The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 16, 1908, Image 3

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I'm Falling
ihfl hair. And a
ThUS vH6u .
STATE CONTROL OF WATER, the finding of feasible projects. This
involves not only the feasibility of con-
Womiin'i VII,
In n 1 I .1 -
mper Prasontod nt Rocont Mooting' ?r,rm,,l,K ,thc I',n,nt' 1,ut the pos- city which belonged to one of his ro
llouts of 2,000 to fl.OOO tonnage now
ply between .Inpiiii mid Formosa on
rcgulnr three mid Ilvc-diiy schedules.
A discovery of Inrirn ,. n.
oro Is reported ns having been imuin ' hftVo th poorest water luws of
recently la the llrooks mountains In wo"l" states. Colornilo profited by
i mi.. i.n .. . . ii . . . 1
of Oregon 8tato Grange.
Uy John II. Uwls, HUte Engineer.
Laws of Other States.
Oregon, Washington and California
.1. - n Alnaln Tin. ii.. ...... 41... Ii-.i ... . . "
a lirhbOf CflmOiO ino rca-M "'" ui wio siriKO nro mcs or uanrornia, imtor Wyo-
nu'r . .... f iw i
" ri. t.alri rao
The lislr was
In gratitude, It grew
Soldi" ''P"h6
vn,nr, ,ircl'l'"B " 1 ln ,'' btHlotn noblemen. Aflcr tho Ion hail
bo nssured in advance, on account of term,Ied to take It by storm and to de-
our poor laws, thon wo should not com- 8trJr n" !t contained by fire and sword,
plain because Oregon's rightful share Ho did not, however, wish to Injure
ui mis runa is not expended within tho defenseless women; therefore, he
her horde;. gcnt fl proclamation Into the town, say-
Btato Control. lug that all the women might leave
iio conference of governors now in the place unhurt and carry with them
sossJon at Washington, D. G, to doviso whatever they held most precious. The
f "uuninKii auoptca laws which
.. ii. . ... ; ... imvo UCOn lILKPn n mnilnla T ntl.o.
n iu mimic sci oo s or Htrassbura . t ,. ,.J r., ,, 7 , 1 . jih iw wiu cunnwvnuon or our nobleman's wife InatnnMv ilrrldwl n
$IM7.7J per minimi, according to tho fiend of by Appointed boards, as in tho conservation of water on i tTe non 1 fol,ow uer "ample. They soon Is
years or service, mid women teachers hcB0 states. The water law defeated navlgablo streams of tho states. This "uwl from tho city gate in a long pro
got from l.mUO to I000V10. uy our leglslalurrs of 1005 and 1007 . Is entirely a state problem and wo cession, each one i with hei husband on
Sclenco so far has failed to furnish En.v m!!ul.ti0lm ".'!' , mmt, ""I' tor the use her shoulders. The emperor
any explanation of the nivatcrv of ninnAiiM'wL' 1 Y"8. ccy pi mm. Any much struck with tho noble
Joss frulls. They are not the out m , law has lZ , b n'V ' 1, cScnco the women that he spared all;
u ur
: '?E.Tr'-M.
iiii '' i I Mn "iT'iTTlT'll
ra'Mfli iMutootur.r or
aitt PILLS.
VlllJS O cumt PK7CRAL
,n mo wk in man. Man perpetuates ""cricnn irrigation Congress to interstate streams can affect Orocon
tlinm I... .1...... .... ....... .... Ill II nt Ita l.ln.l .. 41.1. .1 I'm.
iu wiun nil mure. J lie SCOIlleRH niun wj tuin cuiur uuv 111110,
found in a suite of seed. '? ",,0,1()rn ,llV8 "ro b!1?0!1
I'uu uiu wmcr jaws or itaiy, which
was ho
conduct of
even the
city Itself was left untouched.
nrango was
A lloMln,. . . ' , , . havo (lovcloped througlK centuries of j Uy cannot only bo accomplished with-
A IIOHlon woman who has Just cole- oxporlcnco. Thus Oregon has no lack out sacrifice or cost to tho present
bratod her goldeli anniversary as a ' l'r?cclcnt, and should profit by tho generation, but to its ereat benefit and
iwii ihjiuiih or Having inarte and cooked ua ii,ubu uwur minus aim prom, u wo oniy win.
uo,wo pies, 2,000.000 doughnuts and vuu"
poinothlng more than 1.500000 mid.! "'frumcnts Against Stato Control.
HiiigH, besides a multitude of ollmr
ini, . . , , , . ' woimn trill una Mrs. rriniiorrB oooiainff
ino conservation of tins crcat nat BvruDthebtr.mir tonifothircii?wr-ii
ural resource in tho interest of poster- during th UatWng period.
A Dlt niflerent.
Towne There's one thing about my
wife. She makes up her mind If she
Wo resented bitterlv tho offer of can't nffrirri n thlnir thnt olio
Frcsidont Itoosevelt, through his rccla- need It.
mation department, to assist us in tho ., nt, -
. . . .a m ft nnt.
trtl " sld m cuiuin, - mi luvuiiuH are an uer own
tiiter morrJ toward tbo door, ,.oftut0), to )vr0 n wok boflk
V' ffi'SlS; Sera" " Tl.o clubwomen of Massaeh,
to'1 V'L. . iim..if Dronintly on the out- 'M'tlng against tho movement
rri. . i . . i I
v tllllu IIIUDUIILI' I LI, LIII1 I1IHL v.. n. : .. 111.1 1 . .
dfilntloH and no end of baked beans. 8nturp provided a comprohensivo nro no7v pen,istcntlv acBardInff tho on,y Bbc buy8 t first and makes up her
uer roeeipis are all Hop own and sho .i:. ' 7 "U I """," P' warning of our worthy covornor who ra,na anerwaru. I'liiiauclplila Press.
tcction to vested rights through stato ,
control or inversion
Massachusetts nn streams. Tho leadim?
ement to lower .Ul nornics of tlnn bill wcro as fol
ts through state lns wei, nM thnt ,itho t mfeT.
s from pub ic tintv ag to tltIpg to wat t, wldo I CJTO
arguments by , difference of opinion among the ablest . M.ViKS
Vital" Dinco and nil Herronn DtAjini
irsunantlr cured by Dr. Kiln Unat
iotct. Ben a ror ru.v.ta iinai botu sd
irMtlta. l)r. II. ILKilnt, Arch St., Itll
. tliercMmot resell ths t tell years. M
dlwl'Wb''fll' ,n"" ,u nBW-tliiK tl
Painful Etlqoctla.
royal court of France used to be
laco for etiquette. Louis XIV.
1 .. . 1 .. ii... n .
Mothers have como to was the basis of a machine to control .,...5." r.CaUg .r T8.
Charlotte Perkins Oil- tho politics of the state. . a "cWmuia. ToZl k 7A d "B nfc. Ia" onn 8 ""8,D.K r.rom.
that t.(.IIM,- irhi-i, ' Tito penalty necessary to onforco tho iMm '.. .ir-.-r. " . Dea one coia morning me loru or tne
' -vw bllU uni; Ullll UIBL1 IUU' 1.. a . . . .
rjiiiono inj in rect the purity of milk and water Is IZZ? v . wa,TM l 10 ,no tion of water, patterned after the mod-, whn uu.j it was to nana
SSuTmuB "no outHliIo tho home, but Inside the ?,!!"' P" 'J c,wntcrHfH ,oul , thereafter crn ,BW8 o Wyoming, Idaho and Can- his shirt, happened to be absent
t t!?wfe " It if JELittii'iJbS Juy." boeomo vested except by direct grant nla wllcro Utf0H tohnter aro as 80. Not one of the numerous courtiers
IKS mSSi K ,., , 'gaff-Si S'f 5r,rrff;z r-arjy&WAKiss
W mom Hundred nolUr. rsn (!llfldn ami Mexico, which mnkei tho V T w bl,,,lthoutt.BD3r means of diverJ-loil and U80 of watc; j9 neccs-1 Book-
HLcnnii(cuifdbrriMli)tlist cmi. ,. ?. . miiKes mo enforcing it would have tho same effect Hrv nnil . Tic,rti, in will m-miHv
fWwVlbrilVU'-C-Urrh ru,. Send lor to nl f,ll8. Tho activity In tho eleclrl- nn dofeatinc the bill, which was the ro- "ULa J".-- - f?..ri? To B'"': Shoc
and Quality
appeal to tho Well-Informed In ovory
walk of llfo and aro essential to per
manent success and creditable stand
ing. Accordingly, It la not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna is tho only remedy of known
value, but ono of many reasons why
It Is tho best of personal and family
laxatives Is the fact that It cleanses,
sweetens and relieves tho Internal
organs on which It acts without any
debilitating after effects and without
having to Increase tho quantity from
tlmo to time.
It acts pleasantly and -naturally and
truly as a laxative, and Its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians, as it is freo from all
objectionable substances. To get Its
beneficial effects always purchase tho
genuine manufactured by tho Cali
fornia ,Flg Syrup Co., only, and for
salo by all leading druggists.
jwMTinallf Ui lor eomtlp.tlon.
feaiw.'"-. , rnifvrvAro .TniBdo.a C" industry from the mimt recent Ilu. suit desired.
hPrewMiV We. : tires shows it decided Inclination to rt-' Under tho proposed law. no state
cover from Hie llnuiiclitl stress which co"trl could bo had until tho deter-
rinlflfftil tttitll atfMi tlmn
lion Is considered. , Thcao adjudications will bo final, as
it... .1 .. 1 -!. 1 1.. - II.. .
iHiHiiniiiger, once n respectable nc" i "-. omru mo court, m
Oeeaa't Alnnr VoWoyt.
Bsdtue lome men get over a fonc
nfely fflib a loaded nun It Is not nl
ni! lift to SBiumo thnt they won't
moist l mule i hwli to settle a bet
M.Wiiblc10D Post
rax daut
dMtror,H ill
Aim bimI affurtll
roiufort tonmrr
Mom n
plnro bra tilt
cover from Hie llnuiiclitl stress which co"trl could bo had until tho dot
has been nrfivtlng nil busing "''""tion by the courts of all vest
ilin I not vmm tl. i n rights to the use of water from a giv
,J f '0 is eiually pro- 8t,m, Thfircfore no wntcr
oiinceil when the Item of cnpltnllza- could bo appointed until such tir
r . term, lias now sunk to the "lowest 810,1,1 of C0"Hti"tly recurring, as under
depths. In the early Australian news- I,r,c,,cnt con,,Bfc .'ri10 "a8t"'
I ,. . " i nn- w ,on appointed, will rcgulnto the dl-
- papers such i dvortlw.ients as "Want- vorltif)nK, 'nf wat'01. in nor.Ianco with
reclaimed, and discouracc further de
velopment of our great water resources."
Ml, H K004I IlllSlirnnger." Were ntlllo thn Apptm n rpnilnrfil and the riulits
eoiumon. The word then was synony- as granted under the now law. Thcso
moils with "htiHlimnn," one skilled n 0"' rights will not bo subject to mi-
bush M' g"H0'it " mntter. now long too ucior
In itltilns :i(wllll!i mill HYlurli.iwi. nt li
IfUfllU " i ... ....
"'j.'," Hut now a "good buHhranger" w
Olllll 1.0
inination of tho carlj' rights are de
layed, as these rights will be coinplcto-
tir Am nt Ml cm will
tiditf If u..n, tnt pr
UttU UUU1, UI CXlk
- . . i . i.u....t . . . . . . infill, nu
I'SSTSa '"'" "" m,u:Hl "Wr. rr ly defined and recorded when granted
in i r n T 1. 1 n " "' HiiHTiniirtt itfiti This dotermii.atioi. of early nKhts may . Duchess. Gravenstem nn.l Kin. The
Experiment Station Called Upon for
Advice on Various Subjects.
From the Wmhintlon Stato College Pullman
A farmer writes from Scguin ask
ing for varieties of apples to plant in
that locality. He was supplied with
information as follows:
"For winter apples, try the Bald
win, Spy, Northwest Grccnint', Eng
lish Russctt, VVagencr and Grime?
Golden, If you desire a few early
apples, plant Yellow . Transparent,
Aiwajrj jbixe in Allen's Foot-Ease, a. powder,
I ii cures not, sweating, aching, swollen leet.
Lurys corns, ingrowing calls and bunions. At
n L-.mggisi ana snofl sterck, 25c. Dont accept
inj substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Addrcs
Allen 6. Olmstod, Le Koy.N. Y.
He Wna Prnctlcnl.
"Young man, you write a good deal
of poetry to my daughter."
"Yes, sir."
"It takes a practical man to sup
port a wife."
, "Well, it's this way. I have to write
uer nn occasional letter, ana i m so
busy at the office that I just copy the
poetry to fill ln."
The explanation was satisfactory.
InmrvanMhlna. ... .. . ... " ""v , ""v , jltuciicm. vji
' '"'out iiwin, mnn or me umiMxiitf-n bank robtwr, :i tnko from 10 to 20 years, judging from , former apples arc the commercial ap
!! w. -".r.i. i . desiMiller of irold pscorlM nml nmll Wvominir's oxnrrienrc, where 18 years ,P- nf WPcipm Wnslumrtnn Th-
. - - .. . , . , ... ,!..- . .- v .
; eoiiciusj mill the terror of the country. "nvo ?c" ""mt","' """""K experiment station lias some knowl-.
Hv. , icrriioriiu rinis unucr me u.;v iuw. e(ge of botI, tlrc uL.,cl0us and the" u , ' T.1,c .H:Htem of ,!,ivil in 8tat. '"t"1 King. David apples. They are om-
l """" "vij luiiu ui (iistricts, according to iinuniiKo hhsiiih, parativcly new. and might succeed rc
im- t7iiwiinn i:i inniirii), ino iizuni, wna onn or inuru mur iiuisium in , niarkably well with you, yet your
Ot!lllPl-ni C VlliniHIl lilt,- IIIIIKIIIOr US II '(; " uimiu, nun nui ..i.ii..-
; llsli, to Judge from Itoiiira'H description "rated as tho only feasible plan of
J of tho contents of the nKthecary's ol,,c,tinK thc t-t o a11 c0-
: , .: ' ."n'r' 01 ,!r Tho fees charged in the granting of 'W0s Vcnort stuVcess with the Ale
niiiun ui-niiiiKii iiniich. nompwniu titles by tho stato were intended within , n.tnr and tliie i nr.-iptirnllv thp m,Iv
Nan So you like Archie, do you? 1
always thought him just the least bi!
Onlr NIeht Air nt Nluht.
Speaking of Florence Nightingale
and ber efforts to keep the world
healthy, It seems pertinent to make
special mention of her mission In be
half of the open window at night In
the early years of her labors much un
intelligent opposition to this method of
ventilation because of the supposed
barmfulness of the night air was ex
pressed, but Miss Nightingale had on a
stock argument In support of her posi
tion, It being the question, "What air
shall we breathe at night but night
air?" It was unanswerable from her
opponents' point of view, even If it
did not always convert them, but It did
lead a countless nnmber Into saner
ways of living and along the way to
the present methods of treating tuber
culosis. Boston Transcript.
More Trouble for Jobniif.
"No." explained Mrs. Lapsling, "Jobnny
says be wasn't bitten by the dog, bat I'm
not going to take any chances. I shall
have bim expurgated jimt as rood as I can
get him to the doctor's." Chicago Tribune.
Fan Well, he's certainly a good deal
more ladylike .than you are,
planting them would be more or less
of an experiment.
"The question of peaches in your
locality is an undecided one. A few
like "alligator," the Uxard Is the "by- a few years to more than meet tho cost varjcty that has been reported as suc
emi," which merely nieniiK how, and to the state. If franchises to tho use ccssfui from your section. You wili
"iiHlrlch " u-hlell wviiw.j ftvmi Hi.. Intl.. Of Water WCrO limited in time, and t,nv nrnrtimllv nn trnohlo in rrr.ttv.
. "ostrich," which wines from the Latin o'wntor wcro limited in time, and
word for bird and n Orcck word that uil',,"ft,ly, Ti c,mrB ""m" f?r,th T
.. ... ... . . . of this public resource, the stato water
j meant either n sparrow or an ostrich, department could, in time, bo made to
A New and Modern European Hotel, catering
particularly to State people. A refined place for
ladles viaitin? the city, close to the shopping
nso , illg grapes, since Some of thc best center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus
SL Helen' H.-tll Pm-rlnnrf n
(tint mi Dr School for Ctrl. "M 11,0 l''my "l,K"t h ,,ln1, 1,1 fact- yield a largo revenue to tho stnte.
UUIojuo on Keauest wiiu-ii m jiihi me 'uini-mru, nc- ino cost oi actum iiiairiDiitinu wn
ii m Ar a -w w
'tordlng to etymology.
j to be homo by tho counties benefited.
we have are grown over
Gen. I'ulmn n Teacher,
"Not long since, while visiting In
N. K. CURKE, (lite of Portland Hotel) Mgr.
Fresh meats, dusted over with pow-
1 l 1 i r
Ubby's Cooked
Corned Beet
There's a big differ
ence between just
wmed beefthe kind
old In bulk and
i'fiby's Cooked Corned
Bccl The difference
'sm the taste, quality of
meat and natural flavor.
Every fiber of the
Jieat of Llbby's Cooked
C6rf Bed is evenly
mildly cured,
coofeed scientifically
JJ carefully packed In
"'WsOrcal While KMcbe
It forms nn annnt; .
'sh, rich in fonr
Ue and mak
jnieal that saUsfies.
, .,F?' Quick ServlMs-
MPby Cooked Cnm.
5 Beef. cut into thin
I ntiinrtini' to the bill on tho irronnd at n i . , . rresn meats, austea over witn pow-
Ho great have lxvn the rurnecM I . L.J.' nfc.i i :t rS" ..k. Cuba- 1 lia(1 tho Plcnsure of rcnevlng dered borax fwhich is now nrenareT of
- .1. ....... ... . . ' " linnw i-uimmui v uu- ,, ,,, ,i,, ...iu, n, t ... ... js . j , ' , ,,.
tiuiMM uy me insider a leauess, twin- joctinir to tho appropriation of somo ""'""'"'i' jura- extreme uneness ana punty ana wnue
lug, purlsllic plant that a decree has $1000 annually to -maintain a stato ,llt of the Island, Gen. T. Estrada as snow) and rubbed in as you would
bivn iHMiied by tho French president land department, which is a valuable I'alnin," said S. A. Sovler. pepper and salt, will keep; fresh much
prohibiting Its ImiKirtntlon Into tho "iirco f income to tho stnte, or like "Gen. Palma Is living a quiet, se- neer. All that isrequ ired is to wash
Better each year, and larjrer. We now
have two floors Cox 100 feet Thorough
work tells the story. It counts in tho
end, and we admittedly lead in this re-"
spect. Get our catalogue, penwork, etc,
then judge for yourself as to quality.
A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.D., ITindpal
Tenth and Morrison - Portland, Oregoa
C. Gee Wo
The well known reliable
Root and Herb
I ! . ll. 1. ll.. i - 1! ' . a . . . , ,.
country. It Is ii veritable agricultural- "'Jtc,"1P 10 u,u COfl1 r pico v' ciuueu me on ins unpretentious coun
Arranfft nn n
ffftwJ Ornish with
Tby 8 Chow Chow:
Png dish for
Oaf OqqJ
f M4U."
yr Utim.
LMy, KcNM i
scourge, attacking and destroying hops,
.vines, clover, pens, tomatoes and ninny
other kinds of agricultural produce.
' Once having found Its way Into any
district, It Is most dllllcult to get rid
ui. nun coiiHiiiiues a iKTiiianem ho tree u i ,t .- ., .i, - -
Ur nnvh.iv rl, rnr.nnr .,M.,ff i . t L" '"V'V . "... hours a day to Uiat task, while at night
- ' -'tn , ino prnvmiuim in un v utov hui. nun ,
down, burning and poison have all been area is equal to tho combined nrea of , llc S,vcs Instruction to a class com-
. i ..... . - . .. .. , , . i i ... . i. l x- rt ill a tl Infw rn-a XI n nna
the meat before cooking.
Dead game, poultry, etc.,
tOCtion for Other property tlinil WatOr, trv ,,tntn nt llnrnmn. . Tin tnfc on nn
which protection saves annually to tho AntorMt In nf)iiti,. but devotes himself
public far moro than its coat. . . . . keDt sweet for veeks bv mbl inir tlPm
Stato Jind Govornmont Eeclamatlon. cucf pleasure Is In teaching a little w?" w'tn powdered borax under the
Oregon haB -100.000 acres of covcrn- i,,i of his nolchlwirs'. ohlhlrnn tn pn,i inSs legs, tail and placing a little in
. .... . . i " rn mniirn nt run mm
mont land witmirawn trom entry, nml nn,i i,o devotes two or r.hron ...,' .:;:".T ,::.
i . i . 1 1 . l.i- i ' - - - -, mjvw .,-vui. widiwi. ivriie
local agents wsntod. Write for raonej maklns plan
trletl with unsatisfactory
lOiidon Cllobe.
.Massage, as a remedy for Insomnh.
ami other Ills, Is most anclmit. Tho
very word "massage" comes from the
Tho Feline Propensity.
results. all irrigated land at tho presont timo, Ioseu or ms tann uiuorers.- tie was i now uocs mvs. oieigu get on in me
or nearly twico tho combined nrea of a school teacher ror a great part of ciunr'
11 . T.'l .ll. .1 TT..i!lln lwaS,nliii 1. .. II. . J 1. 1 l..ll,. .1 A 1 1 s.
Arnhtc word 'hhirh." It wuh stolen t n1o of wntor riRhta to theso uesort
lands, amounting to $4,092,700. Tho
the Klamath and Umatilla irrigation his llfo and in his latter days finds
projects of tho government. ' satisfaction In his old profession."
During tho first six months of 1907 ,Mnlnrft Amerlenn.
. i i i i ii : ii. . . "--.--- -
tUO BUltO Hum uimni nuuiuri.uu inu
rreneh doctors. In tho "Odyssey" tlw )onnl ,m,t 0,r ,',is "V,0" TKrl
I, , ,i , ,., ,, the ndinurnmont of tho legislature,
heroes are niiiHsngeil after a battle. Tho M 10 loi!8lntin which they
rroduet of Threo Grent Mlnda.
Although It was Abraham Lincoln
In his Gettysburg speech who made
fn.v.Al.n Mil OnnifiHIllllnn. .1...
mr tlinf flin inirlHintlnn WllIPll inov u.viua iiic iiiiiaou, tuiviiiiiraii ui luu
word "shampoo" Is from the Indian . hnd roeomniendod for tho nrotoction of people, by tho people, for the peoule."
word "tHliauipiia." Masseurs were cm- gottlors might bo enacted. Tho stato the father of the sentiment was really
... , ,.. ....ii.. i... i i..w i... i... i i n. .i..i...i.i.. .....i ne . . . . ....
pioyeu in iiiiini uy .h;.iiiuiit nn-. , ih now in uiu urjnimimu jiunimiii m jjaiuei Webster, who, iio vears pre
(Ireat. .Manage Is ono of tho things authorizing tho salo of a commodity iv,ousl ,m(, snokeUi of ..u;c l)eonIo.g
which it owns, mil over whom it , POVO,.nmint. llinil. fop fIlp ,: -,
nn xniiirn . it Ih nttcmntiiicr to sunor-1
viso tho oxpondituro of millions of dol
lars in tho interest of futuro settlors,
without appropriating a singlo con
for administrativo purposos.
Oh, she always comes up to the
"Of course she does. The cat I"
Baltimore American.
ITns romle n Ufa etndy of
roots nmi herlw. and la thai
Study diacoverod and la
No Mercury, Poisons or Drues Used He Cures
Without Operation, or Without the Aidof a Knifa
lie cnarantees to Cure Oatarrh, Asthma. Lnnic
rhroat. Ithrumotlm, Nerrouaneas. Nenoua Debllitr.
Ptomach. Liver. Kidney Trniihl(w:alraUHtUanhood;
female Weakness and AH Private Dlaeaaes
Just Received front Peking, China Safe, Sura
and Reliable.
Ujroa cannot call, write for ajmptonblanlc and otrosa
lar. IocIom i ccnta ln atamr.
t2 1-2 First Bt., Cor. Morrison, Portland. Oratea.
Please Mention This Paper.
No. 23-OS
WIEN irrltlne to adTortlsers pleas
mention this paper.
they discovered in ancient Clilua. Cap
t n 1 n Cook was massaged for n (iiiarter
of an hour by twelve natives of Tahiti.
They cured IiIh rheumatism. Paracel
sus tells how the Kgyptlans practiced
Tho Itomnn Cnthollc Church at Ox
ford has Just obtained possession of an
. Important legacy of relies left to it im-
der tho will of tho late ilnrtwell Do ha
, tlardo Orlssell, who wuh ono of tho
by tho people, and answcrablo to the
people-." Tho next stago In the crys-
rnlllrntlnn nf tlio nhrnsn wna In 1ST.O
I when another great American, Theo
uaruo urm.., , wi.u .. u. u( b thes0 Mttlors that their
four chamberlaliiH dl mmiero to lo? bo mlminirRc.1. In this matter of
reclamation by tho stato, or
. 1 1.- .1... i 1 l 1 . . . ..
Aireauy m r.v.u doro Parker, alluded to "a government
against nnu ot menu
of tho salo of somo jf rlf.llfu tn
,..i..., tl,r, Ik nn wntnr tn snntilv. and nut tho finishing touch
tho falso oconomy practicod may ulti- democracy Its watchword.
matoly result in a demand upon the
..-..-- uoro I'nriier, uuuucu to it guverumeuc
intondlng settlors te people." Then In 1803 Lincoln
and gavo
l'ojw, and who died at tho Vatican In
Juno last Ho had exceptional oppor
tiiiilihm for Hiitlsfvlmr his tasto for tho
cojleetloii of relics, which ho preserved prosperity without, adoquato foundation
In Ids nrlvato oratorv at Oxford. It 11 . '" it
- . . i
Unaehnlt Critic.
Ilucclus Whut has becomo of Fan
in nny nnt.
puMio or priyato roelnmation, wo aro! Muggins Oh, he's laid up; n
trying to build a preat strue turo of Qf lmBebaU
clatiiHHl that nowucro In Great Hrltaln
or Amorlcn Is thera collection so vol
uiiblo or so well authenticated. Apart
from primary relics of tho Passion and
flin f'nriolM vlnn nml nf tlw ihwihMph. 1Ik
I. . u . HVIiini"ii ...... "f
collodion Ib rlcheat l rollcs of th
enrly Christian martyrs, nml jKiorest
porhnps In.thoso of Kngllsh innrtyrn of
Tudor and Stuart times. .Moat valued
In tho long catnloguo nro fragmontH of
tho cross, a portion of tho inscription
placed upon It, of tho crown of thorns,
and of tho robo In which Christ un
pen red boforo Herod,, Chief nmong tho
roltcH of tho English saints Is ft portion
of tho clmsublo of St. Thomas or uiv
terbury -Londdn Timer
Orotmn has contributed moro to tho
roclamation fund of the United States
government than any other stato, and
tho roturn of thuf monoy depends upon
To Fail Buck Upon,
"We put that motto back on the coins,
anyhow," ssld the Congressman.
Ilugglus I didn't know ho ovor play
ed the game.
Muggins lie doesn't. Ho sprained
his larynx telling tho umplro how
things ought to bo dono.
Those Mean Girls.
"Men aro such strange creatures,"
Z. TZrZr. n .w remarked tho young wqman.
i vo fallow. npcom-1 "What's the matter now? Has somo
pllshed durlntr this session thst motto J ono been proposing to you?" inquired
affords us our only consolation." Ohicngo her gulloloBS companion. Detroit Free
mi. I n.nan '
Tho city of VIenno Is now trying to se
cure control of mines in Moravia. The
reasons given for 'the purchase are the
high price of coal and the difficulty of se
curing a steady supply for the municipal
' gg and electric plant.
End of tho Ronaon,
Quest (in restaurant) I say,
er, havo you any oysters?
WalterNo, Bah. Wo alj ain't got
no shell flh 'coptln' eggs,, sab. r
r, ii
The Kind You Havo Alwava Bonerlit lma hnm
turo of Glias. H. Fletcher, and has been mado under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
V Jut"a?reiooa! nro but Experiments, and endanirer tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops i and Soothine: Syrup. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Uurcotlo
substance. Its aco is its eruarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Poverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
CoV.IP roHoves Toethinp- Troubles, cures CoiiHtipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You. Hare Always Bought
Sears tho Signature of
jTaT . -aaiMatiBBi
In Ute For Over 30 Years.
tw esHTauw oommnv. t muriuv arnscr, msw vohh orrt.