The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 30, 1908, Image 2

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    Strong and Steady
CIIAPTKIt XVII. (Continued.)
Ho begnn to renlnce the book in Jts
brown paper covering.
"I don't know oat I might give you
-wenty-fivo cents more. Come, now, I'll
givo you two dollnrs nnd a quarter."
"I can't take. It," Bald Walter, shortly
"Three dollars and- a half Is the price,
and I will not take a cent less."
"You won't get It out of ine, then,"
etorted the lady, slamming the door In
Walter had already made up his mind
to this effect, and had started on his way !
to the gate.
"I wonder if I shall meet many people
like her?" he thought, and he felt Borae
whnt despondent.
Walter began to think that selling
' nooks would prove a harder and more dis
agreeable business than he had antici
pated. He had been brought face to face
with meanness and selfishness, and they
inspired him with disgust and indigna
tion. Not that lie expected everybody
to buy his books, even if they could af
ford it. Still, it was not necessary :o in
sult him by offering half price.
Ho walked slowly up tie street, won
dering if he should meet any more sufth
customers. On the opposite side of the
street he noticed a small shoemaker's
"I suppose it is of no use to to tn
there," thought Walter. "If they won't
buy at a big house, there .isn't much
chance here."
Still he thought he would go in. He
flail" plenty of time on his hands, and
might as well let slip no chance, however
small. He pushed open the door, and
fount himself in a shop about twenty-hve
feet square, littered up with leather shav
ings and finished and unfinished shoes. A
boy of fourteen was pegging, ami his
father, a man of middle age, was finish
ing a shoe.
"Good-morning," said Walter.
"Good-morning." said the shoemaker,
turning round. "Do you want a pair of
shoes this morning?"
"Xo," said Walter, "I didn't come to
Guy, but to sell."
"Well, what have you got to sell?"
"A subscription book, finely illustrat
ed." "Let me look at it."
He wiped his hands on his apron, and.
taking the book, began to turn over the
"It seems like a good book," he said.
'-'Does it sell well?"
"Yes, it sells largely. I have only jnst
commenced, but other agents are doing
well on it."
"That's the way to talk. How muds
do you expect to get for this book?"
"The price is three dollars and a half."
"It's rather high."
"But there are a good many pictures.
Those are what cost money."
"Yes, I suppose they do. Well, I've a
great mind to take one."
"T riWt think you'll regret It A good
nook will give you pleasure for a long
"mint's ko. Well, bore's the money.
Walter was all the more pleased at ef-
MinP this sale, because it was uncx
pected. He had expected to sell a book
at the great house he had just called at,
i..,t- thought that the price of the book
might deter the shoemaker, whose income
probably was not large.
Twin, the next hour W alter failed to
cell another copy. At length he managed
to sell a second. As these were all he
had brought with him, and he was feel-in-
somewhat tired, he went back to the
tavern, and did not come out again till
after dinner.
Walter found a good dinner ready for
film at 12 o'clock, which he enjoyed the
more because he felt that he had earned
it In advance. He waited till about -
ti.,-i, nirnin set out. this time in
n different direction. In some places he
was received politely; in others he was
treated as a humbug. But Walter was by
this time getting accustomed to his pofd
fl found that he must meet dis
agreeable people with as good humor-as
i. rould command. One farmer was will-
i tilt the book if he would accept
t i r,n!P. of which he offered him
two barrels -r but this offer he did not for
n moment entertain, judging that he
would find it difficult to carry about the
apples, and probably mracuii 10 u.
thorn. However, he managed to sell
two copies, though he had to call at twen
ty Places to do It. Nevertheless, he f.-lt
well repaid by the degree of success be
-mut with.
i7io hnoks sold to-day !" thought Wal
ter, complacently, as he started on bis
wik home. "That gives me six dollars
nnd a quarter profit,
i thnt lin."
But our young merchant found that ho
was not likely to keep up such sales. The
tu.xt day he sold but two copies, and the
5" ,lin!r three. Still, for three
days aud a half the aggregate sale was
eleven copies, making a clear profit of
thirteen Conors uuu tciuh.;-"" ..........
the end of the week he had sold twenty
copies; ui w rr-r7'- ' ,,,
I wish I could
had been obliged to vfslt one or two neigh
'.oring villages.
n nnw nrenared to raovo on. Tn
next nlace at which he proposed to atop
?or a few day- . wl cal1 RoUn', IIc
had already written io a
fresh supply of books to be forwards!
to hlra there, lie nau out two
.1 iita lin tfn ore belnir contained In u
small valise, he decided to wa k the dis
tance, partly out of economy, but princi
pally because it would enable him to see
the country at his leisure. During the
.nil lie succeeded In selling
both books, which relieved him of the
burden of carrying tiiem, leayiog mm v.v
his- valise.
Wnitnr was strong and stout, nnd en
joyed his walk. There was a freshness
'.i it ohmit his nresent mode ol
film iiuivii- -
nr- ,hiMi ha liked. He did not imagin
be should like to be a book agent all bw
iif- but for a time he. found It quite
He stopped under the shade of a tarco
elm and ate the lunch which ho had
bt ought with him from the inn. The
sandwiches and apples were good, and,
witn ino audition of some water from a
stream near by, made a very acceptable
luncn. When he resumed bis walk after
resting a couple of hours, tho weather had
changed. In the morning it was bright
sunshine. Now the clouds had gathered,
and n storm seemed imminent. To make
matters worse, Walter had manned to
stray from tho road. Ho found himself
walking in a narrow lane, lined on either
side by thick woods. Soon tho rain came
pattering down, at first in small drops.
but quickly poured down in a drenching
shower. Walter took refuge in tho woods,
congratulating himself that ho had sold
the books, which otherwise would ".lave
run tho risk of being spoiled.
I wish there were some house nearby
In which I could rest," thought Walter.
Tho prospect of being benighted in tho
oods in such weather was far ftom
Looking around anxiously, he espied a
mall footpath, which he followed, honing.
but hardly expecting, that It might lead
to some place of refuge. To his agree
able surprise he emerged after a few min
utes into a small clearing, perhaps half
an acre In extent, in tho middle of which
was a rough cabin. It .was n strange
place for a house, but, rude as it was,
Walter, bailed its appearance with ioy.
At all events It promised protection from
the weather, and the people who occu
pied It would doubtless be willing to glv-
him, for pay, of course, supper and lodg
ing. Probably the accommodations would
not be first class, but our hero was pre
pared to take what he could get, and be
thankful for it. Accordingly he advanced
fearlessly and pounded on tho door with
his fist, as there was neither bell nor
The door not being opened immediately,
he pounded again. This time a not par
ticularly musical voice was heard from
"Is that you, Jack?"
"No," answered Walter, "It isn't Jack."
His voice was probably recognized as
that of a .boy, and any apprehension that
might have been felt by the person with
in was dissipated. Walter heard a bolt
withdrawn, and the door opening, reveal
ed a tall, gaunt, bony woman, who ycd
him in a manner which could not be con
sidered very friendly or cordial.
Who are you?" she demanded abrupt
ly, keeping the door partly closed.
I am a book agent," said Walter.
Do you expect to sell any books here?"
asked the woman, with grim humor.
"No," said Walter, "but I have been
caught in the storm, and lost my way.
Can I stop- here over night If the storm
should hold on?"
"This Isn't a tavern," said the woman,
No, I suppose not," said Walter; "but
It will be a favor to me if you will tak?
me in, and I will pay you whatever you
think right. I suppose there is no tavern
He half hoped there might be, for he
had,already made up his mTnd that this
would not be a very agreeable place to
stop at.
"There's one five miles off," said the
"That's too far to go in such weather.
If you'll let me stay here, I will pay you
whatever you ask. in advance.
Humph ! ' said the woman, doubtful
ly, "I don't know how Jack will like it.'
As Walter could know nothing of the
sentiments of the Jack referred to, he re
mained Rilent, and waited for tho woman
to make up her mind, believing that she
would decide in his favor. He proved to
be right.
"Well," she said, half unwillingly, "I
don't know but I'll take you in, though
it isn't my custom to accommodate tiav-elers."
"I will try not to give you much trou
ble," said Walter, relieved to find that
he was sure of food and shelter.
"numph!" responded the woman.
She led he way into the building,
which appeared to contain two rooms on
tho first floor, and probably the tame
number of chambers above. There was
no entry, but the door opened at once
into the kitchen.
"Come up to tho fire it you're wet,"
said the woman.
The invitation was hospitable, but the
manner was not. However, Walter was
elad to accept the invitation, without
thinking too mucn or toe maimer in wmcu
it was expressed, for his clothes were
pretty well saturated by the rain. There
was no stove, but an old brick fireplace,
nn which two stout logs were burning.
There was one convenience, at least, uxut
living in tho woods fuel was auunuant.
and required nothing but the labor of cut
ting It.
"I think I'll take off my shoes," said
"You, can if you. want to,' said his grim
hostess. , ..
He extended his wet feet toward the
fire, nnd felt a seuse of comfort stealing
over him. Ho could hear the rain fall
ing fiercely against the sides of the cabin
and felt glad that he was not compelled
to stand the brunt of the storm.
TTn looked around him guardedly, not
wishing to let his hostess see that he was
doing so, for she iookcci into oiiu .., ,.nnllv be offended. The room seem
ed remarkably bare of furniture. There
was an unpaintcd table, and there were
also three chairs, one of which had msf
Its back. These were plain wooden cha'.rs,
and though tlwy appeared once to have
Cn nnlntod. few vestiges of the original
paint now remained. On a shelf wens n
few articles of tin, but no articles of
crockery were visible, except two cracked
ivtthr had before this visited the
dwellings of the poor, but ho .ad never
seen a home po poony juuviucu
what are generally regarded as me net
onrlafl f life.
"I wonder what horn would say if ijf
should see me now," tnougnt Ynpr.
! inr hnrk to the ICssex Ulatuh
cal Institute, and the friend whose studies
ho shared. They seemed far away, t.tvfta
doys of careless happiness, when as yet
tho burdens of life wer tinfelt and scarce
ly oven dreamed of. Did Walter sigh
for their return? I think not, except on
one nccount His father was then ailve,
nnd ho would have given years of his own
life to recall that loved parent from the
grave. But I do not think ho would Inve
cared, for tho present at least, to give
up his business career, humble though it
was, and go back to his studies. Ho en
joyed the novelty of his position. He
enjoyed even hla present adventure, in
spito of tho discomforts that attended it,
and there was something exciting in look
TY..,.rr,fl.nlto lCxpcrlinoi.tlHfT.
Tn tho ontlro ronlin of Bclcntlilo In-
i. . I .-. ... niAm tlltrtl
vnat irni on iiicru in uuiuiuk ' v.-
cstliiB and marvelous tlmn tho growth
nnd development of plnntn from tho
beslrnliiK or tho gerinltintlon or mo
seed to tho reproduction of tho gorin.
unrh rinocles of plant hits Its distinct
ive chnrncter nnd life hnblts nnd only
nourishes where nnturnl conditions nro
fnvornhlo to Kb growth. To ntUUn nny
tii.irnm of perfection, tho Boll nnd dim-
. . .. .....
nto combined must bo bucii ns uiu
plnnts require, although n modern to do-
Guarded ns ho had been in looktne
nround him, it did not escapo without
fr, of.,i.,n0n nr n hnrso dcnonda crW 0f success niny bo nttnlned when
Ing about him, nnd realizing that ho was largely upon tho quality of his feet. If cither of theso factors nro not exactly
urn-si in a rougu cauin in uio miu&i " they nro sound nnd well tnlccn enre oi suited to its growui, out wiiu .i
the woods, a thousand miles away from ... ,,, f ..., nn(1 Work well, nro ,ieflclent In nny consldernblo de
but If they nro defective nnd neglected Rreo tho plnnt cirn not bo succcssiuiiy
Ills lmnfnlnnsq lq linnn Iml nnd ho enn crown. except by nrtlflclnl menus
not- ho tiPtiPiiiiivl on In nnv emergency, whereby the necessary nnturnl condl-
vii t.i i- i nn ho iq iinhio. when his services nro nona nro crentetl. If tho chemical com-
" VH J If lit 1 14 IllltlJa L 11 la ) Ik WUUft L'ltkVVi -f " .1 . . . I
Isn't it?" asked tho woman, suddenly. most needed, to become partially ir not position of tho soil Is rnvoruuie, nun
I don't know." said Walter, wbh nc whnllv disabled, result UK in scriouB 0llmnt c conditions Ulirnvorooie, uio
to be polite. loss to IiIh owner. Hut few horses arc inMer enn bo created nrtlllclally BUcli
Thats what you're thinking, I'll war- mrn .vin, ...ft rPOt. Vet tho defects nR ..rotectlon from cold nnd excessive
rant," said tho .woman. "Well, yoa'ie h careful treatment nro often entire- nwit nmi ncic 0f moisture nnd, like 1215 Magna Cliarta signed br tri.
not obliged to stay, if you don't want . n,so horsuB wlth B0Und w ,f tho Bol, ,8 aeilclcnt In tho John. 7 Mlt
tO. . .. .... i I,., thn i 11,,. .ilnut nu 1ftrt '!, I.. . .
"But T Ho wnnt tn nn.l T nm vorv '"OOIS nro pmcticniiy UJ ClieilllCUl Clfliiuiuu ttini.ii . , w.muiyiuiii icu WUMOC to txnh-
much obUgoS to yoi ! for SoienUw to Igaornnco or carelessness of blnck- Llllrc8, (lu.y cnn ,)0 lu,ded to, but In tho lake which hears hU nam"
take me," said Walter, hastily. smiths. either enso tho process is inuorioun mm unv uiinmpmin di-rented tho Iroouoli
"You snld you would pay in advance," The proper shoeing of horses nnd tho expensive nnd tho results uiisutisfac- near thu mouth of Die Itlchellea
said the woman. general enre of their feet Is a matter tory ,ll pinntB nro Indigenous to river.
So I will." said Walter, inking out that should receive tho strict attention ccrtnln kinds of soli, nnd all soils nro 1700 MndrJd entered br tlm Rn.iu ...
his pockctbook, "if you will tellNno how of .., fnriPr. and vet. ns n rule, pspiwlnllv adapted to the growth of Portuguese.
uiucii i uin to pay. It Is wnfnllv noclected. The farmer ,rtnlu
lou may glvo me n dollar," said the . . . , ,..,., of the natural nt i
woman. . . . , 4 i, . ' ,. 0.;ii.. trln.
r rvTiii tiT rT n nrir-uii m iikii. nil net i v t it iinr iiitiifiifiiiriiH niili Lnni iiii.i " "
kinds of plants, nnd tinturo can 17-11 Alirnnco between OcorRe II ci
Improved upon In any way. nor England and Marie Tuorewi ot Auj.
r iinnrinnpii's bn Biieccssfu'lly trln.
Walter drew out a roll of bills, nnd, nb,0 t dotcrmlno whetlier tho nnlmnl reIne(Ucd by artificial means. In order. 1745 Loiilsbourft, N. 8., taken br ik,
fho w'mnnn0n " ' s clUB Properly shod or not. nnd thereforo. to bo successful In his bus!- Hrltlnh from tho French. J
She took It, glancing covetously at tho wulI Uint 18 uoniS iX0ZQ 110 BUUl"" ncss, tho runner must "kocp ciohu iu jiMi-mmm oi uunxcr inn.
tnainlng money, which he replaced in his never go away and leave tho smith to nnture nnd mnri; well her wnys." lie 1778 British evacuated Philadelphia.
rnmninlnt- mnnnv tvhlnli Iia ronlnrtvl
pockctbook. Walter noticed the glance, slight tho work to get through with It mu8t rnl8C ony HUCj, cropH ns nro best nn.V-City 0f Arclmngcl. In lumL,
ana, uiougn ue wns noi mciinca to uo sus- or ouicner us icci u nu uum "i adapted to mo sou oi um num, u v- nunsin, nenny (K-fttroyed by fire.
picious, k gavo mm a vaguo iceiimr ot derstnnu ins business. cordnnce with bis
(To be continued.)
aieunivhtle, Jim O inter Snt By,
AVatchliiR the atonnrch'a Work.
experience, nnd 170.1 Union Colleen fnnn.!,i t oa....
While no dellnlto rules for shoeing .vlloliv refrn fr0m extensive oxperM tndy. N. Y.
horses cnn be given, some general prln- ment8 wtj, HUC, ftH nro 0f doubtful 1812 United Stntes C.onrrM a...,
--. t... 1 I... ..11 mm. i - ...... "
cipicu nru uciiiiott iL-uK.n uj utiuiy. war ngninsi urcat Hrltaia.
potent norsesiioers, nnmciy, uiu -..
shonld novnp ho tMit oxcent to remove Keep. Cltlekctiii nt Homo.
181B Battle of Waterloo.
" . ... icin fl. a. ...... ...i. . ...
iritn mnii imu lftat tiinii nil itiiti i v , .1.1. ...... iiinl iirnnipr ia
n nntnf Thn unntlt Ifl trllR OL
. ...f.h'-" '..". "v - ----- t...,.,4 l,..l.,
tho frog, which is nn elnstlc cushion, "JK iickbii-wi.iK . i,..v....u-..i ....
Much:trnveled ieople will testify ntended'to reduce the Impact of a ami- in view to prevent tho nnnoynnco and
innt ine most stupiu peoino in me (len 8(j0ck to tho foot Tll0 mitterls
whole world nrc found In .Mecklenburg. ,g nn InBtrumeilt thnt mny do nn lm
Gerninny, Bays the Kansas City Star. monso nmount of ,jnmnBo In the hands
Isntlves or tlint district are snld to be of jncnpubo opcrntor. Much mis
even more dense tlinn the inhabitants ch!ef i8 dono by it every day.
of the county of Wiltshire, bnglnnd, when the toc is too onK nIui projects
nnd thnt Is saying n good deal. Tho beyond the hoof, It cnuses stumbling
Inhabitants of both of these plnces will , t should be shortened. A hot Iron
admit the Impeachment, but they do should never bo nppllcd to tho foot to
not call It stupidity; they have nnoth- ascertain its evenness, ns ninny blnck-
am vinvMf try It- Tdnit i V t nmi f If I til. . .. A 4ln tfltm I t l.i littfl
-l i i ii iii u a. if a it. j. ajcj w ia&i v.i iv-i i uinii nu fin tiiitmi v u nn a in i it. it utw i rifiii w in n iihik ni iuu I'dinii -. .
imu u riuc nun t-uii il miiJtiiuiuu- Iney Know it is not rigui. m.-iuL-ni -yn nppiy mo uitiiciiHiuiii. t" tt v...w of .100 Ilvci
bllltr." In the United States, If n Unrfnoo between tho hoof and tho shoo Ln'a wim It iu Hllnncd over the wing. ...
, ti. ...... . .... ....... . ..... .i. :. ? . ... ' ....i ..n ..i l03 'xcrmmation ot uic uurmwwu.
country jutiei uiuu i uun iuu j iu niaites ine contnci less periuci "u i-- anil uy placing ine pnruuui wu . , . , ,, ,.,,.,..
a town iiitceu iiuius uuj, tits uum uu snoo necessarily icss rigm tiiiiu it uubui cncii otner ine hook cna uu ... n . . . niii..,.,,,. n, n-.a,.
Iff l I M
vi iu ul i.i rrr.
I, it. In vmir ? "kv "" .'-'
i .... i .... fi'iirt i ti i viiiiiuuucru in ibi
. ........ - -- nrItlHh Pnrl,amcnt
.inlA fa nttfirlieil I
...l.... ft la ntnilnl
. i.v .iirnrinii. -n n nr. rn. KtinhNiu
n r win. ii.tiil uiiu I
an clticx.
accounted n fool. But In Mecklenburg to be. position nnd retained by the resiliency
the peasant one meets on the highways The outside of the hoof should not bo 0f tho wire. Tho hook will bo on the
doesn't know, has never been there and rnsped more thnn Is necessary to clinch innCr corner of the wing nnd will pre
never wants to go. Thnt Is lmperturb- the nnlls, ns this thins the crust nnd re- mJt the device from slipping off. '1 he
ability. ' duces the strength of the bearing sur- chicken will thus be prevented from
Tt in n mistake, however, to think face of the foot. Weakening and decay spreading the wing as required to fly
that the country dullard never "scores," are sometimes tho result of this prac- nna thereby unable to get over a fence
as the klni: of Wurtemburg has discov- ticc. on appiicu to me noois occasion- nto the neighbor's garden.
ered. Recently that royal Indlvldunl ally during dry weather Is beneficial
the Grand Duke
went to shoot with
Adolphus of Mecklenburg. Accompan
ied by the grand duke's eldest son they
drove In "a luxurious motor car to tho
famous deer park at Neustrelltz. On
the way they came upon a country
tllt-cnrt drawn at a snnll's pace along
the narrow road by n white horse.
Perched on the seat were a peasant
nnd his good wife. The chauffeur blew
his hojn nnd much to the royal party's
surprise the horse, begun to prnnco
To Tell A HoMe'n Aire
nirnlznl the fiUlumti-r Cien. WiIYfr
President of Nicaragua.
it .. n i.
nnd American traders.
IS0I Alabama stink by the heanarje.
Ui . tUM ,.... v. ...
tutlon promulgated,
Jlounc ot Corn Colin.
In soiiio parts of Kuroiw corn cobs
aro used for building purjioHca. Tho
cobs aro collected and taken to n fac-
nnd mold tlicin into diockh or vnnouK eimynnii
. . . . I l -.1 UA .(....,.1 .. I , At
t ... I ICn'"iiiBr iitiwvn
innldcd. Tnefio diocich nro tnon uouna crejw for mlffrnKft
I . .. 4.. 41...... I . . .
IlOllr-" iKiliJ 't-t
nnd Paracuny.
rit iiinifn ini.iii wiiicr-iiiriii. mill irn . n . . ... v. lflr
" I lot t .oniur muiiu t". "
ready for use nrter tins irentment. vi Stnto ennltol laid nt Albany.
At four vonr old eneii mw shows course, they nro much lighter thnn IH7 . illff,.,n nMumed offi
four permanent teeth, whoso tables aro nricicH. are always ury, ami mane goon KOVornor geucrfll of l anaua.
ut num in ... ..v .. , ,v jgn.v jjaltic cnnni opi-n uj
being burneu nun convericu uuo iww
An t n i nonsiiriL inuuu nu i ' ----- - . ... . .
mill tho hnrso nnd mrt out Of the rona wurn iu uiu Dtiiuu itui. ntu iuv.ii - icy Annciiiniiv nw,M'-" -
. . . 1 " t. uu nro worn unon both of their border, many wny in wiiicii humpo hiiowh n
near Hrzerum.
no. l: .,' mmd nt from the side, tho corner Urea ter economy thnn Amercn does. .cn A- ltmi(n. imvc,Ic,, i WaldLei
noiiK. iiiB u u j . .. ... ..... .. 'Hh.h. Ih llltle nvnr thero w h eh looh ta ... m.mnrf of
.,f i,,,t tr..inL' to hiiv. the nensunt "Otn are quuu biuuii. - " -" cemetery, v,i... -
3," V.,; ... "";rtn..n.V nn ho sent waK,e-. m . rfi,UK0 ann Knrun?0 "Ilnymnrkct n.mrrm...
liiu mo - , , v . fc. " -
without any signs of excitement Final
ly the horfio Hopped over on Its Bido
nnd lay quite still
Immediately out Jumped the king,
tho grand duke and the koii of tho
grand duke nnd came running up to
the fallen horse. The grand duite made
n dive at tho horse's head, his son
grabbed the bridle und the king nar
rowly escaped serious Injury In unfas
tening the truces while the horses's
hind legs were working like flails. AH
this while the peasant and his good
wife sat calmly on their sent nnd
watched the royal trio perspire at their
self-imposed task. Flnaly after a greut
deul of pulling und coaxing tho white
horse scrambled to Its feet und patient
ly submitted to being rehnrnessed by
the three pairs of hands which prob-
Cot of I'Vcrtlnjf llisim.
Bulletin No. 115 from the West Vlr
glnia Experiment Rtntlou gives the
llrst year's record with (SOO hens. It
gives pictures and descriptions of
houses, method of bundling, amounts,
kinds nnd cost of feed und egg produc
tion. Tho cost of feed for tho year
was 80 cents per bend ; totnl cost $1.42
per head. The fowls averaged 1 lit eggs
each, valued at $2.-1.1, so that each lieu
At four nnd a half years the nippers returned a net profit of $1.01.
show wear on both edges. The conior
teeth and tho hook or canlno teeth nro
In evidence.
Iloiv In KVctl Out Hlliintv
Owing to tho constant contact of the
air with tho top layer of sllngo It Is
necessary to removo a horizontal Inyer
of sllngo to a depth of not less than
jOOO Spni" ceded tho Caroline Iitan
11)03 lieginn, nnsKimt"v
rated an a city.
. .... . . ... .I..... ... rn m ium
luir. tiki i' ri'iiL-n i-imiui'v.
nrotm the ns intimi ni ,
lllg uiKirii-i tv ' . . ..I
x- vi, tMin the firtN
H. nnnatntPtloll Of tll "
. . II I,l,,nt KrtOSCVCII
nuppiy. ... i -""
a treaty wlUi BantoPoPla.
Depth of Cyclone.,
From the study of clouds an ofllclal
. ... i, l.n.l .Tnnn ui.oli liiml. I 4-lm rT.iltnrl Kfntlu WlMltlmr Ttlini:! I
nmy never uvimv " - ,, in.i1i ,ii -.. deciueu to imr uu -ho
bio work. When everything wns In concludes that tho ordinary cyclones 7;" "V.," " 7f " t Z. ns teachers In the uune
... 1 ...i.ii, irl..i. niir nmiiitrir frnm tvout VOIIl llliy tlOIll Spoiling. IT (HIS rilCl ka M.
order nuiuii. 11112 unum ituivu ........i... tttuii i.,.w ... ...... --.. t-. . . ... ... , ....... wer ij . mm
he peasant 'a piece of money. to east are not more than two or three , ' ' IIS', 'lis o " M
"There tliere, my good man," ho miles In depth, ulthough their diameter its diameter can bo m do such as to griuimted spvch ud nt
said S nil right this time, anyhow. ,s many hundreds of miles. In other 1 0 ''"f ' whom 1ms lcarne.1 n trade, Iu
Si v ,1 ten vour cronies that the words, their motion does not affect tho " ln ly with the amount of , ncftdomc training. on
1 . ul n L lu
bllHdlng to 1)0 cn:y" - , d
huIiooI for tho deaf, wine" . rf.
.rrntui iinko nnd Ills son picked -up your uiper regions of tho atmosphere.
i.,.rUrt nnd tho klni: of Wurtemburg In tho case of hurricanes, thlB nu-
:. ,. thnrltv flndH thnt tho dettth Is trreater. .. .V .' Htiliool for tho tieni, . .. ,
ueipeti iiiem. - ; , .. " , ' tuo (iisirimiuou or mamma s over , rjinno nnd s to ue ''"
amounting to as much as live or six .m.u (Ili..inu u to $50,000 nnu
. . . 1 ntii.tu mil- iiirrimi- nitrrotirn 1 mv tiirfpr. 1 ... . tint. . ... tin in
mi... ii..f,.rt liftitriciitin. 1 . .... . XT..-,. 1 ...ak ,1,1 v. ...1 lm,. t,-i..h.... -...11 . r ijib i-'
- " . .. . ... .. t ""'" .-......... .vi.t.ri'u llllll I ll.l,lnnr norilliui' . I
An olilclal of the Department or tno ly nennw im ... ,...t.u, u , families In coimiuni. L ncsotn noUHcd the
tn t n.. i.w.i.iont nt 0110 of nreiiB which produco storms nnd fn ...., , , ' , """"' of .Minncsoin . ; ,. . , s 0ittw
.uur.ut : ' . ii,,, 1,.. u..H,or nt ti n Hurfneo of tho enrth. aw" " ."mm lm' uo. Mf . mv" Z L xtU
10 government bv..u"i t . . deer line niooso. beavers, win rre nnd nt t h c oo 01 wo .
li. i.trn
n. r" - - ., ......... 1 i
dlans, "v" "v ' . - rabbits llvo all nround tho Northorn bo graduated. .. ,a
A patronizing .young woman of Cln- or ideas concerning tho circulation of IIemlHnhcr0i Tl0 ,, fwuml 0J At , nnmm, meeting ofth
tftinnnn w h uuijik diwhh i lanintoii ihhiikir nro tr KiirT'iuyin lit- nr run 3iiiiniwi ru
1 ... n 1 1 0 1- . . ti.....i nr. iwi .
Institution, wiien sue came upon u AKrieuU..rni i'ct. terest to tho naturalists.
Tn.lloii itlrl of perhaps 10 years
iwwt...0 - 1 Mn uniir iiiivu ul:uii inu liiviiitihi .
... n'lm ituiliiii c r was loiiini ng ... ... . . .. . ... U cold-lenucu . fl,.i.
iu 11st. n- - - caiJgeti by tno noauer a icaiiess, twin- tio euro 01 siicvu. ' . ,, v tho cntiro
iiiipUIub, which tho girl from Clncin- n,ntthnt ,io,rn i.. nvnrf.,ndlntf or Huddon Znna t At Hcno, Nev., tno e
n..ti wntched for soiiio moments In si- ,' .., .,.,,. ........
...... ... . I IlPf.n IMMllL'lt U.V IIIU t.'tvllL.ll t I UOIUII.JL I HU.Jt l.l 1VIJ I .iwii, 1.. Ill If I llUlt Wlflll
,cnce. The" she said to tho Indian - ; uiI)ortntlon juto ! ;vm)t of 0Xl!rdlte, If t actmU rTo to flW
- .1 nii nirv. il in 11 t ut iiiiixu ii ail iuiiil ii i ii i i win lwiiu ii'iitw iu liiu iiuiTiiiiiiiiiiir nr i i. ivrn iiiiiiiu i v-- nin ri
Tho Sioux raised nor head s owiy nttncMlg nml jeHtroylng hops, the loss of wool among owes. and University of Nevada pj
from her work nml gliineen coiaiy at .
oil iioiih trimntnna nml t .. cilwn.lw...t .,nii mill his lUOtllC' ..It
from her
her Interrogator,
her eyes again sunl
"aro youV"
..v. I. ,.nH,.,l VIIIUD. v.... , , ...... iJll iw..hl'" UVHIK IIBKCa .. ... nnU&R " 7
; to her napkins; . 7... " ,'",,,.ou BUC' ki,7. i.w In Alabama, w. a-o(
iimeo u ivniK K'liu.i un wiij nnv iiih- j-i'mh iu tno huuw ruiir to. ri'ttiiiwi , it'iv. i i ..... .mi couu. .
trlct. It Is most difficult to get rid oft two thlngs-illwnyH having my ontrnJJ" 1? Avenue, tl.o anU-P
,.nn ...I vovonUC. tl'W M ',Jt I
. 1 ..nctlliilna n nnfinnnnnt nniiitn nt I . .1 l.. ...nil. In II... I,.. I.... , . . WW milium "'- , ,. .leienll
unit v....-...... r - tiitiitcu iv .... nv .i.timt, nun 10 . . snecIai eiecn"i m
"I .
l " " " 1 iinx eiy to inu iiirmur. vutting uowu, ways being pome to ino judge, no unit. iAUV n boocuvi
usii s " H'frt'K hu. m burning and poison hnv6 all been tried ter what position ho placed the exhibit leaving tho schools ww
n: -nMoM. mil tets lo tho em 1 ,Ml llH(ltHfctoi'v results. in." t?x'!T H
.Hunt.. , - - - BUPPW
III Biii.r i '