The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 16, 1908, Image 2

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    Strong and Steady
Now thnt ho was again in his native
village, Walter realized bow unpleasant
had been bis position at .Mr. Drummond's
from tbe new elasticity and cheerfulness
which'hc felt. There had been something
gloomy nnd oppressive in the atmosphere
of his temporary homo nt Stnpleton, nnd
he certainly bad very little enjoyment In
Joshua's society. Mrs. Drummond was
the only one for whom be felt the least
Ho passed a few days quietly, renewing
old acquaintances and friendships. Nancy
1'orbes hnd gone to live with a brother,
who was an old bachelor, and very glad
to have her with him. Her savings and
the legacy left her by Mr. Conrad to
gether amounted to a thousand dollars, or
rather more sufficient to make Nancy
rich, in her own opinion. Rut she was
no: quite satisfied ibout the legacy.
"Thy say, Walter, that you'll be left
Ioor," she said. "You'll need this money."
"No, I shan't, Nancy." answered Wal
ter. "Resides, there's a lot of mining
stock that'll come to something I don't
know how much."
"Rut I don't feel right about taking
this money, Walter."
"You needn't feel any scruples, Nan
cy. I cau take care of myself. I can
paddle my own canoe."
"Rut you haven't" got any canoe," said
Nancy, who did not comprehend the al
lusion. "Resides, I don't see how that
would help you to a living."
"I shall get a canoe, then, and I'll steer
it on to fortune."
"At any rate," said Nancy, "I will leave
you my money wtiea I aie."
So the conversation ended. Nancy
agreed, though reluctantly, to take tbe
legacy, resolved some time or other to
leave, it to Walter. If she had known
how little he really had left, she would
not have consented to accept it ut all.
'lhe same evening Walter sat in the law
yer s comfortable sitting room, and togeth
er tney discussed tue tuture.
"too you want to be a boos agent, Wal
ter" said Mr. Shaw. "1 can t say 1 think
very niguly of mis plan."
"I uou t mean to &tend my life at it.
1 am more uwoitioUj man tuut. Rut it
wili give me u chance to travel without
epeiib, and i always wanted to see some
thing of the world, lou see, Mr. Shaw,
thai, as I am so young, even if I spend
a. year at this business, 1 shall not be
too oid to undertake something else after
warn, tii the menu time I shall sec some
tumg of the world."
"U, Walter, I won't oppose ycu. If
I bau not so much confidence in you, 1
should warn you of the temptations that
ure likely to beset your youtn, left, as
you will be, entirely to yourself. Ot
course, you will be thrown among an
ktnus .of associates."
"Yes, sir; but 1 think I shall be wise
enough to avoid what will do me no
good. '
"bo I hope and believe. Now, what is
the iiu me of tins publisher you were
speaking of':"
'Vastier. He's of the firm of Flint &
"I have heard of them. They are an
fcnterpnsiug firm."
On Monday morning Mr. Shaw handed
Walter a x.oeketbook containing a roil of
bills. "You will need some money to de
fray your expenses," be said, "until you
are able to earn something. You will
lind fifty dollars in this pocketbook. There
is no occasion to thank me, for I have
only advnuced it from money realized
troui your father's estate. If you need
any more, j'ou cau write me, and I cau
send you a check or money order."
"This will be quite enough, Mr. Shaw,"
said Walter, confidently. "It won't be
long before I shall be paying my way;
at least, I hope so. I don't mean to be
"I am sure you won't be, or you will
belie your reputation. Well, good-by,
Walter. Write me soon and often. You
know I look upon myself as in some sort
your guardian."
"I will certainly write you, Mr. Shaw.
By the way, I never thought to ask you
about the furniture of my room at the
Kssex Classical Institute."
"It was purchased by the keeper of tbe
boarding bouse; at a sacrifice, it is true,
but I thought it best to let it go, to save
"I should like to see Lem," thought
Walter, with a little sigh as he called to
mind tbe pleasant hours he had passed
with bis school-fellow. "I'll go back and
pay the old institute a visit some time,
ifter I've got back from my travels."
Walter reached New York by ten
o'clock. Though his acquaintance with
tbe city streets was very limited, as he
had seldom visited it, he found bis way
without much trouble to the place of
business of Messrs. Flint & Rusher. As
they did not undertake to do a retail busi
ness, but worked entirely through agents,
their rooms were not on the first floor,
but on the third. Opening the door of
the room, to which be was guided by a
directory in the entry beneath, Walter
found himself In a large apartment, the
floor of which was heaped up with piles
of books, chiefly octavos. An elderly gen
tleman, with a partially bald head, and
wearing spectacles, was talking with two
lien, probably agents.
"Well, young man," said he, in rather
a sharp voice, "what can I do for you?."
"Is Mr. Rusher In?" asked Walter.
"He went out for a few minutes; will
be back directly. Did you wish iartlcu
'arly to see him?"
"Yes, sir."
"Take a scat then, and wait till he
comes In."
Walter sat down and listened to tbe
"You met with fair success, then? ' In
quired Mr. Flint,
"Yes, the book takes well, I sold ten
la one day, and air nnd eight in other
Walter pricked up his ears. He won
dered whether the book was the one rec
ommended him. If bo, a sale of ten
copies would enable the went to realise
twelve dollars and a half, which was cer
tainly doing very well.
Just ns the agents were going out, Mr.
rusher bustled in. His sharp eyes fell
upon Walter, whom ho Immediately rec
ognized. 'Ula, my young friend, so you have
found us out," he said, offering his hand.
"Yes, sir."
"Come to talk on business, I hope?"
"Yes, sir, that Is my object in coming."
"Mr. Flint," said Mr. Pusher, "this is
a young friend whose acquaintance- I
made a short time since. 1 told him, If
ever he wanted employment, to como
here, nnd we would give him something
to do."
Mr. Flint, who was a slower and n
more cautious man than Mr. PiTsher, re
garded Walter a little doubtfully.
"Do you. mean as an agent?" he said.
"Certninly I do."
"He seems very young."
"That's true, but age isn't always an
advantage. He looks smart, and I'll guar
antee that he is all ho looks. I claim
to be something of a judge of human na
ture, too." ' "
"No doubt you're right," said Mr. -Flint,
who was accustomed to defer considerably
to his more impetuous partner. "What's
the young man's name?"
"My name is Walter Conrad," said our
"Very good. Well, Conrad," contin
ued Mr. Pusher, In an off-hand manner,
"what are your wishes? What book do
you want to take hold of?'
"You mentioned a book the other day
'Scenes in Rible Lands.' "
"Yes, our new book. That would be
as good as nny to begin on. How's tbe
territory, Mr. Flint?"
"Most of the territory nearby is. taken
up," he said. "Does Mr. Conrad wish to
operate near home?"
"I would rather go to a distance," said
"As far as Ohio?"
"In that case you could map out your
own route pretty much. We haven t got
the West portioned out as we have the
Middle and New England States."
"In other words, we can give you a
kind of roving commission, Conrad," put
in Mr. Pusher.
"That would suit me. sir," said Walter.
"Still it would be best not to attempt
to cover too much territory. A rolling
stone gathers no moss, you know. There
is one important question I must ask you
to begin with. Have you got any money?"
"Yes, sir, I have fifty dollars.'
"Good. Of course, you will need money
to get out to your field of labor, and will
have to pay your expenses till you begin
to earn something. Fifty dollars will an
swer very well."
"As I don't know very well how the
business is managed," said Walter, "I
must ask for instructions."
"Of course. You're a green hand. Sit
down here, and I'll make It all plain to
So Mr. Pusher, in his brief, incisive
way, explained to Walter how he must
manage. His instructions were readily
comprehended, and Walter, as he listened,
felt eager to "enter upon the adventurous
career which he had chosen.
Walter, by advice of Mr. Pusher,
hnnrrlit n ticket to Cleveland. There was
a resident agent in this city, and a de
pository of books published by tbe firm.
As Walter would be unable to carry with
him as large a supply of books as he
nmilpd. be was authorized to send to the
Cleveland agency when he got out, and
the books would be sent him by express.
"I will eive vou a letter to Mr. Greene.
our agent in Cleveland," said Mr. Pusher,
"and you can consult him as to your best
field of operations."
Walter went downstairs, and emerged
into the street. He had no particular
motive for remaining in New York, and
f,.U pnepr to commence work. So he
bought a through ticket to Cleveland, via
RufTnio and Niagara Falls. Though he
had not much money to spare, he deter-
mtnPfl not to nee ect the opportunity he
n'nn 11 have of seeing this great natural
wonder, but to stop over a day In order
to visit the falls.
ir uplwtpd a comfortable seat by a
window and. waited till the trafn was
rpmlr to start. He realized that he had
engaged in quite a large enterprise for a,
boy of fifteen who had hitherto had all
his wants supplied by others. He was
about to go a thousand miles from home,
m earn his own living in other words,
to paddlexhls own canoe. Rut he did not
feel in the least dismayed. He was am
bitious and enterprising, and he felt con-
r,Acr,t that he could earn bis living as well
, ntlipr hovs of his age. He had never
been far from home, but felt that he
should enjoy visiting new and unramiiiar
scenes, go he felt decidedly cheerful and
hopeful as the cars whirled him out of
the depot, and he commenced his western
w'nltpp nut his strin of railway tickets
into his. vest pocket, and his pocketbook,
containing the balance of his money, into
the pocket of his pantaloons, lie wisneti
tn have, the tickets at hand when the con
ductor came round. He sat alone at first,
but after a while a lady got In who roue
thirty miles or more, and then got out.
A little later a young man passed through
the cars, looking about him on either side.
nnused at Walters seat, ana inquireu,
Is this seat taken?"
"No, sir," said Walter.
Then, with your permission, I will
tnif It." said the stranger. "Tiresome
work traveling, Isn't It?"
"I don't know," said Walter; "I rather
like It but then I never traveled much."
nr i.atra tn travel a ureat deal on busi
ness." said the other, "and I've got tired
of It. JJow many muh uu uu mi
have been over this road?"
"Couldn't guess."
u im fifteenth time. I know It
like n book. How far are you going?"
"To Cleveland."
"Got relation there, I auppow?"
Republicans and Democrats.
Great Power Wielded Vigorously by the Natlonnl Committee
Preliminary to the Gathering Handful of Leaders Control
Machinery, Nominations and Platform.
"No, said Walter; "I am goto oh
Ho was rather glnd to let his compan
ion know that he, too, was in business.
"You're young to bo In business," said
his companion. "What sort of business
Is 11?"
"I am agent for Flint & Pusher, a New
York firm." (
"Publishers, ain't they?"
"Yes, sir."
Walter's companion was a young mat.
0, in the Procedure Between
double-breasted, across which glittered a
massive chain, which might havo been
gold, or might only havo beon gilt, sinco
all that glitters is not gold. At any rate,
It nnswered the purpose ot mnktng a
show. Ills cravnt was showy, and his
whole appearance Indicated ahsenco of
good taste. A cautious employer would
scarcely hnvo selected, him from a crowd
of applicants for n confidential position.
Walter was vaguely conscious of this.
Still he had seen but little of the world,
and felt incompetent to judge others.
"Are you going right through to Clove
land?" Inquired the stranger.
"No; I think I shall stop at Ruffalo. I
want to see Niagara Falls."
National conventions nro very ex
pensive nfYairs. Tholr cost to the party
holding them Is estimated at not 1cm
thnn $150,000, and perhaps moro. In
'That's right. Retter see them. Thsy'ra ench grcnt party Is a body of wlso men
stunning." known ns the "Natlonnl committee.
"I supposo you havo been there?" said This body is tho ncme of political ns
Walter, with some curiosity. consIon. A man niny Iks n proud mem-
"Oh, yes, several times. I've a great ber of a division committee, which Is
mind to go again nnd show you around, ' tue flrat atep ln tno i,uitior. Hut when
but I don't know if I can spare so long ,1(J roacllca tho Mzz helgnt9 0f nn-
l f1M!W,ll, onmnnnv Km J 1 committeeman from his Stnto
I should like your, company, said . . ..
Walter, politely; "but 1 dou't want to nnA nW nt tho convention with a
interfere with your engagements." bndR0 ns big ns nn nnclent brenst-
"I'll think of it, and see how I can plate, so that there can bo no mistake
arrange matters," said the other. In his standing, the height of ambl-
Walter was not particularly anxious tlon Is reached. There Is one nntlonnl
for the continued society of his present 'coininlttceinnn from each State. This
companion. Ho was willing enough to ngU8t body meets ln December pre
talk with him, but there was something ml, lmtloIml convention, examines
in his appearance and manner which pre- t , , different cities thnt
vented his being nttracted to him. Ho . , , , t . t.ii,
turned away and began to view the n- J11 tl.e gntberlng nnd critically
ery through which they were passing. The looks. Into the size of the guarantee,
stranger took out a newspaper, and ap- 'ns It Is cnlled. This latter form menns
penred to be reading attentively. Half thnt tho city paying the most money
nn hour passed thus without a word being usually gets the convention. The gunr
spoken on either side. At length his com- . nntee is accepted by tho comniltteo-
panion folded up the paper.
"Do you smoke?" he asked.
"No," said Walter.
If fill nmnllni .- I
i lu,uK t.. Bu V.i," ffpr employes Is retained nnd business bo
und smoke a cigar. I should like to offer '
yon one if you will take one."
men, nnd they then proceed to spend
It Invlshly. Apnrtments nt tho most
expensive hotels nro secured, n host of
No, thank you," said Walter; "I don't
smoke, and I am afraid my first cigar
wouldn't give me much pleasure."
"I'll be back in. n few minutes. Per
hnps you'd like to look over this paper
while I am gone."
"Thank you," said Walter.
He took the paper an illustrated week
ly and looked over the pictures with con
siderable Interest. He had just com
menced reading a story when a boy pass
ed through the car with a basket of
oranges and apples depending from his
gins ln real form. Tho hotel bills of
tho National Committees nro some
thing enormous.
Machinery of n Convention.
While the preliminaries nre being
arranged tho delegates are arriving.
Tho delegate, to the Nntlonal Conven
tion is generally n person of Import
ance nt his home. The DemocrntB re
quire n two-thirds vote of nil the dele
gates present nnd voting to make n
nomination. The Republicans require
i mnjorlty of those present nnd voting.
At a natlonnl convention each Stnte
kM.nR nntilaal" fin nnWoA nilt. look-
ing to the right and left in quest of cus- has Its own headquarters, where the
tomers. (delegates gather. They do a lot of
The day was warm, and through the , "conferring" with each other and with
open window dust had blown into the delegates from other States. They hold
car. Walter's throat felt parched, and meetings and elect chairmen nnd lion
the oranges looked tempting. 'ornry vice presidents. Tbe honorary
"How much are your oranges?" he in- ' ,C(J nre9tient nng n Beat 0 the pint
quired. 'form nnd nn extra ticket, but little
"Five cents npiece, or three for a dime, else TJl0 cj,,trtnnM ,iocs the dickering
answered the boy. . lu some cases; In some cases the posl-
"Pll take three " sa d J alter, reflect- f
ine that he could easily dispose ot two '
Smself. and considering that it would ferrlng" nnd the ckerln begin days
only be polite to offer one to ills compan- j before tho convention Is to be called
ion, whose paper he was reading, when to order.
he should return. - ; Prior to the calling of the conven-
"Hcre nre three nice ones," said the tlon t() order tll0 National Committee
boy, picking them out nnd placing them ,8 vIrtunl)y n co,,,,,,,,,,,! 0f the sltun
Walter Ut iTht vest pocket, thinking ' "" With It lies the of the
he lad a i tie change there. He proved nils, he "framing up" of the pro
to be mistaken. There was nothing in cedure of the first session, the selection
that pocket except his railway tickets, of the temporary cbnlnnnn, nnd, In n
Next, of course, he felt for his pocket- grent many cases, though not nlwnys,
book,' but be felt for It in vain. He the program making of the whole con
started in surprise. ! ventlon, temporary nnd pennnnent or
"I thought my pocketbook was In that Knn?,ntions, nominating nnd platform
pocket," he reflected, "can it ue in .ue ,ju,(llnp
Convention In ln Oriler.
Now for the convention, the grcnt
meeting thnt tho country hns looked
lie felt In the other pocket, but search
here was equally fruitless. He next felt
-,,,.o,,uU' in the nocket of his coat,
though he was sure he couldn't have pur forward to for so many weeks. The
his pocketbook there. Then It . flashed , chairman of the Natlonnl Committee
upon him, .with a feeling of dismay, that cans the convention to order, usually
he had lost his pocketbook and all his qUoUt noon upon the day set
rpmnlninir money. How or wnere,, ne
S'rtffi'plW . opened with prayer.
The convention called to order, tho
ncsH ui w chaIrmnn reqUcstfl tho secretnry
' T wnn't take the oranges," he said to to read the cull for the convention,
the boy. "I can't find -my money."
(To be continued.)
which Is done. Then the rollcnll Is
gone through, nnd this takes a lot of
time. Tho next step Is the announce
ment by tho chaIrmnn thnt tho commit-
Ilnrd lo Hold.
"This government report stntes thnt
inn nffora to tho ronvpntlon nn lt tmn.
the Amerlcnn Indian Is very elusive," pornry chairman tho name of So-nnd-remarked
the lioardcr who Is nlwnys So There nro loud nnd prolonged
rending the papers.
cheers, nnd by n vlvn voce voto Sir,
"IPm !" grunted the comedian board- Ro.ond.So Is unnlmouslv elected. There
er ns he Htlrred up his oatmeal; "It Is ,mny little trouble over tho elec-
muBt nllude to tho Indians on tho tJon ot n temporary chairman. Tho
greenback: and the new ten-dollar cuurmnii then nppolnts n committee to
gold pieces." escort the temporary chaIrmnn to the
platform; the hand plnyfl, tho delegn-
A Touch. tlon fron, Mr g0.nn(.g0's fltntc mnkes
"By the use of n little cleverness, M Q( Rm, ,H n
U!Llral It Ih incumbent on the temporary
cure u viy ,.nw. -
gold "
"How?" nsked Mnrkley, engerjy.
"AhIc for Bllver. Haven't got n hnlf
dollar or bo
chairman to make n speech. Ho Invari
ably takes ndvnntugo of tho opportu
nity. Ho "sounds a keynote." it Is n
i .,. , . Vo.,r - sustained note. It Is Invnrlnbly a trlb
about you, hmo jou? - tfio impty Qf hhmXmn Um)W,
rc3S' ' Inf tlio Rtoiuhllcun convention. nul n
at the Republican convention, and n
glorification of the "party of Thomns
Jefferson" nt tho Democratic. It lasts
Nothing to lie Gained.
"IIero'3 n doctor who Bays that wo
men could live to be a hundred years q very long timo.
of nge if they'd take proper care of j After tho speech vnrlous resolutions
themselves. 'nro offered. Usunlly theno hnvo been
The world would never find It out, arranged . for In advance, nnd tho tern
however, If they did ; they'd never tell
pornry chnlrmnn works nccordlng to a
their age." Houston Post. i printed schedule, calling on John Doo
. and Rlchnrd Doo at tho right time, bo
And ont of Mimi. tjjnt thcro inny be no hitch. Commit-
Bald ne Just look at Miss Do- teeg nro npPointed ; one on resolutions,
Style's get-up! Doesn't alio look out w,j?h wl hftV0 tno dating 0f the
of sight? platform; one on credentials or con-
Bald She (enviously) Yes j and tho teBteti BOatB; one on pcrmunent or
rest of tho ndage, too. I ganlzatlon. Theso nro tho Important
New Old Frlenilk
1 ones.
When they nro nil chosen, nnd
I buppobo you mefnn old friend there has been a lot of hand-clnpplng
. . i .. ,..,i i nnd cheering, as well-known men nro
you linant seen lor yeuio, . uou..., - ... ... ,
"N't'nll, in'dear.
pev!r mot b'for J"
Met n'ol fr'ud t appointed to this or that committee,
tno temporary cuuirmnn announces an
ndjournment, usunlly until tlio next
Pnlllnir Wlrea In Committee,
At last tho machinery Is In motion
nnd tho district delcgnte begins to
wonder what ho is on hand for. A
big inun nt home, ho Is lost In tho
hurly burly nnd roar of tho conven
tion. Ho may be nsslgned to n commit
tee, but ho hnd nothing to do with
thnt. The Stato boss decided that ho-and-so
should bo n member of tho Per
manent Orgnnlr.ntlon Committee; that
Mr. Rrown, who Is n political econo
mist, should bo honored by a neat In
the Resolutions Committee, nnd thnt
the noss himself or one of his most
trusted lieutenants should ho n mem
ber of tho CrcdontlnlB Committee. Theso
bodies nil meet separately. AH tho
contests that were bundled by the Na
tional Committee the week previous go
to the Committee on Credentials unless
pressure has Itoen brought to have tlio
contestants withdraw their fight. Tho
Credentials Committee wires nre pulled
tho same ns wns the National Commit
tee, and tho result Is usually nenrly
ttie same.
Framing the Plat form.
It Is when tbe district delegate sits
ln tho Committee on Resolutions to
draft the platform that ho beglus to
realize thnt he Is only n small "1"
compared with the bosses. Tho genlnl
Mr. Doe, who has been coming to the
national conventions since 18(13, Is
elected chairman with a hurrah. He
assumes his position and draws from
his pocket a carefully prepared docu
ment, which the secretnry proceeds to
rend. The district delegnte might hare
had an Idea some time previously that
ho would be consulted ns to the plat
form. Hut the party leaders saved him
all tho trouble and worrlment. They
bad skilled men at work on the plat
form weeks beforo, and It Is built ac
cording to their Ideas. The committee
usually adopts the platform with a
rush. Sometimes there Is n fight on
particular topics. Rut party expedi
ency usually rules.
Ileal WorU ttuvr llrulnn.
The Credentials Committee fre
quently sits for three days nnd the
convention must wait until Its Inborn
are finished. Tho Committee on Per
manent Organization Is usually n cut
and dried affnlr. Finally the Creden
tials Commit teo reports and the new
roll Is made up. 'Then the Committee
on Permanent Organization makes Its
report. It recommends thnt tho "Hon
orable Senator or Mr. So-nnd-So" be
called upon to preside. Cheers greet
the name, nnd the gentlcmnn Is escort
ed to the illntform. After he has been
elected he makes n profound speech, the
other officers nre chosen and, like race
horses, the meet Is on.
If tho Committee on Platform Is
rendy to rejKirt It reports after the
permanent chnlrnuiti has mmlo his
speech. On the report thcro must be'
a roll call. There Is nlwnys, too, the
possibility of n fight Certain "planks"
thnt please Maine may bo abhorrent to
TexnB. When tho matter of the plat
form Is disposed of, either by the com
mittee reporting or by tho announce
ment that It Is not ready to report, the
permanent chnlrmnn announces another
reccBs; mnybe until tho next dny, pos
sibly until Inter In tho snmo dny.
Nomination of n Candidate.
Frequently tho tlmo Is taken up with
speeches placing the candidates for
President In nomination. These ad
dresses are usually good In their way.
Men noted for their eloquence, who
can portray tho virtues of the nsplrnnt
In language thnt will thrill their hear
ers, are selected for this work. Tho
plntform Is usunlly accorded the Bank
er and his oration Is hulled with deaf
ening npplniiBo nnd cheers. Ench can
didate 1b brought to tho front and his
works painted In glowing colors. Then
comefl tho crltlcnl period. Tho district
delegate belloves now is tho moment
when ho counts for something.
Tho roll call begins nnd proceeds
monotonously. Tho chairmen of tho
different delegations alone do tlio talk
ing. Thnt Is nil thero la to It. The
first bnllot In tho convention Is usunlly
devoted to complimenting fuvorlto sons.
After thnt the real work begins. The
district deleanto learns thnt ho Is not
to vote as ho intended, but thnt ho will
vote for somo ono elso on tho second
Suddenly thcro Is n ronr In the con
vention. It Is n mighty shout, louder
thnn cannon. Somobody has beon nom
inated for President. Amidst great
disorder the rollcall Is pushed to con
elusion. The cbnlnnnn tries to learn
how tho tollers ngreo In their count
nut tlio crowd knows all about It. Tho
chairman, powerless as Mrs. Parting
ton with a broom against tho waves
of tho ocean, tries to do his duty. Tho
shout and cheers keep up for Ua or
more minutes. Excfted mod n
n lHlo carrying their Bfft I Zl
cheering and singing. Flnny """
order Ih restored, t10 c, ' J vhea
nouncufl formally the nnuio 0f S'5"
Inco. 1,10
World Know (lie Noyy. ... . ,
This Is gwotcd by more d , ,f(
everybody In happy except thl Z,
of tho defentod . Tl,ey SJlV
tho nomination unniilniou S
mnl grnco that Incks cmiiuslZ, &
Ih done nnd tl.e band TV ll" cck of tho telmni .
trumout Bhows'that tho now.
curried to every tow., muSS
tho country. It has been cabled n ,k
elgn countrlefl. Tho rulers of , T
lions know within n few ml,lu
tho nomination who Is tho "
President of tl.e United Stntes
No mnttor how long t 'tflk
cl.ooBo n nom neo for ti, ...0,t
tho wholo performance 1ms to bs
through ngnlu when It comes SS
Inntlng a cnndldnto for tlio .!r.'
plneo on tho ticket There nrB
mnnr "fnvorlto ... ..'..l"te not
bnllot frequently sufilccs. MorlZ
n.oro cnthiminsm. Tim convention Tl
nomlnnted tho ticket 1,1
Bnch State dolegntlon, nt one of it.
conferences, hns chosen Ih candid. !
for member of the Nntlonnl Comraltttl
mo election or mis committee It
In order. U la put through quickly i
n rule, nnd without n hitch. Then
lutlons of vnrlous sorts nro paMed.
Tho ticket Is nnmed, the convents
pnHBcs Into history nnd the battle for
imwer and pntronngo beglni. Tho Z
trtct dcleirntn irni hnmn m. .
men congratulate him on his goodttort
-Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Neir York Kant Hide Chnracter Hm i
Ileal MlNalon In Lit.
You will not find him mentioned In
tho city's charter nor on the pa; roil
of Orenter New York, hut the eati!d
"fixer" Is nn established Institution anj
Is ns lmjHirtnnt In his wny ns the po
liceman who samples tho wares of th
pushcart peddler, or ns the whtte-robed
street c.enner.
When aliens como to this count:;,
nays the American Hebrew, and art
enmeshed In n innuntnln nt
and regulations It Is obvious that thelf
lapses from the Btralght path marked
out for the native must be viewed with
nn eye of softened by kindness.
"T'hls eyo of kindness Is tbe 'flier.'
Ho Is tho man who rushes to the resect
of tho unfortunate wight who bas bn
cautrht In the wheels of tha Ua n,i
who needs n sponsor.
.11.. 41. lit I I ... . , .
iicvTMiui uiu 'mxit is iat inn
mnto friend of tlio wnrd heeler, of tin
district lender nnd necessarily It tbt
JudgM of tho minor courts. He Is ut
ally bluff, henrty, good-natured and
with a genuine love for bis fellow
citizens. .
ilon'v iiinilo to realize that he Is rlattt.
i . . vnn ( it. ,iv Yff,i,ii,if7 nn nr. .nn,
.1.-.. II. .t
nuuuies, nnu ue ih nrrcsicu nr utw
1 tecum n who hns been sampling his
bentis or his fruit, It Is not n plcnsatt
situation lu which ho would And h!m
tw'lf If he had no means of coraaianla
ting with friends who are friends of
tho 'fixer.'
"It Is tho 'fixer' who sees the district
lender for him, who appears In court lo
sny a good word for him, who iws th
Judgo beforo tho case la called, and
who, If necessary, puts up the bU
to take him out of Jnll for tbe night
"It must not be supposed tint the
'fixer' Is n philanthropist He dlndato
otiitrii mnl civic virtue iir tbe fanatic
mouthing of the silk-stocking folk.
What he docs Is done for his own good.
"If ho does not receive bis foe In
mnnov bo knows he may count upon the
rMu-iio.i Individual for his vote, and a
vnt.i lu niimiv rnnvenm nnu muui'iaii
i- l,n frlnnil nt tlinKA In dll-
neighborhood, and nn nrmy of iub
... j ...... tn nnlltlenl nreftf-
ment of lnstlng Importance."
Tli HontHOine Man.
. . . .ih.IaIi lAnir rtn
n lime to ami ljiuku.
- . . .. nlllna tum
or pioneers, uuuuiux b-i -- --
. . . . i . i. nir
Inir arid deserts into reruio pimui
ni..lni mlirlttv rlvorfl to UO JJlUU.i"-
Ulilftt B ,
laying tho foundation of an empl"
Iniwln whora so tudo fins rcipicu "
premo. nut one iiguiu B.. -
i rum ino oicrii-iuLtu, u"c -
unmoved bv all their clnnior anu
m tiit.iM rni'nr s Diiiiir
It s the Remittance .utui.. u--
alrlpmlHh linn or C1V1 IZaumi, " -.
ronr frf bntt e ringing in "i
men on overv b uu u -
eagerly Into the fray, boihu w
victorious, somo to fnll fighting F
Iv n trill ii odds, ho remains nn
sllchtlv-intorested onlooker. , The
.. numhprS
hi r r .1 fin., riiim ill liiiiiv ....
ftuitn irnirinnii ana liru nun-
money regulnriy seni i """
lai-f ti,ir nntlvo Innds on ccou
i.nndal. or nrrnciiu" -
lnw, or family disagrcenif..
few tics bore,
. i.n mPii who eem-u
""""w . i i inns
Roosevelt rough r,X. -g
mn in ills own troop,
rery Incarnation oi -w" ;g
bravado ln a light- Ho v
uiaAtil- I'll tn 1 1st.
BiuvJti i.i ttm
, Mnnrvif1 B COUi"
inn i ii v uu w i
Ing n spent bullet w - , dem puiiert
BrfngputthoJIttloJow. W' B
am tl mveryuvu