The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 09, 1908, Image 3

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    Is Your
flair Sick?
too bnd ! Wc had no-
.a if was ivv"""
I ' d faded of late, but
"Sill? did not like to speak
ft By the way, Aycr's
t Vlcor Is a reeular hair
ff wer fl perfect hair re
g It Keeps the scalp
dean and healthy.
ffimra. i H l "ft nrt smooth, '
MWr'.l?'hifr "mm iplltlln!, it the
l"?"S!Si"bwI,Ol! r Oo., Lowell, Maai.
r 4 'fMturiri or
r i
" mill nnvi'11 Wlltet
11 Ibsen, palntetl while ho wna
rJeJcn, In the possession of the
StirfSa of IbMU'' friends. It In
iMwof one w .
11 known l"n 1
Sr00th wt interested !n drnwlnir nnil
UT o. fr nnl two painting.
fflwo water colors were known, be
"SutofprlTate collection. They nil
WW'?'-1, 1.1.
rir, mimm - --
Uriel Allen.
,-. remarked Unci. Allen
i3f "Ihit the corporation, are not
Kfto contribute anything to tho cam
S hto thl. r. Tb we won t
ffi ouch c.milcn orMory usual.
, U no lo "ltbout Mm' gft,D'
CUap Tribune.
1 plaaptMilnted,
JIrt ffraxill. bow do you Ilk. your
"Doa't nj anythttiff about It, Jim.
H9, but I'm all out of patience with
Wilt U the trouble?"
Hire lia't a single thing I can And
bait with."
uooa juasmwiii.
"loor partner," remarked tho privl
frlfiKl, "Deems to ho a man of
Bcrailly good JuitKiiient."
Ion bet be Is," replied the eolf-ao-bwWted
brains of the firm. "Why,
toMter makes n move without asking
tj idrlcer-CulcnKo News.
IUI I'nllauteniuenf,
pop, what Is a chiropodist?"
One of these people who tell your
dirtcter from your handwriting.
Mi rltbt, Tommy ; always nsk pa
uytbln; you want to know." Haiti
con Anerlcon.
f-npor Preiontod at Rocent Meeting
of Oregon 8tnto Qrnngo.
J!y John II. Lewis, 8Ute Knidnter.
Vhon wo boo tho miracle, wrought
by Irrigation and think of the potential
cnorgy of our stroams ai representing
thousands of acres of the most vnlunblo
coal lands, It is no wonder that wo
hesitate to ehnllongo the statoment that
tho water rosourco of Oregon are to
day its most valuable assot. Yot our
legislators havo porsistontly refusod to
enact laws governing the use and distri
bution of this valuable commodity.
Far-sighted corporations are rapidly ac
quiring porpetunl franchise, to the uso
of wator for powor development, with
out pre.ont or possible future compen
sation to the public, from whom the
prlvllogo is acquired.
Through tho lack of a rullnblo record
of vested rights to tho uso of wator,
the public 1ms no means of ascertain
ing the location and amount of unap
proprlatod wator which is avnilablo for
now uses. Large quantities of water
are being hold without uso through
actual or throutonod litigation, and the
intending investor or settlor moves on
to more progressive states, whore water
rights can bo socured by application to
tho stato ofllcers, and when granted are
protected, tho sum. as other property
rights. The holder of thoio question
able vested rights joins with the power
interest, in opposing the ennctmont of
any law providing for public control,
and making beneficial use the basis of
'ight. to the uso of water.
Hew Water Is Appropriated,
Any person can acquire a water
right by .imply posting a notlee at the
proposed point of diversion, stating tho
amount of water claimed, the Intended
use, and rocording a copy of the notice
at the county court house. If tho water
is to be used for irrigation purposes, a
eertlfiod cony of the notice must be
filed with tho state engineer within 30
days thoreaftor. It makes no differ
ence If the waters of the stream nre
already fully utilized at points bolow.
Tho notieo can specify any amount,
even though ouch amount exceed tho
on is, thorefore, of no vnluo to tho
Resulting Litigation.
Tho conditions In California nro
Identical with those in Oregon. Tho
Commonwealth club has labored for
years to socure tho onactmcnt of mod
Cin..at0.r awl,' ftml ,n no proceedings
Of tills Club WO I 111! IA alntnmnnt ft.nt
tho bar of CuI Ifnrnln .1.11 ft n I Ail s Stranger Thin vitiligo boasts of
find in their primitive water laws such choral society, doesn't It? Resident
' .1.1 gource of income, and did No; we Just cm tiro It with reslgnn
nothing to romcdy conditions. "'The tlon. -London Tit-Hits.
ZiontqfhT. ZZ-ZV were awakened by Ore of a city," they went on
turtes of California, but thoso fortunes ,n 1,10 "''Ml" of tlto night what would
are hold exclusively by the nttornoys you "'Ink of saving first?" "My trou
of record of the misguided Individuals sers." Cleveland Plain Denier,
who availed themsolvcs of the privllcgo I ircr iiHfmiiil nli I wIrIi t hrt
granted by these statutes." L " . , , , , , , ..,
i . ... . tiovnr innriwwl In tilntf tmlrnt ttfa Witt
Vn" .-veporioa where ditch "A" "V 1 " V ",' , quoth they, "that real estate made up
dilnS U a I '0U-C,,C" l)n"y e- by that commands a higher price than
82 ff lLt,,SJnV"& W L, A ""I"""':!.. . : te in any other form."
sued ditch "C" with the same result, I w "Of 1 This naturally ended tho matter. The
and ditch "C" thereafter sued ditch 'you? iNoi 1 nm ovcr tnnt lllu citizen saw the point at once and was
"A" with the same result, and there f,Ion- 1 nm mnrrled." Nashville Amor- profuse in bis thanks at being set right,
wero still 25 ditches diverting water I'cnn. while the committee went on their way
ircm mo same stream whoso rights wero
not determined.
Along the Walla Walla river in Ore-
Clrto BolIcHnrto.
But Just aa the citizen was about to
have the man who had snndbngged htm
arrested, ho was opportunely waited on
by a committee of the Commprclnl Club.
"We have the welfare of our beauti
ful city much nt heart," they observed,
i "I'm glad to hear that!" replied the
a citizen, cordially. "So novo I."
Tho committee cleared their throats,
i "Of course tho price of real estate Is
about the main element in the welfare
Of course," the citizen assented, be
ing something of a booster himself.
Hero tho committee, looking at hlrn
Tcry hnrd, enme to tho point.
"Wo hare tho honor to Inform you,"
gon, lltlcatlon to secure n tirnnnr dl- I'10''" -'. rlKtt 0,1 I'rencliln
virion of tho stream has been ia prog- ; w,lt'n cv
"That new preacher you have Is ;u rejoicing in the consciousness of a good
pretty wideawake young ninn, . Isn't thing done. Puck.
rorybody else Is asleep." Clove-
res for about 80 voars, without settling 'mid Leader.
a single Issue. This experience is typi-
: ' , "Z7t "i"" !?7LuKl.,fl.",,"n" till she knows all about him
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local nnrOlcatlnnn. as tliey cannot rcac'i tlio
dltcfl'cd purtlou of tlio ear. Tlier; In mi.y one
Nell A irlrl shouldn't mnrrv n man way tocuro dealncas, and that Is by constitn
l ui. i.......... ..n ... i i t, it tlotial rciiiedlPS, Dcafncm in rauno.l by an In-
I BllO knows all nootlt him. Hello flamed condition of themuiong HnliiL'of the
nt a,,,li ..-: mi. i Good craclousl If Hhe knew all about ftustan.itan lue. When this ttte Is Inflamed
or tho rMent system of distributing ; , ,uu M'"-"'u h nt kiicw aiiauoui y'ouhavoft.unounjfnjor lmtK-rfjctlitar-
wntor by the courts, through injunction Illin "he wouldn't marry him. I'hlln lug, and when It Is entirely c!oed, !eafnc is
nroeeedfntra ilolnliln Uononl tho rcsu t, and unlns the inflammation can bo
1 J iL- . "Cl",m 1-ecoru. taken out and this tube r-gtored to 1U normal
There nro annroximatolv 200 ditches
diverting water from this stream in a
distance of 10 miles, for the irrigation
of somo 5,000 acres. Nearly 500 per
son, or corporations have been made
parties to the latest suit, and 25 law
yers retained to nrotect tho various
Hfr right.9 LWJS& ft?"" T lns!,"IS,1?
dltehM will h Vno.n v,t i, win !, I 1" t think I know him. Ii
wator be divided among them I The
pioneer irrigator knows that the eourt
cannot deny him his usual water sup
ply, and though his right has been de
termined for perhaps the second or
third time, tho question is still, how
to get this water nt the time when
needed. How will he determine which
of the many ditches above is diverging
water without right, in order to bring
nn injunction suit against ft T
The decree is binding only on the
partle. to the suit. New appropriations
"Why do they have consultations ot S01''0"; ilf?!;'."?",?
( , " , . nine eaten outoi ten are cat. sea by CAtnrrlit
1 . 1. .i Ti t. I
lX..ll.le , 7 . th CTfXlcnn and wil1 be ma(,p. thus foriing new
impossible to use the water beneficially ,ti.,,.!o .,, whih
littt i ii e t I . " ' " .-w......
-k .n!l'r""C,8 ,,n5 V LC!1 I A this decree, without additional
UCmD . liUnTO -aiuk vrl Cliemlot.
II lMrlllL L'olerla MrtN.'iinaii nrlrrxii UttltL
ertfid,lti(laij, HIlTur.'V i Unut, f Zlnoor
tiff.lL Crwld" lulu. MAlitti. efirnlop nil
UrmUitMntoa jJictloti. Control and Um
iit.ucl L'arlMakt K'
tel mm
Cutecp buch Seaside, oreqoh
JU Dlrftllr oq the Iwith OTrrlooktnr Kft
n v(a. i.u. vail, nam anu
ClIFF HnilSC arfb.thlnr. Itrctra
.. ---' toa pfr
islation, will bo of no moro value in
settling conditions than former decrees.
Tho supremo eourt, by consistent de
crees, hns enacted practically nil tho
water law of this etate. To expect the
corvrt to provide in their decrees for the
rnmpHeatr.1 administrative machinery
to make water decrees effective look''
like a complete shifting of the burden
from the legislature to the courts.
This. In the opinion of leading water
right lawyers, is not possible.
One of the leading nttorneyn In tho
Wnlla Walla river case estimates tint
tho present suit will ultimately cost he
tween 20.000 and $25,000. This enor
mous drain upon the agricultural re
sources of this small valley, for a nega
tive result, cannot help but retard set
tlement and discourage capital.
The purchase of a wntT right in
Oregon means the purrhnse or a law-
physicians, pa?" "Sometimes one doc
tor can think of something to operate
for that hasn't occurred to tho other."
Tho Smart Set.
TodyA-Jennle tells me young Wood-
Is he well
off? Tody He certainly Is. She re
fused him. London Tit-Hits.
Constable Come along; you've got
to have n bath. Tramp A barft
What, wiv water? Constable Yes. of
course. Tramp Couldn't you nianngo
't wiv one o' them vacuum cleaners?
which Ii nothlnt but an inflamed condition ol
tno mucous su naccx.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
cate of Deafness (caused bjreatnrrh) that run
nnt"bc cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold br DrncelnlH. 75c.
Tae Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
WMb Father' Manic
Bragdon, the composer, was working
on his symphonic poem when the baby's
lusty cry was beard from the nursery.
Bragdon bore it manfully for five min
utes, expecting baby's mother to come
to the rescue. Then he opened the door
uuu ouvu itu uDtuii a
Mrs. Gramcrcy I hear the customs "What la the matter? Harry, are.
authorities seized nil the finery you yo teasing tho baby?"
brought over from Paris. Will it bo . Xo, papa."
a total loss? Mrs. Park Why. no j "You must be doing something to
dear; I got my name in the papers. trnke him cry."
,-'uck " I "No, papa truly! All Ethel and I
Why did you shnke your fist at thb did was to try to sing him to sleep
Speaker?" "Well," replied the Con
gressman, "I didn't want the whole
session to slip by without my having
made a motion of some kind." Phila
delphia Ledger.
"Who Is the old file over there with
the comic coat, thc storcplpo hat and
the baggy-kneed trousers?" "That's tho
with your lullaby.'
Por Infants and Children,
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears the
professor who Is lecturing on the nb-1 , " .rfV-wV-? ,
surdities of woman's dress'-Cleve- Signature of CXjfT
land Plnin Dealer.
The editor was dreaming In his "den"
lor fl.hloir. M.1
nt Ml pt' Klftlrle llrhla. lr- iftJ
" 1M sal ilrira linu, Via KslU JfJ
uHEQDH" f ",4 ' spec m
l,) V" Is if. IUUs.ti.SO and gi.OO "
vrr " isi rsiM uj me vs
SSJUAX.J.U001U-, , - -,,,,l,,lrJr
for tho
tlon i. commenced within six months.
Your titlo is then complete, but the
reeord is not completed by the filing of
proof that work hns commenced. !)y
refiling every six months, a water right
can bo held without the performance of
n,ny work until some legltlmnto investor
trys to socure control of tho same wator
right, Then work must be commonccd
and prosecuted with duo diligence. I'n
dor this law one of our leading attor
ney, hna stated that a one-armed man
with a shovel, employed at the intake,
can hold a' water right indefinitely.
Thu. tno legltlmnto investor must first
buy ff tke notieo man, w o has eoa
tributed nothing to the public welfare.
Even the payment of this blackmail'
does not give him clear title to tho
neeessnry water, for tho apparent sup-
ny may, perhaps, all oo fully utilized
n the adjoining counties below, through
which the stream runs.
In the absence of state control, the
only way for this investor to even
guess at the amount of unappropriated
water is to first measure the stream,
and then travel down the same, mess
urine the maximum capacity of each
dlteh, to aseortain how much of this ; prere.rvin tbe unappropri
water naa already been appropriated. or futur0 UB8ra h(Xll not been repre. nceessilile to mules
If the stream is a hundred or more . .ntd In court at trials of these eases. . J nciissu it io mines
miles in length, thl. task alone would . 8Cnte1 lB " , ' nnt! donkeys; I must therefore ask
discourage the mot enthusiastic in- j Conserving Our Waters. (i,0 gentlemen to get out and proceed
vester or settler. Then the records of j In the arid portion of this state the ou foot."
water filings, under our present laws, area of irrigablo land far exceeds the i kndy," said Meandering Mike. "I
inul mina uo nanimui 10 nsccrinin u n-L-uur u i mi. u otiu.iiiv. i . ,. ,., ,,,. ,.,.,. f ,-,.l,. i
many rights have been Initiated which flow of these streams eon be increase ! , , U"""V. " .. " .' hurry. Will?" as-ked Mrs. Borus,
may ultimately become vested and many fold by the storage of water in 1 1 i "oif uecaub. u ..j saw y0I, ,iscuarge the cook a few
prove prior In time to his right. No the mountains, and using the natural shows his Intelligence. De lust time I mlnutes ng0 answered E. Will Boms,
tlees elnlmlng water, posted in thick- channel to convey such water to tho , I came (lis way I handed him a piece the struggling author, without looking
et. along the banks of n stream, can place of intendod use. This class of 0f j,0 von guVe me." Washington up from his work,
not br found and nro, tnererore, or no development, wnicn is encpur.igou ami (I) c star
value to mm. tup county reeorus nre prciecieu in lYjumioK, innu mm uun-.
of but little. If any more value, as the states, is absolutely impossiuie in uro
"Bridget." said Mrs. Oroucliy, "I
don't like the looks of that man who
called to see you Inst night." "Well, when the door opened and a rather
well," replied Bridget, "ain't It funny, stern-visaged woman entered, without
nin'nm? He said the same thing nbout apology, says a writer In the Baltimore
you." Philadelphia Press. Sun.
"I never object to fair criticism," "Will you kindly explaln,""she, be
ald the pompous voting actor. "What Ban, grimly, thrusting a newspaper
suit. No litigation ovor water rights ' you object to, I Buppose," said the clipping under the editors nose, "wtiy
in this stato has ever settled nny issue orltlo. "Is the understanding mostpeo- your reviewer refers to my recent book
so that it cannot agnin be raised. The pe ,mve ()f t,)e ,neannB of tIle word as a "History of Female Suffrage by a
decrees are bind Inc uPn "7 'fair.' "-Chicago KeconMIerald. j v Hlsterlcal Writer?' "
parties to the litigation. These decrees "nuito i.nhr,innnhio " nM ha mi.
often serve to cumber title to the un-1 On reaching a certain spot the driver Qu,t0 unphnlonable. said the ed-
,..o,1 ..lnr n h tnt. intorostod In 'iimn.! iirnimil nn tila sint mwl nliorv,wl ,,or' gravely. Of COUrSe tUe WOrfl
iated waters to tlie passengers: "From this point ,BUOUia uu S-,L"JU"U WKU a
CITP Bl. Vltng Dance and aU NeiTooa Diabases
II I O permanently cured br Dr. K lino's Urmt
Strvi ftpaiorer. Bond for FllEE 2 trial bottlo and
treaUae Dr.Ii.IT.lUlnc.IxUK' ArchBt.,
InrnllilnK nn Inspiration.
"What is it you are writing in such a
Evtn Slight Catarrhal Derangements
of the Stomach Produce Acid Fer
mentation of the Food,
IPs Stomach Catarrh
Somo people aro thin and always re
main thin, from tempbrainontal rea
sons. Probably In such casos nothing
can bo dono to chango this personal
But thoro aro a largo nnmber of pco
plowhogct tnln, or remain thin, -who
naturally would bo plump and fleshy
but for somo digestive derangement.
Thin people- lack in adiposo tlssno.
Adipose tlssuo Is chiefly composed of
Pat is derived from tho oily constit
uent of food.
Tho fat-making foons nro called by
tho physiologist, hydrocarbons. Thla
class of foods aro not digested In tho
stomach at all. Thoy aro digested In
tho duodennm, tho division of tho ali
mentary canal just bolow tho stomach.
Tho digestion nf fat is mainly, if not
wholly, tho work of tho pancreatic
Julco. This jnlco 13 of alkaline reac
tion, and la rendered inert by tho adcll-
j tlon of acid. A hyperacidity of th
J digestive fluids of tho stomach passing
jdowu into tho duodenum, destroys
I Ihn n.mureatin llnlil for tWnnuUvn nnr.
poses. Thorcforo, tho. fats aro not di
gested or emulsified, and tho Bye torn In
deprived of its duo proportion of oily
constituents. Hence, tho patient grows
Tho beginning of tho tronblo is a ca
tarrhal condition of the stomach which
causes hyperacidity of the gastric
juices. This hyperacidity is caused by -fermentation
of food In tho stomach.
When tho food is taken into tho stom
ach, If tho process of digestion does
not begin Immediately, acid fermenta
tion will tako place. This creates, a
hyperacidity of tho stomach juices
which in their turn prevent the pan
creatic digestion ot tho oils, and the
emaciation results.
A doso of Peruna before each meat
hastens tho stomach digestion. By
hurrying digestion, Peruna prevents
fermentation of tho contents of tho
stomach, and tho pancreatic juice is thus
preserved in Its normal state. It then
only remains for tho patient to eat a
sufficient amount of fat-forming foods,
and tho thinness disappears and plump
ness takes its place.
Two Little Slip.
Admission slips to the hospitals art)
pretty .likely to be matter-of-fact rec
ords and more or less tragic, but occa
sionally, the New York Sun reporta,
a bit of unconscious humor Is found la
A slip at Gouvernenr recently report
ed that a driver of a hansom had re
ceived his Injuries by "falling off a
perch," and the man's name was Bird.
Another Gouvcrneur slip announced
that the patient was hurt by "falling
off water wagon'" a fall, it might ba
ndded, which is always dangerous.
"I'lth Shining Mornlnts Face."
"This luminous phuit,"' said a young
father, according to the Philadelphia
itecord. "ought to be an excellent thing
among families."
"How so?" nsked a friend.
"Why," said thej young father, "yoo
Just touch up the baby's face w'lth it
before retiring, and then you can Bee
to give him his bottle without mak
ing a light"
reeorded claims to water invariably ex gon. except under the most favorablo J i"g. -"rs. iiiincu uuiauj
eeed many times tho regular flow of conditions. Capitnl will not invest in Honor, It's still alive no is
th. stream. For example, the records such storage works until tho state pro
of naker county show elalms to the vide, the nocessnry administrative ma
wat.r. of Powder river for irrigation rhlnery for protecting stored water as
purpose, amounting to over eighty it passes down the stronm past numor
time, the flood flow of this stream at ous ditch diversions to the place of in
Baker City during f05, and the 1.1-J5 tended use.
-Wen's Hall, Portland, Or.
alMd D.y School for Girl.
j-wlogua on Request.
furnish Your
Without Cost
Kb5 rhfck, Bookfl' Puw.
4bMl,n Cottt8' Umbrollaa
inn O 1 M 1 ,
robs 1iia r ' vMaiim,
lb. fiet mC8'. IJ0t,tc8' Si
tki. T.c.eiet.8 Nuck Cha ns. Etc.
c0e,k Sets inw' Coo Sots, Mugs
Hfi, InTk8ta"' Coko biahos
WSnk l nP itcho,ra' Sa,fc &
3dRr,,.Lo"e", Puff Hnvnu n 1.
unrss at. r
I n k "'"Will I'tS fA w a
lUIeryanrt Q.rr?, ' ppoon Mo
wphs nB71" ryB cameras,
r.Ltm.g?L.Law Curtnhfl. nt-
t. "ay Carrlatren. riad.7
tm ..r. vt a.. .... -
(Vfo! A44i
recorded claim, for all purnoses
amounted to over one hundred and
eighty times this flood flow. These
claim., therefore, cannot all bo vested
right., and it is Impossible to ascertain
from the rocord which, If any, are valid,
or ultimately may become vested. Be
side, many dltehes have been huilt
and wator diverted without any publio
record whatever, In a separate record
will bo found eourt docrees affecting
title, to the water of this snme stream.
These deerees may divide tho water
No Btate Protection.
"What of that?"
"It was Intensely dramatic.
"Gracious ! You are not
dramatize it?"
"Not at all, my dear. You can't get
trying to
rights of the public In tho unappro
priated waters. The county rocord thus
erve. only to cloud title to unappro
priated water and discourage invest
ments. The stream under consideration by
tho Investor may flow through or bor
d.r on two or moro counties where wn
ter title, are equally a. complicated a.
described for Balcor county. To ab
stract tha water records of tho
Deschutes river would require a jour
ney of prnetlcally 1,000 miles, and the
examination of the worthloss records
of five counties.
Undor tho 1005 act, all filings for
irrigation purposes were to be recorded
in the .tate engineer', ofilce nt Snlom,
but no pennltv was provided to en
force thl. provision. Out of 138 filings
In Baker .ounty under this not, only
five were recorded nt Snlem. Thus
what wn Intendod for a complete ree-
Sre-Ntlr Ri.loyed
Boru. (.truBgllns; author) That last
book of mine ajreeably .urprlsed you, did
It? I am find to hear that.
Nagfu. (literary editor) Ye.; I ex
fected te derote tn entire evening to read
ing It. It put me to .loep la fly. mln
Htea, old fellow,
Unaoltot4 Tribute).
MAunt Letty," wild her llttl. nephew
from th. city, "I aw a bearded lady la
a dime museum oace. 8h. wm fai.,
but you'r. th. re! talag."
Visitor And how Is Pat this morn-
Sure, ycr
Is. Visitor-
Did you give him tho soup I sent? quick enough action on a- drama. I'm
Mrs. Patrick O'Grady Well, no, sir. novelizing it."
Father Phelan said it would only be ' '
ufter delay.,, h.m.-London Sketch. A ' lnnn.
"Ah, yes." said Senator Stnugg, In dryuiun In regard to lost garments.
n self-satlstled way. "I got my start says a writer In Harper's Weekly, with
It is not a crime in Oregon to steal in llfo by. clerking lu n humble gro- the following result:
water. In fact, the law encourages it, eery Btore at a salary of $;5 per week, 1 Lnuudrymnn I regret to tell you.
As stated above, otty person can ac- 1 alH nuinaged to save money on that." air, that one of your shirts is lost
quire a water right by posting a notice ( ..iutt replied tho astute reporter, Customer But here I have paid you
or digging n ditch and diverting water, , ,.tUa of course, wna before cash reg- twelre cents for doing it up.
Br?rRoayr.daCat the'lower end of' thrift -te were invented." Laundrytuan-Quite right sir. Wo
by sueh wrongful diversion. Without Brown -About the greatest man who laundered it before we lost It
the necessary administrative machin-, evcr lived In this community was Jqn-' Mothe win flna Mr8. winslow-s Soothlne
ery, nnd a reliallo record of vested hroud-tulnded, big-hearted mid Byrup the txst remedy tousofoxtb.olrca.'l(trn
rights to the use of wator, it would be brI1nntnml ,.ct i10 ,lled with nil his tturnfb te8thn lod'
1 ... ...tVil & An f as snv r I rn l n n I lnw .1
nnd goodness unsuspected. SMo Lllllt, on poeT.
Jones How did you come to tind out The ancient mariner had shot the a!-
...rim,. a nrlma as destroving the nbout it? Brown I mnrrled his batross.
crop of another, since it amounts to l widow, London (Eng.) Tit-Bits. "I was absolutely out of meat" he
the same thing In the end, yet this I r ,cd lircsldcIlt or tho' pleaded, "and I couldn't shoot a canvas-
ArTKZdsr'sS! w ;vW.t c, . ; hn. &z:?taaz lnto troub,e
streams There is no department to been moved nnd seconded that there jt us not blame Samuel Taylor Cole
which the homeseoker or investor can ( shall bo no conversation nt the curd ' ridge. however, for taking- liberties with
write to ascertain if the wnter rights tables. What shall wo do with tho' ( thl. bald narrative when he worked it
claimed for eonstructod works are us' motion ?" "I-suggest that we discuss up into a. Poem You Ought to Know,
represented, or whethor nny unappro-! (t wne WJ .,iny( pipetl n shrill volco ! r
nrlnfffil wntor remains in a certain , . . i. .i. I
stream. Even If unappropriated wator ,u v
exist, there I. no mothod providod by . sdoptcd.
law for acquiring clear and undisputed j publican And how do you like being
tltlo to this water from the public, to mnrrletl, John? Johu Don't like it nt
whom It belongs. .,. thn 1 n. publican Why, what's tlio mutter
.5 TlSrTS!lSSZ s'Jcure wV she, John? John-Well, flrst thing
tholr rights. Vhero the price of justice in tho morning It's money ; when I
The., decrees may nivw. im mpo.sible to enforce any criminal law .
among a minority of claimants, without wnte cven ,f nnotp(1. , talents
1 Theft of wnter in an arid region I. Jones-
General 'Demand
of the Well-informed of the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant
and eincleat liquid laxative remedy of
known value; a laxative which physi
cians could sanction for family use
because its component parts aro
known tpv them to be wholesome and
truly beneficial la effect, acceptable
to the system and gentle, yet prompt,
in action.
la supplying that demand with lta
excellent combination of Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along
ethical lines and relies on the merits
of the laxative for its remarkable
That is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is
given tho preference by tho Well
Informed. To got its beneficial effects
always buy the genuine manufac
tured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading
druggists. Price fifty -cents per bottlo.
No. 27-OS
II KN irrttlnsr to advertisers pleaio
mention tun paper.
oxcoeds tho value of tho water right,
tha plneo must b aDanaonou.
"Do ron consider your nerve 1. uffl
clently ste.dy to flt you for an airship
"Well, Pt. been out in a canoe wlta a
nrrvou. fat ilrl." Clereland Plain Deal-
goes 'onio to my dinner It's money
ngnln; nnd nt supper It's tho snuie.
Nothing but money, money, money I
Publican Well, I never t What do alio
do wl' nil that money? John I dunuo.
nln't given her nny yet Punch. ,
When n girl looks pretty in a hnm
mock, it took her half nn hour to get
her Bklrts and feet arranged. Tho girl
who flounces down regardless of her
Foii, Bullied, Trs n""; ' appearance, may bo comfortable, but
"i will follow you to tho end or tno .
earth J" hUsed the villain In her .hell- M
Hko ear. But the clever girl rooled . 1
him ehe dida't go thofe. Boston I j3Vory person Is neglecting tome duty,
Transcript '
- Lm. v
ron 8T1FFNE68, 60RCNE8S, SPRAIN On BRUI88,