The M - - ' ion. MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1908. VOL IV NO. 42 -iwim hii ii.. Green Hotel MOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Umuc has U thoroughly renovated. No better table in Cen i l Orccon for llu "i011 Your vyallts VV,II ,JC collrlcouIy "a . L I Lnrlnunrtcrs for truvelino men. attenacaiw. . , First-class Livery in Connection .L W. LIVINGSTON. Proprietor MADRAS OREGON 6 THE HAHN PROFESSIONAL CARDS. pRAIIK OSBORU U. S. COMMISSIONER Kent Urecn Hotel MADRAS OKKd'OX 0, C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIG Jnstioo of the Pence CUI.VKIt HtJCCIKCT CULVER OREGON w. II. HNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Ofllc In Jft-iit; Store. MADItAS OKHC10N fid mm I & Best of Feed and Accommoda tions. Special attention to Freighters & Transient Teams. M. L. COWHERD, Manager "MZacLras, Oregfoxx . w -Mw- wvc mr wir virtnrinr'tt ir mr r"wwi v nfl V V 4. - w - w W W J, H. 5IAHEI1 ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAKY I'OHMC t'iru Initirnnrc, Life Iimiirntico, Surety Ilond Html Ibitnte, Couvuynticlug l'MN'KVlM.K, OJti'.dON yjAX LUEDDEMAHH . NOTARY PUBLIC J'ionccr Ilullilfni; MADRAS OREGON t. 1W. 'i Vrva, V. T. flciiLHtltT, Vice-Pros. J.C. Fowui!, t'shr. EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD I NO. 3051 I! The First National Bank Ciplbl Stock, $50,000 Deposits, 5250,000 OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON 1). P. AM. is.., I'reslilaiit. T. II. llAiimt.s, Cuslilor. Will Wvhzwmlki! Vice 1'ren. H. lULiiA-t.N, Ant. CiuliUr. SHANIKO. OREGON ESTABLISHED 1080 Stir phi Hti'l Undivided $1 00,000.00 I'roau A. E. CROSBY I' K O V It I ETO It I II " I '1 II U U T H Y M n 4 u ran A M ! ELK DRUG STOKE w 1 ft I .t ' A If-.'' 4 ' r n,w.r.i.'v l.lueof Drills, MettirliiM, Chmlnl, HoiimlmM IWmedUo, i I'tioto Ifupi1lwi. Country Mall Ortlen I my tKronl ' in charge, MHffl delivery guariiwK Your iiraerlplion u ol l'at Ialruyir. Sttx-L-I'ikmU Mini llli o hII klml. lk. Until Thunftt. WilOI.ItftAt.K AN'l) ItKTAll.. OUHHON Carries a good line of fresh drugs and patents. Pre scription work and family recipes made a specialty T. A. LONG Physician and Druggist MADRAS, ORECOH ELECTION IS LAND SLIDE FOR ELKINS Congleton Defeated 628 Votes By ELLIS YINS JUDGE SHIP BY BIG PLURALITY LUMBER FOR SALE i01' "1 IIKA1.KUS IN We have plenty of lumber for sale at our J Goods- Clothing, mill. InntorJ -.1 ..4. O post office on county road. Prices right cMeekin & Eastwood ;grKgrzaraOT7 I THE DALLES llOOTa A Nil SII0B9 HATS AND CATS URECOI! J. G. & M. A, ROBINSON SliCCESSORS TO J. "W. & 'M. A. ROBINSON & CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, - OREGON iprihg and Summer Goods Are Selling RAPIDLY WHEAT Agents for BAIN WAGONS, , McCormick Headers & Binders SUB-SURFACE PACKERS TAKEN FOR ACCOUNTS. AND TRAD! Prohibition Carries County By Two to One Every Proclnct Dry But Summit Prairie. Tlio ejection lnet Monday wns n land slide for Frank ISIkins, candidate for re election for Hhcriff, and for II. 0. KUia of IJund, in a lesser degree, in the four cornered liglit for the county judgeship. These are the two oflicea over which the bitterest fight was waged, and the re sult of the election when it became known Tuesday was an agreeable sur prise, even to their most sanguine friends and supporters. Another great surprise was the overwhelming majority for prohibition throughout the county, every precinct except Summit Prairie voting dry,' and the county carrying for prohibition by better than u two-to-one vote. In this precinct it was conceded that prohibition would carry, but the two-to-ono vote was a surprise to even the most radical advocates of "drouth" at this place. In spite of tho spirited contest over several of the county offices and over the local option question, election day was an unutally quiet and orderly one hero. A big vote turned out, two hun1 dred ballots being cast, with a total reg istration of only two hundred and five, and that was the only indication there was of the local interest felt in the issues at stake. In the initiative and referen dum incisures very little interest was nittnifuwted, t he great majority of the voters confomi'.ug themselves "at eea" as to the merits or demerits of most of tho various measures, ami fully a third ot them not voting at all upon tho ques tions submitted. On account of these various initiative and referendum meas ures, the ballot voted wa3 the longest one ever voteu m an election in tnc county, and it whs nearljnoon Tuesday when the judges and clorks of election in this precinct completed their work of counting the L'OO ballots cast. Election returns fiom other precincts in the county began coining in by ten o'clock Tuesday morning, and it was j early apparent that Klkins had been j ro-ulceted sheriff, and that II. C.Ellis j would be the next county judge. sheriff's rac lias usunlly boon a close one in this county, three sheriffs having been elected by a majority of only three votes, and Mr. Elldns' iiajority last year being only seven votes. The larg est majority heretofore secured by a candidate for sheriff was that of about 150 secured by Mr. Congleton eight years ago, and Mr. Elkins' majority of 028 in the present election is an em phatic endorsement of his lecord as sheriff for the past two years. The county officers elected, and the majorities or pluralities by which they were elected, are as follows: II. C. Ellis, county judge, D73 plural ity. 1 Frank Elkins, sheriff, 023 plurality. Warron IJrown, clerk, 1882 majority; (no opponent except socialist candidate). W. F. King, treasurer, 05 plurality. J,D. Lafolletle, assessor, 280 plurality. U. A. Ford, 'school supt., 151 majority. F. A. Hice', surveyor, 525 plurality. James lticc, commissioner, 084 major ity; (no opponent except socialist). , J. A. McCall, coroner. PROGRAM SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The Madras l)istrict Sunday School Convention will meet in the Christian Bible School liall at Madras, Wednes day, June 17. Everybody invited. The following program is to be rendered: MOIININH bESHION 10:30 Song. Devotional service, liev. Andrus. Special music Eusiness meeting S. S. Keports Appoint committees S. S. Work in Crook Co., L. A. Hunt. NOON ItilCESS Congregational singing 1 :30 l'raver service, Key. iBrown Musical selection Round table conference of Supta. The Street Urc'bin, J. Hoffman Music in the S. S., Key. Morehead Select music The Hook We Use, S. Andrus Decision Day, (Prinevillo) Temperance Sunday Made In teresting, Rev. J. K. Craig Holding and Interesting Our Scholars, Miss Maude Fulgham Benefits Derived From Sunday School Conventions, E. Itobison IIVKNINO SESSION Singing Devotional service Select mtisic Business meeting Rejiorts Select music Address, Now Movement, Bible Work Select music. GitAci: Smjtji, Secretary. MADRAS CIRL IS HONORED Miss Clara Horney, who has just grad uated from the Crook County High School, has been notified by the presi dent of Whitman College, through Prof. Iloi-konberry of the county high school, that she lias been awarded a four years' College, in re cognition of her lugh rank in thogfaidU ating class of the high ch'do. 31fe3 Homey is the daughter of Mr', aiid Mr$' J. II. Horney of this place, and Hie V?' cognition which iter standing in tlieliigli school ban won for her is very ploasiiig to her many friends in this locality. The notification of the award of the scholarship to MiBS Horney was coni tained in the-following letter: WHITMAN COLLEGE, PltESIDENT'S OFFICB, Walla Walla, Wash., May 15. Mr. M. B. Hockonborry, Principal IHgli' School, Prineville, Or. Dear Sir: After consideration of the names of tho highest scholars in youi graduating class, the Committee on Scholarships of the faculty of Whitman College baa decided to recommend Mfas Clara Homey to the Board of Trustees. Their recommendation has been ap proved and you arc therefore officially authorized to award the scholarship publicly at your graduating exercises. The award has not been based upon scholarship alone, but has taken many other factors into consideration. Wf hope the honor will be appreciated a'hu that we "shall have this coining year k strong representation from your school in the freshman class of Whitman Col lege. Very sincerely yours, A. W. IIundiuck. SOME FRUIT WAS SPARED William Borgli of the Cove Orcha'oV, was in town yesterday. He says thai his fruit has suffered from the frost thie Spring, but that there will still be some fruit of all kinds in his orchard. Thr. peach crop will be short, but there will be some ot the Yellow Crawford varie-. ty. Mr. Boegli's peach crop last year especially the Yellow Crawfords, wae the finest ever raised in this county'. This year's cherry crop at the Cove wift soon be ready to market. The j scholarship at Whitman i NARROW ESCAPE FROM FIRE Frank Loveland's home had a narroA escape from destruction by fire last Mon day, and but for the prompt action of A. C. Sanford the house and contents wouli have gone up in smoke. The gaso!mf cook-stove caught fire, and in a moment was a mass of flames reaching to the ced ing and catching fire to the wall paper Mr Sanford, who happened in at trtju moment, caught the stove and threw it out into the yard, and the blaie in the room was soon extinguished. A small air hole in the reservoir, permitting the gas to escape and an accumulation of which caught fire when the stove was lighted, communicated the fire to the reservoir, and was the cause of the trouble. Ed Harbin of Prineville, was in,tqwn yesterday, on his way home fro'm the Warmspring agency. CROOK COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS NOMINEES 2. T 71 7T 103 i o H r ? c 7? For U. S. Senator: 11 M Cake Ren - Chamberlain, u For Prosecuting attorney Gavin, d Wilson, rep For Joint senator Menyinan, rey Springerj dem For County judgo EUis, rep 'Hornoy, soc. Robinson, iiitl Wright, deili For Sheriff Congleton, denl Elkins, rep Long, sou For Clerk 'Brown, dciri Wllhoit, HOC For Treasurer King, rep . . m MeFarland, deni Smith) sou For'Asseseqrv,'!'. Dnytoni-wcn .V ,Ltuole.tto,dcm SvVanscjn, soc For'Suliool Supt. tUook, dem Ford, rep Fdr Surveyor Bimhatn, hoc Huston, dem Rico, rep Prohibition 'Dry Wot o H m 24i:!0:41l 0191210 0 i:i 137 Jl 32 !582I 31 87l 5R t ,01 I 'Ml 14 10 18 18 13 10 10 15 10119 44 If 78 123 20 21 23 IS J27 021 14 13 21 2S IS ,!..) 44 57 128 .17 140 V 103 :52 32 3 25 14305 0 11 !31H3jSjl3C0110t 71 1 50 51 11 21,101012 22 57 31 43,31 10 21 5342 157 17 135 27 20 103 50 21 ill cs 10J 111 18 01 21,30 60 11 80 18119 8 33 I 1 3! 5 15 30 17 37 4 21 ,21 15,30 10 !4 30 14 4 20 48 41 10 11 11) IS u It 120 13140 08130 131157 101 118 S7 0 95 ia; So 21 150,74 218 u 122 11a 0 1 181 4 1 .03 185 '05 61 7 50 Uio1 99! 110 121 n '15'n 4 15 50 11203 100 28 Q 21 1820 24 4 l1S3 982 043 92S 750 014 28 578 B31 1128 542- ItetjUififv fiom Wll preeincta except Camp Creek. Vote flu CQPyiVirfaV'iiJjn not givou, as no oppQiiqutxcopt Hoclallst cu'.MOate, Rico'a Majority being 001. Vote on Coroner net given, aa only one cundiduto, McCall, oelal- .... 1,.11n 1st nominee, wua on ballot.