The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 30, 1908, Image 7

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(isf Readers-
Ofiho Uit Important but
UM Interesting Event
0f the Pa W00
Hghcs will run again for governor
I fKeff York.
rLousantl-Europcanrlotfl are oc
f M8t Bombay.
'L-nnd Denmark an. Bld to
jj o military alliance.
I -ereiM- , a
... battle ftetween Mexican troops
Jl dinsl9of Do latter wero m
3 two Midlers slain.
Uijwnecr steamer wns wnj nw
A.P8JW"BKj,,fiV. and more tlian n
I (jrtrtiana, Norway, and
I 0 people drowned.
m..t..... In In rnvnlfc mill
ii r,iMruiiin lutftuj -
WorVeda constitution from the
r i .f ru.nri'.
B-eneW.Chonn, Frohobiuon can.
WUietriearmy " cmu.
hnlni? called on for an cx-
3a of H0.000 paid him by the
Costa Watro company for legal
services in 1905.
fimsscun says tho decision of
U Appeal court in tho Standard case
;.awciny iuii.
Supreme court is mo unijr .cv.uu.uv.
n. f.M been deprived of the priv-
! fad of the jail in which ho 1b con-
ntnntR. J. Hazzard, who holp-
dlo capture Aguinaldo, la to retire
ton the army.
Mttflrosscun. who is on tho Fed
btnch at Chicago, Ib anxious to
jrtirjacd practice law.
t the New York to Parte nutomo-
Jiik race tho German car la ahead,
.Title American second. They are
H Anneal court la said to have
tekredintwo Instances In quoting
proceedings before Judge Lnnuis in the
Tit Turkish sultan Iibb Instructed
tit commanders to use money and soft
itrfj at Monastir in an effort to sup-
pti the uprising.
Ium Eppiniter, one of tho firm of
Jiob Epplnger & Co., of San Fran-
exo, accused of raising money on
IfilK warehouse receipts, has been
Ittoaittcd to an insane asylum.
Lbcoln Benchey, who won fame at
ItVLewts and Clnrk fair, Ih making
M flights in his airship at Haiti
an. He makes 11 miles in u3 min
ttd, and in one instance bent an auto-
Ike Denver & Rio Grande Itnilrond
cspmy, tho Hio Grande Western
Wxoad company, and ull subsidiary
nflrosd companies in Colorudo and
ma, except tno Kto Urando Southern,
webeenmcri'cd into one comimnv.
Fierce fillhtltltf ia rrrfrt tt frnm
Um Persia, 200 being killed or
i iflnaca,
Ml!. Mn II. St ft (nn
I efllionairc hat maker, is- to marry a
wiujucie count.
Jit miners' federation has asked
l'? 1 EOVeminrnt mnnru ititn tin.
i"ocii mines.
I, A report from Berlin .says a Ro
Wtwiky is dead but that it is not
i-M.raouj admiral.
LJrAVill;jm Randall Crcntir, the fa-
fi 71. A " pcacc a'ivocatc, is dead
"fno years old.
ti?5 15 r'Pc (or a revolt as the
llbw it.. c i arc. determined to over
wow the sultan's rule.
bcfcLfc.??." of the battleship
Ituwn i u 3 lonouuit editor be
n of charges made in the paper.
The ;iin.i..i
IMti i i ". 1,11 company ap
Stiii,Ire,!,,cnt Roosevelt In an
to have the big fine set aside.
. ."Mdnrai hn tin llln ltni 21. ...1.11.
"COntimi. .1 I WHII WHICH
I'lfficam 113 ranroau to
'Tli. n.
Ne o, 7" ymcr Anubls Is
M ", ,.C""C(,Ption.. Tlic ves-
r.wuU,y uc a total loss.
Honolulu Donates Llborally to Officers
and Mon of LJuttloshlps.
Jloiiohilu, July 21. A feature of the
entertainment of the fleet Sunday was
the presentation of hundreds of tons of
fruit and delicacies of all kinds to the
various battleships. The great store of
good things was loaded on a lighter,
which was towed to each of the twelve
ships in turn, the Hawaiian band being
aboard also, and playing native and
American airs as the distribution pro
ceeded. A generous supply of iced fruit and
plenty of reading matter was'scnt to the
island, where t)50 men of the Nebraska
are in quarantine, the entertainment
committee being determined not to for
get any one.
Sunday has been a quiet day with the
men of the Atlantic battleship fleet. Out
side of the Star games, which took place
at the league ground, and which hun
dreds of sailors attended, there was little
in the way of formal entertainment ex
cept excursions to I'earl harbor, many
of t lie men taking advantage of the op
portunity to inspect the site of the naval
station that is being planned.
The officers were privately entertained
at many residences, and there was hard-
y one of the cool porches along the
strcefs of the residence district that did
not offer retreat to the white-clad vis
itors. The men, too, sought amusement
in many parts of the city and the streets
of the downtown section, as well as the
ree-shaded roads and lanes further out
were populous throughout the day with
groups of strolling seamen. On every
land they were welcomed by the citizens
and found hospitable entertainment
wherever they sought it.
Out on the ships, hundreds of visitors
were made welcome, and every yacht
and private launch in the bay was
pressed into service to carry parties of
plcasurc-scckcrs in and out among the
anchored warships.
Naval Confortnco Is Struggling With
Task Roosovolt Sot.
Newnort. H. L. .Tnlv 9 r. Thn nnvni
conference met again today to continue
ino uiBcuasion oi batt cahin t nnn nni .
Is believed, will cnntlnnnrlnllv mnnf.
n(TB for HOmo tlmn in rnmo fn ihn
oxecutlvo council, follnwlnw ih
dent'B speech of ycBtcrday, Mr. Koose-
voupiainiy toiu tho ofllccrs present
that ho wanted "rcsulta" and would
nsist on them before tho conference
It Was Bald that'ono rnnnlf. nf ihn
conference would bo to abolish the gen
eral uoaru or the navy, but ofheers now
attending th nlttfn
once arc widely varying In opinion aa
w mo poBBiDiniy or desirability of any
euch course.
I It ... . ..
im, , V' TrJ.'uwni'1 lm broken
J5" He v: i "is J"st crossct:
im N: v ."c "?s just cros
Tl. k ... "lllcr e record,
tattlcship fleet has left Ilono-
I Pfeiiif.. ...
dS'S '10,lse Pf lords has
uK pension,
if., ' assoclntU., """""
tQ John n n i ' c mcmuer
'm U. Rockefeller.
own wiu
t!,Chj" tonr0thrl 1)" n8to
lal reck. t,lrce wccks ago, Is a
Mo autn.L
Wash ?C ?Mnn "B fro,-n
r;"e Injured. "U 15 p98en
Sentiment Against Foreigners Is Rap
Idly Gaining Ground.
Mexico City, July 21. The anti-for
cign feeling in Mexico is assuming large
proportions, and a bitter controversy
over the question is being waged between
the foreign and native press. La Patria
printed an article in which it proclaims
the time ripe for a policy whose slogan
shall he, "Mexico for the Mexicans."
Mont of the tirade is directed against
the "Yankees," a term of contempt used
by Mexican editors in designating
Among other things J-a Patria de
clares that if Americans think the gov
ernments of Argentine, Chile or Brazil
more enlightened than that of Mexico,
they should journey to those parts, the
sooner the better.
After referring to the efforts on thr
part of the foreigners to kill the pro
posed new mining law restricting cor
notations in Mexico, the paper says:
Wc repeat our attitude toward tor-
ciKiicrs. Wc arc not uoxcrs, uut patri
ots, and when wc take a given decision
wc take it, not as against foreigners, but
for the benefit of Mexico."
Ctoveland Traction Company's Reports
Show Big Monthly Deficits.
Cleveland, "O., July 21. Cleveland has
had nearly three months of a-ccnt car
fares, and two of the monthly reports
have shown a deficit. A similar report
is predicted for July. The operating
expenses and fixed charges have been
from $10,000 to $50,000 a month in ex
cess of the earnings. The Municipal
Traction company, which is operating
the local lines under a lease, also is
under nromisc to give free transfers
after July 28. The revenue from trans
fcrs has been about $2,000 a month, a
cent each having been charged.
The officials of the company still ex
press their belief that 3-cent fares will
nay in time. An important meeting o
the directors will be held next Tuesday
to consider the inauguration of free
transfers and other vital points.
Rain Ends Forost Fires.
Portland, Me., July 21. A succession
of drenching showers have put a stop
to the great fires which have wrought
damage amounting to hundreds of thou
sands of dollars in the Maine woods
during the last two weeks, causing more
than a little alarm in manv instances
for the snfety of villages, summer re
sorts along the shore have seemed at
l!,.,..o ', .tntirrnr nf hiMllcr Wined Otlt 1
the rush of flames through the timber
and tmdcrbrtuh. and hundreds M sum
mer visitors have pacKcii up uicir ut
longings to seek other places.
Warships Nearlng Manila.
Manila. Tulv 21. Wireless comimini
cation has been established between the
hattleshlns Maine and Alabama, com
posing tjie special service squadron
...i.ui. inf, :, Fmnelsco Tunc 8. in ad
vance of the Atlantic fleet. Messages
received from the two vessels read that
they expected to arrive here at noon
Monday. The Louisiana, uiuo ana vir
!..!. i..... r...i.i.,i pnnllncr nt La Haina
and arc en route here to join the main
body of the Jlcct.
Floods Destroy Village.
' Vienna, July 21.-Floods nave washed
away, the village of Jiuxcyna, on the
Galiclan estate of ArciwuKe i''-Twenty-two
people have btcn drowned
nterlor Dopartmont Ratifies Action of
Umatilla Water Usors.
WashitiKton. Julv 21. The secretary
of the interior has approved an increase
of stock in the Umatilla Water-Users'
association from 0,000 to 22,000 shares.
The association, made up of landowners
under the Umatilla irrigation project,
was organized with a canital stock of
$.' 10,000, divided into 0,000 shares of a
par value of $00 each. The project has
since been extended to include a total
of 22,000 acres, and in order that there
may be one share of stock for each acre
of land, it has been necessary to in
crease the stock to $1,320,000, divided
into 22,000 shares, of a par value of $00
Now Immigration Record.
Washington, July 25. Assistant
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
William It. Wheeler predicts that dur
ing the next 12 months America will
nee the greatest flood of immigrants in
her history. In an interview he de
clared today that all the aliens who
fled to Europe on the advance of hard
times last year will return, bringing
others with them to the "land of prom
ise. New York steamship companies
nlone, he says, have 600,000 return
tickets out and the reappearance of
good time will induce the foreign la
borers to return to America. Wheeler
gives it as his opinion that this influx
will be headed toward the racinc
coast, where many opportunitise await
the laborer.
Benzoic Acid Harmful.
Wnhtnirton. Julv 24. "In tho ln-
tarnst nf health both benzoic acid and
benzoate of soda should be excluded
from foofln." This is the conclusion
of Dr. Harvey Wiley, chief of the bu
reau of chemistry of the department oi
ntrriculturo. after a nro oneed investi
gation to determine the effect upon the
human system of these preservatives.
Tho chemicals were given in various
kinds of foods to Dr. Wilevs' so-called
nnlnnn nnund. nnd ho declared that
their use is highly objectionable and
produces very Berious aisturuance oi
the metabolic functions, attended with
injury to digestion and health.
PostorTices on Warships.
Wnoliinirinn. Julv 2J. Arrantre
. ' r 'i -
m.mtu nrn lininf nurfected for the in
Btallatlon of a postoffico on every ship
in the United States navy, authoriza
tinn fnr this action haviiitr been made
nt tho hist session of concress. Under
ttin nrnvisinnn of tho enabling act en
liat.wl mon on pnch shin mnv bo ap
pointed ns postmaster nnd assistant
postmaster, their regular pay uj ut- m,i sr.nn nnd S300 a vcar. resnect-
ively. They will be required to givo
bond of $100.
Baldwin Balloon Shipped.
Tnlv 23. The balloon
and frame of Captain Baldwin s dirigi
ble balloon was shipped from New
York Thursday and is expected at
Fort Mycr today. The balloon must
he assembled by July 25, according to
Hn.iirni until in crnvnrmnciii.
1 11C UUIUI rtWfc m o" - - .
i T?milrrc in chnrtrc Of
aeronautics at Port Mycr, assisted oy
the balloon squad of the signal corp.
.. nf ton mm. is lmsilv nrc-
paring for the tests to be held at the
fort within me next mumn,
Sncuro Data In Europe.
XTo,inontf Pinf. Tl. I.. JuU' 24.
At tho forenoon session today of tho
inainn. n nronosition
was submitted for tho appointment of
n subcommittee to go to uurupu u-
irust. Tho subcommittee prounoiy
will compriso senators Aitincn, num
nnd Daniel nnd Representative Pngget,
nnd Representative liurton, oi umu,
mcmUOr OI UIU tummioo.w..
in Europo, would bo tho nun meinour,
l nnd Frnud In Oklahoma.
Washington. July t 23. benator
en ot UKiaiioma is iu u-
:.i "ciiit to tin hecrtui
the courts of Oklahoma before July
, 1.-1 .1... .A.IA.1tl,lt
to set aside wuui mc k!"1"1""-"1
ii ......I frill, lllli'tlt ennvcv-
WIU COIIICH" U'K ............... - -
. ..r T.,.i:.... Imwlo 1 heodorc N.
ances i "",""'.
Rariisdale, J'lttsuurg
.....I .n C IIIM K 1 ( I 1 1 I i I L 1 1 1 . .IIIVl IJ1.1.
ii nn rt nrniullionrp 111
iliv every hum. w. ;
Inlinma arc aisu iu uc
New Bids Are Callod For.
Washington, July 22. Instructions
have been sent to the army construc
tion quartermaster at San Francisco
to Invite new bids on 30 days' notice
for the construction of the b g army
sunnly depot and the shipment station
at For Mason, Cal. The contract
was awarded to the P. J. Carlin Con
struction company, of New York,-but
I they failed to sign tnc contract,
Government Will Establish New Sta
tions in Alaska This Year. 4
Washington. Julv 23. There is
probability that, after all, wireless
stations at Nome and Fort Gibbons,
Alaska, will be established this year.
I lie chief siunal officer of the army
is advised that the steamer Ohio
reached Nome with her cargo in good
condition. The cargo includes equip
ment for the wireless station at Fort
Gibbons. As the equipment for the
Nome station was damaged by the
flooding of the hold of flic boat in
which it was shipped, it was feared
that it would be impossible to install
the Nome station this season, but now
t is believed that the working instru
ments can be got together to establish
the Nome station, and every effort
will be made to do so.
The war department is highly
pleased with the work done by the
wireless stations. It has just received
a report that the station on the Far-
ralloncs held communication with the
St. Louis for S3 hours outside of
Honolulu, 1,400 miles distant, her sig
nals coming in loud and clear. Sev
eral messages were received and
War on House Fly.
Washington, July 23. A national
campaign against the house fly and
mosquito has been planned and is
about to be begun by the government
bureau of insects, ft will cover the
entire country, and in its prosecution
measures arc to be urged by which
not only communities but whole states
will be enabled to rid themselves of
these deadly enemies of mankind. In
order to attain this end it is necessary
merely to adopt a few simple and
well-understood methods, the applica
tion of which may be entrusted to lo
cal hoards of healtli. Where the mos
quito is concerned, however, it is
deemed advisable that there should be
a general control by the state, be
cause of the fact that certain species
of these tuneful marauders are mi
gratory and liable to appear suddenly
in muiuuiuinous swarms in places iar
from their breeding areas, giving pro
found discouragement to local efforts
lowaru extermination.
Bids on Dry Dock Opened.
Washington, July 22. Bids Satur
day were opened at the navy depart
ment for the construction of drydock
No. 2, at rugct sound navy yard. I he
dock will be built of concrete and
granite. Congress appropriated $2,
000.000 for it. Bids were asked on
two alternate propositions, one a dock
883 feet long, the other a dock 740
feet long. The bids follow: Cassey
Lolisc Winters company. Seattle, $2,-
250.000 and $2,108,000: Westlakc Con
struction company. St. Louis, $2,237,
000 and $2,111.0000C J. Erickson, Se
attle, $1,G25,000; no bid on smaller
dock: Jack Black Masonry Contract
ing company, St. Louis, $1,990,190 and
$1,915,000; Puget Sound Bridge &
Dredging company, Seattle, $1,975,000
and $1,880,000.
Billion Dollar Congress Reports
Washington, July 21. The last ses
sion of congress made, necessary total
appropriations amounting to Sl,003,397,-
543.50, according to the announcement
made yesterday under the law which
requires the publication of the total vol
ume of appropriations after each session,
In addition to the appropnations'already
made, the contracts authorized by the
session require the future appropriation
of funds, for public works, aggregating
$19,443 750. This makes the total cx
pense of the session $1,037,841,293.50.
Takes Chacgo of Timber.
Washington, July 22 A joint board
representing the war department and
the bureau of forestry has taken up
the matter of preserving the forests
on military reservations. An arrange'
mcnt will be made for a benchcinl
cutting of timber and for preserving
the trees which will remain. Under
this arrangement the war department
retains control of the forests on the
reservations, and at the same time
gets the valuable services of the for
estry bureau.
Mixing Paper Lrust a Dose.
Oyster Bay, L. I., July 21. Attorney
General Bonaparte was here Saturday
in conference with President Koosevelt
regarding the prosecution of the paper
trust. After his conference with 1'rcsv
dent Roosevelt Attorney General Bona
parte, in answer to questions, said:
"The only trust I know anything about
is the vicious reporter trust of Oyster
No Notice of Lumber Rate Appeal
Washington, July 22. Judge Martin
A. Knapp, chairman of the interstate
commerce commission. Saturday stat
cd that he had not been officially in
formed that the transcontinental rail
roads would contest the commission's
decision in the lumber rate cases, but
he has heard in an indirect way that
they are considering such a course,
A. Y.-P. Money Available.'
Washington. July 22. The treasury
department Monday notihed W. Al
Gcddcs, currency distributing officer
for the exposition company, that the
government appropriation for the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition at
Seattle, amounting to $000,000, is now
Uncle Sam Demands Protection.
Washington, July 21. The state de
nartment yesterday made a demand on
the Persian foreign office to take up the
demands of the United States govern
ment for the protection of American
missionaries and their property at
labriz, .
Railroad Companies Cannot Increase
Rates by Concerted Action.
Washington, July 20. The interstate
commerce commission may take action
on the increased freight rates agreed to
at the meeting of the Southeastern
rcight association and 'the Southeast
ern Mississippi Valley association, at
Louisville, Ky., Saturday, when the new
tariffs arc filed with the commission by
the roads having membership in these
two associations. Action cannot be
taken by the commission on its own in
itiative or on the complaints of ship
pers or shippers' associations. If the
nterstate commerce commission should
find that the increase in freight rates
was made through concerted action, and
that there was -evidence that the Sher
man anti-trust law was violated, atten
tion will in all probability be called to
the matter.
In speaking of the powers of the in
terstate commerce commission where an
advance in freight rates has been made
oy any railroad, cnairman Jtuiapp, oi
the commission, said:
The railroads must file their tariffs
with the commission with 30 days' no
tice of a contemplated change. Changes
in rates between competitive points must
be made simultaneously by all the roads
operating between those points. This
in a measure protects the shipper. When
railroad files notice of an increase in
its freight rates the commission can on
its own motion make an investigation as
to the reasonableness of the advance.
"In a case where the commission acts
on its own motion, however, it cannot
issue an order. If a shipper makes a
complaint to the commission against a
railroad charging an unjust increase ot
rates, each side is given a hearing, and
the commission can then issue an order
based on its decision in the case.
Should it develop that the increase
was made through concerted action, the
commission would very likely refer the
matter to the attorney general. The
department of justice can also call upon
the commission to investigate as to the
reasonableness in rates.
Government Accepts Montana,
Washington. Tulv 22. The new hat
tlshlp Montana'has been accepted by
the navy department. Captain Alfred
Keynoms ts in charge.
Shah Has Lost Control of North
ern Half of Territory.
Artillery Captured and Reactionary
Leaders Seek Asylum With
Russian Cossack Guards.
St. Petersburg, July 21. A dis
patch from Tabriz, by courier post to
Julfa. affirms that the shah's cause in
northern Persia is lost.
The artillery and ammunition which
were abandoned by Rachin Khan,
who was commander-in-chief of the
troops during his flight from Tabriz,
passed into the hands of the revolu
tionists, who are now in full posses
sion of the city. The shah's palace
as been turned into the revolution
ary' headquarters.
I he reactionaries, who had taken
refuge in the Russian bank and the
Russian consul, M. Fohitinoff, have
gain retired to the consul s country
villa outside the city, which is being
guarded by a large detachment of
cossacks. The casualties resulting:
irom the recent bombardment and
fighting between the troops and rev
olutionists were slight.
Transcontinental Shippers Claim Rate
Ruling Fatal to Oriental Trade.
San Francisco, July 20. The South
crn Pacific and Sata Fe railroads and
the Pacific Mail Steamship company are
preparing to have a hearing before
tho interstate commerce commission on
the question of transcontinental rates
for goods shipped across the Pacific
ocean. The new rule of the commis
sion compels the railroads to charge the
same price for these goods as for any
other, whereas it had been customary
for the railroads to make this rate
cheaper to the steamship companies
ihe information that the interstate
commerce commission has decided to
postpone until Octobor the day on which
the rate would become effective, because
of a protest from Japan, has given the
railroads and steamship company time
to act.
The plea will be made to the inter
state commerce commission that steam
ers traveling through the Suez canal
will get the trade if the transcontinental
roads are not allowed to juggle rates
as they please. The steamers change
their rates often and quickly, they say,
and if the American railroads are com
pelled to adhere to the published rate
they will lose this oriental business.
Disaffection in Turkish Army.
Constantinople. Turkey. July 18.
After months of quiet, "things are
doing" again in Turkey, and are tak
ing a serious turn. Ihe troops in
Macedonia threaten to get entirely
out of hand. They are mutinous be
cause pay day never arrives. Uften
men whose time has expired have
been kept with the colors for years.
owing to lack of money to pay them
off. From time to time mutinies have
developed in various towns, and occa
sionally a little money has been sent
to troops to tide over some highly
dangerous crisis. Now a new ele
ment of danger appears in "young
Turkey." This party is proving ex
tremely active among the troops, and
numerous incidents show the trend
of events'.
Comes Home an Invalid.
New York, July 20. Alton Gard, dis-
tict governor of Lanao, Philippines, who
was shot and seriously injured while at
tempting to arrest the datto of Lanao for
the murder of a 1 ennessean, a settler in
the province, and who arrived in this
city Saturday, was taken to Koosevelt
Gard was treated in Alanila, but it was
thought there might be serious results
from the iron bullets, and he was ad
vised to return to this country. At the
hospital last night it was said that he
was resting comfortably after his 10,000
mile journey.
Tongs Doom Prosecutor.
Sacramento, Cal., July 20. Because
he succeeded in causing the conviction
of Mar Gin Suie on a charge of mur
der, District Attorney Eugene S. Wa
chorst has had a price set on his head
by certain Chinese societies ot this city
and has been warned to be on his guard
Mar Gin Sine, a. well-known highbinder,
murdered Lee lonj, a Hing tongman
A jury Saturday night decided that Mj
Sine was guilty of murder in the first
Says Revolution Is Crushed.
New York, July 20. The Ass6ciafe
Press has received the following dis
patch from General Davila, president of
Honduras :
"Tegucigalpa, Honduras, July 17.-
The government has put an end to the
revolutionary movement in 10 days. The
decisive battle was fought at Nacaome,
The enemy was defeated and escaped
into Salvador.
Ohio Referendum Law Uphold.
Cleveland. July 20. The new inltia
live and referendum state law was held
to be constitutional today by Judgi
Chapman in common pleas court. The
test case will he carried to the state su
preme court for final decision.
Success of Insurgents at Tabriz En
courages Revolutionists.
Teheran, July 21. The successes
of the revolutionaries at Tabriz, con
cerning which news is beginning to
reach here, have encouraged the local
revolutionary leaders and caused ap
prehensions of renewed disturbances.
Rapid preparations are being made to
concentrate the shah's forces, and
1000 horsemen of the nomadic tribes
at Bakhtier have arrived on the out
skirts of the city. Quarters are being
prepared for them in the vicinity of
the shah's palace, which is becoming:
rapidly transformed into a fortress.
Guns have been mounted oh the walls
commanding the city in all directions.
A strong party led by Amir Boga-
tur, which now has the urtper hand,
has informed the shah that the re
establishment of order awaits his in
structions. The reactionaries are ac
tively at work among the populace
collecting signatures to petitions ask
ing the shah to abrogate the consti
tution, and a memoir to the same ef
fect is'' being prepared for presenta
tion to Great Britain and Russia.
Sultan in Furious Rage.
London, July 21. A special dis
patch from Constantinople to the
Uaily; ielegraph says there is not
the slighest doubt that Turkey is
suffering the greatest crisis in her
nternal affairs that it is possible to
The sultan, continues the corre
spondent, is furious with his minis
ters, whom he holds responsible for
the situation in Macedonia, and whom
he accuses of misleading him as to
the true facts of the situation. They
have advised him to pardon the of
ficers now awaiting court-martial on
the charge of assisting the Young:
Turkey" agitation, but he obstinately
refuses to do this, and declares that
the ministers are traitors.
The sultan threatens to remove the
officers of the third army corps and
crush the Albanians by force.
Appreciates Act of Generosity.
Pekin. July ?.l. It was announced
here yesterday that the Chinese gov
ernment has decided to appoint Tang
Shao Yi, governor, of Moukden prov
ince, as high commissioner to the
United States to thank the American
government for remitting a part of
the boxer indemnity. Ihe govern
ment intends to send 100 students to
the United States every year for four
years, and then 50 a year until the
enure amount oi tne indemnity re
mitted by the United States has been
expended. This is only pirt of a
plan to bring China into closer rela
tions with America.
Find Graft at Molokai.
Honolulu, July 21. The federal
grand jury, which has just completed
an investigation of the government
work on the leper island of Molokai,
which consists in the construction of
a big leporsarium or hospital for the
patients, has discovered that all -the
employes engaged in this work are
aliens, and tha't they pay 20 per cent
of their wages to persons who pro
cure them their situations. 1 he re
port of the jury urges that American
citizens be employed on all federal
and public works.
Infected Rats at Seattle.
Seattle, July 21. Four more sus
pected rats under investigation at the
laboratory conducted by Dr. Chapin.
of the United States public health and
marine hospital service were yester
day given a positive diagnosis and
declared plague-infected. These ani
mals were taken from the woodyard
at Eight avenue and Madison street.
Out of 54 rats caught m that vicinity
and examined at the plague labora
tory nine have been positively diag
nosed as plague-infected.
Potter Suffers Relapso.
Coopcrstown, N. Y., July 21.
Btshon Henry C. Potter, who has
been iu since June 27, at Fcrnlelgh,
Mrs. Potter's home here, suffered a
relapse yesterday, and last night his
condition was again grave. Dr J. E.
Janvrin said: "The bishop Sunday
passed the most comfortable day dur
ing his sickness. Yesterday morning
he suffered a relapse, and during the
day he has been uneasy and In some
nnin T ast night he was resting com-'
fortably, however,"