THe Madras ' f hOL iv MADRAS, GROOK COUNTYOREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1908." NO. 39 Pioneer Qpeeti fiote NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENJ House has hocn thoroughly rcnovntd. No bcttbr tabic in Cen tral Oregon for the mono. Your wants will be courteously attended to. I leadcjunrtcrs for traveling men. First-class Livery in Connection .1. VV. LIVINGSTON, Proprietor IMADRAS, OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS. pnAHK OSBORII U. S. COMMISSIONER Near (Iruen Hotel MADItAS OltKOON 0, t. COLLVEff HOTARV PUBLIC EX-SHERIFF SMITH IS FOUND GUILTY Crook County Jury Is Out 15 Hours .. .t. .I- . ...... .i - ... t- ... . Hamilton, Pres. l'i t. uuhuiomt, ico-i'res. .i.e. Fdwui:, Cshr. Justice of the Fonod CUIA'KIC I'KKCJINCT IMMUNITY NOT PROMISED CULVER OREGON w. II. H.NOOfc PHYSICIAN S SURGEON Ofllco In Uriie Storu. MADRAS OltKdON' T.S, EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXGHANQE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFT'S ON ALL PART8 OF THE WORLtJ ; J. H. HANER ; ABSTRACTER OF TITLES X notauV i'bnuc j Klro Iimirnnrc, T.Ifu Iiixuriincc, Hnfcty Honda ileal ouiu, conveyancing Capital Stock, $86,000 Oolioilti, $200,000 SHAfolKd, OREGON 1 A, E. GROSBY I I ' t' It 0 I' K I K T O K ISTOFFICEJ PHARMACY Ctrrlei Oimn ell- Mtin of linnet. Mcillolllc. flirbl I llotUflmM .KeinUi'. irunt!iti'.SuiMri' mill i'llillii &iiillr. I'tuintry Mull l)nlt!t I kIvc my eroiml Etiirnilmi, A (irnilimlb In rhatKe. Hf delivery ettamtitfcH. Yunr ;rLtrttIti my itlltr. Hir)cliiilui) lnLIA'tl IMlriVjrert. Hlork Kiniilt lld I). of all klmll. AfyhirKaiiuiaii k'mlakt. llotli Tliullei. W1IOI.KSAI.K AND UKTAIh. DALLES, OREGON UMBER FOR SALE We have blentV of lumber for feald k otir mill,looated about 3 miles eafct of Grlizly post office on c3VMy road. Prices rtaht cMeekin & EastWbo'd I'lll.S'KVlM.K, OIlfiOON fAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUBLIC I'lomiT Ilitlldlnj MADRAS OREGON NO. 3851 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVItY'fe, OREGON X. V. A LLCS', ITMlUOIlt'f, ,, . T. M. JUl.PwiK, Uaililcr. viuVuhiwi:tLiM Vlcq'rW., ,, , II. ukn-ciM, Ast, CiUhler. ... ESTABLISHED 1.680 fRjillfil, 8uriiin and IJntjjvltleil $100,000.00 1'roflts Elliott, Who Turned Stato's Evldoncej Tvlust Stand Trial For Shnrb In Crimes'. PRINIiVlLLE, Ore May l'6 -After deliberation covering more than fifteen hours tlie Jury in tlib case of C. BaVn Smith, charged with burnintr ex-Con gressman J. N". Williamson'!! shearing plant', brOtigh't in a verdict of guiVty, at 1U:15 o'clock this afternoon', says a diKpath to the Portland Orcgonian. The verdict is a hUgo surprise to the people here', most of whom were ex pecting a disagrecmenti Wagers were freely offered at 'two to one that if the iury reached a decision at all the ver dict Would be an acquittal. This opin ion waH owing to the bad reputatioli of Larkin Elliott, the alleged accomplice and principal witness for the prosecu tion', for truth and veracity, the unreli ability of whose statements were thought to be clearly established by fivo I responsible witnesses. Evidence wail also bTfcrcd to show that within the lasi year Klliott had remarked, "cwll ' ' lilt t-T-l IU . . - 1 have to burn bimth's .house and nil) him out otthe coun'tryi" The evidence against this defendant was largely circumstantial and but for the testimony of Mrs. fcarkln Elliott and Thomas Huston it Is doubtful whether the state Would have had a case. AVv other factor in the conviction was the prohlise made by the, liartct attorhcy to the -Jury, that Elliott Would not b granted immutiiH' but would also be punished for the crime admitted. The case went to the lurv at 0 o'clock fcaiurjiay.ievening. un tlie seven to nve MADRAS COUNTRY HAS GOOD SHOWER Accompanied By Warm Weather tion. Fvo ballots were taken, when the votes changed to 10 to 2 for for convic tion, anu this remained until noon to day, at which time the jury asked the court to repeat the instructions relative to the law governing circumstantial evi dence. Fifteen minutes later the Jury returned a verdict of guilty.' bmith retained Ins composure durint; the reading of the. verdict, not even changing color upon learning his fate. Counsel will move for a new trial to- i, .. . . , morrow morning, it tins is granieo, they say errors which they regard as HRflP PRflSPFHTQ RPTTPR Vilill 111 mu tunc win jiui. uu itiyaiiui If the motion is hot granted, notice will be given to appeal to the Siipreme Court There is no question but that this case will then be fought to the 1-iet ditch. This is the lirst case on record in I 1 9-e !r TV (imint if ii't wi rn n utinnnmnn lma uiuua i.yuiitr t ciii.i.ii!i(ui duo I it .f , . ' i . L i I' in i.n,i aAm,..'AV rfri n .'n,lnnvnr tn 1 u cunesuay evening a drizzling 'raili ........r. Vi.' vUUft'i.',. t ,4i.,..u,U,V. commenced lh this vicinity and cohtin MUM UVIi.MUVIii V aau l - r I- I V'. m I , intl.nrtn nil lmvn Wn r-nntn'AV K W ?' Dccamo steadier and devel .....v.w - - - - T" " - ' - 1 the matter drop', eithen from fear of con sentiences or p'vidfmr iv lUKl OCVI8 aimost ine oniy precipitauori Drizzling Rain Wednesday Night And CohtlnUos This Morning For Several Hours. vicir oped into the heaviest shower that hn'ft because of insufflcient visited this sectf6h in five oV six mokhe and beiig almost the only precipitation According to district Attorney Men- ih im'cdiate vicinity iii abottlttuf efee, the defendant will hot be tried on , , , , ,, ,, .. the other three indictments agaihst him, T1), ram. Pute. dllTerent aspect oh llid two of which aVe on felony informations ctT. I"".' anu imJ arge md one on a misdemeanor charge. 'le.'" 10r thls C0ntO'. In consequencd Neither arc the old range war trou- V"V,," ur "v" . h 8mue ana hies to be raked up. which set the coun- " TC"8. V a"uP.u,ani c,rP . ty on edge for many years. The "Shor- " 18 .Pted the rain-maker is oper- ty" Davis affair', in which a man disap peared nine years agoi has not been 'mentioned, for the body has not been t V , "A s i ,. . .....xi shower, tct tho vote stood dt for conVl'c' ELK DRUG STOREi URNITURE I DERTAKING SUPPLIES i. IUCKS BROS ADRAS, OREGON HARNESS FULLY GUARANTEED I tarries & Boor Khfe at fresh v i u;tl .. o . arucs ana patents, rre- work dndi. family li 0 w frugs scnption recipes made a specialty J. A. UQNG rrlysfdan and uruggist MADRAS. ' OREGON Whips, Bridles, Maltcrfi, Lace Leather Neat Harness Repairing VI I III!,? nev line of dress '& WoVK SHOE5 B. S. LARKIN , MAD.RAJ. ORECON Prince Corbet BAY PERCHERO'N &TALLION Will innke tho wason. ulitll ilttly 20, n fnllows! Minims, Mondays, Thursdays mid Saturdays; VearJo it IJrowirs. Tuesdays iud Wednes- RATES EAST WILL BE iVlADE BY THE 0. R. & N. At lionut ranch 1' rluay. 'AiMKi 5 single survitet.SlO M'lison; Slfi to Insuie.Cr r PETfiR MARNACrf. OWner THIS SfiASN AS FOLLOWS ROUNE) TRIP J. C. & M. A. ROBINSON SUCCESSORS Vo J. W. & M. A. RCBlK'SON '& CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, i a iii'ni. tag and Summer Goods Are Selling RAPIDLY a.....; Agents for baiN Wagons McCormick Headers & Binders SUB-SURFACE PACKERS HEAT TAKEN FOR ACCOUNTS AND TRADE ,.DlUECT $72.50 67.50 63.15 60.00 60.00 TO Chicagp St. Louis St. Paul Omali'a , - . .. Kansas City TICkETS WILL lB ON SALE tSisiy 4; 13 'June 5, 6, 1, 20 July 9, 7 22 23 n AUgUst 6k 7, 21', 2& Qobd lor jellirii in $6 Vitli BtojioVer pHvijefjes it pleasure within limits1. Don't nw the dates For any further Itiforinutlon call oh I WlLSONj Local Agent V. Or Vrlte to Ol". IEP. U&.m found, in case it should bet it is hinted that the authorities know where to place the blame fdr . his disappearance, having obtained tho information during tnc course ol tlie present trial. iiunn uunu hi .oiicrman county, anu it ,miry bf one of his 'recV't4'P8 uota go'( lost, slra'd up thjs way, and l'oosou ui things. However that may be', this sec tion has received a Rood which everyone is extremely thankful. Li- ini C1VEN SENTENCE OF FOUR YEARS l'KINEYILLE. Mnv lV.ounae'l the C. Sam Smith case) wherein the de fendant Was convicted qf burning J. X. Williamson's shearing plant's, this morn- ing nioveu lor a new trial, xno motion i was denied by Jtidgo BradshaW, Who shortly thereafter pronounced sentence, hm-wsing a penalty of , our yeaVs th he iienitentiary. Counsel uien eerved no lice of appeal. Smith's bond Was ad Vanted from f2000 to $5000, which sum Vas furnished, and lie is at libertv. The state witness, Larkin Elliott, was so'dlt afterward given a like sentence and will be taken to Salem Wednesday MAY DEFEAt 320- ACRE DRt FARM Blii Several Changes Pi' " ;f Bill Which Will Provoke Opposition From o Senate, A tenfigtb'n dispatch says that access of the dry farm homestead bm 1 in nCJ..l'.. 1 1 'X HUM' use ae TWO FARMER'S UN IONS Organized success is in jeapjrdy, owing to a number ol changes made in the bill by th committee on public lands. The - I n a . reported to the house, differs from the senate bill in a number of important provisionsj and uriless ajprotnpt agree ment can be secured uno'n the bill fn. conference its.eheVnifes flirty be able to prevent Its rinal enactment Vnto law. senate Din, iuano anu L alitor- . nia yqrc excepted from the operation of the law, but the house committee re- ..i l i...t. A . . . . h . v, . , .. awrw iKiui oi uiese states ami cut out Mn A. A. Elmore, orcanizcr for the U., vAil, V u . tBvi ' , i r -orm wannta. in tnc uui which passeu l'arlner's Educational and Co-operative ,A.-, . . i i.t.Ai i . i . . j ii ' t,,e subate, there was a section waiving Unloll, spoke to an interested audience t,4 , .. Madras Tuesday evening, explaining 3, irJFrS" the purposes of the union, and the ben- r.," X'T" ""P ellls sought to bo attained by the farmer: -Z) V uuu,,sf "u l'urlTO . . C.. ! ' . 1 to neriUlt Of COntinilOIIS cnsli-lonm. )Tlin crs organiring. Mr. Elihore spoke at1,... '.,1V.... r . .7 T aturday evening, and Lij. i.'.t,i "I .nilte a number of tho farmers from tlmV .J riA.!. V" ...rK. . .. it .. , , ., . . .i . , . ii 'i iiuinceic.iua . aiiu. unicss a settlement Section attended the meeting here, when! , , M. ' . ' J . ..... ' lot these olmstlnns pun ) hW.ri n... it was decided that for the present it ,r" 'r,rv would be better to foim the farmers of aY W opWlon the two sections into oe unio'n, Which "fiWWto-, was done and the following officers were T &FJ T? fl elected: President, G. L. Paiton: vice , " " i"ff.""" . B.nM a m ub i n n n - . l' 1 ' commiuecs over tie provision ot president) I It. Hastie eccretary-trcas- L. T v 1 r ' v . ' J I tni hill normlHlnc nroenn f linninann.V. ttror, W.J. Stebbins; chaplain, dames L;:rV.V VA fu. i V V ' v-W, Leel doorkeeper, W. II. Lneiiocher " "tt" fi conductor, C. It. tooney. The Mud W. ? V vrT-ViM" "y o .1. 11 ... . , acres. This feature of the bill is one m Springs union starts, with 10 members V. i.i..i, ..n .A , , , - iiiid there will probably lq additions at' V, T ,77 T. , .1.1.1 . , , , . , . , steads arc particularly interested. This the nekt ihecting, which Will be at Mad- . v no A .... .. ,.., Yas on the 4th SatpWv iiUhis nionth' , T " T 1 , T , i, n. ..i,. J''m-.V'" , ' edby the house committee, reads as mm uiui i-miur mo union yui meet auer- f0ijowa . nati-ly at Mud Springs alnl Madra'abn TIlnt " : . . 'J. the 2d and 4th Saturday pi each month. '.' , , . T. !. ...,... !?,.. i V I,' lands of iho character herein described A l-armer s Educatidnal ahd Co-oper- (non-mineral, non-irrigable, iinreser(ved utive Uiuon was organised, on Agency unappropriated, surveyed publiQ. lauds Plains with 37, .ineilluers", tlie following which do not contain merchantable tim'- olllccrs being elected; .President H.J. r1' po w men unai proo has not Uranstetter, vico presulejll .Win, liar' public lands subject to the provisions of peri secretary-treasurer A. D. Ander- this act. contiguous to his former entrv, son, cluiplain 11. W. Uard. . doorkeeper wii uii snail not, togetner witn tlie ontr- .ll. lWkcy, conductor Wm. Cook, and resi ini t 11 1 -in T m , . I V- HI'Vll 41IV V. Ill 11 il ilUII UI UICJ UIIU" inis union is caiieti m. dollerson I. nion il Ptrv sl,ill i, .io-nwi aijd ijfeets the 1st and Ud Saturdays ih upon ami cultivation of tlie additional, each month. . buliy. .EXAMINING ROAD TRAIN PROJECT 1. 11 Lafollotto of Prlneville, ami Pi E. Weston of StocHton, Calif., repre senting tho Holt Manufacturing Coim trial Jury in the smith case Contrary to tlie expectation that it ...lit it ( . . . . . would oe a utiiiuii to try C ,?am Smith w VA'VVVIIVtl'lt 1.1111 f U t task lo secure jtm ith and Larkin EjJiptJ, tllVir flirt M11iniinN. pany, manufacturers. of the traction charged with burning tho Ayijliajnsop freighting engines, arrived in Madras shearing plant ahd cutting his wire fenc- Monday evening to examine into Jho ing only twp hburs were t-oijurd, to sc-' UdVisttblllty ol operating the big traction lect the It! men to try tiro, accused caV- fielghtlng outfit which made a trip to Mudras last Fall. Thoy BUent Tuesdav ooking over a portion of the farming country tributary to 'Madras. Mr. 'Weston Was non-committal, when naked aa to whether his company would bporato tho tiutition freighting outfit, but said tho project exhibited no insur mountable difficulties, thbuch It would necessitate considerable expense , tP uuco a iKirtiou oi mo roiuis in conuiin for tho big engiuo to operate bvm;. ' 1 dec Mr. .afollotto said it would nrobablv bba week beforo a dclluito decision could bo reached, tMessruv Lafollclt anil Wcaton -started for Shanlko Weduesduy morning. tleiiifcti. Both tho state and thoUlefenso'ejr porem'pd(y e).iailengcp, and a ntttilhior of talesitiat jyefe excused for cause, .'fhp prpoel ,'c-f tho .Jury which llhaljy wa.B,WRtred to tiy Smith and EllIott1wai8)as follow; Walter t,uble, farmer, Lamonta; J.E. Tiylor.ufqrier and sheepman, Princ villoj.(Jchti teidl, banker, llend: J. L. Wlndom. farmer, Culver: J. 1. .Wio--gajtd, tanner, Lamonta; 0. 11 Uh, farmer, ltedmond; 0. W. Updiko, engineer, ltedmohtl; H. K, AV, Taylor, farmer, Madras; E. C, Faught, farmer ami stockman, Hear Creek j It. Moore,, farmer, Huvcreok; F, W. McCaffrey farmty, twlmondj J. T. Park, farmer ltedmond. ii .I IT Or -. ...j i t IT. . ... 1-V 4 1 Mi .iiSu 1 i5 ? ( ? i