The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 14, 1908, Image 8

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HrtMlJER iiAS'ii, Act JuheO', 1878, Xntlcd
. J, for l'tiMlcation, Deportment Of tin Intb
"rior, United States Land Ofnce.Thc DAlon, Or
jiroii, March 13, 1908'. Notice, Is hereby given
of Madras. County of Crook, S.talo of Oregon,
lias applied to purchase, under the act of Con
gress of Juno n, 1878 as extended by act of Au
gust 1, IRKS, the ese' sec 21, tp lja,t IBte, scJ4
nd lot 4 of sec 19,ttp 11 s, r 1" c, v in.
And wilt offer proof to show that tho land
UMight is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her Olaiin to said land before l'rank Os
born, U. S. Commissioner, at his office In Mad
ras, Oregon, on the 3rd day of Juile,J9CW.
-She names a her witnesses: William Dur
ham, Thomas A Taylor, uoth of Madras, Ore
gon: John O'Keily, Mary O'Kclly, both of Hny
creek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovo-ilescribed lands are requested to tile
.their claims la this ofllce on or before said :ird
day of June, 1903.
in2t'ju2l C. V. MOORE, Register.
TIMI1RR LAND. Act June 3, 1STS. Notice for
Publication. Department of the Interior,
United States l.and Ofllce. The Dalles, Oregon,
March 18, lMtt. Notice is hereby given that
of Sisters, County of Crook, State of Oregon,
,has applied tt) purchase, under the act of Con
gross of June 3, 1S7S, as extended by act of An
gust 4, 1SW. the w'$sc4, ncVsc4 sec 6 and nw!4
ucK of sec 7, tp 12 s, r 11 c, w m.
And will offer proof to show that the land
"sought is more valuable for its timber or stoue
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before H. C. Kills,
V. S. Commissioner, at his oflice in Rend, Ore
ton, on the 3rd day of June, 1WS.
She names as her witness,: Roy C Foster,
Herbert K Glazier, Thomas Arnold, Edwin R
Graham, Antono Trahttn, Euoeh Cyrus, allot
Sisters, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Hbove-described lands are, "requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 3rd
Uuyof June, VMS.
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, lb.K Notice
for Publication. Department of the Inter
ior, United States Land Office. The IjiUles."cbruary 2S, 1908. Notice is herebv
given tlat fi BRAN-DEJC(ltURG,r,
ht Kwitlicauutv of Ciook, state ot .Oregon, lias
iieu to puruhasei under theiart.ofjCongress
hLJiuju-s, 17S, as uxendcd by ict;fcf AUK"-t 4,
3. the s'5ne4i..'neneU. sccj, and imlmrU
AJni&mV5iCpo5f, to shov 'tho4 the land
ioUKhtis more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose-. .and to cstab
iih her claim to. said laud before II. 1. tls
1'. S. Commissioner, at his office in Bond, Ore
Von. on the 13th day of May, 1MW. .
rune names as her wltuesses: .Charts p
Jurown, Elmer Niswongcr, L A Hrandenbargli
and Fred A liunncll, all pfllcnd . Oregon.
aiiv and all persons claiming adversely the
nbove descrilwd, lands are requested to tile
their claims Ui this office on or before said
13tli uay oi mbj. isw,
n. w, rhnriK. .
JrOMESTEAD. Notice for Publl
1 patlon. department of the Inte
rior, fcand ..Office at The Dalies, Ore
gon, April iO, 1908. Notice ia hereby
-iven tjjat CA-gL
ijf Ma'dra, Oregon,) has filed notice of
hiB intension, to make final five-year
proor in support of bis claim, viz:
i i?ntrn 'n made
.Sept. 2&, 1001, fpr the seiuei. eMaei of
sec 7 and ueiuei of Bee 18, tp iu b, r io
e w m,
And .that Raid proof will be made
before Frank Qftborn, U. Si Cmmis
Sioner', 8118,906 in Madras, Oregon,
on June VS, 1908.
He namea the following witnesses to
irove his continuous residence, upon,
and cultivation of..te laud, vtlz: ,
V 'S Cowles', T B pucker, C C Fox,
Vmie Volrath, 1 of Madras, Oregon.
m7 j4 C. W. MooKE, Register
irj OME8'
n ilnn
. Departmei
Notice for Publica-
BDartment of tbeluterior,
thud Offi9e. at The Dalles, Oregon,
.prll 129, 1U0O. notice IB Jieicujr KTt"
pf Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
. T
his intention to mane nnai nve-year
proof In support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10585 made
larch 27, 1902, for the sei of sec 9, tp
11 s, r 13 e, w m,
. And that said proof will be made
before Frank Oshorn, U; 8. Commis
sioner, at bis office in Madras, Oregon,
on June 17. 1908.
He nameB the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of. the land, vizi
Rockey Q Robison, A JJ WlUIaras, F
A 8mitl,. "William J Cowherd, all of
ptfadrae, Oregon.
m26 a23 0. W. MoonE, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
k tipu. Department of tie Interior,
U. S. Landt Olije at t The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 7, 1908. .Notice is hereby
given (,bat . v. ,i
of Madras, Oregon, who, on October
20, ,1904, made llomesieau Jiiitry r.u.
,13874, fRr. wjnwi, seinwi and Bwjnel
jeoiQ, tpii b, r 14 e, w m, .
Iltlli filed notice ,pf (his ioyteutlon to
make final,, commutation proof, to es
tablish claim to, the Jand, above d,e
tcribed', before Frank ,Osborn,; J. 6,.
jCotnmisBloner, at hla offlpe at Mtras,
Oregon, on 22nd day of June, 1908.
Claimant names aa. witnesses: ,
m a Trwin. O V Ruhkib. M L
Loucks, AfePhilllpB, all of MadraH,
inl4-J22 C. W. MOORE, Register
A complete eupply of legal blanks for
ao liml tiding warranty. and quit claim
deeds. reiiLohattel atul crop mortgages,
pto. Justice court blanks and Justice
court work aapeclalty. Notary Public.
F, J. Brooks.
AlN WAGONS for flale by J, 0. &
AL A. IlobiuBon, Madras. See them
for prices. ,
State of Oregon, for tho County
of Crooki
Tu (ho matter of the
cstatt; of
Julius Poyeuskl
To Slnna Oraham, Ida KlmbrloU,
Lizzie Johnson, Klare Shunm, Law,
reuce BurmeePtor and Lena t'oyenskl,
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Yon aro hereby cited and required to
uppear in the County Court ot the
Stale of Oregon, for the County of
Crook, at the Court room thereof, at
Prinevlllt1, in the County of Crook, oti
Monday, the ilrst day of -June, 1908, at
10 o'clock in the forenoou of that day,
then and there to show cause, If any
there bo, why an order should not be
grunted to tho administrator of said
estate to sell so much of tho herein
after described real estate of the said
deceased as hIuiII bo neuessstry, to-wil:
All of Lot No. twenty two In the town
of Khtgsley, ln Wab'co County, Statu
of Oregon, according to the recorded
maps ami plats of said town now re
corded in tho office of the County
Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. W. A Boll, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Crook, with
the seal of said Court affixed, this 14th
day of April, AiD. 1008'.
Attest: Warren Brown, Clerl,-,.
Seal m2i
SdLATEb TltAOT. Notice for Pub
llniitlnii. Puhlln Land Sale. The
. l ...
. .rt.ii,.,. 1 Ml hi I (Ml
. v. ... -
nT'Ey 2, 1003. Notloo Is hcioby
1IU111IMJ 1 UUllU . --1
Dallnn. Oreoon. Land Office, April 10,
inns, iffttlon in hnrehv irlvoii that, as
1.' . 1 .1. ' ,f ltl. 1 ll..
General Laud Officio, under provisions j OON'UAO S'lltA
ofABt ofCongresH approved Juno 27, f Madrnn, Orenon, who, . n 11 y
1900, Public-No. 803, wo will oiler at; 2i made Ilnim-Htwul J.nir.v
........ . ..... I. I.l.hl...' ..t U.nne f.. till. wlllCVli. ItfOM
iiiiiiun Rnip. in nil, iiiiriiun uiv,..v, in ; i iiiiiu. ..v -
TlMHKIt LAND) Act June R, WiS.Noyco ior
l'ubilcatton. Department of tfto Inlfjrlor,
United State Lailcl Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon,
March 1'J, liKVs. Notice IS hereby given that
MAUY R. ltitADV.
of West Seattle, County of Kins, State of Wash
Vm antilied to tiurchasc. under the act
of Congress of June 3, 1K7S. as extended by act
f i.,, I 1wO- I tin V.ul . !ilf Scl '.'SL'1 J Of
sec :a, tp 11 , r 11 v, and lot 4 of tee I, tp 12 , r
11 e, v in.
...j ...111 'A . ..f .V. .1,'... I lift, f Imiil
soucht Is mbre .vallnfblc for lis tlmtier or stone
than for agricultural purpose", and to estau.
Him 1tiii.Utir
11511 uvt i;infu pnniBiii. . . n-
aiul Hecelvcr at The Dalles, Oregon, on the
27th day of.Jfay, 190S. . .
She name? a her wltufsscs: nomas j Jf,a.-
.. ..... 1.. , 1. ..I,..
dr. of West .KcatllU. w.asmugion; niti
A llodegeb. Knjama. Washington; Ora Viiu
Tassell, of Madras, Oregon; Frank C Parker, ot
... . .
NOOiann, "usujuijiyii. t,, .,, . ,
Any and all persons ajLmn adveiiqly th.c
above-described lands rtj rcfluested to ,Jle
their claims in this office oh or before said 27th
day ot May, 1008'.
tn2G-in22 C. Vf. MOpilE, Register.
OMESTEADj Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
April 30, l)08i Notice is hereby
given that ,-, . ,
of Madras, Oregon, has Hied notice
nf hi infpntion to make final five-
year proof in support of hiB claim, vz
Homestead Entry no.' 1100a, maue
Oct. 1, 1902, for the swi of Bee 24, tp
12 8. r 12 e, w m.
And that aaid proof wIU be made be
fore Frank Osborn, U. S. Commlsalon
or. at his office in Madras', Oregon, on
June li, 1908. ,
lie names the following witnesses
to prove bis continuous residence
upon, and cultivation, of, the iand yit:
JLYouns of Culver, Oregon; IV
Limbaugh, J ip(8tearns, L Pearl Peck,
all of Madras, Oregon. ,
. . C. W. MOORil,
m7-jli Register.
w wnArwcTi,.A"n' "NTotlce for Publics-
tion. Department of the Iqterlor,
Land Office at the Dalles, Oregon,
April 30, 1908. Notice is hereby
given that
of Madras, OregonJbaa filed notice of
hiB intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10759 made
April 26, 1902, for ene and ejsej of
sec 29, tp9s, r 13 e, w m,
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis
sioner, at bis office in Madras, Oregon,
on Juue 8, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove bis continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of. the land, viz!
G V Dillon, J E Evlck, T M Burden,
V II Ramsey, all of Madras, Oregon.
m20-a23 O. W. Moore, Register
10:30 a. m.. on the 2olhdayof May
next, at this office, tho following tract
of land, to wit: Hejm'j and ni'l?wl of
set'2), tp 12 e, r 12 e, w m,
Any persons claiming adversely the
ulmvo-desoribod lands aro advised to
. . ,,, ,.. it . r 1:1 1. w in.
Has filed m,tlooofl'to.nlonto,ua,b
,0 the land above, described, before
Frank Otborn, lr B. Co.n.ulsmoni.r, at
i.ianni,. at Madras, Oregon on Un
file their claims, or objections, on or 10th tiny "f June, 1008
boforo the day above designated for
C. W. MdoitB, Ro.'lster
Louts 11. Au.NirHiis-i Receiver.
a23 m21
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. IVpiirtuient of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
April 21, 1908. Notice la hereby
givuu (hat
widow of Homer M. Street! of Bisters',
Oregon, has filed notice of her Inten
tion to make final five-year proof In
support of her claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 11018 made
June 5, 1902, for themvinel, ne4eL
Lois 5 and 0, sec 19 and Lots 1 and
seo 20,tp 11 s, r 11 e, w in'.
Aud that aald proof made
iipfore the' Countv Clerk at Prlnevlile,
Oreironi on Juueu, 1908
She names the following witnesses
to prove her continuous residence
dpdhiVnd cultivation ofi the land', viz:
Georce H Giddinga of Prlnevlile,
Oregon; Lincoln Stivers, David Rlgg",
Elijah Sparks, all of Sisters, Oregon.
aS0j4 C. W. MooltK, Register
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication! Depart
ment of the Interior, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, uregou,
April 80, 1008. Notice is hereby given
or Prlnevlile, county of Crook, state
of Oregon, haa applied to purchase,
under the act of Congress of June 3,
1878, aa extended by act of AugUBt 4,
1892, the njjBefi BWn'el and aejuwj
of sec 13, tp jjt s, rlO e, wm,
And will offer proof to Bhow that the
land BoUght Ib mare valuable for its
tlmbefxjr spoue than for agricultural
plKpoBes, apd to, establish her (Slaim to
fald laud, ihefo'ro (he fjopnt CWrk at
Prlnevlile, Oregon, on the 16th day of
July, 1008. . ; t 1
She namea as hw VUte8eBi tqb
,ert G Smith, Sam Ruborfj, I,tlde.
out, all ofPrineville, dregoti; Loreu B
a tiincriiiim nf Portland. Orecron.
Any aud all persona claiming ad
versely the aboveUeor.lbed lauds are
requested to file their claims Iti tlila
office on or before eald 16th day of
,U,f',m 0. W.MOORE,
mH-JulO Register,
ni.. 1.. ....., mM as wllncsesi
. 1r.11111.111 , . ,
Uerthultl Dombrow.., Olmstlau A
Reichen.JPllal.n, WllllM.nllHnooU,
nil (ifMadraH, Oregon.
inT-Jl 0. W. MOO UK, KuKiBtcr.
mi.j'i'imiv Niitioti for I'uuucH'
yr , . . . -
ri tion.
Department of tho Interior,
Land Office at The lUUes. Oregon.
April 20. l'8. Notloo Is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has tiled notice of
I, h Intention to make final flvt-yoar
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Honii'stend Entry No. 11370 nun u
. . . I ....1 ' ml W l
Aug. 2D, 1902, lor me v;uue.M
s, r 1 e, w in,
will ho made
before Frank Unburn, U. H. UotntniH
sioner, athls office In Madras, Oregon,
on Juno 11, 1903.
He names the following witnesses, to
piovehis contlnuoiM rush eoee. ujwn.
ami cultivation or, the land, viz:
George Kudmtii, David G HogOrsi
AV 0 Killingheck, Leo Peck, all of
Madrusi Oregon. ,
t C. W. MOoltK,
m7-j4 Register
pire destroyed lle office build. wooll and Dec, It I,
Fire paVimiiy uestroycu uiv. """ 1 "CC, it is claimed 1
Oeveloniucnt 1 cuttliu? llrubrr nir . "d M
)g Ot UIC v-tni" 'h ii f And 1, 1
company at ncnu "iicreti but tyku 1
. - ...... i.l iliniKiiml nnHKril tit iAi-i,. . '"CQeifj
pnBcd to pAtent, Tleyt, ntuhvete Bnfci u..."!
ensn, which wns
entailing a loss of sevciid tliotisittid dot
lars, with $1200 Insurance on tnc uuim
aS! Dr. Scholield, xVlio occupied offices
in the building, lost his llxtttres and in
struments. 11. J. Hranstetler ntut two of Ills sons
nnd a daughter have started final proofs
upon theit homesteads on Agency Plains,
(Mving notice of their Intention to make
proof'l.tst Saturday. Mr. Hrnnilctter And
Ids family were among the firM settlers on
'the nliitis, in fact C. C r ox was tnc o uy . Wm t,
actual settler on the plains when they nr- Rophoni .uui ,w Z7'4
fll?A Intt ,
and )i"k.
ithi case rrturnrd a Ve '
tl"' P'nH A,. hie M'2fc?H
Hf'.i Of St-C -U. IP l al
and that said proof
HOMiiSTKAD. Notice for Pub!lea:
tlou. JUepartuieutof the Interior,
iand Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
April 30, 1908 Notice 'la hereby
given that .
of Madras, Oregon, has filed .notice of
his intentiou to make flual flyp-year
proof in support of hiB claim, vlt:
HouieBtead iJniry n ijzo-o uiauc
1 llfW. for the n$se. BeJauel
of sec Hand awjuwi of a'ec l2't tp 12
8, rla e, wm, ,
And that said proof. Will be made
before Frank Osborn, U. 8. Couimls
Hloner: at hia ofilce iu Madras, Oregon,
on 'June it), 1908. ,,. , .
He namea the following wltnesseB
to prove his continuous residence
upon, ' ahd cultivation or, the land ,
viz": .
G W Kidder, G E Bauta of Madras,
Oregon; Edmund Itealy, Clyde C Hea
ly, of Culverfi Oregon. ,
m7 j4 C". W. ModBE, Register
lived. That was sin and a liail years ago,
and during that woe they have resided
there continuously, in tin period they
have witnessed the transformation of this
country from a bunch grass plain into n
populous farming distiicl.
Chester Roush, Douglas Hood and I.
J-. Shut! returned Monday morning from
1'ottlaml, where they were witnesses in a
civil case m the federal court. The llti
imtion was the outgrowth of the arrest
A. K. Eastwood atul J .
to rtovnutnto th tlM.i 'rHM
food lA ,crrr, th" r nu!(
faro upotl tlrtm. lSvm- fVm 1
fore tho VouMf J
miinlw of iipxti at Cir.'l
rollablo ami .l.ii.urt y. ZNttl
.... ......1 iernnnni on. rt 1. "1
lutcly certain h.Mrum n,' (H
Ulrrol. Kvcry kerni . IN
kill. Cllnmtlrthnn,'2r
molHturo of thn t A '.r
'"Kl. It rraulrw no ttM
tion, and b. n,.,
two years ago, ol A. k. i.asiwoou ....u ,. 0 vv- "wror
W. Oec, charged with unlawfully cutting j purahdM prior if not u S
timber oil of government land. East- j The lion Chemical Co,, pwll4
NotIe.e for Publlca-
ion, Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, uregoo,
April 30, 1008. Notice hereby
given thai
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his lutention to make final commuta
tion proof In support of his claim, vizi
Homestead Enlry Xo. 16040 made
AprllS, 1908, for the sjiiw' and Lots
& aud 4 of sec B, tp il . r 14 e, w W, t
And that said proor will oe vano ou
trr Wmnb iLhnrn. U. S. Commlsalou-
er, athitf office iu Madras, Oregon, on '
"t W r-irtn I
dtiue v, luuo. . .
lie unmes ihe following witnesses to
move his continuous residence, upou',
and cultivation of, the laud, vit:
B F Preston, Jem Kaaa, J W Living
on, C E U'duah', all of Madras, Ore-
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the In
terlor. ICauOfflce at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, April 25, 1903. Notice la
hereby given that .
of Bcialen Qregon, haa filed notice
of hla intention to make flual five-year
proof Iu aupport of hiB.olalm, viz:
Homestead Entry 0. 10813 made
.May 7, 1902, for the uwsei. ajnei of
sec "O and awjnwj of Bee 29, tp 9 a, r
14 f, w in,
And that Bald proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver, at
The Dalles, ()regou, on dune U, 1008.
7 He namea the.following wltneaeea to
proVe hla contlnuoua residence upon,
and flu'tlvaUon of", the land , viz:(
Sydney D terqival, Joseph H Stuart,
John Trotter, all of Younga, Oregon;
William, of Madras, Oreffon
a30-m80 C. W. MooitE, Register
HOMI2BTEAI). Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the, in
terior, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 80, 1008. Notice ia hereby
given that
of Culver, Oregon haa filed notice of
hla Intention to make fiual five-year
proof in support ol his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10087 made No
vember 20, 1901, for the ajael aud n
awi of aeo 8, tp 13 a, r 13 e, w ra,
And that aald proof will be made be
fore Frank Osborn, U. S, Commission
f r, at hla office in Madras, Oregon, on
June 8, 1908.
He namea the following witnesses to
prove hla contlnuoua residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
ThomaB Alderdyce, V O ltalaton,
William Dirber, Robert Oaborn, all of
Culver, Oregon.
C. W. Moon),
m7.j4 Register
TIMIIKIt I.ANtt, Act Juntt 3, 1878. XbUlC
for I'ubl cation. DeimftJiiciit of t he
....... i- i!i...,i HintM r.ind unlet. The
Ti.11... nn.Vnii. Fubruiirv 'JO. .S'otllO In
hereby given that , v.urw
of iloiicow, comity of Latah, ittato of IiialiO,
has Biiplcd to purchaic, uniler tho act i
Cougrcinof Jtinoa,lh78, a oxtOnded hy act Uf
AllKUDl 1,,16W Viiu uiu a 11-4. .-.
BCD 1, tp 11 1"Jt, W W, ..... , ,
1. .'..... ;..,,,,(,. .ililli.- Ih 11 f Him iHtlfl
im wjiu uiiv ii.w' .v ., " .1 ...h. .......
ubiiKhtlH more vaLuahlc for it timber fir uttiiio
(Mil JU UIBIIIl W ! Ju ui
fil ltV:eiveit. Tho.PalleH,
licfiirn tlio IU'1latUr
urvguii) Oil UIU
claim to laid lam
una jifceivcuwv iu,
"ill I, ilav of liny. l'.0.
Ho namci ai'itin wltnewca : ; William 4) Cam.
eron aud OliuitloCol!r,,both of MohcoW, Plaho!
Joseph 0 JlcComb, vW Xroy, ldahot nUU Ora
VanTam'l, of Madras, Oregon, .
1 .. ., u.wl ufn'tinranna olnlinttiip ilitinmlllv tllli
ilinvn-iloacrlbtd land aro ruuuuntcil to Illu
tlielr clalinn 1W this, oillco 011 of before iald
'Uliday'ofMay.liKte. , nHnir
jaU'iuait vi ii jtiui 'inii"i
C. W
TIMBER LAND, Act Junes, 187b,
United States Laud Ollice, The
Dallea'i Oregon', March 31, 1908'. No
tice is herebygiven that
of, jUrlrzly, county of Crook, Mate of
Oregon, bae applied to purchane, under
the act of Congress of JuiiBjS.JSTS, as
extended by act of August 4, 18iri, the
winwii', uelnwl sec lh and sejni seo
18, tp 12 a, r 10 e, w m,
III iifr nrinf in fihnw that
.1 U4 TTIj I'
the land sought is more valuable for
r stone thereon than for
agricultural purposes, add to estab
... . . ." . ..... 1 . . . -..
lisli her claims, to sani muu neiore
the County Cerk at PrineVl 11 Ore
gon, on tbe 24tl( day of June lbo8.
She names as her wltneHHes: (Jeorge
O'Nell and August II Llppmanj both
or j'rinevine, uregou.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely any of the ( above-described
lands are requested to file their claims
In this ofllce on 0 before tbe aald 24th
day oj( June', 1908. u
u28 JIB C. W. MobltK, Register
ISOLATED TRAGI.'. Notice for Pub-
llcatlop. PubHc Land Sale. Tbe
Dalles, Oregon, Land Office, April 10,
1008. Notice la herebygiven I hat, aa
directed by Hie, Commissioner of tbe
General Lipid Office, tinder prpvislona
of Act of CongrecH approved rIune 27,
1900, Public No. 303, we will oiler at
public sale, to the Idghest bidder, at
10:30 a. m., ou the 25th day of May
next, at this office, the following, tract
of laud, to wit: hwhw of sec 28 and
ejaej of sec 20, tp 12 a, r 14 e, w m.
Any persona claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the day above designated for
the aule.
C. W. MoohU, Register.
Louis II. Aunrson,
" "
S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 14, 1008. Notice Is hereby
given that the Northern Pacilio Rail
way Company) of UU Paul) county of
Hennepin, stato of Mluuesota, baa this
day filed lu this office Its application
K01 160, to select tho neae, ueJneJ4
nwiuoK of nectlon 33 and swlsej of
flection 28, tp 10 a, r 10 et w hi.
Any and all persona claiming ad
verboly the lahds desorlbed, br dealr
Ing to object because of the hlluorul
character bi" tho Jand. or for any roa
eoin to the disposal to applicant)
should (lie Ihulr allidavlta of protect lu
this 0(1100,101) or boforo Ihe 13tti day
of June, 1008, 4
80 J4 0, W. Mooiik, Register
nmm m m u h w isiiiii
if uinimniv-