- at mtfuifli). nen. Sundaywlth re!,v t . nmn 11 r -fc I 111"- . . U" ntddfUMlSt.WM Ihr? I.iH""" 10 . , sit was n visitor v . .... nfl lCWCCK. ' Tivlor of Mnycrcck, wn iiinnie''s'w ...... pi -- S.inMW"" " ...... II" I . J..tt I.IKI .Tilt' t.iu Darneu , f hi iw"" " i" i ...is in Lwrru i" i. u a i r l tlivci hll 13"-" " .Ai tC"-. ..... i-... m i it n nil iTinnii'ii ...trnnn n"j - , - J IUI . ...... I., ilv IMP i inn fin " . i.,vva!in i"" . ' mawnE . -iwn 01 His """ft- " it. . . anil i i 1.. . . .1 ... Itin. .... - .ti u inr i lie ' ui aim is " .i . nrrv KC lUi " Mil. I " . L . .... nl II, pmim, unci'" " wimnttK? If IP - . hu ftfrunii i ui ; miucia m ----- WIN"" . l.tntnn lelUMCU I m.im a week or more, - - i it . .am inn nnr ii 1 1 ic (iiiiiiiit- r v iviwh it Thuri(!iv from n visit ni Kt uit; hnmc from Sislcrs, i r l. i.k.J U-n wlttl :i hAtlll UI SUCCP w in n"w -- K . t i ...I.. I... ItNMn in II . I ... t TvAitl ' . . .. . .i . .l.r... t(.l.n.lil .... trl. nl fltttt - ... .. i.-ii . ... I DUD1IC II Luruui V I11VHCU III Witflom oi Luivtr, was in town .. I . . . !, ttitog ready for the harvest at A&A, incidentally it may lie tafirmtrs in ihc Culver court- hntsta eoou avci,uc cron this Ere, a nephew of Charles Dye lmtrwl hr fmtw Qili'Hrimt IrtA Inil - . tlh lrTfif.i.i Jt, II... ir OO"" "J wi ISOttnmi In rriii.iin n Ih . sd ttUDlovmcnt. " Call. A. Knlimiiin nut n mng trcujjh near ihc sidewalk mtr iim. n...i . a ...ii .. . thkty stock these hoi COODCCted Willi llii- -luvii 9UU1IIIC1 die siorc o l-ll UIICll WIU1 CHOI TVtl ut nl (ii.i,. ....... ... i i - . wLiuimicd wieir nisi "viivua nnn nr. ... ...I. i i uy way oi Pfactmlttf fftiAUM ii... .i i u iurvr)u niii ...til ii ...... eillJthe perminent location II (nnr nl .1.. . .... , . v. me new M K. floirll i nn i. - win mini) rlf. pvr.nl II. i .vine 5 ii now nr.. rt. ... i . iiev exneci o C'fS completed early in the ftlA.k . " j Mitne Hihi mri...r.i.i. "Jiiiiuiiaiiic - me county. t " Wig, Who I, in.ltrl "U""C in M.lr ...i .ii . , V1 tork f ,lri ,ltl C )r'S Monday. Ferof the,.,,,.,. K . " I "VI.I IIILU' e.. w" ues( ,iu ii.. i , ui an..i n j " lvei,,ttWMk :',lot eu new lin..,. M...ir..... . I'lcmuiii, joe Stuart of Youngs, was In town Tuesday. J..C. Hush, (lie Lnmonta merchant, win In town the first of the week. A. Merchant 'nnil wfe were in town Momiay.from their home near Culver. Mrs. M. Ii. Ilrndford was In town Tuesday from her liome near the Cove. Mrs, Dwljjht Roberts of Culver, and Mrs. Lcmmons of Portland, who is visit ing her, were in Madras the first of the week, U. Cook returned Saturday eveii' in,; from Portland, where he attended the (jrand lodge of the A. 0 U. W , as a (Iclqgnte from the Madras lodge. L. II. Tiffany and his daughtrr, Mis Crtrrie, were over from tlie Wnrnnpriiig agency last Sunday, visiting at lie home of Anton liatnlglu on Agency Plains. Frnnk Forest rcliuncd Sitturday after noOn from California, where he spent the past two weeks on business connected with the prospect work of the Madras Oil Co., of which he is president. J. H. McDowell and wife returned last Saturday evening from n three weeks visit nt ISrowiisville. They drove across the mountains, and Mr. McDowell s,ays he has never seen the mountain road in fetich good condition. A representative of Murphy, Giant & Co , the San Francisco wholesale dry goo3rfirm, was interviewing local mer chants the first of the week, This was the first tiip of n representative of that firm in Central Oregon since the earth quake which almost destroyed San Fran cisco over three years ago. Mrs. 11, J. Hcily of Culver, was in town Tuesday and filed upon a timber claim before Commissioner Osborn, The claim is over in the Matoles country, where a number of good claims have been located in-lhe past year. These claims are getting scarce, however, and anyone who finds a vacant timber claim is fortunate. Samuel Rush, father of Mrs. J, W. Robinson, visited the latter in Madras the first of the week. Mr. Ruth is one of the pioneer citizens or this end of the county, having resided in the Lnmonta country for 24 years. He met with an accident two years alio, breakini; his hip, from which he is CLASSIFIED LOCALS Mil CII COWS for hhIo-A few yotina omcj frefili itinl wfill broken. A V WARRUN, Ilayerct-k, Oregon . Pleaio do not itk for credit, but hi lug your cuhIi and get more good for tlio snmo monoy. A. 0. Sniford. II. M. Davis, formerly a resident of this place, is now located at Fish Lake on the Santiam road. He is conducting a small Summer resort there, and is pre pared to take good care of campers and travelers and their teams. Fish Lake is one of the Ideal camping places of the Cascades. FOUND, near Sluiulko, on l'rlncvlllu road; u pnlrof gnlil'Hmrnud gliiHHca. Owner o ui Imvo humo by applying ut 1 III oflluo. 1 V FRANK IRVINIC own (ho Hlxnon Hani nt Antidopi', and nnlicitH.a slum- of tin- piitrouiiKO of tlio travel lug public. Cjiiml fciMi yard in con nection, wllh baled wlieiit liny for hhIu, and good iieooininodutloitH for freighter' It-limn. A completo mipply of legal Dlun Ich for nlo Inoludlni,' Wflrmnly and quitclaim deudn, real, chattel nml moji innrlKiigeR, etc. .ItiHtlce court blankH and JiiHtlee court work HHpeoliilty. Notary Public. F, J. RrookH. J. 0. & M. A. Robhinon an; ngeiitH for I lie MeCormlck lino of RluderH uiul Htirvcbt Inn inacliluory, etc. Uuy a McCorrnloU" and you will buy the bent. SCHHBN DOORS. A full Mode on baixl; priceH ar r'lisl't. You need one or two at once. A. C. Suiford. Not Coal Laud H0.MH3TFAD. Notice for l'libllca tlou. J)i'itrt mt'itt of tlio Interior, U. 8. L-iml Olllce nt Tlio Dulles, Ore gon, July 10, 11)08. Notice, In hereby given that CI1AULH3 A. WIIIT8ETT, of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 24, 11)02, inado Hoinefiteud Jin try (Serial No. 0107) No. 10725, for ne e 17, tp 12 h, r IB e, w m, Hum filed notice of intention to make 11 mil (lvi-.vi'iir oroof. In chIiiIiIIhIi leg near thejclulm to the land ubove described be- still a little lame. ' fore Frank Ontiorn, U. S. Conimia- lul.IM.LK ... l.l .111.... .. . t (l.. but otherwise he is very hale and hearty J 2lll, ,hiy of St,pU'tni.er, 1008. and does not look within a score of his 79 years. Porcupines arc proving to be .1 pest at the Cove Orchard, and a number have been killed there in the past week or so. Fred Fulgham, who works at the Cove, killed three of them. Thursday night. The porcupines ate attracted by the tender berry sprouts and the leaves on the fruit trees, especially the pear trees, several of which they neatly 'stripped of foliage. They do not eat the fruit but pull off the leaves and the young sprouts from the berry vines, nnd one of thcili can do a good deal of damage in one night. Claimant iiiiiiil-h as wIlnesMui-: Charles V Hunter, Frank Hunter, George H Kilhii(;beck , George Feiil ner, ull of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MooitK, J23-u27 Register A. E. PETERSEN 1 1 ANTELOPE, OREGON t RAINBOW PACKINU and GhiH?c8 for tbrosblng etiglnos, Abo prcMFuil Btvul muebluo oilers and Mexican grnphlto cup gteace, nt J. 0. & M. A. Robinson's. 1 Glume 1 f ! Watchmaker :4T and jevraei Jewelry of all kindi made to or der and repaired. Settingt for Precioui Stone made. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED i Edward G. Pease Go. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORE 1 OUR NEW STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS AND WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS IN SUMMER SILKS WASH GOODS Exclusive Shirt Waist Pieces Exclusive Silk Dress Pieces Of the latest shades and patterns Laiies1 Snmmer Underwear in ell varieties Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings We have a full line of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS A new and up-to-date stock of Suit Gases, Glufi Bags, Telescopes OXTie STOKE! IS HE-a.DQ'CrESI'EISSS EOIS FISHING TACKLE, TENTS, WAGON COVERS EDWARD C. THE : PEASE COMPANY, Inc. SHANIKO STORE The Chief Study of This Store Is to Satisfy Its Customers Pacific Horse Liniment is prepared expressly (or the needs of horsemen and ranchmen. It is a powerful and pene trating liniment, a remedy lor emergen cies. A soothing embrocation for the relief of pain, and the best liniment for sprains and soreness.' Unequaled for curing the wounds and Injuries of BARBED WIRE and for healing cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment is fully guaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in so many ways. If It fails to satisfy, we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. CXTRA lAHGC BOTTlta FI-TV CENTS HOYT CHEMICAL Co., Portland, One. BOOKLET titakSITo FREE Trout Creek Sawmi s ASHWOOD, OREGON NOT IN THE TRUST Jtills 14 miles from liaycreek. Rough Lumber $11.00 per thousand at the mill. Flooring and finishing lumber fUO.OO por thousand. Other prices ill proportion. Address GEO. It. LEE, Mgr., Aslnvood, Oregon 0HM rubies Prices Slashed - - - For CASH LIVERY The best in Shaniko Good Stock. Careful Drivers Best of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices j D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Q ' 5 5 WE ARE GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY & 1 " ii i n uWrrr I. . D. BAKING POWDER Al 1-2 lb, can 20c 1 " 40c 3 " " 1.10 5 ' " 1.65 I JVlll 1.... . fiat. i Li. , c " v"yia:r "U invr. n.i i .i.i spit nr .1.. . M-,""u - . uie l.lln i . . . ... - inati-cik i . ... , r-vt h..L... M the . V ,,,,IM' I,Cllrb n,,U V in Cro i . ."""- Mr IU...I. . Li - "-'CLfli IliwlQ it ..n.l.T Columbia Oats 40c Puffed rice 2 for 25c force 2 for 25c 35C A TIN ALL OTHER COFFEES 5c OFF PER LB. BEANS Pink, 5c Small white, 6C Large u 6r Lima. 8c Corn meal 40c Homony 40c Al Japan rice 86 lb; Soda 3 for 25c lb. ii h a All Granite Ware 15 per ct. off the Dollar I Silverware and Cutlery 15 per ct. off selling price Screen doors, $ 1 . 1 0 and $ 1 .20 CEDAR Doors will go AT COS I WINDOWS, all sizes, AT COST UNIVERSAL RANGES Wc have several thai will go at the Lowest possihle Price FOR CASH Afe7n& FORjASH OB WE WILL TAKE OBAIH AT MArtKET PRICES III MAMAS "MgTAGGART & BYE tim. m. TO THE PUBLIC: 1 have decided lo change ihy terms of trade to A CASH BASIS That is to say, Cash or its equivalent, and in SO doing I pfopdse to offer you good desira- ble supplies at the Lowest Possible Prices COME AND INVESTIGATE A. C SANFORD r I i s I I I - m I CQUnl., f. ..... : 1 """llSSe'nSSr MADRAb) UKh. MADRAS, OREGON . v ' ' urc iiir.i .n.. -i . una hi. ..... I m r m B.iiiiiin. nl u,v.rookf,i .. . ' . : iwki... .. " v- liuruc. s one - Vl mu end o'l .... i'iuw&ik'aiwn j. . ..x. 11 1 1 mi m 11 'twi- -iMty-- i-n n ivia