The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 23, 1908, Image 3

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    i tzr-s rrsn n rrm . i
.. .SOFT
The nttmnn'm Hnnootlon.
Ai homeward turn his thought once more,
i Ha mourn In language quaint :
i "Our speech Is tree, just an of yore,
But transportation ain't I"
Washington Star.
Mother, will find Mrf. Window. Soothing
Jyrup tbo beit roinedr to mm tot their ohlMria
luring the tee tiling period.
HHgrnfitfn v.w-
i began using Peru
'fn my health
lwl,lroflBt w f couId
r.ihlnjl'Ut tt nJr;."'w.and folt
ptiltfP.4 " runB ,nndo mo look
'"leerUlnyy"'1" buUdor."
.ntfiltD & ?u .., HmK'iinon pr ceil Hod, ,
;-J7get 0 Splendid Premium for
IM Coupon vium r
L w top srp Wrt,ppcrt f:om
Tram Dora" rodu. Free
i-ojutihowlnt 1000 presents rntC of
hrific Coat Borax Co., Oakland, G.
JJirt wete. Writ for ' "'"
nltV iKin At.DKIlSTS.
rAnn .-
iKr ind Modern Kuropmn Hotel eaterins
H-wUilr to flute people. A refined pUco for
rllv. elate to the thopplnir
(tela. JUU rwuon.ble. rrt "
ILGUflu, (Uie 01 Mrnwo noici; ujr.
SLtlelen's Hall, Portland, Or.
Mint and Day School for CIrli.
Catalogue on Request.
roil hkeii con.v.
"ran scnooL op quality"
Better t.cli year, and larger. We now
lite to floors Co x lOOfcct. Thorough
fk tells the itory. It counts in the
ECud we admittedly lead in this re
ijat Get our catalogue, penworlc, etc.,
&a judge for yourself as to quality.
A. t. ARMSTRONG, LL.U., Irincipl
Tcai tni Morrison Portlsnd, Oregon
Apilm wtlch erow. In South America
JuiImI mMiurlnit CO fert lone and 12
W troad tb Itrge.t In the world.
Dtafness Connot Be Cured
teW"0."'.' "ley cannot roach tin.
Suf'' f;we Uraum.Uyanlu.
l21un.di"?B o . t' miuoiii liniment the
tn n,i . . u f-, '' I 'I l t u t j U l II aiiiu'l
K ,,lnh.ttUo fnnammatlon can Ui
fifflW.,lll,,ul?. tolt normal
f,1'l,D! wlu 'lottrored forever;
uffi15SL0,Unr. " W Catarrh
VCia,lli ,n,Umc1 condition ol
tKrrw, c'h f-ure. flend for
bT,n,n.,,.Cll5'S'EY CCToledo, O.
mll)r I'lili foreoniilnatlon.
"e,w,,I,aI! re reproiluced
Kt 1 b7 mh0"Ph'. yp
r s
Extra Long
Jd your hair; nourish It;
Kjve It somethlne to live on.
'J" 't vlll siopfalllng, and
J jroy long and heavy.
' 8 Hair Vigor is the only
"Wood you can buy. For
Ll?8 11 1,08 bcc" doing
s' Jhat we claim It will do.
uisappoint you.
KLlW T uiJ vV!..T.,rT 'hort. Dot after
fourtean luohoi Ioiik.
No, 20-o
Ttio Fmnllr Sfi'loti t'nlcli.
Many who prldo tlieniMolvoH on n
rocm! Kiinloii and nro fond of miloiiH
novor fittompt lo grow tlicm. "Cncnpor
(o liny nt 25 coiitH ench?" Mnybf for
(ho flrHt two or three, hut If you would
llko or dozen or two. enough Unit If
conipiiny coniCH unexpectedly mid there
Ih no 4kHKert for dinner, the meloiiH
ciiii richly replace tlio pnatry Unit Ih
a different matter.
Denplto tlieorleH to the contrnry, nicl
oim nro n enHlly crown aft cuciiniherH
nnd there are a 'number of vnrletlcu
which jylll inntiire uiiIckh the miimiier
l tinuminlly whort A rich, Unlit soil,
Hloplni? toward the emit or south and
well fertilized In the hill, will brhiK
the limclotiH fruit.
If thero l danger from dry weather
fill an old pall or oyster can (flrHt per
forating the bottom with nail holen)
with Htablo mantiro or poultry drip
ping", Hlulc It partly In the cround and
keep It molMteucd. TIiIh will not only
furnish moisture but food. The reser
voir lolnc below the surface will tempt
the rootH to crow down Instead of seek
ing the surface, as when water comes
from He hos In only small tinntltkH,
mid tley will bo less susceptible to
If the plants go to vines nip off the
ends, but do not try to died; vigorous
growth by starvation. The Itocky Ford
In ono of the best early muskmeloiiH
nnd one of the easiest to grow, bearing
In profusion.
The Indiana Kweotheart Is a favor
Ite watermelon, ripening early and of
excellent finality.
Cut ( llm HiiilfKlrnliln Nreil,
The real up-to-date farmer, following
the most scientific methods In the op
era 1 1 on of his ground. Is taught to
make uso of the He
lected material only
In order that the
species may be con
Htantly Improved,
following the law
of the survival of
the Attest. For In
stance, In the so Ice
Hon of tbo seed to
be placed In the ground, he Is not con
tent merely to M'curo tlio best species,
but wherever possible lie will go care
fully over the seed and pick out only
the largest sDcclmcns to be placed In
the ground. In this manner the pro
duct Is generally of n much higher
stnndard. It Is difficult to carry out
this selective scheme In the case of
corn and slnillnr seeds which nro made
use of In great Quantities, in the ease
of corn, however, the small kernels are
generally at the tip of the ears, and In
order to cot rid of these undesirable
pieces a cowtlpper hns been Invented.
The device sccum to bavo lieen sug
gested by the familiar pencll-shnrpencr,
It Is operated by a small crank, nnd
has a cono with a tooth Interior. The
tip of tlio corn ear being placed In this
rnvolvlnir tun. all the small seed are
cut off, leaving only tlio full-sized ker
nels on the car.
t.rjc Wruk !(.
Leg weakness Is due to chicks Im
comlng heavy rapidly, so that the
u-i.lulit nf their ImmI v Is too much for
their legs. This Ih not always an alarm
ing condition, for It denotes that the
chh.'ks are growing fast, and If careful
ly guarded and fed properly they will
pull through all right. The causo
arises from hoavy foodlng nnd forcing,
which carries the chicks forward so
rapidly as to causo the legs to fall.
Change the food to a light diet of veg
etables and feed bono meal In tlio food.
They should also he well protected
ngaltifit tlio dampness, nnd the dllllcul
ty will soon pass away. Leg weakness
Is nearly always duo to rapid growth of
the lHxly or from lack of uniformity of
heat In brooders, If tlio chlckH aro small
enough to bo kept In n brooder. Crowd
ing nnd pressing together to keep warm
nt night Is n main causo of llttlo chicks
having leg weakness. No great alarm
need bo entertained unless tho troublo
continue for too long n time, but
chango tho food and keep tlio birds
UtllUliiU Wiulo TI m Uer,
The wood chemistry section of tho
Forestry Uureau has been giving some
attention to tho subject of production
of turpentine from yellow plno waste.
It Is stated that for tho recovory of
turpentlno from waste wood tho steam
distillation process Ih far superior to
destructive distillation, making n more
uniform crudo turpentlno, and usuaUy a
hlghor grndo rollncd product The
wastage from tho yellow plno cut each
year would yield as much turpontlno as
tho cntlro present annual outVu)!n
this country, with n valuo of $14,000,
000, At tho preaont rate of cutting tlio
supply of long-leaf yellow plno In tho
Bouth will bo practically exhausted In
twenty yenrs, but that tho methods of
exploitation now In uso convert only
about half tho troo Into mnrkot product
Kci-ilhilC Ciiwm on Ornaa.
Professors Htewart and Atwood, of
tho West Virginia Experiment Station,
last year conducted some careful tests
to determine whether it Is profitable to
feed milk cows grain on grass. With
out going Into the details of these ex
periments we quoto tho conclusions an
"This experiment clearly shows thai
there was no direct financial gain In
feeding tho grain to the cows wbllo at
pnBture. It Is true that tho cows
which received grain were uniformly
In somewhat better flesh than those
that did not receive grain, but as far
ns the milk yield was concerned tho
Increased flow was produced, at an nc
f "Hi loss." Data obtained In similar
experiments at other stations are sum
mnrlzcdand from these In comparison
with their own investigations the au
thors concludo "that unless dairy prod
ucts are especially high In price It Is
not a profltnblo practice to feed grain
to cows at pasture. It Is true that more
milk Is obtained nnd the cows hold up
their yield better and remain In belter
flesh when receiving the grain rations,
but under ordinary circumstances there
Is no direct profit from the grain feed
ing, ns the Increased production usual
ly costs more than It can be sold for."
Uncle Allen.
TxU of politicians," remarked Uncle
Allen Spark, "turn up tliolr nosci at the
vice presidency wlicn they lack a million
miles of being In i melllng distance of It"
Chicago Tribune.
, Tho Ilcmnrknlilo Tart,
Dlggs I fail to sec unythlng remark
ablo about that man.
Dlggs That's because you don't
know him. Last winter I had n cold
for nearly two weeks and, although I
met him every day during that period,
ho nevor once suggested a remedy.
CITO m- Villi Dance nnd all TTerrone DtiMs
lllO permanently curud lir Dr. Kline's Orroi
. Arr Ilcsiorer. Hrnd fur TOKK (2 trial battle and
-reetlie. Dr.lU JLKllno.lxL.S31 Arch BC.rbUiwl't.
I Gathering Mnterlnl.
' "Aw, me good man," affably spoke the
foreign tourist, putting his head out
through the car window aa the train stop
ped at a station, "may I awsk the namo of
this chawming little viilnze?"
I "Itubberncokln"" said the rude native
on the station platform.
"Thanks," rejoined the foreign tourist,
Jotting It down In his notebook. "What
rcmawkably odd names they have for
towns in tils country I"
Jfoj (lint MnUe Mcnf.
Tho hog raisers of Kansnfl station
made a test to show what kind of a
hog growH the best meat The weights
of hams In the test wero as follows:
Herkshlre hams, 23V6 pounds; Dome-Jersey,
pounds; Poland
Chinas, 25V6 pounds. These hogs in
slzo wero as near the same weight as
possible to get them. The shoulders
of the Hcrkshlrcs weighed 211d
pounds; Duroe-Jerseys, lOi pounds
and Polatid-Chluns, l!)'j pounds. Tlio
lierkshlres have larger shoulders than
tho other breeds.
Tho butcher who snw tho hogn
slaughtered thought the Duroc-JerBcy
had the most fat on tho back ; the I'o-land-Chlna
next, then the Herkshlre.
The Herkshlre ham showed more lean
and less fat than the Poland-China.
Tho butchers considered the breed of
bogs that had the most fat tho most
profltnblo bog, both for the farmer and
the butcher.
I -o
I 0
y rup figs
Cleanses tKo System Effect-
uallv.JJtspels Uolds andneadr
1 t r x- a-
acnes quo to ixmstinaiion:
Acts naturally, acts frulv as
Orchnril Work. '
A good test of a man's Christianity
Is to examine his apple barrel from
top to bottom.
A man may be a good woodchopper,
but that Is no sign that lie knows how
to prune trees.
An ax and n saw In the hands of ai.
Ignorant man cause more "damage to
the fruit crops of thts laud than all tho
birds that are hatched.
Fruit sells best when properly grao.
ed. The best will bring n better price
and the lower grades will generally
bring ns good a price as -the entire lot
would If mixed.
For summer pruning of trees the besi
time Is from the 15th of June to the
iOth of July, Just when the sap Is run
ning freely. When the tree Is In leaf
you can tell bettor what to cut out
Some people Imagine that nil that lt
necessary to Imvo a good orchard Is to
plant n variety of good trees and "let
em rip. 11 generally nines yi-ars io
discover their mistake, but they tlnally
discover It
Milk Cooler.
a Laxative.
Best forMenmen and Children-young
ana Old..
k, se s j3eneficial Effects,
Always buy the Genuine which
has ihe full name of the Com
Ba Syrup Co.
by whom it is manufactured, printed on the
Jronl of every packntfc
one iizt; only, regular price 50tp.r bottle.
A whole field of buckwheat blossom Is
often blackened during the passage of a
When bad blood h caused from an infection of the circulation by tho
virus of Contagious Blood Poison, it usually shows in the form of ulcerated
mouth and throat, copper-colored splotches on the body, swollen glands in
the groin, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc. These general symptoms,
affecting all parts of the body, show how deeply poisoned the blood
becomes, and emphasizes the dangerous character of the trouble. If allowed
to remain in the system the disease will finally wreck the health and break
down the strongest constitution. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood
Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the virus.
S. S. S. is the one real and certain cure; it goes down to the very bottom of
the trouble, and by removing every trace of the poison, and adding rich,
healthful qualities to the blood, forever cures this powerful disorder. S. S. 8.
is the most reliable of all blood purifiers, and its concentrated ingredients of
healthful vegetable extracts and juices especially adapt it to curing this
Insidious trouble. Write for our home treatment book, which is a valuable
aid in the treatment of the different stages of the disease, and ask foe any
special medical advice you wish. No charge for either.
Itc Neiradre flnralltjr.
"I never give medicine to my children,"
laid Mrs. Lapsling, "that has any whisky
In It. Wblrky Is poisonous. It contains
too much refusal oil." Chicago Tribune.
KoollRh Jnck.
Nan Why are you saving all of Jack's
Kan Because he always adds as a post
script, 'Burn this!'"
Price 25c and COc
$1 QQ Saved by Joining
LOO The Eilers 500 Fiano Club
You with 499 others co-operate in wholesale buy
ing, and besides, we do not collect from widows
and orphans of Club members, all of which is
fully explained in our New Book, "An
Ns. InvitnlSnn tn Inln In Whrhfocrtfo Pitvlncr "
Ellers Piano J " -w "
Home. Portland Eent on request. Cut out and
Oretcon: Please end send Coupon today the Club is idling fast.
353 Washington St.,
P. N. U.
Name ...
This milk cooler Is nrranged so that
tho milk flows hi n thin sheet over tlio
outside. Cold water enters at tuo bot
Ilnetcrln In Cold Milk.
M. E. Pennington of tho Bureau of
Chemistry, Department of Agriculture,
reports that experiments ou milk kept
at about tbo freezing point showed n
continuous lucrcaso of organisms for
live or six weeks. At their maximum
thev numbered hundreds of millions
per cubic centimeter, nnd occasionally
they passed tho billion mark. Although
tho milk experimented with was never
ho Idly frozen, yet after ten days to
two weeks It was a mass of small ico
crystals. No odor or taste miucoicu
tlm hlcher bacterial content, ana even
on heating no curd was produced until
tho very end of tho experiment.
Ilurii tlio l'runlnire.
Never allow old wood of raspberries
. I.. , a II..,w1 Tliin
or uiacicueri ii-B i
overy on c ,l- i,ju "'
Is 18 Inches high, pmcn ore to aiiow
lateral growth In tho raspberries, but
let tho blackberries grow to feet bo
foro doing this.
Tree In Feiiuo Corners,
rriio fow scattorlng trees In tho foneo
cornors nro frequently veritable breod-
lug places for Insect pews, mey buouiu
bo given Jutt ns much attention ns thi
Save the Babies.
IjTFANT M0ETALITT is something frightful We can hardly realize that of
all the children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cont., or nearly
one-quarter, die before they reach one yearj thirtyseven per cent., or more
than one-third, before they are five, and onehalf before they are fifteen !
We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would save a ma
jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Dropsj tincturea
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons, In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestionssiclmess, death. Oastoria
operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of
Ohas. H. Pletcher. Oastoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the
pores of the skin and allays fever.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. A. P. Peeler, of St Louis, Mo., says: "I havo prescribed your Castoria
In many cases and havo always found ft an efficient and speedy remedy."
Dr. B. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have prescribed your Cas
toria In my practice for many years with great saUsfactlon to myself and.
Jbeneflt to my patients."
Dr. Edward Parrlsh, of Brooklyn, N. T., says: "I havo used your Cas
toria la my own household with good results, and havo advised several
patients to use it for its mild laxatlvo effect and freedom from harm."
Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, says? "Having during tho past Blx
years prescribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend its use. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious
to tho most delicato of children."
Dr. C. G. Spraguo, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Your Castoria is an ideal
modicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it "While I do not adve
cato the indiscriminate uso of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria Is an.
exception for conditions which arise In tho care of children."
Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds the
esteem of tho medical profession in a manner hold by no other proprie
tary preparation. It Is a suro and reliable medicine for infanta and ch
dron. In fact, it is tho universal household remedy for infantile ailments."
Dr. II. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Mo., says: "Castoria is ono of the very
finest and most remarkable remedies for infants and children. In my
opinion your Castoria has Bayed thousands from an early grave. I can.
furnish hundrods of testimonials from this locality as to Its offlcloncy
and merits."
Dr. Norman M. Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, Bays: "During tho last tweTvei
years I have frequenUy recommended your Castoria as ono of tho best
preparations of the kind, being safe in tho hands of parents and very ef
foctlvo In relieving children's disorders, whlio tho easo with which bucU
a pleasant preparation can bo administered is a great advantage."
Li TW M If; II I 1 1,1 II III
N naa t' 111 i II
(Jtc Siomadis oiidUovcIs of
Promotes DigesttonJChcerfut
ncss and Rcst.ContaIns neither
OpiuTU.Maiphlne norMacraL'
Not Narcotic.
Ihrpkil $adm
it.-. .
1 ' i .
Apcrfect Remedy for OoiwRpi
Hon , Sour StoruiUt.Dlarrhoca,i
ncss ami Loss of Sleep.
TkcSLmHc Signature of
-----KYi ii 111111 n.-Y)llJ-------l
iunrantccd undortUa Voodj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Boars tlio Signature of
The M You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Yeart.
(roes In tho orciinra.