t The Madras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 2. 1908. )L IV NO. 33 :1 w "P-TT.',"1 peen Hotel jsjOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i i.,i iliorntiolilv renovated, No better table in C?n- ? KLn for the money. Your wants will bo courteously F i f. l-Ip.iflnimrtcra for travclinir men. "irst-olass Livery i r Connection j. V, LIVINGSTON, Proprietor iADRAS, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL CARDS.. pRANK OSBORN U. S. COMMISSIONER 1ovtltc Htilltllng MAWIAS ORI'.UON 5 1 H .. 0 C. COLLVEf? ' NOTARY PUBLIC JL'urtCK OV TUB i'KACK CUbyiJIt I'.HWJNCT CULVER OREGON II. BNOOjC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Ofllcc In D:ik Store, M AI'llAH 0 HIKiON FURNITURE & Undertaking Supplies A. E. CRQSBY r nor bust o it ISTOFFICE PHARMACY Jt H. HANEIl ABSTRACTER OF TITLES KOTABY J'UIlUC 1 lr(i iiimirinrc, Ufa limirnuro, Burcty Ilonrih Beat Ktnti. Conveyancing I'BINKVIM.K, OBKOON urnei ( iile noli A ' j. t Mini (if rni:, Mi'dnliej, C'liot'i IcmIn. IIiiiisoIioIiI ljriiuiliu, iiii'l I'li'dp HiipiiIIim. Country Mall Order I kIvu my ppriioiiiit mm iii clinrKo. Unfit ilcllvttry K'liirmili'iHl. Your !rnerlUou r , liiilill! tlil l'l'Kl lliotrnyi'm. Klnrk I'tMi'U li Pl ill nil kill.!.. Jlutli 'I'Iioiiok. WIIOI.KHAI.K A .Nil BKTAII-. pJAX LUEDDEMANN jjiitrlorKH'liitu KikI. DA MBS. OREGON NOTARY PUBHC MADRAS OREGON LUMBER FOR SALE We have plenty of lumber for sale at our mill, located about 3 miles east of Grizzly ipost office on county road. Prices right McMeekin & Eastwood B. V. auks, I'rcnlciom. T. M. Baldwin, Ciuhlcr. Will Wi'iirwKH.Kii Vice I'm, II. BalijiTin, Aul. Cashier. NO. 3B51 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON ESTABLISHED 1888 CnplUl, Hlirpliu nnil Undivided $1 00,000.00 Profit LIVERY The best in Shaniko Good Stock, Careful Drivers Best of liny and drain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices D. A. Howell, Shaniko, Or. a Harness and Belting:, Lace Leather Whips, Bridles, Halters Fine Ifnndmado HarncB fully guaran teed, litmlo from best California Oak tunned harness lea her B. S. LARKIN MAOKAS, 0RH110N J. C. & M. A. ROBINSON SUCCESSORS TO J. W. & M. A. ROBINSON & CO GENERAL MERCHANTS I MADRAS, OREGON Agents for Studebaker Wagons, McCormick Headers & Binders, Canton ( Plows and Superior Drills SPECIAL SALE ON DISHES About 40 sets Monogram Diihts, 42-picc6 Ms, value $10, for ale at $4.50 while they last Special Discount on Winter Clothing '5 ,(J 25 pdr cent discount dn all Winter Clothing, Undcrwcr ditd sweaters. Special discounts on Hat? Caps and Gloves. WHEAT TAKEN FOR ACCOUNTS AND TRADE LOUCKS BROS MADRAS, OREGON Socialist County Convention Too KocIhIIhi county convention fo Crook county, slate of Oregon, in hero by called to meet nt the circuit court room at Prineville, Oregon, on Wed mMjny, April 22, 1008, at 10 a."m., To the purpose of nominating candidate for ull llic County olllccs to bo filled u the next general election, (uiii for III transaction of sueli other business iiiny cooio before Maid convention. Tills will ho a iniiMH convention am alt persons in Crook county, state o Oregon, known to he itleutilieil will I ln SnciiiliHtic movement will ho enti lied ton Voice In the proceedings o the convention. Done hy order of the booiHllct County Central Committee March 2, 1008. J. B. McDowell, D wight Roberts, Cliairmun. x Secretary XOT1CK TO COXniAOTOIiiS-Xotice Is hereby givenUliat sealed bid:, will be reccivod by theSolinoI Hoard of School District Xo. 1C until !! o'clock P. M April H, IIK)S, rortliebiilldiiiK of a school house. I'liinsitntl speciiicutlons can be seen at tie home of the ciork, four nilles north of Madras. Hiils must be ad drcsfli'tl to "A. v. Anderson, Oierk.ot the Hoard" ami the envelope marked "Hid for the Construction of Scuool House." Jiach bid must be accompan led uy security to tlie amount of 5 per cent of tiie hid, such security to be fur relteu to tlie bcliool lioaul by tlie sue ccssful bidder, In case he fails with 1 1 live days of the dale of award of contract to furnish acceptable bonds in a sum .eoual to the amount of his bid for Hi iiitlilul completion of the cunt act and tlie nit uit'iit oral laoor and material The Hoaid reserves tlie right to reject any ami all bids. 5. r. I,oving, Chair man. nir.i-n MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA V lew ot too reasons way go manv are joining the Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca: We have 000,000 mcmbcra with 20,000 outtitntuling certificates, which is far more than tho two nest largest fcocietiee combined. Three aseepsinents missed tho llrst ten moutlis of this year; nil claims paid and fy,uuo,uuu casn on nana. Mrst eiglit montim ol tlna year we issued 100,122 new certificates. i hero aro l5of the leading rratcrnal insurance societies that have six million meinoerH at tlie present time. The Modern Woodnion have nearly ono-sixth of this entire membership. There are six billion four hundred and 11 fty million dollars of 'protection for the widows and orplians carried bv the members of these societies. Tho M, W. A., carries Quo llillion Three Hundred and Fiftv Million of this . i'.. . .. amount, or a lit no tnoro tnnn one-sixti of all too Iraternal liiHuranco carried in the United States The management expense of this great order has cost each member not to exceed t lie price of ono postage stamp per week since starting m business. Vx are furnishing UUUU IIHLIAULH NSC UANCU to our members for about one-hiilf wlutt oilier nocieties charge. Not increase in the following societies and cost per thousand, 1000; Net InorciiM) 1900 Cost per f lOtW tit nco ) ArlisniiB fiOO $ 7 80 Maccabees Decreaso 12 00 V. 0. U. W. Decreaso 10 80 Koyal Arcanum Decreaso 111 20 W. O. W. 5.802 10 20 Modern Woodm'n 00.080 5 85 The cost atiiO yearn of niro in tho M. W. A. has never exceeded $5.85 per thousand in ono vear. Compare this with the cost In otlicr socioties These are a few of tho reasons "WHY" wo are riling an average of 12,510 . members tier month. If this record suits you we want your application for membership. i ours iraternaiiy, J. i. blioars, Uistnct Deputy, 522 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Por further information hco F. J. Hrooks, local deputy, at Madras, Oregon. n21tf THE ENDLESS CHAIN With tho coming of spring-, squirrels, gophers unci sago rats regularly appear, to dovastato tho fields of growing gtaln. Early In tho season, when their natural food la scarco, tholr numbers may bo roatly diminished by a systematic war- faro upon them. Every female killed be- fine tho young are born, reduces tho number of jiesta at leaiirt ten later on. Woodlark" Squirrel Poison Is tho most ellalile and destructive akent vat dovlaeil for tholr extermination, It Is nn abso lutely certain Instrument of death for squirrels. Every kernol Is warranted to III. Climatic changes, dow, frost, or tho molsturo of tho earth do not effect ltn strength. It roquhos no mixing or prep aration, and la always ready for use, No other Js so good. Dealors will refund the purchase price, If pot as claimed, c Tho Iloyt Chemical-Co., Portland, Oreson OIL LEASES COVER OVER 14,000 ACRES Drilling Expected to Be gin in 60 Days WILL PE THOROUGH TEST FOR OIL One Well to Bo Put Down to Begin With, Others Wl Follow If In dications Justify been called for I bp Iaystack and Opa I'rnirie districts; at tj'rj fallowing timo and places; A,t the. e Ilflck QcbopJ house Friday evening, April J, arid. a the Killingbeck school house aturtjajt evening, April 4. All farmers of tbfisa sections interested in the movement aro. requested to meet at those places at the. times named. Tho local oil company, organized for the purpose of making a thorough in vestigation of the oil prospects in tlii section, sent an order last week to Brad ford, Pennsylvania, for tools and ma chinery with which to sink the wells and they confidently expect to be gin active operations within the next 00 days. Leases for more than 14,500 acres of land in the Opal Prairie, Cul ver and Lamonta districts have been signed, and many others a.re expected to sign witmn the next two weeks This was the information given on last Saturday by members of tho com pnny residing here. Only one well will bo drilled to begin with. The tools and machinery ordered will be used in connection with tho big Loveland drill, and with the new ma chinery the hole will be sent down to a depth of several thousand feet if neces sary. A thorough test will be made of tho best prospect the company has on its leased ground, and if indications justify it, other wells will be sunk at once at other points. It lias not yet been definitely determined where the first well will be sunk. The local company is backed by Port land capital, and Bay tbat they have plenty of money in sight to thoroughly prospect their ground for oil. That the indications of oil arc good enougli to justify tlie expenditure of some money in prospecting is beyond question, for throughout this district traces of oil have been found in every well drilled to anv depth, and in some instances the water is so strongly impregnated witl the oil as to have a distinct odor of it In addition to this, it is known that government geologists, who.have been through this country when a geological survey was made, have pronounced the indications good for both coul and oil Whether they exist in commercial quan tities will be determined by the pros pecting of the Madras oil company. C. M. CARTWRIGT DEAD PIONEER STOCKMAN Of This County Dies In Portland Of Blood Poisoning. Charles -Morrison Cartwright, a pio neer stockman of this county, died nt his home in Portland on Wednesday of last week, from blood poisoning brought on-by severe injuries received by being troddon under foot by an express team about a year ago. Mr. Cartwright moved to Eastern Or egon and engaged in tho sheep business in 1S79. Later he organized tho Bald win Sheep & Land Company nt Hay- creek, which lias grown to be one of the largest thoroughbred sheep ranches in tho rorld. Several years ago Mr. Cart wrieht sold his interest in this company to Mr. J. G. lCdwards, and tho company has since been reorganized. Three children by his first wife sur vive Mr. Cartwright. They aro Mrs. J. P. Vanllouten, Mrs. W. II. Moser and nines B. Cartwright, all of whom have resided in this county. Mr. Cartwright was a Masoq of high rank, and bis fun eral at Portland was conducted under tho auspices Of that fraternity. AGENCY PLAINS FARM ERS ARE ORGANIZING Effort Being Made to Extend Organi zation to Other Farming Districts. At tlie meeting of farmers of .gency Plains, called for tho purpose of organ izing a local branch of the National Ed ucational and Co-operativo Union, orso- ulled farmers' union, definite steps ore taken toward a permanent organi- ation in that locality. Arrangements were made for securing tho sorvlcas of a district organizer, and as soon as ho ar rives a permanent organization will bo effected- An effort Ih also boing nmdo to secure concerted autinfi on the part of Uto farmers of tho several farming districts in Western Crook county, in order Unit tbo organization may bo oStelided throughout this uectiou. Meetings have SHOULD REGISTER NOW BOOKS CLOSE'APRIL 7 Registration Proceeds Slowly Falls. Far Short Of Vote Two Years Ago. The voters of this precinct have only a few days more in which to register ba fore the primaries, as the registration books will close on the Jth of this, month, next Tuesday. It is highly im portant that they attend to this matter at once, in order that tiicy may vote in, the primaries and assist in nominating good candidates for the various county offices tp be filled. Kutcber precincf lias fallen badly behind this year in reai istration The creation of the Lyle Gap precinct reduced the voting strength of; Kutcher, but there are still a number of voters in this precinct who have negi lected to register. Attend to this hm portant matter at once. MADRAS MJLL TO GRIND SOON The Madras flouring mill, which sua pended operations some weeks ago, will begin grinding again some time this month, probably by the lath or earlier, The mill suspended operations because of some needed repairs, and for several weeks the mill has been idle, although there hag been a continuous and grow ing demand for Madras flour. Mr. Diet, zcl, secretary of the company, says thai when they resume work again this month, they expect to continue without further interruption until the season's grinding has been finished. Tiie milling company has on hand a good supply of wheat, and this will be added to by other purchases as jt is required. "Madras Flour" has made an envia ble reputation for itself throughout tho county, and even further south in Cen. tral Oregon, and there has been a steady demand for the product of the Madras mill. PETITION FOR NEW ROAD A petition will be presented to the county court at the May term, asking for an important change in the present county road between this section and the county seat. The proposed chango in the road begins at the southwest cor ner of the Morrow it Keenan school sec tion, about five miles south of Madras, where a new road is asked for, following 11 general easterly and southerly direc tion along the divide to a point where it again intercepts the old road at the Mrs, R. Grant ranch. ThcnewVoad, it is claimed' by those who are seeking the change, follows an easy grade in the most direct route, eliminating the Red Rock hill and sev eral other very bad hills, and shorten ing the distance between tho ooints mentioned by about three miles. Tho proposed new road follows the ridge as nearly as is practicable without doinir too much damage to the ranches through which it passes, and it is laimed that it will be a great improve-. ment over the old road. In addition, it will open up that section and give an outlet to n number of ranchers living there. It is understood that there is op position to the proposed new road from somo of the land-owners through whose ranches the new road will pass. ACED RANCNER SUICIDES John M. Stewart, an aged rancher ' who bad a homestead in the old river bed 10 miles west of Prineville, commit- ted suicide while alone at his cabin, and tho badly decomposed body was found by Deputy Sheriff Ben Jones on Wed nesday of last week. An empty bottle bearing a laudanum label was found on stand near tho bed From tho condi tion ot tho body it wus apparent tbat Stewart bad been- dead for a week or lO lys. A horse was found tied in a sta ble near tho houso in a most nitinblo ondition for want of food ahd water. It is reported hero that Stewart bad domestic troubles, resulting iit a separa tion from his wife, and that about H) days before tho body was found attach ment papers had been served on him, In suit growing out of these troubles. All of the attached nroPertv was taken possession of by the sheriff with tho ex- option of ono horso, which Stewart promised to deliver in Prineville in a few days, llis failure to do so resulted in the return of the doimtv sheriff and the discovery of tho suicide. Deputy Jones says that he thinks only ono mofil was prepared in tho house after his hVt visit there, from which it is believe 1 that the suicide was committed 10 days boft'ie tho body was foundi if 'i i - i ; ( , ; - I - 'y 'i a ;)i 1 i i i '1' . ,1 ,i ,i ? r M