The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 02, 1908, Image 3

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" .
. ourifying and your whom, yirem renovating in the
p. inn. bolls, eniptlon, loss of appetite and that
Ired iccnn Q ttoarmft Is the
. 4 nr the complete purification of the blood and the
"Kill make you feel better, bole better, eat and sleep
l , iron the best DOSSlble oroDaration fnr rhn Vint
lttcfnf "flummer, as over 40,000 people have testified in tho
? vears. Today buy and tegin to take
t in ..
ood s oarsaparilla
piftlfonn, llqiiltl. or In tablofc form, callod SaraatabB, 100 Dosos II.
ever made, tbt
to, best yoiut
on pint 01 iru
pot in stowpsui w
holli stir In atwagb
rrU it
u'" ". . u. .ik. thick
jti corn w
It DOW uy
ft., ind let COOl.
Wood uwKwarni
Ul M
Ms one cup 01
,uw .
a. miba in ihii
1 .Vld h. nice and light Then
En with corn meal and ma. It
k(1 Do not pi" on "
, tat tmtttnnUK. mew ' '
nut In to raise it.
.Jneu with bop yeast. In maklnj
7eit ni a cup 01
j lth, Turwh flrnlth.
llarllrll r
. ...antltlHi
glVMl WllJ
OH four
lfl0 uu - Hr
t tar. BtlKi nne a- ' -
ertlrtt Dr! P'
r ' nf-ei auu tuv m-
and drop fruit
i.u remove -ul "
of colu water to wwv-u
. t .
t Dun l
inli nf k
lemon bn neon auui.
. prwrtlng kettle with two
undi of uear ami one pmv
jrer the fire; itlr to paru
tti boll a few minuiM. roinoTiuS
hblickaann, pui iu ic ii-.-.
cook until a straw win pncirmr
-ii- rrt fill thnm with till
tn eaaiif. '"
on into the Jnra; Jut trie ayrup oror-
' . i . A until
tt once turn upaiuo ouu uum
m, then M-t nsldfc
New York, wllb 4,000,000 population,
id Ixtn d)I to Ita total In tbt thrfr
Ln pwfJlDC 1003 at the rata of 100,
t ;tar. riillndelpbla, witn a unit
than l.&OO.OOO population, bad lu-
intd at tbt rati of 80,000 a raar.
Netdlri rifle.
Mr. Fllppuo lUrla, litre' that 2T
1 117 jou Dtd for a utvr bat. lj tbt
Aiiria, ao 1 tint uu in taj ip;
Mrt. Fllppun Tbanki. No, Joan, you
Uitr do.C'blcaro Tribune.
Mtt to t,ie 0,1,1 these
Itrrorban car "limited?"
Bjuarjf Ilccanee inch a email
aber of people who trarol on theni
tt to their doitlnatlon allre. Toledo
1. . i
ices Oenllv vel
'on l(e Dowels, cleanses
ie system eMectuallv.
it he b
sisis one in overcoming
talitual constiDation
lermanently. To ot its
)oneiicin o-fects
the Oonuine.
P:otrup Co.
" - , u
KSii1 V.k!n and
i'.Y.!"tk".lliu lieUlnd tt tho renuUtton
1 trade.
'","'. It COOUlul aoUiral iJil. uui
D M. fBHRY OO.. Detroit. Mlah.
a. ....
most effective medicino ever
About 100,000 neu ere In durinf
the herring itaion by the 800 flahlng
macke of the Netherlandi. A net laata
about three eeaeona, but owing to loom
from storme and othr cauafi between 40,
000 and 60,000 new neta ere purchoeeif
Reporter I auppoee yoo dent know
what the Senator thlnke about thla tar II!
reform buelneesT
Benator'e Imitate Secretary No ; no
more than you do. I only know what hi
aaye about It.
A flaw tlgu.
"Hew do you know Uellnde
k la
loyeT" aaked father.
Beu," aiuwered mother, "erery
tlcse the tolephwio rlnge ibe thlnlu lt'a
for ber'."
Av macular AtlTla.
Anxious Mother 0, John, I'm afraid
heby baa the whooping cough I What
ought I to do)
Bachelor Urothrr Let hlrn whoop,
Miranda. Do you want to take awe the
onlw amnaemetit the little fellow liT
rim Hmd ot m Flr.
"Waen't It awful V axclatmod tho
apartment-bouse girl. "The furuuee
wna entiroly out loot night"
"I uerer uotlced It," replied ber
"W'hatT Nerer noticed It? And yon
ut In the cold parlor for two hour
with that young man. Who waa' It,
"An old flamo."
PraofleMl Dvinonalralton.
Teacher Ae to those old auperttltloni
.re bare been talking about, 'they are all
exploded. Nobody bellerca now, for In
tance, that It brlngi bad luck to walk
inder a ladder,
Hhaggy Haired Pupil I do, ma'am. I
walked under a ladder once, and It fell
on me.
Not Cuttluu 1'rlcaa.
Caller Ie that the beet you can prom
lae me a wife fifteen years older than
I am, with a sharp nose, thin lips, and a
.our disposition?
Fortune Teller What more do you ex
rct7 Did you think you could get a real
iDnlty for -
Waddluif CJ4.
Craun a balf-pouud of sugar wltti a
tinlf.pound of butter, and, when very
Mght, whip In six well-beaten effga. Htlr
In a balrteaapnonful each of powdered (
'Innarnon, nutmeg and cloree and a
aipful of Hour. Hare ready prepared
nnd mlxod the following frulta a half
pound each of seeded and chopped ral
slna and cleaned currants and a quarter-pound
of minced citron. Drcdxo
this fruit plentifully with flonr and fold
It Into the batter. Last of all, add a
tablewpoonful of ranllla. Turn Into a
well-greased tin and bake In a steady
oven until well done. Cvrer for tho
llrat half-hour with brown paper. When
cold. Ice all over with white froatlnit.
ToMtii nnd Broiler.
In the llluatrutlon Is .shown a toasb
sr or broiler, which contalna a aim-
nle attachment to make the brolllnii
of meata or the
toaattng of brend
an eney matter. In
fact, the brolllua
can be readily dont
on a gna store m
on a coal Are. At
tached to each aldi
of the frame ol
tbt broiler are
support which pr
vent It from cow.
Ing In direct con-
lurevovxD bboileb.
tact with th top of the stove. WDM
placed over the clrculnr opening In the
store the support keep tho frame and
IU content extended from tho fire.
By placing tho support on each tidi
the broiler can be reversed aa occaelori
demands. Every housewife knowij
that broiling a steak or other pleco ol ,
tntt la the moat dial cult branch ol
the cooking art na sucw- -
aeaured. With th aid of thla brollo
l Miaou
she wMld undoubtedly
easy of aceompllahtoent
find tha feal
Good Preventive for Applo 8cab and
Leu Harmful Than 8omo.
A. II, Conlley, KntpoloKlnt. Orrsron Experiment
KtAtlon, Corvalll,
'1 ho Borloim result In U10 form ol
"JJordcutu Injury" which ofton follow
appllcntlotid of Jlonleaux mlxturo ron
ilor It almost imponitlvo that nomo
moatm bo found of roduclnfj this Injury,
or that Bomo spray bo diEcovorcd which
may bo UHcd ba n Bubstiluto foi Jior-
For tho p.iHt two or thrcoyenra I liavo
obnorvod, nftor winter HprnyiriK npplo
and pnu trees With llmo-milphtir hoIil
t ohm, for Han Joo b1o, that tho fruit
upon tho pprayed treon wns leaa "hchIj.
by" than thnt upon unHprnycd tiocs.
Upon two dlfforentoccnfllonHtliiH winter
nppllcntion wuh dolnyod until tlio bloH
hoiiih worn nliout to opon nnd whiio tho
cpmy, which was uppllcd at tho full
atroiiKth, did cotiBiderable injury at tho
tltno, If a docidodly beneficial effects
wiro noticenblo when tho fruit wan
Kntliorod. Howovor tho gotierally good
reuulla which follow winter npplica
tioim ol limo-Hulphur aro now well
known and th f h part of tho work ro
(iilruB no further comment.
NovertholcflB, theeo obaervntionB bur
KCBtod to mo tho probability that limo
nul'mr solution might bo need aa a
Htibatltuto for IJordoaux mixture for
summer applications und during the
paat yoar I havo bo uood it upon vari
ous plnnts for vnriouB purpoaeB.
It is not proposed at this time to go
at all into detail toardlng theso ex
periments I wish only to cull atten
tion to Bomo of tho results obtained
which uliow conclusively that limo
sulphur eolutlons may bo used ns a
summer spray without injury to foliago
and also point strongly to tho probabil
ity thnt by ita u?o npplo Bcab may bo
ofTectnally controlled without danger of
spray injury to tho fruit.
Hufllciont work has not boon dono to
justify tiie Btatoment that lirne-sulphur
is equal to Bordeaux as a preventive of
th iu disease but tho result of thusinglo
season's work point so strontfiy to this
conclusion that I feol juetilied in call
ing attention to them, that growora
who hnvo suffered loss from Bordeaux
injury, and others who aro interested,
may mako comparative tests ot the two
sprays tho coming season.
In carrying out tho work the past
soason it becamo necessary first of all
to dotortnine how strong a solution
could bo used without injury to tho
follngo. This, again, made it necoasary
to adopt flomo method of "standardiz
ing" tho spray. Aftor considerable
work wo ndoptcd what mny be termed
tho "stock solution" method of prepar
ing tho spray and adopted as a stand
ard for the work a "stock solution"
having a rpccifJo gravity of 1.27. (For
detormlning tho specific gravity of tho
solution while at work in tho field wo
havo found the specific gravity hydro
meter a very convenient instrument.
It is cheap, simplo and convenient,
and wo would rocommond every grower
who oxpects to uso llmo-Bulphur as a
summor spray to obtain ono.)
Tills solution, similar to tho Rex.
Niagara and Phoenix lime-sulphur
sprays upon tho market, any of which
would undoubtedly do as well, 1b of a
clear, dark umber color, is without sed
imont, and as stated above had a spe
cific gravity of 1.27. Analysis snowed
that each gallon contained in solution
2 38 pounds of sulphur.
During tho season of 1007 these
"stock solutions" of limo-sulphur ware
used variously diluted upon the apple,
ponr, peach, plum, prune, quinco,
chorry, grapo, potatoes und celery.
The results obtained indicated that
limo-sulphur f-praya produced by di
luting 1 gallon of tho stock solution
with 16 gallons of water may be safely
used upon all of tho above-named
planta, with tho exception of tho peach,
unlets it may bo early in tho spring,
when very slight injury was produced.
For use upon tho pouch each gullon of
solution should bo diluted with at least
20 gallons of water.
For tho experiments with applo scab
a block of 400 Yellow Newtown trees
woro selected, because this vnrioty is
particularly eusceptiblo to this dlseaso
und because this block was known to
be badly infosted.
Tho ontlro orchard was sprayed with
limo-sulphur for San Joso scale lato
in February. Tho orchard was then
divldod into two plats. One plat was
spmyed with Bordeaux mixturo on
Apirl 20, May 8 and May 17. Tho
other plat was sprayed on tho Bamo
dates with lime-sulpliur solution di
luted 1-15. Unsprayod treoa wore left
as chocks in each plat.
At picking timo tho fruit waa care
fully gathored, examined and separated
into three grades to show per cent of
fruit absolutely (roo'from scab, slightly
scabby and bully scabbed. It waa
then rogradod to show por cent of fruit
injured by Bpray.
Tho fliumujn o( reaijUa 8 Bi,own
uranhicullv ln tho following table.
Column ' marked A bIiows por cent of
fruit freo from scab; B, that showing
only small scab spots; 0, that badly
scabbed and unmarketnblo; 1) shows
spray Injury.
A B 0 D
Unsprayod ....10.0 28.7 51.3 C
Bordoaux 40.1 35.4 16.5 31.0
Limo-sulphur.. 70.3 16.3 5.3 0
It mtiBt bo romeinboiod in interpret
ing theBO rosults that they tepresont
only ono season's work on ono varioty-
Slleo two cupfuls poaches. Butter a
baking dlHh and lay In It a Inyor of tho
poaches, sprinkling with clnuuinon and
sugar and dotting with bits of butter,
Placo ovor tills a layer of bread or cako
crumbs. Then nlternato poachos and
cruinlw until tho dlah la tliroj-quurtcra
full, having crumbs 011 top. Add no
water, but covor closely and steam
throo-quartorH of an hour In a modor
nto oven. Thou romovo tho cover and
brown. Servo with cream or u Bweot
"Do yon find It difficult to dictate
to your atenographerr
"No, I And It Impossible."
"Why, has she left your
"No, she has married ma." Hous
ton Post
Ilia flrcat Opportnnltjr.
"If Burbank wants to be a phllanthrop
M as well ae a wlsard," said Rivers, mak
ing a wry face over his msdlotse, "why
In thunder doesn't he erolre a elnchoaa
tree that will produce a bark from which
a taeteleai quinine can be made I''
Their Html Uandleap.
"Isn't It wonderful to note the aro
grese the Japanese hare made In acquir
ing our western cirlllzatlon?"
"Ye until you hear what a wretched
botch they make of It when tbey try to
Whispering Customer (producing
tYAtch) I came here because I bare been
told that you are an honest pawnbroker.
Avuncular Patriarch (with a depreca
tory iinlle) My friend, somebody baa
been trying to have fun with you.
A Sobetltnte.
Customer Will you give me a copy
of "The Art of Being Happy at Home?"
Librarian I'm afraid It' out, but I
havo her a little treatise on Jla Jltsn,
which makes an excellent substitute
for It Pale Mole.
"Does yonr husband bold any clrlo
effice, madam?" asked the camrasser.
"I should say he did I" answered the
young matron. "He's the majestic grand
high klllemakew of the Ancient and Illus
trious Ordor of Bplxierlnctumbangs 1"
Sara to Xlare Tbt in.
I Mlffklna It Is said that aggresalre,
mpulalve people usually have black
Blffklns That's right If they
haven't got them at first they get them
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
br loo&l application!, aa they cannot raaeh the
dlaoated portion of toe ear. There U ouly one
waytooure deafneaa, and that la by oonatltn
tlonal romedlea. Peafuua la camea by an In.
flamed condition of the mucoua lining of the
Kuitaohlan Tube. When thla tubo la Inflamed
you bare a rumbling aound or Imperfect bear
ing, and when It Ie ent'.-oly cloica, Doafntfs Is
the reauit, and unlcae tne Inflammation can be
taken out and thla tube reatored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine eaaaa out of ten are earned by Catarrh,
whloh ta nothing but an Inflamed condition of
the maroua itirlace.
We will rIto One Hundred Dollars for any
ua of Deafneta (cauaed by catarrh) that can
not be onred by Ifall'a Catarrh Cure. 6end for
eironlara, free.
F. J. CHEKKY b CO., Toledo, O.
Bold br prorclau. lie.
Take Ball'a Family PMa for conatlpation.
Slneralav Effect.
First Coed What makes Prof. Crank
ielgb use that curious dialect?
Second Coed That isn't a dialect It's
hi way of trying to convey the Idea that
he use the simplified spelling.
Ilaa Ilopea.
Sklttleson You won't mind this stock
yard amell when you get used to it
Beare Ob, well, then I'll live In hope.
You see, Pre been breathing It only about
nine or ten years. Chlcaeo Tribune.
Tbey hare made bread from peanut
meal for many years in Spain. The bread
I light and porous, but rather unpalat
able, and It ie eaten only by the lower
A Liearlalatlve Paradox.
'The representative part of the Brit
ish Parliament Is a practical paradox."
"Because It Is a bouse of commons
and yet peerless among legislatures."
Baltlmoro American.
There are, altogether, foreign and na
tive, 25,700 persons that are nctlrely en
Ksged in bringing the gospel to India,
while ten years ago there were only IU,
ISO a gain of nearly 00 per cent
I.ocnl Color.
"George, I shall need some money to
day." "What for?"
"There's a white sale at one of the
stores, and I want to attend It."
I "A white sale? All right, Laura. A
few silver dollars will do for that won't
Spread of Knorrledare.
Teacher (at night school) What Is a
sacred cow, and why Is It so called?
Shaggy Haired Pupil "Sacred cow" ia
a corruption of sick red cow," It sick
ness being caused by a large hump on
It shoulders. Chicago Tribune.
The Jaws of a wasp are so powerful
that the Insect cab cut Ita way through
j shells.
The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes ; a new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lunge,
a tendency to consumption.
Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking-cold
habit. It strengthens, soothes,
heals. Askyourdoctorabout it.
" I had a terrible cold, and nothing relieved
me. I tried Ayer'a Gberry 1'ectoral and tt
promptly broke up my cold, topped my
cough, and eaied every part of my body. It
did wonderful work for me." Ma. J. F.LOTS,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hade by J, O. Ayer Co.. Zioweu,
Alio Dianuiagtuiera o
Keepthe bowels regular with Ayer'a
Pills. Just one pill each night.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors
ana is sruaranteea to give peneot result,
kow to dye, bleachland mix colera,
When the blood ia pure, Ircsh and healthy, the akin will be soft, smootV
and free from blemishes, but when soma ncid humor takes root iu the circu
lation ita presence ia manifested by a skin eruption or disease. Theso
humors get into the blood, generally because of aa inactive or sluggish
condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry
off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through tha
pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt Rheum and akin eruptions of various kind3. Eczema appears, usually
with a slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there
flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parta
of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds ;
the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which are intended
to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
bard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in tha
I BUfferod with Eosemrt for forty
oar and could find nothlnsr to
cure xne until I tried ,0. S. O. I
auffored lntonsoly with the ltoh-
lnsrand burning: pustule would
form from which there flowed a
11..IJ. . .
the r,iln Tan'd when Bwatched off Sometimes causing baldness.
tne sum wao left a raw aa at ploco
of beef. Z Buffered aaony in tho
long- year I waa aluioled, but
when I ttaed S. S. S. Z found a por
foot oure. There ha novor boon
any return of tbo trouble.
Btookxaan, ITab.
because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
I normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
affection. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent fresj
to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
"That forward Miss Flip openly ad
vocates kissing games. Hasn't she
"Well, encouraging osculation Is a
thing which does require cheek." Bal
timore American.
The Brntel
"Papa, what's the use of saying 'good
by' when you're talking orer the tele
phone?" "No use, I stippose, Tommy, except that
It means that the conversation has closed.
I never use It except when I am talking
to your mother."
rTO St. Vitus' Dance ana an Wcrvona Dlatasea
r,N permanently cured br Dr. Kllne'a Great
i'rr. Restorer. Band for KHKK f 2 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. It. ILKllae, Ld., Ml Axch U FbUa..Pa.
Mrs.' Droppyn It's a wonder your
kitchen girl doesn't Insist on using the
Mr. Stayhum Let the Impudent thing
do it If she dares! I've found out that
abe can play it better than ray girls can !
Mo hers will And Mrs. WlneloWa Boothing
Byrup the br-st remedr to use for their children
during th teething period.
A Good Plaherman.
A small boy who lives near a lake
was fishing and his mother had to call
him five times to mako him hear, says
the Philadelphia Telegraph. Finally,
she landed on him, and, shaking him j
In a terrible manner, wanted to know j
wny no aia not answer. This was the
reply: "I didn't hear you for the first
three times, and the last time I had a
Tiseru is OnSy One
That la
Lmxtir Biomo Quinine
Always remember tho
for this signature on
full name,
every box.
W. L. Uougtsm ma from and aelin mora
Mm9 mon'm 92iBU, S3.00 and S8.BO ahoaa
than any other manufacturer In tha
X& vrorld, beoaumo hay hold tholr
ahape. fit better, wear ten or, and
wco. aro of Breater valua than any other
w mnoea In tha world to-da v.
W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot
-T-t'ACJTIOrV. W, L. Dfti-Jlaa name and price Is stamped on bottom. Tnkr Jn Htihetltute.
Bold by the beat shoe dealers rniio here. Ktaoes mailed from fartorr to any part of the world, lllua
tiated (tlo rree to anr addreiv W. I,. J O UQIaJM, Ilrocktou, Muss.
la positive proof sftks rsllaklllty sad cecfdsaceourp
Uiau hars la Specialists always lo attendance,
SMurisf prompt sad coiuttoui sttenUoa. Lady attsnd
ant always prcient,
Rsllabla Painless Dentists. Our reputation far
reliability ans thoroujhnru It well eittbllisid. Cleanli
ness, Oood Work and Quick Service.
Painless Extraction. 30 csnts. Extraction Free
when plates or brtJgei srs erst red. Platei Jj tti sp.
Best Plate Work. rcrbisi your teeth bars become
so uicleaa tbat It li Impexlble to Irmly act s a bridge.
Then lbs old aturapa srs removed without caualag reu the
slightest pain, and a plate la sued. If the plate lit per
fectly It will look well sad perform Ita work of mattlcatlog
your food aatlafactorily. With my o years' experience ta
till work will guarantee tatltfactloa la erery cats.
Crown and Brldgo Work, H'a a isams to spoil
your pertonal appesrance and ruin your digestion from
the lack of teeth to properly mattlcate your food, when a
bridge can be supplied that will cause no discomfort what-
than any other dye. One lOo paclca
ask aeaier. or we wiu sena poac p
form of pimples and ulack heads, whila
Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ
ent parts of the body One of the worst
forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum;
it3 favorite point of attack is the scalp.
ctimcs causing baldness. Poison Oak
Ivy arc also disagreeable types of skin
disease. The bumor producing the trouble
lies dormant in the blood through the
"Winter to break out and torment tho
sufferer with the return of Spring. The best
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes tho
humors so that the skin instead of being
Irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
eupply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
ekin affections, can never cure the troublo
nd Sosp Wrappers from
"20 Mule Team Borax "
Products and exchange them for
40 par. UUitrit.d catalogue of 1000 arUel.e giria
awar FEK. Addr.u
FACiriO COAST BORAX CO.. Oatland, Oal.
The Best Fruit Tree nnd Berry Plant
Catalog in the Northwest
192 Front St., Portland. Oregon
ore the men who have
put them to the hard
est tests in the rough
est weather.
Get the original
Towers Fish "Brand
made since 1836
catalog frsrrat TttrAtxtNa
No. 13-08
WHEN writing: to advertiser please)
mention this paper.
Ba Equalled At Anj Price
CTer,wlIl chew your food properly and thoroughly,
while your looks arc improved beyond description,
A hollow tooth tbat Is now useless can be tiled and
crowned so that it is saved for probably a lifetime.
To secure the best results you must secure tbs
highest grada of skill.
Examination free and Invited, When desired you
can have T. f. Wise or my pertonal service.
Our force le so organized that we cafh do
your entire Crown, Bridge and Plate Work
In a day U necessary.
e ncn..
aas a,i
. -i '
t .
J ? s
: j
' ' M
' f
i j
' if
t i ' '
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"i :