The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 02, 1908, Image 8

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    The Madras Pioneer
H0MKSTEA1). Notlco for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior.
Lund Oflloe at. The Dalles, Oregon,
March 18, 1008. Notice Is hereby
given tlpu
?f Minim-, Oregon, has II led notice of
his Intention to make tinai itveyeni
proof In support of his el-tini, viz:
Homestead entry No. 11(544 mad
Oof 21. 1002, for the sjii sen' 14,
Hwitfwi.( .sec 13 mill nwJtiwKi see 24,
tp la s, r 12 e, w m,
Ami that said proof will lie made
Wfnre Kmiik Ohorn, U. S. Commls
sloiior, at his olllce lu Madras, Oregon,
on April 27, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove his contiiitious residence
upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
I V Limbangh, Fred Klllingbeck,
John Pock and Allen Davis, ail of
Madras, Oregon.
m2fJ-H23 C. "W. MooitB, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca.
tion. Department of the Interior,
Land Ofllce at The. Dalles, Ore
gon, March IT, 190S. Notice Is here
by given that
of Culver, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make tlnal live-year
proof in support, of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 11027 made
June 3, 15)02, for the uet4' sec 17, tp 13
s, r 13 e, w m,
And that said proof will he made
before Frank Oshom, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his otllce in Madras, Oregon,
on April 27. 100S.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
mm cultivation of. the land, viz:
"V C Diirher, V O Ralsioo, Thomas
Aiderdyceand J R Mendenhair, all ol
Culver. Oregon.
m2G a23 C- W- Moae, egi?ter
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
Lmd Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
March IS, 190$. Notice is hereby
given thai
pf Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 11415 made
September" 2, 1902-. for the ue$ of sec
26, tp 9s, r 13 e, w m,
Anil' tatsaid proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office in Madras, Cregon.
ou May 1, 190S.
He names the following ritnefse3 to
prove his continuous residence upon,
mid cultivation of, the land, viz:
Miles Fox, C C Fox and C F Klann.
?11 of Madras, Oregon, and "William
Brownhill, bf Youngs, Oregon.
tn2G-a30 C- W. MOORE, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the In
terior. Laud Office at Tiie Dalles,
Oregon, March 18, 1908. Notice is
hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, lias filed notice
of his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 10736 made
,pril26, 1002, for the' se sec 17, tp 10
8, r 13 e, w in,
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, O. S. Commis
sioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon,
on April 27th, 1903.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resideuce upon,
and cultivation of, the land , viz:
J A Arnev, Claude G Ramsey, Dave
i liurden .Thorn as M Burden, all of
Madras, Oregon.
m26-a23 C. YV. Moobe, Register
HOMESTEAD, Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalies, Oregon,
March IS, 1908. JNotice is hereby
.given that
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 12491 made
April 17, 1903, for ene nod eisej of
bee 20, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m,
And that said proof will be made
before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office iu Madras, Oregon,
on April 28, 1908.
He names the following witnesses
to prove 1)1b continuous resideuce
upou, and cultivation of. the laud, viz:
Conrad Strasser, Henry Grob, J P
Hahn and W II Snook, all of Madras,
m26-a23 C. W. MoonE, Register
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department o( the In
terior, Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, March 18, 1908. Notice Is
hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 11087 made
June 14, 11)02, fur the swjne,
setr and Lots 2 and 8 of sec 2, tp
12 s, r 13 e w m,
And that said proof will he made
before Frank Osborn, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office lu 3Iadrus, Oregon,
on April 28, 1908.
II names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, tlielaud, viz:
J II Homey, Clyde C Healy ami J
"W Cook, all of Madras, Oregou, and
Ivan L Hale, of Culver, Oregou.
m20-a23 C. W- M'ooKE, Register
TIMBKTt LAND, Act Juno 3, 1878. Notice for
ltibllcatlou. Uepiirtmoiit f th Inferior,
United States l.nnd Olllce, Tho DhIIch Oregon,
March 111, 1903. Notice Is horoW glvwrthnt
of Madras, County ot Crook, Stnto ol Oregon,
has npplleil to purchase, under the act ofc Con
gress of Juno a, 1S7S as extended by act of Au
gust 1. s2, the o'se!.,' see 21, tp 11 s, r 10 e, ftfj
sw4 ami lot r of sue VJ, tp 11 s, r 17 o,iv m.
Ami will offer proof to show that tlio laud
sought Is moro valuable for Its timber or stone
than tor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her elnlm to said land boforo Vrank Os
born, V. S. Commissioner, at his offlco In Mad
ras, org.on, on tins ;,rd day of Junp, lyivs.
Slie namos as her witnesses: William Dur
ham, Thomas A Tnylory both ot Madras, Ore
gon: John O'Koily, Mary O'Kelly, both of llay
oreek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
nlKie-descrlbed lands are roqueted to llje
their claims in this oflloo on or said :trd
day of Juno, 11)08.
m-M-m'Jl C. V. MOORK, Register.
TIMBER I.AKD. Act June 3, 1S78. Nopco for
Publication. Department ot the. Interior,
t" nltctl States Land Office, The Unites, Oregon,
March 18. 1908. Notice Is hereby glvoJi that
of Sisters, County of Crook, Statu of Oregon,
has applied to purchase, under the net of Con.
gressof June 3, 187S, as extended by act of Au
gust 4, 1SKJ, the wlseJi, neJiscJi see f. and nw'4
ne of see 7, tp l'Js, r 11 e, w m.
And will otter proof to show that tho lnnd
sought Is more vauable for Its timber or stone
thnn far agricultural purpo.-es. and to estab
lish her claim to said land beforo It. ('. Kills,
V. S. Commissioner, at his ofllce in llcnd. Ore
gon, on the 3rd clay of June, lyus.
She names as her witness : Hoy C Foster,
Herbert E Glazior, Thomas Arnold, Edwin 11
Graham, Antone Traban, Enoch Cyrus, all of
Sisters, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described limits arc requested to rile
their claims in tills oillco on' or before, said 3rd
davof Juno, 1908.
m2o-m22 Register.
TIM11ER I.AND.-Act of JunQ.t. 1S7.S. Notice
for Publication. Department oCtUa Inter
ior, United States Land Ofllce. The I)nUes,
Oregon, Eebjliary '23, 190s. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Moscow, county of l.atah, statnof Idaho, has
of June 3, lN7i, as extended uy the uyt of
August 4, 1SW, the sSneK, spjnw ami I,,ot
eetion 31, tpll s, r 11 c,
Ami wiu oner prooi 10 snow huh ve
land sought is more vnluablo for its t(tnber
or stono than lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to sald land
before the Register and Receiver at The
.. .. . ... . i. ri . l . . i nt fu innu
uaues. urcgon, uu iuu -ivj- nrv
Gregor and Thvrza C McGregor, of Moscow,
Idaho. ... ' ...
Any and u persons claiming auvijrseiy u e
above-described lands are requtisted to tile
th..lrnlnlm!ln this (iff! CO Oil Or before Sdid
9th day of May, 1908. ,
o.r " r w tnnnr ni,iiii-
"Mniloo ia lirirptiv frlvnn that tllO.'uil
derslgued have purchased the proper
ty aud business of the firm of J. W. &
M. A. ltobluson cc company oi.nauras,
Oregon, tho interests of Howard W.
Turner and J. W. Robinson In said
Mrm nnil liiiHiness liaviiiL' been uo
tmlred bv the underelgned. All debts
iinu tlmnlil firm nf.T. W. ,t M. A. Rob
U UW UW www - " ' - -
iimnii X- Pnninntiv nru HOW (ItlO UI)d
navable to the undersigned, who will
continue the business under the firm
. A T "i X. HI A lrklitlianil Hiwl
Ilnlllc ui u . J ."..,
till debt8duo by the former partnership
. t It... am.
nave ueeu ussumuu uy wo.
Dated at Madras. Oregon, this 2nd
tluy of March, 1008.
J. C. Roiunbon,
M. A. Robinson,
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1S7H.
Vntlpf. fur I'uhlination. Denart-
mect of the Interior, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, Qregon,
January 15, 1908. Notice is hereby-
given that
of Madras, county of Crook, state or
Orecou, Das applied to purchase under
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, as
extended by act of August 4, 1S92, the
sec 24, aud une$ sec 25, tp 11 s,
r 16 e, w m, .
And will ofTer proof to show' that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before Frank Os
born, U. S. Commissioner, at his
office in Madras, Oregon, ou April 8,
1908. '
She Dames as her witnesses: T. A.
Tnylor and William purham, both of
Madras, Oregon, and John O'Kelly
aud Mary O'Kelly, both of Haycreek,
Auv aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
-Unii.uo.l ti film their claims iu this
office on or before said Sth day of
April, 1908.
J30-a5 0. W. MooKE, Register
nriMBER LAND, Aot June 8, 1878.
Notice for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, Uniteil States
Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon,
January 20, 1908. Notice la hereby
given that
of Moscow, county of Latah, state of
fituhn. has anniied to purchase, under
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, as
extended by act of August 4, 18UH, tho
niuelud ujuwisec24, tp 11 s, r 10 e,
w m,
And will ofler proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
nurnoseB. and to establish her claim to
said land before the Register and
Receiver, at The Dallew, Oregon, on
the 24th day of April, 1008.
Hhe nameB as her witnesses: Joseph
r Af..fvnnii nf Tmv. Idaho. Charles A
If,.,.. 1x11 sinil .Tnhn II HortOll. both of
Moscow, Idaho, aud Otto Brown, of
Wallace, juano.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
,..i.iuiu,i tnftin rhulr claims In this
ofllce on or beforo said 24th day of
April, ium. , .
f20 al0 O. W. MooltE, Register
OMTCSTEAI). Notice for Publlca-
ritlon. Department of tlio Int rlor,
February 8; im. Notice is hereby given
of Madras, Oregon. Has filed notice of his
intention to make final five-year proof In
su .port ot ills claltiij viz:
Homestead entry No. liMl made Fe bnt.
ary a. 1903, for the KNKW and M&kU
of sec U, tp 10 h, r 13 e, w m,
a ...i .i,.,t I unuJ tet lii tnnilii neforu
Frank Osborn, D. . Coinmissioiier, at hl
olllce in JfitdntH, Oregon, on Mar. 30, 1108.
Ho names tlio following witnesses to
prove Ills coiitlnuousn'c.sldciico upon, and
cultivation of, tlio lnnd, viz:
Clit'stor Giird, XV 11 Ilannon, Walter
Arnoy and Dave Utirden, ail of Madras,
f20-'i26 C, XV. MooitE, Register
TIMBER LAND, Act Juuo.3, 1878.
Notice for Publication, depart
ment of tho Interior, United HtaleH
Land Office. Tho Dalles. Oregon,
January 21, 1003. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Mps-cow, county of Latah, state of
Idaho, has applied to puiohuhe, tinuer
tiie net of Conuro8 of June 3, 1878, as
extended by not of A,ugunt 4, 181)2, the
siiiwj sec 25, auil eint 1 seo 20, tp 11 m, J
r 10 o, w m, j
Ami will ollor proof to show that tho ,
IhiiiI soulit is more valuable (or Its
limber or 8one than for iigrluiilitirnl
put poses, and to establish IiIh etui in to
taid hind before tlio Register and
Ret elver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
the 24th day of April, 1008.
Ho names ii9 his witnessos: Joseph
A McComb hiu! Phillip M Rowe, both
ot Troy, Idaho, Cliarle A Randill, of
Moscow, Idaho, and Otto Brown, or
Wallace, Idaho.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described "lands aro
reouested to file their claims iu tills
olllce on or bcioro said 24lh day of
April, 1908.
f20 alO C..W. Moou, Register
'IMBUll LAND, Aot Juno 3, 187B.
1 fur PllblK'iltlOU
metit of the Interior, Uitllfd Stattfl
Tho Dallt'H, uivk'"'.
Notice is ttfteoj
XA W.lffi AV,iJrtmct MSKS
1 !,,r 1 ' ,1 ? i airs an I 0 "c c, Tho Pallcn,
given thai, ,,m,KT m. 1IUOWN, .. .
t)retiii, has ai'P'u ' 1 J,M . ...i,,,., by act
f n mVreMof'.r..uVii. ,.j;V,?T is r li
T.and Office,
.Tnntiarv 8. 1008
given that
l miK . AICUAI' 1 '' I Allil i ...i.i.. r..r slate of i soiiKht Is '!'. .,... i,,i,i!iirid nuriiiM. ami In
or Hellllionu, ooiiih. v i Kioin- liiai . to fwlil ln.l before l ie
Onuon. has applied to purchase, in ; . Ul. u ,"",,'lrlt;,iii.1 Oregon, ., Un-
.l..r i In. nut, of CmgresH of .hum .1. .lay of Apr II. !(
.ln.. . ...
offer prwf to "' tlml, ttto land
oner p" m i i,,il.r or
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1S7B.
fur Viililli'.'iMni). Deimrt-
......if r thn Tnl.rlnt- &tntiM
L'ltiil Office, The D die's, Oregon,
January 21, 1008. Notice is lieieby
given that
OTTO imowN,
of Wallace, county or Shoshone, state
or Idaho, has applied to purchase, un
der tlie act of Congresa or June 3, 1S78,
as extended by act of A.uguat 4, 1802,
the ueL sec "5, tp 11 , r 1(1 e, w in,
Ami will offer proof to show that (In
land sought is more vnluable for its
timber or stone thiui (or agricultural
purposes, Hud to establish his claim to
said laud before the Register aud
Receiver, at The Dalles, Otegon, on
the 24th day of April, 10S.
He names as ills vituefset: Joseph
O McComb and Phillip M Rowe, both
or Troy, Idaho, ami J1 H. Horton
and Charles A Raudall, both of Mos
cow', Idaltq.
Anv and all persons claiming ad-
vet sely the above-described lands are
requested tQ tile their claims in this
office on or belore said 24th day of
April, 1908.
f20 a6 C. W. Mookk, Register
TIMBER LAND, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication. Depart
ment of the Interior, Doited States
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
January 8, 1903. Notice is hereby
given that
of Prineyille, county of Crookj stale
or Oregon, uas appueu to purciuiHe,
under the act of Congress of June 3.
1878, aB extended by act of August 4,
1892, the Bej8wl sec 28, nine and
ueiuwi sec 33, tp 12 b, r U e, w m,
And will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable foi
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establlsu nls
claim to said land before the County
Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the
10th day of April, 1008.
He names as his witnesses: II A
Foster. Robert G Smith, P B Doak,
and Orange Hodges, all of Prineville,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the ahove-deucribed landB are
requested to (Uo their claims -In tills
office on or before said 10th day of
April, 1908.
(13-a9 C. W. MooitB, Begisler
TIMHKR LAND, Act June .3, 1)178, .Sotlco
for Publication. Department of the
Interior, L'nltod Htatcs Land Oflleo, The
Dalles, Oregon, February SO, UK. Notice is
hereby given that
of Moscow, county of I.atah, htute of Idaho,
link appled to purchase, under the act of
Congress of Juntf a, J78, a.s extetided by act of
August 4, lbW, the IxjU ;i ami and ic!mv4
sec 1, tp lis, rJu, w in,
And win. offer proof to show that the land
bought ismore vaMiable for its timber or stone
than lor agricultural,, and to estab
Ixh Ids claim to kaid land before the lteglntur
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou the
20th day ill May, 1'jOK.
He names as his wltneseH: William T Cam
eron and ClaudoCole, of Moscow, Idaho:
Joseph O McComb, of Troy, Idaho, and Ora
VuuTassel, of Madras, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds 'are reiiestel to II lc
their claims in this otllco ou or before said
3)th day of May, 1DUH.
niia-mall O. W. MOORE, Register.
TIMHKR LAND, Ant of June 3. 1878. .Notice
for I'liblicatioii. United Mates Land Olllce,
The Dalles, Oregon, February IM, I'JOH.
Notice is hereby given that lu compliance
wltli tho provisions of the uct of Congress of
June a, lb'H. (Entitled "An act or the alo of
timber lands In the Ktatesof California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the nubile land states by act
of August I, 1892, tho following named pernoiiH
have ou November '. 19U7, tiled in th(N olllce
ihelr Bworn tateinouln, towlt:
of Rend, Crook county, Oregon, worn Htato
inent No. Itif7, for the jiiirehanu of tho eHneK
and nUcl4, nee :M, tp ia H, r II e, w in,
of Ilend, Crook County, Oregon, Hvvorn utate
ment No. Ii: for the purchase of tho w'jne,
i.eiiwJ4 and ne5sw4, nee 17, tp 13 h, r 11 e,
of Rend, Crook County, Oregon, mvorn Htate.
ment No.4tail for tile purcliao of the 1iU '1
and 3, kcnw hnd neHtt, nee 30, tp 13 , r
i'iit they will offer proofn to nhow that the
lands nought arc more valuable for the timber
or fctotic thereon than for agricultural pur
boscH.aiid to uxtablUh their claim to tali! landH
before the IteglNter and Receiver at The
UallcH, Oregon, on May , 7, JUiw.
They naiiio the jOllowiiiK.wltiieinicH! Ada J
Johiihton, Charlen O. Jollitoii, JamiM A
lloyd, KlmL'r NUvoriger,Charle I) llrowu ami
Fred A Hunnel, all of lldnd, Oregon.
Any and all pomoiik claiming adveroly tho
above-deHcrlbcd iamlH are reiiueiitcd to. file
their claiimi In tills otUcuou or before Wild 7th
day of May, 1W).
K7-a30 C. W, MOORK, RegUtcr,
u ' " - . . i ik(H2
as. extended by act ol aulmim. .,
theejiit l iuidnwim'isi'cl2, tp U r
' And will oiler proof to nhow that
the land sought Is mow valuable for
It.-, timber or stone thai, for aurltuil
tnral purposeH, and to e.-tnblUh her
cloliu to said land before tho County
Clrk at Prineville, Oregon, on the
lOtlt day of April, 1008.
She names us her witni'HHOs: VAvtUx
nurnham, of Sisters, Oregon, V V
McCallery, Henhniln McCIIery, and
Minnie .AloCalVery, all of Itedinoiul.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the abovo-det.orlb.ed InmU i"
requested to Hie tlielr olulms in ihl
olllce on 6r before aaitj 10th day of
April, 1908.
fl3 u0 C. XX. -MopitK, Itenlsler
r. uf. J. r'"1. (',',," i Oreitoii, and
t ... mill nl iier'nii mninin'H '" inv' .i
0. V. mOUK, ItoglXcr.
lav of April. twV
Act Juno X 1K78. NoU-1
tin m inv
t..i.l I io . linlilirtlltOl
HIT uwtinHi;'". ; i --- -- i rvm-
. I ff WlllM I .HIM I UUUTi
tenor, v u... '-"- v..i... u
January ir-, .-...
Iiullcx. orecou
I. ..l.-uii tlitit
CI.AKA 1.. HOOAX. , ... .
of Spokane, county of Sikaio. s,.,l.;;
iimton. has applied to purHhaw, unUi-r 1
t of Congresi of June H.W '" l'
act of AugtiM 4, 1M, (hp w',4. "
su-'.nei-i ni II. tl H -"t ' ln i w ,,l. . . i i
Ami wl 'offer proo t siu.w that the land
sought Is moreva'luable for if UmlM.r or Mo.
ilniii for rtirrli'U Kuril purWMW, ami to eman-
V"btsrchAin to ."id la.-d Wlj
ami lleceixerHt Tho Dalles. Oregon, on the
2l!it day o( April. f.B. , t
She iinuies as her wttnemea: l-.lit
Ilaker. of Spokane. WhhI. ugioii,
Iteeser, Charlen II Kettleell mt Kate Kettle
din ni
OMItSTpU). NollOf fr I'timicu-
tiiiu, Di'parimeni t me nni-i"'i
Ln,l Olllee at The UM, t.itegou,
March 17, 1008. Xollco l hereby
given that
of, Oregon, has lllcil notice
of his Intention to malui llnal live
vei.r proof in support or IiIh claim, viz.:
,m.Mead Kotry' N. HKI, mad..
N..v 11, 1001, for tlio Hini-l and wt
of sco 35, tp ia h. r I I o, w in.
d that said proof will be made In
fore the Com.iy (Merle at Prineville,
Oregon, on May 5, 100b.
He i. nines t lit following wHn.'hHes
to prove his coiiiIiuiovh reHldcnce
,,on. and culttvatl tl.e land, vlx:
William Saul), On-ii ulte. ,liitnehh.
M,.tM I.. A. Mo. te, all of l.umoma,
Ur",," C. W. .MOOUK,
2 n80 ItHuiHItff.
... ... ... .. .... Mlft.l
Veil, llll 'l ..wn"i4.i., , 11
Sargent. The Oado. Oregon, aud Jamei. I
Mcdary, IVmllulou, Oregon. .... ,..
Anv and all person Vialmlng adveret U t
above-dwrlbe.1 JamH are reu'jm.ted to II..'
their elal.iM lu this olllce on or before "!
dav of April, 1SKW. ,.,. ,,.,.
fJU.alO' C. W. MOO Kb, l!plter.
Timber Lund, Act.luno 3, 1878
Notice for Publicalion
United States I.tnd Ollice,
The Dalles, Or., Jan. 20, 1008.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions or the act
ofCongrrssof June 3, 187S. entitled
'Am act for the eale of timber lands In
the states of California, Oregon, Nev
ada, nnd Washington Territory," as
extended to all the putilic laud states
by act of August 4, 1892, the following,
named persons have filed their sworn
statements in (his olllce, to-wit:
of 1070, E Aider Bt, Portland, county
of Multnomah, state or Oregon, sworn
statement No. 4-119, filed November 1,
1907, for the purchase of tlio SJSEJ of
sec 10 aud SiSWJ of Hec 20, tp 11 s, r 17
e, w m,
of 509 8 3rd St., ief-oula, county of
Missoula, state of Montana, sworn
statement No. 4120, filed November 4,
1907. for the purchase of the SWJSKJ
of sec 13, NWJNK1 and NJN WJ of stc
24, tp 11 8, r 10 e, w m,
And will oiler proofs to show tliut
the lands sought are more valuable
for the timber or stone thereon than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish their claims to uuid lauds
before tho Register and Receiver, at
The Dalles, Oregon, on April 8. 1008.
They name as ilieir witnesMes: KHz
ubo.h M. Lockley, of Portland, Ore
gon; Edward H Sargent, of The Dallef,
Oregon; Helene A Keunett, Emily
Haruois and Chuiles A. Haruols, of j
SF.LKCTION. - Notice for
PiihlleatioiA United Statt'H Lnnd
Otllce, Tho DrtlleM, .Oregon, March 10,
'"vii,... i. '..iirnliv ttivon tliat under the
inovisious of Uo ct of CVngrc of
August 14, 1818, ami tlio act siippio
udatorv thereto, tin
Stale of Oregon hart, on March 7, 1008,
file.1 in this olc-e iti application, fo.
731, to t-elect tlio nftw, iiwst and
selael of sec 20. tp 1 1 s, r 14 o, w.
Auv and all pernios claiinjng ml-
voroly the alwve-litcrihwl IamlH, or
desiring for anv teaaoti to object U) tlio
u....i ..iiu.,ii..i.'i.f the selection, should
t-luiniM or obiectioim in this
thia o(llre on or before the 2nd day of
May, JO0H. ,, . L
mlO-aJSI C, W, Monun. Regtutor
iron. Ki.lirnii.., i Hia C
mveii nun iii (.(iiiin in,,,, "Vli! i
io,Kof tin, nia " r &lthilj
Dor amU li. 11..., f th i,i '
Ul. I" nil iff 'B
. " .'IKII.L, 1DI, ."1
liiir.iintiiiiii ,,i,i ..... i ' iT,r.ML.
""."''"" ni ills oiH,,,, , nti,
I. " W ( AfT
!'';." ,Vi:!. -Lein? itej
Lnm LyJiMin.....' JJ'. ni
iv i. llll. Ilia,
'n'h.'Ul nu im h ' I m m ... i Vi
Hi'citinber 1. (tu, f .i."" ''V
, 'A.n n. si it . t'.Ncnu.
'.'n.lVt. S Will I'WJi,
ti .. . . . " .... 11V . 1'..
ni I u 1 1 i.,...ri .
ui uaM)u .loniiii i,i .. ''.
.UHIIUIMII, HWOIII Ntl.l.l........ .."'S
November 2, Pm7 for U ."H
Til Mill .1 III kiln I .."
ix v .'a ..mi ...v.. " ,m
..r in.; , " M"' 'M'llifj,
1 1,
Nolle, for Publlra-
tion. Pi-pi.rtui-'nt of the Interior,
L-iud Olllce at The DiIIcm. Uregon,
March 18, 1008. Notice Is hereby
given that
of Madras. Oregou, ban tiled notice if
his luleiitloti to mnkti tlnal live-year
proof lu support of IiIh claim, vl:
Ilomesi.'ail Entry No. 11301 mad.
August 25, 1002, for the m of seo 23,
tpOs, rl3 e, w ni,
And that Mil. I proof will bo male
before Frank O-o.orn, V, H. CoiiiiiiIh-hi--tier,
mills .dike lu Madras, Oregon,
on May 1, 100S.
I names the following wltnesscM to
prove his realdmice uj)ti,
and cultivation of, the aud, viz:
Miles Kx, Frank Sliuigland, C F
Klann, all of Madras, Oregon, and
William (downhill, Ot Youngs, Ore
gon m'iQ-uaO C. W. MOO HE, Register
... .. w,, .ui-nn j Pfl-.,.-i
.Mt.iiiiiiin. HWorn im .:;",'."i
-' II rt 'I mi I .'l. II- I h i ,H
i M i it mill vi. i i
ill ll, W Hi. " M
All.l Will Oifl r limnf. i. .. '
I i " n vi .not
,1,1 ill nr., ....... . . "
I li rill 1 in t i it twin j ji ,i . " m
c it iiih to mi d iiin.u i..;. "1
Iilhl r ,.. I . .
l)uil..s. Oregon, on Apriia in
I I.UV ll.ll.l- a, t,lr Wl
A Me )in. i- . U .iiini.. i, HT-
... ' ' Ill 11 Zlli.tM
mm v illi! Ill , IHUOIT.l.r
Aim ami all tu rwiim r in..
-'i .in- mm'. i . 'fii'rr!i,i
..i.;.l...l ui.. . i. .. . 14 "ll
)iM,'-nt, .1 L.f nil ,! ir iituii.i. ....
ti. ..... i. . . 1 : ". A
iiouiu i mooiu;
uininT i Attjuii.iiW, I,... f..-. ii. .t.t .. .
l..,nrn nlOltlrltkrV
1'rtimviiiM fstnciv tt f .i... .
11 fit 19 n flirt m.l SM1 . w
tv IT 111 '
l.l .ulll ..K .. . a .. .
tiillulit I liirifK i tlK tu 11..1.1.'
'h i wmwu, v; in
April, H.w.
Ql... ..a..... ..I., . .......... w
(liurlua lluili ll a,,,l II 1 ri...-
u 1 1 1 1 . .. I I1 I .... li . . ,
.nil nut nu i nun. ritimiu
.. .. . i . .ii. , . t .' !i 1 oninoau
ditj of At-rll. It
HOMKSTHAI) Notice for I'ltblh-a.
lion. DepirtuiKiit of the Interior,
Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon,
March 18, 1008 Notion is hereby
given that
of YoungH, Ort-goil, has tiled noUco of
Ills Intention to tnaKt) llnal commutif
tion proof in support of his clnlm, viz:
loincMt.-arl Ivtlry No. 14807 made
December 27, 11)05, for thw
iiejjiiw4 or sec 21 and st jue of seo
20, tp 0 , r 14 e, w in,
And that said proof will ho made
before Frank (Inborn, U. ri. Commit
floner, at his olllce In Madras, Oregon,
on April 30. 1008.
Ileuauies the following witnesses
Missoula, Montana; Joel McCollum, of j U1(, cjIVacloii of, tho land,
Ash wood, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely any of the above-described
lauds are requested to file their claims
lu this ofllce ou or before the said 8th
day or April, 1008.
ro-a2 C. W. MooitE, Register
Charles Morris, C'trl Chrlstensou,
Joseph Stewart, William Hlalr. all of
YoungH, Oregon.
m23 a23 C. W. Moonj:, Register
IMJIHU LAND, Act .lime !i, 1878.
Notice for I'liblicatioii. Detiartincnt
of the Interior, United .States Litnil Olllce, j
The Dalles, Oregon, .huitiary ti, W0H.
Notice isliereuy given Unit
ot Hcml, county ot Crook, state or Oregon,
lias applied to purchase, under the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, as cxteiulc.l by
act of August I, 1802, the Lot 2 ami
SKJiN W, s.-c 7, tp 13 s, r 11 e, w m,
Ami will olfer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone tlinu for agricultural pur
poses, ami to estaltllHl. his claim to Haiti
land before li. U. Kills, U.i H. - CoiiiiiiIh
sioner at Ids olllce lu Demi, Oregon, on tlio
liith day of April, 1908.
He iiames as his wltiiesnes; ClmrlcK L
JJrock, Fred A Iluiiiiell, Tina Sliattuck
and John Uyrnes, all or Demi, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely
the abovc-ilcKcrlheil lands aie leijiiustcd to
file their claims In this olllce on or before
hiiid l.hli day of April) IWH.
flWiO C. W. MOO I IK, Heglster.
T IMIIKU I.AM), Aot Juno .1, 1878. Notlco
for I'libllciitlnii. PupHriinciit of tho luior
lor, United Htntci. I.uuil OUUu, Tim IIhIIdh,
OrcKmJKcbruKry !M, iyu. Notlco I horchy
of ilond, county nf Oiook, unite of Orcnon. lm
aiijiied to purchiiHO, utiilur the net of CoiiKruitH
of Juno ;i, lh78, im oxlonded by nui of August I,
isw, tl.oM.JtiuW, noiio'4, muo7, and n:"4nwy4
hoi!, tp Pin, r lie, w in,
And will offer proof to dhow tho land
HjiiiKhtU moro valuable for tin tliiiber urstmiu
t him for aKrleultural purniuK ami toimtab
llHh her claim to mild land beforo II, c. KlIU
I. H. (!ominl"loiier, at IiIh olllce in Hund. Ore
gon, ou tho lilih day of May, Iuiim,
Hho jiuiiu-k iu her wltuoKuen: flinro h
Ilrown, Klmer NlHivoiiKor, I, A JlrandonburK h
and r rod A IIiiiii.bII, all of Ilond, Orouou.
Any and all porMinn oliilmliij,' advorwdy the
nbovo-doserlhod lamU aro roouonted to llle
their oialniK lu tljlM ollleo on Or before kald
mth day of May. 1U08.
uil2.fna7 KvgUtor,
HOMKriTHAD. Notice for l'uhllcn
Hon, Department of tiio Interior,
Lund Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon,
March IB, 1008. Notlco Is hereby
given that
of Culver, Oregou, has filed notjoo of
tils I n ton t lu it to make tlnal live-year
proof lu support or his claim, viz:
Homestead lint ry No. 11603 made
November 20, 1902, for thu sw of sec
u. li. 3 s, r 18 e, w m,
And that said proof will bo ttiadu
before Frank Osborn, U. ti. Colnmls
sinner, at his olllce lu Madras, Oregon,
on April 120, 1008.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
(J II Osborn, R C Osborn, W O Ral
ston and William Harbor, all of Culver,
m20 a23 C. W. Mooiik, Register
T IMIIKU LAND, Act Juno :l, 1H78. Notlco (or
I'liblicatioii. Iiopitrtiuont id tho Intorlor,
I'ultcil Ktato band Ollleo, tlio Dullen, Orouou,
.March 1'J, I'joh. Notice Ih heroby kIvoii that
MAItY It. ItltADV;
of Wont Heattlo, County of KIiik, Htato of Waidi
ii.Ktou, haii applied to pureliiim', under tho act
of l.'oiiKreiM of Juno .'1, 1878, an extended by ant
of AiiKimt I, tho!$ eo itl, noho of
noc!, tp II h, r 11 o, And lot I of nee I, tp I'Jk, r
11 e, wiu.
Andivlll offer proof to hIiow that tho land
muiilit u u.ore valuable for IW timber or Mono
than for tiKrleiiltural purpotoH, and to eMail
lUh her claim to until laud boforo tho ItexUtor
uipl Hucolvor ut Tito hallux, Oregon, on tho
77th day ot May, Vmh.
HIiu name an hor wltnuiu: TIioiiiiim i lira
!', of Wont Heattlo, ViinhliiKlih ; ('harloo
A Itodegob, KiiIhiiui, W.iKhliit"ii: Ora Van
Tuuull, of Madnu, Orcon; Prank 0 I'urkor.ot
Woodland, WiiHltliiKtou.
Any and all pornoim clalmJiiK advoriiily ll0
alMivc doiiprlbod laud aro roipnuted to lllu
their eliuiJix in hum oillco ou or boforo nl(l ;7th
day of .May, KK)8. '
m maa o, W. MOOIIK, IlOKUfcr,
m. k Mmi mam an a mm mm mJ
Dailv Durinc March
vuo via j, i. t
fvittihern Pacific Co,
f tf iftnl
t nAlf.Yfroa
win nu imi ri' i'i"M
Idaho at tho ('olonhl
below t
Atlanta. Oq .
Ilallmori, MJ
lilrmhlKhatii. AU
Hl(Minl.iKioii, III
llrlitol, Teiin
lUMtini, Mii
lluffalO, N. V
Cairo, III
Coiumll HluK"
l)n Moliu'.
Klmlra, N V
KvantUlie, hid
iiilimH.)l-. hll
Khiikiu city
UiiiUvlllc, Ky
Momphlii, Teilii
Mobile. Al
.MoiitKnafJ'i AU
Nanhvlllo, 'i'cilii
Now York City
Peoria, 111
Hloux City
Ht. Jonoph.
HI. boul.
Ht. I'rtUl.
" '- rtO
.. UuSlel.l lu V,
.. .ii iu ui com ' .
. ..1MlM
i u.ui ill nan"""
ticket uKcnt la l
.1 .,iuaiirV 111.--
IIIU H" ..llf
lie ill COIll '""'"
liiHlrtictwiw ,
s red in .' r . u
cnuhlus rcHWcnW U'
cml for rctaUT- WJ.
... .i incniivti." .
ill . ltltW1 LU
twmT ticket.
1 HUB" . 1-n.l 1
If llPBl.V" .
Mlllll-.ll- , linn
all points
Mi-Mitriay. ...n.
, ii .lunll. (" ,
frlomlBl" tho h