Strong and Steady By HORATIO ALGER, JR. CHAPTER X. In due time, to Joshun's great delight tho lottery ticket Touched him. It was several days In coming, and he had A most given It up, but the sight of It rnls cd his spirits to the highest pitch. It peemed to him the first Rtep. to a fortune, He began at once to indulge in dazzling visions of what ho would do when tne prize came to hand; how the "old man' would be astonished and treat him with Increased respect ; how he would go to the city and have a good time seeing the Hons, and from henceforth throw off the galling yoke of dependence which his fath it's parsimony had made it so hard to brnr. Whenever he was by himself, he used to pull out the ticket and gaze at it with the greatest satisfaction, as the key that was to unlock the portals of fortune, In dependence and happiness. But at length the long-expected letter nrrived. Joshua did not like to open it in the postodice, lest .It should attract the nttentlon of the postmaster. He there fore withdrew to n place where he was not likely to be disturbed, and with trem blinsr fingers opened the letter. Some- tlntig dropped out. "I wonder if it Is n check?'' thought Joshua, stooping over and picking it up. Hut no, it was an announcement of the drawing. Joshun's numbers for each loltery ticket contains t)-ec numbers were 9, 15, 50. But of the thirteen lifky numbers drawn out of sixty-five, neither of them was one. Slowly it dawned upon Joshua that he had drawn nothing, that his five dollars had been absolutely thrown away. Vint there was a letter. Perhaps this would explain it. Joshua read as follows: "Dear Sir We regret to say that we are unable to send you a prize this time. We hope, however, you will not be dis couraged. Some of our patrons who have been most fortunate have commenced ny being unlucky. Indeed, singularly enough, this Is a general rule. "Hoping to hear from you again, and to send you in return better news, we subscribe ourselves, very respectfully, "GRABB & CO." The effect of Joshua's ill success was to make him very despondent. He thought of all he had intended to do, and now bis castles had crumbled, and all in con sequence of this letter. He had been so sanguine of success. Now he must write to Snm that his visit to New York was indefinitely postponed that is, unless he could induce his father to provide nim with money enough to go. The prospect was not very encouraging, but he felt des perate, and he determined to make the attempt. Accordingly, just after supper, he detained his father, just as be was returning to the store, and said: "Father, I wish you'd let me go to New York on a visit." "What for?" asked Mr. Drummond, ele vating his brows. "Because I'm eighteen years old, and I've never been there yet." "Then, if you've gone eighteen years without seeing the city, I think you can go a while longer," said his father, un der the impression that he had made a vitty remark. But Joshua did not ap preciate the humor of it. "I've lived in Staplcton ever since I was born," grumbled Joshua, "and have got tired of it. I want to see something of life." "Do you? Well, I'm sure I've no objec tion." "May I go, then?" "Yes; but, of course, you will pay your own expenses."- "How can I?" exclaimed Joshua, in nn-g.-y disappointment. "I have no money." "Then you can save up your allowance till you have enough." "Save up on twenty-five cents a wecK ! 1 couldn't go till 1 was an old man!" "I know of no other way," said Mr. Drummond, with provoking indifference, "unless you earn the money in some wav." "You treat me like a little boy!" said Joshua, angrily. "You are better oil than I am. I have to- work for all I get. You get your board, clothes and pocket money for nothing." "Other boys go to New York when they are much younger." "I have told you you can go when you like, but you mustn't expect me to supply the money." Mr. Drummond put on his hat and cioRsed the street to the store, leaving Jotbua In a very unfillal frame of mind. CHAPTER XI. Two days later two women entered Mr. Drummond's store. One was Joshun's customer and she wore the same shawl which she had purchased of'hlm. It nap pened that Walter was out, but Mr. Drummond and Nichols were both behind the counter. "Have yon got any more shawls like this?'' asked the first lady, whom we will call Mrs. Blake. "Mrs. Spicer, who U a neighbor of mine, liked it so well she wants to get another Just like it." "Did you buy this shawl of uoV" nuk ed Mr. Drummond. "Yes, sir. I bought It about a fort night ago, and paid five dollars for It." iim.,. iinllnrs! There must be some mistake. We never sell such a shawl asJ that for less than ten uoiiars. "I- can't help it," said Mrs. Blake, posi tively. "I bous"1 lt were' and Paid ave dollars for It." "Why, those shawls cost me seven dol lars and a half at wholesale. It Is not likely I would sell them for five. Mr. Nichols," said Mr. Drummond, "did you sel this lady the shawl she is wearing, for fivo dollars?" "No, sir; I hove not sold a shawl- I'ke that for two months. I know the price well enough, and I wouldn't sell It for lest than ten dollars." "I didn't buy It of him. I bought It cf n boy," Bald Mrs. Blake. "It muBt have been that stupid Con rad," exclaimed Mr. Drummond, angrily. Walt till he comes In, and I'll haul b'm over the coals." . "Then you won't Jet my friend have mother like It for Ore dollars?" "No," said Mr. Drummond. provoked " I' don't do business that way. I've lost nearly three dollars by that shawl of yours, lou ought to mako up the whole sale price to me." "I shan't do It," said Mrs. Blake. "If you've made a mistake, It's your lookout. I wasn't willing to pay more than fho dollars. " The two ladles were about to leave the store when Mr. Drummond said: "The boy will be back directly. I wish you would wait a few minutes, so that If he denies it you can prove It upon him.'' "I've got a call to make," Bald Mrs Blake, "but I'll come In again in about nn hour." They left the store, and Mr. Drummond began to berate the absent Walter. He was provoked to find that he had lost two dollars and a half, and. If Walter fud been In receipt of any wages, would have stopped the amount out of his salary. Hit, unfortunately for this plan of reprisal, our hero received his board only, and that could not very well be levied upon. However, he might have somo money in his possessiou, and Mr. Drummond decid ed to require him to make up the loss. "When did she say she bought the shawl, Mr. Nichols?" asked his employer. "About a fortnight ago." "Will you look on the books, and see tf you find the sale recorded? I am sur prised that it escaped my attention." Nichols looked over the book of sales, and announced that no such entry could be found. Mr. Drummond was surprised. Though not inclined to judge others a.iy too charitably, he had never suspected Walter of dishonesty. "Are you sure you, looked back far enough?" he nsked. "Yes," said Nichols; "to make sure, I looked back four weeks. The woman said only a fortnight, you know." "I know. Then lt seems Conrad ti&s concealed the sale and kept the money." "Perhaps," suggested Nichols, who rather liked Walter, "he forgot to put it down." . "If he did, he forgot to put tho money iu the drawer, for the cash and the Bales have always balanced. He's an ungrate ful young rascal," continued Mr. Drum mond, harshly. "After I took him Into my house and treated Vhim as a son" this was not saying much, if Joshua be believed "he has robbed me In the most cold-blooded manner." Nichols was astonished by the evidence against our hero. He did not like to think him guilty, but lt certainly seemed as if he must be. "What are you going to do about it, Mr. Drummond?" he asked. "I suppose I ought to have him arrest ed He deserves it." "I hope you won't do that. He may be able to explain it." "If I do not proceed to extremities. It will be on account of his relationship, which I blush to acknowledge." The time had been, and that not long since, when Mr. Drummond felt proud of his relationship to the rich bqulre Con rad, of Willoughby; but that was before his loss of property. Circumstances al ter cases. Quite unconscious of the storm that was gathering, Walter at this mo ment entered the store. "So you've got back?" said Mr. Drum- mend, harshly. "You haven't been in any particular hurry. However, that was not what I wished to speak to you about. W- have made a discovery since you went out, and not a very agreeable one." "I am sorry for that," saiu waiter, uot knowing what else was expected of him. "No doubt you are sorry," sncereu .nr. Drummond. "I should think he would be. eh, Mr. Nichols.?" "I am sorry also," said ?niciiois, wno, though rather weak-minded, was a good hearted young man. "So .am I sorry," said Mr. urutnmonu. "If strikes me I have most reason to be sorry, considering that the loss has fallen on me. I have discovered how you have repaid me for my kindness. You didn't think I would find out, but your iniquity has providentially come to light." "I don't know what you are laiKing about, Mr. Drummond," said Walter, im patiently. "I wish you would stop talk ing in riddles." "Did you ever witness sucn nrazen ti- frontery, Mr. Nichols?" demanded Mr. Drummond, turning to bis head salesman ; "even when he Is found out he brazens It out." "Wouldn't It be as well to tell mm what Is the matter, Mr. Drummond?" mked Nichols, who wax In hopes our hero would be able to prove his Innocence. "To come to the point, aid you, or uiu you not, a fortnight since, sell one of those shawls, such as you see on the coun ter, for five dollars?" "I did not," said Walter, promptly. "It mleht not have been exactly a fort night. Have you sold such a shawl with in four weeks?" "I have not sold such a shawl since 1 have been In your employ, Mr. Drum mond." "You hear what he says, Mr. Nichols," said Mr. Drummond. "You see how he adds falsehood to dishonesty. But that Is not uncommon. It Is only what I ex pected. Do you mean to say, Walter Con rad, that you didn't sen sucn a bhuwi for five dollars only half price and, in stead of entering the sale, put the money Into your own pocket?" "I do deny it roost empuawcuny, r, Drummond." said Walter, Impetuously, "and I challenge you to prove It." "r shall soon be able to prove It,' said Mr. Drummond. "The lady who bought iu. shawl came Into the store half an hour since, and asked for another. When T tnld her that It would cost ten uouars, She said she only paid five for the one she had on. She then told us tnai sue bought It of you a lortnigut since.- "There Is some mistake about this, Mr. Drummond. She has made a mlstaW She must have bought It somewhere else." ah would not be likely to make such a mistake as this. Besides, the shawl Is like others I have. How do you account for that?" queried Mr. Drummond, triumphantly. "I don't pretend to account tor It, nna don't feel called upon to do so. All I have got to say Is that I did not Bell tho shawl, nor pocket tho money." '"Mr. Drummond, tho ladles lmvo re turned," said Nichols. "Aha J" said his employer, with exul tation. "Now we will bo able to prove your guilt, you young rascal! Hero Is the lady who bought tho shawl of you." Mrs. Blake and her friend, Mrs. Spicer, hero cutorcd tho store. Mr. Drummond went forward to meet them. Ills faco Hushed, but he tried to look composed. "I am glad to see yon back, ladles," ho said. "You told me that you bought your shawl of n boy?" turning to Mrs. Blake. "Yes, sir." "Come forward, Conrad," said Mt. Drummond, a malignant smllo overspread ing his face. "Perhaps you will deny now, to this lndy's faco fitlmt you Bold her the shawl sho has on." "I certnlnly do," said Walter. "I nev er, to my knowledge, saw the lady before, and I know that I did uot sell her ths shawl." "What do you think of that, Mr. Nich ols?" said Mr. Drummond. "Did you over witness such unblushing falsehood?" But here n shell was thrown Into Mr. Drummond's camp by Mrs. Blake her self. "The boy Is perfectly right," she said. "I did not buy the shawl of him." "Didn't you say you bought tho shawl of the boy?" asked Mr. Drummond, with a sickly hue of disappointment over spreading his face. "Yes; but It was not that boy. Com to think of It, I believe it was your son," said Mrs. Blake. "Isn't he a little older than this boy?" "My sou Joshua!" exclaimed Mr. Drummond. "Yes, 1 think It must be he. He's got rather an old-looking face, with freckles and reddish hair; isn't so good-looking as this boy." "Joshim !" repeated Mr. Drummond, be wildered. "Ho doesn't tend in the store." "It was about dinner time," said Mrs. Blake. "He was the only one here." "Do you know nrtythlng about this, Mr. Nichols?" nsked Mr. Drummond turning to his head clerk. Light dawned upon Nichols. He re membered now Joshun's offer to take his place, and he felt sure in Ids own mind who was the guilty party. "Yes, Mr. Drummond," ho answered; "about a fortnight ago. as Walter was rather late in getting back, Joshua of fered to stay in the store for a while. Ho must have sold the shawl, but he must have guessed at the price.". "A mistake has been made," said Mr. Drummond, hurriedly, to tho ladies, "a mistake that you have profited by. I shall not be able to sell you another shawl for less than ten dollars." The ladies went out, and Mr. Drum mond and his two clerks were left alone. "Mr. Drummond." said Walter, quiet ly, "after what has happened, you will not be surprised if I decline to remain in your employ. I shall take the after noon train to Willoughby." He walked out of the store, and cross ed the street to Mr. Drummond's house. (To be continued.) w FOX IN A KITCHEN. CELEBRATING THE F 6L0R0US OURTH Why Evory Alcn, Woman and Child Should Rejoice and Be Qlad. PATRIOTISM AND FIREWORKS. Anniversary of the Date Whon Liberty . Shook Off Her Shncklos. Gave Hunter and IIountl Ltvelr Cbaae in an English Town. Some excltlne scenes were witnessed at Stow recently at the meet of tho Heytbrop hounds, according to the Lon don Globe. A fox. on being discovered near Ab- botswood, proceeded to the town, where lt darted throunb the open door or a photographer's studio. Being driven out Into the garden, the nnliunl sprang upon the roof of some low buildings, thence cllniled the roof of a bouse and, sliding down the opposite slope, leaped Into Park street. The fucltlvc then entered n house at the front door, but meeting n little girl half way up the stairs turned tall and made his way to the kitchen, where culinary operations were In progress. The fox mounted the table nnu scat tered the crockery with which It was covered, nianv nrtlclcs being smashed as they fell with a clatter on the floor. Then, espying un open door, the anlmnl mnii milfk ex t Into n Knruen. llounus meanwhile had tracked the fox to tho studio, and nuiny went right through thH house and nicked up the trail that led eventually to the garden In which the fugitive was hiding. The nnlma! did not give In without brave struggle for existence, leading hounds a chase over successive garden walls before he gave up ms orusu. Nevei 3IUed. Two Frenchmen who had quarreled agreed that their wrongs could be set-, tied only by a duel. 8o enrly ono morning they repaired to the railway stntlon, bound for a small village Just outside Purls. "A return ticket to F," said tho first at the booking ofllce. I "Single for me," said tho second man, quietly. "Ah." exclaimed the first, "you nro afraid you won't come bnck, nro you7 As for me, I always take a return." . .. ,. 111 l "I never CIO, nam wiu uiult. i ut vays tnke the return half from my lctlm's pocket." I'rnctlced WJmt He I'reuclied. "You know, my deur, I have often said that, like the rest of mnnklnd, I am only u poor, weak sinner," said Wedderly, who wns trying to excuso one of his misdeeds. "Yea I know you hnve," rejoined tho better half of the matrimonial com bine, "and I never In my life saw any body as anxous to prove tho truth of hla statements as you seem to be." All Gone. Doctor My deur sir, your wlfo needs some change. Husband I know she docs, but, good heavens, doctor, you took It oil. Not Noticeable, no (after tho quarrel) I was a fool when I married you. She Yes, but I thought you wounj Improve, IIB Fourth of July Is tho day of patriot ism and tho fire cracker. Every ono old citizen or new arrival celebrates. One and all know there Is just cause for tho celebration, but few realize tho great and glorious facts. They are facts that make ev ery ono who really can say ho Is a citi zen of the United States feel as proud as It Is possible for a human being to feel the stimulus of pride. When on that novcr-to-bo-forgottcn date tho old bell In Inrlpnnnilnnro Unit. 1 Philadelphia, rang out, to the uninitiated it pealed Its sonorous notes for some un known purpose. To thoso who, breath less, were waiting for tho sound, It told the news that liberty had shaken off her shackles in the new world, that she had taken her rightful place and that hcro- I after the people would acknowledge the power ot no ruler except such as might bo chosen by themselves. It was a curi ous scene in tho staid old Quaker town, the last place in tho colonies where one would have suspected a spark would be given birth to light freedom's torch throughout the Western Hemisphere. It was on the 7th day of June, 1770, that the delegates from the colonies sitting In Congress In Philadelphia, considered the following resolution, Introduced by Vir ginia's statesman, Richard Henry Lee: "Resolved, That tho United Colonies tre and ought to bo free and independent States and their political connection with Great Britain is and ought to be dissolv ed." There had been murmurings and threats and calm expressions of determination. But here was united action. Tho people, by their representatives duly chosen, for mally absolved themselves from allegiance with tho mother country, and said to the world that they had cast off their swad dling clothes; they were now wholly able to walk alone. On June 11, that famous committee was appointed to frame tho Declaration of Independence. Noto the names, and If you are a student of the history of tho United States, conceive If MAKING MONEY FOR THE FOURTH. m rr je ... The enthusiasm of the patriots at hear i.,r. tiin inti.llltFPiicn wns unbounded. While Congress had been discussing the subject crowds assembled outside tho hall anil in the streets, anxiously awaiting tho result. When it was announced at noon tho Ktntn iTmian hell on which was Inscribed "Proclaim liberty throughout all the lomls unto all the Inhabitants thereor," cmngeu ilnitlniHniiHlv ami tho throng gave vent to long and loud shouts of exultation. The old bell-ringer had been at His post Ho had plneed his boy below to announco when the Declara tion was adopted, so that not an instant might bo lost In transferring the glad tid ings by means of the boll to the uwaltlng multitude As the wearisome hours pas, ed ond no sign camo to him the aged bell ringer finally exclaimed, "They will never do it! They will never do It!" 'Just then he heard his boy clnpplng his hands and vociferating at tho top of his Juvenile lungs, "Ring! Ring!" The old hnnds Bwayed the sonorous hell with delirious vigor. Its reverberation was echoed by every steeple In the city. That was a gala day In Philadelphia, what with rejoicings and bonfires and tllnmlnntlnnH. The. cannon boomed and messengers rode away hotly to all quartern to announce the news. Washington men was in New York with the army. By hi nnlara It wim rpsil to the soldier, who acclaimed It enthusiastically. The towns folk on that night tore the statue of George III. from Its pedestal In Bowling Green, and It was melted into torty-two thousand bullets for the patriot troop. THE DAY WE CELEBRATE. ou can of a better quintette to have rep resented tho American people; Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jeffcrscw, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston. The first was the man whose fame is ticked Into our cars very time we hear a telegraph instrument, whoso genius Is placed In broad light whenever we enjoy the Illumination of electricity. The sec ond rose to be President of tho nation ho helped to form. Tho third Is the father of what tho world knows as the Jeffersonlan Democracy. The fourth, Puritan, patriot, leader, gave more In moral force and determination, In knowl edge of tho law and Its common sense principles, than almost any man who as sisted at the birth of the nation. The fifth was the man of whom the majority of people know comparatively little, and yet thero was none who better deserve a place of honor In the public mind. Emi nent as a financier, a shrewd Judge of human nature, his touch on tho helm of state was exactly what was needed to keep tjie young craft on her course. Jef ferson had spoken but little in Congress and be had no part In the acrimonies which then prevailed. In a plain brick house, at the corner of Seventh and Market streets, ho drafted tho Declara tion of Independence. Tho work wjhh almost wholly Jefferson's, only a few verbal alterations being suggested by Ad ams and Franklin. It then was approved by the committee. A few passages were itruck out by Congress, Cccsar Rodney, one of Delaware's delegatqs, In order to have his vote recorded, rode In tho saddle from a point eighty miles from Philadel phia all night, and reached tho floor Just In time on July 4 to cast Delaware's vote In favor of independence. On that day, tver memorable In American annals, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the unanimous vote of thirteen colonies Boys and girls for generations have been taught theso facts In history; that Is, tlio boys and girls who have studied tho history of tho United States. There are thousands resident here now who have never had this opportunity, To them tho Fourth of July is a holiday, a day to celebrate, a day of enjoyment. To the American boy and girl, who knows what happened on that memorable Fourth, It Is so much morn than that It is no exag geration to say they enjoy tho celebration with twlco the koennesn that those who are Ignorant of tho country's history could possibly experience, Among tho older ones, plenty of whom have studied history, too, there Is a host who only know that Fourth of July Is the day when tho Declaration of Inde pendence was made public. That Is what wo celebrate, to ho sure, hut the kindred Incidents must ho known to those who would appreciate tho greatness of tho day. We lovo tho Htar-Hpanglcd Bannpr. We celehrato tho Fourth of July. To the American citizen theso two nre tho Da mou and Pythias of freedom. We wave the first and wo set off fireworks In ob servance of tho second. And then Inci dentally we all make a little Declaration of Independence of our own. The American vinu. Our flag carries American Ideas, Amor lean history and American feelings. Be ginning with the colonic and coming down to our time, In Its sacred heraldry, In Its glorious Insignia, It has gathered and stored chiefly this supremo Idea, dl vine right of liberty In man. Henry Ward Beecher. ' Coniecrntlon to Country, Wiat is true patriotism? It Is nn ab solute consecration to countryr-Wllllara McKlaley at Grant's Tpmb. fueedows banner. iiiere n imnnrr in i. i .. Wreathed around with Umi'mhi ,... t . it.. M.t - . . " urirr niti . , ii turn in mm u i" " m limn j i iiiv sun Worshiped by It tlmt dcfind. nw..-,. nillv Un.Mn,,!,,,. I " . ,t '. , Horn amid the tliroci of kit n. i.. lorn Amid tin imt.Loi' tti. . Mirrored In onch lrniitmi. .u.. Aim inp rtAiion crow n m It evr trim . .1... I. .11..!.... " Jul Throush tlin mnnv mnmi... ... ..." .J """" io com. It Will llvn llfuin !.. ....... ' i. . . .t til.. nii n c-vuuii.i, azure uome, And the world will toil it,. .. Came a banner wren t tin! with ilorr with .I... 1.1... ,,.- "". lu'7f Mont .Volnlilo I) nr. ... - - . J l mi BIUIT IDS mcinnrnhln ilnli. In 7fl .. r - - ... 'i im, uvcu nu in uiii ituj in uin iiminrv nr fiii im.. . fin niinminn fir m. . . IlflillpIlrHl illillni t rtnrliaiM ).. tabic uay In American history. AMiiih L III I horrlblo Wyoming Valley mamcr 17711. t t.. I... ft ti . m. ii iu nu- ik ii in k iit t riTBiiiniK ii Bin n ing It n law. In 178!); the death Tltomna Jonrriion. the author of the tlcth annlvomnry of the Adoption of I .t I I J in .ncw lorn htnte, arm trie treeiot in (AMI h rii'Ati iti IV' run hv nv nr i iiirnir mi mil in imp im ii iiiifirt nun irai uir Hint, mil tit iiik niLiiri ui tiic tlon of Independence, In 1828; the del lltlon mob riots In New York In 1S3I which eleven were killed, In 18.17. A Vllllllll ivnniiin -- nil IlkjM I U MUM" YP ..AAtiuln ritiln nnd llwUMim. U'lID Dtll lunn Ui lliu linn 'iuj'M i i ,t ti.jtM f rtmtMn ""'vn ....... doing." Four-Track Now. 'Mm NlnrN n it (I H I rl !. iuo mum nuu uriK-, tw .. i.,i ........ i.iixt rtf th MP Ml j it 1. It uiiiri nnlv in U.CJ IVUVIIIUIIUH, UJUUfc" v iim" rwvrnu HUEN. uniMlllC mrm ii S .i.t. - .1 i.. si a Fflft I1IIII1ZI1I1IMI Willi 11 lllllU IVb nun kg, were hihmj v ih"' . i ii i ri itii hi ri i it'll wun i mm. M ' n llnutnn In 1 77ft. fill Jlin 13, II' uonsrxcH auonieti uur '" r . line, nnu il more mi" ji--- - mo mmny armi 01 ucwn -- ti rfn, ii... nrflu rinii .rim I' iiiiii. , the first choice. At tint V ' . . . M aF 11 M 11 NIHI M1IH HUUl-ll lift - r . a ft i iLI. anAfl nOW HiaiC. JMU WIN wun nw ' . .ii. . s-nt wns eon neu 10 1110 conie""'. ... tno stripes returned 10 m - teen, answering to tho Kevoiutlonw colonies. Hcrvcil Illm Ut. Mf . a m j . . m k m mtltU dcr In tho cannon ho'd we" York Evening Journal. rromemio i,rewor.k.., Walton Aro you goln n" fireworks on the Fourth . , Enpeck I wouldn't w '-- r generally do nt our now - jl, my wife's temper mp odd ww me up and fired the mreu