I !n a condensed Form for Our unsy KBuuuia. fljUTENflJGS OF TWO CONTINENTS J PERISH IN HOTEL FIRE. Score Are Probably Dead at Fort Waynet Indiana. FORT WAYNE, Ind Mny BTeu known dead, mnnv tn otis y Injured I" tho result of a firn that dcatroyod tho now Avollna Hotol, Fort Wnyno'i principal hostelry, Sunday. yiiior or l'olico Annkonbruck mid PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN BRIEF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. I?. I A Bsumo Not of the Us Important but Less Interesting Events of tho Paat Week. Melkodhta have MHeJ lo aiu jiiwi'""""- on Bp oak or llOtOl rcuintor was rnnmiinml . I . i ..4 " ...... M j ,u, Him tlioro nro no nccurato moans of detor mining who aro missing. Tho comploto instruction of tho U. torlor of tho hotol makos tho work of rucuvonng uouico a difficult tank. A I Valuable Information to pacific North west Inquirers Proeuor Elliott, Waxblnirtoa BUta College. Pullman. Frldav. Mav n. in a. a a APri 25-rThU wccl th? VVnl.(nM m c r i K":'iu"- Washington State College experiment Washington, May 8. Llttlo progress may givo ponnlts for tho exportation Nation received the following inquiry B., who reaidea in Ssattle: nme practical suggestions relative to the beat grasses aow on 'upland' in Kitsap unndv lnam. whlrh dries out . . -......... ... ..,,. nv irn.u, i uuur 111 uu, rwniiiu ennmuer, lunrxcu witu , , r . , : concluded his remarks In opposition to statement as to tho numbor of years to 6ar,v ,n dr?r con to produce moat 'i lump sum appropriation of $500,000 tho forests in various parts of tho coun- W After having been cleared off, .ii.mur unvuiopinnni or tno forest try would last. Mr. Hoybnrn read tho ,B" ,n"u unou u "y, reserve system. Nelson, Mlnnnunt,, nnm... nf nmn, . a ,.!..,.., xw youngnr and ferns, Sowing rye in the II,.. t... .in i .. " ... .... uui.ovu, pouios wore still in """ tn tlio senato today on tho or ""ibor from forest reserves, Hey rom w L. tno ruins. .i. ... , in,.,, .1..-1.,,. ,ii,t ,..!. ,i. i Tho ontlro Interior of th. . " . ' . n.P"Pn bill, the boh- Y'""J "MnnWii Tn 7 r .. 1 "I wi.h In smoldorlntf hoan of ruin. .i i? '"" ''"'"K ""voted to a discussion upon tndnv. rl llnnin.i n i.nrt nf , ..irv from you tnnnr dead uro ennnnnlmi i. tho principle of forest ii or grains to ( I it) i r i u onn nn l. 1 . . llUlnltllHtrill inn nf Mint un..,!nn rr-.ll.. n . . i. . rt i. .1 1 .... (jniintv. on CtDDOO arid Dolllvor of Iowa Hpoko in support , entry' Association, declaring that Mr.fn11' and PlowlnK tho rye under in the of tho reservo service Wcvcrhnuser. tho second vlon.r.rnIHnnf PHnK to plant potatoes haa been roc- confused heap of charred wood, bricks'. McCurn"Cf chairman of tho commit-1 owned or claimed moro timber unlaw- ?,Binian"',d me, but so far aa I know anu twisted girders is pllod up bo-1. " " Vv muM called tho attention of fully obtained than any other man on , "V. A tweon tho bnro wails to the second . "f"" 0 to, ft ,,oa,,lock imong tho earth. Tho Senato adjournod with tho'KiUP, 0 ... ...... .a mm iha inaaAa arrirv mash 11.! . . nlnio has l'on "uu" " "'- 1'iuco mis must no ro .V Aetna Honk, of nunc, t...n uniinriil MnrloilH niil Thtrs novo " of the Aetna J,k, , In Ohio ngalnal tho tobacco treat. . '.. . i t.l Il.n Ili.rllnr.lnn r)m mnn wno "i" lr!n at Ilutte has proven to bo only ruovod boforo tho roll of tho dond can bo completed. Bomo of tho bodies laicon out aro mnnglod and chnrrcd be yond recognition, Infantry Compnny I and Battory D of tho National Ouard aro on duty, and nldlng tho flro and pollco forces to clear away tno nonris. j.nsn has i.sued a pereinptory do- I M.ia.ri (.trill llm IlUVCOtt Of nnii uwcvclt t'cnlrs the power or con- . .....I mil linrll ' nvnr tno .mir find iiii J K'pnturky rontinues to liavo trouble ,.L -i..i,i mli'rrt. who aro burning to- -.nf Ml. USPS. ireu Th- Hopf I tiImtv trial n ilia ccno ' iriflVITH Itllll lllllltfni WI'VII IKMn .1 I.i .t'llFM I.i lifii't ilrnwn tlf fi iimT.., ...... ......... -i' ;t tr. lilTI'HM fl MK 1 f 1 f XOr tllO Hiuu.iua " rt ..." - i- n niimirni Ml. " " The hotel waa erected 00 years ago, was nry as tint or.i i-orito or mo - jt burned llko matchwood, nnd wl.l.ln few minutes from tho timo tho flro was discovered tho wholo of tho hotol was a mnss of flames that filled tho corridors and rooms with suffocating clouds of smoko thnt laid fiery barriers across all moans of escnpo savo by tho windows. READY TO RECEIVE FLEET. San le Franclaco Gaily Decorated In Honor of Occasion. Senator lieyburn, of Idaho, . ,..,. ..nf tn mirvev all unsur t , t lr..ul. n..tf.n K.4 . l til lamia in iti;ui. nm"Mi ' -- I ..!! In HAN ntANCIBCO. Mav BI n eairar expectation Ban Francisco is awaiting tho arrival of tho Atlantic battleship ncoi. mo meats aro naKon, tno house is in order and tho feast is sot. The members of the household aro clothed in their host raiment, and aro busv with wants tho final arrangement of bow nnd other m 7? on 1 Pcnflion appropriation agricultural bill atill incomploto and bill on tho senate amendment nimitrincr tlm frirnntrv nnnitinn ..n.li.nn.n.l .. -.Mnuiiniitii ui mo present Hysiom or having the pension funds disbursed through eight pension agencies, located throughout the country, instead of Washington, May 5, A lively debate was kept up all day today in tho IIouso on mo sundry civil appropriation bill, through a single agency locaod in this Itopeated efforts were made by Oainc? city. Many senators expressed a do-1 of Tonnosseo nnd Chancy of Indiann, sire that the conferees should insist on supported by many other mcmbors, to tno senate amendment. Iprocuro an appropriation for an investi- w . . Igntion looking to increased safety in Washington, May 8 Tho officers nnd mining, nnd thoy hnd about got Chnir- !t i n t'"Wn 1,10 nnnjr to'mv won i "lan Tawnoy to tho point where ho Uieir fight for increased pay when tho would consont to an appropriation of House, after a debate of two hours, r0,000 when Undorwbod objected, nnd agreed to the conforoneo report on tho tho proposition, for tho timo at least, army appropriation bill. An appropri-' was dropped. alien of 7,000,000 was made for the Tho additions to tho bill today woro , ,. lWU)OTU ,,, which win go to jjjuu.uuu for tho military prison nt Fort mi. .'iii.n.i'ii mull. Oil till bin carries nn nggreirnto annronrla- Tho thrnn rnmninintf dmir. nt f Ifir .1,1.. i,.r ,n, . . . u.. ui ij..i,.n5-,-i.j, ine principal item sion woro taken un almost cnt rclv b e enlisted men. Nine hundred officers Leavenworth, Kan., nnd $10,500 for an i the retired list also will benefit by addition to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., or a e increase. Tho army appropriation . total increaso to date of $1,241,000. v.,iiri,;n mi aggregate appropna-! Tho three remaining hours of tho-sos ill of i'X,M'.'ir,. Tho nriiir! nnl It of inereitH.) is the $7,000,000 additional a discussion of roll-calls, caused by i pay. With tho various changes made refusal of tho House to take a recess a adornment. Fluttering flags, nnvv ion nnnts nnd streamers, nnd ltoar-Admirnl Evans' picture aro everywhere. Mar- Ortat Britain Is considering an old- l "r" 'tt v' Hunting in urw.' tho Nntioual colors, and flags waving iiiuiii nnuu iiiiius uu iitiil ini'ii. iivnrv ii ii Jipaa dctvlei tho report that tho Co- cot, ono largo and a cluster of fivo unneror is to uu uiibuuuu. smaller nags iiviutr from each onn nnii Japan hna filed another protest with orminaiing in the huge re.l, white and long wiro cables, are tho words, "Wel come to tho Atlantic Fleet," in tho kaleidoscopic colors of tho international navy signal codo flags and pennants, while on Telegraph Hill the word ' 'Welrnmo" stands in lottor 15 feet high, which enn bo rend for many miles, and which at night will bo illuminated b- i!..V)0 elertric. Ili'htN. 1-Vntnnmi nf itrPTii uriLmii ' n uiimiciui uuu uuii iuai n in niinsnen r lirrnfta pi in nn r r n ubins e r aliowa eontmiona to oo in aucn tno principal streets and prominent buildings are outlined in cloctric bulbs, furnishing at night a most magnificent illumination. It is estimated that thero will bo bo Kmroa Goldtnnn, high priestess of an- l .11 - r, .1.1 ....... Portland, commencing May aa. , Tie cashier of tho Alloghony wa- I 1) 1. t t)!liuliilai It n M VAAM A . 1 J 1 . k inuua. tbape that the duty on sugar ia i rtdoced. and labor. in conference, tho bill represents a total Increase of $.V'fi:i.1 15 over the amount authorized by tho houso. Thursday. Msy 7. Washington, May 7 In reply to Hoy burn ' attack upon tho forestry policy of tho ntlmlnistrntion, Dopow of New York todny, in tho sonnto, spoko at length in defenso of forestry resorvos and tho reforestation of denuded land. Only the other day, ho said, Now York Htato received 1,000,00 trees from Ger many for use in reforestrntion of tho Adirondncks. Ho commended tho ac tion of President ItooBovclt in inaugu rating tho system of forestry reserves by setting nsido 20.000.000 acres, which was increased to -10,000,000 acres under in nny w I'rcsldeut McKinlcy, and is now ISO, 000,000 seres. In tho last two years, Uno- no saiti, f ranco hng spent $50,000,000 for reforestrntion in view of tho enor mous damage to property and the homes or wio poopio by Hoods. P'xtcuded discussion of tho expendi tures of tho Forestry Bureau for pub licity work of various kinds, called forth a vigorous denial by Mr. Smoot that a forester had attended a conven tion and charged his oxpenses to "the hay and grain account." a o'clock as a result of a ioko on th part of somo Kopublicans, who were trying to hold tho Domocrnts in the House until tho timo tho Republican caucus was scheduled to bo hold. In this thoy woro successful, tho Houso finally at 7:47 P M. recessing until 11:55 A. Mi tomorrow. Washington, May 1. After ten days' tnscussion, consideration of tho sundry tween 700,000 and 800,000 people in San Franuiseo on tho day that the fleet ar- rivim. The milmrlmn eitlra niHriri-nt tn I - - j ii . r l i iCT.ni-ui viii.i. i in nny ami towns witnin a minus or riv mmrnnr ul i,;n prni inn ni i Jirinr. una wrumn d. ini r.fi i.m 1 1 mn iniiw i.a .IahamhIaI,! i . .. . - m tw Kv i w if mv riifi iifiiiHit t nil n v riiir iiriT am tnttrini to eongrcM urging the passage of . ami will contribute 200.000. whiio tho u iiu ..-.m1. r tr 1,111. nf Int.iHl In Ini.nr. I II . t I.' .1. ... " " l"""n" " ".' " wV. v niw wuH ii m. i r i ni 1 1 nn rrina n tnrni bile at Han Francisco, Itear-Admlrat ' bring at least 150,000 from points appropriation of $100,000,300, or $1,- aecond in command of tho At-' "rln , "f ow as umaun, anu irotn "-n.ooo moro than was reported by tho ii npT win rir itnr ii r r itiitaii nn llinnma nninuA.1 a htllilnw 'inn f aa. ij proclamation or tnu governor, moi tho poopio to adopt rctolU' I 1lnrf imnn onnirrotiti tn rnn la it. linn illn.i r n m 1. m r im9 inn Ml - - . ibcu utuLia nrriiii tiir n uv iiuiT.k vut.m Hri Pfllnai rt il iain In.l iMr o - 1 "V nv xn.ll nn lnillrrmniiti ithnrfr nn I. nsla.. 1 a l l T lUtturtMinrt) ha.i bcon but Just nivi paper tnut ii nrctifl nf inuklnff I uiivviiiiiifiiv was- n iimeer. iirkiido real estate mon nrc ondoav (t to shield Huef in his trial for no- " bribtii. "a heenmon will ntnrn tfcolr wnnl tr than nccett tho nrirn nffuroil i er i ui i nun . . t .1 - imatisco will watch tho arrival of fbattleshii. (oM ni..i .. .... v war" seems probable in and Oront lirltnln t. n,nktnn rat n. i. "inrn iuicoui)lor(Hl ft Mont. Off N'nur-.. I a I , iiiinnnr rfirfm uunt hnr ericann in ountt iii:niiiii it ia .....a. a e ndviHed ti, admtnistrntloB wndlng the Atlantic fleet t Tlritish Columbia on tho north, to the international boundary nn the south. BLOW UP ANOTHER TRAIN. committee. The principal resolution of tho day related to tho salary and wngo scale to bo paid in the construction of tho Panama Canal. Tho committco had in- Attempt to Dynamite Oregon 8hort j Hpf,u'.1 provision providing that such Line Ihwarlrd. I,mru'" " WK "no' "0l e",,.M I by moro than 25 por cont tho salaries IJUTTK, Mont., May 5What np- and wages paid in tho United States for pears to have been nn nttempt to wreck similar work. Tho provision was do- a rrcignt on tno nortnuounti uregon foaled, 10 to 101. Mhort Lino similar to mat winch boron Monday. May 4. WASHINGTON, May 4 Tho Cana dian international boundary treaty was ratified today by tho Senato in execu tivo session. It provides for the more completo definition nnd demarcation of the boundary botweerf tho United States and Canada, but does not change ay tho established, existing the Hurlington train Friday night, wna Wednesday. May 6 inwnriiMi inunuay ny .loan uo.an, wno Washington, May O.-The Senate vrns wmiing mo vrncn on .u S(. a bi prohibiting the Me rose. .'employment, within certain hours, of ttbon about six miles this aide of cni(lrcn mulcr H ycars of agc in thc Melrose, Holnn, according to his own . District of Columbia, in any factory. story, tiiscoyereu 10 sucks or dynamite workshop, telegraph office, restaurant ' buildings for Its ambassadors In Eu i",.R Bmn , 1, Jm"!?.di" v ".".' ".il'e.l'otel. apartment house, saloon, pool , ropean . capitals rcoelvcd a setback i . : 1 1 : i i i: ii ,r ""''r;roon., uuw. nttcy, or m(t0(lay ,n tho 80nnto, where tho (Up 1 ui, ai.wi i.lllill. Wl UI31I llillliuil Ul Senator Lodge today introdueod bill appropriating $400,000 for tho pur chase of a building in Paris to bo used as the American legation. A provision for the purchase of the building hnd been stricken out of tho diplomatic and consular appropriation bill on the point that it was not general legislation. senator l-ulton today proposer! nn amendment to tho sundry civil bill, au thorizing tho Boerotary of tho Interior to contract for tho caro of the Alaska insane, this amendment being in the in torest of Dr. II. W. Coe's sanitarium. WASHINGTON, May 4Tbe House completely overran tho committee on appropriations in connection with sov- oral items in tho sundry civil bill When tho measure was laid nsido for tho tiny, $250,000 had beon added to the sum recommended by tho committco. which included $100,000" for gauging tho streams and determining the water supply of tho Unitod States; an in crease of $50,000 in tho appropriation for testing structural materials, and $100,000 in testing coal, lignite, and other fuels. Theso changes were not accomplished, howovcr, withbut a pro longed debate, in which the committoe found itself practically alone Saturday, May 2. Washington, May 2. The policy sought to bo established by tho gov ernment of providing and equipping ," railroads "t rates, aro to ralso all V1llVC,"ml w,Vfl tho ox-Prosldent 3 "'Ulcerous condition. '.vwmt I'iui, i i i . """uri I'aciJ,. directorate. 111 JIIUIU, I. X .T" wnian cashier of a -- ouuri s i iinn w. 'm been air nl M J. 10 J"" ponding tho insanity of th III I J1UIIIII 1 11 I U n hllll UAJIUIU - O tho river near by, ami hastened to no tlfy tho Melrose station agent. When the northbound train arrived it was held back until a thorough investigation could be made. The station agent nt Melroso tele phoned tho loeni authorities, and the latter ore inclined to givo credenco to Holnn 's story in view of tho thoft re cently of a quantity of powder from ono of the mines or tho district. About sevon sticks of dynnmito woro found on the Short Lino tracks Tho would-be dynamiter was arrosted and confessed his part 'n the plot. Six People Burned Al ve. NF.W YOUK, May 5 An early morn inir flro in a four-story brick tenoment nt 17 Humboldt street caused tno tieatn of six persons nnd tho serious injury of four others today, r.very . member ot one family, consisting of a mother nun four children, aro among tho dead. There were ninny thrilling roscucs by police and firemen, ami it was uno to thnlr bravo work that tho doath list wim not larger. A half-dozen or more persons wore- entrnppod in the uppor stories unci woro saved by jumping into life nets. The financial loss enused by tho flro is estimated nt $10,000. Pomp at Royal WeddlnR. ST. PETBIlsmntfl, May 5. Prlnco Wilhelm, of Swodon, second son of King She plnyod tho i Ouslnvo, tho popular sailor prinoo, wno 1 I ..t..ti...1 A ...,..f... I,. 10H7 ti'fiu mnrrl.lit VlnlllMl lliu-i n;i .-,, inn Bunday afternoon to Grand Duchess Mario Pavlovna, cousin of tho Kmporor of Hussla, nnd daughter of Grand Duko Pnul Alexnntlrovitcli. Tho ceremony took plneo at Tsnrskoo-Solo, and was vl "10 noet-n .nl.lt .ii.i , ' i.i i... n .i. ..... oivnsvillo 1 "" uismiBsen nceompniiu'u ur mi iuu jiuihjj u "'a nnv suit to re-1 nam tuspiay pnaraciormnc vi mo iu , V14 1l Hearst Lontnio will enl.M18on. of Mussaehus run CHlllUMl ' .HOOIMJHUHDlll, Harrv 'ri. in ..:.! ""i am nor uua. aylum, iiuubo irom tne nil stntelv court in Kuropo. In tho ovon- Ing ft groat atnto banquot; wns sorvod. Native Village In Ashes MANILA, Mny 6. The town of AntU polo, In tho Provlnco of Morong, has beon practically destroyed by flro. Four hundred houaos were burnod nnd hun dreds of poopio nro homoloss. Tho fa mous, shrine was saved, Tho flro was ORiiaod by lightning. Antlpolo la a town of 8,000 inhabitants. transmission of merchandise or mcs sages. No such chili) is permitted to work at any employment for wages during school hours, nor before 6 A. M.. nor after 7 P. M. The Senate also atlopted a resolu tion offered by 1'oraker, of Ohio, di recting thc Interstate Commerce Commission to inform the Senate whether the commodity clause of thc Interstate Commerce Act had been complied with since May 1, 190S, and, if not, whether the non-compliance by the railroads has been due to any agreement, arrangement or under standing between the railroad com panies and thc authorities. The conference report on the army appropriation bill, carrying an aggre gate of $'J5,377,S-I, was atlopted. This amount was $.1,403,000 more than the bill carried when first passed by the Senate. i Washington. May fi. lly the over whelming vote of 107 to -10, and after a two Hours debate, tnc uouse totiay agiin went on rcconl .against re-es-tnlilishmcut of thc canteen in the Na titnal soldiers' homes. With the exception of the adoption of the conference report on thc bill reorganizing the Consular service, on which the Democrats forced two roll calls, thc sundry civil appropriation bill was under consideration the en tire day I-ittle progress was made towards its completion. Tuesday, May 6 Washington, May 5. Suggesting an amendment excepting Idaho from stateH Wants Postal Savings Banks. Washington, May 7, Proaidcnt Itooso- velt today oxprcased to Sonntor Carter, of tho committco on postoftlecB and post roads, his oarnost desiro to soo n postal savings bnnk bill becomo a law at this session. Benntor Cartor told tho Presi dent that ho thought tho bill which had boon favorably reported to tho Sooato would bo taken up by thnt body nt nn onrly date, and thnt It would pass both ImuBPS nnd becomo a law without aorl ous opposition. lomntlc bill wna under consideration. Through a point of ordor by Culber son, Texns, nn nmendmont to tho house bill appropriation 1400,000 for such n building at Paris was stricken out. Tho bill wns passed, nfter which eulogies on tho life, character nnd public services of tho lato Senators Mallory nnd Bryan, of Florida, were dellverod. Amendments to tho diplomatic bill were adopted Increasing tho sal ary of tho secretary of tho legation and consul general to Salvador from $2000 to $3500; appropriat ing $15,000 to enable tho secretory tn stnte to protect tho property and rights of citizens of the United States In the navigation nnd uhp of thc St. Johns river In case of any litigation. Washington, Mny 2. After the usual rollcnll to demand tho pres ence of n quorum, tho houso todny resumed consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill disposing of It pnrngraph by paragraph. An nmendmont offered by Gaines appropriating $10,000 to aid tho Ladles Hormltnge to care for and preserve tho Ilortnltngo, tho home nnd tomb of Andrew Jackson, at Nashville, Tonn., wns rejected on a point of order mndo by Tnwnoy of Minnesota. An nmondment by Smith of Louis iana appropriating $150,000 for con tinuation of work on tho St. Mich aels cnnal, Alaska, until tho passage of the sundry civil bill, was ngreed to without discussion. littl experimenting has been done in County on upland soil. There ore bods of muck near the land. Would it be advisable to pil and dry thia muck and later use it as a drosaing for atraw biirry planta, small fruits, and in start ing apple trees T" Professor Elliott replied: "I beliove that the beat grass for the region you menion Is orchard grasa, although have found Italian rye grasa doing quite well. Tho land is much benefited by the application of land plaster, or gyp- aum. I doubt very much if you could uae muck as a fertilizer, unless it waa worked over quite thoroughly before using. Moat muck soils aro in a con dition that we call inert that is, they nm rl AM l ar, far a. nrnrtiia1 .rnn.rrrnw. ; - "r S-" ing la concerned, and need first to bd acted upon by tho weather and sunshine and bacteria, which are efficient in re deeming land. Much of tho land in Kitsap County, as well as swamp lands. are in this condition. You will find the application of barnyard manure very beneficial also, but I believo the best way is to treat the land with lime and land plaster; then follow with clover and such other erops aa may bo do aired." A. G. T., reaiding near Cove, Waih., wrltea: "Can you give me any infor mation as to whether chicken manure is too strong, and will thus burn and in jure strawberry planta, if put directly on the crown of the plant f In thia ro gion very little livestock is kept, so that manure for fertilizing purpoioi ia rather scarce. "Another point I wish to bring up is tho care of a cow before calving, where milk fever ia suspected. I lost ono good animal from milk fever last fall, and do not wish to take any more chances, if I ean help it." The station replied: "In using chicken manure as a fertilizer it is better to apply it in liquid form-. This form of fertilizer is very high in its nitrogen content, and also contains a consider able quantity of potash. Put the ma nure in a barrel or trough, then throw water on it, later applying the liquid to tho ground about the plants. Do not touch thc plants with the liquid. Thia would givo you bettor results than if usod in the dry form "Aa a preventive of milk fever, we advise a reduction in the amount of grain feed, and an inerease in food of a succulent nature. Roots, crrasaea. or auage would all be good, but too much 1 . 1 ' . !, . gram luuu migni loauci mux lever, You had better make a study of the means of checking milk fever by the in jeetion of oxygen with a small syringe.' "Dodder is destroying my clover." writes J. O. C, from Rochester. "How may I eheck itt" Professor Elliott replied: "Dodder ia usually planted with elover, and after becoming established in the soil, fas tens its tendrils to the clover, or other plants which may be growing. Fmallv it loses its attachment to the plant, and becomes a true, parasitic plant. It aaps tho life of the 'host plant' upon which it uvea, and if it becomes very strong in its growth, will eventually destroy the host. To eontrol it, cut out the patches of clover where it ap pears, early in the season, before it has .formed send. Rake this cut clover up, and burn it before it becomes drv. By this means tho seed is prevented from seeding, and as the plant itself is de stroyed, there is little probability of the dodded growing the following season." This Inquiry waa referred to Professor Elliott, who repllod: "1. Wo have experimented with sor boana for about twelve years at ta Pullman station, and have also experi mented with the soy bean at our state station, located on the westora slope of tho Cascade Hange, near Puyallup. 1 1 o.r -or. v - . . . u, no nolo uu fc uccu ttuio to lu. ture them sufficiently at this station to justify their being considered as profitable crop. At the Puyallup sta tion we have had better auccosa. Onr experiments have been triod only or the plot scale, .hence we have no data regarding the cost of production. "4. We have used these beans as forage, and also have made an effort to use them for grain feed for swine, witk only moderate success; and (5) I do not think any experiments have boen made looking to their use as food tor tb human rae. WH KT AILS THE MILK? Also a Sure Test for Tuberculosis in the Cow. Br Dr. K. W. 8 leader, AMiatant Prof cmot f Bur- gtrp, Wuhinrwn Agrlealtaral Coltere. "Will yon tell me what is the raatUr with milk when it turns thick and slimy, resembling a mixture of hot water and starch," writes A. H from Chelan Falls. "Whenever my cow misses being milked, her milk for sev eral days thereafter has this appear ance. It tastes all right, but to me it seems queer that milk should act this way. Also, tell me how to find out if an animal has tuberculosis." Dr. K. W. Stouder, assistant pro fessor of surgery, replied: "The coagu lation of the milk you refer to is b doubt due to a slight inflammation of the udder, due to the retention of the milk too long, coupled with some bac teriological change in the milk, the lat ter possibly being due to an infection passing through the milk duct of tho teat. The milk might, or might not, ba wboleaome, depending upon the organ ism causing the coagulation. Senti ment, however, would revert against the nse of such milk. 'In order to teat an animal for tu berculosis, we use a biological product, or toxine, known as tuberculin. Thia must bo injected by an experienced op: erator, hypodermlcally, and a earefnl record kept of the temperature for sev eral hours both before and after the in jection. The test ia very reliable, but n order to perform it, a person must have had specific instruction, as well aa some experience in its application." KOREA WAKING UP. E. E. S., of Walla Walla, wants to know how to kill the " raorninc-clorv weed." He was informed that: "The extermination of this woed is he hardost 'weed problem' that the ex periment station has fared. Thp plant a one of the most difficult weeds to kill, but its redeeming feature is that it does not sprend rapidly. It stays where it gets its first start. Smother ing by heavy applications of straw, or nanure, ia a fairly successful method, but cutting it off only makes it grow more rnnidlv. It is urobahlo that x cutting before the application of the mulch would be advantageous. " Milo M. Hastings, physiological hernial of Christian's School of An. pliod Food Chemistry, of Now York City, writes ss follows: "I am collaborating with Professor Suzuki, of the Agriculture Department ot .lapan, with the view of furthering the introduction of tho soy bean into this country. I wish to obtain tho mint reliable and latest data ns to tho results thus far obtained in sov bean ulture in the States. Will vou refer the following questions to tho momber of your staff who is best posted upon this topicf "(1) Have soy beans been grown at the Washington station or by the farm ers of the statef (2) If so, with what suceessf (3) What do you estiinnte the cost of production per bushel f (-1) To what usos have the beans boen put, nnd with what success! (5) Do you know nf any Investigations that havo been made in this country ou the sub juct of soy boan products as human foodst" ar t Create. Waterways Fund. A ,. "V " Washington, Mny O.Tho Senato I tv BDeettn8tr. asked tho fnlr .-nllrr. committco on commerce today ndopted I "Yes, ma'am," answered the elderly, tho report of Its subcommittee, which aquare-Jawed rnntrou. "What can I ,do rovisotl tho Nowlnnds waterways bill. I ou'f" , This report fixes tho appropriation at ' "ff 1 8aid tht caller' wnklna $10,000,000, nnd authorizes tho issuanco na8ty of bonds when tho "watorwnyB fund" Foremost among the minerals, etc.. falls below $5,000,000, in ordor to keep which Russians regard as the source ot tho fund up to that amount. The full Siberia's future wealth are cold, Iron eommltteo expects to hold froquent coking cool, mnnKnneae, copper, platinum, mootlngs with ft view to reporting the emeralds, topazes, asbestos, plauber's salt measure as early as poaalble, rock salt nnd, In all probability, naphtha Begins to Realize the Importance of Maintaining Forest Area. Korea, the Ilermet Kingdom, is wak ing up to the nocessity of protecting its remaining forests and replanting de nuded tracts on important 'watersheds. Japan is furnishing the inspiration and part of the money which will produce the change from the old order of things to the new. A school for training livorean foresters has already been pnt in operation. The two governments drew up a co operative agreement last spring and outlined a plan for the wise use of tho forests in tho Yalu and Tumen Valleys, and as a result a national forest poliey for Korea has been developed. The new Korean forest laws are similar to those of Japan, according to United States Consul-General Thomas Sam mone, of Seoul. Although Korean forests have been exploited and neglected, and the coun try has suffered severely from drouth, floods and erosion, the denudation is less serious than in neighboring prov inces of China. One of the first meas ures to be taken up will be the preser vation of such wooded traets as yet re main. In order to do thia, the govern ment has taken all forests under its care, whether they are publicly or pri vately owned. The owners will not be deprived of their property without com pensation, but the government will rec- ulate the cutting of timber, and in cer tain caaes may prohibit all cutting on traets which ought to remain timbered "to prevont floods, drouths, landslides, and to preserve unimpaired the scenic attractiveness of places of public re sort." All owners of timberland and all leaseholders are required to report to the government their holdings in or der that the property may be listed and cared for. Failure to report within a year subjects the forest to forfeiture. The forested area of Korea is about ,500,000 acres, which is only one-tenth of the land on which forests ought to be growing. Extensive timbered tracts remain in the northern part nf the coun try on the waters of the -ln and Tu men "Rivera, and lumber iterations are carried on in the mountain districts. But in the agricultural sections of the country wood is very scarce, and the fuel problem is serious. Conl and other mines have been opened by Americans, and one of the moat pressing needs is timber for use in and about the mines. In thnt country, as elsewhere, large quantities of timber are necessarv in developing mining property, and it ia noteworthy that a country as backward ntiusirially as Korea can put into prac tice the principle that the only sure way of getting timber ia to grow it. Tomato Cmtaup. Boll together a peek of uupeled to matoes and six iu breed onions until soft euough to be rubbed easlij through colander. After putting the vegeta- hies through a colander, jwur through coarse strainer and add o them a tab!8poonful each of jwvyderd cloves, mnce. peppor, salt nnd sugar, a salt spoonful of cayenne pepper, three bay leaves nnd a tablespoonful of celery seed sewed Into a small eheesocloth bag. Boll all together for fix hours, stirring frequently. Take out the boa of seed and add a pint of elder vinegar. Boll up once more, take from the Are and. when wild bottle and seal. ThHt'o It. "I don't know why my wife Isn't happy, she bus' everything money can buy." "It Is the things which money cannot buy that make it woman happy." Houston Post. Cuuae aud ISSTeot, First Coed Ever notice how grata Prof, McGooale always Is? Second Coed Yes, but there's nothing strange about that. He does all hla thinking In the dead languages.