The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 07, 1908, Image 8

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I.' 5 '
i uau, Act June 3, 1S78. Notice
for Publication. Department of Uib Inte
rior, United 8tatcs Land dlllce, The laie.i, Or-
t'Bon, March 13, 1908. Notice Is hereby given
of Madras, County of Crookj Slate of OR-roii,
lias applied to purchaH, under the net of Con
.. .i i . i i
1 SUito of Oregon, for tlio County
of Crookt
ft) tho matter of tlio
estate of
Julius Peyenskl
kroM of Juno !i. 1S7S m extended bv io s nim uranani, ma aimUNOK
k"t I, lf2, the i'licU see 21, tp lis, ritlfc', e LizKlo itohtlsoh, lvlaro Bhunrn, haw
renoo Buruieester aud Lena Poyenskl
In the liiuho of tho 3tato of Oregon
You lire hereby cited and. required to
appear iu the CountyCour.t ot the
State of Uregon, for the County of
t rook, nt tlio Court room thereof, nt
Ptintivllle, in I he Comity of Crook, on
Monday, the tlrst day of June, 1008, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day
swJi and lot I of sec 19, tp 11 s, r 17 c, w ni.
Anil will offer proof io show that tlii Inml
sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone
tlmti tor agricultural puroses, anil to estab
lish her claim to said land before Frank O
horn, U.S. Commissioner, at his oflico in Mad
ras, Oregon, on the 3rd day of June, 190S.
- blio names as her witnesses: William Pur
ham, Thomas A Taylor, both of Madras, Ore
pon: John O'Kcily, Mary O'Kelly, both of llay-
crccK, urejjon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are reiiucstcd to llle
day of June, 1908,
C. W. MOORE, Register.
IMHKIt LAND, Act .tunc 3. 1STS. Notice for
their claims In this oflico on or before said 3rd then and there to show bailse, if anv
' ...... i. i . t
there be, why ah order should not be
granted to tub administrator of said
estato to sell so much of the heroin
after described real estate of the said
decensed as shall be. necessary, to wit
All of Lot No; twenty two In the town
of Kingsley, iu Wasco.Couuty, State
of Oregon, according to the recorded
maps and plats of said town now re
corded in tlio oflico of the County
Clerk of asco County, Oregou.
itness, the Hon. W. A. Bull, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Crook, with
the seal of said Court affixed, this 14th
day of April, A. D. ll'OS;
Attest: Warren Brown, Clerk.
!?JAIj ui21
V'nltcd States Land OHled, The Dalles, Oregon,
aroh 13, 190?. Notice is hereby glvCn that.
ANNIE !. CYKl'3,
lf SNIrs. Conntv of Crook. State of Orccon.
5ias applied to purchase, under, tho tiei of Con
gress of Juno 3, is. as extended of Ml-
gust -I, isw, thd w?e.4 ue4se!; sec 0 and nwl4
ncU of sec 7, tp 12 s, r 11 e. w m.
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more vauable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before II. C. Kills.,
V. B. Commissioner, at his office in llend. Ore
yon, on the tfnt ilay of June, IMS.
She names ns her wltnes: ltoy C Foster,
.Herbert K Glazier, Tliomas Arnold. Edwin II
graham, AutonU Trahail, Enoch Cyrus, allot
sifters, Oregon. . ,
. Any and all person' claiming adversely the
flbovo-descrlbed lands are requested to lile
their claims in this (dice on or before said 3rd
day of June, 1WS.
C. V. MObllE,
ln'JC-mS! Keglster,
T IMHKIt LAND; Act June 3, lS78. Notice for
1'ublicatioii. Department of the Interior,
United States Land Ollice, The Dalles, Oregon,
March 12, 190S. Notice is hereby given that
of West Seattle, County of King, State of Wash-
IM 11 Kit. LAND, Act.o'f Junes, 1S78. .Notice lnSton, has applied to purchase, under the act
oi congress of Juue 3, l.sTS, as extended by act
of August I, IbVi, the s'.sw'i sec 33, sej;sei of
sec 32, tp 11 s, r 11 e, and lot i of sec I, tp 12 s, r
11 o. w m.
And will offer proof to show that the land
soimhl Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lUh her claim to ald land before the Keglstur
and itecoiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on. the
27th day ot May, 190S.
She names, as her witnesses: Thomas J Bra
dy, of West. .Seattle. Washington; Charles
A Itodegeb, Kalama, Washington : Ora Van
Tassell, of Madras. Oregon; Frank C Parker, ot
Woodland, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims in this office on or before said 27th
day of May, 190S.
uj.26.in22 C. W. MOOIIE, Register.
I for Publication. Drwirtment of the Inter
lor, United States Land Oflie-, The Dalles,
Oregon, February 25, 190. Notice Is hereby
2lven that
of Moscow, county of Latah, state of Idaho, has
Applied to purchase, under the act of Congress
of June 3, 1878. as extended by the act of
August 4. 1S92, the sne, se4nl, and Lot
section Sl.tnll s, rile.
And will offer nroof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone man lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to said land
colore tne iiecister ami ueeetver i ai rue
Dalles. Oregon, on the 9th day of May. 1908.
lie names as ins wttness: uove m .Me
Greitor and Thyrra C McO'tegor, of Moscow.
. Any and all persons clalminc adversely the
aoove-ueseriueu janus are jequesiea to nie
their claims in tuts oltlee on or ueiore saui
Jth dAy of Mdy, l'.HJ?.
ru5-aJ C. W. MOORE, Register.
TSOLATeHtILVCTi Notice for Pub-
llcatlon. Publlo Land Salo. Tle
Dalles, Oregon, Lund Ollice, April 111,
Ji .. ..
i (j n ..ii.,.. r.r riiniicH
ration. Department of tho Interior.
i Nolloo for
it . T.mid omop al rue ui,
I - - I ' I -!'- .. U ,1 "V , ,
1008. Notice is hereby glvon that, ijs ; K0, May 2, 1003. fvotlco is nuiuu
dlreotcd by the, Commissioner of ttie , given that
General Lnr.d Office, under provisions j C'ONltA D STltASSKK,
of Act of Congress approved Juno itf, I of Madras, Oregon, who, on January
1000, Public No. 303, wo Will oll'er at j 2. ll(03, made Homestead Kulry M
publlo sale, to the highest bidder, at 1HW6, for the whif:, nw.f':!
10:0 a. m., on the 25th day of May ' n..wi. seo 20, t) U s, r 13 e, w nit
Hi., f.illfi.. i...wt I it ... iti .1 I.... .if InhUitlnll tO Ml tl li 0
uvrtij hup 'iijV iiiu luuuit iii ui n ILItn lllv?ii inn i w
of Inml, to wit: sejiu'l and n'lwj of
sec2), tp 12 s, r J 2 e, w in,
Any persons claiming adversely the
Hbove-descrlbed lands are advised to
llle their claims, or objections, on or
before the day above designated for
sale. . ..
C..JV. MooitK, Itorlster
Louts it. AnNKsoNi ltcbeivch
a23 m21
HOMKSTKAD. Notice for Pilblit'.a.
timi. D-pai tm'nt of the Interior.
Land Ollice at Tne Dalle Oregon,
April 21, 100S. Notieo is liereby
given that . .
widow of llomer M. Street; of Sisters,
Oregon, has filed notice of her Inten
tion to make final live-year proof in
support of her claim, viz:
Homestead entry No. 1101S made
Juno fj; 1002, for thenwnel, uej-j'sel,
Lots 5 and U, sec 10 and Lots 1 and 2,
sec 20, to 11 s, r 11 e, w mj
Vint tliat said proof will oe made
before the County Clerk at Prinevllle,
Oregon; on JuneO, 1908.
She names tile following witnesses
to prove her contiiitious residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
George H Giddlnj;s of Prlnevllle,
Oreyon; Linuoln Stivers, David Higg",
Elii ih Sparks; all of Sristers, Oreuon.
30 J4 C. W. MooltE, IUister
liual live-year proof, to establish claim
to i he laud above described, before
Frank Unborn, lT. 8. 1'onitnlsmoner,
bisolilce at Madras, Oregon, on the
101 h day of June, 10U3. 1
Claimant names as witnesses:
llerthold ll'ombrowe, Christlun A
lvelcheii, J Pllahn, William II Snook,
all of Madras, Oregon.
in".jl W. MOtlltK, itetstur.
HOMKriTlCAD. Notice for l'ublloa.
lion. lieparttniMil of the Interior;
The Dalles,
Notice is
I for Publication. Detriment of the Inter
A lor. United States Land Otllcc. The Dalles
Oregon, February 2s, 1U0S. Notice is horebv
given th o t
pf Bend,'county of Ciook, state of Oregon, has
Hppleu to purenase, uniiertne act oi uongress
m June .", 13"S, as extended by act of August -4,
Jb2t the sljiie.'ne'ineii, sec 7, anu nwnw
sen h. tn 13 T,. r 11 e. w m.
; And will offer proof to show that the land
Koughtis more valuable for Its timber ortone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land bbfore II. C. Ellis
,V. H. Commissioner, at his office iu Bend, Ore
gon, on the lata day ot -May, iaus.
She names as her witnesses: Char.'es
Brown, Elmer NIswonger. L A Brandenburg!
and Fred A Huuilell. all of Ilend. Oreaon.
Any and all persons dittoing adversely the
above-described lands are requested to llle
their claims In this office on or before said
13th day of May. 1'JUS. i
X C. W, MOaRJC, .
al2-ma" Register.
I T OMESTEAD. Notice fori'ublica
JTi tion. Deoartment of theluterior,
. . Laud Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 17, 1903. Notice is here
by given that,. ,. . ;
of Culver, Oregon , has filed notice of
his intention to make final nve-year
nroof iu sunnort of ills claim, viz:
. Homestead Eutry .No. 1102-7 made
Juue 3, 1202, for the ae sec 17, tp 13
s, r 13 e, w m, ..
Aud that said proof will he made
:before Frank Osborn, U. ri. Commis-
aioner, at his office iu Madras, OreKOU,
on April 27. 1008.
, He names the following witnesses to
prove liis continuous residence upon,
ami cultivation of. the land, vizi
WCUarber. W O Ralstou. Thomas
Alderdyceand J R Mendeuhall, all of
Culver. Oregon. .
tn2C a23 C. W. MobitEj Register
k OMESTEAD. Notice for lbli
, catlou. Department of the Inte
rior, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 30, 1908! Notice is hereby
given that . ,.
of Madras, Oregon, has fl led notice of
his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claimrvlz:
. Homestead Entry No. 9782 made
ept. 28, 1901, for the seine!, e)se of
pec 7 and nelue? of sec 18, tp 10 b, r 13
e, w in,
I And ,ihflt, s,aid proof, will be made
before Prank Obborn, t. S. Commis
sioner, atihifj office in Madras, Oregon,
on June io) 1909.
t He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
aud cultivation of,, the land, viz:
j U .u C(vles) T J3 Tucker, Q C Fox,
Louis VolratU, all oi Aiadras,,uregou
m7j4 C. W. Mool'.E, Register
OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Denartmciu of the Interior.
Land Office at The lilies, Oregon,
April 0, 190S. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice
of his iuteutiou to make final five-
year proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 11553, made
Oct. 7, 1902. for the swl of sec 24, tp
12 s. r 12 e, w in.
And that said proof will be made be
fore Frank Osborn, U. S. Commission
er, at his office in Madras, Oregon, on
June 11, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz
J LYouoga of Culver, Oregon: IV
Limbaugh. J DjStearna, L Pearl Peck,
an of .Madras, Oregon.
m7jll Register.
HOMESTEAD. Notice for PubMea
i Ion. Department of the I nterinr.
Land Office at The D.illes, Oregon,
April 30, 190S Notice is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, hub tiled notice of
his intention to make tin a I live-year
pro if in support of his claim, viz:
H-miestead Entry No. 12546 made
May 2, 1903, for the nJv.seKi seLjtiej
of sec Hand swuwj of sec 12, tp 12
s, r 13 e, w m,
Aud that said proof will be made
before Frank Osboru, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon,
on June 10. 1903.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, aud cultivation of, the laud,
G W Kidder, G E Banta of Madras,
Oregon; Edmund Healy, Clyde C Hea
ly, of Culver, Oregon.
iu7 j4 C. W. MooitK, Register
Laud Ollice at
Anrll 20. 1003.
uiven that
of MadraM, Oregon, has tiled notice of
his Intention to make Until live-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Utitry No- U370 made
Aw:. 20, 1002, for l lie wvne4 and ,'
we '.i of see 20. tp 12 , r 13 e, w ui,
Ami f lid t Hti id moid' will be made!
before Frank O.ihoi n, I'. . Onutnlx
sioner, at his ollice iu Madias, Oregon,
on Juno 11, 100S.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
aud cultivation of, the land, viz:
fieorge Rodtii'tn, David (J Resets,
V (.i Killinglieck, Leo Peck, all ol
Madras, Oregon.
C. W. MooitK,
in7-j4 Register
WTm I ffu Ik m mm U m m Hm
flUNttK JUrj urr
1 1
Notice for l'ubllca
tion, Department of the Interior,
Lai.d Ollice at Tlio Dalles, Orenoii,
April 30, 100S. Notice is lioieby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, lias liled notice of
his Intention to make liual commuta
tion proof in support of Ids claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. J 60 10 made
April 3, 19U0, for tho sjuvl4 and Lots
3 and 4 of sec 5, tji 11 s, r 1 1 ?, w in,
And that said proof will be made be
fore Frank O.iborn, U. S. Commission
er! llt 11" office in Madras, Oregon, on
June 0, 1008:
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
B F Preston, Jem Kaas, J V Living
ston, C E Roush, all of .Madras, Ore
gon. C. W. Mooiti;,
in7-jl i Register
I for Publication. (United Kates Land Office.
' The Dulles. Oregon, KuUrunry 21, 1WW.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Juue 3, 18Tb. entitled ' An act for the sale of
timber lands in the btatesof California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ai
extended to all the nubile land states bv aci
of August 4, lb'2. the following named persons
nave on November u, ivn, nieu in tins omci
their sworn statements, towlt:
of Beud. Crook county. Oregon, sworn state
ment No. -H37, for the purchase of the eJineJi
anu n'Meji, sec ;su, ip 13 s, r 11 e, w m,
1 1 1 a it r. ks( n .inii v mn v
of Bend, Crook Cdlinitfi. Oregon, sworn state
ment No. 1435 far the purchase of the wUncltf.
seJinwi and neHsw, sec 17, tp 13 1, 1 11 e,
... tn i M
of Bend. Croolf County. Oregon, sworn state
ment Noi-tlfJi foMhe purchase of the Lots '2
ana ;i, senwjf auu nejsw;4i sec 30, tp is s, r
11 e, w in.
fhat thdy will offer proofs to show that the
Kiscs.and to establish their claims to said lands
lands soul-
or stone thereon than for
rc more valuable for the timber
rieulturHl pur
tiefore the Reifistcr and Receiver at The
Da'.les, Oregon, on May 7, 190S. '
They name the lollowing" wltnrissesl Ado J
Johnston, Charles O. Johnston. Jatnei A
Hoyii, timer Mswonifer, unnries u jirown anu
Fred A Hunnel, all of Rend, Oregon.
Any aud all persons clalinlnu adversely the
above-described lands are reiiuested to llle
their claims in this office on or bciore saiu 7th
day of May, 1508. ,
f27-aS0 C. W. MOOIIE. Itcglster.
A S. Land) Oflie,e, Tliq Dalles, Ore
gon, April 14, 1908. Notice. sMhe,reby
given that the Northern Pacific Hail
way Compauyj of St. Paul, coupty of
Hennepin, state of Minnesota, has tuJs
day filed In . this office its application
No. 159, to select the nese, seinei
jiwjnej jof, section 33 and swisej of
Bectlon 26, tp 10 s, r 15 e, w 111. .
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or deslr
jug to object because of tlio mineral
character of the landi or for any rea
son, to the disposal to applicant)
should file their affidavits of protest In
liils office, on or before tho 13th day
Oi June, 1003,-
fiS0-j4 O. W. MooitBi IlegUtar
LJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Iuterlor,
Land Office,, The Dalles, Oregon,
April 30, 1008. Notice Is hereby
of Madras, Oregou, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim) viz:
Homestead lintry Ho. 10769 made
April, 20, J002, fqr enef and ejsei of
sec, 29, tp 9 b, r 13 e( w m,
And fhat sa,W proof will be made
before Frank Citborn, J. B. Coinmlfi
sioijer, hie pfilco In Madras, Oregon,
on June C, 1S08. ., .
He names the ..following, witnesses
Ui prove his eontlnuor.o resldenoe
upon, and cultivation ofthuMud, viz.:
G V DllJOni J B Hv,lok, T Mjidrden,
W ij. Ramsey, all of Madras, Qrgon.
m20-a23 U. W. Moouu, ItoeLiter I
TJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publi-
U cation. Department of the In
terior. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregoui April 25, 1908. Notice is
hereby given that
of Helsler, Oregon, has filed notice
of his iuteutiou to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10813 made
Majf 7, 1902, for the nw'sej, snej of
sec 30 aud 8wuwJ of see 20, tp 0 s, r
14 e, w in,
And that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver, at
The Dalles, Oregon, on une 9, 1008.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the.Iand, vlzt
Sydney D Percival, Joseph II Stuart,
John Trofjer, all of Youngs, Oregon i
Willlap Brownhlll, of Madras, Oregon
a30-m80 0. W. 3IooKK, Register
OMEBTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Deoartment of tlio In
terior, Land Office, at The IJalles, Ore
gon, April 30, 1908. Notice is hereby
given that
of Culver, Oregou has filed notice of
Ilia intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, vlr.
Homestead Entry No. 10087 made No
vember 20, i00l, for the else! and ej
swj of sec 8, tp 13 b, r 13 e, w m,
Vnd that said proof will be made be
fore Frauk Osborn, U. S Commission
er, at his office in Madrasi Oregon, on
Juue 8, lb08.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the laud, viz:
Thomas Alderdycet W O Ralston,
William Btrber, Robert Osborn, all of
Culverj Oregon. . ,
C. W. Moohh,
MOM EST BAD. Notice for Publlea
tion. Department. f the Interior,
Lmil Office at The Dalle.-, Oregon,
March 18, 1008 otlt;e is hereby
given that
of Madras, Oregon, has tiled notice of
his Intention to make final live-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry io. Il4lfi made
September 2, 1002. for the nt-J of nee
20, tp 9 s. r 13 e. w in,
Aud that xalil proof will be made
before Frank Odiorn, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office iu Madras, Oregon
on May 1, 100S.
Ileiuunei the following wltnef.sei to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, the laud, vizi
Miles Pox, C C Pox and C V Klann;
all of Madras, Oregon, aud William
Brownhlll, of Youiii;m, Oregon.
ni20-a30 C. W. MOORE, Register
'T'IMBEJf LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878;
United 8tates Land Office, The
Dalles, Oregon, March 81, 1008i No
tlce is herebygiven that
of (JrizKly, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, line applied to purchase, uuder
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, no
extended by act of August 4, 1802. tho
winwjf, nt'lnw sec 17 and we! in 4 sec
18, tp 12 s, r 10 e, w
And will oder proof to show that
the land nought is more valuable for
the .timber or stone thureon than for
agricultural purposes., and to estab
lish her claims to said laud before
the County CJerk at PrlnevlUe, Ore
gonj on the 24th day of Junej 1008.
hhe names as her witnesses: Oeorge
O'Neil and Aiust H Llppnian, both
of Prlnevlllei Oregop,
Any aud all persons claiming mi
versely any of the above-de,orl!ied
lands are requested to file their claims
In this office on, or before the said 2Kb
day of June, 1008.
M23-JI6 C. W. MooitK, Register
IMllfc!t LAND. AC( Julie d,- rtI8, Notice
,l..,lH,.r I',.ll,l HIuIi.m I ntuit flHIci. Tim
nonce IS
Publication; Department of the
or. united states j.anu" 1
Dulles, Oregon, KebrUary 20, 11)U6.
maolilnery. Parties wantfug tMom
should leave ordbrs with J. C. cV f.
Ai Robihson bo ; they cau bo ordered
now and delay avoided,
hi'ri'liv L-lvi-n that
of MoseOw, county of Latah, stuto of Idohb,
has upjftlcd to purchase, under .the net of
Congrfedof Juno 3, 1878! as cxtclklell by uet of
August i, IbW, tho Lots a and 4 anjl scHnwJ
sec 1, tn 11 s, t'J e, w rn,
And wli.i, offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more v (tumble for Its tlmUer or stone
than for agricultural. .purposes, Itnd'to estab
Usli lillf claim to said land before till) iteulstor
Unit Jteceiver at The Ualles, Oregon, oh the
aolh day pf May, 1U08. ,
ffu nam' s as Ids wltiinsscN! WIlllKln T Cum
erou aud Claude Cole. Hnlji tjf .Mo'duu'; Dlnlio;
jQseiih O McCoillb, 'of Troy, Idaho, and Ora
VtnTasaOl, of Mwlrne, Oregon. ,
? Any and all pertfitiN eludnliig ihK-uVs'.Jv the
tbove-dcscrlbed lauds are reijuostod" to f I Iu
their (dalmH In this office on or l-uforo said
aotbdiyWMay, 1&8; ,r i,v."
mU'BLM V. W. MOOllK, Iteklater.
JB0LATI5D TU;CT. Notice for Pub
'llcatlon. Public Land Halo. The
Dalles, Oregon, Land Office, April 10,
1008. Notice is liereby given that, as
directed by tlio Commissioner of tlio
General Land Office, tuidor provisions
of Act of Congress approved June 27,
1000, J'Ubllc-No. 303, wo.wil! ofler at
public sulet to tho liighcfit. bidder, at
10:30 a. m. 1 on I ho 25tll day Of May
next) at this ollice, the following tract
of laud) to wltl hw!hwi pf sec L'8 and
ejsej of sec 29, tp 12 s, r 14 e, w in.
ny persons claiming adversely Hie
above-dchoilbod lahds are adVlfied to
file their .claims, or objections, on or
before tho day above designated for
the sale.
0. W. Moouu, Roaster.
. ; ,1 , I,oUi8 11. AitNuaotV., ,
. n w. 1 w Em mr it mrmm. m vm m
VI Baf ' ' MB HLJ - Mil
iu 1 u u mm w w i 1 u
m II 111 m mTrn
AillinRintiiin m a km. m 0 m llAllll
I B H H RIKIlllIf n iiiuir
ourtmun wunivnriMnoiiii
MllliMI'l!! li IUI VU M .Um