Scrofula . entirely l ,ro'" ' ' FrVrC!0P 80 l0Wly M tO CM1B0 D i ii.iitnfi. Alii I1IIUV" ' M 1 Art ni w"-" .i..jk r. vMirnnin. en '.h. aim mnrKLu , nitt ona. tejfliaS' lnood-purlflcr, w , i.irhnco nlrii inoiois 0n.oliu"V"V:u. 100 doM.fl. nrilrlc Ilefle Artllon. . t 7 mid (Jrleved rnrcnt '1 ommy, oil "ct thoae beautiful lilt., uv"- a ..ah wnnumii iiriT i and rle .ome ..relty III An IUJI '""" tw -7 I tut) f tho hppy hotncfl of to,dny ,B a ,t fund of Information ns to tho . ..i,n,u nf nromotlnB hoalth nnil applncss and rlsiit living nnu khuw ... tim world'n bcit products. Producti of actual oxcollonco and ..nn.hia claim truthfully proaontod a- . . A which hnvo attained to world- 1U0 vv- - . .. I - h1u 1.11 f tftA .i .r inniviuiiaiB uiiii w t , w ur who hare the nappy racuity oi .mi obtaining ma oesi mo UIIU Om of tho product of that clans, known component partB, an Ethical medy, approved by phynlclana and aa iv ih WtilMnformod of e World as a valuable and wholo miiv laxative la tho woll-known dr.. nnil Isllrlr nf Knnnn. To a rcnulne. manufactured by tno ... i. l-i a.tiin rVt nnlv nrui . ..I. .v nil li.nillllL' il ril trilK t M. r uiu ui it ............ ' tsa C. Gee Wo Tti will known rallable CHINESE Root and Kerb DOCTOR IIm inula n Ufa etttdr of lonleend li.ll.. and In thai lujj diKxr-nl aim la al. In. lo ilia world uu wuaar t ul rprli. Utmirv. Polion or Drug Utd-tla Curca A I'errnrleit IlromMiiin,. "Oh, glrlH," cxclnlmcd tho Runhlna mnlden on tho crowded utri-ct enr "I'vo Just wiiHhcd my hulr mid I can't do n thliiB with HI" j,(,t then the car srnvo n lurch nnd nlio ahrlekcd ni the mnn In front of her ateppod on hor foot. "Ik'R imrdon," muttered tho wenry fllrnphnnr who lind done tho Htup pliiK. "You bco, l'v Jimt wniihdd my feet nnd I cun't do n tiling with them." Judue. t lllnck Conlrd fnupnra, We nre becoiiliiK not only n nntlon of Hhoplccepcrii, but a nation of clerkH. ICvory youiiK man wlnliou to bo n cleric, every young woman u tyjiewrlter. The prnfewsloii In frlKlitfully overcrowded and frlKlitfully underimld. We have neither mtvhiiIb nor Inborera, only mi army of blnckcouled paupera. Iondon Ornplilc. MothBrn wilt And Mr. Wlmlow'i floothlnn Byrii thii li. it rmnodr to uo lor thlrcU.'Wr-n aurluK Ui UstlUii(f period. ICxtrnuiea, "Pardon tnf," mid this dowajer with tin mole on hnr chin, "but tin re I. herdlj room for two of tin here If you an colnj to keep that tlilna; on your head." "(), 1 kucm there' room enough, mad am," anawercd the aharp featured youni womau with the uiul.ragfoin hat, win occupied the adjoining eat. "I'm nol making any kick about the apace youi feet take up." Chicago Tribune. CITP ft Vlta nnri and J1 N.rrmu J)Umm r.l I u Prmniuijr curM hr Ur. Klln'a Ureal Srrym llralorar. Henii for I'ltlCK lltrlal botU and irrallta. Dr. It. ILKIIdv, Ld., Ml Aicli UL, ruU.,l'a. A l'radful Ntioref. Wife Hnvo you any secrets you keep from mo, dcareat? llualinnd None, dnrllng. Wife Then I am detormlned I will hare none from you, either. Huahand Have you ecreta, then? Wife Only one. and I am resolved to make a clean breast of It. llualinnd (hoarsely) Go on! Wife For surersl days I have had n recret n swret longlug for a nsw drciw, with bnt to match, for my birth day. That fetched him. Taller. RAISING OF WHEAT. Advantage! of Correct Mathod of Growing and Marketing Ur S, C. Amwtronir. Washington State College, j unman, Wo must first And out what tho ox "ting demand Is Koing to bo, nnd then, If poaglble, meet that domnnd; for II wo do not meet tho requirements of tho demnnd, eomo ono elso will, nnd we will ho forced to a Jower lovel than wo should bp. Conecfjuintly, In tho pro ducts n of wliout, we have to study tho problems wo meet from a competitive standpoint; wo must compote with somebody elso who is growing wheat, not out neighbor, necenfnrlly, but oui no ghbor's sottion of tho countty. A man will go where ho enn got tho best wliont, if ho wants to buy, and if wo hnvo not tho bcBt, wo will Iopo tho trudo. Wo ol tho wheat producing districts of Wathiniiton aro fortunate in having tho best country for tho production of wheat on earth, and we should uso the utmost to aoe that wo employ only tho host methods. If wo do this. wo can placo Washington at the heud of uie wheat produoing regions of tho globe, and tho brand of the "Kvergreen Htnto" on a barrol or ack of flour will bo known as a mark of perfection tho world over. We, the public, should commence to ralso the grade standard. The state grain commissioner is at present forcing the purohaier to accept No. 2 as No. 1; we cannot expect to got as much for No. 1 wheat that Uits 68 pcundi as our neighbors can for wheat that testa bet ter. Becaure tbii state of affairs exists, we are sending out, eaoh year, wheat loss sought for than wheat grown in many other countries. Wo should insist that every giain glower in the state use suoh oare in tho productionh of his wheat that the re sulting higher standard will Inotease, the demand for our wheat. If we im prove the quality of our produot, the state grain commissioner will be forced to raise tho standard; and wo should in this way see that our standard is above the standard of every other wheat producing state. By doing this, wo would rauso our wheat to be quoted at fancy prices. Wo should make our product so good that wo would be will 5100 Reward, $100. In E ?;e.,.,'i,XL,Lb" .".fi'l-i: 1 ing to have our namoand sddrees print. that neliuiee haa been nMe to cure in all in ed on it, so that ns It goes out into the SMpiitt of the world, people the world Bbmtl.ra. barroom, ntnoua ixirllllr. sm (nil All rrll UImi re. A SURE CANCER CURE RtuKad from Peking, China Safe. Sure and Reliable. CONSULTATION PRBB a. inrinu arjinia in aa a m --WP rl.V Wi MltUa-Ua If lr ( ilnVV fV FImm Utnlloa TaU rir. inrillral fratunilty. C atarrli to ug a conitllu tlonal illicniu. reiiulrea a conitltiiilnnal t,mi moiit llall' I'aiarrh Curat, taken Internally acting directly ii'xin the blixxl and murounaur laeei of tho a utern, thorebv ilet'oylng the (o in ilntloii Ol the dUcate. and rlrl nr I n hail rn i iirniiiciii iy uuiuuiiK up uiu roiulltu'lou am MiiaiiiiK nature in lining ill work. The pro If In. - f have ' uiurh faith In Itai urailv m tmi w vtt hat they nfter Uno llundrod Dollar for an rae that II laila to cure. Heud for lltt o tt-Mimnniaii, A. Mr.. i Y J. CIIKNKV A CO., Toledo, O. Hold by all driiggUti,7ftc. Take llall'i Kami I y I'llla for conittpatlon Thm llabx'a Fault. Ntirsemnld I'm joint to leave, mum. Mistress Why, what's the matterl Don't you like the baby? Nursemuld j ca m, out no is mat arrniu or a po liceman that I cau't get near one. lyondon Tutler. No. 2008 T tuanllna thta uanar. I-riti. Xerxes now and then drank xerea, Mounted oft lili xanthlc throne, Balled In xebec, Milled for xlphlua, l'layed in xyata bl xylophone Hut be Never Wrote It Xmaa. Chicago Tribune. S.S CURES . RHEUMATISM Kvcry case of Ulieuniaitiam 1ms its oriViti atu lis tlevelonincnt in the (VWl T tO -1 a' .. .... . -1. J.. A L 1 I I ...! .. f ''"ev wvnH. tk 1iaitl JO AWIkf illlV bllC .1141ll 111 HIV. tTbttVIILI V- V Mmil-iaaI i ..1 1. . ti ff a t l ! i I i-.tiJitiiin ui wiu umumc. iviiuuiituiimii it vtutsui itlltA UWltl LUUUbiVt, 11 1 liililllk; WU1DUUO 111 UIU UIUUVI . nillWI "MwutH viiw v.tiuiutiuti iu cvciy wait ui mc oy.itcm. ivu 11 CM ... t . ee.'a" . M il. , --- ill) MU1VIL.1, Ul LUIUUI Willi iJUC. lliaUIUIJlC tdliaUC 1141 fc v t fl f ll nl.. . . . . a aa. , 1 wiiiu.t ui kite uiui. C(;n!tiuni ucuca hic icii- wiui wvsiy VGIAAl Hin.. -. - A WI a Maa a . ea . tuii.Ml(.tlL. 1Y 1ICI1 LI1C I1IC1IIC1 1H Illirci wlLIl ililC ULlU IllUaUIl. UCl 111- -i twin Linn i iiiiiini i r ririiin ...,,i .uaiiuciu, Oi O. O Tfm It It a a . a wiviy veirciaijic uioou . - K"--f uuwn iiuo ine n flll-l a I . . a wucli arc prcssuiL' on the Bensi- c HCrVCS niHl tlS.mic mwl nrrulnn. :iic8 me wenie. Hour -. v. v. v iiai.111 ail w ium me circniniion. ho y. ucinir a weaic. flonr Mia Li linn itifr rtn haim n - ovuiiiir 111111 in v ana "iiv iu a nn v mru tniio. iuncniui uusue tvitn nntiriniimettcnna nireuKi". a mvu ......- linn .. I a.. . . 1 a. if - nwciuncr HiiDBuie. t he n&ina nna acuca ccc. u " ... .... r i i . t r r r c '""""' I'crinauentiv rnreii. hut tinner ine unc ioiiiu cucm ui w. w. w. entiri. t, i i. di r M. . t M 1 1 r-.a nt PliAiitnn. hvnciiii ncaiui is hcnc uttca nna mint up. u "0 " i v i Liicr 1 1 r 1 1 r jk aIih i . n K-y ii ..a i sa iaiium n nnin nun iiriinuii. a v. aa w . ....viiii dooic on Kiieutimtlsm nnu any mctucnt auviccyuiiy-i.v ... 'urnislied free. THR RWI17T SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, Oa. Sorottlm (o, I had Rhtumatttm and bad to quit work. Th patn In my back and bttwtca my ihouldtr wn to intern I could not rtit or deep. I tried .rythlnx, but nothlnx did me any food till I beard of and took S. S. S. Thii mtd Idn cured m tound and well. It purlflad my blood and mad m (mI Ilka a new man. CONRAD LOUR, Andmoo, Ind. 1" E. 19th St- I wa tevtrely troubled with Rheumatism. I had It In my kneel, leg and ankle., and any one who ha ever hid Rheumiliim know how eicru clallni th pain U and bow It interfere with on at vork. I wa truly In bad hpe bavlnf been bothered with It for ten year, off and on. A local phyalclan advlied me to ui S. S. S. I did o. After liking two bottle I noticed th ore ne and pain were jreatly reduced. I continued th medicine and waa thoroujhly cured: all pain, loreneu and Inflammation son. I recommend S. S. S. to all Kheuraatie (uuerer 803 E. Greenbrier St., J, L. AONBw, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. over will know that wearepioud of our product. QU&8TION8 AND ANSWERS. wmm (mi Mora at an fwicts, ron kvcry a.' w TV w HI M. Fm . MM I r H m rJ n 1 U 1 1 1 mm m M . U M Tl I I HUfT Mm. mm ntan'F-jaI?,mr2."kmm mnalB,lm form -U A JLnpik J? olldnioth' "linutmBturmr In thm A VHMkaaeaflyftr thm Ml HhilW1".. '"UOUC .lSdoul c niu rj . . " . . .....ii.j l..n.l.. iia m vu uiu uiua onima i.nnnni im cuuauiru ni niu i iiww 14 iifX . Mlv. w. t. n. Jf . ..7"vL..i. .7?" ... i,nif0in. Twice- W if. aalKtltuta. n wortu. uin Valuable Information to Pacific North west Inqjlrera Ily J. L. Aillock, Wuhlntrton Experiment Sta tion, Pullman. Itynn. "Has niRtikind ever boeu ablo to deviae a fence that will stop nn An-' gora goatf Do coyotes annoy themt" L. L. V. "Thero are no dometticated animals that aro as hard to keep penned up as Angora goats. To secure them, n fence abould bo of a kind that will not per mit the animals to climb, and from four to five feet high. It should bo so conitructed that n goat cannot jump over it, and prefeably ahould be mjde of wire inatead of boards. A wire fonco timile of woven wire nnd about fifty-four inclioi high should hold them. Remem ber, thnt if the animals can get any aort of vantage from which to jump, they will go over the fence. Tho gonts nro pretty good on the defensive, henco coyotes do not as n rulo make much bend way in attacking them." Olenwood, Idaho. "la 'quack crass' a dangerous pcxtf How may I kill morning-glories f " C. II. " 'Couch grass ' is (mother name for this pest, nnd it is curtninly dangerous when it once has escaped into n garden. In tin) Ktistorn States it is reported quito oft"!!, but I hnvo not been in formed that it is in tho Northwest in any grout abundance. Tho morning glory is even more dangerous than quack grass. Fall plowing and cover ing with straw or manure nro fairly good means of destroying it, but it is nearly impossiblo to kill it by fall plow ing." Wolf Creek, Mont. "How much nl fill fu seed should ho sown per ncrcf Which is better, fall or spring seed ing f" W. C. "If moisture conditions are all right, fall seeding will do in somo rogions. Spring seeding should be done so as to avoid ilnmago oy rrost when tno seen is germinating. Twelve to flftoen pounds por aero is about right for broad cast seeding, but if n drill or seeder is used, ten or twelve will do." Orass Vnlloy, Or "Pleaso toll mo concerning tho comparntivo value of wheat, hay, and carrots as a feed for horses." I. M. U. "Such a comparison is impossible, since tho feeds you mention do not fill the snmo nood. The food valuo of car rots is vory low, but the effect they litivo in toning up tho systom, and keop ing it in good running order is vory important. A horse could oat a peck of currots per day to a vory good advan tage, but you should not attempt to substitute them for hoy. The same is truo in making n comparison of whont and raw carrots for hog foed, although up to tho amount that a hog will oat, the carrots will replace a cortaln por tion of tho wheat. I can safoly say that whore carrots will yield twenty tons per acre, you will find it highly profitable to feed thorn to hogs to tho full capaaity of their appotitios, provid ing you feed some grain in connection with tho corrots; but you will bo un able to koop stock hogs on carrots nlonc, as thoy contain too small a porccntago of bone-and-musolo makini; material." Getting Acuunlnteil. "My dad klu lick your dad," sold tho dirty faced boy. "I don't know whether ho kin or not, said tho now boy on the other sldo of the hnck yard fence, "but I'll bet my ma kin outtnlk your'n." Chicago Tribune. Missouri marketed 10f,lo5,U5S dorens of eggs last year, for which was received more than $10,000,000. Added to this aro the items of llvo nnd dressed poultry nnd feathers, making the comfortnhlo sum of nearly flO.000,000 -for poultry pro ducts for tho last year. "Ih Hho nn urtlHt?" "No, but Hho pnlntH a lltlu." St. LouIh TIiiich. "She kooiiih liko it very rcHorvtil girl." "Ych i wonder who for?" Judge. Mih. Trout Any gossip? Mr. Trout i'cH, thu Hhndu have terrible skeletons In their family. Tho Fisher. The Artist (showing new picture) This Is the best thing I over did. The Critic Oh, well, you mustn't let that discourage you. Hewitt Aro you n believer In vac cination? Jewett Most certainly. It kept my dn lighter from playing the pi ano for nearly a week. Stray Stories. "Maude was afraid the girls wouldn't notice her engagement i rlngV" "Did they?" "Did they! Six of them rec ognized it ut once." Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Heiress Hut they tell me you are embarrassed by your debts. The Suitor Don't you believe it. But doubtless my creditors are. Chicago Dally News. Patience They say she has n won derful command of language. Patrice Well, she seems to command her bus band'B, but not her own. Yonkera Statesman. "I pay aa I go," declared the pom pous citizen. "Not while I'm running these apartments," declared the Jan.-tor. "You'll pay as you move In." Wash ington Journal. Jack In the Orlentul world a girl never sees her Intended husband until she Is married. Floss How odd! In tills part of thu world she seldom sees him afterward. New York Globe. "On your trip abroad did you see any wonderful old ruins?" he asked. "Yes," she replied, archly, "and guess what." "Well?" "One of them wanted lo marry me." Harper's Weekly. "You admit that you sometimes make mistakes," said the Intimate friend. "You are wronu." answered the eminent statesman. "I sometimes make mis takes, but I don't admit It." Washing ton Star. Otllce Boy I lsjught our fair typist a bunch o 'posies for lu;r desk ter-day. Messenger Boy What did youse loosen up like dnt for? Otlicc Hoy Try in' ter bait de old man ter lire do chesty book keeper. Puck. "Say." asked the llrst messenger boy, "got any novels ter swop?" "1 got 'Big Foot Hill's Revenge, " replied the oth er. "Is It a long story?" "Nnw! Yo kin finish It easy in two messages." Philadelphia Press. Mistress (astounded) You can't read, Norab? Good gracious! How did you ever learn to cook so well? New Cook Shore, mum, 01 lay It t' not belli able to read the cook books. Town and Country. He Yes, a daughter Is a father's dearest jKisaesslon, and I don't blunie him for not wanting to give you up. She Oh, If I were the only thing he had to give up lie might not feel so badly. Town and Country. "Would you advise me to go into politics?" "Young mnn," answered Sen ator Sorghum, "the mere fact that you are so modest ns to ask advice about it proves that you are unlit for the pro fession." Washington Star. Muriel When you eloped with George, did you leave a note telling your people where you had gone? Ga hrielle Why. of course! If I hadn't, how would papa have known where to send us any money? illustrated Hits. "And would you marry me if 1 were a poor girl, working for u living?" asked tho heiress. "Darling," respond ed the accepted suitor, "It wouldn't be fair. You'd be doing enough in sup porting yourself." Philadelphia Public Ledger. "Tommy," snld the hostess, "you np Iear to be in deep thought." "Yes'm," replied Tommy ; "ma told mo somethln to sny If you should ask me to have some cake or anything, nn I bin hero bo long now 1 forglt what It was." Philadelphia Press. "Where hav ye, been this avenln'?" asked O'Klley of OToole. "Sure, 1 hav been playin' 'Bridget whist. " said O'Toole. "Bridget whist? An' how do ye?, play thot?" "1 sit in the kitchen wld Bridget, an' nto pie nn cake an' chicken, an' whin Bridget hears tho missus comln' she says 'whist.' " Phil adelphia Ledger. Hack to Simple AVnja. Abo, u light mulatto, called upon a minister for whom ho had formerly j worked. "Yo' know, boss, I'so gwlno bo mar ried nex' week," ho admitted halting- ly. "I'so gwlno to marry Mlsa May Felicity Johnson, an' May sho say sho wants ter bo nmrrled Jus' like white folks." "All right, Alio, I'll marry you If you wapt," the minister replied. "How much you gwlno clinrgc?" "It will cost you $5 to bo married llko white folks." Abo scratched his head. "Queas wo'll had ter bo mnrrled llko colored folks, then," ho snld. "You see, boss, w'b goln' to housekeepln', nn' I ain't got but $8." When n bachelor 1b nmong women, ho always claims to bo lonelier thuu ho ronlly is. Our national bird Is thu eaglo with tho stork a closo second. Tho Pnse Between, A New Orleans woman, well known for her work for charity, recently ac cepted an Invitation to speak at an anti-tuberculosis meeting. On the pint form sho found herself seated between a bishop and a rabbi, nnd tho tone of the meeting seemed to be rendered ex tremely solemn hy the combination. In order to lighten tho solemnity, she said, turning to the rabbi : "Do you know, I feel ob if I were a leaf be tween the Old and the New Testa ments." The rabbi turned a snd-eyed gaze upon her. "Yes, madam," be sr.ld, "and, If you will recall, that page lit usually a blank one. .tarn Weller. It was Sam Weller who made Dick ena famous. "Pickwick Papers" were a complete failure financially until this unlquo character was Introduced. The press was all but unanimous fn prais ing Samival as an entirely original character whom none but a great gen ius could have created. Dickens re ceived over $10,000 for "Pickwick Papers," and at the age of twenty-six he was Incomparably the most popular author of his day. London Standard. To Drcel: In New Shoe. Alway ihake In Allen' Foot-Kae, a powder, ft curei hot, cwt-ating, sonlng, iwollen feet. Cures corn, ingrowing nail and bunion. At til drugglil and shoe itere, 2.'c. Dont accept lnyiuUtttute. Sample mailed FRKE. Addreaa Allen a. Olmeted, Le Koy,:i. Y. Modernised Veralon. Pythias had returned, just la time to ave the life of Damon. "Gee!" exclaimed DIonyaiua. "Boys, when that atory Is worked into a play it will make a great hit." "Most noble tyrant," said Pythias, ven turing to correct him, "it's merely a sac rifice hit." Many of the scorer, however, having only a auperficial knowledge of th game, marked it down aa a double play. Chi cago Tribune. Freqnentlr Collide. "Do you ever meet Dr. Rybold?" "Often. He and I er are thrown to gether a good deal. We travel on the same auburban trolley line. SAVE THE CARTON TOPS and Soap Wrapper from "20 Mule Team Borax" product and exchange them FOR VALUABLE PREMIUMS Send Poat Card for 10-page Illustrated Cata logue of 1000 article given away FREE. Addresi Pacific Coast Borax Co.. Oakland. Cal. No Opening-. "Why don't you go to work?" asked the prosperous citizen sharply. "G'wan," retorted the mendicant, "you'se fellows that have all the to't snaps have a nerve." Philadelphia Ledger. My Hair is Scraggly Do you like It? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. " I am fUtr-oeven year old, and until re cently mjr hulr wn very rray. But In a few week Ayer' Hair Vigor restored the natural color to my hair o now there U not a fr hair to be teen." J. W. IlAHSOV, Boulder Creek, Cal. fammwmmmmm Had by J. O. Ayer Co.. Ixjwell, Has. Alio manuiaoturer or ? SARSAPAKILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers The Heat Part. "Tommy, did you give your brother th' best part of the apple, aa I told you toT "Yessura. I gave him the Beeds. He can plant them and have a whole orchard." HOWAKD E. UCnTOU. Auayer and Chemurt. Lawlville, Colorado. Specimen price: Gold, Silver, L-ad, II ; Oold, B!lvr,75c: Oold, 0o: Zlno or Copprr.ll. Cyanlda tent. Mailing envelope and fall prlre Hit eont on application. Control and Um pire work; eollcl led. iUferenoei Carbonate flonal Bank. THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY THE FISH BRAND SLICKER Is tho man who has tried to get tho same service out of some other make Clean - Light Durable Guaranteed YMerproof and Sold Everywhere ot 3?o iu.urre.rcs uuio mi ro trti smn . 4 -Owl. M ...Km .11 H "The OTEL MOORE OPEN ALL. THE YEAS Clatsop Beach Seaside, Ores Directly on the beach overlooking tbe ocean. Hot ult bath and CLIFF HOUSE ffifcffiES: nr Ban parlors. Electric Ilehu. Flre ur place and ateant beat. Fine walk llDrnnU" and drives. Sea food a ipeo UHtUlin laitr. Eau. $2.60 and $JL00 per aay. rate by tbe week. mmmDAH' J. MOORE. Proprietors The Kind You Have Always Bought has borno tho signa ture of ChaH. H. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision for over 80 years. Allow no ono to deceivo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" nro but Experiments, and endanger th health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of f iimiiim In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CINTU OOUPAItV. TV MURRAY aTRICT, N CW VORK CITY. Guaranteed Pure and Wholesome, , You save money and avoid failures in your baking if you use f BAKING IV V POWDER ifrOUMCESrU 25 Ounces for 23 Gents Here is true economy., You cannot be sure every time or have your food dainty, tasty and whole some if you pay less or accept a substitute. rj&ques Mfg. Co, Chicago. tttB, ,