jugs at Madras; llti. .1.1...- n I'rllirU was a vwuiii - lV1, , town InM Htiturclay win In Will In town Inst Monday fiofn cr. , Homey ... i .it . i. ( vnis , .... f nltrr j, it iiTm.in w.ii ll.iyilack, win n n II I'" ,lnM;ul. MSI ...,!,, i.. Mlir week. y,C. .... k,, borne ne .n Kut hcr,i i.. ..ruhr niMOi Hie in town die first at tlie Monday from hi inn chutch as us u :jo n, in. anil 8 , r Hituly, vultcU" tlie Madrni Willi Mr. vliltor tit the Ni rfl Jr I I ,,e wee ' llanif" .v r Hhi ifll w i 5Wtlhe laM of tin week, tctuiniiij: .nd Porter Qtiinn Tin nu''" ' - i l.idr;i the h 'f the wk Irom ii" i t1 t r r.rfir Mr. I i iimri. ... .I.... .i.... , . 'iienJjin v - M I per v i! i ipondini: the . v i. . . ..' s ..ifclitu 1)1 mrm.i . , - I II ...l. ...I fit ..ir t " - . i hf mi t I .. t.... li it mtinlmimpnf . i i.;... Km it f I f ,lr;nl. f Antelofu, $sitcd Mnorlicad, on ht pat week. I, who ha heen me for some time, .it this place last William Ilrnwnliill wai in town yest'er klay fiom Youiio. I. K.Vibbcrt nnd wife were In town last Tuesday from near Yoiinj,.i, lib Crahtrce was in town Tuesday from his ranch iii the Opal I'rahlc country. G. M. Cornell, the Maic man, was In town yesterday looking After business in tcrcM. William Hoci'li was in town The fint of the week" from the Cove Orchard on Crooked River. M. A. Lehman, candidate for the Rc. publican nomination for county school Siipciinletitlcnl, is spending everal days in tlits locality. M.'R. HIkks of I'rinoville, was in town ycitctday, appearing for oim of tl,c mi. Klints in n civil suit on Wial in the justice couit of judge Mason, fcJeoige I.niickn, who is now engaged in business at l'aisley, is spending the week in Madras with telatives. Me is accom panied by his eldrst son. i. F. Patton of Waitburj;, Washington, was in lawn 'last. Tuesday evening on his way to Laidkw, wlfere he owns ifio acres of irrigated land. Mr. patton expects to remain there several months impiovint; his property' Testimony in the contest of Thomas N. Hlack vs. Joseph Y. Ncthunc was taken yesterday before Max Lueddemann, the land involved beini; a quarter section soutlicnst of Madras. The defendant did not appear to defend the contest, which was brought on the round of abandon incnty and as the evidence showed that he had not been upon the land in more than tfrifTiif CLASSIFIED LOCALS FOIt SAIih-Huveii faricy. lired pltfH, KriullHb orkHhirc croHcd with Poland Oliliiiu tboroui-bbri)d on both- kIiIch. I'.ivo boatH ami two howh. .For priceH nnd Jiartinilara !..(.( Pnlon, Hix iiiIIoh north of xMiuIiiih on Sbanlko load. mlO-nl) OLIVKH TYPICWUITH1IH. - Wo 'uu hkciiIh ittnl citn ulvo von uooil leniH m h iiiimbliiif; .1. 0. AI. A. Uohln foil, MftilniM. tf FOUND Ninr tlio Waymiro water htntioii, ii fold band rinir Owner can Imvo wiiiio by ealliiiKat HiIh olllco and lirovinn property, HPItlNO mid BC.MMKR (?,j,N. J. ('. fi M. A. RobliiMin will receive n full linn wltbln twoweeltH, latent pat luriiH timl Hlylt'H of ladle dreHH gooilt. You itiu Invited to oull niicl liiHpeot liiein. SlhAM ROLr,IN(i Have your (zniin eteain lollod or dry lolled. 1 have uood now uqtilpnifiit, ntpm ity J5 tonn daily. Piie(H; Ktoum rolling, 2M) por 'on ; dry rolling, if2.00 pur ton. J. U. Wayinire, Mudrat, Or. oLMtf CO.MMINKI) HA ItVUKTUHS -If you nro. intereHtwl in buying ono Heo A C, Hanford, agent at .NladriH. inliitf RFPA I RB FOR M'CORMICIv lino ..I niHclilnury. I'arile wuntln-,' tbeni Hboiild leuvo onleiM with .1. 0. fi AI. A. Roliliicon ho tin y oiiti be ordered now and delay avoided. A complete htipply or legul IiIiui'Ub for -ale Incliidlnt; warranty nil. I quit olnlni deeilH, real, eluUlel and erop morlK?( eto. .IiiBtlce court lilunkH Mini iiHtle'e eoiirf work iiwpeclalty. Notary Public;. F. .1. RronkH. two years, canceled . the entry doubtless be Deputy HbiirlirilaniinoiHl arrantcd a Ulan VI niileH unnt of Kiikimio on tlio road lendiiiK up tlie middle fork of the Willamette, limt Kinithy, who purll ally aiihweri tlie duHcrlptlou of 0I lliinilltoii, wftiltwl at .Silver Like In connection with the murderer of .IiiIIuh WallatMle. The mini nrrented cIiiIiiih olio Murllii I'cternon, and Haya that hu Iihh been at Hbaulko, Rend and oilier HiiHlern Oregon poliiln. Ho had , , Allll nn m-hhi " I"'"' ill" II III lir Ull 1 171 1 - UIIIII1JL-U I'l'MIL 11 111 1 I IS II 1 !!. Ill Mllfl II uinl whh noiirlv oxIiuiiHted from cxixim- nr. iiiiim isiiiiiuiii nun i iiiiiiniii lint hiih iiiiiiriiii ait to secure liiBtiranco lor an II i Fa'tfihi , who upent scvciaj it '. if; his patents on I'Uin j r-"uin-d on Friday to u. ifie i,r i, is employment. t'h, pi ending rider T i oofotencc of the ! r. qiMrtaily cor tt s.iturday evening. i r ii iii The Dalles ..' i I i. A l i I. n jjonc to Madras, c " i.. 'i speml iix weeks t ' I'reitou, ami her 'IV , hath SUCCMiflll ' "I u ! Kinpirc. -Salem ' Agency Plains, t 'a rim! m the Kit- ' I si Satniday qvon . ' i ' htm odlod for ' I ' i in a branch 6( the i of Youngs, wns looking after the ' ' 1 I - l Gnp ptccinct ' ' in iims to be held I i r -.yu he iciiteicd ' ' '' l le Gap procinct, f !i nil were repub- f lie ' I I r wrrr I - n r i. mr, , I in ft -ft 'vi , I I'dllll, " I I ' i: it lie red at the l ist Sunday for f tilts Methudist 1 1 r Skipworlh de 'riiKMi, which was 1 i!' banket dinner ' In the afternoon i ' "is were admit- ' "f the church at 1 vi'ii 1'ifiin is re bom the winds ll"' pint few week?, north end of the ! I of over 6o acres t'Hnpletely mined the wind blowing ' 'he sand it carried of th ji owing place a field of 8o m destroved in n ' " 'mill cases 10 re etd iir (jround. jcr of fu rm th "C'l Mill ... . ,nrl. ""ung tne past ,oriei! u Co davs ili.rf. iv.ll Ulff-Tfni 'mil, , Whet un run.... Mr, - V I r fiery vc l Ulllll t.f il "I 111,1 aid to Invc it was ''ft- coming through "uuiry south nf JSfad- inaiket fie farmer , 'run this country, h' are lllnnnlnir In akemi. ' 'i'yiug ii in mm weatuer to 1 '"K rlowniir. ! n 1(, I - '"won the ro(i mu V" increibe. 'n, j. . ..... . T iibiu ivus ii iiur 'e on I,. .. u i in a counirv iua( is in., . . .. but ,110st '7 -uiwuping . . 111111 will . "an,ko '"atket this SprlnK, Railroad Enalnooro Hero Two railroad cnginects MopfTcd over night in Madras last Tueiday, one of them going on south as far as Redmond the next day, nnd the other returning to the Ocicliulcs. They gave out no informa tion while here ak.to the purpose of their visit, although they Mated that they had followed the survey up the Deschutes' river to the mouth of Willow crtek, and fiom there up the cauyor. to Madras. They were traveling horseback, leniling pack horses upon which ijieir camping outfit was strApped. in the prut three years Madras has bean fnvorcd many times by these tieiirxl- ienl visits of railroad cngiurrrs until they have come to be icgatdcd as merely hhi line, but there is n gcncrnl belief that the preiciit year will witness the beginning of actual lailroml construction into Central Oieguu. This lulu-l nt stienglliencd by the fact that the activity of the Mt. Hood line will necessitate prompt action on the Niit ol the llarriman interests, in order to hold tlie territory. Several ways of burlding a railroad into Central Oicgou arc open to tlie llarriman interests The Oicroii lLnstcin, a Hani man project, has a line surveyed noith nnd south acioit. Central Oregon. The Corvalhl & I'-aitein, another Hariiman property, has an extension ot its line sm vcyed down the cut side of the moun tains to the Deschutes liver. That line is already constructed as far as Detroit, and pmbably could be extended so as to tap Central Oregon moie quickly than any other line. The Natron and Ontario line, lurther south, is another llarriman project upon which the pcimancut location stir vey is said to have been completed. Editor Tnkos Long Walk John A Scabury, who with Ins cousin, Miss Florence U. Seabury of Dos Ange les. California, leccntlv purchased the Daidlaw Chronicle, was in .Madras Tues day evening on the way to his new home in the iriigaiion town on the Deschuies. Mr. .Scabury is a newspaper man of expe rience, aiuDwill doubtless make his pres ence felt in the field ol Crook county journalism. Mr, Seabury is an enthusiastic pedes trian, nnd started out from Portland last week to walk nil the way through to Laldlaw, but abandoned his jaunt nt Wasco, comirlg tlie rest of the way by train and stage. He walked the distance from Portland to Wasco 1 18 miles in four days, covering 37 miles the second day out. The new editor of the Laidlaw paper starts out wU considerable entnusiasm over (ho future of Central Oregon, nnd with that spirit nnlmatinu him wjll doubt less mitko a success of his newspaper nt Laidlaw, YOU WILL NOT ONLY SAVE mom-y bnt.it will bo greatly to your, advan tage to lend my local ubout machine repniiH. A. 0. Sunford. 'mlL'tf FOR SALI5 OR TRAD 12 A Chatham wheat eloimer, alinoHt new, with wicker attachment, lflaHHorted Held lux, will clean In tlrat-chiHH fhape any grain or gniHS need. Will take $10 for It, or will take 100 buuhelH of good oatu delivered atmvbarn in Redmond, Or. Frank jlnna, Rodmond, Or. ' m20-a0 NOW IS Till? TIM 15 to placo your order for a combined barventer So n to bo sure of potting it filled. A. C. Simford, agent. ml2tf JUNIPER POST-. - Good one for wile. .1. 0. it .M.A. Robinson. Il t 5MAMKD, DftE, (INCORPORATED) 0 9 t NEW STOCK OF Sh oes La Senorila. SEE v THAT THIS h ft A Trade mark jjf J is brahoed ol ON EVERY iC ft&KL SHOE. We have just received our new Spring stock of shoes and have all the latest shapes and best makes, combined with highest quality. We handle the largest slock in this territory, and can guarantee a perfect fit at reason able prices v Art In Shoemaklrnj. Exact Beprocluctfon of lliU Style Shoe. Call and examine our stock and let us supply you with WORK snoes, DRESS snoes and OXFORDS IRE A carload of wire has arrived and we are prepared to fill your orders for BARBED WIRE, STEEL FENCE, BALE WIRE STAPLES' and POUL TRY NETTING. We will be pleased to quote prices on wire Edward C. Pease Co., Inc. SHANIKO; OREGON J5 ONKfl IIORHIi POWKR unit one 12 borne power jaoline enijliio for wild at a lnr(aln. .1. C. it M. A. Robtu win, MudriiH. f tf CATTLK FOR SALH. 35 bead of Htook cattle; tillyniiuj;. .Some Koodxleeru anion),' Ilium. A. V. Warren, Hay oreok,vOreion. FOR SALIJ Brood how ami wight piH; ioid Htoek bo'.'H. Poland China ami HrkHliIre; plM about one inoutli old, $0 per pair; will not bo Hold MiiKly. W. V. FleldH, Madrni. 2i Carries a good line of fresh drugs and patents. Pre scription work and family 'recipes made a specialty ' T- A. LONG Physician and Druggist ! MADRAS, ORECON 14 A. C. SANFORD Successor to Sanford, Sill & Company ftf-""- S-ra yv fLA rfTfc 1 o BEND - SHANIKO LIVERY, STAGE & STABLE COMP'NY J. H. WENANDY, PROPRIETOR Daily Stages to Shaniko and Bend. Ltcry Service in Connection. Stables at Madras, Shaniko and Bend r$r$r FRANK OSBORN Age nt Madras, Oregon FOR PARTICULARS AND RATES SEE o O r!, T ' aK$' , ' THE UNIVERSAL fc?rr! . V.' 1 ' . ' "ts t5 l W I i PL ."'J .' . . Mll.lMrnr.1. r Pcrfocr ir fct'V i'N vr ' &-ra i. t,iji 1 I-. i - Agent for Syracuse Chilled Plows, Schuttler and Moline Wagois and the "John Deere lines" My prices are right and I will take wheat at Shaniko prices less the freight, on all goods I. handle or carry MADRAS, - OREGON Hi! A. M. WILLIAMS &. CO ! W RANGE . riiA 'a df rr'- THE UNIVERSAL ILiai Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods UOolS AND MiOK.4 HATS ANO CXVA v THE DALLES OREGON four pro party WITH OSBORN & WILSON Madras, Oregon Wo handle all kind of real ostati', and have a number of lmif-uins to otter. S1 UNIVERSAL Stoves, Ranges, Heaters' Try One', You'll Find It The Best You Ever Bought At Any price t j SOXjID bt McTaggart & Bye Hardware, Groceries Implements M 1 MADRAS, OR3 ! K 1 MADRAS MEAT MARKET JAMES W. HURT, PROPRIETOR FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fish, Vegetables and Country Produce MADRAS, OREGON ,W