liibcrll(Mtlii inyjirc-
StllCtUrthCnra IitsVcn Internally, mul
K.J. I lIK.Nj; Y tl UU,, 10I0U0,U.
jUeEui'ii'imlljr rilUlorcomtlpatloii.
Eiltmun IIt, lr? Yea; what kind
IJL 1 - I - 1. "(
iso win io iuuk ail
totwr Well, my wlfo wennt a Jlcr-
. r.'i4A anal iv imoa bahi ai nuiif
St'eiMn Thtn you wont pluc lint,
mm. with a black banu around it.
yt u trA nnrfiir wa mn rnniA in n
Gnre It Um
Tode Htnry, Loir big a tarpon did
Sammy, once I but how big
rm cm Yftii a if a p nititr ni t"
"jftta fett ten Inrhe 1 the record."
TonotrolDS to try to bent that, Ssm-
tlt In rn In V,. -r. .nn.. .U 1 1
A I'lnnnclrr.
T"('.a tTrt.i. .. I I.
mm uiauv iiiuin uuro you
frlioner Five, sir.
Jaije-rbcn I ahull feel It my duty
R.r. . ...
roser-nut, your honor, Isn't It
7 niCTntr.r.i') f...
' - U4V
rort7 la Korea la to b tnken u; by
- i cimcitfii iiniiKF n.nn.
km. fi i.
Inlalnr Koron
... . . ' vubvuib uu iecii
nn it, i
General Demand
of tho WolMnformod of tho World hna
nlwnya boon for a slntpfo. plcnBant
nnd ofHclont liquid laxatlvo remedy of
Known vniuo; a laxtitlvo which dIivhI
clnns could sanction for family ubo
uocauBo us component parts
known to them to bo wholosomo nm
truly bonoflciul in offect, ntcoptablo
to mo syntom and gontlo, yet prompt
in action.
In nupj)lylnB that domand with Its
oxcoiiont combination of Syrun
FlB nnd Elixir of Sonna, tho Call
rornin, Hyrp COi proco0(jB nlonK
otiucai lines ana relics on tho morlts
of tho laxatlvo for Us romarkablo
That In ono of many reasons why
syrup or fibs and Elixir of Sonna 1
Riven uio prororonco by tho Well
Informed. To pot Its bonoflclal oKocts
nlwayn buy tho Bonulno manufac
turcd by tho California Fig Syrup Co
only, ana for tmlo by all loading
druggists. Prlco nfty cents por bottle,
I'reitifit ii mm
trnln) You
I tnko sevural
i . . 1 ov;
ht . MIU ""J liUUl 11UW
I DA finlo tkl... .I..L . .in .t i
Itn.i . """" iiio mquiricit,
1 1 Bail we ilnn' .iii,.. .... i '
A Ucvl.c.t,
9. Mil nn A .l.i.. . . ...
Il7a.n i, ""'"l nnd great I
g r nd have 0 fearaj
t L Uncrackpd rouKh all tbi
Aft,. ,.'' XVluo '.
r a Lin u'
n w itiuii wnn rnn
.B" till WlKOBf . .
-v LNI'V I'n V. .
-woilc Btnndnrd and Times.
IIU Iliff Dny.
ITil.,.1 (l . ...i.i t. ...
juui, uo wuisporuu, "will you mar
ry mo?"
"I don't know, Charles," sho replied
"Well, when you find out," ho snld
riBing, "send mo word, will you? I
shall bo nt Mnbcl IIIcIch' until 10
o'clock. If I don't hear from you by
10 I'm going to ask her." Tld-Blts.
Our (Mrn ailuatrel. ,
Uonca .Allatnh Johnamir. kin vo' tell
mo dn dllT'unco 'twocn do dlpplyinatlc
Into'co'no o' funt cla jwwnha an' nine
caaeu o' mcaalcii In a cullud fombly7
Interlocutor No, Oeorje; that's the
lmrdoHt ono I ever henrd. What la dio
difference between the diplomatic Inter
courso ot flrat clnan jkiwits and nine
case of uienalca In a colored family?
lionet) Do one-am dc nerlom affair of
atato nu' de uddah am a serious state
of affalra.
Interlocutor Ladle and centlcmcn.
tho premier vocnlwt of the wcatcrn hctnl
sphere, Sir. Splltcher Kecrdruma, will
now king the benutlful bnllnd entitled
"Dnrllnsr, Take Your Arm Away; Moth
or Is Peeping Through the Keyhole."
A IIpIIcIou Cimturtl,
Tho rcclpo for this delicate dessert
has been banded down in my family
for many generations: Into each lndl
vidua! custard cup put the yolk of ono
egg, add one heaping totiHpoonfiil pf
siignr, two gratings of nutmeg and Ave
tnblenpooufulH of sweet milk. IncorpO'
rato thoroughly ami ct the cuj).i In n
imu of hut water. Hake In a moderate
oven until firm. When cool, cover with
a meringue, using tho whites of the
egga for this purpose, and allow ono
tublcspoonful of powdered sugar to tho
will to of each egg. Through the very
tiptop of each snowy mound drop
teaspoonful of orange marmalade. De
Ilul "Sever Call Him Curtr.
He Funny thing about your sex,
Call n woman "a bird" nnd she's pleas
ed. Hut call her a hen or an old-crow
and elie gels angry.
Bho Nothing exclusively fcmlnlno
about that. Call a man "a sad dog"
and ho feels good. Hut cull him
miserable cur" the name thing and
lio'll knock your head off. Boston
Knew Ono of tho Firm.
Attendant (Kliovvlng him through the
structure) This house is built on what
Is known astlic "alow combustion" plnn.
Mr. Pneurltch Ah, yes; -I think I
know Stoeum. I Imvo seen him nt tho
club; but I have never hnil the plensuro
of mcetine Mr. Ilustlon. Oaieaco Trlb-
Hnulllnn railroads In operation a' tho
beginning of last year ljnd n total length
of 10.77U miles. In addition thoro wore
1.002 miles under construction nnd 4,171
miles being surveyed or already approved,
making tho totul milcago about 10.S55
tfnveil tiy '1'iiiiintoes.
John Vaughn of Mercervllle, a mml
latter carrlur, was driving along a road
when nn auto plunged Into his light rig
from behind. Vaughn was tossed In tho
air to alight in a load of tomatoes In a
wagon twenty feet abend. Ills rig was
demolished, but tho soft tomatoes saved
him from serious Injury. Tho squash
Ing of the tomatoes did not Bnve
Vaughn from tho iro of tho wagon's
owner, Tlio driver or mo automounu
sped on with a grin. Kansas City
In ttie Cuuoruto A are.
Vint Oovprnment Officer (a fow yean
henco) Anything particular on hand to
day? r,
Second Government Officer os; I've
got to go this afternoon to take part In
tho molding of tho corner stono for a now
contnfnftir "r- i -,. mrrrltirr with
r tM IMA n..i wj uillLUlHri III 1L IlllUlL Wlllllii 1 V JS vm
"l UOWAifn. At O "" UUIUIiKVi uviiwm
ih Ills health h litf tltlu nnvvrflll lllllierflL HtlU
ItN vb Wllfl tITAnl . (. t 1 If .1.1 ...AM.aa.lMl KllA1ttin.
.-U1V. Ha. V Ui 13. O. la CXILIICIV UlliClilV
inns f- . mm . m rwi wzn iiiiii ni iti iin jiiuuu j, wj a
"om the blood, tut AHAfv nnrflole of the noISOU
mil-. . v ic ivn tiin. i- i. . m . I.. u u w iti
V Ti --! II Lflf (llUnrifiA 1 11.1- 1 ... rt Atrnrtr tMUT CT TIIH
rrvMienM -iicuka tone un me nrntunrii nnu uiircauuiii i"v
MJartvj'T i" ,nbout the different Btagca of the disease an.d any
,ce deslred eent free to U who write.
Oregon Farmers Overcome Prejudice
ot Long Standing.
Krom ll.s Oregon Agricultural Collceo, CorvallU,
Kale is one of the best talking crops
in Oregon. When the Oregon booster
vv .in is to prove that Orcgoti is the
best dairy state in the union he has
i .kl!lc- ''ess he knows what
kale will do to the milk bucket he has
not qualified as a booster. It is called
uic uiousniKj-iicadcd kale, and the
botanist kn.iws if Kr..; i
but it is the plant kale of four letters
that docs the talking. The strange
thing is that it has only been during
jut i us i two or tnrce years that it
has had an audience, though it is
nearly thirty years old in the Willam
ette valley. It lias tried to talk all
those years, but the people wouldn't
listen when it sought recognition.
We never heard it talk," they in-
ii i ' l",LK 1,1 'owa anu incw roric
Hack there cows tiroduce' m!lv with.
out kale, and I guess they will have
to here." That is tradition. It took
thirty years for kale to get an audi
ence in tins state and live down tra
The tiairymen of New York iiniW
stand what green succulent food
means to the dairy cow, and they
uiuiu expensive suos, nuy expensive
machinery, and grow fertility-robbing
corn, which they irrigate with their
sweat, in order that the farmer dur
ing the long winter months may have
ati excuse for milking his cows. The
Orcgonian needs no expensive silos
to remind the cow of the good old
summer time. Kaicl A thousand
blessings on the thousand-headed
kalcl It is making Oregon the
B.wnv-iji umijr oi.ui; in uic union.
When crown under favorahln rnr.
ditions kale will yield 40 tons per
acre of green feed, and its chief value
is as a soiling crop during the fall
and winter. Splendid results arc be
ing secured by (ceding kale and vetch
uny iu umry cows, witnout any grain
or mill feed. Dr. Withycombc, of the
Agricultural College, says that 15
pounds of vetch hay and 40 pounds
of kale a day is practica'.'v a balanced
ration for a dairy cow. Mr. W. L,
Wilson, of Banks. Or., says: "I re
ceived $207 from 14 cows in the month
of December, apd fed them nothing
but kale, turnips and vetch hay. The
man who feeds chop would have to
make ?237 to clear as much as I do.
I have not had a speck of mill feed in
the barn all winter.
Mr. Byron Hunter, of Corvallih
has-, as assistant agriculturist of the
bureau of plant industry. U. S. depart
ment of agriculture, made a special
study ot the torage crops of Western
uregon, and in Hullctin No. 91, pub
lishcd jointly by the Orcsron Exncri
mcnt Station and the Department of
Agriculture, has the following to say
about kale, which is timely:
"Methods of Sowing For fall and
winter use kale is usually sown n
drills on well prepared and drained
soil as soon after the 15th of March
as the Season will permit. This fur
nishes plants for transplanting in
June and July. The land used for
transplanting is well manured and
plowed two or three times between
the first of March and the first of
June. With the land in perfect tilth
it is plowed again with a 12-inch plow
about the first of June, and the young
kale plants dropped into every third
furrow about two and a half to three
feet apart. This nlaccs about 'one
plant on every square yard. The roots
of the plants arc placed where the
next furrow covers them, leaving the
tops uncovered. The plants that arc
plowed in durinc the day in this way
arc rolled in the evening of the same
day to pack the ground. Two or
three cultivations arc all that can
usually 4c given, for the plants will
scon touch m the row, if they do well.
Any plants that fail to grow may be
replaced by hand. Sonic growers
prefer to plant the seed in hills, nnd
when the plants arc large enough thin
them to one plant in a hill. Others
put kale out just as cabbage is usually
transplanted, instead of plowing it in.
The time of transplanting must be
determined by the sire of the plants
and the condition of the land. If the
land is wet and subject to overflow
the transplanting may be delayed un
til during July. If the land is well
drained and the plants arc large
enough, it may be done before the
first of June. In transplanting,
enough plants may be left for a stand
on the. land where the seedlings are
A man living nt Maud wants to know
f he can irrigato his trees by means
of a water wagon nnd barrels. Pro
fessor Thornber did not favor tho plan,
"This would bo rather too complex,
am of tho opinion that you will find
t too crreat an expense, considering
tho vnluo of a team and a man, to haul
this water during tho summer. Tho
Btntion would adviso you to try nnd
conserve this moisturo by means of
culture. This could bo dtino with good
effect during tho summer months. I
liavo had considorablo experience- on
tho stnto collogo campus in hauling
water; and havo concluded, first that
it is impracticable to place water
around tho treo without a heavy mulch
of straw; second, that nothing much
loss than a barrol ot water lor cacn
troo nt each waterinir. Bhould bo given.
This will soak tho ground up fairly
well, nnd in our case, I did not need to
wator tho trees on tho campus moro
than twice during tho summer. I do
not know that it will bo possiblo for
you to mako uso of a heavy mulch, but
in order to hold tho water, it is neces
sary to do so. You can uso rotted
Btrawfor this, or forest leaves."
From tho Washington Stato college,
An Affair ot Honor.
"Excuse mo, inn'uui," said tho edu
cated hobo, "but would you favor a
soldier In tho great nrmy of tho uuom-
loyod with a squaro meal?"
"I will.' replied tho good woman, "if
ou don't mind earning a dollar by (ta
ng a fow odd Jobs about tho promises
this afternoon."
"Pardon mo, ma'am," answered tho e.
.. "but I om n man of honor nnd must
thoroforo decllno to desert from the
Mist Delta Strocbe, who had Com
pletely Lost Her Health, Found
Relief from Pe-ru-na at Once,
Read What She Says:
mond St., Apploton, Wis., writes:
"For eovoral years I was In a run
down condition, and T could find no re
lief from doctors and medicines. J.
could not onjoy my meals, and could
not sleop at night. I had heavy, dark
circles about tho oyes.
"My friends woro much alarmed. I
was advised to give Poruna a trial, and
to my Joy I began to lmprovo with tho
first bottlo. After taking six bottlcB I
folt complotoly cured. I cannot say too
much for Poruna as a mcdiclno for
women In a run-down condition."
Pc-ru-na Did Wonders.
Mrs. Judgo J. P. Hoyor, 1121 Sherman
Avo., Evauston, 111., says that sho bo
camo run down, could neither cat nor
sleep woll,andlostflcsh andsplrlt. Po
runadld wonders for hor.and who thanks
Poruna for now llfo and strength.
OVAltl) a. nOnTOIt. ABsayer a-l Chemist.
i.cnuriiic, v,oi(irnuo. specimen prices! uom.
Blircr, U ad. (I : Uold. Gold, toot Zinc or
Copper, U. Cynaldo t;. lulling envelope nd
full prlco list nerit ou om.llcntton. Control and Um
pirn work Kollclud. liulttreucat Carbonate K&
Uonal JSank.
A New and Modern European Hotel, catering
particularly to Stato people A refined place for
ladles vliltlni? the city, close to tho shopping
center. Rate reasonable. Free Bui.
N. K. CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr.
A Rare Bargain
Douglas County Farm in the heart
of.tno famous Shoestring Valley.
Sixty acres 45 acres e'eared; 15
acres fir timber; soil rich and mel
low; no rocks; schoolhouse J mile;
on county road; running water;
well; over 300 bearing fruit trees;
5-room log house, barn and other
out-buildings; two mile3 of fence;
full assortment farm implements;
all house furnishings; all crops.
Must sell, Price for everything.
$2,500. Address
Room 419, Corbctt BIdg., Portland, Ore
No. 33-08
TPorlclnar till Patient.
Ambassador Wu Ting Fang was once.
It Is alleged, telling about a certain
selfish politician. He snld: "The man
reminds me of a doctor of Shanghai. A
mandarin came to this doctor for ad
vice. Ho could not sleep, had no appe
tite, suffered a good deal from depres
sion and nevertheless was taking on
fatot an nlarmlng rate. 'We'll soon
put you In condition again,' said the
physician. 'What you need Is exercise
good, hard exercise. Four times a
week you can come here and put In the
morning polishing my floors 'But why
not my own floors?' tho mandarin In
quired. 'Mine,' said tho physician, 'are
larger.' "
A Itabblt and a IVIiUtle.
Did you know that a short, sharp
whistle from tho mouth would stop a !
rabbit? It surely docs. Next time you '
see little Molly Cottontail leap from her
burrow and make off don't shoot ; Just !
whistle. Whether from fear or curios
ity I cannot tell, but she will stop still
In her tracks. An antelope has been
known to do likewise. An African
hunter once snld that tho elephant Is
the most timid of all animals and can
be frightened Into a cold sweat by a
mysterious noise. New York Press.
PJTC 8t. Vltnt Dance and orvcrai utn prm
I 1 1 J nenUy cored liy Dr. i lno' Qront Nerve Ho
irtorer. tiend for TREE $2.00 trlnl bottle and trnntlw.
Dr. Ii. H. Kline, Id., S31 Arch Bt., FhUodelphla, Fa.
KeceKKary Formality.
Mrs. Ferguson George, whnt do you
have to do when you want to draw some
money out of a bank?
Mr. Ferguson You have to put some
money in the bank beforehand. That's
always been my experience.
Mothers will find Mrs. WIn8lfrw Soothing
Byru p tho bv-s t rem edr to nzo I ox their ch.'ldia
during the teething period.
In the Literary IVorknhop.
"Brooks," said Itivcrs, who hnd been
struggling desperately with an Idea for
more than half nn hour, "give me a rhyme
for 'perfunctory.' "
"Sorry, old man," answered Brooks;
"but there isn't any."
"Dash Itl" exclaimed Rivers.
Thereupon ho proceeded to do it in
blankcty blank verse.
When the
air Falls
Then It's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment! You want to save your jj
jiair, ana save it quietly, iooj
So make up your mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
Tho beat hind of a testimonial
"Coid for over slsty years."
o raanofeotarer. of
WIIKN writing to ndvortisora pl-sae
iniintlini this pnpr.
TSo Cuuao for Alurm.
"Look, officer 1" shouted the excited
citizen. "That big department store Is
"What makes you think so?" asked
the officer, calmly.
"Why, don't, you see all those wom
an shoppers coming down the Are escapes?"
"Oh, yes; but that Is not the sign of
fire. You see, they can't get through
the revolving doors with those big
2Vo Stransrer to That.
Mrs. Hifrhmus I sunnoss nt Rome tlm!
In your life i-ou struccled with the Nibe-
Alrfl. OflB-Il O. vr-s; T hnd nn nwfnl
eleffB of that In '03. T hnil tr tnlrp nil
kinds of nasty medicines before I got it
out of my system.
ICtila and Gonta.
Dottle O-ooh 1 What's this pic
Tommy That's Capt. KIdd an' his
band o' plruts.
Dottle An' which is Capt. Kldd?
Tommy W'y, th' guy with th'
goatee, o' course! Cleveland Leader.
St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Or.
Resident and Day School for Girls.
! Catalogue on Request.
Deep Sea Amenities.
The Oyster You're a good deal tougher
customer than I am.
The Clam That's all right. You do a
good deal crookeder shell game than I do.
A lilt of Advice.
This Is a bit of advice oifored by the
Gunnison Gazette:
Young man. If you should come
ncross a girl who, with a face as radi
ant as a sunflower, says as you appear
at the door, "I will be busy for half an
hour yet, for the dishes are not wash
ed," Just squat right down on the door
step and wait for her. because soiuo
other chap may come along nnd secure
the prize, and right there you will have
lost an angel.
Said an Employer: "Stick to quality.
It will win out in the end." We do
"stick to quality." That is the reason
our graduates are so thorough and in
such demand. Investigate our claims to
superiority. Catalogue, business forma
and penwork free. Call, phone or write.
Portland Business College
Tenth and Morrison, Portland. Oregon
They are Trained for business in a business-like way.
Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of its graduates?
I. M. WALKER. Pres.
v by softenlnd the wetcr. cleans the akin thoroughly, removes
odor of perspiration nnd renders the sUla soft and velvety.
All dealers. Sample Borax, Booklet and Lace Centerpiece design on cloth
ready to work, 10c, of PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO., Oakland, Cat.
Local agents wanted. Write for money making plan.
ALCOHOL 3 PRIi ni-wn
AYcgc aWcPrcparallonronls-
Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and -which has hcen
in uso for over SO years, has horno tho signature of
and has ucoumado under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Promotes DigeslionjCheerful-'
ncss and IbsLContainsncitha-
Opiimi.Morplilrtc norMocralJ
Jhzptta SetJ-
CtattBti SUmr ,
Ancrfect Remedy for Oonsflpn-
Hon . Sour Stomacli.Dlarrliofi
ncss awlLoss of Sleep. .
lacSiralle Suture of j
Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle "with aud endanger tlio health of
Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment.
Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic
substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Povorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It rollovos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Pood, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Priend.
Bears the Signature of
Guaranteed imdcrttujKoodaj
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
tmc eiNTAun eouMNV. tt hurray aTnirr, ncw York crrv.