The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 07, 1908, Image 2

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Bold Robbers Hold Up Train Close
to Pittsburg
Pittsburg, Mny 1. Two train-
Kuef Rests pn Ills Contract With XAS'iSLi&Si
District Attorney.
the Pnnhnndlo rnllroad of tho Penn
sylvania system, at the Union Sta
tion in this city, when that train loft
at 10:50 tonight, ten minutes late,
overpowered tho express messenger
REFUSES TO TESTIFY IN. COURT aml BOt nwny w,th four bngs of cur-
RL1UJLO 1U ILOII11 ll UUUUI roncy coutninlng nn amount of
PatrlckCalhoun Also Declines to An
swer Qjestlons and Is Up
held by Court.
money as yet unknown. Tho rob
bery was committed near Walker's
Station, a particularly lonely and Is
olnted spot In
; country about
Btop between here and Steubcnvlllo,
San Francisco, April 30. Patrick O., was brought to a sudden halt by
Calhoun and Abraham Ruef wero an emergency signal from the boll
called to the witness stand In the cord, and when William LafTerty,
Ford trial today. Both refused to tho conductor, wont forward to learn
tostify on constitutional grounds and tho trouble he found N. Roshen, the
wero sustained by Judgo Lawlor. Adams Express messenger, bound
After Calhoun was sworn ho was and gagged In tho express car and
asked by Assistant District Attorney so frightened that ho could not givo
O'Qara: any connected report of what had
"When did you come to San Fran- happened. Except that both of tho
Cisco aftor the 18th day of April, robbers wore white, tho express mes
1'90CT" Isonger Is unablo to givo an ldcntl-
Calhoun I decline to answer. jficatlon that would aid tho secret
O'Gara In tho month of May, sorvlco forces of tho railroad coni
1906, did you tell Frank A. Leach, panies and tho city and county do-
superlntendent of tho Mint, to pay tective force, all of whom have boon
to the defendant, Ford, $50,000?
Calhoun I decline to answer.
Judge Lawlor ruled that Calhoun
should not bo required to answer
any question which, in the opinion
of the court, might serve to connect
him, Innocently or guiltily, with tho
alleged crime for which he and Ford
havo been Indicted.
When Ruef was sworn ho was
"Do you know Tirey L. Ford?
Lake County Has Open Winter and Hood River Growers' Union Increases
Early Spring. atock to $25,000.
Lakoviow Aftor tho most open Hood River At a mcotint, o u
winter that southeastern Oregon has Hood River Applegrowors Union
ever experienced this section is now hold yesterday, and lnrgoij au-"-
nnn..l..n ...nli.,. Hint Inaiirnu wnnlth oil n rnsollltloU WU8 PttSSOd lncrCnB-
a rough section of to hor people. At no time during tho lng tho capital stock of tho orgnnun
11 miles west of tho.pnst winter did tho thermometer In tion from $2000 to $25,000. I
Lako cotintv reelster a tcmnornturo , , ,. m, lutrnnnii of erect-
Tho train, ono of tho fastest on below zero, and most of tho timo "X. "old storuuo facilities to tnko
tho road, which 13 not scheduled to balmy sprlng-llko weather prevallod. .,.. ranldly lucrerslng apple
at nr. Iinfwnnn hnpn nn Cli.t.nnvllln I m. " ... ..... t l l.. ..... UITU Ul HIV ll""i mill)
1 nuru wtro uui iuw iuuiiub vji suun, yield of tho VUlley. uoiwueii
and these melted away before a warm an(1 jgooo was subscribed at the
sun. Tho result was that but little moctiK within five minutes aftor
feeding was required, stock .goneral tno aecretnry announced that sub-
ly finding excellent raugo during tho Bcritions would bo received. It Is
entire winter, nnd tho end of wintor tno ,,urposo of tho union to build a"
finds sufficient feed on hand to tldo njjition to Its already largo ware-
tho stock Interests through a hard j10U80 iloro which will contain tho
winter, oven If no hay Bhould bo put cold atorng0 phint.
up mis soaBon.
On tho desert sheop men hnvo re
ported an Ideal wintor, with Just
stock, and with plenty of feed to put Eugene Mill Finds Railroad Tariffs
sheep In excellent condition. As tho Havo Doubled,
vast desert lying east of Goose Lako hi,h,. nt Vuacrw man-
Valley is tho feeding-ground for tho1 Salom J. M. Shollo , of hiiRtnn, mai
thousands of head of sheep that con- ngor of tho Eugono Mill & hluvator o.,
Btituto a largo portion of tho wealth a8 protested against n rceont rnio of
of Lake county, a wintor like tho ono , 100 por ccnt i certain local
nroflt ncolLnnCanB aD addItin t0 height rates la that part of tho state,
fil 0 "; v.r thero Ho enclose, a shipping receipt . ng
called out to work on tho case.
No Attempt Made to Prosecute Turk
Who Muraered American.
Now York, May 1. On board the
steamer Koenig Albert, which ar
rived here today, was the body of
Bernard Wnrkentln, president of the
I decline to answer unless Kansas Stato bank, of Newton, Kas.,
all tho Indictments against me are
who was shot and killed near Dam-
dismissed, in accordance with tho ,, 'i 7'"- "6
agreement I had with the District railroad train. Mrs. Warkentln
Attorney and the Assistant District and her son Carl accompanied the
Attorney, known as the "immunity body. ...... ,
contract." and on the further add!-- i- cable dispatches announcing
tional ground that a man cannot be the shooting, said that it was done
har been but little rain and practl- that ho "to o -
cally no snow. Crops of every kind pounds on wheat and outs
were put in early, and already there to Yoncalla, tnMn-
is an'excellent growth In everything , Uate
was 14 conts. Tho rate for a littlo long
er distanco, as, for instance, from hu
giuio to Koseburg, is now 31 cents,
whereas tho former rate was 15 cents.
This is an increase of ovor 100 per cont.
Tho railroad commission will investigate.
a witness against himself.
New Cannery Tender
Astoria The olllcial measurement
Small Run in Rcgue River Causes In
vestigation. Grants Pass Two million steel
head trout eggs were brought in
from the Oldenberg hatchery on tho
ment on the train adjoining that in Illinois river, and were expressed o Astoria e .. .
.,!, xf- wotit ,n annfo,i Buenos Avrcs. South America, in of the gasoline launch Huldah was
The Syrian said ho was examining care of the agricultural department, completed by the customs authorities
his revolver and that it went off by The eggs were closely encased in Ice- t0(layi The craft was built by T. L.
mistake. Ambassador Leishman, at,"a lur lu"s juui.v.
Constantinople, reported the shoot-1 The fishing season on Rogue river
lng to the state department. He said so far has been unprofitable, the run
I h I IM IV IllA
1 iiiiin ii 1 1 1 mi
Burlington Express
11.... ... . n'6
tnglnoor Killed and Fir.. .
o Hub,,,, '
uuiio, Mont., Mny 2
mltod ubout a mil.
.... - - - n tar ,f
o ciock. 1 no Mjtiii,,.!.., .
4III' w " ' I - rl W 13 in I . r
They expressed thomsoivea au 1 rail, but It tiluwfii in ""
K ino that the rocolvor would securo l,IU ' j 11 l . th
nosHosslon of tho property, which 1 " ar"d..f,:'ut w lh"ut turntI
AID3 OtHOoiroKrf.
Convlciod O.nker 1 ells Whore Secur
llios Are HladMn
Sn KrnuclMO, April 20. J. Dal
Z011 llrown, vlco president nnd man
uor of U10 California Safe Deposit &
Trust company, who Is under sou
tonco of IS months In San Qulntln
for embezzling Hocurltios held l
trust by the TruBt Company, today
KIivo information to u. .1. w "'ulu
receiver of the bank, which will add
mm nan to'tho fund for Iho do-
nosltors. Ho also told facta to tho
l..e, Ivor nnd to Assistant OUtrlct
Mtornoy HoB Cook, which had the
St of causing Lo Uroton to decide
to keep tho 101 Dorado liUinber Com
any, ho Carnegie Urlok Works and
ho gh as works at Stockton going at
a pro It lor tho benefit of the de-
pOB Uiin. i.....,Bfl,,n rnlntlnir
That urowii u ......,-
to the whereabouts of Bocurltlos
which will give $1,000,000 moro to
l o depositors lu believed to bo cor
: . . LL vm.Mi.i.t for bv Cook and by
I..I...UMII. utt.irnuv for Brown.
iiii. .i
POHsess.u.. " v..v ...... ... nfTh .,., , ,. . .
u,.uinrn I'JHMiit: biuun ui iiw . ---- hiuu cranno,! u,
11 I1III1.1IUU Ilk I'illl UWMS4 KJl Lllfl IPAAb . . '
uti t v w . ivunnn iiuui wnitrn k 7,
have a doflnlto market value.
Urnwil a HO gllVO U Uu uuiui
code book used by hlmBolf, Ur J.
Hartuett and John anu jnmen imuu-
11 mm, iu ,.uii wiiH secret anu or-
luinal. each ot Its ownora huviuk
. , . L....lnt Imilu t tint I
copy. Cook sniu uhiuiihb7
1. ....tnituwi On. kev to letters which
bail been In pobsohhIoii of Urown, to
longinn rrom where tho
EVOrV llOmnn nn ..- . . a
ueer Huhhcv. nt h
XL t l 1U ItltliltiiH...! 1
1. I.. I 1
ma lucuuiuuvo. Uur Mii,
Chief Amusemert for Navy While at
tlar.ta Barbara.
Banta Harbara, Cal., April 29.
Thero were no fixed features
Manuel Recommends Reforms
and PeoDle Cheer.
, o a rr.i. r,.,0 l!1oo11rnnf.o hnH hppn plvpn him that of fish being exceedingly light and
the the Syrian would be brought to jus
Driscoll, of this city, for the Colum
bia River Packers' Association and
her dimensions are as follows:
Length. 3-1.9 feet: beam, S feet:
.!.,( 1, 1 o frn tnrmni'i. !1 tons CTOS.1
. . f I .1 .1 I . .. . I . I ...... IIC.JL... . J M .w.. vw.....ow ' '
eighty-second anniversary of tho es- tico if the act proved to be ono of uo b - G tons net. She Is equipped with a
tabllshment of constitutional govern- murder . J mouth for tho W,U b
ment in Portugal. The royal mourn-1 Carl Warkentln said today that mouth for JJo reason of such ort od a Cftnn0 tondor
ine for the late King Carlos and h a the man who killed his father was a age, as at this time last ear tnou
ing lor me iai """a . Turkish Pr!nc and that Mr Lolsh-lsands of pounds were being shipped
son was suspended for the occasion, lurkisn rnnce ana inai air. L,cisn 1 nfflcprq for this Lambing Pucc-stfu
King Manuel was respectfully greet- man told his mother that it would. aa dalb. The ofneers for this u R ,hnonrnlBlne ln.
ha imnnoonh a rn r rncnnil r Cl n 1 m nnr J us n.oim,nwi j unnv wtvj ' 1
r . . . 1 1 1 A 1 U
King Manuel proceeded to tno aavisea ner 10 say uo more auuui iuu
Cortes, accompanied by many dlgul- matter.
taries of the state and escorted by a From his remarks it was apparent
strong guard of troops. The floor that Mr. Warkentln was of the opln
of tho chamber was filled with dep- ion that Mr. Leishman had not done
utle3 and the galleries were crowded all that he could, and he intimated
with a brilliant audience. jthat charges would be lodged with
His Majesty slowly mounted the the state department against the
trihnno that had been erected ior .amoassaaor,
his use. His address, which ho read
In strong and fuU tones, was a most
pathetic and at the same time a
practical and vigorous discourse, cal
culated to win the sympathy of the
people. He touched upon the trag
edy of February 1. when his father
Powder Magazine Explodes, Killing
240 Japanese.
Tokio. May 1. Admiral Yoshi-
secretary, A. Au berry.
dnstrv Is one of the important re
sources of Baker county, and tho
sheepmen have reason to rcjolco this
year because of tho successful lamb-
Conditions nave oeen
Oregon City Rose Show.
rimtrnrt Pttv Arrnnppmpntn nro
,, t .1 lne season
ond annual shoV oWhTbTeBon CUy met 'HnfSS lot ha"
Rose and Carnation Society, which ZtlZn S inSVln
win latw 11,t ,im
tho latter part or May or early in
June. Committees have been ap
pointed to take charge of the event,
u,'tiii rlilliitr st.i sk... ... .
mui uvea i iiudouo.. u 1 w uiu uiind Li
iL'hntn I iinv wuru nuuuii w; linn in iiii I ti lent
;.r..."'r,.n.l wells. Tho letters nro. V" " ' t bi,
,lu : .. . . iinuuuru uiini-r winch t, .
now in in-- " 1 i, , .. , ,
. ... m ma arm and luz vp 1...
luriiui n uuivv. i..i . - -.v ui
--...V, vi in,
ongliiu, wuh badly Bcalded
liuth Wiiru hnrrlcl in k. i
w un n
III I III Tlfl.lfllt IIHlKAl - ll 1
tllO HCellO Of tho viiirV
.... .uuu.u,u tlllVI lUU n(j
culved 111 thn cllv 1 u......, '
..urn 1.. n
"".uiiu riruiiiau t.nits. Ii tinr M
. , t ...itiii ,.i. Lifin ufinrVi it ii... 1 -n .1.
Hfinin iiiiruuni n uiihiiiiuiiihu.iw ......... mv iiueh. t
. . .. . 1... wi..niin ... Iho mall car. whlrh a.. .i.T.
tleshlp fleet today, the olHcerH and Cid ly wrwlcod. A cold M
. .1.... 1 .1.. ..II. I fix i.nruiKi . VU,U.B
men ouiug nusui 1 - car wim nexi 10 uie mull cv ul
wont to Los Angeles to spend tho i-oilowing the fish car wai IU
. ... ....... i...i I..., ,...u uriiMM ear. llnlv ilm imi
which expire nt 1 a. in. "u ""press car it'll tuc rain
The amusements offered tho bluo- baggage car also remained a
. . . . ... (. ... .iniiii. track.
lnCKt'lB III oiuiiii uiiiu.ini iu -. ...
J ... 1.... ... .It.. Tho Konural thenrv nf ik,
. ....... 1.. ... ..r u.r.ri im iiiiii 1111. nvnnm r. to....
v,. ...... -. .ll-unllu .... (I... -.Ii- t
1..... r ......).. ..ontiv n nn I ru. H b O to Uy WllC'thT a t Bl tat
II nil u .....v.; . . - I
brought here for the occasion. numu nun. u. wp m
honolni. thn flltl VIIH.CO VOred BH- IHKIIUU VO IHU VSIIIUSIT. j BUS
....u...n " - -- , ...... .
,ih!.itnn thn ocean bou'evani. cacn i numi uhiwuummi
LniM- i thn nnlv nictureaouo fin-;Botith side of tho track.
1 - : . , 1 'iM..i .in, in,.., Ij 1... n.-. i 1.
I lure of tho uluejncKcts niorinin- u;uum(,
'ment. They scorn to enjoy It hugely, omcera 10 uo inu worn 01 w
however, and when ino nvanaoiu ouumun 1 ii n.
cnnnlv of .MlLflliin l rlH KlVOS OUl.inim ir"i-
and strawberry-growers have been
asked to make exhibits, providing
tho berries are ripo when the roses
excellent condition and tho sneep
are thriving wonderfully.
Fruit Nipped In Dnugl'S
Rosoburg Douglas Couaty fruitgrow
ers aro inucn conccrneii ns 10 ino uxic.11
they dance with each other. It lu
no ensy taBk to provide partners for
1000 or more dancing Bailors.
For the olHcerH today, thero was n
garden party and In tho evening a
dance. A number or luncneons anu
. . ...... n ...
l'.ltliriHH .MOfiHUillcLT J. II. I
wns seriously bruised, leltf
1... n..l... . J til.
CUl UJ 11 iiiiii 511'uiiui. liu
The force or trie ciniom
are ln full bloom. The official color 0f tho damage caused by last night's
of the society la mission pink, adapt- frost. From somo sections tho report
and his brother were shot down as 1 t commander of the training ed from the color of the Mission comes that tho poars, peaches, cherries
.... ... . .. V " . nnH V. -v f in t- r t iwr t tn lira. I .1 n nn CntiSu irill tin n intftl
squadron, reports that an explosion , iu mm iw u 1 uuu "u",""' "
occurred In the stern magazine of gon- Local business men have been i0SH while in other sections the growers
cJLUUcuiu&iy uuciui iu uuuanuu, v.. na yvi. iiiiuuiu iu n.ij jiint ...... iu.iw.i
"the cruel disappearance of my fath
er and brother.
Many Cities Will Be Represented.
Portland. Ore.. AdtII 30. Great-
af intorosr has been aroused
thrmiKhniit Orecon. Washington, immediately
and In fact the entire Northwest in bridge was visible.
premiums. The show will probably
be held In the armory.
Must Ballast Track
Salem Tho Oregon Railroad
damage thoy have suffered from this so-
voro frost.
Track Laid to Dorrls.
Klamath. Falls Track hying wnB
the cruiser Matsushima at 4:08
o'clock this morning while anchor
ing at Makang, a harbor on the Pes
cadores iBlands. The Matsusnlma
sank until only tho
silhlfi. Efforts at roscua
thA Portland Rose Festival, to be by boats from tho cruisers Hashidato 'Commission is prodding the Oregon completed on tho California North
hPid here the first week of June, and Itsukushima continued until 9 Electric Company for le purpose of eastern to Dorrls yesterday. This now
'Tho fniinwlntr cities of Oregon, a. m., saving the lives of 141 men, inducing that company to hasten tno town is jusi uouwi m uiu wiKuu u..
throuch their commercial organiza- including some officers. Tho major- ballasting of its line between Port- and 11 miles from the steamboat
tions or business men's clubs, have lty of the officers were saved, and at land and Salem. The commission has landing on the Klamath river. Reg.
tranced to .have Moats in one or the time of tho Admiral's report the, written tho company a letter saying ular train service will be established
n,.,.. ARtnrla. Sea- cadets numbered 58 out of a com-1 that It Is Informed that the work of May 1.
Kfde The Dalles Hood River, Van- piement of 300. ballasting has been discontinued and
coiiver Wash McMinnvllle, Dallas, The sons of Baron Chlnda. vioe- that ln Its present condition the road
Albany Salem Eugene, Klamath minister of the foreign office, and endangers the lives of passengers.
Falls and Grants Pass. Medford, of Prlnco Oyama, field marshal, are . "What are you going to do about
t," i i..innanro TJillshoro. nmnne the cadets who It is feared it?" is the Question propounded to
qt Johns and a number of others are are lost; also Captains Name, Yosh- the Oregon Electric management.
5mi i rnnqlMPrlnc the matter. Lewis- mori and Yashiro. The cause of the. The tone of tho letter indicates that
ton Idaho, will send a beautiful explosion is unknown
t,m rmrtles on tho battloHhlu wore terrific. Accord ng to the. cm
" .... I.t... ,!.. urn. nn tiA Anfflnd.U
given to the junior oiucers.
Large Sailing Vessel Prcbibly Lost
Off Northwest Coast.
Victoria, 11. C, April 29. Tho
Htcnmer Tecs, from tho Vancouver
Island coast, brings further Informn
tho first cm: no tho engine im
bodily off tno tracK.
r . ti-m nnwsnn. Y. T. wnue
Spokane. Seattle. Tacqma and any I Washington. May 1. Commander
number of other communities will Tanlgucnl, the naval -attache of the
be represented by decorated automo- Japanese Embassy, said today that
biles and vehicles. 'tho regular complement of tho Mat-
Theso cities and towns have each sushima was about 335 men and that
raised anywhere from $500 to $1000 on her cruise she had about 50
to defray the cost of th6ir respective cadets aboard, man
floats, and these pieces will be typi-,415. His cablegram
stries of the . cates that about 11
nnmnmnitlefl renresented. .which would make the loss of offl
Whent Track prices: Club, 81c
per bushel; rod Russian, 82c; hluo
stem, 87c; valley, S.r,c.
Barley Feed. $24. TiO nor ton:
the commission will do something rolled, $27 '28; browing. $20
very promptly If the company does
Onts No. 1 white,
per ton; gray, $20.
'MIllstuffH Ilran, $21.50 per ton;
middlings, $27.50; Bhorts, country,
$27.50; city, $27; wheat and barley
chop, $27.50.
Saloon Issuo in Marlon,
Snlom County Clerk R. D. Allen to
.1 AnmnKk4nl nlinnt rrr iinAn tltn Hwrnfl
uuy KiumiitK nn vhvviwiij, . -
tiires'nn tho Marion County local option- Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley,
aking a total of potion and found tho potition to be in $17 per ton; Willamette Valley, or
im, he said, Indi- j iuo-form and signed by scvoral hundred dlnary, $1 5; Eastern Oregon. $ 17.50;
175 were saved, mor0 voters than tho law requires. The i mixed, $10; elovr, $14; alfalfa, $12;
cers and men about 240.
Strikers Attack Funeral.
Seattle, Wash., May 1. Bringing
British Destroyer Surk.
Harwich, England, Aprn 30. Tho
British torpedo destroyed Gala waa
nk early today off
Kentish Knock, in the North Sea, by ,30 strikers for breaking up a fun
tho scout Attentive Tho torpedo-1 oral and attempting to make away
boat-destroyer Ribblo also was in- with the corpse, tho steamship Dol
volved In tho collision and returned phin arrived in port this morning. A
cLoo-nnaa ivifh twn comDartrnents nomilar vounsr man among the
alfalfa meal, $20.
Butter Extras, 270 por pound;
saloon question will tliorcfore bo sub
mittnil to the votors of Marion county
Juno 1. As there will ho no fight onjianey 2f.c; rnoice, -'f.c; morn, l(i'.n.
any of tho county offices and there is I Eggs Loss and commission off,
no interest in any of tho stato contests ' 1 G4 fi 1 7c por dozen.
. -- --- - "loxcopt that for senator, it is certain uncese i-nncy cream iwins, isi'c
word of tho arrest of Treadwell of i that tho saloon question will he tho por pound: cream hrlek, 20c; Swiss
center of much attention
illn.n.u .larnmn Chirrtd WB
vorlng High Fin.fCtfi.
iinmi who 11 heinu
IHIilllU UUilDl, llllllh" lUllHW-l ihiuihiu- - ' ni.trW
. I . .. I.. .. . I. .. ..,,.!, AM..n, ' UVIIljU Wll I.IIIIII.VU (i
' Lfiriiuv jui ui ii.
iv wiiHiiuii iiHiiurt! iiuar 0111 uiiiiiiiu, t r,.. ti... fdintun ininu.
cuiimtui i'i l"'' vw.,-.- . t.
UnUv iiMvUlti who InvoMtleiitcil the o.. ii. i,i for fw nvldcnce UIH
UiTiir u ii iri wit h n in ii ii L' iiii ii ii nn it ii acm n ftri ti i iiipv i ii i hit ttuu hmm
of tho Hto.'uner. He anyn thorc In no tttroot forrhw cntti'H, in btt
ni:n. i ii u i u n nn iiuiiiK.i niiiuv iitii.
i i . i ..... . i ..I. i si r rj
uarniciUH. iiuliiiiik u mu kiuwih "vn cciiiiruu. wiu -
ti l, iti. (.siit (inn..,ii.ii''itiu I a i. H ti i.f mn rnuld lltt
nuiVU nuwu HVVtl III 11 nn. I Lllllky lt I v 1 , ,
nf ornnfv rriH(M. wlilwlcv riiHiH am! .iinhiwmiu ItiHli'Ild DC
fth(TH. hnvo lipon fonml In tho vl Wvntt lutfnro tho ernnd Jury
niiiuv fii iMnn:il ni v wiiciii. ll '..'., nornwl iin riinu w ---.
" . ----- v.. . i , ,nval
r m inr prinui.r u' n rnitii irniii iiiiii u. i..rfi,twi iiifri'i'ii iu .
I' .mill. r.r Mimaii .-11.1 ,,w.-.. u.'nu fifi'..,.,A..A.. n.iun n.iv ill i,.v -
timiuiinl ri tiiAiini iW thnun rtnunu r n ' I .llti llil ii iiiit'i BHtf' .
cently waHhed nHhore. f ,jr. ilor:o Hhi.H "i .
Ilit'bln u ii j I Im timnnunun nrkimnl I la-
in j fviu nil) n un; n M,n ihi ni;i. nun r-firiii ii.
posiiivciy 10 inuicaio mai Home inrgo Mr I'lurco iiskiu i"
i i . .. i ... .. i... i. i. ...i I . ..... ...... .t .. unfil Dc
mrii u' i , .ii.r I i , i.n .in Mr jeruiut"
f II I . 1 1 .11- 111.11 Dl . - IU
" :: .. .. n.,. nm Ameriwo -
cmnpa ii ;,, .t V
VllllllUII 1" . ,
vlHod Unit Indictment -
Clatskania Lights Up.
niatskanie Tho new electric
by A
blk., 20c; llmhurgor, 22c
Poultry Mixed chickens, 13c per
lb.; fancy hens, 14140; roostorH,
old, 8c; fryers, lb., 20c; hroilorH, lb.,
22V.(?Z25c; dressed poultry per
R pound, lc higher.
turned on tho per jllinflrocl ; Willamette Valley.
Tni.i,.. nf fho f ,-."., i.i. ghnti'ini. nf thn Rtrlkft- iioiita for the first time aaiuruuy htivlnir nr co. 4nc nor nnndrnil! kiihI
tenant r raiiiv $ ncitucii - iuiuuuuuiu o.iu.t...h . v.. "- . - w v ,
Gala who was in his bunk at tho breakers. Notwithstanding this-dis-1 nj,t( ;irnii n demonstration and Multnomah, buying price. 55c;
point where tho destroyer was struck play, the strikers attacked tho pro- electrical display. Tho Clatskanio Clackamas, buying price, 55c per
cession in iorce anu nearly capiureu nitv Band nlaved unaer an mum- inwmiuu, nuw v.uiiui nm, uiit uvjc
full of water. Tho flotilla was on- strikebreakers was acclder.tly killed l . t tnstalcd i1jro
gaged in night maneuvers when the recently. The funeral process on ox- , 1 . ., .,rton
accident occurred. Engineer Lieu- tended for many blocks, making a Kurtz and K Barton turn.
Jury S'lll Incnmploto.
t!nw T..H,...rtl.jA.. i. .-li nn .1... I.n
.31111 J I II 111,1 III ij, 6V. I nil III. ' . tlimil
ulnnini; of lh fmirlli mill In llm "gnlllHl Wiom-
,work or selecting 12 men to try Ab
raham Ruef on ono of tho 117 In
dictments returned against him by
' i 1 1.. l .t a .. . .
.inu y.rumi jury, cunrging ino lormori i,..ii,.ii as 0
' poiiiicni noHH oi Hun rrancisco wmi ihn w"
i.riiw.r-,. fi.,.i,, i mi i.. ,.... u, ....... 1 1 iiriulni; rrom "1V '. .
Ii.lcl. ...III. ..Imo. ....... I.. .1... . -. . . . I lu UPl'Klllh
, ...... .....u l.lbl. .11 L.IU Ifll l.u- 1IIITII1IJ11L. lllll, " ...
I ... ... ' . la KlUy -
ci-pieu iiiiii sworn.
MAAV Mill I .., r
in nan w
rult 1
I'oWln, Mny
tenant Frank A.
wont down with the vossel.
Count Is Burled.
TYimnlorrfi. France. April 30.
The body of tho Duko do Chaulnes,
tho young French nobleman who was
tho body.
Food for the Fleet.
Washincton. May 1. Prepara
tions for furnishing food supplies in
inntod willow trco. electrical street per pound; sweot, Ti'c por pound
slcns wero blazing in colored lights," Onlrtnp Job price, $1.755 por
nmi the occasion took on quite a hundred; inlying price, $4.2 5(4.50
ii.i n fw mnnthB am to Miss largo quantities for the uso of tho
Theodora Shonts, of Now York, and Atlantic battleship fleet on its way
festive air. This is ciatsKanies
Hecond electric light plant.
Umatilla Short of Teachers
Umatilla county
per hundred; garlic, 15c per pound.
Applet! Solent, $2.50 per box;
fnncv, $2; cholco, $1.50; ordinary,
Fresh Fruits -.Orniicos, Jt2.50&f'3
i T-i .11.. 1 1 tyi 'ii 1 1 1 'i pniiniv '
was SrinteSd?tho cnateau Unavy department toda "These schooV; aro facing a teacher famine, per loj; Jomons, $2.753.
K odtho no Chaulnes family. Tho supplies are to bo loaded aboard Despite the fact tjjt oarg orory Cte $4.755
hndv was brought down from Paris the auxiliaries at Maro island and district In tho county ims neon KntfM: cows, host $3 75TM
yesterday This morning a private Puget Sound. Among tho Items aro forced to ralso tho salary of Its JJ ' . 3cJJg3 T' iJ'V j5J
masVwaf celebrated in tho chapel of 1,500,000 pounds of flour, moro teachers from $5 to $10 per month, r,on' $3.3.75, calves, $4
r"IZn Only tho Immediate than 1,210,000 pounds of frozen it In difficult to nocuro instructors , 4.5".
, . lor
members of tho family wero present.
Rebels Set Fires.
Victoria, B. C. April 30. News
was brought by tho Empress of In-
meats, largo amounts of sausages
potatoes veg tables and fruit
Plamere Revolt
Paris, Mny 1. Tho Temps today
dia today of a serlec of disastrous publishes a special dispatch from Bat
conflagrations at Pokln, involving a tambang, a town of Slam, in tho
L"".B Yr X; i'owes, $C6.50; spring lambs, nomil
nro jiuw yiuii'i. mui ii.v,. w...... ...
their efforts to mako contracts this,""''
far in advance for tho fall terms.
New Mill fr Albany
Albany Work is progressing rnp-
Hogs Best, $0fl)0.25; medium.
$C.758; foodors, $5,2B(?f 5.50.
Hops 1007, prime and cholco, 4
Oc por pound; olds, I3ll4c nor
wooi eastern Oregon, avorngo
por pound, according
Valloy, 12 015c. ac-
arlv In Anrll. Dynastic rebels were and aro threatening the Kuropean in tnreo weens, m n union iu m .coraing io nun my.
rnHldisrod rosnonsiblo. and whole- residents. Tho troops aro jnBum- ing apparatus, iao nun wiu iu umuji- wonsir-uuoicu, auicpauo por
ale arreBtB were made. 'clont to Insuro protection. 'pod with wooawonung raacuinery. jpoana.
rtfiniiii .....i ,....,.M.. ....n ..r ... ...... .. . ... ...ii n h.-i
i'""i nmii ii, wiiu ui inu 'of (Jront Britain iu ru .,
iroincn nxa n nou toi av u n not know t . ..... -,.Mfiicm"v"-
while anotlior was chnllencnd by Mr. Japnnoso iiutlicjrltH'a Bt
Ilonoy on tho ground that his moral tho growth of '". u wltbo
vi' ll (4'14 viltt Ui 11 it IV Wlr ifll"! ' 9' " . ' . t. ttPPll vv .
li ui i4iii " . -Aftflraiu "
' . . . ... 11 II L'lIUVI'" '
ilrltnln to put J
fit to bo a Juror.
Llfo Is All a Gnmbln.
a campaign w tbe '
Mm Chinese aldo oi .
. .. . irinnriiv v-
iThey hold in"
Dublin, April 29. Dlscuflslng ci,0fly responsible.
mini iviiiu iHiiim n, 1 1 ii:ji u ru vriiKUi , i. i
ntlAi linuu mx9 rn. ........... .. 1..U I ... ,..ftlr&' '
,.wnn hi j 11 in 111 ii mui, iiiiiuy Evsns' Wflgni "'fc .
... r...lnCI. V'
. . , . . l ,i u'lirii iiii- ..If
nirn HTiiirMi iirnn i v m jiiiiuiii - . ...a vai -
... .,... i.i....r.ii,vwi... . ... . ni.nrdw ...
I .1 Itln ........ ll... l. ...I..... n inr.,fii!ii , - .1.. HCH
mini 1.. i.n -...! It.... t l. ,(.. rni... ttnrinnl lllllll I" " rlATlin
iiuuii uui, ui iniiv ruie inn i ino in" i",ov"' , nnno lv. m
nil ii ...... ,i.i,. i..i ,i . n InavO ' ,,D nt "
part of Iho gamhlo that's nloaaant Snrlngfl on tlli? "Heat
i i .1 i f ii s i . f tun tiJiiw in nw i
is ii ii ui iiiiunii ill iii.iiT.ii7n ir liiiiiiiiiz Liiu - iHiii V : .
Lirus, nt neai
I . ..... .ll.,r,.Utll 01 ..I. (9
Oo to Work to Have Mine. I"1 U1 " ,n,, rtv, In
Johnstown. Pa.. Anrll an. n,in, vniiH and imrty, ,leii
. m ' .nn run oi uj. -
ornora irom ratricic U'.ldny, presl- .
I.lnnf rt .llullnl VT o "'i t I .. .. Virl
i....v ... uinniw lllli (t, nUVCI ill IHIII" I
drod striking minors of tho South
Fork coal Compuny returned to 1 Buffulo, "n)rv 'tcrdfly. 1
.wiirn inuny m an orrort to Hnvo tho snow ion uu'v,,n gnoff
minnn rrnm linavv Inoun,. f .n . ulinwtl nilll ..mll''
... .. .w((iiv,m i,i,,.i niiiui pirn .--- JM i
nnd a prohnblo permunont HUBnon- dlBfipponrlng. . jo lftC'
Bion. denth waH roportoa v