i, 3i 4' J if ss& ia 4- I 1 Madras Pioneer C, jltshod tsvory Thursday by ibNBtiii ruuLisiimd CO.- CUBSOHIPT.ION RATES! ft., .$1.60 llltUfl. rjH niqbths. . .60 A5i;T18Ifif ICA.TAS ON APPMOATION EillptpilhS second clnss matliir August lm, aUliu rostofiico nt Mndras. Ore, rtuiotact oi uonres9 or Marcn a, fllJ! LUKSDAY AUG. 13, 1908 root monS WANTED j A RAILROAD cb turtle he preliminary Diana for th tho bov'i Intention! tion. of the Central Ore ed in tho immfparl Into Crook-county Mer In his owpi . , J "Onen tho Igressn g in :a manner he roared, kiebtisfactory o the pro There wasTS., . ' . . nlreadr half ViinMPnse. Sub vrrMprise did not thtloiiR fi ZL the stock are be S3 KPWly inaae inBen .tripped oiry, and a read v in thv ess 1.1 i Jt 1 -1 : tifoid. iijuuiiiuuu oa one uunarea th refsand dollars lias been sub .it wased veIT "ttle has been pcsitione m Hint direction in this iSopa'Jity so far, but it is expect he woiftliat there will be a libein. find aSilon h' stock in He. enterprise. .Subscriptions in conlingen discovejon. the road Inside,h building to a larwwier to the questions tTryb iicii, nil pward, UJeo iCUeif promoter o the enterprise, says that all pre liminary arrangements will be compietea ana tue success o the plan assured, before any definite decision is made as to the connection to be secured, or ijjTtfPeiore any construction is start' - . . ciosed' He intimates, however, that Hiu3he original plan of extending but theSuaniko road will be fol- would no ogtvJFhe Columbia South "WW' in aiarif extension possesses tw Mm.?" rt cencirst. it can be built into this sSfterritory sooner than any other cojfline: and second, every foot of relline built this way on the d- b&fluinbia Southern extension will beof that much benefit to all of wlfcrook county, while any other grouno, the proposed extensions twfojgpuld practically have to be 5a,ompleted into this territory, it o afford any improvement over feUuaufesent conditions. il le'epeople of this section want. .1e development of the vtfheat district of Tfirook county has rpached a nointTvftfjre the local j -ta m , demand no longejfafiords a market for any' appreciable fraction of the production, ai'id. the haul to Shaniko is top great handicarj to make the butside Markets available on a prohta- j- . his cj-basis. Ifc was this need for Smmediate relief which first siie-crested the extension bi the Coluiribia 3oiithern; dnd hich Ttjniy Jet prove the determining 1j .factor in the selection of a con- fr J "nection for the proposed bentral t 1 Oregon railroad dn the bther hand, there are sotne disaflvan tnoTHS in the extension of the bolufhbia Southern which will Betaken iinto consideration, and which might influence the abandonhient of that lihe as a ,'possible connection A NfeW WHEAT blSCOVErlED J-A'new wheat, said to produce rt hiiflhela to Hie acre, has been discovered by a man fTiiiifiPtta. Tflalio. If tile new wheat proves tb be as good as reporied1, ahcl will grow in any climate, it will triple the wheat yield of America. f The hew wheat is bearded, ind the heads are many times as lafge as b cl6b wheat liend, Ihe brry Ulao being larger than that of brdinaiy wheat. No inill test of the -grain has ever tbeen ma3e, altliough the chem ist at the Idaho experiment atd- 1 (ion bus hmde tl vefattering he,HiifcQl a'nalyois. 'Xlib hitUc-ry of the discovery singly Btalk of the "Alaska" wheat, as it is called, wasJound in 1004, The seed was planted and the next year it yielded seven pounds. This was sowed hi Spring of 1000, and 1545 pounds was harvested. This was sowed in Fall, and the fol lowing 3'ear Mr. Adams secured enough seed to sow 700 acres, which is now ready to harvest. It is estimated that the wheat will yield 100 bushels to the acre. Mr. Adams, however, is a bus iness man as well as a farmer. He proposes to give his wonder ful discovery to the world, nt the price of $20 per bushel, no pni chaser to secure more than one bushel. As liis 700 acre crop will produce 70,000 bush els, Mr. Adams will break into the millionaire class with one season's crop. It might be menti6ned iuci- dentally that none of the wheat will be imported in'o Crook county until we get a railroad. MADRAS COUNTRY ALL RIGHT The opinion that the wheat district of Crook county will prove to be one of the very best in ihe state, is gaining ground. This, year, when crop'conditions were unfavorable throughout Eastern Oregon, the crops of this section compare favorably with those of the older and bet ter known districts of Eastern Oregon. People qualified to judge, who have been through the wheat sections of Morrow, Gilliam and Sherman counties, say that the yield will be bet ter than . in any of those dis tricts. Threshing has not yet begun in this section, but con servative estimates place the yield at not less than 60 per cent of last year's, when a bumper crop was harvested. Tlie Madras country is com paratively a new wheat dis trier, and it takes time to learn the best methods of farming in any country. But the Madras country has "made good" in a year when the most optimistic had small expectations. This section is iorging ahead, and with adequate transportation acUities ic will become one of the biggest wheat producing districts of the state. WHEAT PRICES WIC.C BE HIGH That wheat piices will reach 90 cents this season at Pendle ton, Walla "Walla, and other Inland Empire wheat centers, is he prediction of the market editor of one of the Portland papers. He bases his predic tion upon present market con- ditions and the export trade. Last week wheat sold at Pen dleton at 80 cents, the highest price paid in 10 years. Much wheat is changing hands at that price, althodgli a number of farmers are Holding for 85 cents. Although the Inland Emrjire wheat crop is not as arge as that of last year; prices i will Viu an mn nli buffer that the v A a ww w - season will be as prolitable as the previous one. Agricultural College CORVALLIS, ORfetiON inclifdlng Agronomy, Horticulture, Ani mal Husbandry, Dairy Huebaridry, etc. ; Forestry; Domestic Science and Art; vil. Electrical, Meclianlcal, nnuAiin t Ti!,icriTipprinL's Coinmercei PharmaCT. nffnri elemental v courses in Agricul ture; Forestry, Domestic Science and A"rt. fcommcrce, and Mechanic Arte, in cluding forge work, cabinet making, Bteam fitting, plumbing, machine worn. Strong faculty, modern equipment; (ran tuition' nnpim Kent. 25. Illustrated cataloge with lull hiforfh'a- tion on application to Kegfstrar, l'refc. A complete supply of legal blanlo for date InolOdinp warranty and rultelnlrn ileeds, real, chattel ami crop mortgnges; eto. Justice court blunts and Justlcfc court tfoffi a1 Specialty. Notary rifbli6. fcasli terms means better prlcea.A. Vim T'nuVn , ti -few ,i.'-t" t. m w T. B. TUCKER Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK Hut-Has Wmt Gnaranlocd Located In tho old Uroolm gimp MADRAS, OREGON 1 0 per ct. off for Cash. Is offered on" all goods, except .Collars and Whips B. S. LARKIN THE HARNEY MAN MADRAS. ORECON 5 per ceiit off oil Collars anfl Whips FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES LOUGKS BROS MADRAS, OREGON ISOLATED TRACT. Notlco for Pub- llcatlon. Public Land Sale. Serial No 0410 The Dalles, Oregon, United States Laud Office, Auuust 4, 1003. Notice Is hereby giveu that, as (.. rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1000, Public No. 303, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 2rS0 o'clock p. m., on tho 17th day of September next, at tblsofflc e, the fol lowing tract of land, towit: swjnw: sec 2, tp 13 , r 14 e, w m. Any persons claimlnir adversely the above-described lands aro advised to file their claims; or objections, on or before the day above designated for al3-sld O. W. MoonE, Register f SOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub llcutlon. Public Land Sale Serial No 0421 The Dalles, Oregon, United States Land Office, August 5, 1003 Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Laud Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906, Public No. 303, we will offer at public sale to tho highest bidder, at 3:15 o'clock p. m 'on the 17lh day of September next, nt tbfs office, the fol lowing tract of land, towlt: n'wiuej and nejse sec 21, tp 12 s, r 18 e, w m. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are' advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale. C. W. MOORE, alS-slO Register. Not Coal Laud, H! OME8TBAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office ut The Dalles, Ore gon, July 22, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that , ANDREW LARS EN, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August. 15,' lUuii, mane nomesieau iiuiy oenai No 03031 No. J2874, for eswl and wj se sec 23, tp 10 u, r 13 e, w m, IIuh filed notlco of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim in the, land above described, before Frank Odhoru, U. S. Commissioner, at his olllce at Madras, Oregon, ou tue 7tli day of weplemoer, 1U0H. Claimant names as witnesses: . N P" I'oulson, H W tlard,' E V Doty, uloii liutalalu, all pf Madras, Oregon. h. "to- -HHrinv - 0b3 ItegiHter ' 0 hlUb UUHI AJMJJ , TJf oil E8TE AD. Notice for Publlca- tion. Department of tho interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon," July 10, 1008. fcotlco is hereby given, that CHARLES A. WIHT8ETT, of.Madras, Oregon, who, on, April 24, 1no mmtu IrrimuutuHtl V.ntrv l" Hurl II I No. OlOfY No. lo725, for se eo 17, tp 12 r. r IHb. w in. Has filled notice of Intention totnuke Itnal live-year proof, to estaollsli claim. to the laud ubovo described be No fore Prank Oaborn, u. S. Commls- ulntiAi. nt hlx nttto.H nt Madras. Ore- goji; on the 2nd day of September, ID08. ClalraantiiumeB us witnesses: tl... ulna "OV III, iitiir ITrniilr Il'llninrJ George it Jillllnfibeck, George Feul ner, all of Madras Oregon. 23-a27 , , .J&&$1- Ttpad mv announcement tU ft'iffi r - i ; vfltfr...-,-.--... 1 OMEdTJJAD. Nollco for l'uliJIoa- Hon. Depart mailt of tho Ihtu rlor, U. S. Laud Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, AiiKUPt 0, 1008. Notice Ih hereby given t li tit CHEStEJl GAftD, of Madras, Oroon, who, on Deumnbur 0, 1002,-made HomeHtetiil Entry Serial No 0531 No 11875, for wj-jojrf, itwltieJtf and selnwl see 0, tp 10 , r 13 0, w 111, Hum filed not loo or Intention to make final flve.year proof, to eHtabllsh claim to ihe land above demirlbud, before Frank Oabora, U. S. Comml8iouor, at IiIh ollloo at MiidriiH, Oreuou, on tbu 17tli (lay of September, 1008. Claimant nluiifn uh wltm-SHea: Thomas B Burden, William B un Bey, Thomas B Tnoker, Joseph Amey, all of Mnilrad, Oregon. ' 0, W. Mooiti:, al8 elO Bossier. Jsot Coal Land HOMESTMAD. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, V, S. LnmlOnico at The Dalles, Oic(?oii, July 21, 1003 'Notlco Is hereby given Ornt "WILLIAM F. SHEKUOD, of Madras, Oregon, who, on June 7, ll'Otl, made Homestead Entry (Serial No UTJOj. No. 1510i; for swl( see 28, tp 10 s, r in e, w in, lias tiled notice of Intention to make flnal fivo-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described) before Frank Osborn, United States Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon) on the lltli day or September, 11KW. Claimant names as witnesses: John W Jones, Chaika Ortnian, S S Clo ver, William 0 Moore, all of Madras, Ore gon. O. W. MOOltK, at5-sl0 Register. H OMKSTUAI). Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Olllce at The Dalies, Oregon, July 28, 1U08. Notice Is here y given that LKONA GAItUUTT. formerly Luona O'Kully, of May Creek, Oregon, who, on December 2D, HXW, mmle Iloiuetead Untry (Serial No. 0!!87) No. 11038, for njfiii'j, se.Vneti and ne.se see 22, tj) 11 s, r ltJ e, w m, lias Hied notice of intention to make ".nai five-year proof, to establish claim to the hind above described, before Warivn Brown, County Olurk,at his oflifu at Prliio vllle. Oregon, on. the 11th day of Sej.tem ber, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Albeit SImes, of Hay Creek, Oregon Hurt Clark, Marvin Klklns, both of AnIi wood, Oregon; Wade II Huston, of Prlne ville, Oregon. aO-slO C. W. MOORE, Register. Not Coal Land OM1CSTKAI). Notice for Publication H Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, July 21, liXXS. Notlco Is hereby given that PEKNIKCE WILSON, of Madras, Oregon, who( on June 19, 1107 made Homestead 1iitry (Serial No 01!!!) No. 15588, for nKne) sec 9 and (.ejswjf and swJneW sec 1, tp 11 S r U e, w m, lias filed notice of intention to niako dual commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Frank Osbom, United States Commissioner, at his otllce at Madras, Oregon, ou the lltli day ot September, 1008. Claimant names ns witnesses: Thomas j Fields, William F Fields .1 liiiiuii - KJitiiriiti f II iiiiiUA V ,ii,i. all of Madras, Oregon. att-slO C. W. MOOKK, Register. ISOLATED TRACT. Notice for Publl- 1 cation. Public Land Sale. Serial No. 0373. The Dalles, Oregon, United States Land Office, Au. 7, VMS. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed hy tho Commissioner of tile Oeneral Laud Ofllcc, under provisions of ylct of Congress approved .Tune 27, 1!K)0, Publlc-Xo. 30!l, we will offer at public sale, to the lilchest oiuuer, ai ;m oi-iock a.m.. oiiiiiezotii day of September next, at this olllce. the ffillnwliifr triifit iif liifl? fitvlt vv I ?an.I ..................... ..ian4 sec i, tp ii s, r io e, w m. Any persons claiming aivcrsely the alioveKlescrlbed lands arc hdvlscd.to tile their claim", or objections; on or before me nay auove uesiguaieu lorsaie, a!8 sl7 O. W. MOOltK. Reulster. H 0MESTEAD. Notlco for Publlca ion. Department of the lute' rlor, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 0, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that GE0EGE V. DILLON, of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 20, 1002, made Homestead Entry Serial no 0533 No 10788, for nw neo 28, tp 0 h, r i e, w in, Has filed notice of intention to make uuui nve-year proor, to estiiium;. claim to ihe land above described before Prank Osborn. U. S-. Commissioner, nt tils olllce ut Madras, Oregon, ou the mn uay or Beptomuer, 1008 Claimant names us witnesses: William. .11 Itamsov. Thomas Cur don, A II J'arkoy; Bert Loomla, ull of muurus, uregon. C W. Moonii. ttl3-8l0 RtKlster. M 0MESTEAD, Notice for Publlca J 1 Hon, Department of, the Inte rlor, U S. Laud Olllce ut The Dalles, Oregon, Aug, 0, 1008, Notice Is hero by glren that Cheater Gwrd one of the heirs, arid for the heirs of MHo Gard,' deceased, Madras, Oregon, who, ou July 2, 1002, made Homestead Entry Serial 0532 No 11101, for swl seo 0, tp 10 r 18 , w m Has died notice of Intention to make uul five-year proof, to establish olulm to the land above described, before Frank Osborfi, U. S. Commissioner. ut lils.offlue ut Madras, Oreuon.' on 17th day of September, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses? Thomas Jl Burden, William Hum- f,ey, TUonwfH B Tucker, Joseph Arnoy, all of Madras, Oregon. 7 V. Mnnuii. ttlS-fllO' . IteKlstel. ! TO THE PUBLIC: t I have clccided to change my terms of trade to A CASH BASIS That is to say, Cash dr its equivalent, and in so doing I propose to offer you good, desira ble supplies at the Lowest Possible Prices COME AN D' I N V EST I GATE. X t A. C. SANFORD MADRAS, LUMBER FOR SALI We have plenty of lumber for sale at oui mill, located about 3 miles east of GrizzlJ post office on county road. Prices righj McMeekin & Eastwcw LUMBER Of all kinds. . 1 -2 million feel of dry LUMBER at MV GRIZZLY LAKE SAWMILL Address, Culver, Oregon T. 8. Hamilton, I'rcs. F. T. IIoiimiukt, Vice-ivcs. J.C, rdrttir,Cs!! EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $50,000 Dopoelto, $2SO,000 A New Assprtment JustArrivej bargg bartS first'-claSs pie fruits ilust the thinfl for h'lfvfe time We also have a floocl assort meht 6f vegetables In botffthe Ifrhall and large Ins im.iii(i,iii,hi it,llltlilMMllMllll,iilll'lllllM(.,ll.llW"'l .m MadrasTf&dingCo. c. e. roosh. - . Manager OREGON j SHANIKO, OREGO JLI crop, than i iC. PERCAN coluwu,. A. 0, SanfarU. v r- f v I Uti I inIW ylM 1 r