Not Coal Land , LI OMESTEAD. Notlco for Fubllca tlon. Department of the Into rlor, U S Land Office at ThoDallee, Or . f kon, June 26, 1008. Nolice is hereby given mat, JOSEPH RtCH, of Madras, Orecon. who. on Anrll 25 l)04, made Homestcod Entry No. 13404 for wjnwj sec 28 and egnel see 29, tp 1 1 s, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice of In tt'Ution lo make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above Hetpribed, before Frank Osborn, U. S Commissioner at Madras, Oregon, .on the 18th day or August, 1003, Clalmint immoa as witnesses: Ohrls Hemiauer, Joseph Marnnch Frank Gal lowayt Berthold Dombrowo nil of Madrap, Oregon, O. W. MobltE, JD al3 Register Not Coal Land TV T OTICE For Publication. Soldiers Ad 1 uitioiiAl Homestead Et.try. Dophrt inentof tho Interior, tl. S. Land Onice, The Dalles, Oregon, June 19, 1908. Notice Is hereby'is hereby clven that Nathan II Pitikerton, of Pendleton, Umatilla county, )r., lias iiled in this ofllco Ids application to make. SQldiers 'additional cntryj a as "signceof Martha Wol lam) by mesne, in der tho provisions of Bee 2308 of tho re vised statutes of United States the sjsejf sec 27, tp 10 s( rl3c,wm. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the lan ls described or desiring to object be cause of the mineral Character of the land, or for any other reason, to tho disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this otlice, on or before the 8th day of August, 1908. j2-a6 C. W. MOORE, Register. Not Coal Land OTICE For Publication. Soldiers Ad- i 11 ditional Homestead Entry. Depart nientof the Interior, U S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June 19, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Nathan II. rinkerton of Pcnd'eton, Umatilla County, Or., lias filed in this oihee his application to make soldiers additional entry, as assignee of Daniel Likes, by mesne, under the provis ions of Sec. 2S06 of the revised statutes of United States the nJs'setf sec 2T, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the , land, or for'any other reason, to the dis posal to applicant, should file their afllda vits of protest in this ofiice, on or before the 8th day of August, 1908. j2-a6 C. MOORli, Register, Not Coal Land U OMESTEAD Notice for Fublira tion, Department of the Interior, U S Land Office atThe Dalles, Oregon, June 26, 1908. Notice is hereby given that CLARA HELEN HOFFMAN, .formerly Clara Helen Hennemauu, of Madras. OregoD, who, on September P, 1002, made Homettead Entry, No 11449, for e8w)j sec 22 and enwi sec 2?, tp U e, r 13 e, w nij has filed notice of intention to make final five-year 'proof, to establish claim to the land .above descijbed, before frank Osborn, tJ. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon) on the 19th day of August, 1903. . Claimant names as witnesses: 'Berthold Dombrowe, Conrad Stras ger, Jesse Eade, William Ellis, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. Moore, )9-al3 Register fNot Coal Laud I-I OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica- , tion. Department of the Interior, U. B. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 28, 1908. Notice is hereby given that SAMUEL E. GRAY, of Madras, Oregon who, on May 25, 1903, made Homestead Entry No. 12018, for r.$ se and sJneJi sec 11, tp 11 s, r 18 e, w in, has filed notice of intention to make final -five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank Os born, U. 8. Commissioner, at his ofiice at Madras, Oregon, on the 18th day or Au gust, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: James D Mavcs. Neil S Jennincs, M L Loucks and Fred Davis, all of Madras, Oregon. j9-al3 C. W. MOORE, Register. Not Coal Landl I l OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca- ri tlon . Department of tho Interior, U S Land Office at The Dalles', Oregon, June 22, 1908. Notice is hereby given that JOHN A. COULTER, "of Madras. Oregonj who, on January 80, I9d2, made Homestead Entry No, 10351, for vnw and wswM sec 14. tp 10 s, r 18 -, w in, has filed notice of intention to uake final five-year proofj to establsh olalm to the land above described, before Wrnnk Oalinrn. U. S. Commissioner, at his -ilice at Madras, Oregon) on the 10th day if August, lttOH. Claimant names as witnesses! VohieyZ llraustetter, Miles Fox, OO 'ox, Andrew Larson 1 ail of. Madras, Ore- Oll. C. W. MOOItK, j2-a0 Register Not Coal Lahd HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of tho interior, U. i. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 27, .1008. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLES W. PARRIBH) f Hay Creek, Oregon, who, on May 14) 902, made Homestead Entry No, 10870, for oUnvfUt bXiwH nd ne&se sec i, tp 11 , r 15 e, w in, has filed notice of intention 0 make final five-year proof, to establish lalm lo tho land above described, before 'rank Osborn, U.S. Commissioner, at lila fflce at Madras, Oregdu, on tile lflth day August, 1008., Claimant names as witnesses: Lee Curtis, Ralnh Alien Walter Par tali, all of Hay Creek, Oregon; Joseph jtewart, of Youngs, Oregon. t 1. v V-i8 0. W. MOOlttt, Register. TIMBER LAND. Notice for rubll oat Ion. Department of the Inte rlor, U, 3. Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Notice Is hero- Oregon, May 12, 1908 by given that FLORENCE A. HUtfNELL, of Bend, Oregon, who, on February 2t, iuua, muiie uinoer appucauou ssn 4558. for sinwi and Lots 3 and 4, 800 7 ip m a, r 11 e, w m, IlrtH filed uotlce of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H C Ellis, 17. S. Commissioner, at his oflloe Ht Bend, Oregon, on tho 30th duy of duiy, iuu. Olalmant names as witnesses: Charles I) Brown, Elmer Niswnn' ger, L A Braudenburgli, Fred A Hun uoll, nil of Bend, Oregon. C. W. MOOKE, m28-jy23 Register. 'T'IMBER cation. LAND. Notice for Puhli Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Land Ofiice at The Dalles, Oregon, May 11, 1008. Notice Is here by given that OR A VAN TASSEL, of MadraB, Oregou, who, on April 80, 1908, inado Timber Application No'. 4625, for Lot 7, Bee 12, tp 10 0, r 12 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frauk Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Madras. Oregon, on the 28th day of July , 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: W II Bishop of Warmsprinits, Ore gon: J E Campbell, CV Wilson, Ulys ses a Uowles, all or aiauras, Uregou. C. W. MOORE, in 28 23 Register. HPIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United States L-iiid Office, The Dalles, Orecon. Jiay n, juuh. police is Hereby given mat GRACE AVILSON, of Prinevllle, Orecon, who, on Anrll 2l, ivuu, maue limner anil atone proof, Keceiver's receipt no. ir!7. for Lots 3 and 4, seo 7, lot 1, seo 18, tp 12 8, r 11 e, nnu seise sec la, tp iu , r.10 e, w m. Has filed notice of intention to make final timber proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before-the County Clerk at Prinevllle, Orecon, on tbt ill 1 11 uay or Jul-, IUUS. Claimant names as witnesses: Macgle Glaze, Robert G Smith, II A Foster and Charles Bedell, all of Prine vllle, Orecon, and Edwin B Graham of Sisters, Oregon, C. W. MOORE. m21-jyl6 Register LJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica lion. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June IS, 1908. Notice is hereby given mat Serena E. Friend, formerly Lawler, of Ashwood, Oregon, who, ou July 2, 1900, made homestead entry No. 8441, lr. U. 5330, duly io, 1UU7.) for seMnei ejaei sec 2 and Hwnw sec 1, tp 11 b, r 10 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described be fore Register and Receiver at The DalleB, Oregon on July 31, 1903. Claimant names as witnesses: A G Kibbee and Colburn MoPherson of Haycreek, Oregon Chester S Mc Corkle and Knox D Huston of Ash wood, Oregon, j25-jy30 C. W. MooRE, Register Not Coal Land tJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publication x Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofnce at The Dalles, Oregon, June 26, 1908. Notice is hereby given that DAVID B. BURDEN, of Madras, Oregon, wh", on April 11, J902, made Homestead Entry No. 10659, for se& sec 5, tp 10 s', r 18 e, w m, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above des crlbed, before Frank Osborn, U. 8. Com missioner, at his office at Bfadras) Oregon) on the 18th day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Miles Fox, Joseph Arney, Charles DI1 Ion, George V Dillon, all of Madras, Ore- con. - u. w. JJlUUltH, 19-al3 Register. fNot Coal Land H' OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U Land Ofll'ce at The Dalles, Oregon, Ouno 26, 1908. NotIce,.Js hereby given that JESSE D. S TARNS, of Madras. Orecon. who on October 21, 1901, mado Homestead Entry No. 1853) for sejtfiwjf and esw sec 18 and nejfnwjf sec 19, tp 12 s, r 18 e, w m, Jias filed notice of intention to make final Jlv-year proof, to establish claim to the laud bove des crlbed, before Frank Osborn, U. fa. Com missioner; at his ofilqeat Madrasj Oregon) on the 18th day of August, 1908. C almant names as witnesses George Kllllngbeck; W G Kllllngbcck, Jolin O Ticker,, Frank M Loveland, all of Madras, Oregon. Ct W. MOUllli)! 9al8 , Register. Not Coal and HOMESTEAD. Notlco for Publicn, iinn tiennrfinpnt of tins Inbrlon U B Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon', J line 27, 1908. Notice. Js.hereby given that U'lLLIAM II. STONEHOctfElt, of Madras, Oregon, who, on December U, 1001 mado Homestead Entry No. 10148, for nwjs 6ec w, tp iy e. r i e, w w, iiuo HUH notlco of Intention to make final flvv year proof, to establish claim-to tlio land above uoscnoeu, ueioio c ih wwi Claimant n,amc3 as witnessesl t. Vt A Lb.l.HWS.tMsavcil, V ZBranstiit terball ofJIaflras, Oregon; h A Young, of Youngs, Oiegon. ieSlBter. of Administrator's Bale of Ileal Estate. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the County of Crook, State of Oregon, made atid en tered ou tho 6th duy of July, 1008, In the matter of the Estate of John A. Isham, deceased, tho undersigned the administrator of Bald estate, will soil at prlvato sale, for cash, gold coin of tho United States, and subject to con firmation by suld County Court, on or after Saturday, tho 22nd Uay of Au gust, 1008, at Madras, In the -Comity of Crook, titato of Oregon, alt thu right, title and interest the said John A. Is h in had at the time of his deutli and all the right, title uud interest the said estate has acquired other than or In addition to that of the said John A. Isham at the time of his death, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud altuato and being in the County of Crook, State of Oregou and more punic1 ularly described as follows, towlt: Lots Eight, Nine aud Ten in Block Thirty- one ana lois our aim isieveu in Block Thirty-two in the Town of Pal main, Crook Couutyt Oregon, accord ing to tuo piat inoreot as tue same appears of record in the office of the County Clerk of Crook County, Ore go in Terms and coudit'ons of sale : cash, gold coin or the United State. Si E. GRAY. AdminUtrntnr of the Estate JO-uO of Johu A, Ishutn, deceased HPIMBER LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878, Notice for Publication. Depart ment of the Interior, United Stales Laud Office, The DalleB, Oregon, April 80, 1908. Notice is hereby given mat ' ADA F. RIDEOUT, of Prinevllle, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, as extended by not of August 4, 1892, the nsejiii, swjne4 and sejnwi of seo 13, tp 11 8, r 10 s, w m, And will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its limber or si.oue than for ncricullural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before t lie (joutity Clerk at Prlueville, Oregon, ou the 16th day of July, 1908. Sbe names as her witnesses: Rob crt G Smith, Sam Iiuberg, H E Ride out, all of Prinevllle, Oregon; Loretl E Alllugham of Portland, Oregon. , Any and all persous claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of July, 1908. C. W. MOORE, ml4-Jyl9 Register. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notlco for Publica tion. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, July 8, 1008. Notice Is hereby given that ROBERT C. 03BORN, of Culver, Oregon, who, on November 1, 1002, made Homestead Entry No 11860, for ne$8el, esei see 4 and nei- nei sec 0, tp 13 s, r 13 e, w m. Has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis sioner, at his afflce at Madras, Orecon, ou the 22ud day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas "Alderdyce, Claude C Lam- son, Y U It'ilston, William uaruer, uu of Culver, Oregom C. W. MOORE, J16 a20 Register. Not Coal Laud OME6TEAD. Notice-lor Publi H cation. Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, 6regon, July 0, 1008. Notice Is here by given that GEORGE H, WHITE, of Madras, Oregon, who, on July 0, 1003, made Homestead Entry No. 12805, for uiswi, BeJswK sec 5 and ueJuwK seo 8. tp 10 s, r 14 e, w m, v Has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, loestiblish claim o the land ubove described, before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 26tb day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Otto L Hohlfeld. John Thomas, 'George E Laugblln, Emma Laughlio, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, JlB-a20 Register ... Aot Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica lion. Department of the IuterJor, U.S Laud Office at The Dalles, ore- gon, Juiy u, ivuo. ubo given that MARY J, WIHTSS, of Madras, Oregon, who, on June 24, 1007, made Homestead Entry No. 16614, for sejnwj, ejswi and awjswi sec 32, ipOa, r 14, e, w m, las filed notice of intention to maae mil nnmniutatlon nroof. to establish claim to the land above desorlbed, be fore Frank Osboru, U. 8. Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 20th day of August) 1008. Claltriantuames as witnesses! nin r. Hohlfold. John Thomus, George E iaughlln, Emma Iaugblln, all of Madra8 Oregon ! C. W. MOORE, 10-a2d ,.. Reglstor, A completo supply of legal blauke for soje Iniludlnj? warranty and quit claim deeds, tel, ofyttjbl amj crow" mortgages, etc. 3uHUceq0tfHl? 4 J coir,W.8)eclalty. Kblaj-y rubllc. fd OTICE fd OTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is horeby glveu that tho un dersigned Administrator of thftKstnto of Blnuohard B. Aten, deceived, ban rendered and presented for settlement, and filed in tho County Court of the State .of Oregon for the County of Crook, his final account or said estate; end Monday llio 7th day of Septom her, 10C8, at 10 o'clock A. M. haB been set by Hon, Wi A. Bull, County Judge of Crook County, Oregon, for hearing tho same at. tho Court House In said county At such tlmo and place any objections to such final aeoount and the settlement thereat will bu heard. Dated, and first publication hereof made, thlsOth day of July, 1008. ClA'DK B. AIT0111BON, jO-ala . Administrator. Not C?oal Land HOMESTEAD. Notlco for Publication. Department of tho Interior, U.S. i Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, July 1, 1908. Notlco Is hereby given that WILLIAM W. 'JARKHTT, of Madras, Oregon, who, on October 20, 1901, made Homestead Entry No. 13871, for wjnwjjf, senwM'j swtfneK seo 20, tp 11 s, r 14 c, w m, Has filed notice of Intention to mako final commutation proof, to establish ola'ni to the land above described, before Frank Osborn, U. H. Commissioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon,' on tho 20th day of Air gust, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: A 8 Phillips, d E lJetllngtlo'.d, M O Ir win, U W ltankln, all of Madras, Oregon. C W. Mooiikv" J9-a0 Register. Not Coal Band HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior. U. S, Land Ofllco at The Dalles, Oregon, June 27, 1908. Notlco Is lrereby given that EDWIN IJ. GRAHAM, of Sisters, Oregon, who, on Jununry 11, 1902, made homestead Entry No. 102tW, Tor sw'fseif, sjtfsw sec 27 and seWWsec sec 28, tpll s, r 11 e,w m, Has filed notice of intention to make final live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, bofoio Wauen Brown, County Clerk, at his office at I'rlnevllle, Oregon, on the 17th day of Au gust, 1908. , , Claimant names as witnesses: Hardy K Allen, David Rlggs, Jesse J Wilt, William A Wilt, all of Sisters, Or egon. C. W. MOOUE, J9-al3 Register. Xo; Coal Laud OJESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. B. Laud Ofiice at The Dalles, Oregon, June 29, 1908. Notlco Is heroby given that EDWARD J. BALDNElt, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August 8, lDOf, made Homestead Entry No. 13711, for neK sec II, tp 11 s, r 14 e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank Os born, U. S. CommlsAtoner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the llith day of Au gust, lttOS. Claimant names as witnessesl John McTaggart, John F Church Jr, of Madras, Oregon; Ed Kutchor, Walter Par rlsh, of Hay Creek, Oregon. j9-al3 - C. W. MOORE, Register TIMBER LAND', Notice Vor Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofiice, Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 14, 1908. Notice Is hereby given Hint WILLIAM 6'SULLIVAI?, of Blalock, Oregon, who, ou January 25, 1908, made Timber Application No. 1521, for eKsw and lots 8 and 4, sec 30, tp lis, rl7e, WM, Has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before the Register and Receiver, at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Ella O'Stilllva.'i, of Ulalock, Oregon; Ed ward II Sargent, William Mason, ij Dillon McGary, all of The Dalles, Oregon; Knox I) Huston, Joseph McCollum, both of Ash wood, Oregon. jl'l-jyUO C. W. MOORE, Register. TIMBER LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878, Notlco for Publication, Depart meuLof tho Interior, II. S. Land Office Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 0, 1008. No tice Is hereby given that LUCY E. OATH CART, of The Dalles, Oregon, who, on May 0, 1908, made timber application No. 4630, for elsw, swjsej of section 8 aud nejnwi sec 17, tp 18s, r 11 e, w ni, Has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish olalm to tho land above described before the Regis ter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oro gon, ou the 22nd day of July, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses: Daniel A McDonoll, Michael O'Con nor, Mary Cathcart, William G Ma son, all of The Dalles, Oregon. C W. MOORE, m2l-10 Register. TMIBiCR LAND1, Aot June 3, 1878. Notlco for Publication. Depart ment of tho Interior, United Stales Laud Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 26, 11)08, Notlco la hereby given that JOSEPH II. HANER, of Prinevllle, Oregon) who, on May 20, 1008", made tifiltytf application No. 4040, for sisej atid aiswi eec u, 18 b, r 10 ej w in, Has tiled notice df Intention to make final Drodf, to establish claim to tlitl mhtlatiovo described, boforo the County uier,i at rnnoviuo, uregou, on ino iztn daji pi August, 19d8. Ulnjinant names as witnesses t lieury A Foster, tewle E Hudson, of FtlvPilllp, Oregonj Guy AlllHglmSh of Bistyj, ;Orcgohl William J Muaon of Tho Dalles, Oregon, Regletcr. ...REMEMBER THE PIONEER JOB OFF! . - Mk. mm M mm 0 MADRAS, OREGON WHEN YOU WANT NEAT, CLEAN, PLA Printing AT REASONABLE PI NEW - HIGH GRA TYPE BEST MACHINERY The best workmansri i 'Hi'-, PIONEER PUBLISHING COM Fil DE STOCK