The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 14, 1908, Image 6

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    . f" I U M ft V M .
: : . . 1 1 pouutnnnu- hai iv mm i m..
. I U I -9 Bill BU 111 II in
iiiiuu uunii r mi'
Big Battlaslilp Fleet Completes
13,000 Mile Cruise.
Practically Every First Class W rshlp
in Amsrlcan Navy Anchored
In Spacious Harbor.
San Francisco, May 7. Through
the towering portals, of the Golden
Gate heavy laden with the romance
of centuries into the harbor of the
city of a hundred hills; into a new
San Francisco risen from the ruins of
two years ago, the Atlantic battleship
fleet steamed yesterday in review of
a multitude unnumbered. It was the
same imposing pageant of immaculate
white ships that sailed from Hampton
Roads nearly five months ago in the
wake of the President's flag, but with
the splendid accomplishments of a
record-breaking cruise of more than
13,000 miles and three weeks of won
derful target work behind it.
Yesterday the white - anchored,
four-starred blue flag of the Secretary
of the Navy, flying from the main of
the trim little gunboat Yorktown,
fluttered the welcome of the Nation.
while the Governor of California, the
Mayor of San Francisco and the peo
ple of 100 or more towns and cities
voiced the greetings of the. enthusi
astic West.
The exciting thrill of possible ad
venture lurk'ng on the dimly distant
horizon which marked the departure
of the fleet from its Eastern base was
gone, but there was still the satisfy
ing sense of preparedness which trav
els with this self-reliant force of fight
ing vessels and the manifest pride of
nearly 1,000,000 residents of the great
western country who gazed for the
first time upon a column of first-class
Once inside the entrance to the
bay, the heavy vessels of the Eastern
Coast were joined by the armored
cruisers of the entire Pacific fleet, and
the Navy of the Nation all save a
few newly-commissioned or reversed
ships on the Atlantic and some pa
trol boats scattered in the Orient
joined in a parade, which for- im
pressive beauty and strength of fight
ing timber has never been equaled.
Forty-four vessels, ranging from the
16,000-ton Connecticut and the five
sisters of her class, down to the tiny
torpedo boats no larger than a rac
ing launch, passed through the har
bor to the anchoraee south of the
Market-street ferry terminals, where,
outlined in the fire of their electric
illuminations, they lie in four long
lines awaiting the review of Secre
tary Metcalf on Friday morning.
The parade and maneuvers of an
choring occupied fully four hours of
time and gave to the people who
made blark the hills of the city, the
islands of the harbor, housetops and
mountain heights twenty miles' away,
the most wondrous naval spectacle
they have ever known. For, after all,
whatever may be the elaborate festi
vals planned ashore in welcome of
the fleet, the ships themselves, steam
ing along in varying formations,
really present the picture that is most
beautiful to see.
Harrlman Declares It Will Be Higher
Rates or Lower Wages.
Chicago, May 7. The rate war
which is raging between the railroads
and the shippers promises to be a bit
ter one.
In Chicago the fight against the ad
vance in freight rates will be fought
principally by the Chicago Associa
tion of Commerce, which represents
nearly all the commercial interests in
the city. The organization will hold
a meeting today to plan opposition
to the increase in the East at once,
and to pave the way for similar action
when the rates go up all over the
country. . ,
It is said that E. H. Harnman de
clares it is either a case of boosting
rates or cutting the salaries of the
railroad employes. The railroads fig
ure that the increase, under the pres
ent tonnage, will net them $200,000,
000. Troops Scare Insurgents.
Lima, May 7. Closely pursued by
government troops, the insurgents
who rose last week at Chosica and
neighboring towns and who are un
der the leadership of Dr. Durand, are
retiring into the interior. It is
rumored here that a revolution is in
progress in Cuzco, the capital of the
.department of that name, and that the
insurgents hold the city government
and have seized the arms and ammu
nition of the rifle clubs. Cuzco is an
inland region east of the Andes, and
has a population of 30,000.
Rockefeller to Invade Russia.
London, May 7. A dispatch to the
-Central News from St. Petersburg
.says that three agents of J. D. Rocke
feller are there negotiating for the
construction of the Amur railway, a
bill for which the Douma. passed m to
the first reading last month and which
the government is understood to de
sire to have constructed speedily.
Rockefeller's agents offer to complete
the railway in five years, to use only
Russian material and to employ only
.Russian labor.
Departure Is Delayed.
Washington, May 7. A change in
the order governing the movement of
the Pacific fleet, commanded by
Rear-Admiral Dayton, was announced
at the Navy Department yesterday,
by the operation of which the vessels
will remain at San Francisco until
May 15, when they will sail for a
southern cruise. j
Largost Armed Force Ever Landed Is
, Reviewed at San Francisco.
San Francisco, Mny 8. Eight thoir
sand bluojackots and marines tho larg
est armed forco tho Amorican Navy has
eTor put ashoro in timo of poaco or war
wero lnmlod yesterday from tho coin
bincd Atlantic and Pacific floats, now
lyln in tho harbor, and marched
through tho stroots of. San Francisco in
tho most notable parade tho city lias
over known. For four miles and a half,
along streets lined and canopied with
colors and in roviow of a never-ending
crowd, tho fighting men of tho Hoots
mado thoir way to tho martial tunes of
thoir shipmate bands and to chcors that
began with tho first command to march
and onded only when tho sailormon had
again embarked in the small boats that
roturned thom to thoir ships. Twenty
fivo hundred soldiors of tho regular
army, in full-dross array, graciously
acted aa an escort to tho visiting men
of tho sea, and wero liberally applauded.
Tho cheers, however, wero not all re
served for tho Bailors and marines. Rear
Admiral Evans, commanding tho licet,
and tho aix other Roar-Admirals in com
mand of squadrons and divisions, rode
in carriages. Admiral Evans was quick
ly recognized by tho thousands in tho
immonso reviewing stands, and bowed n
constant recognition of tho cheoring
which was caught up by tho throngs
ahoad and echoed by those in tho roar
as his carriago slowly moved at tho
front of tho marching columns. Secre
tary of tho Navy Metcalf, Governor
Gillett, of California, and Mayor Tay
lor, of San Francisco, rodo in tho parade
and afterward reviewed it as it counter
marched down Van Nosb avenue
Man Who Blew Up Burlington Train
Also in Holdup.
Butto, Mont., May 8. Lewis Ferriss,
who last night confessed to planting 25
sticks of dynamito under Burlington
train No. 6, which was wrecked hero
Friday night, killing throo persons, was
this morning taken to Hills by detec
tives to dig up tho rest of tho powdor
which was cached after tho wreck. Fer
riss also admits being concerned in tho
hold iip of tho North Coast Limited two
weeks ago.
Tho engineer was flagged on a steep
grade. Tho train was stoppod, and
when the engineer saw the hold-up men
ho ran a blockade of bullets and pulled
"his train safely into town.
Forriss mado his confession jn the
hospital, whero he was taken after be
ing slightly woundod by the officer who
arrested him.
Ferriss was arrested while trying to
pawn a rifle of a peculiar old-fashioned
caliber, cartridges to fit which were
found on the ground after the attempt
to rob tho North Coast train. Sus
picion was directed to him when ho was
found loafing about tho placo where the
Burlington wreck occurred.
Railroad men here are much aronsed
nnH thn.atin to form a party to lynch
Ferriss. He is being kept under a heavy
Officers of Federal Survey Discover
; Valuable Fuel Is Left.tSS
Washington, May 8. Coal valued at
$200,000,000 is being wasted every year
through improper mining methods. It
is estimated by officers of tho Federal
Geological Survey that tho loss repro
.nf. onnnnnnnn tons, and that this
amount would supply tno country for
six months. The coal is worm ui icus.
$1 a ton.
-T A TTolrnM. one of the officers of
tho survey, who aro trying to solve tho
fuel problem, says touay xnai neariy
.olf nt tV,a tntal coal sunDlv ia left
underground, either as pillars to support
the roof of tho mine, or Decause ji 13
of an inferior quality.
Thn nvpti(?atorfl find that tho waste
is also duo to tho fact that the working
out of the lower bedB of coal nrsi in
onmn mapa hrpaks and renders imprac
ticable the subsequent mining of tho
adjacent higher coai Deas.
"Wo aro skimming tho cream of the
natural Tfisourccs." said Mr. Holmes,
"and we are using the best and cheap
est of our supplies. Each of the sue
ccoding generations will obtain its
needed general supply, but eacb will
pay higher pricos, as mining will con
tinually grow more expensive and more
dangerous. ''
Fights to Eecspe Fine.
Chicago. May 8 -Tho Standard Oil
Company of Indiana today commenced a
flriit tn navment of the fine
of $29,240,000, levied against it by
Judge Landis, in tho Federal District
Court, when its attorneys appeared to
tho lower court.
John S. Miller argued that a reversal
should bo granted, because, no saiu, wiu
oil company did not know that it was
..iiiniT iiinrrnt rut pr. nnd that each train-
load of tho company's product should
have been taKen as tuc oasis 01 u omi
ment instead of each car, aa charged in
tho indictment.
Orange Crop 8hort In 8outh.
Los Aneeles. May 8 Witb but a few
navels left and a brisk demand for all
of them, tho season for this variety of
oranges is approaching a whirlwind
close, priccB advancing sharply and
buyers scrambling for tho remainder of
tho crop. Tho navel Beacon will end
within 10 days a month ahead of last
year. Only COO cars of navels nro loft
in tho state. Tho shipments to dato
have been about 2,000 ahoad of those at
this time a year ago.
More Trouh'e for Brazil
Rio do Janeiro, May 8-Colonol Pla
cido Castro, who headed tho rovolution
of Aero, declares that if Acre is in.
corporated with tho state of AmazonaB
Instoad of hoing proclaimed a separate
state, tho inhabitants will proclaim an
other revolution and fight to mako
themselves this timo an independent nation.
To Mark Slto of First School In Polk Conditions Are Excellent Throughout
County. Josephine County.
Dallas. Tho first school picnic in GRANTS PASd.-Tho general dovel-
Polk Countv for tho year will bo held opiuent and progress of farm work in
at Rickroall, Saturday, May 10. J. II. j080,,uno County has been far-roachlng
Ackormnn, superintendent of public in- .... ,nnih nnd tho open-
struction, anGeorge II. Himes, of Port- jtan-B thy Into mo n , and tuc
muu, nui uu uu I'wv...... r rin,lv for fruit treos nnd berries, wiiiu"
Tho afternoon will bo given over to rci ) a i lomlid n In has
o.po Thn i.mninltln.1 nn will 10 Sot Out. A BplOllllltl '"
..w w - ..,. I il.I. .Mill I llttri'IlHM L1IU
UOOU iaillllg, "mi i"'" -
ml Into-sown grain, ami gi"
hoavy yields. A trip over
aimwn thnt nn enormous
.--.I. l.nn lmnn imllll' (in in
lling or a suitanio monu- , , . , . i nrnhnrdR.
mont to mark tho site of tho first school "nK .. uu . ,.... - - -SS
on teoXr ffl AX, the
Rickroall, and about half a mile west fn,tt,nBBcr7nV '"i1'0"" for tli8 part of
,1'..- . , " rrn.r.i:;.T.:::. ' " ... which crows overywhore, ami fin pro
sports and games,
..!!.... a !....i.,. tr n Ununiiui, liny crop a
of Dallas, county school superintendent. ".MUra" f
The principal attraction of tho day wm
ho tho unve
nw 'decoded V tefc: Sli --co two re crops each yo.w
phine Boyle one of tho first students, XtuSVnkSin' to" & River rail
will unveil tho monument. Goorgo II. R I-at""' ' " -m..,. ,mrt of
Himes will deliver nn address at tho . nd per haps t a: nj ot e I J J
unveiling dealing with earlv Oregon 1: t s not an unusual
B nr n fae ' hey' are on tho Jn.rk.t from
SK"!1 XL, r ' Z With the industrial hum and. swing
?ntor ana poiiiioinn. ino nouso. in -- - . ,.,,.,, f.,r the
which ho died still stands about half a lvuc' ,!ut ,7 T in lumhor
mile east of this old and historic towu. fnturo were never bo tor. I he n .or
Season IS opunuiK nun, u ",7. .
I Bummer tnere win 00 nuuui ou nmi
1 this vicinity sawing the suar pine of
Southern Oregon into matonal lor mo
Salem Exposition to Surpass That of factories.
Last Year.
Salom. Extensivo preparations are
being mado for tho annual cherry fair
to bo held in Salom about tho first of
Excited Over Gold Find.
OBANTS PASS An Investigation
party has returned from Williams Creek,
the scfiio of tho reported rich strike of
Y..t. 1 e : f n . : , ...i,!
ouiy, unu ""'"7. r"m cold, and find that between $5000 ana
it is apparent that the fair this year KJJJ. been MtrnctC, x Norri((on
will surpass that of 1907. C herry- j j t, d nnd thov
growers at Tho Dalles are planning to poun,HK out rich rock. It
como to tho Salem fair and capture , the linddlfflctt,tK to K,et pa.ticulnr- ot
best of tho prizes in competition with .11 n. ti n,mr.
Willamette Valley growers. Last year "7; Reticent, ear
30 silver cups and as many diplomas BtamrC(ie of prospectors to their
were offered as premiums This year Thil new strike only a nhort
the number will bo considerably in- from Ul0 JoncH Inllrb0
creased, an effort being made to offer , fc t ffom tllls
a premium for every class of fruit npo '
at that season of tho year. Special nt-. c , .
tention will bo given to cherries in com
mercial pack. Tho Salem Board of
Trade has taken charge of tho prelimi
nary arrangements, and has commit
tees at work.
Surveying Electric Lino.
Pendleton. It is rumored that Dr. H.
W. Coo, of Portland, head of the Colum
bia Land Company, which owns a hnlf
interest in tho Furnish ditch, and 20,-
000 acres of land under it, and which
ki o.ul r- non.ltii.
. ,r. ui i,,i is conducting the colonization plan, now
Forest Grove rho school board has an fl er ,n tho fldd tQ aetormino
aa . 1 u Tr . (h7n,r upon a routo for tho proposed electric
$9000 brick Bchoo house in .the .near from , rf t .CD llcton. It !s
future. According to the plans aB0 t(jd M d authoril.. thftt I)r.
nave neen oeciaea uyu u - c , t tcnd tho road farthcr
will be a two-story Btructure with ( direction thnn Echo unless the
basement and will have four recita-j , , subscribe $100,-
tion rooms. It will be fitted with a 11 ' .
Tr'ut for Eight Mile Creek
Tho Dalles A shipment of 10,000
trout fry has been received by Victor
Mardon from tho Unitod Fish Commis
sioner at Oregon City, and is being
placed in Lowor Eight Milo Creek.
Many of tho trout that have boon
placed in local streams previously have
got into irrigating ditches, and whon
tho water was turned off they died.
However, tho farmers aro hoing gener-
' ally notified to put in screens in their
ditcliorf to keep tho young trout out.
Strawberry Day at Milton.
Milton. .Milton will hnvo another
strawberry day this year. The Progres
sive Club of tho city has the matter in
chargo, and committees have boon ap
pointed nnd preparations will soon ho
under way for tho event, which, it Is to
be hoped, will excel all past festivities
of tho kind. This event will take placo
early in June, and Ik looked forward to
with keen anticipation by nil who have
attended thom in tho past.
Plenty of Traffic for Nw Road.
Klamath Falls Tho Long Lake Lum
bor Company, of this oity, will com
mence shipment of boxes via tho Cali
fornia Northwestern Railway, May l."5.
It has orders from San FrancUro, Ios
Angeles and San Diogo firms thnt will
consume 2,000,000 foot of lumber. Tho
filling of thcdo orders will constitute
tho first cnrload shipments from this
city via tho California Northwestorn
modern heating plant and tho rooms
will be supplied with automatic ven
tilation. The board has obtained a
piece of property near the encamp
ment grounds for the new school
houso which, when completed, will
be the best In the county in the mat
ter of modern conveniences.
Improvements at Pelican Bay.
Klamath Falls. Work has already
commonccd on tho improvements at
Pelican Bay, owned by E. II. Harriman,
on Upper Klamath Lake. A pumping
plant has been installed, and hot and
cold water will bo available in every
cottage. A cold storage plant will also
bo orected. J. S. Holabird, brother of
Colonol W. II. Holabird, of Los Angeles,
who entertained tho narriman party
last summer, is in charge of tho im
provements. Colonel Holabird, who is
now in Mexico, is expected to arrivo
hero tho latter part of May to take per
sonal ehargo of tho resort.
Dipping Manfty Cayuses.
Pendleton. A carload of crude pe
troleum has boon ordered by Indian
Agent McFatridge, to be used in dip
ping tho ponies on tho Umatilla reser
vation, in an effort to eradicate mange.
Lumber for tho great dipping vats is
now on the ground, and tho work of
rounding up the fow thousand mangy
cayuxen will soon bo started. Many
adjoining ranches havo afflicted horses,
but tho govornmont men canbt compel
these owners to dip. Too state officials
could, however, if thoy would.
Ask for Freight Depot.
Salem. Citizens of LyonB, on tho
Corvallis' & Eastern Railroad, havo pre
sented to tho railroad commission a for
mal complaint, alleging that tho Cor
vallis & Eastern, through lack of enter
prise, has neglected to build a freight
shed at that station and will not main
tain an agent there. Freight is loft
exposed to tho weather, and all articles
must bo shipped prepaid, which iB an
noying sometimes. Tho complaint Is
signed by several persons. Formal an
swer must be filed by tho rnllroad com
pany within 10 days.
Frost Nips Prune.
Portland Advices being received
daily by Secretary Williams, of tho
State Horticultural Board, show that
tho recent frost was productlvo of con
siderable damage to tho prune crop of
tho Northwest. This state, it is now
estimated, will havo only about two
tbirds tho quantity of prunes produced
last year. This, however, will mako tho
crop fall but little less than normal,
bocauso last year's production was
moo than ordinarily largo.
Hogs Eat Poisoned Grain.
NORTH POWDER. G. A. Caspar, a
Sromincnt farmer cIobo to North Pow
er, as usual with farmers in graiu
planting season, put out squirrel poison,
but got 10 of the fine fattening hogs
belonging to one of the town bntchors,
E, Jarraan, tho hogs having broken Into
tho Caspar fiold
Bright Prospects In John Dy.
Prairie City. Tho weathor in this
valley, the .To'b''. Day Valley, could not dozen, $4.6"0(7i)i5; drossod poultry, por
bo more favorable It is warm and ponnd, lc highor.
pleasant, with sufficient rains to make Drossod Monts Hogs, fancy, 8c per
vnrrntatton crrow. and nrosnocts for bum- pound: ordinary. Urttn. rie.
Cor crops of hay and grain could not veal, extra, 80; ordinary, 7c; hoavy. 0c:
e excelled. Stock is doing well. I mutton, fancy, 10c.
E. H. Martin Accused of Killing Port
land PawnuroKer.
Portland, May 0 Edward Hugh Mnr
tl, forme nrtlllory ofllcor, export in
oast . ofonw armament, grmluato of
West Point, company commandor In the
cX. campaign son of weal hy parents
and .1 drug fiend. That Is tho man
nTSs od by tho police early yesterday
than woiu nu wm h - li.i i-.
pawnshop on First street lust Friday
n'K.! .11... 1l,ltli. fnr n. mall of
THO police ni'iu n.i"n - -
the thug type, lowbrowed, vicious mm
n crl.nim.1 with a record. Tho nature
f the "trocious murder cmnpol ed such
P'tu"!...0J -"lu u , eailo n. cood
found a n "4 r ,
connections and many weakness grow
r"' . . .1.- ... . rtiinulmt nnd mor
ing out 01 mo u"u
'''onnidnblo circumstances
unwavering finger ; of f"l"n. nlJ
tin. Ho denies his guilt. With all tho
resources of a man of o.lucat bn nnd of
mental resources ho evades tho verbal
traps that are laid for him by tho nu-
lllOrilU'S. Ill" niui; - -
ont and connected. Hut sovoral of tho
statomeiilH wiiorooy mi ""R "T"
1.!.. i !.. in limiironoc) hnvo boon
WISH Ilia uiiiumh -
refuted. His mental resources nro not
irreat enough to overenmo win .....
K T'l.,. iwi guv ho 1b
pirruinsinncus. r ' . ,
guilty. They say thoy will provo he Is
guilty. There ih, 01 coumu, mu oi....v.
chance that ho is not.
Missouri and Illinois Sulfur Damag
From Elements.
a, T.nniM. Mnv fl A thunder storm
..'n..nni nvrltv. uccompnnied by n
hk'h wind of almost tornndo velocity,
swept over mis vicinnj mm v.v.
dny, doing much damago to property
nnd indirectly causing Ions or mo.
a l.riiliru on tho Loulsvlllo & Nash-
villo Railroad, near Hellovlllo, III., was
washed out anil wreckoa a rroigni irnm.
Wnnl. Frank Chasm, tho flro-
man, anil a trainman, whoso name hns
not boen lcarnud, and whoso body hns
not been recovered, wero caught undor
tho engine nnd drowned. The train wax
piled up in a mass in Schoeulaub Crcok,
which wai swollen Into a torrent.
The village of Edgomont, 111., wns
flooded, nnd many persons wore rorccu
n tnkti rufuL'e on Improvised rafts.
TI10 wholo area of lowlands known ns
the American Hottoms, east of East St.
Louis, 111., nnd comprising 35 squaro
miles of territory, is under water.
French Village, a town of 1000 Inhab
itants, one of the oldest settlements in
Illinois, was otruck by a miniaiuro ior
nnilo. and many houses wero unroofed.
Telephono and telegraph wires nro down
nml there is no communication with
French Villnco.
Traffic is impeded on electric lines
running to various points enst and
north of East St. Louis, III., because of
high water.
Evans fi vn iin iiio rw '
W1, lll0 ijummyj.
Atlnntln IIa44I-.ii "'I
tiiuiuib uuiliusilip fjgfjj
I. ..1.1V II. lift I II I In. .
Wheat Club, 87c per bush; red Rus
sian, 84c;. bluestom, 80c; valley, 80c.
Barley Feed, .$24 per ton; rolled, $27
(j28; brewing, $20.
Onts No. 1 white, $27(77)27.50 per
ton; gray. $26.5027.
Millstuffs Bran, $2C por ton; mid
dlings, $30.50; shorts, eountry, $28.50;
eity, $27; wheat and barley chop, $27.50.
Hay Timothy, Willamctto Valloy,
$17 por ton; Wlllnrnetto Valley, ordi
nary, $15; Eastorn Oregon, $17.50;
mixed, $16; clovor, $14; alfalfa, $2;
alfalfa meal, $20.
Potatoes 70c por hnndrod; Willam
ette Valloy, 4Cc per hundred; East Mult
nomah, 55c; Clackamas, 55c per hun
dred; sweet, 0VG per pound.
Applos Select, $2.50 por box; fancy,
$2; choico, $1.50; ordinnry, $1.50.
Onions Texas Bermudas, $2.75 per
Vogotables Turnips, $1 per Back;
carrots, $1.50f$1.75; boots, $1.25; par
snips, $1.25 cabbago, $2 per cwt,; bond
lettuce, 35c por dozen; celery, 85ctf?$l
por dozen; artichokes, 50c por doz.; ub
paragus, 7(8c pound; boans, 20c per
pound; egg plant, 25(fi)30c per pound?
parsley, 25c per dozen; peas, 0ff)7c por
pound; poppers, 20o por pound; rod
ishofl, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, l2c per
pound; spinach, 85c por crnto.
Buttor Extras, 22V4c por pound;
fancy, 21c; choico, 20c; store, 10c.
ERR 17Jvc per dozen.
Poultry Mixed chickens, 13c por
pound; fancy henB, 1415c; roostors.
oui, uc; rryors, aozon, $4; broilorB
Lay Comerslone of Bureau of Amer
ican Repub'ics May II
Washington, May 0 All Indications
point to u notable gathering on ino oc
casion of the laying of the cornor-stons
of the new building of tho International
Hurcau of American Republics on May
11. rjuflicient acceptances of tho Invt
tations sent out by tho governing board
havo been received to make tho event
ono of tho most Important of its kind In
the history of tho cnpltol. They mdio
from tho highest ofiicials 1n Washing
ton, Including tho President nnd. Vice
President, tho Cabinet, tho diplomatic
corps, tho supremo court, the Hennte ami
House of Heprenciitatives, officers of
tho Army nnd bonds of various depart
merit bureaus and sections, and repro
sontativo citizens of Washington, as
well an some prominent outside officials,
Including Oovcrnors of states, Mayors
of cities and heads of principal political
ana commercial organization.
A considerable number of the Govern
ors who will bo In attendance at the
convention called by tho President of
tho United States to conserve the Nn
tional resources of tho country hnvo In
dicatod their intention to como to Wash
mgton a day carlior In order to be
The principal speeches, which will be
rmuio oy i'roHiucnt Itoosovolt, Bocrotary
uoot, mo Ambassador of Urazll nnd An
drew Carnegie, will have nn Interna
tional significance. Tho invocation will
bo delivered by Cardinal Gibbons, and
the benediction will bo pronounced by
Hishop Cranston, tho dean of the
Protectant clergy In Washington. Tho
exercises will be opened by tho Dlrocto
of the Hureau, John Harrett, who will
present ns me presiding olllcer, Wy? Hoc
rctiiry of Htnte, Elihu Hoot.
. ...
1 nunn nrim m.i r - "v
"ill 11 D,. j
iii. r5l.,.. 1.. 1 1. .. ;
1 non
St. Francis Hotel,
Han Francisco, Mav nn-.. ,. . 1
vatin undo n tmroni -14:.
iarnwftii i.
given last night In honof
... .1... a . . "
imclsco. Tho bnnnuot w.. Is. . ?
10 whlto and irnbl ilUl 8
A 1UUUID liuim. JVIIOrO Allln ..lB
headquarters since tho arrivTO Mia iWti,. -I..- I.. , 7 '""WW
viiiiimiMiiiri in cniOfnftVsi ,
MiMk nr ff tilt IVintwtntiMitt .i".
n r 11 iiw iiininnniM i.t.t tL ii
known until well along ln th6 p
of tho dinner thnt Im w. ..i.K.
......1. , ' .
1 V . -- --- -nwiaim t
vlimdiMl inln tint ir ,
amid Bjmtitnneoim clincrs, n wkdif
.,nU,.ra n.l 1V,,.U l.,.., .1 . 7..'"
Ban Francisco, loinnil !it. J!!r
ii. ' . si
tuiiK.i.nui. uu nun lu ClrllUn IttlH.
ut n .1 nl.n 1.1m um.. I 1..... . . N
nun tun null, 14 lUUlOunill ttt$
lor Evans, who whrile.i tv. i.
lfiuir-Ailmlrnli. Tlmma. o.
ory. linyton, Houroo and SwinVaru.
v.itjiitiMin vt 1111 inn Piling. U0T(rUf
1 .. 4 a. ....... 0 a t . ki
Mn vor 'In vl nr. (htnerni iVnii. .
r .... - uwkVH( 9f
nrinv. iltitl nthitr tifitnUn
J - " KUVOtl EI
A if III 1 Fill F.L'flM U'lut I. till
" cyiriijurw
HH)ii) 10 oucn in turn
1 i j mi vmi 1 inn hv ritv
f... n -ttn. .
l Sift II 1 (ST V V11U LOllllin IM
r m - -
" ' - WHIM IB,
it 41 A A A It.
miHincftff iininurir. ionipnt is Let
, . - - r -
uimvr uuiiiiiu nun tutiiti ouwU8
U10 (MHirici nounuefi 6 icttjttt.
non, MnaiNon ana nunioriirfea
l u k, 11 ii i rui iLii au i 111 n uriiu
I til t. (.
torv. I born vtnn no or liftui
t..x r fPL- t A. it. .
Ill 1Uf I1TT 1 UU IlinUlttlJkC Vit ISO
Ono of tho heaviest loKnUB.lL
man, of Atlanta, wtio ownM l
and Nelson streets ana uum
et In the city. Is a man of truk
hnd on its register rumuwmi
urn if i n rim u mut unu.. mm
escaped. -
Shippers Preparing for TiUrfe
With Railroads.
mnnurnciurint; tawrcm vi
. t t Hi i- I
tilO .tunninni Mil Jm l l
. r . a frn tnn nnn i h
r r - . t . i
aro preparing ior -with
tho Eastorn railroad! TM
. n ..nnnrnl nilvsnte ll
IIVN VI K " - . .
rates Is tho Issue. Tbe gtBtas
thrnwn down bv the rttlhwl
. , - . .. .1 .. ft i l nMrttinlSMt
on Julv 1 nnd Auirust 1 g?.
in ,ir punt will bo made
i 1..LHI11111 iiivi-r. .Mr
In necontlnir tho aauire of wst
I no nrsi raovramt
- ll .h.I wtnnn
rninmnrcini " ui-"-..
..r .1.. .nr..,n.l orritorT H
i ii... Vnftfrt
systems wan made yvwwj y -
... f. IIT LiiH V
. ... .1 ..(iflfflH
iiiiiii in i;inrnLrii uca. . ,
.iiimf..ri-lMl nnil inuusn- -b-
., l k
of tho enstorn fcruon v
Tho meetlriK will map o 1
lino of battle.
Retumn Grenn Fxamlnstlon,
San Francisco, May 0. Cross-exam
nation of J. E. Green, promoter of th
i-ftrKNiiie imiiwny iomjiany, vho tes
fiod on Monday in tho trial of Abo Hu
nn till) Chlirt'd nf lirilllrn. minnrtrlinra
VOto In favor of t'rnntlnir n nimot mil
way frnnchiflo to tho Pnrksldn Company
nn runurneu lonny. Jlo told or t
then Mayor Hchmit.' suKKOHtlon during
nn interview on the Hiihiect nt flm nnil.
nnnco that tho promoters should seo tho
United Itnllroails odlclalfl and of tho
consultation hnd by Judgo Cope, counsel
for tho Parksldo Company, with Ituef
rognrdlng the latter 'a foo.
Thaw Is Insane.
PouKhkoopsle, N. Y., May flDr.
Amos T. linker, acting suiierlntondont
of tho Matteawan Btnto Hospital, on
his return todny to tho writ of habeas
corpus obtained bv Mm im, tnr
Harry K. Thaw, donlod tho nlloirntlons
In tho potltlon of cuuusol that Thaw is
now snno, and nlle,'od, on tho contrary,
that Thaw Is insane. l)r. Hnkor hns
had Thaw under observation during his
confinement in Matteawan, following
Mio trial for tho slaying of Stanford
r r. Arson.
hirnmen uomi
. -,r if.. n Tour
1 Lnwlitl0B W.
nnrtinont, and wo o .
. ik wit t nn 11 v jivi t
-m Arena.
mini iikki - iv
started t ho lire - -
ill (lestroywi u. -.",-other
villageH, ten dM K
. I nnil IU1I
II waa i nuerri"'' ' 1
ri flro would deiiionsir-v ; , i
ttt run iiriiiuuii
. 1. .
1 11 1)
Pru Stamped Out,
Ban Francisco, Mny fl-San Fran
cisco's board of supervisors has pruc
Hcnlly almndonod tho rot campaign. In
1 sot of resolutions adopted by tho
hoard, tho poonlo aro Informed that tho
Ity has not had a suspicious case of
bubonic plague since Junuary 80,
Repair urcub -.
ir.., II DC '
Wash nuton, an . .... u
T 11(111 V IJHIIIWWWt . .-
sundry civil bill
m f I I im 1 1 r I : ti k. v "
rnr roi airinu n" " l u
Rnnalnr had H COntMU
or onKine'ni ,..mi In . il
nnu hoi, i , ,'v
bar. ItIlpubtol MJS;
for ropalrs, urn ""Sr; .,1
In a short time, will
is ronuirod tho amount wj;
, Will Make LobbyJM Mg
Outbrio, OkU., u7,iM
of tho Oklahoma ,,11
nrflnd to thO Mtl'
provides that crlm -
La on any Jo'uU"
ii- i.i iinio and a.":..,,.. V
is mianar w - M)lWin.
Governor Folk, of
, Haskell ha said be wi"