The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 21, 1908, Image 8

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Tt.MRER I.AND, Acl JuhbBilsfo. Kblicb
for l'lil.llcntlon. hopurtniont of thb Ititb
Hot, United Etntcs I.BhtlOlnco, The Pallet, Or
con, Mnroh 13, 1908. No'tlco 1 hereby glvlin
of Mnilni", County of Crook, Stnte of Oregon,
lots applied (o pnrtihnso, muter the net of Con
gross of June :i, 187S is extended by net of An
fetistl. 1S92, the e4eVf 5ec2t,tp 11 s, r Hie, stfjtf
svl4 nntl lot 1 of see 11), tp 11 8, r 17 o, w Jn:
Ami will offer proof to show Unit the land
FoiiRht l.i more valuable for Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, awltooMab
llsh hor elatm to snld land before Frank Os
born, V.S. Commissioner, at Ills oillee lit Mnd
ra, OroKon, on the 3rd day of June, ltHK,
filenames as her witnesses: William Dur
ham. Thomas A Taylor, both of Madras, Ore
gon : John O'Koily, Mary O'Kelly, both of Hay
rreek, Oregon,
Any anil all persons claiming adversely the
altcne-iloMjrilioil lands are retpuestoll to Hie
' tholr elalms In thli office oil or bdforo snlil 3rd
. . day of Juno, 1009,
; onM'iuai ' C. V. MOORK, Rcgtster.
TI.MHER LAKH, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for
Publication. Department of thelntorior,
United State Land Otllco, The Dalles, Oregon,
March 13, IMS. Notice is hereby given that"
'of SUter. County of Crook, State of Oregon,
has applied to purchase, under the act of Con
gross of June n, 1878, ns extended by aet'of Au
gust 4, ISM, the w4sc4, nc'iseJi sec 0 and nw'i
noVi of see 7, tp 12 s, r 11 e, v m.
Ami will offer proof to show that tho land
fought Is more vaunblo for Its timber or stone
tlian for agricultural purpos-es, nnd to estab
- llsh her claim to said land before 1I..C. Ellis,
U. SI Commissioner, ai his office in Rend, Ore
Son, on the 3rd day of June, 190S.
She names as her wltncsss: Roy C Foster,
Jlorbert K Glazier, Thomas Arnold. Edwin B
praham, Antone Trahan, Enoch Cyrus, nil of
Sisters, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands ate requested to ille
their clnims in this ottlce on or before said 3rd
day of June, I90si
. C. W. MQORK,
niM-mM Register.
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3,, 1S78. Notice
for Publication. Department of the Inter-
lor, United States Land Oillee,. The Dalles,
.Oregon, February 28, PAW. Notice is hereby
fciven that
of Bend, county of Ciook, state of Oregon, has
nppied to purchase, utiderthe art of gongress
of June :t, 1878, as extended by act of August 4,
the sUneH. ncKne4, sec 7, ahd nwHnwU
sec 8, tp 13 s, rile, w in, .
i And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is inorc valuable for its timber.or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to-said latid beforo 11. C. tills
if. S. Commissioner, at hls.ofliee lu Bend, Ore
gon, on the I.-tU day Of May, 1U0S. u .
Slie -.iiamcai as-her Witnesses: Char es n
JrownElniT N,iswqngcr, L A Urandenburgh
andrid .vHunnell, all of Bend, Oregon,
i Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said
Kith day of May. 19C6. c w M0ORE
inl2-ma7 Register.
W 8tsT.A.i. Notice for Publi
l"i catlou. Department qf, the Inte
rior, Land Office at Tue Dalles, Ore
gon, April oU 1908. Notice is hereby
given that, 1 ,
f Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five-year
. proof in support of his claim,, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 97S2 made
Sept.,28, 1901, for the sepei, e)sei of
see 7 and neinej of sec 18, tp 10 s, r 13
e, w m,
And that said proof, will bo made
before Frank Osborn, tJ. S. Commis
sioner, at bis office in Madras, Oregon,
on June 10', 190. ,
He names tbe following witnesses to
ijrove his continuous residence upoD,
Snd cultivation oft,the laud, viz!
U S Cowlefl, T U tucker, C C Fox,
Louie Voirath, all of Madras, Oregon.
m7 j4 C. W. Moore, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion,. Department of the Interior,
Land Office at ..The Dalles, Oregon,
April 29, 1908. Notice is hereby giveD
tbat TiifriAs a.taYlor,
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intentiou to make, final five-year
proof in support of bis claim, viz:
, Homestead Entry No. 105S5 made
. ilarch 27, 1602, for the sei of sec 9, tp
11 s, r 13 e, w m,
And tbat said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, U, 8. Commis
sioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon,
. on June 17, 1908.
He names the following witnesses to
'j)rove his continuous residence upon,
ana cultivation of. the land, viz:
liockey C Robiaon, A L Williams, F
'A Smith, AYilliam J Cowherd, all of
jLadra, Oregon. ,
m'26 a23 C. W. MoOBE, Register
Hi i x f
OMEBTEAD. Notice for Publlca
ttqn. Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land.. Office at, The Dalles, Ore
gon, May8i 1908. Notice is hereby
given lha. ., , , ,,, ,
of Madras'Oregon, wljo. on April 1,
J903, made Homestead Entry No. 12399
for s.wl ,ot" eec 12 and ninwj sec 13,
tpdl s. r 13 e, w m,
lias filed potice of his Intention to
JiiaKe final live-ypar proof, to establish
claim to ,the . laud above desqribed
.before Frauk Qsborn, XU. B. Cqram..
pioner, at his. afflce Mad.j-af, Oregon,
ou the 10th day. of June, 190.8. .
Claimant names as .witnesses:
. Ueonre B Mayes, James D Mayes,
George W Richardson, Fred Davis, all
of Madras, Oregon, .
0. W. MOORE, .... p . Reiner-
n A complete supply of legal blanks for
dale Incltidlng warranty and quit claim
deeds, real, ohutfel and crop mortgages,
pto. Justice court blanks and justice
court work a specialty. Notary Public.
. F, J. Brooks. . -
BAIN WAGONS for sale by J. C. &
M, A, Robinson, Mndrus. Heo thorn
or prices, ,
State of Oregon, for tho County
of Crook.
Tu (he matter of tho )
estate of S0ITATI0H
Julius Peyenskl )
To Slnna Graham, Ida ZlmlirloU,
Lizzie Johnson, lvlare 8hutrn, Law
rence Burmeester and Lena I'oyenskl,
In the nnnie of the State of Oreuon,
Yon art' hereby citetl and required to
appear in the County Court ot the
Stale of Oregont for the County of
Crook, at the Court room thereof, at
I'rinevllle, in the County of Crook, on
.Monday, the first day of June, 1908, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
thijn ahd there to show cause, if any
there be, why ah order should not be
granted to the administrator of suld
estate to sell so much Of the heroin
after described real estate of tho said
deceased as shall be necessary, to-wli:
All of Lot Not twenty two lu the town
of Klngsley, In. Wasco County, Stato
of Oregon, according to the recorded
maps and plats of suid town now re
corded in the office of the County
Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon.
Witness the Hon. W. A. Bell, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oiegou, for tho County of Crook, witli
the seal of said Court affixed, this 14th
day of April, A. D. 190S.
Attest: Warren Brown, Clerk.
Seal m21
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3. 1S78. notice for
Publication. Department of tho Interior,
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
March la, 1908. Notice is hereby given that
of Wcit Seattle, County of King, State of Wash
ington, has applied to purchase, under the aet
of Congress of June 3, 18781 as extended by act
of August i, lSftl, tho s!5swU,scc 33, teJiseH of
see 32, tp 11 s, r 11 c, and lot l of sec i, tp 12 s, r
11 e, w m.
And, will offer proof tb show that the land
sought Is mbre valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to(.bsUb
llsh her claim to said land before the Regl-ster
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
27th day of May, 1903. . . ,,
She names as her witnesses; Thomas J Bra
dy, of Wfist Seattle. Washipgton; Charles
A Rodegeb, Kalama, Washington! Ora Vau
Ta.ell, of Madras, Oregon; Frank C Barker, ot
Woodland. Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 27th
day of May, 1908. fl
m2C-m22 C. W. MOORE, Register.
ISOLATED TitAOT. Notice for Pub-
llcatlon. Public Land Sale. The
Dalles, Oregon, Lind OlMtie, April 10,
1008. Notice is hereby given that, as
.1. 1-1 I... at... ri I. I. f II...
uireuieii ity uiu vimiuuifimimum hi uiu j
General Land Oillee, under provisions ;
of Act of CongreHs approved June 27, i
1900, Public No. 303. we will oiler at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at
10:30 n. in., on the 2olh day of May
next, at this office, the following tract
of land, lo wit: ptnt' and new l of
sec2", tp 12 f, r 12 e, w in,
Any peismiH eluiuiing adversely tbe
.ibttve-desiTlbiMl lands are ail vised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the day above designated for
C. W. Moore, lto:lslor
, Loui II. AitNiisox, Receiver,
a 23 tn 21 ,
HOMKSTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. llMpaitnient of the Interior.
Laud Oillee at Tbe Dulles, Oregon,
April 21, 1908. Notice Is hereby
given that
widow of Homer M. Street, of Sisters,
Oiegou, has filed notice of her Inten
tion ti) make final five year proof in
support of her claim, viz:
Hrimestead entry No. 11018 made
June 5, ioOii, for thcmvlne.t, nejsej,,
Lots 5 ami 0, sec 19 and Lots 1 and 2,
sec 20,tp 11 s, r 11 e, w m,
And that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk at l'rinevilie,
Oregon, on JuneO, 10lS.
She ntitnes the following witneses
to prove her continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
George II Giddings of Prlnevllle,
Oregon; Lincoln Stiver?, David HIggs,
Elijah Sparks, all of Sisters, Oregon.
h30 j4 C. W. MooRE, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
Laud Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
April 30, 1908. Notice is hereby
given tbat
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice
of his intentiou to make final five
year proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 11553, made
Oct. 7, 1902, for the swj of sec 24, tp
12 s. r 12 e, w m.
Aud that said proof will be made be
fore Frank Osborn, V. S. CmmlB8ion
er, at his office in Madras; Oregon, on
June 11, ltiOS;
He names tbe following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation ofj the landt viz:
J L Youngs of CulverJ, Oregt-aj I V
LImbaugh. J Stearns, L Pearl Peck,
all of Madras, Oregon.,,
0. W. MQORE,
oj7-jll Register.
HOMESTEAD! Notice for Publica
tion, Department of the Interior,
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
April 30, 1908. Notice .is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
bis intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, vlzt
Homestead Entry No. 10759 made
April 26, 1902, for e4neX ftnd ejsel of
sec 29, tpOs, rl3e, w m,
And that said proof will ne maue
before Frank Osborn, V. S. ComuaiB
sioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon,
on June 8, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
G V Dillon, J E Evlck, T M Burden,
W II Ramsey, all of Madras, Oregon.
m20-a23 C. W. Mooke, Register
TIMBER LAND, Act Juno 8, 1878.
Notice for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
April 80, 1908. Notice Is hereby given
nf Prinfevlile. county of Crook, state
of Oregon, has applied to purchase,
under the not of CoDgress or uuneo,
1878, as extended by act of August 4,
1892, Ujense, swK"ei andsejuwi
of seq 13, tp 11 s,,,r 1Q e, w m,
And will ofror proof to ahow that the
lad Bojight is more valuable for Its
timber qr sfone thati for agricultural
purposes, awl to establish her claim to
said land( b,ofore Uie Cqunty Olejk at
Prlnevllle', Oregon, on tbe 16tb day Of
July, 1008. r v. , '
Shp names us ,bcir witnesses: .vou
rt fl Smith. fiamRubertr. ILE RJde-
out, all of Prluevllle, Oregon.; tordu B
Alliugbam of i'oriianu, uregon. ,i v i
Any and all persons clalmlnfj; ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to.fllo tholr claims In, this
office on or before said 10th day of
Tuly, 1008-
mil-JulO ReglBter.
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Departmeiuof the Interior,
Land Office at The Dulles, Oregon,
April 30, 1008 Notice is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five-year
proof iu bupport of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 12540 made
May 2, 1903, for the nse, H.4m'i
of sec 11 aud swnwi of sec 12, tp 12
s, r 13 e, w m,
And that said' proof will be made
before Frank Osboru, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office iu Madras, Oregon,
ou June 10. 1008.
' He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon; aud cultivation of, the land,
G W Kidder, G E Banta of Madras,
Oregon; Edmund Ilealy, Clyde C Ilea
ly, of Culver, Oregon.
m7 J4 C. W. Moore, Register
tJOMKSTEAI). No loo fj ' J '
Ptlo.i. Dfpart. nent of t ho line r,
U. S. Land Oillee at The Dalle, O
gon, May 2, 1003. Notice Is IimbI.j
given that
ofM..dn.s, OroKon, wlio, on Janimry
o.. lnna. made llnim'stend Kntry iM.
11005, ror Hit. wwH, nwW'M "
neiwl. M'o20, tp U h, r 13 win,
Has Hied notice of Intention to make
Onul llve-yoar prooT, to otuldlsh clam,
10 the land above .lencribed, b.loie
Krutik Orfliom, U. H., at
I,Ih otllco nt Madras, Oregon, on t"'
Kill, day of June, 10i8.
Claimant names at v nm---""--lleithold
DoniUiowe, Ohristla.i A
Reichen.JlMial.n, William H Snook,
all of Madras, Oregon.
m7-jl C. W. MOOllK, Keg.ster.
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department nf the In
terior. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, April 25, 1908. Notice is
hereby given that.
of Helsl'er, Oregon, has filed notice
of his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10S13 made
May T, 100'i, for the nwsel. Hnel of
sec do and swjnwi of sec 2'J, tp 9 s, r
14 e, w in,
And that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver, at
The Dalles, Oregon, on June 0, ltK)8.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence ,upon,
fend cultivation of, the land , yizl
Sydney D Peroival, Joseph II Stuart,
John Trotter, all of Youngs, Oregon ;
William Brownhill, of Madras, Oregon
a30-m30 C. W. Moore, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of tho In
terior, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 30, 1008. Notice is hereby
given that
of Culver, Oregon has filed notice of
his Intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10087 made NV
vember 29, 1901, for the sjeel and el
awi of sec 8, tp 13 , r 13 e, w m,
And that suid proof will be made be
fore Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commission
er, at his office in Madras, Oregon, on
June 8, 1908,
He names tho following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
Thomas Alderdyce, W O Ralston,
William Birber, Robert Osborn, all of
Culver, Oregon.
0, W. MOORB)
m7.J4 Register
TIMBER liAND. Act Juno 3, 1878; Noticb
for Publication. Department of t le
Interior. United Htateu f.and Office, lli
IialleS, Oregon, Ftibruury 20, loot). Notice I
hereby given that
nf Moscow county of Latah, utato of Ifltthoi
K ffl Cto purchase, under tho act o
CoiiKrew of JunofUb7H, a extended by act of
KgKt". JbWt thtota3 and i and aenwW
Xn'aVlvotivwio uhow that tho land
nought In more vaYuaMtt for its timber or mono
ti.iln for aifrlculturai. purpose, ami to estab
Ih&mloW bofor tho Regimef
and IfIecotrr1Ht The Dttllen, Orcgun, ou the
fiiy pi 10o8
Ho riatntH an hW wltncgscn : William T Cam:
oroii and Claudo Colo, botli Of Moscow, Idftl oj
Joseph Q MeCOmb, of Troy, Idaho, and Ora
VanTftwl, of Madras, Oregon.
Any and all pcMonH claiming ndvowely thfl
above-deVeribed land "ro eiuuted to fill
tu"toMinUU qMco or beforo nuld
&i&?nly,imc. W. MOORE, Renter.
HOM1WTI5AD. Nolicefor Puhlica
tlon. Department of tho Interior,
Lund Office at Tho Dalli'M, Oregon.
April 20, 1008. Nolle ls lu'u',,y
given that
of Madrat, Oregon, him filed notice of
his Intention lo make final live-year
proor iu support of hi? claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 11370 made
Aug. 20, 1002, Tor the wflneM and
ne4 of sec 20, tp 12 s, r 13 e, w in,
And that Huid proof will be made
before Frank 0?boin, U.K. t'oiumls
winner, at his oillee In .Madras, Oregon,
on .In no 11, 11)1)8.
He names the following witnesse to
prove his continuous resilience upon,
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
George Rodiniu, David U lingers,
W G KillingbecU, Leo Peck, all of
Madras, Oregon.
C. W. MooRK,
m7-j4 Register
HOMKSTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion, Department nf the Interior,
Land. Office at The Ddles, Oregon,
April 30, 1008. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final commuta
Hon proof iu supp.irt of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 15010 made
April 3, 10U6, for the sinwjtf and Lots
3 and 4 of sec 5, tp 11 s, r 14 e, w in,
And that said proof will bo made be
fore Frank Osborn, U. S. Commission
er, at ids office In Madras, Oregon, on
June 9, 1003.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
aud cultivation of, the land, viz:
B F Preston, Jem Kaas J W Living
stou, C E Rousb, all of Madras, Ore-
C. U . MooRE,
- -t - . .
HOMESTEAD. Nollco for Publica
tion. Department of tho Inte
rior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oro
Bnn, April 80, 1003. Notice Is heieby
given Ibat
of Youngs, Oregon, has filed notice or
Ills Intention lo make final llve-yoar
proof In support of his olalm, vlzt
Homestead Mutry No. l07o!l made May
I 1002, for the nwlliwj d sec 20, swj
hwJ and vknwi of sec 20, I pits, r II e,
w in,
And that said proof will be made
heroin Knuik Osborn, U. 9. Coinnils
sloner, at Ids office In Madras, Oregon,
(.u June 0, 1008.
l,Io names the following witnesses to
hi.t conlliiuoiis riiMltlenco upon;
and cultivation of, the laud, vizi
11 A Brown, John Trotter., v
ljiown, and William Brownhill, all or
Youngs, Oregon.
n.7jl Heylster
Lost, Stan,
Hwers toil,, ,, "7,, Se
reward of io win l"m
turn lo nio,,t HBy '
A, M,
Dry Goods, Clod
. FL"-nishingQ0J
TIM B Ell LAND, Act June 3, 187S)
United States Lmd Office, The
Dalles, Oregon, March 31, 1(508. No
tice is heiebygiven that
of Grizzly, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, hae applied to purchase, under
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, a
extended by aet of August 4, 1802, the
wJnwKi nelnwi sec 17 and'selni sec
18, tpl2s, r 10 e, w m,
And will oiler proof to show that
the land tough t Is more valuable for
the timber or stone thereon than for
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claims to said land before
the County Clerk at Prlnevllle, Ore
gon, on the 24th day of June', 1008.
She uames as her witnesses: George
O'Nell and AugU3t il Llppniui), both
of Prlnevllle, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any of the above-described
lands are requested to ille ther claims
In this office on or beroro the said 24th
day of June, 1008.
a23-J18 ' C W. MooRK, Register
T80LATED TRACT. Notice for Pub.
llcatlon. Public Lonil Sale. The
Dalles, Oregon, Laud Office, April 10,
1908. No(,ice is( hereby given that, as
directed by th(Commlsslouer of the
General Land Office, under provisions
of Act of Congress approved )tune 27,
1900, Public No. 203, we will idler at
.public sale, to the Idghest bidder, at
10:30 a. m. , on the 25th' day or May
next, at this office, the following tract
of land, to will swiswi of sec 28 and
ejsel of sec 20, tp 12 s, r 14 el w m.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to
file their claiiiis, or objections, ou or
before tho day above designated for
tho sale. ' ,.
C. W. Moore, Register.
Louih H. Arnkbon,
a23 m2l Receiver.
9. Land Office. The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 14, 100B. Notice Is hereby
given that the Northern Pacific Rail
way Company, of St; Paul, county or
Hennepin, state of Minnesota, has this
day filed in this office its application
Not lfco, to select tho nejsej, seinej,
n wjne of section t'A und swjse of
section 8, tp 10 s, r 15 e, w m.
Any and ull persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desir
ing to object because of thu mineral
character of the land) or for any rea
son, to, thu disposal to applicant,
should file their uflldavitn of protest in
this otllco, on or beforo tho 13th day
of June', lob8, , .
80 J4 0, V. MooitB, Hegletor
- TYPE fl
High grade stock
best machinery