Strong arid Steady By HORATIO ALGER, JRT made tho first snip, on wnicn no rcinwa a profit of ono dollar nnd n qunrtcr. "It's n pretty easv wnv to earn nminiv' lie reflected, with satisfaction. " If I enn only sell copies enough. One copy sold Will pny for n day's board." Ho went to lied early, nnd onloved v sound nnd refreshing sloop. Ilo wa cheered with hopes of success on th morrow. If ho could soil four conies a dny, thnt would glvo him n profit of five dollars, nnd flvo dollars would lonvo him mm i0W A formnl dcclnrntlon of pnrty prlncl CtlAPTEU XV fContlnned. Tho hoy, who had. made sure of n ale. took bnck tho fruit reluctantly, nnd pass cd on, crying out: "Here's your oranges enu apples!" n handsome profit after paying expense P'M specified as tho party platform was IMiA nnvt iHAmitn. ft I , 1. ab iinlrnAurif In Mia nnfttf rlnvit fin WAS n VNlth mo nnd point out your man." stnrted out. carrvlnir with him Mirn. convention. The noisiest, the jolllest, the niter giauiy accompnu oil tho conditc books. Knowing nothing of tho resident exciting nnd perhaps ienst logical .or to tho smoking car. Ills old acquaint- of tho village, ho could only judgo by presidential campaign was that of 18-10. of their houses. William Henry Harrison, Hero or an in- anco wns busily engaged as before In a tho outwnrl mm-nrm, nm. nnil IniiMnn. lnMI. f - r- o. . "..- ....v.. ..v,... - , .. Walter sot about thinking -what had vorablo torn " " - -"ff a large nnu imurtsomo house stand- " become of his money. The more he ..-n, V.,... . . 1"?. lrom lno 8lrect' 1,0 ticcUlc" t0 . , , . ' , 1 i li ...m. Ihnnvhr tt i. r.i i xucio in? is, saiu niter, ind ent ne M-uh. snm, in n log cnuui uumuhvu ...... Imfl S M- n ? , oil J i ? h,m wlth ,,!s finS"- "Tho people living here must bo rich " coon skins nnd had drunk hard cider, wns had put his pojeketbook In the pocket in The ,,., xvnI. . ... , hn ..'J' "f ".?,,:., .. hv Thnrlmv Weed as a better ., vu n ti nun I n uu b till uu iiih ... . M . tlireo dollars nnd n hnlf for a nlco book." candidate, than Henry Ulay. io ueieat which he had first felt for it. Why was K7b"K It not there now? That was a question vi,nt,H -nntuiv i. i which ho felt utterly incompetent to an- -VoS' KSW uSft looking up. ewer. "Ilnvo you lost anything?" inquired a gentleman who sat just behind Walter. Looking back, ho found that It wns u gentleman of fifty who addressed him. "Yes, sir," he snid, "I have lost ray pockctbook." "Wns there much money In It?" "About forty dollars, sir." ho was that young mnn who was sitting with you a few minutes since?" "I don't know, sir." "He wns a stranger, then?" 'I wish to speak to vou a moment-." lie rose without mnklne nnv nminal Uon, nud walked to the other end of the -nr. - "Well," ho said, and there was n sllcht nervousness in his tone, "what's the mat ter wasnt my ticket nil right?" " u u v vj uuuni - - . . Clay in tho Renublican convention, tno pntn nnu rang the front door bell. The "'' o was nuopteu. issu; ucm !. door was opened by a housemaid. j Vnn ren, the Uemocratie canunmu-, 'Is tho lady of tho house at homo?" asked Walter. "Do you want to see her?" "Yea." "Then wait here, nnd I'll tell her." A. tall woman, with a thin face and a and Ilnrrison were not clearly drawn, but tho adventitious circumstances of Ilarri son's early life were skillfully utilized for theatrical effects. "Old Tippecanoe" wns the slogan. Processions, miles long, with log cabins, cider barrels and coon skin "No trouble nbout that. Tho thing Is. Pinched expression, presented herself af- . caP8 oa voles, stretched from State to I will vou restoro tli! llnr'. niv ter five minutes. 'State. Glee clubs wore a fenture ot rue Sir," said tho nicknocket. blusterlnir. "Well, young -man." sho asked, after a campaign nnd the Indian lighter wns iair Mn vnn tnonn U ...--J . I Mllfirn rrlnnnn "1iakr fa . I.. .nnn. vl i IV SUnc Into oflicc. iuoui i. niu f 11 llll L 11ILVU I r- -N-f nut. o j vui tiiiaiiicnn i l . A .... . I to do with his pocketbook?" expression was not very encoutag- I b0 vigorously did tne nigs sing uieir "Vnn .i k;.i i.t. i ...... Inir li Wnitn K,.. i., ... favorite refrains that echoes of the songs v !. I ,.., ,,, l.l,,-. ,111 11, l I V" mill, ujiu uu U1ISHCII 11 I " " """"u "i iu luau uu , ...o, o.. , uciu uiki vn --. I .ili-netlT- ttnf . l.t... I nnnortiitiit v. nun uncer. IllUrillllJ,. I "V,ni !- ,!, ,ni,0 ' .. I "I RlintI 111 lll-o tn nlinil- vmi n nnn.' Iinnk I ll'lnt ...... (l.l. nn.l onrnmnllnn . ,fi,- T ,l.t. T . ,-, , I . '. fcv UIU 1I1U, BCIll'll I J ' .. ivn, , - " " . i u " - '- - iiiiiin. i uiu iu juu nuns m if .. v,ra v.. 111 n...i . mm Am." lm mmmnniwii " ),!, ' motion motion motion. your money has gone." noefcpfhook .w, n, w it value, benutlfullv Illnstrni,..! wi.inl. u ?"r. "ntr7 .t.hrou8l'? -vwierc, sir' uemaunca waiter, ne- ,,... ' sellini? liko wll.lfi I v. "-.".ri.; ,Xn fiinnlng to undcrstnna him. ..r , n,vnwi . Mlf ,, "How mnnv ronliH hnv vnn nLV In. And with them wo will bent little Van, I think your late companion was a ... ,,,. ' . . ouired tho lndr. hnrn. nn- tt..Mse.J up.Pu pickpocket, nnd relieved you of it, while out nm, thrnw . f, "One." answered Walter, rather eon ' " &vua KAJ V-4 ft umtiVIUli I . " JLhe pickpocket turned nnle. "You are mistaken in tho norson." he Ao, I am not. I advise you to re store tho monev forthwith." Without a word the thief, flndina: him- necnM- - I . . . . . ..I sen coruereu, tooK lrom his pocket n roll he pretended to be reading. I didn't like 'his nppearnnco much." "I don't &ce how he could have done it without my feeling Ins hand in my pocket." "They understand their business smi Farewell, dour Van, You're not our man To guard the ship. Wo'll try old Tip. In the campaign which resulted In the Mn easily relieve one of his purse unde tected. 1 once had my watch stolen with- of.bill8f which he hantlet, t0 (Va,u out being conscious of it. Your pocket book wns in the pocket toward the men, and you were looking from the window, It wns a very simple thiug to relieve you of it." "Is thnt right?" nsked tho conductor. 'les," said our hero, after counting ins money. So far, so good. And .now, Slippery Uick," he continued, turning to the thief. "I advise you to leave the cars at the next station or I will have you arrested. Take fused 'Do you call that selling like wildfire?" nhf. flpmnmlarl nltli .nrMim I -s- ...... c,, I ...... .. ,. . I I .!..-. I only commenced lost.evening." said e,lec"on ol uenjaram narrmou u Walter, "I referred to the sales .of other tbat ho wns n Grandson of old Tip was not forgotten uy ins aunerents. .uniiy slangy, even Irreverent referenced fixed on grandpa's hat as a fit subject for campaign qtilpst In 18H, the year when the Democratic convention brought the What's tho nnme of the book?" "'Scenes in BIblo Lands.'" "Let mo sec It." U'nllnf .lio.ilofol l,nl. ti, .i, i u' first dark horse Into tho running, the uj urauiiiut uiuiurtrs. iir .... sajd. songs ot tne majority were: I don't see anvthlnir remarkable about ' . poor Henry Clay, poor Henry C ay. them. Tho binding isn't very strong. Shouldn't wonder If tho book would go In You cannot he our Trenldent. for Polk Is la tho way. nnd to plecc3 in n week." "I don't think there'll be any trouble thnt way," said Walter. 'If it does, you'll be gone, so it won't . 1. 1 t, uuuuie juu. ll,. rl ,!, ,,.,,,. ,w.-lt 'With ordinary care it will hold long VT"" V.;; J .T'-T-fi enough.' . . . iQ(tA-T.tAi u. IU VUIVAU, III UW Hurrah for Polk and nnnexatlon, Down with Clay and high taxation. When John Hanks, cousin of Abrahnm I Lincoln, carrieu two weainer-oenien rnim CHAPTER XVI. Walter went through two cars, looking your choice." Rbout him on either side, thinking it pos- The detected roinie nn not inn, siblc that the thief might have taken his making his choice. Already the cars had Btat in one of them. There was very slackened tholr hiuwI little chance of this, however. Next he tnnce ahead appeared a small station. The passed Into the smoking car, wnere, to pjac0 seemed to be of very little impor- lus joy no less than his surprise, he lounu tnnce. One man, however, appeared to the man of whom he wns in search play- hnvp liuslnp thpro Wnita .nn- t,,. I w - w. our , y t , UiUJU L 14 U ( ttllll Ull i. ICl 1.41 lilt t mix Ing cards with three other passengers. quondam acquaintance jump on tho plat- 0fxp?e v, mUh d y0U charge j rison'had been the log cabin and Jackson lie look-ea up careiessiy as auer ap- form, and congratulated himself that his 'v,r , . .. the hickory candidate years before, preached, but did not betray tne sngnt- only loss was a pocketbook whose value .. T V L i.... . r In tho convention of 1800 began the est confusion or sign of guilt. To let the id no exceed one dollar. tn9 d"Sv a pltJ modern custom of cheering nnd counter reader into a secret, he had actually taken The conductor on seeing the pocketbook the woman- You .f t0 tl,Ink PP'e cheering. Tho Seward contingent gave n Waiter's pocketbook, but was too cunning thrown n way had thought nothing of It. ar? .Tmae ,r J?0nteJ' , , ,, parade the day of tlie conveintion. While to keep it about him. He had taken out supposing it to be an old one, but as soon ' ?hl i.I! , were marching Lincoln supporter. the money, ana turown me pocKeiuooK fls he heard of the robbery suspected at ; TV.. I filled the Wigwam. With the naming of "Oh, yes, of course you'd say so. I camo tho "rallsplitter" candidate as Har- Itself from the cat platform, taking an once the thief and his motive. opportunity when he thought himself un observed. As tne money consisted oi nn VPTKR YVM bills, which cxiuld not be identinea as ai- ter's, he felt that he was of detection. He thougut tnat ne couiu Though he enjoyed the visit, and IXT" do that. "I warrant they make two-thirds profit. Don't they, now?" "I don't know," said Walter. "I don't irinpn nn .in . . . n . i v " . in no danrer . fMppeu en0?gn, " "UUfl' know anything nbout the cost of publish hat he could , " .r- "'J!' ?-.niena; ing books. But this is a large one, and afford to be indifferent "Did vou cet tired of waiting?" he nsked, addressing our hero. "May I speak to you a moment?" ask ed Walter. "Certainly." ."I mean alone." "Then, gentlemen, I must beg to be es- nra n proftr mnnr nlirtiroa in ir . . . , . , , . I .''- ' r j I ' - -- iouuu lue lumous cataract tuny up to nn They mU8t have considerable.' expectations, no incident occurred durin the visit which deserves to be chronicled here. He resumed his journey, and arriv ed in due time at Cleveland. He bad no difficulty in finding the office of Mr. Greene, the agent of Messrs. Flint "Seems to me It's ridiculous to ask such a price for a book. Why, it's enough to buy a nice dress pattern ! "The book will last longer than the dress," said Walter. But it is not so necessary. I'll tell "Then, gentlemen, 1 must beg to oe ex- & Pushen IIe found that this gentleman, what n, do. rd like thc book well cused for five minutes said the pick- begIdeiJ his ngencVf bad a and sta. tj on ,or tab)c rJ pocket, shrugging his shoulders, as if to tionery business of his own. ive t.ou two donnrs for lt. Two the candidates began the cheering. When Seward was nominated and seconded the shoutinir was absolutely frantic, shrill and wild. But when Lincoln's nomlna tlon was seconded tho West was heard from, and gave a scream that was poal lively awful, and accompanied It with tamping that made every plank and pll lar in the building quiver. On tho third ballot Lincoln was nominated. The shout ing was so deafening tbat tho cannon which was discharged on the roof of the building could not be heard Inside, 'Xow, ..j don't g0 out mygelf," he said to dollars I" ejaculated Waiter. express good-natured annoyance. . .... - ' ' i i wi, uuimia . ujulu uicu auci. my young friend, I am at your service. Waiter; "but I keep a supply of Flint's BCaTceiy crediting the testimony of his Walter proceeded to the other end of hooks on hand, and forward them to his nr(, the car, which chanced to be unoccupieo. 0Rents as called for. Have you dono Now that the moment had come, ne nara- muci, ; the business?" Iv knew how to Introduce the subject. "Xo. sir: I am only a becinner. I have Suppose that the person he addressed done nothing yet." were innocent, it would be rather an awu- thought not You look too young.' ward matter to charge him with the .helt. "jir. pusher told me I bad better b. Did you see anything of my pocket-' guided by your advice." book?" he said, at length. "You had better go fifty miles off at dWusted at such meanness in a lady who Your pocketbook !" returned the pick- oast. The immediate neighborhood has nopnnied so lnrse n house, and might bo pocket, arching uis Drows. - uj, umc bcen pretty wen canvassed. xnore'i supposed to have plenty of money. Yes, two dollnrs ; and I warrant you'll make money enough, then." "I should lose money," said alter. "I couldn't think of accepting such nn olfcr." In my opinion there isn't any book worth oven two dollnrs." "I see we can't trade," said Walter, nxrsmna away kbom home. jou lost it?" "Yes." "When did you discover its loss?" "Shortly after you left me," said Wal ter, significantly. "I'm very sorry indeed. I did not see It. Have you searched on the floor?" "Yes; but it isn't there Earle, now, a flourishing and wealthy town. Suppose you go-there first?" "I'll go this nfternoon." "You are prompt." Walter arrived in Earle In time for supper, lie went to a small public house. where be found that he could board for a dollar and a half a day, or seven doi- (To be continued.) THE FIREPLACE. "That's awkward. Was your ticket In j0rs by the week. He engaged a week's the pocketbook?" board, reflecting that he could probably "Xo, I nad that In my vest pocket." work to advantnge a week In so largo a "That's fortunate. On my honor, I'm place, or, if not, that five days at the uorry for you. I haven t much money daily rate would amount to more iJuan with me. but 1 11 lend you a dollar or two the weekly terms. with the greatest of pleasure." He did not at first propose to do any- Thls offer quite bewildered Walter. Ie thing tbat evening, until it occurred to felt confident that the other had stolen him that he might perhaps dispose of a his money, and now here he was offering copy of his book to the landlord In part to lend him some of it. He did not car-i payment for his board. He went Into thu to make such a compromise, or to be public room alter supper. bought off so cheap ; so, though quite pen- "Are you traveling alone?" asked the landlord, who had bis share of curiosity. Yes." .said Walter. "I am a book agent." "Meeting with pretty goou success" "I'm just beginning," said Walter, smil ing. i.If you 11 be my tirst cutomer, i ll niless. he determined to reject the offer. "I won't borrow." he said, coldly. "I was hoping you had seen my money." The pickpocket turned and went back to his game, and Walter slowly left the mr. He had intended to ask him noint- lilnnk whether he had taken tho money, stop vvith you a week." i...t omililn't summon the necessary cour- "What kind of a book have you got?" Ilo , hnrlr tn liln nlri inr. Wnlter showed It. It WHS got UP iu the "Well," said the old gentleman who usual style of subscription books, with nt behind him. "I suppose you did not abundance ot illustrations. fiml vour man?" "It's one of. the best books we ever "Yph I did " Bent out" sn,d Wo,ter ,n a professional "You didn't get your money?" he added, way. "Just look at tho number of pic . tnres. If you've got any children, they'll 'B-Zl7 perfectly cool. Still. I ke it; and, If you haven't, It will be think he took it. He offered to lend mJ Just the book for your center tan e a dollar or two. What would you ad vise me to do?" "Speak to the conductor." Just nt that moment the conductor en tered the car. As he came up the aisle Walter stopped him, nud explained his Joss, and the suspicions he had rormed. "I see you know bow to talk," said tho landlord, smiling. "What is the price-' "Three dollars and a hair." "That's considerable." "But you know I'm going to tako it out In board." "Well, that's a consideration, to bo One Thins tbat Help Moil to Make a Home Homely. Thin I say; Go back nnd pick up lost good hnblts the omitted amenlticfl of life. Bapoclully put back Into your house tho fireplace. It Is tho ono Ihlng that helps most to make n homo home ly. Build It big and broad. Let there be no glincracke of fancy woodwork anywhere near It. Lot it bo only brick or stone. Then let the nenrth be broad and wide. Make it no largo every wny tbat you need never fear for a imnp- plng coal. Away with mats, for they are combustlbloi But a stool thnt Is another thing. Here you can forget the stocks and tho ofllco nnd tho store. Hero you can dream of rest nnd peace. Here it Is possible thnt some of you have Tom nnd Hnrry nnd Bessie nbout your knees. Thero is no better wny to reconstitute the family. It Ib the chlof want of these modern days. The world is never quite so Independ ent or wo quite bo care free without a fire. There are vnstness and lack of outline to a summer day. We get our feelings mixed up with the cosmos. Tho fireplace nurrows our lives somewhat, but it completes nnd unifies things. Wo aro happy to be Just n part of the little warm homo circle. Did nnybody ever commit suicide who had a fireplace? B. P. Powell, In Outing Magazine. Gray-Haired Man ItcmmntierM n Hoy Who Tried It Forty Year Also. "Whenever I read In tho newspapers that a boy has run away from homo to fight Indians or seek some other sort of adventure, it takes me bnck forty years," said the gray-haired mnn in the club smoking room. "For I ran away from home once. Just ns I sup pose every other youngster does, once at least, only In my case I wnstft seek ing adventure, I wns escaping tyranny. "It seems foolish now, but it was all very real to me then. The tyrnnny consisted of the ono fact thnt ' I got my first licking, nnd I guess thero's no doubt thnt I deserved It. But I couldn't pee It that way then; I wns very bitter, nud tho oue Idea I had was to get awny where life was free and tyrants were not. "The Impulse to depart on my trav els was carried out so suddenly that I found myself wandering far awny from the house beforo it dawned on me that I was 111 provided for a Jour ney. In fact 1 had gone Just as I was, with tho smnrt of my physical as well as ray mental wrongs still cute. "As I went I pondered over the mnt ter of provisions, nnd the Idea camo to me that I would make my first stand In ft cranberry bog right on tho farm. With this ns a headquar ters I would make raids on neighbor ing orchards, and if the worst came to tho worBt I supposed tho crnnberrles would support life. "Well, I reached tho cranberry bog presently and bivouacked. Here I should spend tho first night under the friendly stars. I picked out a soft place for n bed and sat down to wait the coming of night "Now, , cranberries are not very fill ing, especially in the raw, green stato, but I managed to cat some of them. And then it began to get dark. - "Well, air, the shadows fell quickly on tho hills about me and the air grow chill. Fantastic monsters reared their "You say the man is in the smoking sure. A man doesn't feel it so much as ,oved to-c r?" said ti e conductor, who had list- If he took the money out of hh . pocket for tho fui r.; -,:'",iLi ..r...iH vn tnr him and paid cash down. What do you say, ouver car ened attentively. out?" "Yes." "I am glad of It. I warning by telegraph that one Could vou point him and paid cash down. What do you say, Quyer Indeed I And what were tho iirs. junoui uu'"" extra vans ror? BlK Collection, nnnor Tho Ultra-Van Tassela moved to-dny. There were seven vans horrid heads on overy hand. The froo furniture and six extra vans, i 10 i'""- "Bo it won't surprise you to learn that a very little boy ran home crying Just then entered the room. "This young Gunner Why, to remove their fain- beforo the supper things bad boen dear have received man wonts to stay here a week, and pay Bkoloton8. ne of the New partly In a book he is agent for. Shall f York swell-mob is on tho train, probably ntffee?" aao .. . . KR., ur. Tho population of Canada, according Intent on mischief,, but no description nfe ' ai?t Lklno- to the ofllclal estimates of that country, was 0,504,000 on April 1, on lncreouo of 21 per cent In bIx years, . .a nnnra uioir" I oteiico iu - i rrtia AionnniiE oeciiu oi vuiiezutuu in lamijiuny mu "'" . . " . . swtinn. nm tho tnaar. MranuHl nannla "Tin vou think you can get dock my i ir. i U8 vvoriu s largest insect, it wuijuir '-.--. '-"i" WO you iuius yuu n onened It. taking care to display lu" """"" c.rti,. Yhev like It and howl for oney?" asicea vrmier, . aa wdtor a nan pouuu. ed away, and that ho never ran away again." DISCIPLINE IN BERLIN, Gerinana Not Only Obey Ilnlea, But Are Unhappy Without Them. The Derlinurs, and tho rest of. tho more. They have restrictions of nil kinds placed on tho order of tholr dully lives, but they uto used to It. Indeed, they huvo arrived at a sort of mental state In which they look the author ities to tell them what to do, and how to do It, In- overy contingency. "Vcr boti'ii I" is the (Jeriiinn word that has tho greatest vogue, so far as I was ablo to see. "Forbidden I" stares them In the face everywhere. They are regu lated In all sorts of ways, down to tho manner they shall conduct themselves In their houses. There Is a certain tinio for beating rugs, a -certain tlmo for playing tho piano, a certain time for ' everything else. You can move your household goods only In a certain way. You ennnot shako a dust rag out of tho window. You cannot (to this and you cannot do that, anil, they told me, after onco you get accustomed to It, It Is a coinfortablo way to live. It absolves you from thought If you know what hours thcro aro for doing your work and how you must do It. If a cab knocks you down In the street, you aro arrested for obstructing tho trafllc. Your place is on tho side walk. Kvery Berliner docs exactly what ho Is expected to do, and you must do the same. Ah nn example of how well trained they are, they nro not obliged i rsiWEEKEf lURM SJI-y nt ,cr -t Smltlmeld. mNow York City Incorporated" J80B-WIIII.M B Ogdea, . Chicago horn In Wi,0Ili Ni W In New York City Aug. .1877 181R French under Mnn.h gaged t ic allies ,,, ' mill in ,ir irnin.i.. . nnJi In Imvn trnnrilu (ill till. lllllll'rL'rilllllll trains In Berlin. Tho Berlin folks l8H--Meetliig of the First I'nttrf p ... ..... I Illllll'llt nf K"I... m ,p know they aro expected to snui um unmno. doors, and they shut them ohservo their regulations you nro not disturbed, but If you violate ono of them you instantly get Into more kinds of trouble than you had Imagined could exist. All you aro expected to do Is to wnlk a chalk-line, nnd you can bo lfttl Tlin ii jmi - . "" mnt i rtrcii remotfct London, to happy, If the regulations nllow the kind i8ua(jen. Bonks reputed la the of happiness thnt ngrees with you Samuel (J. Blytlie In Everybody's, oar 'the ;tm$9 -Or. to. (Mieiffn if The nannoch. One of tho hardiest, brnvest, nnu most dllllcult to handle among all tho western tribes wns tho small but val orous bnnd known ns tho Bannock, Bnnak, or Pnnnltl. This llttlo tribe, never numbering more than 700, has for many years Inhabited tho country between the Snake river nnd the moun tains which mark the boundary between Montana and southern Idaho. Of Shoshono race, but braver nnt more turbulent than any other Sho shono tribe, the Bannock fought the Blnckfeet nnd drove thorn back when they came over the mountains, domin ated tamer tribes of Idaho and Ore gon, and made themselves general nui sances when the white man took tho country. The Bannock troubles culmlnntcd In 1878, when they broko out In open wnr, drawing many of tho Pluto ami Sho shone along with them. After consid erable fighting their young chlof. Buf falo Horn, wns killed by friendly In- dlnn scouts, nnd the Bnnnock wnrrlorr surrendered. All of t!io Bnnnock tribe, except i fragment at Lemhi, now make their homo on tho Fort Itnll reservation. Some 500 of them still survive, but are slowly decreasing In numborH. They do not take kindly to civilization, hut seem to have accepted tho Inevitable, nnd Itfhnve fairly well of recent years. The Bnnnock are vory dark of face, and of medium stature, while tholr physique Is wiry and sinewy, ns might he ex pected with a fighting race, equally ex pert In horsemanship and mountain climbing. from In front of llutklnsl,m pa iVydo Prk. m WWm ' 18T.4-Ui.lted States warship, bomblr the American consul.... Wor,te,, MllBH . nllnnaf ,1,... I ...... 1 i . ' maanll - "Mill uu tun iiuimon. IWI Ilouso of ItepresentntlvM repeal f''c ,f,,K11,t,vo lnve lnw..,.Entr, C Maximilian nnd Carlotta Into Hn. ICO. WW ,.u, vjiiib rouronii through tl jiim openco. tMiif I it. i.i vint-rf.tiA i.a irj ... . ..... j iiii-nn ... pircr, renciieii tlie Congo rirr. 1870 Hayes and Wheeler nominate b) tlie Ueptibllcan national conrentlon. loui a new ijonnuian mlnlntr; formed uy rrenuor Abbott. - .......... T.,u . .-...ii. i muni n nrav .i . , . .... - iiimaiion against uuiian nilbuitrrt. - - ......... 'iii ( iiVvv.yu ijCMii'r h niioinnr rn mmp th mt - iuv SHVJi HPiiinrivPH tiniiuMi minr ima ni ah ftnnoxntlon of Hawaii. iihh , ,. inn 1'niiprtnn .n(iir.iAi .m fh. ... Jscw lork. mw Anniinn uuuuu ui i rcuiicr litnu ii of CJrccco. lahoinn and Arizona statehood bllb. I nm i, . iin Ki-cf.i.i. .wnf-n f-nn.prpnm ii oi Mnn r murium lounu nuiiir or tortlon. or A Loat Art Iteillnuovrril. In Science, Frank Delia Torre an nounces his rediscovery of tho famous Venetlnn varnish, which has been the despair of violin makers for nearly 200 years. Shortly after the dlscov ory of America tho gondolas of Ven ice were regularly conted with n trans parent, lustrous, orange-red varnish. This flamo colored material made everything beautiful upon which It was painted. After tho Venetian city fath ers decreed that all gondolas must bo black tho wonderful varnish was turn ed over to the violin makers. Somo Italian furnlturo of the seventonnth century still extant Is conted with It. When the violin makers had used nn the supply on tho Inst Cremonns, no more wns to l had. Investigation led Mr. Torre to concludo that tho raw materials of this varnish must havo come from Africa, and he believes that ho has at Inst found a gum varnish ldentlcnl with that used by tho Cro- mona makers. It looks llko tho old varnish nnd seems to have tho same wonderful effect on violins covered by it. Nat Pleaaunt, Bacon I oeo n German scientist as serts that thoughts can ho photographed. Egbert It wouldn't bo nosslble. however, to mako somo of 'cm look pleasant Yonkors Statesman. A riltlnir Terra. "How would you deslgnato a tailor! ag7" "I don't know of any particular nam unless you would call it a tight At"- Baltimore American. When you see a boy with curls and sash, It Is a very good sign that tho father doesn't havo his way In tho house, And tho honesty of a poor man It seldom questioned, Abo Attcll ban sinned up with Jif Gleason for a twenty-round battle wl Owen Mornn In 8nn I rancUco tor .in- VIIKt. Hnmllno defeated North Dakota uni versity by n total score of 81 to ), Tt ...illMtltlllv pnod Id ill events. The St. Paul Driving Club has oprart tlie season anil races will be lieW tmj WediiMdny nfternoon until the middle of October. At Louisville. Tlie Minks, carrylag lib iioiiniii. irnveiiii u n- vuw -- i.. 1 .. k ...i.i..i. ., u ih track rre- II A iJ ., ,... "I - . I. I ..... f. .. nil ill Olllliuimi . Tourenne, with MiiHRravc up and ...i i n ... i ... ii in I n i iuf uw- iru iruni j iu . u w - l-llflliy WOll UIU winiuv(iv.i. 1 1.1(1 ml en. at Belmont Harney Oldflcld has made hlJ"f tomob o race, so no bhji.. - liln nui nnuiiMtimnnr ii m n uiuu- II. W. Whipple, fin Andover, iw . .... .1.. I...1lnr rldt! .iiwnv v. I'liwiim la - . - i. timvn. ill U unrinif. ne um rv": in wmiipra ncruNi mu i 0 times and landed u ot u. u. M:l.,l nlmw .. j. ,i..nnpu .. ..,.! .nnnntf 111 1001 . nuido to tho niitiioriui" - .i... rt..i. ..,!... r.f Illlnnln. uu',u"'" " .... 'I'l.n .Inni Hint tllO AiniTlW" . . .. " .1.1 i....,i r i miro anu m- ... Ima been revi.r Is said that St. Paul, Minnea- - win lnso the r teams. - ..,. i.. Tin 1 1 1 1 li occiirreu - - ... ..... :" . . i ...nitPrwelsht, ffn tied two and one-lmlf hours wm t..... m i...,.i w It hout a la". . i m.u.,l Aft ieiu uilllli'n x. M..V.------. . .rtn ... i.i xt,i.,I r.i.nffU0 IM5CU VvlWLUKU IIHIIIHH.. . . .niA.t.itf Inlnred vvuen n. , -;.i...i...i i.foro us r""0 "" ".""rmonently blinded. v.. .... r i.... iiririarcn pr I I1I11I1I1B - . . inl. will novcr ngaln cim iww r YflChtClB Ica'H dip uu!en tho ww brlng nltcni Itn rules o that J1?-5tlantlc itity iinniiiiniiuiiiu i i.l 111 WllM -. riiiH ni" i t Uincu" ho havlint won tnat K ens as a partner v . . ji-,i l.i flMloniru i v - j E. ainistrelll, and Quoted . AnJ, at 100 to 1 ogoinst, uoi.v-. - d c, lean, British and Frencu - ,utd a tf nh Derby staKMi . wo'rld. Tho Italian hor rtjlj , i t.nm tha hot fovorn' I lengths. l think then is a ccsnce oi , wu i v -