Usui 111. I I'll. 1he Madf&S Pioneer IMililUhod every Thtirsdny by THE I'lONJKEH 1'UJJLlSilING CO.- 8UDS0RIPTI0N RATES : Oo year ,. fj.60 Six months........... .85 Three months , 50 AOVKHTI8ING UATltS OS APPLICATION . Entered ns second clnss matter August c w, iuu. ui uio I'osiouico nt juauras. uro Under the Act of Congress of Mnrch 3,1879. THURSDAY JULY g, 1908 JUDGE ELLIS Our newly-elected county judge, Mr. II. C. Ellis of Bend assumed the duties of his office last Monday, and for four years and a half he- will be at the head of thfe county administra tion. Poilr years and a half, because by an amendment adopted at the recent election, county and state ofllcers wil liSre'&her be elected in iNoVem- o'er; rind Judge Ellis'' successor tvlll not be elected uniil Novem ber; 1012. fudge Ellis' was elected after it iferj' Spirited contest, carried bii through the campaigns pre feeding .both the primary and general elections, and the splen Qm victory he won in both was ii ftatterintr testimonial to' the iiigh regard in whifeh the peo ple oT this coilnty hold him, and to the expectations which the have of an economical and bus iness-like administration under Jlirri. That judge Ellis will justify llfese expectations his friends fconndentlj' believe and predict. Hpon assuming: the duties of he county judgeship, he has the confidence of the citizens of Hie county in his ability and 'integrity. While the duties are hew to him, his business and legal training m will enable him lo soon familiatize himself with he details of the office, and to conduct the business of the county in a niannpr which will reflect credit upon his adminis tration. In this work he will have the backing and assist ance of Commissioners Bayley and Rice, and under the pres tnt county court we predict a business-like and economical administration of the county's affairs, with lair and ifnpartia treatment to all sections of the county alike. HERE, TOO Prohibition is here and the real struggle has just now be gun. The difficulty in securing the prohibition law wtfs but in significant compared to the dif ficulty of enforcing the' law and making a success of the prin ciple. The officials can do but little alone. Every responsible citi zen is in duty bound to co op erate with' tue officials in en forcing and carrying out the provisions of the law. The law may not be perfect but the peo ple of Umatilla county have passed it by an overwhelming majority and they are evidently emphatically in favor of it. There are dozens of ways in wMcli the law can be evaded nrl nvftrtlirown. but none of these methods are creditable to the law-breakers. No matter bow many technicalities may be taken advantage of to defeat the meaniDg of the law, yet one ihing must be remembered and ihat is that the people have iassed the law and want it en forced, and if this law cannot be enforced, the people will Aass laws which will be effect ive. East 6regonian. CROPS WILL BE AVERAGE Reports from Umatilla coun ty, which is the banner wheat district of the state, indicate faat while a fair crop will be harvested this season, it will be considerably eliort of last year's 6rpp Similar reports come hokOXt the other wheat dis tricts of the state, the late Spring and the long Bpell of dry weftther having cut down the yield, While one does not want to take comfort out of the misfortunes of others, there is souie satisfaction in knowing that a short crop in the Madras country this season is'not the fault of the district as the cqn ditiona which produced it were general throughout the wheat districts of the state. The crop in this district will not be as large as that of last season, but it will nvernge up well with some of the older districts of the state. In Umatilla count', however, harvesting begins much earlier this year than in this section, the harvest season there having begun last Monday, when about 20 combined harvesters were started. BRYA8 THE NOMI NEE FOR PRESIDENT Gray of Delowarc, or Douglas of Shoe Fame, Wilt Bo His Run ning Mate The big National Democratic Convention began its sessions at Denver last Tuesdu' at noon, and every item of hews that comes irom tne convention in dicates that William Jennings Bryan, "the PeerlesS," will be nominated for the third time to lead the Democrats to defeat. Bryan's friends are in absolute control of the convention, and' the Bryan program will be cai- ried out to the letter. The n 0,111 inee for Yice-President will probably be Judge Gra"y of Delaware, or W. L. Douglas of Massachusetts, although a score of others have booms at Denver f )i the second place, The Democratic convention is the scene of great and genuine enthusiasm for the Nebraskan, Hid ngtfin as at two previous national conventions the Demo cratic platform, upon which the national campaign will be waged, will follow closely the Bryan ideas upon all the great questions. A strong bid tor the labor vote will be made by the insertion 01 a strong anti-in-junction plank in the platform. Since the memorable "cross of gold and crown of thorns" speech 12 years ago, Bryan has been the leader of his party, al though four years ago he was in temporary eclipse wane Judge Alton B. Parker was sac rificed upon the Democratic altar, and the defeats the party has suffered durimr these 12 .1 it... 3'eara nave Deen jam at uie door of party strife, engendered by his leadership. His nomin ation aud complete victory at Denver after these 12 years of uisaster, is one of the most re markable spectacles ever pre sented by a great national party. Not Coal Laud rrlMBEH LAND, Notico for Publl oatlou, Department of tlio Into rlor, U. 8. Land Olflco, Ttio Dulles, Oregon, June 25, 11)08. Notice is lielo by given thnt IIENHY 0, COLLINS, lf Tho Duller, Oregon, who on Juno 24, 1008, mude timber nud atono nppll uiulou No. 4077, for tlio lota 1, C, 3, 4, aud Bwnvi boo 29, tp 11 a. r lie,- w ui, has filed notico of Intention to muku finul timber nnd Btono proof, to estab lish bin tin to the auOva described land; that THOMAS H MELLON, "fTonlno, Wellington, who on Jun6 21, 1008, made timtier and Btono appli cation No. 4078, for ttio )jsej, selswl, Lot4neo80, tp 11 p, rile, win, bus filed notice of intunllon to make final timber and Btone proof to establish claim to the land above described That eaid finul proof will be olfered before tho Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Oluce at The Rules, Oregon, ou tho 22nd day of Sopteuiber 1008. Clal man tH name as witnesses Michael O'Connor, WillUm Q Ma son, Alice ATebb, Henry C Collins, all of The Dalles, Oregon Thomas H Mel lon, of Ton! no, Washing on. Jo-sl7 O. W. MooiiK, Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notico for I'ubli cation. Department of the Inter ior, i S Land Ofll'cntTho Dalles, Ore gon, June 20, 1008. Notice is hereby given that EDITH S. BRAN8TETTER, of Madras, Oregon, who, on December 7. 1001, tnndo Homestead Entry No. 10120, lor swl sec lit, tp 10s, r 18 e, w m, has filed notice of intention to make flual Uve-year proof to establish dlu'Itn to tho land above described, before Frank Osborn, 0. S. Commissioner, at Madras, Oregon, on the 17th day of August 10DS. Claimant names as witnesses: "William Ramsey, Claude Ramsey, C C Fox, Grace L Smith, all of Mud- ras, Oregon. C. W. Moon., J2-al3 Register 1VTOTICE FOR rulililOAXiUN or IN State Selection. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June 20, 1098. Aotlce Is hereby given that on June 20, 1008, the State of Oregon by its duly author ized uuent, in due form, (lied In this office an application to select as In demnity school lacd the sejae! sec 18, tp 10 b, r 15 e, w in. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely tho above described laud or esirinir to object to the allowance or tho same, should file their claims or Wectlous In this office on or before the 6th day of August, 1008. a0 O. W. MooitB, Register STATE SELECTION, Notico for Publication. II. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 25, 1008. Notico is lereby given that under the. provisions of the act of Congress of August 14, 1848, and the acts supplementary and amend atory thereto, tho State of Oregon has this day filed in this office its applica tion No. 748, to select the wiawk, jl swl and ewinwi of sec 14, tp U s, r 18 ' aV..'.?o,,1 nil nnrftona cluiminc adverse y the above-described lands, or desiring for any reason to ooject 10 inq,uni al lowance of the selection, should WO nlnlms or oblect ons in this office beforothel4tfeAV.MOJoW, j'i.jyo wegiflter Not Coal Laud II OMESTEAEf. Notice for Publica tlon. Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land Offlce at The Dalles, Ore gon, Juno 20 1608. Notice is iSreby nlven that IIENRV J. BRAN8TETTEK, of Madras, Oregon, who, on December 7, 1001, made Homestead Entry No. 10)25, for se see -Iff, tp 10 b, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Frank Osborn. U. S. Commis sioner, at Madras, Oregon, ou the 17th duy of August, 1008. Claimant mimes us witnesses: Claude Ramsey, William Ramsev, C C Fox, Thomas A Long, all of Mad ras, uregou. C". W. MooiiK, j9-al8 Register Not Coal Land xJOMESTEAD, Notice for Publica Ttiou. Department of the Interior. U. S. Laud Offlce at The Dalles, Ore gon, June 20, 1008. Notice is heieby given that VOLNEY Z ' BRANSTETTER of Madras, Oregon, who 011 December 7. 1901, made "Homestead Entry No, 10123, for nwj sec 15, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m, IntH filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, he fore Frank Osbojn, U. 8. Commission er, at Madras, .Oregon, on the 17th day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Claude Ramsey, William Ramsey, C C Vox, Miles Fox, all of Mudras, Oregon. J2-al3 C. W1. MOORE, Register. t t t PEERING FARM MACHINERY THE KIND THAT ALWAYS PLEASES THE FARMER Antelope, Oregon GENERAL MERCHANT STOCK IS COMPLETE PRICES WILL SUIT YOU The Store That Gives Satisfaction ADVERTISE your "Wants'' In the Ploneor. It gota results. Regular lo cal advertising rates. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY united states President Theodore nbiHOVult Vlce-1'rcsldVi't Clmrlos W Kidrtintiks Secretary of Skfitu Klllfu Iloot Secretory til Treasury George II Cortelyou Secretary 6f Interior Jas H Oarflold Secretary of War Wit Tft Secretary of Navy J Ilonnparto Secretary of Commerce Oscar StraUBs Postmaster General Geo Von I, Meyer Attorney General Win 11 Moody Secretary of Agficulturo Mines Wlfson , 3TATE .Governor .' George K. Cliambcrlaln Sccratnry of State F. V. llenson Treasurer O A Steel Attorney Gcnal ....A M Crawford Suiit. Public Instruction J It Ackerinan State Printer , W 8 Dunniuay Dairy aud Food I)oliimfsIonor J W Ilnlley Tt a '' 1 I CV Pulton u " I JllournoJr A. E. CROSBY l'ROl'IttKTUll POSTOFFICE PHARMACY Carries a Cotnp.ote Mlib ol firiiRS, Meificlncs, Cliomlcal. lfotneliold IttmtdlM, DniRKlxtt' Snndrius anil PhotU Siiilles. Country Mall Orders I kIvi my jrioiui ttllentlou. A Graduate in charge. Safe delivery guaranteed. Vour inscrliUoo my specialty. Strychnine aild Pust Dostrbyors. Stock Fooils ami hips of ill klndi Agoney for Eustinau Kodnks. lloth 'I'lionb'i. WIIOMtSAI.K AND limit THE DALLES, OREGON Congressmen Supreme Judges. V O ilawioy V Jl Kills F A Moore S Hoan Kuklu (FA I II Bubecrihe for the home news.' tho Pioneer and get Price $1.60 per year. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Judge , V Lllradshaw Prosecuting Attorney......... Fred V. Wf Uon CROOK COUNTY Judtc II. C. Kills Clerk . Warren lirown Sheriff '... Frank KIklns Treasurer , '.V F King Assessor J I) I.aKollctte School Hnpersritcriiicnt K. A. Ford Surveyor F. A. Rice Coroner ; ' i. A.McCall Cnmrnlssloncr . ) James Klco ooramusioncr. j Jt u ay,CJp KUTOHER precinct Justice F. J. Ilrooks Couxtablo J .M. Mayes Road Supervisor J. W. Llvlilgston if 1 HOTEL ! A. PHILLIES, Prop. I NEW MANAGEMENT X T laDICS OlippilCU Willi iuk oni jiiumbL nnuiua T GOOD, ..XTZST ROOMS X FEED STABLE f Transient Teams Given Best of Attention T t X X X ! X X BEND - SHANIKO LIVERY, STAGE & STABLE COMP'NY J. H. WENANDY, PROPRIETOR Daily Stages to Shaniko and Bend. Livery Service in Connection. Stables at Madras, Shfiniko and Bend &-$r$r- X FOB PARTICULARS AND RATES SEE FRANK OSBQRN Agent Mefdrae, Oi'egfdn LUMBER FOR SALE We have plenty of lumber for sale at our mill, located about 3 miles east of Grizzly post office on county road. Prioes right McMeekin & Eastwood T. S, Hamilton, Pres. F. T. IIuiauiiHr, "Vlcfc-l'rea. J.C. Fovnr.,Clir EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOilEICN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD tfnAFTS ON ALL PADT8 OF THE WORLD 6&tltfal Stock', $56,000 Dcpooltfl, $250,000 SHANIKO, OREGON 4. Ull IIH lin OM KH. m 1 1 - "Special" SALE SUMMER HATS Reg. $1.75 Dress Hat $1.35 50c Hats 40c Other Hats in Proportion lllll)(.,MH .l.lM,ll,.M.I',.Ml.l'l( ,l,l"HI.l'l(ll.i;i'.l'll"'''""1""' MadrasTradingCo. C. E. ROUSH, - - MANAGER 9 tecs tlon fiea Ho. UP tr, ailoid Wr.S in I) otki 1 fcIni 'hi I I ailihi 'kinii., ftnch h oih.