t THe Madras Pioneer --n.y.r;,. VOL IV MADRAS GROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 7j 1908; NO. 3 Mil" li--iiii- . n& Green Hotel NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENt Motise'has bccrt thoroughly renovated. No better tabic in Cb trll Oregon for the m6Ar.fi Your, wants will tic courteously attended to. Headquarter fdr traveling mcri. First-elass Livery in Cofthectiori j. W. U$Nfl&T0,N. .Proprietor MADRAS, OREGON -ml UmZ-Z-iM i il n 1,1 ..., I wl -nn ii 4, PROFESSIONAL CARDS pRANrl 08B0RN Oi 8. COMMISSIONER NUr (irc'enlt'ut'cl MAtmAa ORKOON 0, d. COLLVER NOTARY PlMlC 1 . . . ..if....... . . . , t. s, )h'"tt , l'ri'H. t t. lluli.iltrtT.VIci-l'rffl. J.C. Fowui:, Cshr. iftistibo of tlio Pbnc6 eUr.VKit i'hticiNCT CULVER OREGON PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Olllc-t! Ill Urufe Store. ! MAIJIUH OllKUON EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXCHANGE DOUCHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD jt H. HANER . - ' : : AdSIRAUTEK OF TITLES NOTARY I'UJIMC I'lrb Itiiurnnrc, MIo Insurances, .puroty llonils Hvnl Kstntc, Conveyancing Capital Stodk, $50,000 Deposits, $250,000 SHANIKO, OREGON A; E. OROSBY J' R 0 I R I K T O R in5TnpPir.B phapmatv J M. W AAA vr M. H. M J. A. A I A i A. A tfr ft ' "ttip i) tl-1, Inu of DniRl, Mcdiclii't), Ctitynlcali, HntiMiuM Ke;nillv, Dnitf t i.ltyty ftiiit I'hiito 8iiiill. Country Jlrtll OftIi!ri I kItc my i.urhoimj iiltiitJ :i A (ttiluki ji ftinrKf. Kru dtfllvbryHhrautiruiJ. Your ri"firpl,lprt ' HtrycLtuHin. ni. IVtt letr)t!Ni., Hloci'tjodf Add 1H.mI All kinds, imcjf rKsMtiuti KmUki. Ilolh 'Phuutii. WIIOI.KHAI.l: Af.'U Klfl'AII M , K A j jKS. U R 5HON I'lUKKVIM.K, OKEQON yjAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUBLIC i'lon'eur lliilldlni: Madras OREGON NO. 3051 The First Nati'onal Bank OF PRI NEVILLE, OREGON li. F. ALtfc.f, 1'rcMtloni, .,,,, T. M. IIalpWin, Cashlur. VtM.Wunzwi!ii.iyi VIcu Viun. II. l!Lii'.v:n, Awt. Cashier. IX I Capital, ESTABLISHED 1888 Butplttti -ftiul Undivided $100,000.00 Profits LUMBER FOR SALE We have plenty rjf lumber for sale at otJr rftill, located about c! miles east of Grizzly post office on county road. Prices right eekin & Eastwoo'd ELK DRU G STORE Carries a gSod line of fresh drugi and patents. Pre scription work and family recipe! made d Specialty T, A. Lb.NG Physician and Druggist MADRAS, ORECON LIVERY . Prince Corbe t The begt iir. Shailikd Sood Stock Oil rcful brivcrp est of Hay and Clraln. Fed At Very Reasonable Priced b. Ai r-loWfell, Shanikd, 'Or. i -1 ... --t - - '1 '- -I'M- , g- BAY PERCHERON STALLION Vlll make the season until July 20. as follows t Madras, 'Mondays, .I'hurwlava ntitl Hnturtluys: Vt-a.h) it Uiowii'h, TiiS(Uya iuiiI W uduus- At liolim rancn rriuny. 810 ovner ilavs TKltMS! S8 hlliKlo hcusoii; ir to liiHtiru service; PBTBR MARNACrf, J ROBINSON ; C & M. A. feUCCES'SORS TO I. W. & M. A. ROBINSON '& CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, OREGON Spring and Summer Goods Are belling RAPIDLY Agents for B-AlH WAGONS, McCormtek Headers sa Binders SUB-SURFACE PACKERS 41. HFAT TAtfPN rnR AflRnilNTS AND TRAOE SUBPOENAED FOR JURY SERVICE ItcfliilcntH of thin Hcction wlio were tlraWn on tlio jury lint for the present tUrin Of the circuit court arc ns followH! 1 1. K. W. Taylor, 'J. L. Windoin and Walter Jlublo of Haystack; Kalpli Moore of Haycreek; IirL. Priday of (JronH KeyH; C. E. Jtodali, J. CrWay mire, ll. J. Coon alid A. B. I'liillipa of MadiaH, Circuit court convehed at l'rineville 1'aHl Mohillly Inornihg", and a number Of ilnportaht cafees will bo tried during thb hrcHunt term of court, the tiioat important belli!' the crimihal taSes arising oill of tiie burning of tlio Wil liatiiHon Shearing plant and buildiilgH. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY V. II. ltodlhnn, who for several yearn past has be"h lerryinah at the AVarih spring ferrj-, celebrated his 78th birih d.iy annlvorwiry last .Suntlay. lii honor of tho occasion u number of Mr. llod lnan's relative's and their neighbors gathered at the ferry alid spent the day bicnicking. 1'hreo of Mr. Hodman's daughters', Airs. Frank Forrest, Mrs Dick Butler and Mrs. J'. K. Campbell", and a nulnbcr of his grand-children, were among those who gathered to make the day a pleasant oho for him. THE ENDLESS CHAIN With tho cominff of hjlrlng, b'tiulrrclsi, BOphurs .and fic rats rtcularly appear, to deva Mil to the fields of Browing grain. Knrly hi tho hc-uhom, when their nhturnl food Is carce, thblr numbers may bo Kreatly plmlnlhhcd by a Byatematlc war fare upon them. Every female killed be fore tho youiiff arc . born, reduces the number of pests at leatrt ten later on. ."Woodlark" Squirrel folson is the mont reliable and destructive, agent yet dcvlfcO for their extermInatlor. , It Isan abso lutely cortaln Instrument of death for fqulrrcl Every, jkerhel 13 warranted to 1(111. Climatic fcWipgelj, dew. frost, or the molsturo of the earth do not effect Its ftrength. It roqujri- no mixing or prep- And Is alwnvp ready for use. No icr Ifj.so good. Dealers wlli refund the t priSfii. " no aA f 'AWV? . C , t Chemical Cos. Pbrtland, Oregon bthcr i. burchnse The Iloyl Li O W RATES EfiST VlLL BE MADE BY THE 0. R, & N. THIS SEASON AS FOLLoVvS RoyND Yrip CATTLEMEN ON TRIAL Case Set For Wednesday Morning TRIAL AR0l)SE8 INTEREST Ex-Sherirr Smith And Lorkln Elliott Wll Bo Tried At Prlncv'illo This Weofc. The trial of c-8heriff C. Bam Smith and Larkin Elliott; charged with the burjiirig. of ex-Congressman "Villiam son's shearing planl and bther prdli'crty near 1'iintvllle, will take place in the 'Circuit Court al Prineville this week, and the case haS been the all-absorbing topic of conversation at the countyseat since the arrests were made. The spe cific charges a&alnst the defendants are the burning of the Williamson shearing plant and other buildings', and the cut ting of a mile or more of wire fencing around Williamson's leased iand. Lark Elliott Was arrested several weeks ago, charged with the offense, and it was upon evidence which he is reported to have furnished that ex-Sheriff Smith was later arresled. Smith was released on baii in the sum of $5000, but Elliott did not attempt to secure bondsmen and has been confined in the county fail Ex-8herltt Smith was arraicned in the Circuit Court last Monday afternoon, and his trial was Set for yesterday morn ing, the defendant pleading riot guilty to the charges in the indictment, The case promises t'o be a hard-fought legal battle, and Is arousing much interest throughout tlio county. Smith will be defended by Weatherford '& Wyatt, an lbany law firm, and George Wi Barnes of l'rineville, and the prosecution will be conducted by District Attorney Men- efee n'nd II. S. Wilson of The Dalles. The trial iury for this case will proba bly be drawn from amonir the acricul- lura districts of the cOunty, which are interested In neither sheep or cattle. This will doubtless be none in order to secure a jury free from prejudice, which might result from the fact that Wil liamedn is a sheepman and Smith and Elliott are both cattlemen, as the sheep men and cattlemen of this county have clashed many times in recent years over the question of the public range. STATE GIVES CLEAR TITLE TO DITCH IAnDS TO Chicagd St. Louis 2 St. PaUI Omaha -Kansas City DIRECT $72.50 67.50 63.15 60.00 60.00 TIC Klil'S 'WILL li'fj ON May 4 15 w Jund 5, 6 20 - July 9, 1 22, 2 August 6, 7,2rj 22 Good for lotuni in "00 days with stoppvur piivilngea lit pleasure within limits. Don't "ft ge. the Dates For why further Information cnil oh i I WILSONj loDRl Aeent Or write to -tai. 34tt:e-S- Or. !? . 3?ortlt3vxcL Oreg"6ii Agreement Modo With Deschutes Irrigation Company. SALEM, Or.', May 4.'The State Land Board and the Deschtiles Irrigation & I'ower Company havo reached an under standing regttrding(rc(iea8o of lien on re cluhiled lahll hnd, the coihpany has ar ranged to have tlio holders of the mort gages sign releases.. Tlls arrangement enables tho state to( execute deeds to settlers with title cV'.ar of aliy apparent cloudj pild the Issuance of Ueeds will be gin lt once. i Thjs company clainietttiat under the terms vpf ,Uie mortgage", these instru ments would hot constitute A cloud upon any land tJjp(idtiito might deed) but Oov erhor Chanberlain refuswl o sign any deeds Witil ailangements had been made with holders of the mortgages. Ho held that even if thp mortgages are not sl( jjloud ippn the tH'le, it might take litigation to establish that (net., Thf)jsheV arjcutigehient ,is gratifying not only to tho State Iarid Board, but to settlers as woll,tlfor they can now get deeds as fast as .they. submit final proof, and they can fuel satisfied that their titles are goodt It Is evident that the State Land Board proposes to insist upon observ ance of its rule requiring six months' residence, for three applications for deeds have been turned down because tho residenco rulo had not been com plied with i This does not meanj how over, that tho purchasers will losd their latul. If they becomo actual settlers, as tho rlilo requires, thoy may yet get their deedsi with her etocll tibharV powerS. She wa second ill the recent. Hbhtbst lit I'HHe' ville, and when Miss ilorrioy was llhaiit to go to Walla Walla, Miss ftid'der selected as alternate, so that the Crobl' County High School will after all be represented by one of Madras' talented young ladles. in thb ihtor-stato contest at Walla Walla, Miss Kidder competed with stu dents from Spokane, IliUville, Ellens burg, ftorth Yakima, Itoslyn, Garfield; Oakedale, Paloufte, Lcwiston, Lagrande; Bolso Baker City, Pendleton, Walla Walla, Tho Dalles arid other places. ORGANIZER OF FARMERS' UNION TO LECTURF. A. At Elmore; state organizer and lee tu'rer of the Farmers Educational arid Co-operative Union of America', will tec tiire upoh the alms ahd purposes of the union at the fouowini! times and nlace's: lud Springs, Satd'rday evening May Mountain lew schoolhouse, Monday evening May 11; Madras, May 12; Eqd Rock, May 13 ; Lamonta, May l4 ; Cul" ver, May 15; Opal Prairie; May 10 ') Methotlist Hill, May 18. The lectures will begin at 7:00 p. m,, and all person? interested arc cordially invited t'o at" tend. At tho Mountain View meeting oil Monday evening a local branch of th'6 union will be organized at that place'. WHEAT PRICES ARE ADVANCING Wheat prices continue, to advance' yesterday's quotations at Portland being 87 cents for club and 89 for bluestem'. These are the highest prices which have provaiieu since wie panic oroKe last vc tober'j wheju the Portland quotations feP. to about 80 cents. Within tho past month the price of Wheat ha3 been slow ly advancing, Until it has nearly re gained the point reached before "the financial slump. However; a larcre rer cent of the wheat, in jtho rTorthwes has already been sold, tile bulkofit having passed into the buyers' handa last Fall, and practically the balance having been sold this Spring, fn this immediate sectioV there is, still some wheat unsold, bu this will practically all be cleaned within the next 30 davs. Much of tlie wheat left Vn this section vhen freight" ing was stotiped by the bad roads last Winter has been hauled, out this Springj and the only grajn left is that in the hands of the farmers who expect 10 u(j iiicir own ireiKuunK. MISS ETHEL 'KIDDER REPRESENTS CROOK Miss tMavn liorney did not go to Walla Walla to attend thu declamatory con test, as it was announced last week sho would) tho honor of representing Crook County High School ill the inte state contest fallitiB to Miss Ethel KldV den aothor .Madras girl, ys8 KUldor Is tho daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 0. W. Kjdd.er, o( thjs place, ami vqn, qij busions litis delighted Madras audiences DUFUR OIL COMPANY LETS CONTRACT At a meeting of the Dufnr oil com pany, which owns about 4000 acres of land bearingoil indications near Dufur, i contract was let to John Farrell, a vet eran driller to sink a well. Parrell is to go 2000 feet if necessary and will re ceivo pay t tie ratja of ?5 a foot, pro vidhig he strikes oil or goes tlio rpquired 2000jfe'taya an item from Tho Dalles'. If oil slioulu oe found in less than that distance, he will receive pay equal to that for the whole distance. The company lui9vt Imd . considerable difficulty getting, a Well sunk, as the former contracpr,ufailed to make good and tost his tlrijl in the well. The old holp is to be abandoned and tho new one driljed ibout a half-njilo diant. Ex pens hiyo Jironouncfjd tho -.indications1 for pctroleufn excellent in this section. ORGANIZED V0F1KMAN LODGE I'll.- A .local lodge of tho A. 0. U. W. was organized at this place last Monday .vcning, yaptaln 1. v. lJevinney ot Portland, state organizer, being present to assist ,iif tho organisation. Tho new lodge sti.tcd out with 18 pharter mem bers, thrc.o of whom bad previously joined tho order at. oilier Idtce. In ad dition to tho chat ter members, the lodgo will haVy eight ot- ten now members at its next mpotihgi so the now organiza tion starts out with a good membership. At the organization meeting Mondav evening otllcers of tho new lodgo were elected as follows; W II Cook, P M W.; N P lloulscii, M Wj A W Culp, F 1 (' PellUtt, t)j J W Hurt, Fin; ,0 .Adam. Kec ; C U Halnsey, t. j W E Parrlsh, I W TO MAKE RAIN IN SHERMAN u. '. I . A telOgramfrom Charles $1. ljatfield, Crows Landlhgi Calif.,, which., yia re ceived by AV, M,. Barret), hoiilfst of thp week, brought .tltujwa that Mr. Ilat fiotd will bo.oja.tjie,. 'ground by or bofori) May 1 to eqlymortce his rain nrpcipitatf lug opeJ-ntina'.l;.Mr. llatfitl did not succeed; inufulllling hiay.eltiro contract nhqgjVenongth of tlmo this year In 'CalWQi;nia. His success was, howover, ar.coo'Ugh tlmj, tho farniors felt like fomuneratiiig liiin to tho amount bf -1000. Tho, fiirmora in tho neighbor hood of Crows Lauding are- looking, fo' ,ward to a bumpei crop tho coming s;aa eon. Wasco Jfo'ws.