The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 16, 1908, Image 7

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    ijrcTnE THF tifFFKI .nBESI0Hg,
IV .nil m . ill HOPELE88 SPLIT.
lQ a Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
r iU. t oa Imnnritnt hut
I a Reiumo 01 i "
Loos Inioroimj5
,f tho Past Wook.
Anna GotiM hiifl sailed for Europe.
Many Changes in Drltlih Cnblnot
roiiow as Result.
London, April 7.-Great Britain la
inapooullnr position, bolm, ,i(i...i
olthor premier or mining. Tho long
expected resignation of SJr Henry
Catnpboll-IJnnnorman, tho prime mln
Inter, was ofllulullv
df.y night. Accord!,, 7, .7T f
culnr, ho ran fined on tho urgent recom.
mendntion of hla tiimiui ..?.,., ' oco"
mi tho constitution provides no auto!
ouwioBur, u routing with tho king
to choose a now head of tho Kcvorn
ment, and In nocordanoo with tho cub-
S "di?rt!,-t' .t,, "h' blnot
Vi . T tn oo taken nut 1
WMhlnutfii. , CttrryinK nn appropriation of almost
nonL 3" I l1 ...T, dvo, of $100,000,000, waa passed by tho senate
iiBliailr nL . "ourorouay. wxiay practically as lopofted from tho
a Z ?f ln.!?.t n n,aWo rolku 8 and cornmlttoo on mlltlary afTuira. The
narllu n7,n 7 " """" on l"osiionB ol only amendment adopted carried an ap-
Se tZtl d Jlir! 'Cr0 . aV " P'PrIt,0n of 1X0,000 for a system of
oVZ lT tdl"t entirely to water work for Fort William Henry
llr n 111 Ti ni , "aVfl'. aPProiirln- Harrison, Montana. The bill material.
noli i 4-nm 0M' 01 ly lnor0l,H3 to Pay of officers and cn
mils, and PudgoU, of TenncHHco. of tho Hated men.
yiiimiueo on naval nffn rH. m.!.
Tho fortifications bill, reported to tho
aenato today, carilea Senator Anknnv'n
umuiiumoni, increasing tlio appropria-
uon lor fortifications on Paget sound
fl.UUUUUO. AB tho h nnl.o.l tUo.
nouse, it appropriated $747,000 for this
woric. ine appropriation Is nnfc
Tho poaltion of tho country In quite . ,Wfl8,''"Kton, April 9. Tho bill re- h"1 The sonato today paBaod An
iprecodontcd, thoro being no nrovloua 1 to .. 0 ,,nbHty of common car- ony'a bill, appropriating 1220.000 for
Haustivo Hpooohea luntlfvlnf M... ,.ni,.
of tho committee in reporting what
Herbert If. AB, ' . " "7,"" " " . r ;u as a conservative
. V" .VV.' ""' oi uio . avai program for tho next fiscal
6.000 acres of hops have been ,,,,, !!-..
L, rf up in KniclMd. king. own ,no Thurscfay, April 0.
I e..,.1 Mexican towna havo boen
ft OT ..
e . i AAiiiiiin uii. uurrmHH ninii. imava
6 ,, r. AnlrahcarinK HantaFo 0MmP' change oecurrinK in tho ' by ,a,lroa,,,. Ieed In tho houao " PnWIo building at Walla Walla.
&ZJlMmiZ Vir P 'overeifn waa SL'W"1. on APr" to-
kBiCiam - auroad. un Uila uexsount tlm u"' oy mo
lloi. proceduro to bo followed la In aomo
A now copyright tronty haa been on- doubt.
M Into by the United Htatea and Hlr Honry'a condition retnaina tin-
eiico. "Kyw, noconiing to tho phyaiolana'
u.iiunn. xno kingpin telegraphing
lirlhiln, ia growing l'wncB oi uio promler'a roHlgna-
nn (txpremion of hla ro-
lst wlahoa for
,remlerof Gn-ftt
er- luret and cHt'om. with
The rortOKiicBo pronuor naa oncrca hii Jlonry'n rocovcry.
It resignation, uui nm hub
'med it.
JlliHchiiiottH UepubliainH havo
Itcted nnliiBtrticted dolegatea to tho
tional convention.
Riv-sevelt may eond a apeclal mea-
ce to conurcfa on tlio question of tho
v i . ... i. ..11.
aonate wlUmut
amendment and without diviaion.
ino eaniUo bill on tho Hmn militont
ion nun uoniineu to rallrnai a. nn
ereu un lorma of common carriora. mil Z "uuo. "" "'Hrea no
Wolllver, of Iowa, who Im.l rnn,f,i it V?"" VWb onl? no. 'y transaction of
i t . ,wi n in nnna. 'hi hn i
irom me cornmltteo on oiliiMtlnn n,1 " . "HPeuB,0 ay,
labor, aonght to aubatituto it for the E!!1,. mpor?.ufc.. bi,,B . wcre Pu
Waahlneton. Anrll
Ing roll call on the annrnvnl nf u,.i
journal and on adlournmont. tho Dnm.
ocrrata of tho houHn tolnv
iioiiBo mil, but liia mnntlon waa do
niited. NnmeroiiB nmr nrlmcnlu wnm
oiiorou, nut all were voted down.
tauibtr of battleahipM to bo built.
IGfrman building tradoa omployera
vt dieagrml with thoir workmen and
1.000 ol the latter aro out oi work.
ChiMp) has juet receivea 8G3,340
i ii ibfcro of the net carnlnga ot Uio
Evans 8aya Voyage to Pacific Waa
Woll Timed.
Han Franoleco. Anrll 7 Ami.i
Itobloy I). Evana, In an Interview
printed In tho Chronlole today, raid:
"Tho greater interest of Mia T7nli
irr at.
vvaanington, April Throo tlrnea
louay in tlio houao tho democrats
caugnt uio Jtepubllenna nappltgand
lurceu mom to prouueo a qourum. On
one other oceaaion a voto by toller dii
clou'd tho absence of a quorum, but
tspoakor Cannon peremptorily applied
tho Heed rule and aecured a quorum to
uu nreaent. in (in! no nn Honnnn hn.l
HLatwi tmlnv I. i t in , T . i"""1- uoing bo uannon nad
LmftL'flJ with William,.
coming of tho licet to thia coaat Ima not
only demonstrated to the world that wo
havo 10 battlcahina whfoh rn
Railway cornpanlea for tho paat ZMl' ft', 0rn.80.nV
" w mwviu. lUfc lb IJUI1 CBIIM1 IMA
atieniion oi tlio
(Clerki and other ofliciala in tho var
us government departments at Waah-
no, D. 0., have boon warnou not to
ux in poiiuca.
iThe Amerloan government la not
hi; to Intcrveno In Hayti.
phe Republican National convention
111 hare two Taft delegates from New
poonio oi our own
country to tho fact that we have a Pa
cific coaat aa woll as an Atlantio coast,
and that it will bo defonded juat aa
much aa every Inch of land around Now
York, and that our Interests in tho Pa
cific today are greater than in tho At
lantlo. "This Is tho short road to the nntin.
triea of the Far Kait, whore the greatest
floiwitiialandlng repeated roll cilia.
progress waa mado in tho transaction of
punilo buaineaa. Uoth tho army and
loruxicauona Dills were aont to con.
loronco; tho aonate bill to increaae the
offie'ency of the revenue cutter aervice
waa, with Democratic help, paased, and
mo dim to promote tlio aafe tranaporta
tion of interstate commerce expoaiva
waa conaldered. It will be finally dla
posod of tomorrow.
' commercial development fa to bo. With
bnother record broaklng year for development will oomo walr, but it will
Ini-AtUntlc pneaenger buaineas is In bo B commercial war, fought with
orains anu tioilars and not with 10-inch
guna. It will be genoraled by audi men
aa Hnrrlman, and tho part of tho navy
is only to bo always ready. Wo do not
plan nor fight commercial battles.
TI .!.... .u- .
buiiiiiiK ui mo ijeoi was moat
opportunely timed by tho prosident,
and Its arrival In tho Pacific haa reault
ed In tho prcaont aaauranco of peace.
Not that I over believed that there waa
any actual danger of war. Tho people
of both countrlea realized too woll what
a droadful calamity audi a war would
havo been."
Elirriman haa aecurod control of the
He rilloard, giving him an ocean-to-kn
the Olive Street bank. fit. Louis.
ing a capital of f 100,000 and do
itt ol (350,000, haa been cloaod.
i Chicago grand Jury Is inquiring
5 charges against doctors and law
I of working up fako damiigo aulta
ptt the city.
he Navy department says at least
WWMoseeU will vialt Portland
ing the roao carnival and a battle-
will bo included.
be o! the larKeat gniln firms in
don la in trouble from over-spronla-
IU liabilities will exceed its aa
by nearly 1600,000.
fce American consulate at .Mukden
been Invaded by Japuneeo and a
pe servant assaulted. No udoIokv
offered and an inquiry la tc
I' 'dpeartinoijt is considering
p'u"iiincni on tlio Atlantio and
Pc coa-ta ol homo bases for tho
inhere tho on listed men will bo
law an onrvirl
own homeH untl u)m
I'll at regular lulorvals.
BafinnM ... i mi . looKOd upon there
F&uCn 10 1 not mn,ry rral BFn!fltrco
I " had rncelvml lhn
PSonth Dakota Iti.nnlillr..
on elected Talt dulegutea.
IMinneaota Taft has carried all but
oontiei and thoao aro for U Fol-
I'ew York erand
lafllcient evidence to Ind lot the Ice
(Li. i
bW.J. B'ranKlng with tho homo
r--' io atop immigration
mi n..,l ....
bi in i r . u,1BBlft 8 Kheino tQ
P'ln Maccdon a tfi timi-
r.vnil In i,, I i
I """",u l join tlie lieot at
Cflinln I) , ..
IlMin i i ' ,un,1H ''vo elected
m u HUM' I II t ru l 11...
doWatoH to the national
En' no chango in tho Vonexuolan
The ornlBor Tucoma is at
BE "'Ami III1I17 Inn. M t
Ned nn t ' ii M 00"ntie8
l Zn.ho 'lor (jucallon do-
I --" aaioona.
3ntli Datnt..
i oiectoi
A ''vnrl8ntf1,,Ht n,,(1 tho
U1 voto for no one niMn."
o ono oIbo.
-7"""' IH HOVurnlwnrlU--.! t.
P'8 living 'hhJoS il
many now rocorda
1 e.porta phw
la.l. . 7
nabay, ho tMeahlpa floot at
H Gould la ,,, ... ...
Japan Much Influenced by Coming of
American Fleet.
Tokio, April 7. A few days ago
Count Okmna recclvod a deputation
from tho Japancso reaidenU of Haora
mento, Cal., and from tho Japanoao
newspnper men of San Francisco, who
wished to eollolt his viows on tho emi
gration problem. The count is report
ed by the vernacular papers to havo
said that it waa vory difficult to find
out wherein lay tho object of tho dis
patch of tho American battleship
squadron to the Panlflo at this timo. A
good deal haa been mado of tho move
ment by the European proas and it was
looked upon there aa an occurrence of
Japan, howovcr,
had receivod tho nasurunro of tho
Unitod Btatoa government that it waa
not intended as a monaco to Japan,
but waa merely undertaken for tho pur
poso'of training ofllcora and men.
Novortheleea, whatever tho real ob
ject cf tho movemont might ho, It waa
indisputable that Japan's emigration
policy had been considerably affected
thorohy and It was not easy to sever on-
tlroly tho dispatch of the fleet from tho
policy Japan had lately pursued toward
tho United States in thla connection.
Wednesday, April 8.
Washington, April 8.--The naval ar-
. t t itai .
prupriawon uui, autnorlElng tho con
atrnctlon of two instead of four battle
ahlpa, and eight Instead of four eubma.
rine torpedo boata, and carrying a total
appropriation of $103,807,518 for the
naval aervice for the fiscal year ending
Juno 30. 1901, waa reported to tho
Iiouso today by Chairman Foss of the
committee on naval affairs.
Tho bill carries an item of $1,000,.
000 toward the construction of the sub
marine torpedo boata and an item of
$445,000 toward tho construction of
aub-surfaco torpedo boata. Provision
is mado for the enlistment of 0,000
men to man the following ehipa, which
aro to bo put in commission within
the next few months: Tho California.
Mississippi, Idaho, Now Hampshire,
South Dakota, North Carolina, Mon
lana, Cheater, Birmingham and Salem;
and for 1,500 men required to man tor
pedo boats not now in commission.
Itepresontativo Hobaon, of Alabama,
submitted a minority report lecorn
mundlug that provision be made in the
bill for four first-clasa battleehips in
stead of two.
Collect Money by Autos.
Ban Franolsco, April 7. With n
"flying sqnndron" of ten big automo
biles pressed Into service lor the occa
sion and a corps of voluuteorcolllectora,
extraordinary efforts will bo mado by
tho fleet cornmltteo to bring tho total of
tho fleot fund to $70,000, and to coaso
work in thnt connection by Wodnesday.
Iloforo tho collectors wind up their
efforts Tuesday night they will visit
2,300 saloons and GOO restaurants with
in tho boundary of tho city and expect child-labor provision nppllcablo to tho
Tuesday, April 7.
Washington, April 7. Tho senate
today adjourned until Thursday, and on
that day will tako anothor adjournment
until Monday of next week. TIub pro
gram was arranged today by tho Re
publicau leadors bocauso no now meas
ures now on the calendar aro likoly to
bo enacted this seraion. Tho unfinished is a bill by Gamble to regulate
tho sottlemont of the accounts betwuen
tho United States and the several states
relative to the disposition of publla
land. It la understood that this bill
will not bo passed at this session, and
that tho other land bills, such aa tho
ono to provide an enlarged homestead,
will also go ovor until noxt session at
Expectations aro that there will bo
little legislation except tlio appropria
tion bills, and it is not impossible that
congress will bo ready to adjourn some
time between May 15 and May 30.
Washington, April 7. Tho wholo of
the seueion of tho houso today was de
voted to tho consideration of tho Dis
trict of Columbia appropriation bill.
Two amendments of more or less na
tional interest were adopted, one pro
viding for 75-cent gaa for all district
establishments and tho other requiring
that all outside doors to public build
ing should open outward and that new
buildings shall havo four exits. An
effort to secure tho incorporation of a
Among these was tho Sterling emDlov
ors' liability bill, only ono voto being
iccurucu against it. that of I. tt fin i
of Maine, and tho bill eatabliBhinv a
uuvui siiuion at reari Harbor. Iiawn!
anu apnronriatintr z05O.onn far th
purpose, against which Sherwnod. nf
unto, stood alone.
At 6:10 p. m. tho house took a recess
until 11:J0 o'clock tomorrow morning
Saturday, April 4.
Washington, April 4. Tho armv an.
... Itn r
yiujjriniiuu diii waa completed bv the
senate committee on military affaira
today and will bo reported to tho Ben-
ale on Monday. It will carry about
$10,000,000 moro than waa nrovided in
too bin as it passed the house, making
a unai oi approximately $100,000,000
An item of about $7,000,000 wn in.
eluded to lncreaso the pay of the army,
iuvvuuu cuiier service ana marine
corps, but oxoiuding enlisted men of
tho navy, In accordance with tho nro-
viaion of the bill which waa pasBed by
iuu senate.
Washington, April 4 By adopting
a sweeping cloture rulo In the honae
today, tho Republicana left to the Dem
ocrata very limited powers. No longer
can a filibuster bo conducted against
sonainK to conierence bills with senate
amendments; no longer can a motion
to close 'debate be amended or discuss-
od, and no longer can a motion to ad
journ tako precedence over a motion to
take a recess.
Wllliaroa forced a rollcall on the ad
option of the rule, and it waa adopted,
138 to 110.
Consideration of the District of Co.
lumbia appropriation bill was then re-
snmed, but only after anotnor rollcall.
Mexico la Angry.
Washington.Aprll 7 While the ofli
cial relations between the United StateB
and .Moxico were never more cordial
than now, and while there is nothing
in the material interests or desires of
either ropublio which conllicta in tho
slightest degree with tho others, offl
cials of tho American State department
navo bosome suddenly aware of the ex
latence and rapid growth of a public
sentiment in Mexico ol distrust and
suspicion of Americans and the Amerl
can's intentions respecting Mexican ter
ritory. This condition ia made more
exasperating but none the leas harmless
and embarrassing from the fact that it
ia entirely groundless In fact, and the
officials declare has for its basis nothing
unt irresponsible newspaper gossip and
Intoratate Commission Cannot Agree
on Spokano Rate Case.
Wafhlngton. April 0.- After havlrur
the Spokano rate case under consider-
uon lor moro than one year, tho Inter
state Commerce commission la appar
ently hopelessly divided regarding tho
decision which should bo rendered.
The case is tho moit Important upon
tho dockota of the commission, and up
on it hinges tho entire ratoJabrlc of tho
T. ti l ft i .
unitcu mates.
If tho'ccmmiBfllonfBhonld decide with
wio snippers ol Spokane, tho theorv up
on which tho railroads have made ratea
from tho earliest days will be upset and
paat decisions on tho short,, and Jong
naui-ciauEe ol thu commorce act will be
moro or leaH nullified. On the other
hand, if the commission refuees tc dis
turb tho preEent adjustment, a long step
toward establishing the justice of tho
ratemaking methoda of the railroads
will have been taken. Recognizing the
import of the case, the commission went
into a most careful and elaborate invea
tlgation and hearing of all the facta and
listened to arguments from a large
number of the businees, railroad and
commercial lawyers In tho Weat.
Hince tho arguments were heard the
commission haa had numerous confer
ences regard ng a deci8lon, and it de
velops that thoro aro at least three dif
ferent views which thus far have proved
irreconcilable. Tho commiesion haa
struggled in vain to get a major ty re
port and apprarently ia in a deadlock.
The case ia one which had been both
ering tho railroads in tho Northwest for
years prior to the commission's being
given greater powers. Owing to water
competition, according to the railroads,
tho rates to Spokane from the .Eastern
seaboard aro the ratea to the Pacific
coaat, plus the local rates from tho Pa
cific coast back to Spokane. The latter
city insists that this Is unfair.
Jackles Preparing Atlantic Fleet
for Grand Parade.
Find Bottoms of Many Ships Nearly
Aa Clean Aa When They Left
Hampton Roads.
Deposits of Enormous Value Discov
ered in Utah.
Washington, April 6. Title to lands
in the state of Utah containing salt de-
pOBlta of an extent and purity hitherto
not only unknown, but undreamed of,
s involved in a sensational contest now
being fought out in this city. About
38,000 acres of lands lying alone the
western border of Utah have been dis
covered to be overtopped with salt, and
an attempt is being mado to acquire
Magdalena, Bay, April 7. (Via San
Diego) The work of preparing for tho
California reception, now but ten davB
distant, ia already in progress among
the battleships of the Atlantic fleet.
Every ahlp not engaged 'In coaling or
working on the torpedo range is udereo-
ing a thorough scrubbing, scraping and
painting from the water lino to tho
maBtheada. Every Inch of the surface
of the ships will be Kone over and
cleaned and polished. Divers have
been sent over the side of each shin
and havo made thorough Inspections of
the bottoms.
Many of tho vessels aro nearly as
clean as when they left Hampton
RoadB, according to the reports of tho
divers. The long timo spent at anchor
age lnthe bay has done more to foul
the bottoms than the trip around the
The work of coaling for the final leg
of the long voyage is being pushed with
all speed. Last night the crew of the
Maine worked all night taking coal from
a collier alongside and stowing it away
in the bunkers.
Admiral Thomas has issued a tenta
tive program for the fleet for the dates
April 11 to April 19, which includes
the departure of the fleet from Magda
lena at same hour not yet fixed on
April 11 and its arrival at San Diego
at 1 p. m. April 14. The urogram
quotes from the official program of the
reception committee in San Diego, giv
ing the details for the four days the
ehipa will bo in port there.
Admiral Thomas has also issued a
lengthy detailed order, on the forma
tion of a brigade of sailors and marines,
for parade duty in San Diego, 8an
Franclrco and other cities, it provides
for the formation of a fleet naval brig-
them by the filing of placer mining ade of more thaui 5,000 men. Ihe total
clalmB on tho part of individuals. The is made of 64 companies of blue Jackets.
...... i .i. i j i ..... . .
vauia ui uie iuiiuh was toaay estimated
by one of the claimants at $00,000,000
Deposited by nature on the lands
over which the contest is being made is
four from each ship, and 16 companies
oi marines or one from each ship.
a bed of pure salt, which in some places
lies to a depth, of six feet. Thia salt is
of so fine a quality that it has been
i 1 . .. w.
juuiiu unnecessary to renne it. it can
be marketed direct from the deposit and
testH have shown It to be 98 per cent
Seven Are Killed and IOO Wounded In
Lisbon Election Riots.
Lisbon, April 7. Seven persons were
shot to death and 10(1 nthnra trnnndn1
Elaborate preparations 'have by soldiers last evening, after the vot-
I 11. 1 I f . 1 . i inn .' n 4-V. 1 1 : 1 itf i . 1 1
Ridder Sure of Victory.
Washington, April 9. Herman Rid-
dor, of the New York Staata Zeitunc.
who represents the Newspaper Publish
ers' association in their demand for free
wood pulp, so aa to reduce tho nrice of
white papr, eatd today, after confer
ring-with I'residont Roosevelt, that he
waa sanguine congross would not ad
journ without passing suoh a mersure.
iur. niuder sflid he had the written
pledges of (18 Republican mombers of
tho houso, which, added to the Demo
cratic vote, makes a large majority.
Mr. Rlddor doclarea that tho ways and
means committee of tho house is re
sponsible for not reporting a bill.
tho to Bocuro pledges of
000 and $20,000.
Stolon Bust Is Found.
Romo, April 7. After a diligent
search tho polioo hnvn found the bronze
bust of Popo Clement VIII, which waa
stolon from tho Villa Ahlobraiulini.
Tho th loves gained ncccsa to tho villa
by breaking open n window. Tho bust,
which wolghs fully C00 pounds, was
found buried nbout half a milo from
tho villa. It was tho'ovldcnt intention
of tlio thieves to keop it conoealod until
an opportunity should boaffordod to
ship it abroad.
Transport Sherman 8alls.
Pan Frnnoiaco, April 7.Tho trans
port Shorman will Bail at noon tomor
row for Manila with a largo nutnuor
of first) olasa nasaonKors besldos 100
enlisted mon of tho Twonty-llfth coast
between $15,-1 district failod. The bill, which appro
I pi lutes $0,561,450, was passed and
thereupon the house, out of respect to
tho memory of the lato Representative
Abraham L Brick, of Indiana, took a
rcccBs until 11:30 o'clock tomorrow, be
ing still on tho logiulative day of Monday.
Sioux Want Reservations Opened.
Washington, April 8. A delegation
of Sioux Indians from tho Oheyonno
and Standing Rook reservations, who
favor oponing at least half of those res
ervations to settlement, called upon tho
prosldont today with Commissioner
I.oupp, of tho bureau of Indian affaire.
The president chatted with them a
short timo. If Uio plan for opening
n I ii, iVnnln.nilli itnaak . MinuA rnanrvnr.lniiH Hlinnlil hpnnmn n
aitlllory, and 180 reorultB for tho troops law, about 3,200,000 aorea would bo-
n the Philippines, loome open to not worn.
Monday, April 0
Washington, April 0. Tho army bill,
Leoch Is Public Printer.
Washington, April 7. John S.
Loeoh, of Illinois, now public printer
In the Philippines, was today appoint
ed public printer. Mr. Leech is a legal
resident of Bloomington, 111., although
he eorved respectively as compositor,
proof roaders and foroman in the gov
ernment printing oflico horo from 1880
to 1001, at which time ho was Boleoted
as public prlntor for tho Philippines.
He has mado for himeolf a most envia
bio record as an administrative ofllcor
thoro, according to reports in tho nos-
session of tho insular bureau.
Denies Ill-treating Indians.
Washington, April 0. Major Rey
nolds, government agent on tho Crow
Indian reservation In Montana, today
testified boforo tho senate commlttoo
on Indian affairs, donylng tlio charges
mado by Mrs. Helon Pierco Gray, of
111 treatment ol the Indiana, no pro
ducod a largo amount of documentary
evldonoe takon from tho files of tho
Indian oflico, In dofonae of hla conduct
in various matters of which Mrs. Grey
been made for the control of the land ,nB in the electiona in this city bad
by individuals, who have thus far kept elided. Ihe rioting was widespread and
.1.- j: r i . , ... i L. . i t . i
uiBcuvery oi tne deposit out ot the u'-u lu cuniuaion during tne vio
lent conflict between the populace and
the municipal government that the
guardsmen, mistaking the infantry who
had been called out for rioters, fired a
volley into their ranks, seriously
wounding three of the soldiers.
The night was one of terror for Lis
bon, which seemed suddenly aflame
with revolt. Bands of men ran wildly
through the streets, brandishing weap
ons, while the sharp crack of rifles waa
heard in various sections.
Lisbon remains practically an armed
camp. Large numbers have been ar
rested. The people are now in a state
of feverish unrest and it Is feared there
may be a recurrence of the bloodshed.
rur iwo or inree montns they were
successful, but now the state of Utah
has awakened to the vast possibilities
of this salt deposit and the aid of the
senate of the United States and the
president has been invoked in aa effort
to retain the product, which tho com
monwealth claims under a section of
the enabling act making it a slate.
Then Commission Will Act on Open
ing Portland Gateway.
Washington, April 6. The Portland
gateway case, which was argued last
fall and which Involves the shipment
of lumber eastward from Paget sound
via Portland, will not be decided until
the Interstate Commerce commiesion
has rendered an opinion on tho lumber
rate caBes which were recently argued
nero. tne commission will this week
hold its first conference on tho lumber
rate case and its decision in that case
may not be forthcoming for manv
weeks, though there Is a disposition to
sottie this question with as much ex
pedition as possible, as it involves the
lumber industry of the entire North-
Increases Fire Hazard.
San Francisco, April 6. The present
unsatisfactory condition of San Fran
cisco's water Bupply. especially from
the point of view of protection against
fire hazard, was forcibly outlined in a
communication sent to the board of
supervisors today by the board of fire
underwriters of the Pacific The report
sets forth that the water system of the
city is a gravity system, with "pres
sures not standard," and savs that the
distributing reservoirs and tanks within
the city "do not contain five days' supply."
Ford Trial Sot.
San Francisco, April 6. Judge Law-
or indicated this morning thnt he
would place Tlrey L. Ford, general
counsel of the Unitod railroads, on trial
for tho bribery of Supervisor Coleman
next Wednesday, If he denied the de
fendant's motion for a change of vonuo
whon Ford's attorneys filed their reply
affidavits tomorrow. Assistant District
Attorney John O'Gara today filed his
affidavit in reply to that of Tlrey L.
Police Assist Burglar.
Philadelphia, April 0 An amassing
story of alleged diBhonesty in the police
department of thla city was (old today
by Harry Rothenberger, aged 19 years,
who was arrested charged with larceny.
The youth mado a confession, in which
he Bays ho wpb aided and abetted In a
number of burglaries In the wholerale
district of tho city by four policemen.
Chinese Boycott Against Japanese
Goods Spreading Rapidly.
O.nton, April 7. The boycott
against the Japanese arising out of the
trouble between Japan and China over
the seizure and subsequent release of
the Tateu Maru, is spreading rapidly.
Mass meetings havo been held with
the object of impressing upon the Chi
nese the necessity of making the boy
cott of Japanese products and manufac
tures as far reaching ns possible.
Despite a torrential rain today more
than 1,000 women dressed In white as
an emblem of mourning attended a
meeting held for this purpose.
Trophy for Best Record.
Seattle, April 7. A special to tho
Times from Spokane, eays that when
the Atlantio fleet reaches Seattle next
month, the battleship or first class
cruiser which made the highest score at
the recent target practice in Magdalena
bay will be awarded a solid silver tro
phy, valued at $1,600, proeented by tho
people of Spokane. The cup is to be
competed lor annually by battleships
and cruisers of the first class of tho en
tire American navy. Secretary Metcalf
announced that the trophy would be
Nebraska Returns Blow.
Lincold, Neb., April 7. Insurance
Auditor Pierco today decided to notify
agents of companies organized under
the laws of California that they must
coaso doing business in Nebraska. This
action followed a refusal of Commis
sioner Wolf, of California, to admit
Nebraska companies. The action of
Insurance Auditor Pierco affects tho
Firomen's Fund, of San FranoiEco; the
Home Fire & Marino, of San Francisco,
and the Paoifio Mutual, of Los Angeles.
Four Big Colliers Arrive.
San.Franoisco, April 7. Since Satnr.
day four British colliers, carrying 25,
000 tons of coal for tho big floet of 18
battleehips from tho Atlantio, havo ar
rived at this port and are now moored
in the stream.
. V