TRONG AMD STEADY By HORATIO ALGER, JR. CIIAPTI3II XII. Walter tveut tip to h!s room, nnd hast ily packed his trunk, lie felt wronged and outraged by the unfounded charge that had been made against him. Why, ho argued, should Mr. Drummond so read ily decide that ho had cheated him out of five dollars? He felt that ho could not, with any self-respect, remain nny longer under the same roof with a man who had such a poor opinion of him. Ho was not sorry that his engagement was nt an end. Ho had obtained some knowledge of tho dry goods business, and he knew that his services were worth more than his board. Then, again, though ho was not particular about liv ing luxuriously, tho fare nt Mr. Drum mond's was so uncommonly poor that he nu sometimes long for one of the abun dant and Well-cooked meals which he used to have spread before him nt home, or even nt his boarding house while a "pupil ol the Kssox Classical Institute. Ho was racking his trunk, when a step was beard on the stairs, nnd his door was opened by Mr. Drummond, considerably to Walter's surprise. The fact is that Mr. Drummond, on realizing what a mistake he bad made, nnd that Joshua was the real culprit, felt that he hud gone altogether too far, and he realized that he would be severely cen sured by Walter's friends in Willough by. Iie-sides, it wns just possible that Walter might, after all, recover a few thousand dollars from hw father's estate, and therefore it wns better to be on good terms with him. Mr. Drummond deter mined, therefore, to conciliate Walter, and induce him, if possible, to remain in his house and employ. "What nre you doing, Conrad?" he ask ed, on entering, Walter's chamber. "Sure ly you are not 'going to leave us." "I think it best," said Walter, quiet ly. "l'ou won't ahem ! bear malice on ac count oi the little mistake I have made. We are all liable to mistakes." "It was something more than a mis take, Mr. Drummond. What had vou seen in me to justify you in such a sud den charge of dishonesty?" "Well, Conrad, I v. us mistaken. I shnll be glad to have you come back to the store as before." "Thank you. Mr. Drummond, but I have decided to go back to Willoughby for a short time. I want to consult Mr. Shaw about the future. It is time I formed some plant, as I shall probably have to earn my living." "If you have made up your mind, all I have to say is that my humble dwelling will be ever open to receive you in the future. Perhaps, after a short visit at your old home, you may feel inclined to return to my employment. I will give you a dollar a week, besides board." Mr. Drummond looked as if he felt that this was a magnificent offer, for which Walter ought to feel grateful. But our hero knew very well that he could commaud better pay elsewhere, and was not particularly impressed. Still, he wish ed to be polite. "Thank you for your offer, Mr. Drum mond," he said ; "but I am not prepared Jto say, as yet. 'what 1 will do." "i hope," said Mr. Drummond, rather embarrassed, "you won't speak of our little difference to your friends in Wil loughby." "No, sir; not if you wish .me not to do BO. By this time the trunk was packed, nnd Walter, locking it, rose from his knee.. "If it won't be too much trouble, Mr. Drummond," he said, "I will send for my trunk to-morrow." "Certainly. Why don't you wait till to-morrow yourself?" "As I am ready, I may as well take the afternoon train. I will go down and bid good-by to Mrs. Drummond." Mrs. Drummond had just come from the kitchen. She looked with surprise nt Walter and her husband, whose presence n the. house at that hour was unusual. ".wtiat is the matter?" she asked. "Conrad is going home a short lime on business," explained Mr. Drummond. "I have offered him increased pay if he will return to the store. I hope be may decide to do so. Our humble roof will ever be ready to shelter him." Just at that moment Joshua, uncon scious of the damaging discovery that had been made relative to himself, entered the room. "Hello! what's up?" he asked. It"was the first time his father had seen him since the discovery of his dishon esty, nnd his anger wns kindled. "You ought to be ashamed to show your face here, you young reprobate!" be ex claimed. Joshua" stared In amazement, and Mrs. Drummond exclaimed, "What makes you talk ho, Mr. Drummond? What has he done?" "What has he done?" ejaculated Mr. Drummond, adding, rather ungramatlcnl ly. "He's a tjilef that's what he's done. It would serve him right if I should flog him within, an inch of bis life." "If you try it," said Joshua, sullenly. "I'll have you arrested for assault and battery." "Take care, boy. or you may find your self in custody for theft." "What do all these dreadful words mean?" asked Mrs, Drummond, distress ed. "Tell me, Walter, if you know." "I would rather Mr. Drummond in formed you," said Walter, "I'll toll you, Mrs. Drummond," said her husband. "That boy sold a shawl a fortnight ago, when alone In tho store, and pocketed tho money." "Who snid I did?" asked Joshua, bold ly, though ho looked a little pale. "Tho woman who bought it of you was In tho store to-day." . .' "Did she know my nnme?" "No; but she described you." "I remember now.' "What made you keep the money?" "I didn't. I waited till .Conrad came Perhaps ho forgot to put It In the draw er." "That's a lie, Joshua Drummond 1" said Wnlter, quietly, "and yon know It is. I think your father knows It is also." "Do you mean to say I He?" blustered Joshua. "I wouldn't If I wasn't obliged to; but In my own defense I 'am compelled to do so. 'What could I want of tho money?' demanded Joshua. "I think you wanted the money to buy lottery ticKcts with," said Walter, calmly "To buy lottery tickets with !" "What does this mean, Joshua?" de manded his father, sternlv. "It's a lie!" said Joshua, unblushtngly. i an you prove this charge which vou nave made against my son?" asked Mr. Drummond, turning to Walter. "1 can, but I am sorry to be obliged to do so. I picked up this letter a day or two since, nnd intended to give It back to Joshua, but it escaped my mind. I would not have exposed him if he bnd not tried to charge me with theft." He placed in Mr. Drummond's hands the letter already given, announcing to Joshun that he had drawn a blank. Mr. Drummond read it with no little anger, for he detested lotteries. "Unhappy boy!" ho said, addressing Joshua. "1 understand now what became of the live dollars. This decides me to do what 1 had intended to do sooner. I have supported you in laziness long enough. It is time you went to work Next week you must go to work. 1 will take you into my store; but as I nm not sure of your honesty, if I find you ap propriating money to your own use, I will put you into n shoe shop and make a shoemaker of you. This was an alarming threat to Joshua, who had a foolish gride, which led him to look upon a trade as less "respectable than i he mercantile profession. He olunk out of the house, while Wnlter set out on foot for the railway station, tkree-quar .ors of a mile distant. Into the store, and gave the money to him. What be did wJtu It, i uon i unow. CHAPTEU XIII. "Giverao a ticket to Willoughby," Bald alter. Five minutes later be was occupying n seat, or, rather, half a seat, for there sat next to him a brisk, energetic-looking man of about thirty years of age. He had been reading the morning paper, but apparent ly he had got through with it, for lie fold ed it up and put it in his pocket. "Fine day," he said, briskly. "Yes, sir, very fine," answered Walter. "Some people are affected by the weath er; I am not." pursued his fellow trav eler. "I feel as smart one day as an other. I'm always cheerful. I've got too much business to do to mope. When -a man's got enough to busy himself about, he hasn't time to be in the dumps." "There's a good deal In that," said Walter. "Of course there is. Push along, keep moving, that's my mqlto. Are you in business?" "No, sir, not at present." "I'm in the subscription book business got an office in New York. We send out agents everywhere to canvass for our publications. Lots of money in it." "Is there?" "Yes. I used to be an agent myself, nnd. though I say it, I don't think there are many agents that can get ahead of me. Sometimes I used to make twenty dollars a day. At last I thought I'd like to settle down, so I bought partnership, and now, instead of being an agent. I send out ngents." "Isu't twenty dollars a day pretty large for an agent to make?" asked Walter. "Yes, there are not many who do it, but plenty make from five to ten right along. You lopk as if you would make a good agent." "What makes you think so?" asked Walter. "You look smart." "Thank you," said Walter, laughing. "I am afraid you won't think so much of my ability when I tell you that I have been vorking for the last three months for my board." "It's a shame. You'd better come with us. We'll do much better by you than that." "I am going to consult some friends about ray future plans. If you are. will ing to tell me a little of your business, I will think of what you propose." "I have with me our latest publication. It's going like wildfire. Just the thing to please the people. I will show it to you." Walter looked with interest while his new acquaintance drew out from a car petbag, which he had beneath the seat, a good-sized parcel wrapped in brown pa per. Untying it, he produced a bulky octavo, in flashy binding, nnd abounding in illustrations. He opened the book nnd turned over the leaves rapidly. 4 "It's stuffed full of Illustrations, you see." snid be. "Ilic expense of the pic tures alone was absolutely c-nor-mous!" he added, dwelling upon the last word by way of emphasis, "But we're going to mnko it pay. The sale will be Immense. Our agents already In the field report re markable sales." "What's the title of tho book?" asked Walter, who had yet 4jeen unable to de termine this point, by reason of the rapid turning of tho pages. "'Scenes in Bible Lands.' We Include other countries besides Palestine, and we've made a book that'll sell. Most every family will want one." "What terms do you offer to agents?.' "Why, the book sells at retail at three dollars and fifty cunts. Of this the agent keeps one dollar and twenty-five cents. Pretty good, isn't it?" "Yes, I should think It wns." "You see you have only to sell four copies a day to make five dollars. If you're smart, you can do better than that." It really did seem very good to Walter, who couldn't help comparing it with the miserable wages he had received from Mr, Drummond. I "I think that wo.nld pay very well," ho said. '"Most paying- business out," said the other.. "Say the word, nnd I'll engage you on the spot." "Where would you want mo. to sell?" "I should like to have you go ' West. This way districts are mostly taken up. It would give you n good chance to travel and seo tho world." Now Walter was, like most other young people, fond of new scenes, nnd this con sideration wns n weighty one. It would enable him to travel, and pay his expenses Ml. II,. ,ti.. ... . B A ltnittly Small Hani, ncuor say tno word." , A Missouri subscriber of Farm nnd frlnn.u nVlf mw' 1 ?mt 8:c my "ome forwards a device for a handy "Well. I'll -Iv vo n, e ,. nd inexpensive barn, nnd In deserlb ofllco In New Ybrk. Wh von .rot- ron,ir. "B "nio says: "Mirny sninll farmers, report to ua there, nnd we'll put you in poultrymen, fruit nnd truck grower the field." hnvo no uso for n largo burn such ns lo this Wnlter assented, and nsked sev eral questions further, to which ho re ceived encouraging answers. The stran ger gave him his card, from which our hero learned that ho had made tho ac quaintance of Mr. James Pusher, of the firm of Flint & Pusher, subscription pub lishers, Nassau street, New York. "Good-by," said Mr. Pusher, cordially, when Wnlter left tho train for the Wil loughby stntion ; "hope to see you again." "Thnilk you," Raid Walter; "very likely you will." Taking his carpetbag in his hand, for he had arranged to have his trunk come next day,. he wnlked over to the bouse of Mr. Shaw, his father's execufor. I 'hose usually published by tho papers Mr. Shaw was in bis office, a little one- 1 send this plan here Illustrated In the story building stnndlng by Itself a little hope that It will bo of some use to to the left of his house. lie was busily t hosts wlshlne- n small barn. It Is 18x writing, nnd did not nt once look up. 24 feet on the ground and divided us ..uui ..e saw wno ii was, ne rose up ami fillown , t, Il()()r , T,,0 oppn h1i(1(1 ' v villi. 14 II till il O Ml III? 1 'm Tnf1 tvlnfl frv unn U'nWnn " Iia ni,i i Jn w ,t.i,in 'i., "shop, mid sometimes simply as a Whon rtl.i vn,. !nv stnnintnnV place to Btore manure. Ill some of the "This afternoon. Mr. Shaw. I have lder States doors should be provided Just reached Willoughby. What progress Hie shod, and possibly the parti have you made In settling the estate?" I tloiis extended td the celling. The "I can give you some Idea of how It structure Is ton foot at the eaves and stands. There will be something left, but fourteen to slxfonn Oi-r In front. The FRONT VIEW. not much. After paying nil debts, Includ-: loft Is floored over eight feet above Ing Nancy's, there will certainly be a thc Krmk. le Tllls ,,rovl(1(.s nmpk. fiT' "imco for hay and rough foci lVhll,J , 111, 11I 1 11 It U MUIL Ui. Illtn Oil lilt I tti.l H, ...,. t 1 I.t "nW .. I . , tcr. nromntlv. "no matter how little re- ,II,U mni " mains. I am glad there is enough for 1' "ot. n desired. The outer walls are thnt." noarueu up ami down nnd imttenoti "I honor your determination, Walter, The roof should be covered with some but I don't think .Nancy win he wining rather tight material not over eight to take half of what you have left." Inches wide, and this Is turn covered "lTien don't let her know how little It wlMi nnv of the nri'imroil rnollmr felt , i - - i " IS. nnit' nt, flu. 'Pit.. It.tfti Itttu - , - I ". V. 1 till; ,tii, . 1.1-i.a 4 111. ,ltt. xnere is a cuance oi someining more, I have ma Metropolitan . U CUUUIT- Ol ..... .. .U.C. bu,It , J, t , de no account of the Great 1 . , . , , , n Mining stock, of which your 1 1r,,"!:"1 fr01 to ,(;0. "' ' bt' father held shares to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, cost price. How these will come out is very uncertain, but I think we cau get something. Suppose it were only five per cent, that would make firo thousand dollars. But it isn't best to count on that." "1 shan't make any account of the min ing stock," said Walter. "If I get any thing, it will be so much more than I expect. "That is the best way. It will prevent disappointment." "How long before we find out about it?" "It Is wholly uncertain. It may be six months : it may be two years. - All I can say is that I will look after your Inter- j ests. . "Thank you, I am sure of that." "Now, as to your plans. You were at the Essex Classical Institute, I think?" "Yes, sir." "What do you say to going back for a ar? It is not an expensive school. You could stay a year, including expenses, for the sum of five hundred dollars." 'It would consume nil my money; nnd ns long as I am not going to college, my present education will be sufficient." 'As to consuming all your money," snid Mr. Shaw, "let me say one thing. I re ceived many favors from your father, es pecially when a young man just starting in business. Let me repay them by pay ing hnlf your expenses for thc next year at school." "You are very kind, .Mr. Shaw," said Walter, gratefully, "and I would accept that favor from you sooner thnn from any one; but I've made up my mind to take care of myself, and paddle my own canoe." (To be continued.) built somo cheaper where native luin bor Is used. When neatly painted It will innke a very good iippennince. I wns prohipted to submit the sketch from several articles written by sub scrlbers stating that small barn plans never appeared In the Journals, nnd as It Is very evident thnt they can only publish such article as are submitted, Lit i 0 JXC ' ii it I I I . .. vwon PLAN. isjsslbly the renders are nt fault and not tho Journals. I hope the above lnn will be found useful to many." An Acrlnl Sailor. 'So you were a sailor, my poor man?" said the good housewife. "Well, I wish you would go down In the cellar and ball out the two feet of wnter that has accumulated down there." "Ugh!" grunted Dusty Dennis, with a shudder. "I dare not go near wnter, udy." "What! A sailor afraid of water?' "Yes, mum. Yer see, I wub a sailor on an airship." , 4 I'ltylllHT ll'oidlllll KHen (tho nurse, to little girl of 0, who sleep Is supposed to have nn afternoon ! every day) Nancy, you are a ' Mixed II rt't-tl Inn. In mixed breeding, or cross breed ing, nothing Is accomplished beyond j the first cross, says a Colorado veter inary bulletin. While a few good In dividuals may be secured, the tend ency Is for the progeny to be below rather fhan above the average. A man conducting his breeding In a haphaz ard way Is contending with fearful odds, groping In the dark following a wlll-o'-tho wisp. In n hundred yours he would be Just where he started. In cidentally this Is Just what we have been doing In this country from the beginning, and the reason why we have so few pure breeds of live stock nnd are, after nil this time, senntng our good money across the water for pure-bred sires which we should pro duce nt home. After animals have been graded up to n practical purity of blood, the longer they nro bred along this line the more prepotent they become, nnd the more certain thnt the offspring will uniformly possess general excel lence of form, quality, action and utility. The same Is, of course, true of nil live stock. The only certain method of rnlshig the average standard of ex dros of the same breed until the na tive blood Is obliterated and the pro- naughty llttlo girl not to have gone to jcellenco Is by persistent breeding to sleep this afternoon! Nancy (reproachfully Kiien! mieni Don't you remember the three times geny uniformly possesses nil those do- you looked over the screen and I was slrable qualities of the puro breed em ployed. Don't Neitlrct Ilia (iuriluti. In summer the farmer has plenty of fast asleep? Ot Two KvIIh '"He lias nn awful beard." if "Yes his wife lnsikts on his wearing 1 'ork " lnd, and work that must inivo pmiiipL miuiuiuji, nut tno woi'iC needed In the garden Is that which he Mi wonder wnyr -MShe lias probably seen what ho look ed like without it," Houston Post. Ilyriroeuplinlou. ."Ho Isn't exceedingly clever, Is he?" (Clever? I should say not. Why, Jf nn Ideu should get Into thut fellow's tlie actual saving of expenses which a should least neglect, Ills living depend on It, nt least ho ought to think so, nnd act on thnt belief. It Is certain that there Is no other part of his entire work so Important to the health and comfort of IiIb family and himself, anil THEWEEiClY Mil SI Wcnnlnu VlfC. It will soon ho time to tnko younff pigs from the sows, nnd In weaning them much euro will bo necessary to avoid stunting them or stopping their growth. When about threo weeks old tho young pigs will hcgln to look around for feed, and n pen should then he provided for them whero they can bo coaxed and given a llttlo fresh milk It takes very llttlo nt first after thev have once tasted the milk they may bo easily called to their feed. Corn should bo constantly kept in tins j pen and tho llttlo pigs hnvo free access i.. it t ..11 tlitinu MM lr lie nwlll slinillil in ii iii nn nm... . " ....... , be' fed to tliciii. a llttlo at first, anil Increased gradually dally. It will ho beneficial to. give thorn all the fresh, clean swill they will drink up clean I at each recti. Never reeu nme pigs anything sour, or so much swill that It ; will stand In the trough and sour. them this way until you seo sow Is dried up. then remove her and tho pigs will be weaned. Unltt'il Nlntfn KurcKit I. a lid. The United States Forest Servlct, nmv ini administration over moro than ,1(11.000,000 acres of laud. This , I72 Peter thc Great of lumh boni at Is slightly more thnn one-fifth of tho ! Moscow. country it total forested area; the re mainder Is In the hands of private owners. Nearly an tno tinnier iiinu .Mil rvr- 1 1 1 1 ii in i ! 1 1 i tukim! ' i III "I"lrIW l'l Tit WT.MVA' m. : nr. Feed that tho a MM John d'Arc burned at Koticn 170J French fleet defeated In ,. ,, ;orivii.,Bnii.blB,J!;I!5 of the unappropriated public domain . IOukIImIi defeated the American! it In now In the national forests. This 1 . '"m,t' wf H""'" Harbor. is being protected . iii--i'"ircss Josephine, wife of Xaw. t. and wasteful ex-1 lcon' MvA t MnlianUon. . icio n I.... .. .... .0.1 wn-iiiiiK oi me iiHienn ennnl 18it'",in,"0 WU" X (Ul"8c'," Sarto) means that It .igalnst lire, theft. ploltatlon; that Its power to grow. wood nnd store wnter Is being safe- uni tied for all time, and that never tholoss It!) present supply of useful ma-' '818 Wisconsin admitted to tlic Union lei'ial Is open to Immediate uso whom 18dl Sheridan Joined Grant befow Itu. ever It Is wanted. moml. 1871 Canada Issued Its first post 187(l-Several hundred liouw, dwtrotA) i hy fire In Quebec. IMMrlliule Kertlllmpr. Fertilizer Is (he life of the farm. rim iii nn ivtwi tmfiHitu If fmmtniiiuli fu rewarded by large and fine crops, but . 18S7t3n,",ll nnd Arthur nominate,! b, ; : . ii... .. ... i... ... Wio Iteptibllcau niitlotml ' me .armor ... , t Chicago. ua sparing with .... , soil rejuvenator j ,8S "ru!.' opwwJ " pays uio pommy with d ee r en si u g crops 11)1(11 he dis covers that his ground Is "worked out." Next lo the use of this valuable nisiiuiiiJTKs imuoriai is me niiu n:iiTii.iZKU. tor of its applica tion. The best results are obtained by its even distribution over the ground, so that all parts will obtain the benefit. Where It Is scattered In lumps and heaps, much of Its virtue Is lost.v In order to necompllsh this operation In the most approved manner the ap paratus shown herewith has been In vented by a Vlrglnln genius. Ho claims that It Is tho most effective ami compact of all the machines for tho purpose, nnd besides this It Is capable of very fine adjustment, so that tho amount of fertilizer may be regulate to a nicety. I8!)0 Tho Texas Spring lnlacc In Fort nuriu iiurueil. I!0.'ir-LnKt porformnnee given In the lit 1 loric iiowoii nuiMi'iiiii, lOOrt Iiewls and Clark exposition ouuii at Portland, Ore. . .. President Itoe. eit oirered his service as a radiator j io enu mo war between Ituuia tad lapan. IUUi Widow of IWdent MrKlnV. burled nt Canton 'IV Wattrtj ricrco oil Company harlnr beta lounii guilty of violating the anti trust laws of Texas, was fined Jl.-j CtlOOLS orlO i OIXEGES The will of Henry Illoniit. nn fccwtriel miser of Ilerfordslilre, Knglaml. Ifarlnsl $-HJ..,000 to Ynle university, was Mil ted to probate nt liOinlon, although rtli-j tlves expected lo rfiow that till mind wt uubnhiuced. nh will get the money, Frenhmen and Kopliomorfs from ItJ SeeitliiK Clover. There nre customs which nro rigid ly adhered to In tho sowing or plnnt lug of staple crops. Clover Is usually sown on wheat land In the spring, the seed hclnc scattered over the irmmnl when It Is covered with snow In order ' Jimnrsotn iSatM in t,. r.,..nit,. ti. n ,c n... '"ciy nniue ni a untieing araoenv i ii ..!., i.i. .... i ... Minneapolis and It took a squad of pot' llKl III"." I" l n II ll-lllllll lIIIHHII- ,, .......l. f .rmo, w,Ky,fVH oi seen ins mue as possime ir seen is (lf ...ntor , ,,... ,1(.m. Tb. m high), and should the stand bo light i(,rw, ntlemntod to rat the hair ot tb the cuuse Is ascribed to everything but freshmen Iwys who attended n Hai pirtjj the .junntlty of seed that has been u i.ii, ...i.i ,, r used. That fact Is that seed should be .,,, 1C MInnMOla H,hte champtoHi used more iiDcrauy. as much of it Is fP ims. on the croands of harlnj H destroyed in various ways oerore gorml- and defeated the strongest teatni la ti nation, the saving of seed causing n debating league, Including the team cl loss of clover. Another point is to Ht. Paul and MInneaM)lls, nnd also on w( li.'irrnw tint tvlient. hiniI ilmi'ii tlm ,ln. recent chit lenco IsMllru to meet an ini er and then use a roller on the land. 'e h'Wte or out ot me league, wm The better the nreimratlmi for i.l,.v..r. ""'Hals nre helug struck: lor me rocm the more seed will germinate and the " l,M- unm' more perfect tho "catch." D. II. Hurnlmm of Clilrago ana ter Cook of New York, uie two aw Corner lt for Vlr IV nre. gulshed architects, who with V. M. M inis contrivance is intended for tho vnn nf Vinni-mw. s. mro been coomb ' attachment of a portable woven wire Judges to pass uioa the merit! ' J1 fence at the ends. Two posts clouted plans submitted In the open romp""' for Improving ami Denutiiying i'- mm mm nf the University of Mlnne have begun their examination of the tl y plans submitted by arcliuecis. Negotiations nre under way In St M to securo tho Minnesota college, "71 tr... x ,,i,n inutiiiitlmi. now locateo a Minneapolis. The college VasetaMIij n few years ago. Since that time w anil grown It neeU more room. It has U to secure property In U- bS?2i i. tL..nn nn.l the aulhorlti have the mniier m ini 1 1 1 1 President Swain of Pwrtrfl lego has , announced timi r" 1 managers will be nsked by It gjl , nio nu enu vuiiii"'- --.- , ... .11 -m i-Xluf n, both top nnd bottom about and thnt tho fooltalUml uw'' ir Inche apart are sot In Hue with solieduled for next vpar ,,,( tinned. one by four Inch oak nro bolted on tho ,,H,n1n' Z' comuUM ?i 0001) COIINEIl I'OBT, bounteous garden Insures Is n feature which alone wurrantB hlni In making u good garden, no matter what other bead v6u could hear It splash." Kim- pas City Times. . a j. tit .1.1 Elu . . , ,.t. . (. ..... ... - .. - ' I..JIU in Second Fnrmer oh. First Fanner-rllow's it running? Second Farmer Smoothly, In employments reauirlng quickness nnd dexterity of the bands women arv far oioro vuluublo than men. year made nil necessary preimnitlonH for 11 Biipply of fruit for family uho during tho entire summer, nnd much of tho provision for a supply of staple vegetables should bo, completed, but there Is time for much more, and It will uot pay to neglect It. tog P nun- mime apart are sot in line with sonpiiineu " lUeli the fence at each end. Two pieces of contests In ' " ,porDtUe nun In. fnrif fence In the form of clampM, placing ! "'jf 10 fan. J "-'' ' S "!!!..!,::tC";1, "",0 ""''".t W,ru t0 "the deaire to Via ta. p (..u.u.ii. mii,iiuK in wie inierais. , ui,,w tho eg tlinnro puii-;- rIi ' . . a fni-rn n m HUlu. MIIU for Ch.oUtM.,,. -Hell m of 1 The West Virginia ,perl,n(!l.t sta- ' T0, Atl te lo AtlvNff Hon made u 122.lny lest to determine v,,i, ,1 ,lmt l o prrlm j tho vn 110 nf flui ...III. .... .. ..i.,.. H Ul ' not l l0"" .... v vlllKlt. j t )(,m.vriJ umv u aw-rlhmO" on food. llioy Helocled twenty.! wo )P tho heat Interests of H ' lii.i.w mill ff il ihiiiti ul 1. .,.111. .... 1 r Iia I'Dm''' ' V, ' "u" 1111 President uanney If0Sj result that thnv uinmj 1 , 1.. ... . .. . .. ...i..i tnr the rew 1 . . " 'i-' 111 C ue mint J ns nn--" ' . , jrti is 1 .i.nothor. ,ot or ttwo S'Sf. 11. 11. ..,.n .uu imiHii wet win water of nhllosophir becai.w 01 i K.!d DOIJ eggs the 122 days. ; tX Tatter nil the WA ,,eld by Uio inner . sl U mna Mil HI IJI II II A st m Heels will grow well on nny kind ot l"H,I!;c,, 'y ' ' ' 1 ,": Z effect of H ..vw... ., ... htltn wu UH nny Kind Ot . ' i Hio fuC" soli excont 11 ii n ni ,.n,.,....t i.... llnwi en concernliih i"uJ ,,,,,. hoiji . "1'iiut uin,r. iiiu'. ., ,.n views vl " iii Idea soil Is n mellow, moist one, prof- MtS! "L "T?y '!' Well-wticl n J'ti'o iSween man 2wuh -iui no nppiHMi p tho poorer ai,ifHutt) plnne, nnti m ' r M. 1.0 amount dennndit.,, n, V.T "tU inn ration l'ou,(l ....I 1 .. W " vi11 n0l-. mint vpw,....,-. dltion of the soil. Imole possible S 1 ndS( "20 1 80R 'Got Br a; fa,. r i.m 1 11..