tye trust Doctors TTTrc suffering from Lure blood, thin blood, de Klliv. nervousness, cxhaus Sin you should begin nt once with Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the S arsaparHIa you have knowa ,11 your life. Your doctor Inowsit.too. Askhlmaboutlt. i ink wull sflir eonnmon or Tan. . M,;,wfll". Union Ihoff. Is cUllr Iiioiw-t . ti.iik HIBVBI111IIK 111" rr 4P"",iiV. ,1 e KN.tlr, nil veg.taUle. MV.'yC''rt'it',,, J, 0. Ayr Co., t.ewll, Mn, A HAPPY DBUMMEH. f y M,I(.o 'nY.ouraeiurer of HAIR ViaOR. AQUB CURE. CIICRKV PECTORAL. ilCTEL MUOnc rl OPUN AIjIj this yuar 1 1 clatsop seach Seaside, Oreqph llTur Illrtf llr on the bests overlookler THE ,bi oVrsn. Hot . U baths na I ULll-r nUUOt ,! t,cr ror fl.blnc Mo r" K'"le "" e I III Clrenmsiantlal RrM.... I Sir A. Conan Doyle, at tha a .., Club Christmas dinner In London, ro- Won Apin0 (no nceer.- latod tlint In Amorlca aome colored ,Iwn" von ""low. peoplo wore IcoepliiK the fcatlvnl of Unm von ""'"w, the famous lender Clirlntinns and thoy were told to hang n", co,"Ponor, wiih ono of the moat cc- up tholr .stockings nt night. Ono poor CHltr,c '"embers of a 'profession where, fellow hnd no Blocking, nnd bo ho 1,1 "trlelly Ih coininon. It Ih re- ImnK up IiIn trousers, in tho morning UlU'il tm,t 0110 ''"J'1 w,ll, walking tlio bo was naked whnt be had got. Ho re- Htrw,t" "f Vleiiiin, litilow onmc upon n piled: "I pica I got a aiun, for my r(,K"!nnl band on Km way to tho ens- panU aro gone." lie. Immediately lie ran to tho mldd'.. of tho street and Joined the mnnll boys "bout the dnmimer. Following t ie band, he kept bowing to the snn'rlsod drummer, applauding him at almoHt every Ixmt. "Thut Im rhythm! Excellent! That's Iho way I like to hear It!" he con! In. ued to ejaculate, to the aurprlao of all and to the great delight of the small boya. Person In the street began to reeos nlze tho famous planlHt and Joined the proewulon, m that the band had ono mnA iffim brat. UREOON ,ltr. Hates. U.IO knit p.oo ,tltr. MrtiPftlH rates nr me mm. I Iff H walks ES I Kntlrrlr IPIJuom. A word to tlm wise Is sufficient," I remarked the mau with tho quotation UblL "Wroni Kln, rejoitiro me contrary .it 1 t Him Milan la, i .1 ... person, a ifuru iu imv "' UMMI.-V- In the l.mitc Ao. Ctrdlotl Vo!p hail fallen. "1 wai try injc to iloiijre nn automobllt," it tipliiaed, "an J roller clcater run ato at-" Th hUtorlnna, howevrr, with ulnrulnr tlUMntu, bare prrnint rtl In placing (be MiKf on Htnr VIII. Chicago Tribune. hta Sin. Carrie ah became ahe nlilo t quit forgi't; Bhe look hrr low, wft vole xtoni. and bat It even yet. Bat If hubby's Jiut a llttl alow to anawer to btr call Etn eao jar lilra with a role that cracka tbt pa;er on th wall. cilo 'irumue. U for Oli! Tin, Old tin la put to a variety of usci. t''or Inatanco cheap trunks are covered with till from discarded tin cans and other utetiHlla, tho tin having been !lm cut to desired size and atralghiened and atpoothed out. There aro also con cerns In different parts of tho country which make a IiumIiichs of removing tho tin coatlnif from old tin cans und scrao tlii. Woman Itnllw wri... In the Houth of France one ma km of 1,10 lnrK(,Ht nudlences to which It had nt the llttlo wnynldo stations, women evor I,nywl' attending to the signals of tho half do. I n,lIow listened attentively to tho ono. en dally trains; whllo tlio companies ol 1,10 lnHt ,,lm-' n"(' ivn m,UjC n ,,W'P regularly economize at tho level cross-,M)W Mo drummer nnd his in lugs by employing femalo labor. The 8t,n-''. husband can bo seen at work at his "Thank you," he said. "That was re- rreslilngl" That puts my nerves In good condition ngnlnl" It Is said that when the drummer learned who his strange admirer was ho was the proudest man In the regi ment. St. IoiiIk Republic. vines uiwn tho hillside, whllo tho wlfo waves the green flag and keeps tho chil dren qulct.nelrolt News-Trlbune. Telephone GlrlV Ftonano. Conaclenttoua Carrie always trltd to do ber tat; Nver loat hr temper aba was different from the rest; Carrie was a "central," with a voice of sweetest tone, And that Is why Miss Carrie has a cot tage of her own. Portland Oreconian. Out of 4 he Dim Iat. Kamnel Woodwortb bad Just written "Tho Old Oaken Hucket." "Nothing In It 1" he muttered as he read It over and reflected upon the probable prlco it would bring. Hut posterity evidently found some thing In It. The proposed Henry Hudson memorial i i , 1 1 . Di-iage win ne me largest span or con crete or atone In the world. It will be 703 feet in the cle.ir. - There are aome larger span of metal. Mother will And Mr. WlniloWs Soothing Bjrrup tho but rornedr to ute lor their ch'.idfjx fluring the teethluK period. Undo Allen. "Some men," muttered Uncle Allen Rparks after the tiresome apeaker had aat down, "remind me of an old water mill tbat'a running with empty hoppers. Their wheels keep on gtng, but they don't turn out any eriat." General Debility la Day In and day out there la that feeling of weakness that makes a burden of ttoelf. Food does not strengthen. Bleep does not refresh. It Is bard to do, hard to bear, what should bo easy, vitality la on the ebb, and the whole system suffers. For this condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It vltalltea tho blood and gives vigor and tone to all tbo organs and (unctions. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Saroatabs. 100 doses $1. PLEA FOIi THE IMMIGRANT. Nolcil Horlnl, Worker Hnyii Apnerlrn Should lln t.rmn IncllfTerc-nt. MIks Jane Addams, the noted social worker of Chicago, Iuih been In the east delivering addresses In which she makes a plea for the Immigrant. She dwellH upon the loss that America Is suffering by Indifference to tho real vnluo of the foreign population and Its For th IIoaaeTvlfo. Some active women who pride them selves In housekeeping seem to forget that the object of keeping house Is that human beings may bo accommodated In It. Their sole Idea seems to be this that tbo house may be kept In a certain form and order; and to tbo perform ance of tbo form and order tbey sacri fice the comfort the bouso was estab lished to secure. looking of lb doting the Incident, Tbi famous ball player was irooth tbt sporting column jwtpipsrt. "1 mi tht'v quit mentioning mt," be all "I taar aa well sign." Upon doing which h s scared ess eao re Station In the nswsnapera. lets ftontlv vo ) euna t nromot- prom pi I 'on uic bowels, cleanses we svsTem effectual I v. one in overcoming Qo'itual constiDation ermQnontly.Togotits lenelieial eWertts Ktv l , Ranujactured bytKo CALIFORNIA oSxmjp Co. 'BriEADINO DRUCdSTS-BOI-BOnU Isrnornnc of tn Ilndmtnla, "What a singular looking counter pane!" aald the eminent phyalcian. "Counterpane I" exclaimed his wife. "Vet you are supposed to be one of the rreateat authorities In the country on brain dlseaatal" "I fall to see the connection." "Tbat'a a creijr quilt, yoo ninny." I'nclo Allen. "It's a mystery to uic," aald Uncle Al len Kparks, "that Senator Ix Foltctte, when he was counting up the men that control the money of the country, forgot to include Mra. Hehy Green." CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature may river A flarprlao. Teactier Freddy Faugle, yon give the German Dims of tbe Danube. ' Freddy Dunno. Teacher Donau! That la right I am glad you bare studied your lesson so well. Freddy Is surprised, but keeps still. Its Kvolatlon, Friend How did you come to wrlto that "best seller?" Tho Modern Llt'ry Gent First I was struck by a thought. ; JANE ADDAMS. proper assimilation Into the citizenship ( eplgramized the thought, aketcblzed the eplgrnm, plnylzcd the sketch, novel ized the play and advertised tho novel I Puck. Misstatement. "You told Tltely that the man who lent me $10 would always navo I1U coming. 1 demund an apology." "You're right ; I was wrong. I abould have aald tbo $10 wouia never do comlnc." Kunsna City Tlmea. Jnrculla larnornnoe. "Paw, why do we have to pay for the water we use? We don't hare to buy our air." 'That only shows, my eon, that you have never bad to pay a gaa bill." proper assimilation Into the citizenship of this country. In particular, she de-sctHm-h the lack of it nntlve American art to our failure to nbsorb our Immi grants thoroughly Into our body poV Ic. "Twenty-five years of pcrsonnl con tact with our foreign colonies nnd of granting to them the proper facilities to make of them American citizens as wo are American citizens would bring results to amaze and surprise us," ahe hiijm. "Are we not Indeed foolish In re fusing to realize It?" STIFF, YES? WET AND DAMP CAUSE COLD IN THE JOINTS ! JACOBS OIL TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE.REMOVES THE STIFF NESS. PREVENTS ITS RETURN, TOO. FINE FOR BRUISES, SPRAINS AND SORENESS. Price 35c and 50c. . nV mm TESTING HIS TONGUE. Th ITnhnppr ICinrrlrncr of a Vounur Mnrrlrd Woman. A young married woman in urooKlyn suspected that her husband wiih Indulg ing In wine. She determined, however, to say nothing till she hnd confirmed her nuaplelotiH. In conversation with her bosom friend nlie snld ahe would give nnythlng to discover tho truth.! Tho friend mentioned that n man even slightly Intoxicated cannot pronounce! words of length. This gnvo tho young ' wife an idea, which she proceeded to put Into execution. When the young women met again, the suspicious wife announced that tho worst hnd U'cn ascertained. She burst Into tenfs nnd took from her liaud bag a paper, which she handed to her friend. , "I gave him this," she sobbed. The friend read front tho IIhI tho fol lowing words ; "Phlllprogenltlveness, dlnproiwrtlonnblcneHS, pseudaesthesln, J phthisis, parachronism, hypochondria sis, piiotrK'iiromy, syncategoremaiic. "And," added the unhappy wife, with a fresh nob, "tho wretch missed nearly nil of them!" New York Tribune. I mB&S Hott AT ALL VtA! I . -sl-IRiCCB. ron EVERY S-niis JB m Hp Sht Cinnot k Equilltd At Any Pfl llOi assssB u -ssssssneeeeaw an u MtN.Bnvo "rLMBEROFTHErAMILY. D Wff'. 'W B ' l, Da'uZ?M tN'M'8S"AN0 CHILDREN, R JWmKW A. B IBaTl. eaeanV AaVaVJal I .i.-- ."1 m.v.urA HnhiiiUtt. " m . v - I . Ill a Ilcnt of the Sun. It has been computed tlint the tem perature of tho surfuco of tho aim would bo expressed by 18,000 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, or between eighty and ninety times the tempera, turo of lulling water, This la about five tlmoH tho highest temporatiiro that man Ih nblo to produco by artificial means. Tho light given off from the surface of tho sun la reckoned as being 5,1100 tlmea more Intense than that of tho molten metal In n Ueasciner converter, though that Is of nn almost blinding brilliancy. If we compare It with oxhydrogen flame, the sun sheds n light equal to 140 tlmea tho Intensity of tho limelight. "Watered Stock. She It Is said that cats hnvo 0 great dread of water, Ho Oh, I don't know ; our cat seems to drink that milk tho milkman brings iwl Yonkers Statesman, $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tnat thero is at least one dreaded disease that telenco baa been able to cure in all lis stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curels the only positive curonow known tothe medical fraternity. Catarrh be ng a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur face of tho system, thereby det'oylng thofo.in datlon of tbe dUoate, and giving t o pat.cnt strength by building up tho constltu'fon and assisting nature In doing Its work. Tho pro j rletors haw no much faith In lis' nratlve pow ers hat they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any ease that It fails to cure. Scud for list of testimonials. Aildrcss F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all druggists, 7&c. Take Hall's Family Pill for constipation. Aiming and Hitting;. Mr. Kidder I think a woman's club, to bo successful, should aim at some thing far removed from female suf frage. Miss Strong I don't agree with you, sir. That should be lta sole object Mr. Kidder Yes, but It's more likely to hit that object If it alms at some thing else. Philadelphia Press. Hnd Been There. "I read ln a book of statistics that tbe average woman carries from thirty to thirty-Are miles of balr on ber bead." "And then she raises tbe deuce If ber husband happens to carry a yard or two of It on his coat sleeve." St. Titos' Daaee and all Nerrous Diseases prrmansotly cured br Dr. Klloe'a Urro rrva lirttorer. ena ror riir.c iz trial Dmuo ana treatise. Dr. is. u. JUine, ixl. vu Axcn uu, rnu..i- Poor Old Sophocles. "Yes, John Is gottlng quite a repu tation as an actor. Tbey gave him one of tbo loading roles in a play at col lege." "John I Why, bis enunciation Is atro cious." "But this was a Greek play." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Weekly Tonohea. "Poor niram!" sobbed Mrs. Hard apple. "He writes bis college life Isn't as gay as It Is cracked up to be. Ho Bays somo parts of It aro very touch ing." "Blamed If I don't agree with him,' chuckled Mr. Hardapple, as be greased bis boots. "I notice be Is always writ ing touching letters for teu or twenty dollars." Too Plain. "Norah," sold her mistress, "I don't mind It if the policeman on tbe beat drops into the kitchen once in a while of an evening, but I object to your enter taining such Bbabby and disreputable looking fellows as the one who was there last night." "He's all r-rlght, m'm," said Norah. "He's me plain clo'cs p'leecera'n." Ilia Credit Impaired, Dlngua Shadbolt, I haven't asked you for any money for a long time, have I? Shadbolt No; you never asked me for any money for a long time. You always wanted it for "just a day or two." That's why you're not going to get any this time, DInguss. Air feels a little like anow, doean't It? Chicago Tribune. HAD CATARRH 1 ! ' . 9 ' ' ' THIRTY YEARS Congressman Meeikisom Gives Praise Periana For Relief Catarrh. ee4eeee4M CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON RECOMMENDS PE-RU-NA f "I have used several bottles of Pcruna and I feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that if I use it a 1 short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' i standing." David Meekison. OTHER REMARKABLE CURES Mr. Jacob L. Davis, Galena, Stono county, Mo., writes: "I have been in bad health for thirty seven years, and after taking twelve bottles of your Peruna I am cured." Mr. C. N. Peterson, 132 South Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa, -vrites: "I cannot tell you how much gooj Penina bos done me. Constant con finement in my store began to teil on my health, and I felt that I was gradually breaking down. I tried eevoial remedies, but obtained no permanent relief un til I took Peruna. 'I felt better immediately, and five bottles restoreJ me to ojmplete health." A SINCERE RECOMMENDATION. j Mr. D. C. Prosper, Bravo, Allegan Co., Mich., writes: Two years ago I was badly afflicted with catarrh of the stomach. I had had a run of typhoid fever, was very depleted. I could find nothing I could eat without cansing dis tressed and eour stomach. Finally I came to the conclusion that I had catarrh of the stomach, and seeing Peruna advertised, began to take it. Ii helped me soon, and after taking three or four bottles I was entirely cured of stomach trouble, and can now eat anything.'1' Manufactured by the Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Lilg-htnlns in South Africa. In South Africa, where thunder storms are terrific, lightning often strikes the beds of Ironstone, end blue flames, sometimes firing buildings, are alleged to play about such Ironstone outcroppings two or three hours after a storm. Terrible Woman. "My wife," growled Kadley, "la the most forgetful woman." "Yea?" mildly inquired the polite vla 1 Itor. j "Yes, she can never remember In tho ! morning where J left my pipe the night I before." Philadelphia Presa. s,ss FOR BAD BLOOD THE MEN TOO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF V 2l 'tofBStf SLICKERS. SUITS AND HATS are the men who have put them to the hard est tests In the rough est weather. Get the original Towers Fish Brand made since 1836 iataloc ritcerM rue Ask th .KifM !. mm a Hi' sn v 1 1 ' No. 19-08 WIIKN vrrltinr to advcrtleera please went Inn tit la paper. The most important part of the human system is the blood. Every mus cle, nerve, tissue, bone and sinew is dependent on this vital fluid for nour ishment and strength necessary to maintain them in health and enable each to perform the different duties nature requires. Even the heart, the very "engine "of life, receives its vigor and motive power from the blood. Since so much is dependent on this vital fluid it can very readily be seen how necessary it in to have it pure and uncontaminated if we would enjoy the blessing of good health. Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of mankind ; when from any cause it becomes infected with impurities, humors or poisons, disease in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from a pure, fresh stream to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the flesh, often from a very insignificant bruise or even scatch or abrasion. If the blood was pure and healthy the place would heal at once, but being loaded with impurities, which are discharged into the wound, irritation and inflamma tion are set up and the sore continues. Bud blood is also responsible for Anaemia, Boils, Malaria, etc.; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fur nish tlie nourishment and strength required to sustain the body, and a general run-down condition of health results. S. S. S. is nature's blood purifier and tonic ; made entirely of healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It goes down into the circulation and removes everj' particle of impurity, humor or poison that may be there, restores lost vitality, and steadily tones up tne entire system, it auils to the blood the healthful properties it is in need of, and in every' way assists in the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral izes any excess of acid in the blood, making it fresh and pure, and perraa nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and eruptions. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Malaria, and all other diseases or disordtrs arising from bad blood. Book ou the blood and any medical advice desired free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Your S. S. S-, In my opinion. Is as good a medicine as can be had; It simply cannot be Improved upon as a remedy to purify and enrich the blood and to invigorate and tone up the system. This spring my blood was bad and I was run down in health, and having seen your medicine highly advertised I commenced Its use. Today my blood is ln fine condition and my general health is of the best. Am filling posi tion as fireman for a large concern here, and if I was not in good physical condition it would be Impossible for me to fill the place. Your S. S. S. has been of great service to mr and I do not hesitate to give it the credit It oeserves. WM. F. VANDYKE. 813 Fifth Street. Beaver Falls, Penn. f'fogs'is is Only Ono Thai im Laxative Bromo Quinine VXD THE WORLD1 OVER TO OUHE A COLO IM ONE DAY. Always remembor the full name. Look (or this signature on every box. 25o. SWA PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mor ana is cui I tww to dye, ra eTooaii pnnw)r ana taster coiora tnan any ether dye. One 10c package colors all 1c, wool and cotton eauallv well fM..Pi?f &UMUttB' or we will send poet Paldat lOo a pcUs. Write to" NebookW ye, bleachiand mix oelsra. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quinsy, tool. ;9 I 1 llim 5':& -l ''kit; "THL" r-' ,,; I "H