The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 23, 1908, Image 7

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    eculiar to Itself
therefore Peculiar to Hsolf in merit, sales and cures.
1 .. ... from the best bloocl-purifvintr. nlrnr.-ifnm
UIS JJIIV" w , , . . j ""' "IIU
. I 1... r. . n I minIH(1 nl m. 1 . i I 1
. t .initira nv Mill n uiiiiiiwii mm ui:i;u i i;i r mrw nnriu nn t
tonI? full medicinal value of each and all.
rC Tl c severest forms of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, rhcu.
tism. dyspepsia, and debility arc cured every day by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Small I Joy (In intiU or swimming
xchool, anxloiiHly) oil, pn ; I've hwiiI
lowed hoiik; water! Will they mlcdV
' I timntt' h
my hod.
,1-iifrrric;fJ. ICO ClOSCS SI. linmri In inhn it-
Sold Oy ""W" - " n " Tommy-Pop, what Is the
. t- lima whn ftrnfftr I niBtt.
ChfOlO fJO iiiwllrlu ill tablet accuracy ordtsr, roiivuilcnte etonuii v n.,,.. i. , ' "' ""lul J
0 ,, r.Barsa.erlll I" no u" ' ,'",''K " l0" y "VM-ornllon, brcnkauo o,uZ, -'S",ol l't' ' lHKr,
fom.l'T ; .. , Harsatabs. as well ' ''i tin. Hold by drui(iilU or irnt iiromptl b mnlL I Philadelphia Itecord.
mmIMJ "form. Ssriatabs have Wutlrll tli. I C. I. IIuo,! Co., Jxiw.ll, Mmh.
Il.alf. I
Ilia rM""""" . .
, .
,.,i i,ns micu a curious irw.
C n of tine .Ilk urn.
if, in"-- , ,,.,. r them.
!DTr.;. ron't know
"Wen. ' lv , Mm.,
much tW e0"1 bl,n;
((lrOIIIlltlir III firnl, U'.tl
Mr, Hrnckett. Iinvc you drslenril a,ivtl,l,,
hew lately that you would like to .ho
Kusy Architect Why, yes; I've put
unique ornamental pnncl on the outside
or my olllcc door. I'll show It
to you
wIh)i to obtain a rot of foui
water color pictures noarlv
Jf you
OPKN AIAj 'into f0 slio, frco, wrlto tho Pacific Coast
CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE, UMOON omx Co., Allwny Ulock, Oakland,
uni.. hiki in lninriimimn win im nnt
you toxothor with an Illustrated book-' hud any that'H
lot giving particular!) of something of
Intoient to ovoryonu in the family.
the tk. o"f. t u Mi Ma
cliff house uon Pur rr niuinr.
r gu tttUrt. Klrrlrlc Hcl.U. Klrr.
OftEQON" f.Hr. IUIM, 1M .nd 3.00
jIT -Npftll rm ur .
DA5. J. IOOIU:. I'roprtolor
and quarantoed
AND rlAlo
Ewry oarmcnt guaranteed
Clean Light Durable
Sult322 Slicker 322
0 trttlT NAHM trtTtl
UI4104 rut n It AlKUr
llnlrlmnnlnl ConOdnnoaa,
Mr, IlllliiPi I vrUb I could find rome
wny to make the hair trow on that bald
pot of mine.
Mm. Wlltm Don't do It, John. That'
the only fpnturt you've got that ever
iftn to imlle.
Stbioct Every Hime Lovor
Olvo Attention.
U J. It, BMnn. Trofrinior of Horticulture, Idnht
Experiment Station. Moncow.
Most of the Wcflt is now country,
thcreforo It Ih not surprtaing that com
pnrutivoly fow dwollingaand farmsteada
within her boundaries are nurrotindod
by attractively arranged plantings of
trees, flowers and shrubs. Naturally,
the nttcntion of most citizens of this
greut commonwealth has beon confined
to tho one idea of inoneymaklng; per
haps tho place has been mort?aped and
every effort has beon bent to relievo
this condition; or, Eomo may have set
a certain standard of money accumula
tion and have devoted their energies to
working toward this goal. The result
"Did you ever nee any one ho home ' thcao conditicns has been that of set
lyV" "No; why, he's ho homely that n w'do tho real beautifying of home
"'ito.nobllo KOKKlfH are actually becom-. K0U" afl " 8ecom,ar consideration.
'K t hlm.-.St. Ixii.Ih Tlm(!H. f,nothe very provalont reason why peo-
,. , pie neglect this all-Important matter,
I low wo have changed hIiico the old H found in tho fact that scarcely one
days!" "What do you mean'" "Why, person in a thousand steps aside and
tiMlay It Imi't half ho blvxHtri to give givei the matter adequate thought.
h It h to he a receiver." Life. Although ono may appreciate'tbe at-
"Mamma, have I got to take a bnth 'active places of others, still the idea
to-night?" "I'm afraid you have, my of makl"K own placo equally attrac
dear." "Hut I haven't done anything vf 'B, 'rom the Imagination. A
ill the week to deserve lt. Life. i third cIbbb of people aro those who
, , , ,. . 'really love the touch which nature
Mr. . la whack-that Iwy gets hlH Rve8 the home BUrrouncln(B, but from
hralim from me. Mrs. Juwhack Some- ack of forethought and systematic
body got eill from you, If you CVvr nlannini? thnir Affnrtu fnll far .Vinrt nf
a cinch. Cleveland . success. All of these classes of home-
Utiider. J makers can profitably devote some at-
IVggy Was that p'llceman j.ver a tcntion to this subject, commonly
little baby, mother' Mother Why, I known as "landscape gardening," and
yes, dear. Peggy (thoughtfully Ii lts application to homes of our country,
don't bellefe I've ever mien u baby I Tho a'tlmato aim of all landscape
V'llceman! i gardening, whether conducted on a
' Hmaii or on n. mrtrn ybip. nnnuni no in
present a pleasing picture. In other
No old sore exists merely because the flesh is diseased at that partic
ular spot; if this were true simple cleanliness and .applications would
heal them. Whenever a sore or ulcer refuses to Ileal readily, the blood is at
fault; this vital fluid is filled' with impurities and poisons which are being
i l i t i a t. i r 1 ; ... i
irritating and inflaming the nerves and tissues so the sore cannot heal.
These impurities in the blood may be the remains of some constitutional
trouble, the effect of a debilitating spell of sickness, leaving disease gerni3
in the system, or the absorption by the blood of the fermented refuse matter
which the bodily channels of waste have failed to remove. Again the cause
may be hereditary, the diseased blood of ancestry being handed down to
posterity; but whatever the cause, the fact that the sore will not heal shows
the necessity for the very best constitutional treatment. There is nothing
that causes more worry and anxiety than an old sore which resists treatment.
Every symptom suggests pollution
and disease the discharge, the red,
ruigry looking flesh, the pain and in
flammation, and the discoloration of
surrounding parts, all show that deep
down in the blood there are morbid
and dangerous forces at work, con
stantly creating poisons which may
in the end lead to Cancer. Local
applications are valuable only for
their cleansing and antiseptic effects;
they do not reach the blood, where
the real cause is located, and can
therefore have no real curative worth.
3. S. S. heals old sores by going down
to the fountain-head of the trouble
I want to recommend S. S. S, to an who ore
in need of a blood purifierand especially as a
remedy for sores and obstinate ulcers. In 1877
I had my lee badly cut on the sharp edge of a
barrel, and having on a blue woolen stocking
the place was badly poisoned from the dye. A
great sore formed and for years no one knows
what I suffered with the place. I tried, It
seemed to me, everything I had ever heard of,
but I got no relief and I thought I would have
to go through life with an angry, discharging
sore on my leg. At last I began the use of
S. S. S., and it was but a short time until I saw
that the place was improving. I continued it
until it removed all the poison from my blood
and made a complete and permanent cure of
the sore. J.TO. ELLIS.
250 Havy Street, Brooklyn, K. Y.
Farmer Uentover I've Jimt heard
thut the wldder Dlggs has married her
hired man. Farmer Hornbeak Then,
he'll have to climb down from tho fence
and go to work. Puck.
MrH. XcwrockH Keally, I'm Horry
we didn't accumulate more souvenir.
words, landscape gardening mar be de
fined ns tho art of arranging and group
ing trees, shrubs and flowers in such a
manner that a picture of undeniable
beauty prevails from season to season.
It is not enough that the mnterial
There U more Catarrh In this section of the
country Minn nil otnnr rilteam-s put together,
anil until I lie Ut few years was supovl tn h
llicurnlilu. K(ir n great many yrnrs ilix'tnri
priinounci'il It a Ideal dlieaie and prctrrlUvl
i u mi I,-., nun ij I'oiipiniiiir inning m
cuio with local treatm-snt, pronmineeil It In-.of our Kurojiean trip.
i.iiiiiu. oi'lf-liru III. Jiru.cil i-niftrrn (ll IIU H
romtltiillonal ilueaio anil tlicroforo requires
rontluittonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure,
manufactured by K. J. Cheney A Co,, Toledo,
Ohio, It Win only roumlltitloiial euro on tho
markot. It ! taken Internally In dotes from 10
Irons to a teatixMitifnl. It net. illrnctlr nn tha
n kiwi anil mucous surface" of tho system, convict who wrltcH noetrv In iii'Ihoii u l i , , , "
They offer one hundred .i.niara lor any cue li ! " ,, , IM-irj in pi iho u beauty for each day, each week and
laua 10 cure, bviiu lor circulars ami icstl noun iiui: ih una wiim uu n nncli mnnth
In for? Philadelphia Leduer
and driving out the poison-producing
zerms and morbid matters which are
keeping the ulcer open. It removes every particle of impurity from the cir
culation and makes this life-stream pure, fresh and health-sustaining. Then
as new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing begins, all discharge
:eases, the inflammation leaves, new tissue and healthy flesh are formed,
and soon the sore or ulcer is well. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood puri
fiers and finest of onics, just what is needed iu the treatment, and in addi
tion to curing the sore will build up and strengthen every part of the system.
Special book on Sores and Ulcers and anv medical advice desired furnished
free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
Mr. Newrocke ouosen lor tne plantings snouia give an
Oh, we can get all we want In New attractive display lor a single season,
York! Town and Country. I such as tho painter places upon his
...,,, , , canvas, but the selection should go
MrH. i loon (looking up from bet ... r -manUn mBf-.iai ., -.m
newHpaper)IIcro Ih an Item about o ' ,vo ln(,rnR:no, vnrififv nn,i niirin
in""- a w r
C. Gee Wo'
Hi ll known rvllabl ,
Root and Herb
IIm m.'L a Ufa ttadr ot
rL and bait, and In thai
ludj dlmitiml ntl I. lr.
Ing to tbo world hU wonder.
(ul ratredlM.
N Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Uted-tla Cures
rttkoul Operallon. or Without the Aid of Knlf
If. ....... I .. ( V. I I . . ,1 1 .1 (, r . 1
anal. rtervot.n.-., rivrtim. Oatillltr.
Pumich, Lli.r, KUn.r Truutili .lMi It Manbow.
..uj. nttipNt .nil All I'rivaia lllHlm
hut RcuKcd from Peking. China Safe, Sura
ana Kciiauic.
ir ion Aitr. Ari.icrKii, ijon't iikuiy.
UroOMswil call, writ for .rnibton Lil.nk .ml rim.
lr lnr(M I n (amt.
BlirinlBl .Cor llorrlKia. l;orlUnJ.'f)r.'-Ktn.
I'lftu lt.ntloo Till. J'.ir.
Address : V. J. CHKNKV & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by !ruglt,7.'
Tako Hall's J-'amlly I'llls for constipation.
Itrirnllm tlm Inalnnnllou
"No, I barfn't anything for you," said
the hard featured woman of the house.
"IiiNtead of upending your time In loafing
around the saloons and heggiug, why don't
you try to follow some useful occupa
tion'" "Madnin," said Wareham Long, tilting
b In jaded remnant of a bat forward and
eying her with a frown, "do I look Ilka
on. o' de Idle rich?"
Tha i'rofaaaor.
Ilia youngest grandchild had managed
to get possession of a prltotr and was
trying to tat It.
"Pardon mi for taking tha words out ot
your mouth, little ont," aald tht professor,
hastily Interposing. Chicago Tribune.
True Teal.
She Wai Do Plunk's wedding
larger affair than the Sweelenls'7
HeVus. De Plunk's hnd fifty de
tectives to watch the presents, wbcreai
Swrelonls' only had forty-four detec
tives to watch theirs.
m- For Thin,
$&$M Poor Blood
l'AJ n... i .i .
USJl y1 yoursiipartiytncsacK
W.JI i in tnrV . ,1,, l,,.. .Lt. ......
..v.. .,. tutllir.
JyTJ Then you know you hive
ttimr that tm rt.u rt-v
2j--4 run and urilliaNT.
k7J4 madb ohlt ar
Aik jtur Grtrrr fir
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years I Sixty years
of experience, think of that I
Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parilla; the strongest Sarsapa
rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
lint even this tjrand old medicine cannot do
Its be.t work If tlm ll'nr U Inactive and the
bowels c-initlpatcd. For the best poiilbln re.
ultt, you sliould take Uiatlve dnie. of Avar's
1-lllr, while taklnK tha H iriaparllla. The liver
will quickly re.pond, and so will tho bowels.
"I notice that you nearly nlwayi
Hinoke when you nre writing," said tht
caller. "Do you draw your Inspiration
from your pipe?" "No," replied tin
tiorw.- reporter, "I draw Hinoke."
MIstrcsH Jane, 1 hiiw the mllkmnr
kiss you this morning. In the futuri
I will take the milk In. Jane
".'wouldn't be no uho, mum. lie's prom
lwl not to UIhh anybody but me.
Bonrdlng MlHtress I want a week'i
board In advance, so n to be sure oi
It. New Hoarder That's all right
Here's your money; now I want i
week's food In advancu for the saim
tic Young glrlH nlwnys want t
marry for love, but when they grow
older they want to marry a iiiitn ,l
money. She You're wrong. They don'l
grow old; they merely grow wlHcr.
Hi. Joseph Press-News.
"Kverytblng lovely down at tin
house?" "Y.h; wis are lending the
quiet life these days." "How do you
work It?" "Well, you nee, we have a
phonograph, and lt alternates with my
wife after supper." Nashville Hanner.
From this statement of the subject
it is quite evident that the landscape
gardoner who wields the tools which
naturo places at his disposal occupies a
position on equal footing with the artist
who wiolds the brueh in transferring
these pictures to the canvas. Yet it is
quite possible for most of us to play the
part of the former, even though it ba
in a very limited manner. As many
painters are imitators to a great degree,
if one should imitate tho works of
nflinra In tha nrrMnninn of nlnnla ha
would be committing no unpardonable
jsln. In fact, this latter method of
procedure Is likely to prove the most
fruitful means for the average person to
employ; at any rate, it will serve ad
mirably for the purpose of giving an
Idea of the kinds of plants to select and
tho grouping methods most pleasing to
the eye.
On the other hand, it is necessary
that tho person who 1b to become the
amateur landscape gardoner should un
derstand some of the prime essentials
and common sense rules of this art.
Where shall the flowers be placed?
Shall tho troes and shrubs come in the
middle of the lawn or shall they find a
more appropriate location in some
'"Doctor, will my hoy recover?"
"Itecover? Madam, it will take more
than a fall off a trolley car to kill your
boy. He's the toughest little imp that
runs the fitrcets."
"0, thank you, doctor! You have tak
en such a load off my mind !" Chicago
Towner You live in one of the flooded
suburbs, do you? Nothing dry within a
mile of you?
Outsome Great Scott, yes ! My cow
has gone dry. Can't get anything to feed
her. Chicago Tribune.
It Cures While You Walk
AHen'a Foot-Kae is b certain cure tor hot,
vcatlng, cat tua, and swollen, acli Ing feet. Sold
y all Druuglsts. Price 25c. Don't accept any
iuttltute Trial package FitEE. Address
Mien S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. V.
"You haven't been back here before for
thirty years, Kill? Gosh, that's a long
lime ! What changes do you see that sur
prise you the most?"
"Well, to tell you the truth, Dave, what
( notice more than anything else is that
! iverybody has grown old so much faster
'nan I have.
Mothers will And Mrs. Winslow Soothing
lyrup the best remedr to use for their children
luring the teething period.
Timber Sound.
"I don't tbnnk you for recommending
that young clerk," exclaimed the Indig
nant old broker as they met In the ele
vator. "What's tho trouble?" queried the
Jocular banker.
'Why, you said be was as square as
a dollar, and be Isn't square at all."
"H'm! Neither Is a dollar."
nth or tOin ? Tn if. orwvl fiinfn in rrtntrn
Jack-I bear you are engaged to that j WR,k8 and rQadg 5n curvea7 Theae aml
nu'ly MIhh (Jotrox. Tom Yes; lio:mnny other questions naturally arise
i million in her own riKnt- jn the minda of those who are carefully
money doesn't always lead ! prospecting in this subject. It there
ss, old man. Tom True, f(ro behooves us to get some working
idea of theso various topics. Every
home-lover should give ample attention
to this subject.
Xtada brJ. O.AjorCo., Low. II, Mass.
Also m.uul.oiurer. oi
7 HAIR vinos.
'Vnr'A0' .tlft
The best
in the land is not
always the most costly.
23 Ounces for 25 Gents
Is the result of modern ideas. Costs
less. Does better work. You must
try it to see. Get a can on trial.
The baking will be vastly better,
lighter and tastier or we pay
for the can.
Jaquet Mfg. Co.
Iiiih half a
Jack Hut
to happiiu
but It ought to help some In the M'areh.
-Chicago News.
BubIiu'ks Man (busy with corre
spondence) I that telegram of Keat
tle's yesterday he said, "letter follow
ing," I don't sec- the letter hure. Stenographer--Why,
don't you remember?
- we received It the day before wu got
the telegram, Puck.
Korem I think I hear your father's
step on the stairs, so perhaps I had
better bid you good-night. MIsh Hltts
(yawning) Oh, It can't be father; he's
u late slectier. Perhaps It's the hired
girl coming down to prepare breakfast.
-Chicago Dally News.
"Well, well," growled the first man
At tho banquet, "why did they call on
that man for a speech? He doesn't
know how to talk." "No," repllwl tho
other, "but he doesn't know what he's
talking about anyway, so there's no
iiai-in done." Philadelphia Press.
Heporter Senator, I havo heard that
you got your Htart In life by selling
uowHpapers. Senator Lotmnun Not
quite correct, my boy. The fact Is
but this Is confidential, you know
that I got my start by buying one or
two newspapers. Chicago Tribune.
"Johnny, why don't you bo a good
boy like your brother Willy?" tho
mother was sternly admonishing her
naughty son. "Willy hero may bo
Prc-Hldoiit some day, while you will
havo to dig In the sewer." "Kut, moth
er," walled Willy, "can't I dig In the
newer Boinot lines too?" Harper's
"Professor," .snld Mrs. CJnswoll to
tbo distinguished musician who bad
reen engaged at a high prlco to enter
tain her guests, "what was that lovely
selection you played Just now?" "That,
uiadiiuie," ho answered, glaring at her,
"was an Improvisation." "Ah, yes, I
remember now. 1 know It was an old
favorite, but I couldn't think of tho
name of it to Bavo mo." Chicago Trib
une. Mlatulcoa iiiul '1'Iielr Seiliiol,
Wo all uiako mistakes. Tho only
difference 1b that soino of us get paid
handsomely for doing bo nnd othors get
fined or trounced. Nashville Auierl
Of Interest to Farmers,
The following publications of interest
to farmers and others have been issued
by tho Agricultural department of the
Federal government and will be furn
ished free, so long a they are availa-
! bio, except wnero otherwise noted, up
, on application to the Superintendent
of Documonts, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D. C:
Bulletin No. 145. Preparing Land
for Irrigation and Methods of Applying
Water. Proparod by tho agents of irri
gation investigation. Pp. 84, pis. 7,
flgs. 33. Price 15 cents. This bulletin
gives descriptions of methods of remov
ing sagebrush, of smoothng land, of
laying out fields for different systems
of applying water, and of the different
systems of applying water. Tho vnil
oiia methods aro vomparod as to cost
and efficiency.
Uulloltn No. 140. Current Wheels:
Their Uso in Lifting Water for Irriga
tion. Prepared in the office of experi
ment stations, irrigation investigations.
Pp. 38. pita. 4, figs. 21. Price 10 cents.
Drawingu, and photographs of a large
number of wheels used for rasing water
from streams aro givon, accompanied
by descriptions, statements ot cost, and
disouBsions of efficiency. A general dis
cussion of tho theory of current wheels
is also given.
Hud Ontt of Hit Own.
Mrs. Lottakids, who had boon invited
to at lend the opening session of the moth
ers' congress, was sending her regrets
over the telephone.
"M'h awfully' kind of you to nsk me,
Mrs, Ontlego," sho said, "but I can't come.
I'm too husy looklng after the children."
To Uae Cold Meat.
Take scraps of cold meat of any
kind, cut la uniform bIzo, add a ploce
of butter tbo bIzo of a waluut and ono
Ismail onion, and fry together until
brown. Add boiling water to mako a
good gravy, and thicken with flour to
tho consistency of crenm. This makes
an excellent "warmed-over" dlBh.
It Is estimated that In Now York City
tlicro aro 12,300 men who were educated
for tho bar who nro In various employ
ments outside ot law offices,
BU Vitas' Dance and all Kervons Supaaea
nermanentlr cured br Dr. KllDe's Ureal
erve ilcstorer. Bond for KHEE (2 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. 1L ILKlIno, IxL.Ml Arch BL, lbUa..l'v ,
A Capitol Carol.
tfonotony cannot be wrong,
This world each year the lesson teaches.
The birds all sing the same old song,
Just as we make the same old speeches.
Washington Star.
and Quality
appeal to the Well-Informed In every
walk of life and are essential to per
manent success and creditable stand
ing. Accordingly, it is not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna is the only remedy of known
value, but one of many reasons why
it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that lt cleanses,
sweetens and relieves the internal
organs on which it acts without any
debilitating after effects and without
having to increase the quantity from
time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxative, and its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians, as it is free from all
objectionable substances. To get Its
beneficial effects always purchase the
genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for
sale by all leading druggists.
No. 16-OS
WflKN -writing to ndvertlgora pleaao
mention this paper.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought has borno tho sijjnn-
in wuu. xi. x- icicncr, aim iias uecn matio uuticr ins
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experienco against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Rarcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency, lt assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Boars tho Signature of
In Use For Over 30
Wj 8H0C8 AT ALL ll"-irWa
'PRICES. Fort every CMkmlf
prices. ron EVERY
ASP W, L. Deuflmm mmkam anil aalla mar
tnen'm 92.BU, $3,00 and $a.BOmhoaa
thai any. ethmf manufaeturan In I It
Mm world, haoauam ihoy hold their
ahana. tH better, wear longer, and
tP ro of areater value than any other mcr-b.
mhoaa hi tha world ta.tJmv. Hfeis
W. L. Douglas $4 and $6 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot De Equalled At Any Price
Ti'V . ."t uoKiasnamt ana prloa it lUrapsa on bottom. TnKr Ho Hiiit.tltut,
"CR'i w 7:Ay i.
Tnkr AT a Hiilt.tlluta