The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 02, 1908, Image 2

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CHAPTER VIII. (Continued.) '
I got to the palings by tiic park, and
kept them In touch until nt length 1
reached the carriage drive- gate of Flex
more's house. Hy this time, what with
one accident and another, It must have
been pretty nearly four o'clock. There
were lights in the house. Refore the door
stood Lynn Yeanies' mare, Flexmore's
pardoner holding her head.
"Afternoon, sir," said he In an under
tone that spoke of calamity. There was
foreboding silence, also, on the part of
tho maid-servant as she opened the sit
ting room door.
Miss Dalrymple wns on her knees be
fore a big chair drawn near tho lire. In
which little Laure sat, her face buried
in her hands. They were not aware of
my presence. I left them, closlug the
door behind me in silence.
"Where is Mr. YeAines?" I asked of the
maid who waited in the hall.
"Upstairs in master's room, sir," she
replied lugubriously.
Y'eanies was standing by his uncle's bed
side; he thrust his hands quickly In his
pockets as the door opened and I entered.
No one else was there. I went in silence
to the bed and looked down. Flexmore's
eyes were closed, but his jaw had drop
ped. "You're a bit too late with that will,"
said Yeanies, in a tone and with an ex
pression on his face that implied a good
deal a tone of subdued jocularity, a cun
ning leer that bade me understand he
knew why I hadn't come earlier. "Why,
what have you been doing?" he asked
with surprise. "You're a sight to be
"How long has he been gone?" I asked.
Indifferent to my appearance. s
"Oh, not above a quarter of an hour.
Gertrude's just gone down. She did all
that was possible to restore vitality. But
it's all over this time. He won't come
back any more, as the song says."
"Have you sent any one for Dr. Aw
drey? He ought to be here."
"Of course he ought, but I suppose he's
got some interesting pauper to look after.
I went for him myself. The old boy
. was shocking bad when I arrived here
after leaving you. I went over to Aw
drey at once, but he was out ; came back,
end by that time nunky was pretty near
the finish."
"Was he In a state of consciousness at
that time or not?"
"Well, he was conscious enough to ask
for you, and wonder why you hadn't
turned up."
It occurred to me that Lynn Yeames,
eeing his uncle's precarious condition,
had himself stretched that cord for me
Instead of going for Dr. Awdrey, in order
to prevent my arriving in time to get
Flexmore's signature to the will.
"Do you know why I did not turn up,
as you call it?" I asked sharply.
"Not I; but yoifre not sorry, I sup
pose, that you did not get here in time."
It was on the tip of my tongue to re
tort, "Not so sorry as you may have rea
son to be, Mr. Yeames;" but I said noth
ing, for I wished to see how far this
young man's fatuity would carry him, and
contented myself with thinking of the
bitter punishment in store for him when
he should find out how completely he had
deceived himself. Certainly no self-deception
could be more complete than his.
Assured of my venality, led away by his
own hopes and over-confidence in the suc
cessful issue of his cunning, he apparent
ly felt as sure of being possessed of his
uncle's fortune as though the thousands
were already in his hands.
There are some men who have so little
self-respect that they do not keep up a
decent pretence of virtue when the object
Is achieved for which it was first assumed,
and Lynn Yeames was one of these. He
already took upon himself the airs of mas
ter in that house, and with a grand pat
ronage bade me come down and have
Borne refreshment. I complied, for after
the shaking I had received I was in no
mood to refuse.
We went Into the sitting room. Laure
was lying on the couch holding the hand
of Miss Dalrymple, who sat on a stool
by her side.
"Oh, haven't you got all that over
yet?" Lynn asked petulnntly, glancing at
them. "Sit down, Keene." He touched
the bell? "It's absurd nonsense to en
courage morbid feeling and mawkish sen
timent about a thing that's been forc-
neen for weeks an inevitable thing
A little refreshment for Mr. Keene." The
latter addressed to the servant who came
to Uie door. "I say it's nonsense!"
"Lynn!" said -Miss Dalrymple, in a
tone of mingled surprise, regret and re
monstrance. "I say It's nonsense," he repeated
harshly, "and you ought to know it, Ger
trude, with your experience ; the child lias
been petted and pampered till she's un
healthy. It's exactly what my mother
lias maintained all along. However, I
shall niter all that tho girl will bo pack
ed off to a good, wholesome boarding
school as soon as tho funeral Is over."
MifM Dalrymple looked perfectly amaz
ed by this extraordinary outburst; she
could not understand the meaning of it.
I could well enough. Mr. Yeames had
already thought better of his proposal to
make the pennijess Miss Dalrymple a
partaker in his fortune, and did not care
how soon there should be a breach be
tween them. It was this rather than any
udden fit of dislike to Laure which had
led him to make this Bavage onslaught
Lauro clung closer than ever to her
only friend, and looked In terror at Lynn.
Miss Dalrymple held her hand firmly. The
servant brought in the tray and I helped
myself. Lynn waited till the servant
was gone, and then, going to the win
dow, said:
"I Bhnll go oyer and fetch Awdrey.
The certificate must ho seen about at
ouce. Go and get my hat from the II
brary, Laure. Tho child sprang up and
uped from the room to fetch the bully s
ht : Miss Dalrymple stood with heaving
and clote-prewed llp, and not a particle
of color In her face. She could not speak
before me.
Lynn met her calm gate with bent
brows, and turned again to the window,
(licking his handkerchief from his side
pocket in a manner which by Itself was
insolent and offensive.
Hut in doing this he flicked a little
pellet of paper out. It fell ngalnut my
too, and I quickly covered it with my
foot. The next moment he thrust his
hand sharply in the pocket from which
he had flicked out this pellet, then shook
his handkerchief and looked nbout the
floor at his feet.
"What dreadful weather, Miss Dalrym
ple." said I, setting down my glass.
Lynn Yeames went hastily from the
room, snatching his liat out of Loure'i
hand as he passed. I picked up tho pellet
of paper and slipped It into my waistcoat
"Oh. is this true, dear is It true?"
cried little Laure under her breath, as
she joined Miss Dalrymple. "Will he
send me away from you? Will he part
"No, my child," said I, going up to
them. "Take this assurance from an old
man who loves you for ycjur father's sake,
and Nurse Gertrude for her own you
shall not be parted.
I left them. As I passed through the
hall I caught sight of Lynn Yeames on
the landing above with a lighted candle,
looking about for the pellet of paper I
was carrying away In my pocket
I have in my office what I call my
"handy drawer" a good large drawer
that slides easily and fastens wJth a
patent key, and divided into a score of
compartments. In this I put away any
thing that I think may come In handy
at some future time, and an alphabetical
index on a side of paper tells me at a
glance in which nest to find what I want.
I recommend a drawer of this kind to
any one of a practical and methodical
turn of mind; he will have recourse to
it more frequently than he anticipates,
and find it occasionally of inestimable
Well. Into this drawer. Nest Y, I put
that pellet of paper after making a care
ful examination of it, and indexed it
fhn. "Vp-imes. Pellet of naner jerked
out of his pocket, day of Flexmore's
death, Dec. 18, 18SS ." 1 .snail nave
more to tell about this later on a good
deal more.
in tVio orpnini? of that dav I saw Dr.
Awdrey; he came to me with a face as
long as a fiddle.
"That's an unfortunate accident that
happened to you this afternoon," he said.
"It might have been worse," said I,
fpolini? mv nose. "I came plump down
on it. Wonder I didn't break it."
"I'm not speaking of that," said he, put
ting down his hat and seating himself,
nt, vnnr thlnkinz of your prop
erty." The poor old nag had put his
shoulder out and had to be killed, and
both shafts of the gig were smashed.
'U'oii If vour old horse had not been
thrown down, you would have been thou
sands out of pocket."
"You know what I mean; It Is an un
fortunate accident that prevented your
arriving in time for Flexmore to sign the
new will as be wished.
"Tlinre we differ. I do not regard the
accident as unfortunate from that point
of view."
WpII. what Is to be done about it? The
old will is virtually revoked."
"Hut actually it stands as good as ever
it was, and so it shall stand."
"nrmn(iln? I refuse to accent the
guardianship of Flexmore's child?"
"You can t reiuse. common sense win
not let you ; humanity will not let you ;
I will not let you. Have you seen ynn
Yeames since his uncle's death?"
'n. h lmd left thp. house five minutes
before I arrived. I hear he called at
my house, but I came by the other road.
Since then I have been unable to find him
"Timt'u n nitv. I should have liked
you to sec him as I saw him. He is so
confident of being his uncle's heir that
he has thrown off all restraint, every pre
tense of decency, and shows himself the
hectoring bully, the heartless rascal I
have always believed him. to be."
"imrwvsKlhle " he exclaimed. looking In
credulously at me, whom alone of all men
hp doubted and looked upon as misguid
ed by prejudice.
"I tell you It a fact, lie was Drutal
to little Laure, and he insulted Miss Dal-
-.,n..l before mv face. Why Uecause.
now tiiat he believes himself master of
his uncle's fortune, he wishes to break off
his engagement with her. lie has no
more intention of marrying her now than
he had tho first day he came to Coney
ford." "I can't understand you a man so
clear in Judgment on most things "
"Get that nonsense out of your head,
doctor. I tell you that I am no more
prejudiced against him tlian I am In
favor of you. He Is a belfish, heartless
"You will never make me believe that
of Lynn Yeanies." ,
"He shall make you believe It of him
self. Abstain from letting him know how
Flexmore's money is to be disposed of,
and watch him between now and the read
ing of the will. He already talks of send
ing the child away to a boarding school,
and, as I tell you, reproved Miss IMl
rymple before me for being too sympa
thetic and kind to her."
"Rut why should he hellevo himself to
be his uncle's heir?"
"Hecause ho fell Into a trap, and was
led to believe so by me. And I'll tell you
something else, doctor. He believed that
this now will was to revoke nn existing
will In Ills favor; and I am convinced
that ho stretched the cord that threw tho
gig over and delayed me, that this will
might not be signed; and nicely he has
defeated his own ends by It. I'd forgive
him for tliat If my nose had been broken."
"I think I can upset that theory, at
l-t," said Awdrey. "What time was it
when yon were thrown from tho glgf
"About two o'clock, as nearly as I can
reckon," said I.
"Good. Ho left Flexmore's houso to
fetch mo at one o'clock; ho was at my
houso at half-past, and ho waited thoro
for me until ten minutes past two."
Ho had proved an nllbl for Lynn, and
I had to admit 1 must ho in the wrong
on this point.
"And so you are, I am sure, on other
points resecting him," said the doctor.
"Wo shall see that. Keep your mind
unprejudiced, and watch that young man
during tho next four or llvo days," said
I, as I opened the door to let him out
Unfortunately, this chanco of clearing
his mind was denied to us. Tho noxt
morning, when I called at Flexmore
House, I heard that he had not been seen
since ho left, shortly after my departure,
to fetch Dr. Awdrey; nnd in tho courso
of the day I learned that he had gone to
London. This did not surprise mo. "lie's
gone to see a London solicitor about this
affair," I thought; "and may bo bled
pretty freely by my learned f riends 1"
Retimes on Thursday I called again
at tho house, for I had made up my mind
to visit tho inmates there every day,
knowing how long and dreary the days
must be for them in tho darkened house,
and that the child, at least, looked upon
me as a protecting friend. Miss Dalrym
ple wns bending over her work with a
worn and anxious look upon her sweet
face. Little Iiurc started up with a
terrified expression In her eyes, as though
she expected to see Lynn Ywimes with a
rope in his hand to haul her off to board
ing school, as 1 opened the sitting room
door. Roth of their poor faces lit up
with pleasure when I said :
"It's only I the old lawyer come to
bother ,you for some papers."
Laure ran up, threw her arms around
my neck, and kissed me; nnd, still hug
ging me, she whispered :
"Ycjii don't forget what you promised?"
"No," I whispered back. "No one shall
take you away from Nurse Gertrude."
"You are a nice old dear!" she said,
giving me another kiss ; and then she ran
away laughing, to whisper to Miss Dal
rymple all about her secret at once a
woman and a child.
I gossiped for the best part of an hour,
raking up all the news of tho village, for
there's nothing like trifling chat for peo
ple in trouble; and then, when Laure
went out of the room, I said:
"Well, my dear, have you had many
visitors since I saw you last?"
"A few acquaintances-ami Dr. Awdrey
that is all.
"Have you seen him or heard anything
about Mr. Yeames?" I asked.
"No; he has not come back from Lon
don. I am anxious about him. I fear
he is ill."
It seemed to me that if he were 111, the
first thing he would do, being n selfish
hrntP. would be to write and tell his
sweetheart of his suffering. The moment
a man of this kind feels not up to uio
hi.iirinrr nnlnt. hp whines for sympathy. I
considered it much more probable that
T.vnn trone to London to spend pomo
of his fortune in ndvnncc, and escape from
the lugubrious condition of tilings nt nomo
whilst his uncle lay dead at Flexmore
House. Of course, I kept this belief to
m-Hpf nml. nromisinc to drop in again
during the day, I left the house, and went
directly to Mrs. Yeames villa.
(To be continued.)
Tennrn'i CynlcUm.
Sir Vere de Vere was the eldest son
of Sir Aubrey de Vere, the sonneteer
nnd friend of Wordsworth. Ills broth
er, Aubrey de Vere, Was a more than
well known, a famous poet, and to him
In his youth Walter Savage Landor
addressed the exhortritlon:
Make thy proud name still prouder for
thy sons.
He had no sons, however, never hav
ing married. Neither hnd his brothers,
Vere nnd Stephen. Thus the name, as
n family name, disappears.
The De Veres were early friends of
Tennyson's, and It wns from them that
the poet took the name which he made
proverbial nnd symbol leal of a class
"the caste of Vere de Vere." Lady de
Vere, the only Lady de Vere of fact
then living, wns Inclined to complain
that her nnme should be bestowed upon
the black hearted Lady Clura of fiction.
Tennyson wrote dainty verses, but
wns not master of dainty manners. He
growled: "Why should you enre? But
of course you don't. I didn't make
your namesake ugly, and I didn't mnke
her stupid. I only maue uer wiceu.
Capld'a Slide.
"I would like to get a sofa for our
parlor," suld the pretty girl in tho
furniture emporium.
"Erexcuse me, miss," responded the
clerk with n low bow, "but but have
you a beau?"
The pretty girl blushed redder than
nn autumn apple and nodded In the af
firmative. "And is he bashful, miss?"
"Exceedingly. Why why, he sits at
the extreme end of the sofa."
"Ah, Indeed! Then here Is the very
sofa you wish."
"That? Why, It looks like the letter
"Yes, It is called the 'Cupid Slide'
sofa. No one can sit on it without slid
ing to the center."
' Mure I'rensleil Kl nil nee.
Mrs. Old wed I Biippose you keep b.
household expense account?
Mrs. Newed' Yes; and I use the
double-entry system.
Mrs. Oldwed What advantage la
there In that?
Mrs. Newed Why, by putting down
every Item twice It leaves me more pin
A Word for Nero,
"Nero fiddled while Rome burned!"
exclaimed the Btuilent.
"Well," replied Mr. Growcher, "that's
better than the custom many violinists
have of practicing at a tlmo when
everything Ib nice and quiet other,
wise." Washington Ktnr
The I.unKfl Street.
Washington street In Rdston Is said
to be the longest street In the world.
It measures 17 Vd mile from end to -ad,
Good Sheep lliirn n Voor One.
A good sheep barn Is a poor one.
This may seem to be absurd, hut the
facts supiKirt such n statement. There
Is no question but that many Hocks are
rendered unhealthy nnd therefore less
productive by reason of too close
housing. In few sections do sheep need
moro than a windbreak and rain shed.
Soino of our best shepherds have kept
their llocka for decades with only such
sheds as would prevent tlte flock being
cxiwsed to direct winds, rain and snow
storms. The cut shows the typo of sheep
barn found on the farm of a success
ful shepherd, which might be copied
with success. In this Instance the
sheep are kept upon forage crops grown
In four adjacent lots. The tlock may
be turned Into nny lot nt pleasure.
It Is well to have this building
equipped with a Inrge ventilating win
dow In the end near the gable or two
small windows. such as shown In the
sketch. These, however, should he
equipped with n sash that may be
closed In severe weather.
Many farms where sheep aro kept
are equipped with n barn cellar in
which tho Hock has been kept with
'varying success. The barn cellar Is
an excellent place for sheep If rightly
j arranged. There should be plenty of
openings to the south, allowing sun to
reach all parts of the stable so as to
keep 'it thoroughly dry. Thorough
drainage Is essential.
I There must be ventilation nt the
rear of the stable. A bad practice Is to
keep the sheep In stables on stable
manure, says Farm and Home. The
fermenting manure destroys the color
and texture of wool. A hint which has
been worth many dollars to me is to
use only long straw, hay or weeds for
bedding sheep. If short straw or saw
dust Is used It gets Into the lleeco nnd
Is an everlasting nuisance.
Proninlile Cnlllo IVnlliiK.
The Missouri Experiment Station at
Columbia has Issued a very elaborate
and handsomely Illustrated bulletin on
the most successful methods of fatten
ing cattle, by Dean H. J. Waters.
I This bulletin summarizes the expe
rience and conclusions of about 1,000
I of the most experienced nnd successful
'cattle feeders of Missouri, Illinois and
I Iowa, and contains also a summitry of
the results of a largo number of tests
I with different kinds of feed, different
ages of cattle, etc., conducted by the
I Experiment Station of Columbia.
It considers such practical questions
nstlie most profitable age to fatten cat
tle, the proper weight, the best season
: of the year, the best method pre
' pnrlng feed, the best of shelter, the
' market demands,' the best sort of
roughness, etc. It Is Illustrated with
cuts of the different types of beef
cattle, Including excellent illustrations
of the fat steer herd exhibited by the
college this season at the Interstate
Fair, Kansas City, tho Missouri State
Fair, Sedalla, the American Royal,
Kansas City, nnd the International
Live Stock Exposition, Chicago. These
steers won nine championship prizes,
seventeen first prizes, sixteen second
prizes, seven third prizes nnd two
fourth prizes. Every steer won at
every show excepting one steer In ono
- Knot for I'nriii Anlmnlai,
If roots are stored In a pit In tho
field a high, dry place should ho
chosen. If the ground Is clayey tho
roots should he placed on top of tho
ground. If It Is gravelly and drnlnngo
Is good n shallow pit about 5 feet wide
and of necessary length may he shov
cled out. The roots should ho carefully
placed In a gable shaped pile about T
feet wide and as long as convenient. A
thin layer of straw should then he
laid over tho pllo and this covered with
six or eight Inches of earth, Another
and thicker layer of straw and a final
layer of earth will complete the work.
Ventilators should be placed at Inter
vals of ten or fifteen feet, which should
bo closed when sweating has ceased.
Tho pit should not ho opened on warm
days In winter. A ditch for drainage
should bo cut around tho pit Roots
stored In this way do not keep ns well
as when Btored In a good cellar; there'
fore, they should ho fed out as early as
possible. New York Cornell Experl
nent Station.
Apple Tree Clinker,
Treatment recommended for canker
of apple trees by ono of tho experl
ment stations Is to paint tho affected
trunk with a combination of ono pint
whalo oil soap, three plntB slacked
Umo nnd four gallons of water ; thicken
to right consistency with wood ashes, or
with Bordeaux mixture, thickening
with Umo until llko whitewash.
.. . 41.. Vl.HlttTl'M.
i itiaklint for tin
i. Iw. Ii.rnied "tllO llM-
been a few scattering
' a only 1" the ...hhlle W t u.t ho
!!;,l,,.plonee,M.wcn:e to H.e: k;
every t int llnieeu .on " ,
u . V. . ..... ..n only linn tho
tril V go wen " , , , .
,g quart. California ever saw. Ami
P0 the, golden yol ow
fields In August aim mo i ' " " "
... i. .... i.H II. T III 11I1A IIVI"'
111 nepu-iin" - , .....
....... i..,,... iw.vnr hoard tno
Tiiose wiiu ii''
ringing of the llax hells have ...IshoiI a ,
,fy wonderful sensation. The round .
Ud pods, smaller than peas,
ootitnln the seed, give a faint me !U
sound which as one drives or UkH
.i. .. n.,1,1 nn nn: tliousnmi"
1 ,r: "...' . : ;;,; rlads or mnnlU-sl.
,,,! hells tinkling so faintly as to bo
nl, hut Inaudible. Nor Is the mora
n.,v Hold In the mellow Alt-
SIK 11 in ii ,,v . ...
gust soon to he forgotten. Imaglno a
..... t iiHl.inPii ir n
lOO-ncre Held, filled wiin uw ...
,i..n,.,.., than v olets. And
UlUU llH'li: '""" in....-,.
of Its profitable character one llhistr
tlon will sumce. in J""'-. "' -jnnnsen
bought 1H0 acres In the heart
of the great llax bolt for $10 an aero
on tho crop payment pi-
up" that fall and the next spring U.
it in llax. In round
lures mm in..... -
numbers, he thrashed In the fall eigh
teen and one-half bushels to tho acre;
sold It for ?l.:i'.-i a bushel, tota .
$:t,r,00; a little more limn wire i:.m
to pay for his land out or iii iirm. v. .
....i.. .....u i.. tin Immensely proll-
.Mil Ulllj lli.- "v - -
...i.i.. nu..i i, nt it removed from tno
mint: it.-"..,
country the stigma, "one-crop couutrj.
World Today.
Hurled .Seed.
nn.n tlnnnrflllPIlt 0 f Agrlculturo ban
undertaken a series of experiments In
tended to nnswer. If jMisslble. the old
question, "How long can seeds remnln
burled In the soil nnd still retain wn-ir
power of germluatlon?"
Many extraordinary Btorles hnvo
been told of the prolongation of tho vi
tality of seedf during many years, and
even centuries, hut very few nctnal ex
periments hnvo hitherto been made.
Dr. Real has rejwrteil tltat no una
found soodH that responded to germina
tion tests after having been burled
twenty years. The seeds burled by tho
experts of the Agricultural Department
at the Arlington farm last year wero
packed with dry clay In lumius elny
IKits, covered with Hiiucers and placed
at various depths from (J Inches to
3 feet. There are H'J complete sets,
In ;!$ iMits, representing 100 spe
cies. 84 genera and l families. Tests
are to he made at the end of one, two,
three, five, seven, ten, fifteen, twenty,
twenty-five, thirty, forty and fifty
yea rs.
Hive Frit mo Spneem.
The arrangement hero shown, If
properly adjusted, Is excellent; hut,
says the meanings In Roe Culture. In
the first plnce It Is dllllcult to bend the
nails, nnd, In the second plnce, It
J 11 ii k Hall IK T m k . .
I I Finj 1 UUI VLH'flJ It . rvau hi
i fl" i r 1 1 1 . ijmwmi
i iar m.j- .it.' Mrwjt?.
iu:.vr naiijj in ni A m r.
would be more dllllcult still to bend
them all with exactly tho same curve,
for It would he Important to have tho
bee spaces alike. In the third plnce,
one would have to bore a holo In order
to drive them Into the frame for the
reason that the hummer head would
strike ono side of the line of penetra
tion of the wood, bending tho null
over. Taking It all In all, the ordinary
staple Is much easier to Insert and
far cheaper.
Locution of Ileelilvea,
Reehlves should never he faced to
ward the north, In a northern lati
tude a northern exiwmurc In winter Ie
almost sure to cause the loss of tho
colony, by tho rigorous north wlndH
blowing In at the entrance, and tho
confinement of the bees, caused by the
entrances being shaded on mild, sunny
days when the bees In the hives fac
ing southward lly freely.
M.'l7--Murdi.r of J,un(,, x fR )
1.7J5-Iu,perlallM dcfoM..,
ir.l t-Dlet of Mirimt oMnM
i&l7-Coronnt!ou of IMwird Vi .
oniy iu veam nf n.
jrS7 -Thonmn CnveniHih
Straits of Atni...n.n
MUSl-Mllm HlaudlHl, ch Mst,
Plymouth colonies.
171(1 RrtiHsels tnkon bjr Maribilu
177(rWIIII,u Senrbroush. one 71
bulldem of the Snrnnwb. Zl
steamer that eroMcd thi-iiu
' ... ..,-iiimt, u(
llll .X'llKOII, Wh , ,,
Aniorlrnn mllltU a.i... ... ?
vi .uiijor mockla
inirririiii . . filing. mim u
mmijui KllH'rllM,
1778 Lord North's conclllalorj to
Honied In I'nrllnmcat.
1780 New VnrU .,l.i i.. ,.
t-airrii innux io ni r.iu i
itui ,.
vuiiKirnn niK)iniO( UOUlt
superintendent of finance
J71KI Rrltlnh flag rained om
lilh Irlnldail cnpturwl by lb I
unucr Mir Itnlpti AbermaAT ii i ui .tunirinnt renatj
milieu in Italy,
IS03 Ohio admitted to Iht Utfae. 1
lUftft T k r .,
j.Tti' wrurr innc uieaier. LmlM
. i i
mroycu iy lire.
f810 Andrea Ilofer, Iht Tjrolmd
riot, uliot by the French. 1
181,1 RrltMi nnd Canadian
captured ORiJctinburg. ,N, T,
1814 Henry Klrke Rrnwn. iU
cd the find bronze statue m
cut nl In tint I'nited Ktattita
M'ytlcn, Mam,
tU'H t...l....l 1.(1 . I'limn runic rtrariawj H
delimit' treaty with Spala.
damaged by rartliijualif.
iot i ihui i.iiicuui, imuriii h
the I'renldent, died at t!
ltiiim... . . ..T..ITrwin Ditvlt I
.. .... a ... .....
... .... .)! ! . ..V
Stale nt Richmond.
SOU Arizona territory fornel
New Mexico.
1801 Second Confederate conpi
nt Richmond.
180(1 --I'roildeiil Jolinwn pM
nouiii'fd the riiDiialroriloa
ii.i. nml ilwlnri'd Conrrnt t
i I'lJl IIH'1 .,'.. M. -'"-
the United Stole.
L'l.T ..l...lll... ..nln.A.1 Dll.Mlfl
111 -..IIAIIIJIIIUII , . .
istts Hoiiko of Reprewnlalltei i
to Impeach Rrmiilcnt Jt
871 R ud liens wction of Paua
uimi'oit In rtrn
l'nr nf IfllKHlfl.
18S1 Ornnee Vw Stnte decUirfS
neutral territory
thn UrltUli IIoiim of loawei;
JHS-I eii. (ionion entered Kk
if. i .inuynd A Mil W
... . i i.h.Iii rtBtlTS
f'Hiiiini ni nullum -r--
t..t m miner unr
tiin V i lin v.'(3H i i an. -
i ii........ i WiMimnnu. ii-
. . 1 ITf IE
18H Court of injury
gatlon Into me mo- "
battleship Maine,
Sln nml Ciipiiflly In CUltTim,
In digging a round cistern, 8 feet In
diameter and 17 feet deep, will hold 202
barrels of 81 M, gallons, If 10 feet In
diameter and 11 feet deep, It will hold
205 barrels.
I'nriii Nittfu.
Do not have the sheep pens too
warm. The natural coat of tho sheep
makes it able to endure severe weath
If tho members of the poultry Hock
which seldom or never lay could Ihj
weeded out, the feed bills would bo
less and tho egg profits more.
Change tho hog pasture often. Havo
a small house built on skids so It can
be dragged around to a new piiHtura
as desired. If Hogs aro fed long In
ono place tho grass lu killed out.
Ono jKiultry raiser sayH feeds
roupy chickens whole corn that has
been well Honked In keroseno, and
bathes the swollen heads and eyes
with a mutiiro or equal parts of kero
Hone and lard.
In tho highly fertilized garden tho
aim Is to keep crops coining on n n8
rapid succession as possible. Plan no
as to havo ono variety ready to tako
Uo place of tho crop which has been
matured ana Harvested. ,
. .1 !, Affltf
President O'nnwi -
relation has aligned GeraW w
",,,ln ,... Leu
'Hie .Northern iibj- El
abandoned all Idea of entering
i r.u AiiniienpuiiB- ...
j VtfivraitKi
Jack 1' oa ; . fM,
champion of ." ;rlctM
nerore uom
,l0" ,!8l,t' MWdtb
ni it anil w
mill lies oi iiiu'ti - ,!,.
. .I...I..IJ l)Vl - ,
to tho .Ncwcnmiu ni
ulll fillies. vMlt
Tho Lake MlehlKW Va
. . , gran
.1 t .l.wHJlltll 1U . . I
Maekliiao criilnii of tlie w
...... : : mtcd in thonr,
" - r . I, inn ' -
if tun nifi'Liiih - a AiMi
ifc w IMUV-
ot the inuu' " ' " .n.ttnttK"
.n.lllll IU UI"--" ,
. I VLJ ll'ITII iiii. ... - i
" " ni ea. x.
iiiir tno nsNiifiiii'"" . i Rtniitto
be,; ended for .M
licenses to fo'l,tk", .tonU
and Douglass I'ark,
He. . ...... Vnrk U
0. a Wheeler otm"?l
- n,nH,r Imat for l"u '". ...
u l..v.. . . ,l.nll CVII ...
.1.. IlwItlUll I11IUIIIM' . t
won ast year ) :,..h
challenged for by tue