The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 02, 1908, Image 8

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    Not Col Land
tj OMESTEAD. Notice for Public
tlon. Department of tho Inte
rior, U SLand OOlcoat ThoDallee, Or
$g6n, Juno 20, 1808. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 25,
1904, made Homestead Entry No. 1340-1
;'for w&wi sec 28 nud e)nti seo 29, tp
11 8, r 18 e, w m, has filed notice of in
tention to make final five-year proof,
to claim to the land above
tlcfcribcd", lieforo Frank Osborn, U. S.
Commissioner t Madras, Oregon, on
tho 18th day or August, 1003,
Claimant numcu n? witnesses:
Chris Hecnauer, Joseph Marnach,.
Frank Galloway, Berthold Dornbrowo,
nil .of Madrar, Oregon,
O. W. IMoortE,
ja-al3 Register
NOTICE For Publication. Soldiers Ad
ditional Hpmestcad E try. Depart
ment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Juno 9, 1903. Notice
Is hereby Is hereby given that Nathan II.
Pinkerton, of Pendleton, Umatilla county,
Or., has filed in this office his application
to make soldiers additional entry, as as
signee of Martha Wollam, by mesne, un
der the provisions of Sec. 2300 of tho re
vised statutes of United States tho s)seJi
.sec 27, tp 10 s, r IS e, w m.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the landsdescribedordeslrlng to object be
cause of the mineral character of the land,
or for any other reason, to the disposal to
applicant, should file their affidavits of
protest in this ofllce, on or before the SUt
day of July, TW8.
J2-J80 C. W. MOORE, Register.
jA OTICE For Publication. 8oldicrs Ad-4-
ditional Homestead Entry. Depart
ment of the Interior, V S. Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, June 19, 1903. Nottce
is hereby given that Nathan II. Pinkerton
of Pendleton, Umatilla county, Or., has
filed in this office his application to make
Mjhliers additional entry, as assignee of
Daniel like, by mesne, under the provis
ions of Sec. 280(1 of the revised statutes of
United States the niscH sec 27, tp 10 s, r
13 e, w in.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely
lie lands described or desiring to object
because of Uie mineral character of the
land, or for any other reason, to the dis
posal to applicant, should tile their affida
vits of protest in this office, on or before
the 31st day of July, 1908.
j2-j30 O. W. MOORE, Register.
Kot Coal Land
H" OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion, Department of the Interior,
U S Land Office atTheDalleB, Oregon,
June 26, 1908. Notice Is" hereby
formerly Clara Helen Hetinem'aun, of
Madras. Oregon, who, ou September
O, 1002, made Homestead Entry, No.
11449, for eewK Eec 22 and ejnwi seo
27, tp 11 e, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice
of intention to make final five-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above desciibed, before Frank Osborn,
U. S. Commissioner, at his ofllce at
Madras, Oregon, on the 10th day of
August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Berthold Dombrowe, Conrad Straa
per, Jesse Eade, William Ellis, all of
Madras, Oregon.
C. W. Moonu,
J9-al3 Register
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior, U.
S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June
20, 1908. Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 25, 1903,
made Homestead Entry No. 12048, for
Beh and sjnej sec 11, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m,
has filed notice of intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Frank Os
horn, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at
$frt(ras, Oregon, on the 18th day of Au
gust;'l908." Claimant names as witnesses:
,. James J) Mayes, Nell S Jennings, ML
jjfluoks and Fred Davis, all of Madras,
J9-al3 C. W. MOORE, Register.
Not Coal-Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior, U S
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
June 22, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras. Oregon, who, on January SO,
1902, made Homestead Entry No. 10351, for
xtXnwX and w&swjf sec 14. tp 10 s, r 13
o, wm, lias filed notice of intention to
make final five-year proof, to establsh
rlalin to the land above described, beforo
Frank Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at hlh
office at Madias, Oregon, on the 10th day
of August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Volnoy Z Branstettcr. Miles Fox, OC
Fo, Andrew Larson, all of Madras, Ore
gon. C. W. MpoitE,
j2-a0 Register
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of tho Interior, U.
S. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Juno 27, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that
of Hay Creek, Oregon, who, on May 14,
1902, made Homestead Entry No, 10878, for
fietfnwtf , sKneJi and nejfsej sec 4, tp 11
s, r 15 e, w m, has filed notice of intention
to make final iivc-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before
Frank Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at Ids
office at Madras, Oregon, on tho 10ti day
of August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Leo Curtis, Ralph Allen, Walter Par
rlsh, all of Hay Creek, Qregpn; Joseph
fctewart, of Youngs, Oregon. '
ftt-aia O. W. MOORE, Register.
TIMBER LAND. Notice for Publl
cation. Department of the Inte
rior, U. S. Laud Offlco at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, May 12, 1003. Notice Is here
by given that
of Ilcud, Oregon, who, on February 27,
1008, mndo Timber application No,
4558, for bJhw! aud Lota 51 nud 4, seo 7,
tp 13 e, r 11 e, w in,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish olnim to tho
laud nbovu described, before 11, 0.
Ellis. U. R. Commissioner, at Ida offleo
at Bend, Oregon, ou the 30th (lay of
dtiiy, laua.
Claimant names tb witnesses:
Charles 1) Brown, Elmer Nlswon
ger, Ii A Braudenbuigh, Fred A Hun
null, all of Bend, Oregon.
0, AY. Maoitp,
ni28-Jy23 Register.
TIMBER LAND. Notloo for Publi
cation. Department of tho lute
rior, U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, May 11, 1908. Notico la here
by given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 30,
1008, mado Timber Application No,
4625, for Lot 7, sec 12, tp 10 s, r 1? e,
w m,
Has died notico of intention to make
flual proof, to establish cluim to the
land above desciibed, before Frank
Osborn, U. S. Commissioner, at tils
office in Madras, Oregon, on the 28th
day of July, 1003,
Clalmaut names us witnesses:
W II Bishop of Warmspriugs, Ore
gon: J E Campbell, C V Wilson, Ulys
ses S Cowles, ail of Madras, Oregon.
m28 123 Register.
TIMBER LAND, Act 'June 3, 1878.
Notico for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Lind Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
May 11, 1908. Notice la hereby given
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April
23, 1908, made Timber bikI Stone proof,
.Receiver's receipt 2io. 11227, tor .Lots
3 aud 4, sec 7, lot 1, sec 18, tp 12 8, r 11
e, and eejsei sec 12, tp 12 , r 10 e, w m.
Has filed notice of intention to make
final timber proof, to .establish claim
to the land above described, before the
County Clerk at Prlneville, Oregon,
on the 24th day of July, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Maggie Glaze, Robert G Smith, H A
F ster and Charles Bedell, all ol Prine
ville, Oregou, and Edwin B Graham
of Sisters, Oregon.
m21-jyl6 Register
H0ME8TEAD. Notico for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Tho Daltes, Oregon,
June 13, 1908. Notice is hereby given
Serena E. Friend', formerly Lawler,
of Ashwood, Oregon, who, on July 2,
1900, made homestead entry No. 8441,
(F. C. 5336, July 16, 1907,) for seKneJ.
ejsei sec 2 and swjnwj sec 1, tp 11 s, r
16 e, w m,
Has filed notice of intention to make)
dual live-year proof, to estabiisn
claim to the land above described be
fore Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, OregoD, on July 31, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A G Klbbee and Colburn McPherson
of Haycreek, Oregon; Chester S Mc
Corkle and Knox D Huston of Ash
wood, Oregon.
j25 Jy30 C. W. MooBE, Register
Not Coal Land
J OMESTEAD. Notice for Publication.
A Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June
26, 1908. Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 11, 1902,
made Homestead Entry No. 10659, for se
sec 5, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice
of intention to make final five-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Frank Osborn, U. S. Com
missioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon,
on the 18th day of August, 1008. -
Claimant names as witnesses:
Miles Fox, Joseph Arney, Charles Dil
lon, George V Dillon, all of.JIadras, Ore.
Kon. C. W. MOORE,
j9-al3 - Register.
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Inferior, U.
S. Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon, June
26, 1908. Notice is hereby given that-
of "Madras, Oregon, who, on October 21,
1901. mado Homestead Entry No. 9853, for
seJlnwK and caw sec 18 and nejfnwtf
sec 19, tp 12 s, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice
of intention to make final live-year proof,
to establish claim to tho land above des
cribed, before Frank Osborn, U. S. Com
missioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon,
on the 18th day of August, 1908.
C almnnt names as witnesses:
George Klillngbeck, W G Kllllugbeck,
John C Tucker, Frank M Lovcland, all of
Madras, Oregon.
j9-a!3 Register.
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
U 8 Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
j une 27, 1908. Notico Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on December 14,
1901, made Homestead Entry No, 10H8,
foriiwW sec 20, tp 10 e. rile, w m, has
hied notice of intention to tnako final five
year proof, to establish clalb to tho land
above described, before Frank Osborn, U.
S. Commissioner, at his office at Madras,
Oregon, on the 15 th day of August 1908,
Claimant names as witnesses
W A Lee. W 8 Crlswell, V Z Branatel
ter, all of Madras, Oregon; L A Young, of
Youngs, Oregonj , .
C. W. Moonic,
jo.Ri8 Register.
the Iuterlor, U. S. Laud Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, May 21, 1003. A
sufficient contest having been filed In
this office by
contestant, against homestead ontry
No 14073, made December 10, 1004, for
aenw$, liiswj, 8wjnw hoc 23, tp 12 s,
r 14 e, w m. by CharlcR Westcott, con
testee, in which It Is alleged that said
Charles Westoott has wholly aban
doned en Id land for more than six
months last.past , that mild alleged ab
sence whs not due to his employment
iu the army, navy or marine corps of
the United States iu time of war,
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond and ofTer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'olook
a. m. oh July 15, 1008, beforo Mux
Lueddemann, a notary public, at his
office in Madras, Oregon, and that
fiunl hearing will ho held at 0 o'olook
a. m, on July 22, 1Q08, beforo the Reg
later and Receiver at the United
States Land Offico iu The Dalles, Ore
The said contestant havlntr, In a
proper affidavit, tiled May 21. 1008, set
forth facts which show that after due
diligence persoual service of this no
tice cannot be made, it is hereby or
dered and directed tliut such notice be
given by due aud proper publication.
J4 JyO Register.
CONTEST NOTICE. Department of
tho Interior, U. S. Lind QHlee.
The Dalles, Oregon, May 23, 1008.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed in this offico by
contestant, against homestead entry
No. 14305, made March 23, 1905, for
swnwi, wH8w sec 30. uwmvi 8ec
29, tp 11 b, r 10 e, w m,
by Lewis Denver, contestee, in which
it ia allegod that said Lowis Denver
has wholly abandoned said tract of
laud Tor more tban mx months lxst
past and that said abanduLmeiit still
exists; that said alleged absence was
not due to his employment in the
army, navy or murine eorps of the
United States iu time of war.
Slid parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond and oiler' evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'c!ouk
a. m. on July 0, 1908, before Mux
Lueddemaun, a notary public, at his
office iu Madras, Oregon, and (tint
final liearliiL' held at 10 o'clock
a. m. ou July 13, 1908, before the Reg
ister and Receiver at tho United States
Land Office iu The Dalles, Oregon.
Tho said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, tiled May 23, 1008, set
forth tacts which show that after duo
diligence personal service of this no
tice cad not be made, it is hereby or
dered that such notico be given by due
aud proper publication.
4Jy2 Register.
TMIBER LAND, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregou,
May 26, 1908. Notico is hereby given
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on May 20,
1908, made timber application No. 4049,
for 8i8eJ and sjswj sec 3, tp 12 8, r 10 e,
w in,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the County
Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on tho 12th
day of August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry A Foster, Lewis T3 Hudson, of
Prineville, Oregon; GuyAlhngham of
Sisters, jOregon; William, J Mason of
The Dalles, Oregon.
j4-a0 Itegistcr.
W. A. Booth, plalntlfT,
Edward Stcurnagle, defendant.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an execution and order of sale, issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Crook county, on the 8th day of Juno,
1908, In favor of W A. Booth, plaintiff,
nnit acainst Edward Stcurnagle, defend
ant, for the sum of $250.00 Judgment, with
interest at the rate, or 10 percent per an
num from the 23rd day October, 1905, and
the further sum of 825.00 attorney's fee ,
and f 10.00 costs and disbursements, and
ivtn.rens it was further ordered oy mo
rtnnrtthnt the nronerty attached In said
action, and hereinafter described, bo sold
for the satisfaction of said judgment aim
cost1?, in the manner provided by law,
which faid Judgment was enrolled aud
docketed in tho Clerk's offico of said Court
on the 20th day of Juno, 1906.
Notice is hereby c veil, that in oneuienco
to said execution and order of sale, I have
le.viefl tinon the following described real
property belonging to said defendant, Ed
ward Stcurnagle, 'lowit:
r.nts One. Two and I luce, or auc. o, ip
in m n ii -Rust. W. M. iu Crook County,
Oregon, being the property attached in
said action, and I will on
Saturday, the 11th day ot July, 1008,
nt Mm hour of one o'clock P, M. of Said
day, at tho front door of the Court House
In the City of Prineville, Crook County,
Oregon, sell tho above described real prop
ortv. nt nubile auction to tho highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said judgment and
costs and interest and accruing costs.
FRANK ELK I -So, Slierttr,
Crook County, Oregon.
First Issue J uno il, last Issue J uly 9.
A com bleto BUnrily of legal blanks for
ealo Including warranty and rjdU claim
deeds, real, chattel and crop mortgages,
etc. Justice court blanks and Justice
court work a specialty. Notary Public.
-F, J Brooke. '
ISOLATED TRACT, Notice for Pub
A llnatlon. Publio Laud Bale. The
Dalloa, Oregon i Lind Office, M.ay 2J,
1009. Notloe is hereby given mat, as
dlteotod by tho Commissioner ot tho
Goneral Land Office, under provisions
of Act of Congress approved Juno J7,
1900, Public No. 803, wo will oiler at
publio sale, to the highest bidder, at 3
o'clook p. in., on tho20ih day of Juno
pext, at this office, tho following tract
of land, to wit: bwswJ of bcc 28, tp
10 c, r 14 o, w m,
Any persons claiming adversely tho
above-desorlbed lands aro advised to
tile their claims, or obJecllotiH, on or
before the day abovo designated for
BllbJ' . .
0. W. MooitK, Rorlstor
Louis II. Ahnuhon, Receiver.
mS8 J25
Publication. U. S. Land Ollleo, Tho
Dalles, Oregon, May 25, 1008. Notico is
hereby given that under tho provisions
of tho act of Congress of August 14, 1848,
and tho acts supplementary and amend
atory thoroto, tho State of Oregon hns
tliis day lllpd in" this ofllco its anplica
tion No. 748, to select tho wlswi-i, "el
awl and swjnwj of bcc 14, p 12 s, r 13
o, v in.
Any and al persons claiming adverse
ly tho above-described lands, or desiring
for uny reason to object to the final al
lowance of thp selection, should illo
their claims or objections in tills ofllce
on or before the 14th day of July, 1008.
0. W. MOORK,
j4-jy9 Register
State of Oregon, for the County of
In tho matter of the cstato )
deceased. )
To Viola M. Gray, Stella Wilson, Ira
Isliain, Mary Thompson, Rcna Cyrus,
Laura Wayinire, Theodosia Claypool,
Jcssto Ishani, Archio Islmni and all dev
isees and heirs unknown, Gitiurnxo:
In tho nnino of tho State of Oregon,
You aro hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of tho Stato
of Oregon, for tho County of Crook, at
tho Court room thereof, at Prinovillo, iu
the County of Crook, on Monday tho
Cth day of July, 1908, at 10 o'clock, in
tiie forenoon of that, day, then and tiieio
tn hIiow cniiRp. If nnv there bo. wliv an
order of salo should not' be granted to
the administrator of the estate of paid
John A. Isham, deceased, to sell all the
following described real estate of said
deceased, towit: Lots eight, nine and
ten in block thirty-ono and lots four and
eleven in block thirty-two in tho town
of Palmain, Crook County, Oregon, ac
cording to the plat thereof as tho same
appears of record in tho office of the
County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon.
Witness, tho Hon. W. A. Bell, judgo
of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Crook, with the
seal of said court affixed, this 28th day
of .May, A. D. 1008.
Attest; WAniiHX Bitow.v,
fsuAiO Clerk.
TIMBER LAND, Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior, U.
S. Land Ofllco, The Dalies, Oregon, Jfay
14, 1908. Notice Is hereby given thnt
of Illaloi k, Oregon, who, on January 25,
1908, mado Timber Application No. 1521,
for eJswX and lots 3 and 4, sec 30, tp 11 e,
r 17 e, Y M,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register and
Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
4th day of August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ella O'Stilllvan, of Illalock, Oregon; Ed
ward H Sargent, William Mason, J Dillon
3fcGary, all of The Dalles, Oregon; Knox
D Huston, Joseph JfcC'olhun, both of Ash
wood, Oregon.
jll-Jy30 C. W. MOORE, Register.
TIMBER LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878.
Notico for Publication, Depart
ment of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office
Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 0, 1008. No
tlce Is hereby given that
of Tho Dalles, Oregon, who, on May 9,
1908, made timber application No.
4030, for ejswl, awjsel of section 8 aud
uelnwi seo 17, tp 13s, r 11 p, w m,
Has filed notloe of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described beforo the Regis
ter and Receiver at Tho DulleH, Ore
gon, on tho 22nd day of July, 1008.
Clalmaut mimes as witnesses:
Danit-1 A McDonell, Michael O'Con
nor, Mary Cathcart, William G Ma
son, all of The Dalles, Oregou.
C1 W. MOORE, '
m2lJ10 Rtglster.
TIMBER LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication, Depart
ment of tho Interior, Hulled States
Land Officf, Tho Dalies, Oregon,
April 30, 1008. Notice Is hereby given
of Prinovillo, county of Crook, stato
of Oregon, has applied to purchase,
under the act of Congress of Juno 3,
1878, as extended by act of August 4,
1802, tho nw4 ewjnei and seluwi
of boo 13, tp 11 s, r 10 e, w m,
And will oiler proof to show that tho
land sought is mnro valuable for its
timber or stouo tliiui for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to
paid laud bofore the County Clerk -at
Prineville, Oregon, ou the 10th day of
July, 1908.
She names ns her witnesses: Rob
ert G Smith, Bum Ruberg, H 15 Ride
out, all of Prinovillo, Oregon; Loron E
Alllugham of Portland, Oregou,
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely tho abnvo-desorlbcd lands aro
requested to file their claims in tills
office on or beforo said 10th day of
July, 1008.
. , . 0,. W.MOORE,
ml4JylO Register.