to -- i i; 1 'the Madras Pionfeer ' Published every Thursday by THE PIOMflBK PUnUtjlllNG .CO .- 0UD80RIPTION IATES : Pno yenr. $1.50 Six months 85 Three months....'. , 50 v - ADVKUTISINO 1IATK3 OX Al'l'MCATlON Entered ns second clnss nintler August St, UtOl.nt the Postolflco at Mndrns. Ore.. Under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879, THURSDAY April 2, 1908 West side and the judgeship What the West side of the count' wants is a pood, busi- hesslike administration of coun ty affairs, with an equable tax assessment throughout the county, and a fair distribution bf the benefits of taxation. For several rears the residents of this section have been pledging themselves to the election of a bouuty court which would be ehllrelj' free ffom the old coun tyseat influence, against which Ihe bitter fight of the past two years has been waged. The west side wants a square deal, unbiased by any of the influ ences which have caused the 'discord in the coiintj' in the past, and a County Judge who will administer count' affairs "economically, fairly and impar tiall'. They have an opportu nity to elect such a county udge in the candidacy of Mr. H. G. Ellis of Bend; and an an alysis of the candidacy of Mr. Blanchard will reveal the cause 'of the only opposition there is to Mr. Ellis' caudidacj When, after much delibera Hon, Mr. Ellis consented to en ter ihe race for County Judge, - he announced that he would make no ante-election pledges further than to discharge th 1 duties of the office in-a fair and impartial manner to all sections of the county alike. Some time after announcing his candidacy he was called to Prineville and asked to sign and publish statement pledging himself to certain policies in case of his election. Among these pledges was one that he would complete the new court house forthwith; another, that he would oppose county division during the term of his oflice (four years). Mr Ellis declined. He took the po sition. with reference to the court house, that he would, of course, complete it as rapidly as there was money for that jmr pose and it could be done con sistent with good business man agement. Regarding coun ty di vision, he says it is not an issue now and may not be during the term of his office, but on the other hand it may become an issue during that time, and all sections of the county may ap prove of division, in which event the county judge would cut a sorry figure opposing what the people of the county want. lie stated further that he favored just and equal taxation, a good system of county public schools, and good county roads. Mr. Blanchard at that time was a candidate for superinten dent of schools, but immediate ly following the refusal of Mr. Ellis to sign any pledge it began to leak down from Prineville that Blanchard was being urged tip there to run for judge, and in due course of time heap beared in this precinct, "to find what the sentiment was," as he says. Upon his. return to Prine ville he announced that he had withdrawn from the race for sup erintendent und was a candi date for county judge. Mr Blanchard says he was not asked to sign any pledges at ibies. Mr. Blanchard snj's that he would not have en'tered the race if lie had not found the peo ple, of this section almost unan imoilslj' in favor of him doing so, but tile fact remains that his candidacy originated,-at Prine ville and that he was not brought out until Mr. Ellis re fused to allow certain men at Prineville to dictate to hi til his policies if he should be elected county judge. The reason for that move at Prineville is also obvious. At the last election the western and northern precincts of the county cast 1071 votes out of a total of lfiS2, or more than two-thirds. With the sentiment that pre vails against the old regime in county politics, it would have been impossible for them to bring out a dyed-in-the-wool Prineville man and win. In or der to make any headway it was necessary to split this over whelming vote, and Mr. Blanch ard, who shdwed strength in the race for school superinten dent, was to be the wedge to split thu West side strength. This is the kind of political geography rjiot the Blanchard edition) which made him the "logical" Prineville candidate. These are the facts which re veal the weakness of Mr. Blanchard's plea that he would not have eutered the race it there had not been a demand for it in tins section. Support of his candidacy is support of the well laid scheme of a certain Prineville cliciue, who, when thej' found thej' could not die tate the policies of Mr. Ellis, looked around for a candidate to defeat him. it -requires no further pioof of this than the fact that the first names on the Prineville petition asking Mr. Blanchard to run for judge are the names of the spokesmen at the meeting in Prineville in winch Mr. Ellis was asked to sign a statement pledging him self to certain policies. which in nine cases dut of ten will find its way to the waste basket unread, emphasizes how bunglesome and unwieldy an affair is this initiative law floV many of the hundred tlioll sand Voters to whonl these path phlets will be sent will stildi ously go over the 10 measures to be voted Upon, many of them of no local interest whatever? If they do not do so, how art they to vote intelligently upon them? And, unless the people study these measures and then vote intelligently upon them, how are we going to subsmnti ate the theory, that by placing the law-making power 111 the hands of the people we' wi 1 1 a v e 1 o 11 1 y a w i sh 1 a w s ? F. E. Dayton of Laidlaw, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for county assessor. lie has been deputy assessor in the western pait of the county for the past two years', and is a man of gori'd business ability. Mr. Dayton's ttiends in the Laidlaw country speak ver' highly of his quali fications far the oflice of asses sor, and sa' that he will make t ue county a spendid official in that capacity. announcemeinIYs Announcements of cnndldiitos published under this heading nru attl for nt regular advertising rates. T. T. Geer for Congress Candidate for republican congression al nomination in the Second District. Liberal appropriations for waterways, pnortunities and lTivileces for or and capital, and Government con- trol of corjwrations. For County Judge To the Voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the oflice of County Judge, subject to the approval of the the Republican voters at the primaries to be hold April 1", 190S. II. C. Ems, Bend, Oregon. THE CONGRESSIONAL RACE As "the time, approaches for the primaries the nomination of ex-Governor Geer becomes more certain. Reports from all parts of Eastern Oregon show that he will carry at least two thirds of the counties here and t ie inree counties west 01 tne Cascades will give him over whelming majorities. Multno mah county will giVe him a larger vote for congress than ii did for governor two years ago when he carried it by 17 o ma jority over wythcomo. Mr. (Jeer has alwavs been an earn est champion of an open river and his power for good woik in Washington is universally a- cnowledged. Portland concedes the repre sentative to Eastern Oregon, as it has one of the senators and may have the other. In any event the western part or the district will have both senators nid the member of the lowei ioue is granted to the eastern part of the state. There is no desire to try to gobble the rep To the voters of Crook, County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination, on the Republican ticket, to the oflice of County Judge. Your support at the primaries, April 17th, will be truly appreciated. Sincerely yours, J. F. Ula.vciiahi). A bOOa riauc t FRANK Antelope, Oregon fiFNFRAL MERCHANT Now offers you a splendid as sortmeht of General Merchan dise at prices that will make you happy, cause you to call again, and induce your neighbors to come With you to . . . . . FRANK IRVINE'S AT ANTELOPE The Store That Gives Satisfaction Joint Representative in said district, to 1 11 . 1 e - . 1 1 1 fwil no uaiioieu ior on .nine 1, ivo. 11. A., f0 l'aisley, Or. .For County School Superintendent To the republican voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself candidate for the oflice of county school superintendent. Your support at th primaries in April will be appreciated R. A. Foim To the Democratic voters of Crook County: I desire the nomination your hands at the primaries in April fo the oflice of Countv School Superin tendent, on tin- Democratic ticket, and your support at the primaries will be heartily appreciated. Sincerely, W. R. Cook 1 hereby announce that I will bo a candidate for County School Superin tendent of Crook County, subject to the action ol tne itepuolican voters in the primary ciccuou. M. A. LEILMAN', Oneil, Oregon. Por Joint Representative To the voters of Crook, Klamath Lake and Grant counties: I hereby announce my candidacy for joint repre sentative from the 21st Representative District ol Oregon, subject to the an proval of the Republican voters of the district at the primaries to be held April 17th. U, C. Con, Rend, Or. To the Republicans of Klamath, Lake, Crook and Grant Counties inform the Republicans of Klamath, 1 wish to Lake. Crook unu Grant counties, const! tilting the Twenty-first Representative District 01 uregon, mat my name will e V' iir(Kftitnd for vour consideration nt the resentative and Mr. Geer will be 1 Primary election to lo held April 17, the overwhelming choice of that I X)8, asking your mttraum tor selection end of the district. Mr. Grl"30"00' the "epublu-an "- '"' will be a worker in congress 1 and as he is especially strong in all parts of this congress ional district the certainty of his nomination becomes clearer! every day. He is especially , well fitted for that work and would soon make one of the big men in congress. Optimist. The Dalles prineville, which is doubtless true, but it is a significant fact hat the Prineville petition 'which he exhibited here bore 'the names of the very persons who had tried to get Mr. Ellis Vo pledge himself to certain pol- THE INITIATIVE PUZZLE A pamphlet of 120 pagen, giv ing in detail all of the 19 initia tive measures which are to be' voted, upon at the June election,, has been mailed by the Secre tary of State to each registered , voter in Oregon. The pam-1 phlet is for th purpose of in-! atructing voters upon these! measures that they may vote in telligently upon them at the June election, and 100,000 cop ies have been distributed throughout the st.tte. This new kind of po'litical literature, Pacific Horse Unlracnt Is prepared expressly for the needs of horsemen and ranchmen. It is a powerful and pene iratlng liniment, a remedy for emergen cies. A soothing embrocation for the relief ol pain, and the best liniment for sprains and soreness. Uncqualed for curing the wounds and Injuries ol BARBED WIRE and for healing cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment Is fully guaranteed. No other Is 0 good or helpful in so many wayi. If ii fails to satisfy, we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. cxth unci ottlc firry ccnt Hovt Chemical Co.. pomtunp, one BOOKLET iSmZm FRCC For County Surveyor Tn tlin voter of Crook County: 1 horebv announce nivself a candidate for nomination, on the" Republican ticket, to the ollice of county surveyor. 1 re spectfully solicit your support at the primaries on April i. I'HA.NK .MAY. For Joint Senator T wish to state that 1 am a candidate for the Republican nomination for joint, iq$4 senator tovrcpiescnt the district con-j fcisting of Crook, Klamath and Luke counties. 11. L. iiolovtk, i L Bonanza, Oregon. I herewith announce myself a candi date for joint k nator fropi Klamath, Lake and Crook counties on tne Jtepuu- lican ticket, subject to the decision of the primurv election. L. F. Wii.lits, Klamath Falls, Or. For County Assessor To the voter of Crook County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the ollice of County A"etitC)r fuib)cot U tilts approval of the R.-imlillixm vol urn at the primaries to he )iehl April 17, 1908. 1. 15. DAYTON, Uldlnw. To the' voters of Crook County: I ! heiui'T announce myself af a candidate ! for the ollice of county nit(r, subject to the approval of the Reinibllcau'voters at the primaries to be held April 17, 11. r. .lO.S'KM, sRcdmond, Or. T. B. TUCKEI Horseshoeing and WAGON AND PLOW WORK Fihl-Cto Wort omtii J.OMUd in tC ;U Jlr JUiWI At 4 111) i ( fitj.M.t Tfl To the voters of Crook, lnk' nd Kin math Counties: I hereby declare my platform: Statement No. 1. "He that is ureatost let him be your cer vant." The people of Oregon are com petent to elect all officers. Oreuon livestock breeders, Oregon fruitgrowers are world-famous. Let uk make Oregon the greatest state for good roudi?, uxxl schools, pure foods, honest weights and measures, honest political methods: Rush for Oregon, Full for Oregon. G. Sl'ltlNOEIt. Democratic candidate for joint senator. Trout Greek Sawmi ASHWOOD, OREGON NOT IN THE TRUST For County Treasurer To the voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself as ;i candidate for re-election to the ofllco of county treasurer, on the 'republican ticket, subject to your approval of the adminis tration of the ollice during my present term. W. F. Kisa. For County Clerk To the voters of Crook Countv; I hereby announce myself a candidate fur the oflice of County Clerk, subject to the npproval of tho Democratic voters at the primaries to be held in April. Waiihhn Riiown. & t ( For Sheriff To the voters of Crook County: 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the ollice of Sheriff of Crook County, on the ii t.ii i. i I. i . . ucpumicau vicisei, suojeci 10 Uio ap proval of tho Republican voters at the primary to tie held in April. 15 J'JIA.-VK IvI.Kl.NM. I hereby announce myself as a candi late for the ollice of sheriff of Crook county, subject to the approval of the democratic voters nt the piimaries to bo leld April 17, 1008. W. C. CONOMJTO.V, Faulina, Or. For District Attorney Subject to the n nnroval of the voIcih of Crook and Wasco counties, f an nounce my candidacy for the Rnnuhll. can nomination for District Attorney of tho Seventh Judicial District at' the omini; primaries, if nominated mill elected J shall wideavor to discharin i lut diU(cn of the oflice faithfully as tho law provides. Fhkd W. Wilson, i no laities, Or. Mills U miles from Ilaycieek. Rouh Lumber til no jicr tho--aai e the mill. Flooring rim! flnishiiiir lumber t0.00 pi r Hw.n'l prices in proportion. Address OF.O. It. LKK, Mr., luiwuod, unj -mm i mi niii m if A. f. H, Hamilton, Frcs. F. T. Ilvm.iintT, Yice-Fri. J.t Foirui t& EASTERN OREGON BANKING COMPANY FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DflAFTS ON ALL PAFITS OF THE WORLD Capitol Stock, $80,000 Deposits, $250,000 SHANIKO, OREGON! To the Republican voters of flm .Judicial District: rth I doslro tho nomination at your hands Alio oflice of District Attorney, and in appreciawi iniary election of your support, will appreclaUi our votes at the coining j'tiiDiuy uivumuii ii you ueein mo worthy MYUHB. UAVi Oregon. T" WW 1 Ii y tlH UK MM MM i ll WM Mil ' W A WOODLARK SQUIRREL POISON Sec Endless Chain ad. in another . column, 30 Cents M.I'l.l,.il.,l ll.lMlll.ilKM,,!,,!!,,!,,,,,,!,,,,,,.,,,!,,!!,!!.'!,".! mill.!!"'1 Mad C. E. ROUSI-I, nn t ras 1 rad MANAGER y H nil ... i mi MM .Mil KM nllll """TogY 1 .IW M1.M.I MHUHJJrLJT. iiII - ii