The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 21, 1908, Image 6

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Cyclone Sweeps Louisiana, Doing
Damage to Property.
Communication Interrupted and Later
Resorts May Increase Num
ber of Casualties.
Shroveport, La., Mar 14 SoVon nor
Bona nro known to bo dead and many
otnors aro injured as tho result of a
tornado which swept across Northwest
Louisiana lato yostordny. Tho little
town of Gilliam, 25 milos north of
Shroveport, was destroyed and tho town
of Bohngor, on tho east side of the
rivor, in Bossier parish! was badly
Communication with tho creator por-
4Un . 1 L 1 ?
ruptod, and it is believed certain that
tho lator reports will increaso tho num
bor of doad and injured. It is said tho
work of destruction at Gilliam was com-
ploto, only two houses remainin intact
Tho town had a population of about 200.
The dead at Gilliam aro said to be Mrs.
T. F. Gardiner and three negroes. Ar
thur Vaughan is said to be badlr im
jured. At Bolinger the dead aro Mrs.
Mitchell Davis and two negroes. Mrs.
Davioa' mother is reported to be dyiag
irom injures, laarica isom ana family
of eix are reportod among the injured.
It was reported that Oil City, in this
parish, was wiped out by tho torsade,
but this rumor is probably uatruw al
though groat damage is thought to h'aro
osoarred, involving the wreckage of a
great many oil well derricks.
Fifty Persons Injured and a Property
Loss of S500.000.
Omaha, Neb., May 14.-Roports which
eamo in slowly today from tho tornado
stricken district south of this city add
throo victims to the list of dead, mak
ing a total of 15, and place the mone
tary damage at half a million dollars.
Tho casualty list continues to grow as
communication is partially restored
with tho five towns which suffered most
from the storm, and the list of the in
jured, some of whom are fatally hurt.
win reacn at least Dir. Two railroad
laborers omployed in a sand pit near
ijouisviue were round dead, and Ed.
Miller, who was injured near Papillion,
died of his injuries. At least threo
other persons are believed to have re
coived fatal injuries. Five Italian rail
rood laborers were injured on the line
of the Burlington railroad between
Council Bluffs and Pacific Junction.
Nearly every one of the five towns
in the path of the storm Bellevue. Pan
pillion, Richfield, Meadows and Louis
ville were badly wrecked, and the vil
lage of Fort Crook, and the post at
mat point sunerea neavy damages.
'mere are battalions of thp Sixteenth
Regiment stationed at the fort, and the
men were put to work clearing up tho
debris and putting the barracks in
shape. Many of the large buildings
were partially unroofed, and a dozes
or more large chimneys were blown
down and scattered over the fort
grounds. Nearly all the trees were
blown down.
i Robbers In Now Mexico Get $35,000
Intended for Miners.
El Paso, Tox.. May 15 Pursued by
mon and bloodhounds, throo robbers
with $35,000 of loot in thoir possossion
aro flooing through tho ruggod mountain
passos north of French, a little station
89 miles from East Las Vegas, N. M
on tho Santa Fo railroad, in nn effort
to escapo tho clutches of tho law.
At Fronch, lato last ovening, they
uroKO down tho dodrs of tho donot
bound and gagged tho station ngent and
special guard, blow opon tho safo, took
tho monoy and rodo away, leaving their
victims hclploss.
A tramp wandored into tho station
nair an hour lator, rolcascd tho nlmost
unconscious men and gavo tho alarm.
Tho news of tho dnrincr rohhorv wns
nu uvury town in tho neighbor
hood of Fronch, and a special train
ocnring jo deputies and 50 horses loft
East Las Voiras in hnlf nn i,
-r. ...... .... 11 vj u i i uu.
on tho trail of tho flcoinir rohhnrs. A
special with four mon left Dawson also
ano a mossngo waB sent to thn tnrri
iori.ii penitentiary at Snntn. P fnr
bloodhounds, which wero brought
I. - m 1 . . r .
iuiuuKu ua mat as a snociai oniinn nnil
cur cuuiu carry inom.
Tho stolen monoy was sont from Al
ouquerque to pav tho coal m nnr. nf
Jjawson, K. al.
Ohioan Is Endorsed by State Repub
lican Convention.
Wall of Water 26 Feet High Sweeps
Down River at Hankow.
Victoria, May 14. News of one of
tho greatest disasters that China has
known, a sudden tidal wave in the
YangtBekiang, which caused the loss of
nearly 10,000 lives at Hankow, was
brought by tho steamer Titan, which
arrived Tuesday night. A wave 26 feot
in height, without warning, bore down
the rivor, overwhelming some large
river steamers. Some 3,000 Chinese
sleoping in sampans, and small craft
and mat sheds and huts by the river
side at Hankow wero enveloped by the
groat tidal wave, which swept the
broken junks, splintered sampans and
a mass of debris with swarms of
drowned Chinese, mixed with' the
wreckage. The scones for many days
after the disaster were horrible, with
tho river side strewn with dead, and
tho debris of wrecked craft for many
Condensed Hog is Latest.
St. Paul, Minn., May 14. Minnesota
has developed a hog that is all hams
and shoulders. He is a stubby little
animal, sadly lacking in spare ribs
One of the new variety has been sent
to Chicago for exhibition purposes, and
to convince the world that this state
can raise pigs that aro all quality. A
curious feature about tho animal ib that
ho has to kneel down when eating in or
dor to get his snout to tho ground. Ho
has no neck. When he moves from one
placo to another he turns around and
around as though waltzing.
Portland, May 15 Two republican
imnii's, or Tactions, rouffht in vester-
day's republican conventions, the ono
fmiion, the other Bourne. This showed
tho party is" not yet harmonizod, though
the two factions pledged suDDort to the
Tho Fulton men had things all their
own way, and ruled with an iron hand.
ihoy gavo thoir rivals nothing and
took away from them everything. The
Taft powor, overwhelmingly strong in
Oregon, was in thoir hold, and they
usod it to shut out their opponents.
Tho delegates, alternates and electors
chosen wore:
Delegates to national convention
At larger C. W. Fulton, of Clatson:
Georgo H. Williams, of Multnomah: A.
N. Gilbert, of Marion; C. G. Huntley,
of Clackamas.
First congressional district Ralph
E. Williams, of Polk; C. A. Sehlbrede.
of Coos.
Second congressional district Dr. H.
W. Coe, of Multnomah; Asa B. Thomp-
- i tt i'ii
sun, ui umamia.
At large J. H. Brown, of Portland;
W. A. Williams, of Forest Grove; A!
L. Tetu. of Portland; H. C. Kinney, of
Grants Pass.
First district Frank Ira White, of
T.lll. T. TV I . j 1 1
lYiuuiuiu xuiia, j. u. vjusick, oi Al
bany. Second district J. Ji. Gault, of
Burns; J. W. Kelly, of Portland.
Presidential electors
R. K. Butler, of Gilliam; A. C. Mars
ters, of Douglas; J. D. Lee, of Multno
ham; Frank J. Miller, of Linn.
Dostroy Four Towns and Kill at Lonst
Fourteen Pooplo.
Omahn, Nob., Mny 13. Twolvo por
sons aro kiurwn to havo boon killod and
a scoro Injured by a tornivlo which
swept ovor tho nortliorn pnrt of Snrpy
county nt 5 o'clock ycBtorday nf tor-
noon. Tho storm, which galnod In vp
locity on Its way south, stnrtd In Omaha
about 4:30.
At Bollovuo tho collogo buildings
Umpqua Valloy Fruit Men in Good Settlers Arriving to Found Now Con
Spirits. er of Fruit Culture
Roscburg Tho report of President Wolf Crook Wolf Crook colony Is
II. N. Cobb, of tho Douglas Countv now a settled fact. Development work
Fruit Growers' association, shows tho goes steadily on. Tho froighthouso has f0 jnmnKOli t0 tho oxtont of prob
fruit crop in tho Umpqua valley will shown a congested condition for flomo , . nn.O0O. and sovoral persons woro
bo very good this year. Tho straw tinio, several Knstorn families bringing inj,,,. nono fatally Tho storm thon
berry crop is good, and tho berries aro considerable of thoir bolongings with ,nov0(1 ou Louisvillo, Litchfield and
coming in pretty fast now. Tho poach them, and on their groat Hatistactipn gprjnfl0,i whoro tho principal dam
crop is fair, and tho last frost was n liousehold 'goods shipped from 1 oiinsyl- . . . u. occurrotv
detriment in only a very few sections, vunin less than two weeks boforo thoy
Tho pear crop is fair. Apples will bo started awaited their owners on arrival
good. Tho prune crop will also bo hero.
good, ns only a few of tho small sections For a week a surveying party has
ot the county wero lato enough to bo lipnn ... work on tho outsido linos, run
rJX'orSZ IB thr-URh government section ,or;
ftMimit vim rtrnti ?. ,mn,ni ,..., no. Micmi nullum corrections (10 tnftt
damaged to any noticcablo extent, and the work may bo of a satisfactory ciiar
tho fruit growers aro greatly pleased ter. Several tracts have been staked
to noto that this section, while it wn off in subdivision No. 1, and tracts Nos. i.r
reported to have been damaged by the 2 and 3 com prising 78 acre , woro pur- ft; "nlI thohon)9!( kille(1
late frost, will bo as good or oven bet- chased ast evening by a ; Jong n nn numbor q hnim mA torc
tho market with nil kinds of hnrrlin nml ground for three Wi
cherries. Many largo shipments of bor- survey. qu.r. r u. -k p t Crf)ok (la,nnKinK novern, of the
rno win t,o ,.m.i tr Tnr,.i n, iit., from all parts of tho country, ana uio ' r , ' ,,
..uu ..... uj .....uu ui .ititiu iiiu la.iui .i.i .1
II Ull
... I....
ovor, a numbor of buildings wero en
Tho storm was tho moat sovoro that
ovor struck Knstorn Nobrnskn. The
damage to tho collogo buildings at
Bollovuo was heavy. Tho tower was
blown from Pnrk Hall, and tho building
wrecked. Lowry Hall and Rankin Hall
woro unroofed. Tho panic stricken stu
tho baHomont nnd in this
fatalities woro probnbly
ho colleiro stables woro
I thn hnmus killed. A
late frost, will bo as good or oven bet- cnascu ast evening uy a ,uu..B .. .. buildings and stores in
tor than last year, and will bo first in om Chicago, who im " tho vmil0 woro blown down
tho market with all kinds of berries and grounu ior tiirco weoi, Movinir south, tho tornado struck
oiirvni inniiiripn nrn iiniiiLr rucuivim " . ' . . ...
irom an I " o u.u - ,,nrrnrk ..LHntrs. but nobodv was in
L)a.rA w?ek-, ."?" r "T""""" . C " n7 o h.r juI. In th. town of Fort Cook, how-
UIUULH 1111k II 111 1 ('.111 V 1 II ' I' 1 1 1 1 1 1L 1 1 1 1111 "
- - . . . ""- - ..i ovur.
now on. of tho Umpqua divide, introducing the
I travolor southwara on tno scenic oouin-
n ajj w l. r- . ern Pacific to tho famous Roguo River Three Towns Are Wrecked.
Brownsville Adds Veh.cle Facto.y. ! Vncv in formation, Boil and climate Springfield, Neb., May 13A tor-
Brownsvillo Brownsville has a now i,ia in,nmlv sloninir vnllov is much ........ u.i
manufacturing enterprise. W. J. Moore, , the first 'vallev north of tho Sis- n"t lnl , ,,
a hardware dealer of tho north side, has kivou divide, in which is situated, on tho towns of Louisvillo, Bellovuo and
put in a wagon and vehicle plant. Ho TZu mil ni1 wliiri an n hounds hero nlso. Richfiold and killod soveral persons and
will mako a specialty of wagons and til0 A. D. Holms Newtown applo or- In jtiretl large numbers,
wheelbarrows. Sevoral men and boys chard, which, without a single failure, Th h.vie.t ,0... uto Bn,i i.
will bo employed. Tho plant will bo hn9 yielded its owner net annual aver-' . T ncavlMt losses of lire an, tn
running in a short time. It will bo a nco profits of $791 per aero for tho jurcd are reported from Louisville, a
redit to tho city. Brownsvillo has Tmst seven voars. iunction point of tho Missouri Pneine
many manufactories, but tho citizons Kccent showers havo wonderfully .,! Burlincton railroads, in Cass coun-
aro after more. It is doubtful if anv aHmnlntnil irrowim erons. and a consid- ...
, , - . . n n i , f . t . x IIU iiuuiwvi ... 'i " ... ' I
ther citj in tho stato of liko size can ..ruhln acreapo of corn is now being ,i v,nv honn anriirnl Imt
boast of as many automobiles as aro nl.mted. i u i. .i,i i.i.m in nml nn rn Inlnrnl.
OWned horO. ,nn,.'.nrini.ilv nn.l mntn fnlllll.
Klamath Canal Holds Water. Tho town 0f l)0lovuo is declared
Teacher to Visit Europe. Klamath VallsKlamath county land practically wiped out, but it is not
Salem Miss Ida M. Case, instructor holders will pav but $1.50 an ticro for known thnt thoro aro any fatalities,
grammar, literature, Knglish and water airain this vcar. It is expected linllnvuo is the seat of the Presbvterian
rhetoric at tho Ashland normal, has that 10,000 acres will bo signed under college
been selected by tho executive com- tho temporary arrangement, and if Tho storm destroyed pnrt of tho vil
mitteo of tho board of normal school more is signed' tho rate will ho reduced, Intro of Itiehfiold. whoro Klmor Lender
regents to tako part this year in the as it is intondetl to charue only fnr W!1u killo.l and his father was br.dlv in-
annual tour for teachers conducted by maintenance and operation. Next year iured. Ed. Pallor, a farmer near Rich-
iiiu ii.n.uiiii. wvic ivtiurutiuii. r.imu tno reiTl lar rates W nrev ll . filler f n i wn fntn v ininroil.
1L. i- , . f-nr i I . . . 1 J inu leiiuruiiuu sunns auu tuaciiors is now liowing in tho main canal, ami
ureat iintain ana irclanii tor tho out vorv little troublo has been expert
purpose of observing methods in those eneed with the breaking of banks. They
countries. Tho school boards recom- have settled during tho past season, and
mend the teachers, and tho list is made tho squirrels havo done but slight dam-
p from thoso recommended.
Government Orders Strangers Kept
Out of Engine Rooms.
San Francisco, Mav 15 A special
order has been issued by Admiral
Thomas directed to the fleet captains
directing them to take every precaution
Commission Remedies Extortion.
Salem. Acknowledgments of ma-
to prevent any strangers from gaining terinl assistance rendered by the state
Chautauqua Preparations.
Oregon City The work of grading
and putting the ground in good condition
Corvallis Cannery Completed.
Corvallis Tho Corvallis cannery is
complete, and has been accepted by the
cannery company. It is a thoroughly business houses wero wrocked nnd
Louisvillo Is Blown Away.
Lincoln, Nob., Mny 13 It is diffi
cult to got any definito news from
Louisville. Reports nro to tho effort
that tho town is blown nwny nnd tho
people aro in a panic. Tho Burlington
station was torn to pieces, most of tho
Plan Pirmancnt.orjiani,...
1 1 -.1.1 n . - xiiu
"ui(j Regular
MAY AfXnum ion ,,..
IIUUU Ml I l.lll Ml I I m
nca Exi
at Chautauqua park, at Gladstone, is up-to-dato plant, well equipped, anil residences destroyed. Tho Missouri Pa-
going on, nnd will bo pushed to com
plction. Secretary Cross has expected
to complete the main program this
week, but owing to business during
the late session of the circuit court,
nnd other unavoidable circumstances,
was prevented from doing so. Tho
cific station is standing, but both tho
telegraph and telophono wires nre down
ready for business. L. W. Gill, of Wis
consin, a man of ten years' experience.
has been engaged as "processor," and! There wero four distinct torn ail o
is already on hand. W. K. Taylor, man- clouds as scon nt Springfield, and thoy
ager of tho plant, reports that he has a mado thoir apponranco shortly boforo 5
sullicient quantity of tomatoes con- clock.
tracted for tho season's run. and all Heavy damage wns done in the coun-
program, however, will be ready for together the prospect is bright for i try, and it is feared thoro was somo
the press the latter part of next week. r"9sful season for .the now enter-1 loss of life.
ismpnicncs recoivou at iineoin say
Improving Walnut Trees.
McMinnvillc Georgo C. Payne, tho
walnut expert from California, has been
in this vicinity for the past several
access to the encine or firerooms of railroad commission are coming to Sec
fhpir hina. rctarv Gcorfro Goodall dailv. The most
The issuance of the order has caused recent instance is that of the Blue .days, doing grafting work in tho wnl-
a great deal of comment among the of-! Mountain Fruit & Produce company, of j nut grove, an,i nionR the streets and
fleers of the fleet, as a general order is Cove, overcharged $33 by the O. R. & on t10 jawns. or wherever ttwtrn nr..
already in force prohibiting strangers an'' 255 hY the Atchison, Topeka & wanut trees that do not neem tn be up
from visiting the engine rooms. Santa Fe railroad, both of which over- j t0 traditional retirements. He has
ii.iiu iuu ku v""vui is tit possession ., ...u ......w.. .v ..... inHoj-ieu j'.ngusu walnut scions on a
large number of eastern and California
black walnut trees that were formerly
planted for ornament and shade.
thoro wero severo storms along tho Mis
souri river further Bouth at Nemaha
City and Falls City.
of information directly connected with through the offices of the Oregon state
the issuance of the order is the general railroad commission
neiief of the omcers. A feature of the
fleet's visit to this port which has
passed without notice until the present
order was issued is the fact that not a
single Japanese has been aboard one of
the ships since the arrival oi the fleet
Taken in connection with today's or
der, the sentiment is openly expressed
by a number of the oflicera that the
Railroad Doings at Dorris.
Klamath Falls The depot on th
California Northeastern railroad
Dorris is now in course of construction
Newcomers aro arriving in Dorris at th
rate of 30 and 40 a day, and it is a com
mon occurrence for many to bo unabl
to find accommodations at night. J
large force is at work just over the hill
1 -r ? .i a!
Tako Children From Leprous Parents
Honolulu, Mny 14. Thirty-one boys
and four girls, non-leprous children of
leprous parents, have been brought bore
from the lopcr island, Molokni, to bo
fiormanontly bouacd away from the
opor settlements. Tho children rango
in ago from 2 to 15 years, nnd several
of thorn wero old enough to appreciate
their situation. Dcspito their dreadful
homo surroundings, tho unfortunate
youngsters woro griof-stricken by tho
sopnrntion from thoir parqntB.
Chinese Students Uphold Japs.
Tokio, May 14. Chinese students in
Tokio nro protesting against the anti
.Tapanoso boycott being maintained in
China. Twelve hundred of them havo
jolnod tho movomont, and are daily
holding meetings to voico their feelings.
Throe hundred students who uphold tho
LnnwfL o i? 'nCS? C0,0ni)r' 'from Dorris, and every indication points
knowing that the government was in . .. '... . .i ' ,,
possession of information leading to tho t-u 1
uciiux Li.i. at. uLLc.jijJi, mifiiii, uu mnuv
to injure some of the ships, advised
their countrymen to keep away from
the ships.
No information concerning the issu
ance of tho order except that it is a
natural precautionary measure is given
out from the flagihip.
Death List Grows.
Atlanta, Ga., May 15 Meager re
ports coming in slowly indicate that
perhaps more than 100 persons are dead
today in various parts of Louisiana,
and that considerable property was
ruined as the result of tho tornado that
swept that state late Wednesday after
noon. It is feared that in Gilliam, Louis
iana, alone, 100 inhabitants were killed.
Excursion to See Fleet.
Salem. An effort is being made by
tho Salem board of trade to have an ex
cursion train run from Haiem to Pscw
port at the time tho Atlantic fleet will
pass laquina bay on its northern trip
Tho train will al30 carry all who wish
to go to the coast to see the fleet from
the valley towns along tho Southern
Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern rail
roads. It is expected that arrangements
will bo completed for the excursion
within tho next ten days.
Will Clear Stump Land.
Astoria. Dr. L. F. Hawler, tho ex
pert of the forest servico of tho United
States, has arrived hero with a plan
TTnPnnlrmArl rrmrtB un onv rhnf Hm w,,uru'V '""' "l .l",D
loss of life in Oil City and Bollinger ; n y " ir m s
may also bo heavy, though the storm
was not bo severe in these two towns as
it was in Gilliam.
Volcano Scares People,
nilo, Hawaii, May 15. Not for many
years haa there been such a wonderful
activity in tho pit of Halemaumau as
has developed during tho last ten days,
I tural purposes. He will bo in this vi
cinity all summer, ur. Jiawioy pro
poses tho calling of a convention of
owners of all stump lands throughout
tho Northwest, which tho members of
legislatures shall bo invited to attend.
Asparagus at Klamath.
Klamath Falls T. D. Carroll, of tho
Honlv ranch, has brought in the first
There has been firo in tho pit over since asparagus of the season raised in Klam-
n i i -r Mill XlUUlllY IJlin nuvtiwu ;i unutun r-
tho overflow a year ago last January, " fineflt t . M,
but tho firo was fluctuating and uncor- Carroll has boon demonstrating what
tain. It would blaze brilliantly for a can bo done hero, Sovoral f armors aro
nlantinc celery this year on quite nn
oxlonflivo ficalo, as no goctlon on tbo
niuJ - - niMw Miim tmuf iwriuiwi -
tho nit has been crradua v fi line un. .cousi can nvm iviam,n m..jr,
a - n- il .
San Francisco to Spend Millions for
Greater City.
San FranciBco, May 13 Citir.ens
generally aro enthusiastic over tho re
sult of tho bond election. Tho voto wns
10 to 1 for tho bonds. Tho first step
to bo taken by tho supervisors will bo
to estimate tho cost of tho imnrnvn.
Rains Help Growth. I monts mndn nomuhln bv tlm unln nf ...
Brownsville Warm rains havo fallen .. . . t.
n this vinmirv fnr rnivnml ilnvn 'Plm., J
havo been a boon to farmers, 'as tho oxPondcd. Possibly by tho tniddlo of
earth was getting dry. This section 1 August work will begin on tho projects
will produce good crops now without which aro to mako San Francisco a
' - ll, t ... . ! 1 1 1 LiM. , . . 1,
anv intwo ram, aiinougn more will no I ""Kur uonuiiiui ciiy man
wclcomo a month later. Strawberries i over.
Result of First Conforo
. . noncn nar An t-
Preservation of ReIOUrer
WnHhinglon, May in vi. .
foroncos of tho governs. '
o tho American Union enJcd
Llk0 many f l10 Important ..
I'lHtory, Is lo loveM " f
which tho president and m r!'
liovo has boon made. Th0
u ""'lurcncc. iu .
boon in Hossion t thll Whu M
uuyn, cannot li0 Bct "
iithematical iirm.l.inK m. . v"k
luedlato rcHiiltn urn tt.,.A it
",u,u man l0rJ,i.
thn oxnreNH inn nf l....ti. . r'a
who brought it about, ind of n,
Tho printed record of the
which will lator ho nvnii.i.,. .
Amorlcnn homo, will he a tJO?
Ul 1,,c" ""i'ng m tlelr millu
convincing in their unlvcml .....
slon, thnt tho states and theaitloii
co-oporaio to tho end thnt to the
rvur' " nation may nceroi U
lasting bonoflts of Its natural tJZ
Ilesldes tho compilation of faeUk.u.
1 it... - I
A,.ulln unu uiu irociy cxprcwtHl opiiic,
of tho governors, tho ponfr... i..
Its permanent record-' a thuutvi
wnrdu nf ilnnlnrn !.... II ...
laration of independence," but 1 1
laration of cooperation,"
1'erhaps grenter in important! n.
all olso was tho determinatlos of tt,
governors of tho states to pcrfcetipw
iiianent orgunlzatioii, whereby a t(
toforo unknown intimacy may le deel.
oped among tho executivca of the
sovereign states ninilo strong by t to
mon purpose ami mado potent by pr
noiincements which may not light); U
Of tho last day the storr ii tu tt
many features. Tjie net iiroeramae iu
Hwept nside. Tho president piMiW
throughout. Ho interjected rssirli
and speeches. Hit brought to th ph'..
lorm im-n wno mane plain me preni!
ing feeling that thoughtful tut ttrt
bo exercised for the future. The pre
pared papers wero not preitaM, bet
they will bo printed in the permmit
record. Their place was flnttilejbr
tho "declaration," which wan adpW
nf ter discussion which brought to L'eht
no serious objection to its affirmititL
Then William .1. Urynn wai priwttij
by tho president. He touched theust
chords which had produced the rib'
tlon of harmony nnd eo-operatioL k
governors' discussion brongbt buj
state executives to the platform, bet
the product was altogether that of l
mony, nnd tho Hentiment eiprewl
wero niiplaudctl alike by all.
aro getting ripe, and roses aro blooming,
Apples Select, $2.r0 per box; fancy,
$2; choice, $1.50; ordinary, .$1.25.
PotatoesSelect, 70c por hundred:
Willamette "Valley. 45c per hundred;
East Multnomah, 55e; Clackamas. 55c
per hundred; sweet, S'-c per pound.
Fruits Strawberries, Oregon. $3fo)
3.50 per crato.
vegetables Turnips, $1 nor sack:
carrots, $1.50(ai.75; beets, .$1.25; par-
15; cabbage, $2 per cwt.
Meet Next at Portland. Fine Float from Klamath.
Boston. Mav 15 Ilavinir adonted Klamath Falls. Monoy has been ap-
several important resolutions, electing propriatcd by tho Klamath chamber of
ofllcers and voting to hold tho next an- Commorco for tho $000 flont that will
nual convention at Portland. Or., tho ronresont Klamath county nt tho Hoso
Ohinesn povornmont in this mattor aro eleventh annual convention of tho Na- Festival in Juno, nnd n float is prom-
trying to break up the mooting by mak- tional Retail Grocors' Association ad- isod thnt will bo the equal of any In
lng noisy demonstrations, jjournod tonight. tho parade.
beans, wax, J2V.(u).1V.c per nound:
head lottuco, 35c per dozen; celery", 85c
ffJ$l por dozen; artichokes. 50c nor
dozen; asparagus, 7(?28c por pound;
egg piant, z.irawue per pound: pars ov
25e nor dozen: nnns. Piffffip nnr nnn,i!
peppers, 20c por pound; radishes, 15c
per nozen; rnuoari), M.ic per pound
spinnch, 85c per crato.
Wheat; Club, 80c por bushel; rod
Kiissian, eu'jc; uiucstom, 01c; val ov,
Barley Feed, $24.50 nor ton: rolled
fzrtyuzH; nrowing,
uihh is o. l wniio, szf.bWfO'M nor
i A.nrr
ion; gruy, 5bi.
Hay Timothy. .Willamette Vnllov
$17 per ton; Willamotto Valloy, ordi-
nary, is jo; eastern uregon, $17.50;
mixed, ibiij; clover, $14; nifalfa. $12
alfnlfa meal, $20.
Huttor Extrns, 24e, por pound: fancv.
nn 1 f nn - i . . ' - '; cnoico, sue; store, ma,
Kggs JHV'd por dozen,
Poultry Mixed chickens, 13(77)Hc por
pound; fancy lions, UVj(n)1t)e; roosters,
oi(i. ue; rryors, uozon, ibi; uroiiors, doz.,
$4.505; dressed poultry, por lb., lc
Higher; iiucks, jijwmjyc; gecso, HfrflOc;
turkeys, nllvo, 1718c; drossod, 10
Hops 1007, prlmo and choieo, 4(i)
Qa por pound; olds, 1Vjq por
Wool Eastern Oregon, average best.
1177)1 5c nor nound. according to Hlirlnk.
ago; valloy, 10(Wjp..
Mohair Uhoico, 1818'!C por lb.
For an auxiliary firo system and lands
necessary for it, bonds nmounting to
$o,zuu,uuu wero npproved.
For a city sower systom, $4,000,000
For school buildings and lands for
nmplo sites, $5,000,000.
For public hospitals and necessary
lands, $2,000,000.
ror a now city hall and county jail,
For a suitable garbago system and
crematory, $1,000,000.
Few Sailors Desert.
San Francisco, May 13 Tho numer
ous dosortions from tho Atlantic fleet,
which it wns prophesiod would follow
tho arrival of tfio floot at this port, havo
failed to materialize Less than 100
nbsontccs aro reported today, and a
number of theso aro men of long sorvlco
who havo overstayed thoir shoro loavo
but aro expected to roport boforo the
fleet sails for tho north. Very fow of
tho young bluojackots who aro on thoir
first cruiso and woro expected to desort
aro roportod absent. Tho morale of
tho fleet 1b oxcollont.
Robbers Secure $15,000.
Soattlo, Wash., May 12E. J. Por
rino, Groat Nortliorn express mcssongor
on tho train which loft Soattlo nt 8:10
tins morning for Vancouver. 11. n.. n.
i . ii.. ... . ... . ' '
mmiun ovor mo nono Willi his own gun
and tied hnnd and foot bv turn rnnn
who entered tho train just as it wns
loaving neattio, nnd who, nftor ovor
poworlng tho oxnross mossonier. Inntmi
tho strong box of n sum of monoy csti
mated nt from $1,000 to $10,000. Tho
robbers escaped. Porrino is In nrl.
ous condition.
Tillman Fears Paralysis.
Washington. Mav 13 Thmninnn,!
with paralysis, Sonntor Till man In In n
saniturluin horo, declining to boo vis
itors. On Saturday ho will snil for En.
ropo. nccompanlod bv his wlfn. rnf..n.
ing in Novombor,
Negro Dismissed at Brownsville Lom
Suit to Recover Pav.
New York, May 10, The right of
President Hoosevelt summarily to ill-
inisH a negro soldier of tho Twenty ft
nfantry for alleged participation iatl
riot at Hrownsvlllo, Tex., wa mtil
today by Judge Hough, in tho VtM
States diitrict court. Otcar w. Beii,
thn unlilinr. hiii the eovernment to f-
cover $122 as wages from tho dite of
his tliNtiiiNHiil to tho expiration of Vt
enlistment. District Attorney StiiMOi
contended thnt tho president M
rifht to dismiss the soldier. Ja
Hough sustained this contention i
directed a judgment in fnw tw
government. , .
.Iiitlgo Hough in his tlcciiion, Ml
that tho president wan entirely"1
his right in dismissing tho oldi
tho Twentvflfth regiment, inamoci
the enllKtment papers nnd oatn p
vide that a soldier shall nerve "for
period of three years uhIphh unoaer
charged by projtor authority.
Atrocities In Congo Free State.
London. Mnv lrt. llev. J. H. W"'
a rniHHionnry who has just returned froa
tho Congo Frco Stato, declare
atrocities being practiced tnore vj "
Belgian soldiers nro Increnslng, W t
ivIii.Im i,n T.n.t in vonrs no fewer tnJ
3 000 000 humnn beings had locn'"
rificed. Ho hnd soon men ""t -hippopotamus
hldo whii'H nn ' "J(
were iiisonsiblo. Soldiers .
King Leopold's ni'onts rained y"
and killed and ato tho na mjj '
KiifToriiigs of tho women nnd gif"
absolutely Indoscrlbablor
Sovon Killed In Wreck.
Muskogee, Okln., Mny JJ-J 'desth
seven passongors wero bnrnca i j
this afternoon nnd sovoral
when tho "Knty" Av" " wU
Hour!, Kansas & Toxns .
wrecked a mllo oast of thin. Tl,
cording to word just reref J
report says tho passenger M W a ' w
a freight train, and that
immediately cnught fire. W I
gerH who nro roportod 'l311'1,!.!. nd
dently caught under tho down
ronstod nlivo
Troops May Fig't Loeul.
Tunis, May lO-Troops moy
out to oxtormlnato mil How J i w, Imvn Invndod tllO lllstrlCP M . j
Tnts i tin finj i t..i.Ih on an unprccVu
Hcalo. Tho nuthoritioa Jmv elttj
ii... it.i . i.x means e t
mat mis in tun uv
rid of tho insocttf.