The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 26, 1908, Image 7

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ssC!rZTn 1 claimed for many years that Parana la an EXCELLENT
Vt. 5TSedY. Some of the doctor's critics have disputed the doctor!
. .i.. .ffiftftflv of Peruna,
wodienta of Peruna are no longer a secret, what do the medi.
8Tj7i Jmv oonceroinff the remedies of which Peruna U composed?
'?rt?5tanoe, the ingredient HYDrSItIS CANADENSIS, Oil
HKAL. The uniwu om- jouwijr ux vuu aeroM remedy,
0lTr. krrtly employed in the troatmont of depraved mucous mombrance,
rHtli i (naal catarrh), aton o dysnopala (catarrh of the atomach),
i tibitinftl catarrn, whii jniuiui vuwAru ui mo iiver;, and in
. n. mnmbranes of the pelvio organ. It ia alio rooommondod for
ttiiii:iili t . . . . -
nt of varloua forma of Ulaeasca peouiiar to women,
'Mrlmrredicnt of Peruna, COEYDAUS F0EM08A, is
Our Peruna Tablet
Is Peruna With
Fluid Removed.
'7 . u.,imrredlentof Peruna, UUKXJJAWB tfUKMOSA, holawod in the
. , i; Diaponaatory as a tenia.
mlmiuN SEEDS ia anothor ingredient of Poruna, an exoollont drug that
;C i n lartroly overlooked by the medical profession for tho past fifty
TTTU SEEDS AJtiS xu juxi jcuuiixr x yxovi xiiw -UHUU STORES.
k iTnltfd States iJuponwiwiy u unwu ui uvuiuu wiai u is uaoci as
RSnnlcand in the treatment of dyaentery, and in intermittent diseases
nTT OF COrAliJAf auumoi ub" uuuwu uy uie united
i DUBensatory as a mild atimulant and diuretic. It acta on the stomach
!ijtfttlnal tract. It acts as a stimulant on the genito-urinary membranes.
u serai in enronio cystitis, chronio dya
entery and diarrhea, and some chronio
disease of the liver and kidneys.
These opinions aa to the ingrodienta
of Peruna are held by all writers on
the subject, including Bartholow and
SAYS it ia applicable to stomatitis
.(l. 0f the mucous surfaces of the mouth), follicular pharyngitis (catarrh
f the pharynx), cnronio coryza wwru vi mo uwu;, xnoa writer classes
jfHi as a stomachic tonic, useful in atonio dyspepsia (chronio trastrio
Etanh) catarrh of the duodenum, catarrh of the gall duct, catarrh of the
tatlnw, catarrh of the kidneys (chronio Bright'a disease), catarrh of tho
uider.and catarrn oi owor poivio organs,
BABTHOLOW REGARDS COPAIBA as an excellent remedy for chronio
iinh of the bladder, chronio bronchitis (catarrh of the bronchial tubes).
HARTH0L0W STATES THAT OUBEB, an ingredient of Peruna. nro-
cttf the appetite and digestion, increases the circulation of the blood. Use-
1 In chronio nasal catarrn, louicuiax puaryngius (catarrn oi tne pnarynx),
TMilngtho tonicity or tne mucous memoranes or tne throat. It also re
ivm hoarseness. Useful in atonio dyspepsia (catarrn ox tne stomach), and in
wic catarrh of tho colon and rectum, catarrn oi tne bladder, prostatorrhea,
1 chronic bronchinl affections.
M11LSPAUOH, MEDICINAL PLANTS, one of the most authoritative
erki on medicinal herbs in the English languago, in commenting upon
BIXIHSONIA CANADENSIS, says that it acta on tho pneumogastrio and
id motor nerves. It Increases tho secretions of tne mucous membranes in
neral In the mountains of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennoaseo and Carolina,
Hictonia canadensis is considered a panacea for many disorders, includintr
tdache. colic, cramp, dropsy and indigestion, DR. 8 (JUDDER regarda it
jhtyu a remedy in chronio diseases of the lungs, heart disease and asthma.
These citations ought to be suiiicient to snow to any candid mind that Fe
rn is a catarrh remedy. Surely, such herbal remedies, that command the
kbuii&ttio confidence of the highest authorities obtainable, brought together
proper combination, ought to mako a catarrh remedy of tho highest efficacy.
This is onr claim, and we are able to substantiate this claim by ample
iBicplalnine tho MrMerr.
They bad stopped a moment . lo
i wie Diatiron building.
'What was the object," ntked one of
the atrancera in the "Seeing New York"
automobile, "in making It a throe-cor-norcd
Aa nearly bh I hun nii
"the oh y n"swerftd the chouffeur, Jngton Htftto collego, liaB just received
liicce 01 ground."
Marks Important Atop In Livestock
Industry of Northwest.
ttr J. U Aahlock, Wuihlntrton SUU ColWe,
Presldont E. A. Bryan, of tho Wash-
To Ureal; New Shoea.
"nr. Tvl 'il'Z0" '," nwolfin feel
ill nf"?.!'. "UrowliiK nalla and biiriloin. At
Allen H. Ulmittid, Ij Jlor, K. Y.
Voxr lllllilllllr.
"Why don't you go to workr
"Work!" rejoined Mcnndorlne Mlk,.
I)ok nt du tlioiiHnndB of poor fcllowi
tout in looklir fur work nn' focltn' ijiih
rnble wldout It. Now work ain't nec.
jaanry 10 me, nn' 1 nln' goln' to butt In
nn' rench fur it merely fur do wiko of
havln' something to brag about"
Washington Hlar.
The Orecnwlch obeerratory will haT
to be moved. From year to year the
magnetic obaerratloDi made Uiere have
become leas reliable becauae of the in
crcaalng traffic i and the Impending eetab
llehment of large electric worka in the Im
mediate neighborhood will make It ncce
nry to make tho nautical calculations
Mo tier will find Mr. WInW Boothlns
vu iu" ii retneiiT 10 um lor IQOir CUUur&U
irlug the U thing iorlod.
Aa lo Ylpalejr.
Mr. Chugwater Joelah, this paper
sya a man named liirkman baa aued the
city aa Jarcd Yipaley'a next friend. What
doea that mean?
Mr. ChugwatcrIIuh I It docan't mean
anything In this caae. No man alire eyer
really got next to old Yipaley.
The mineral water produce of the
United States during 1000 wa 48,518,
BOO gallon, valued at $1, 574,590 a very
considerable Increato over the previous
fear, Thee figurea contemplate only the
natural mineral water taken from
iprlng having aome medicinal qualities.
pWAHD E. nCUTO.t -Arrr uri Chemltl.
HJlill, Color i4tv Xpoimcn Ptlcni Uuld.
ir,Ukl,jl ! oolil, Hllrar, 7i i dolil, 60d 7.1 na or
ifMUitMQloa pllfntloa. Control nJ Um
ckglkltL llffncl Uuliguli Ziaf
u4 Hoap Wrir from
10 Mule Team Borax "
froJacU tnd ticbani tbi for
L'.f!tm"t"U4 "lMt ( ie utiiiti jtT.n
nemo coait boxaz CO., oaiu4, cu.
No Wonilrr.
' illkfrriow folue tli jiolacemln la th'
park look!
Pst An' phoy not? Don't nlch wn
hoy a nurs? Judge.
There Is every possibility that the wait
tnt of the Pari cafe, wilhahortly go on
Itrlke again In aupport of their cherithed
right to wear muatacbea.
. l'orfrri.
tift, purity atmrell
Iillliy.Ferry'aSeada are in a cl by them-
Klec. Farmers
In Ultra became
they know they
can be relied up
on. Don't espcrl
mcnt with cheap
cccd your uie
tyllnlnbuylng rr(lent outby
n couKlcnlloui
a int Iruittrortliy
Ferrv'a Ssod Annuit
for li4 Irl'ltKK. AdJrrM
0 U,rmtCl,OlliliT,Mla
afforded by o
Clean -Light
392 n
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application, a they cannot reach the
dlteantd pcirtlon of tho car. 1 here U only otio
way to cure utaiueiia, anil that ! Dy conntlln
tlonal romfdlea, Dcafni-M U cautoil by an In
flamed condition of the intirou lining of tho
Ktntactilan l utie. When this tubo ! Inflamed
you have a rumbllnK nund or linpcrfoct hear
ing, and when It li unllrnly rloicil, Dcafnct li
tho rem. t, and tirilt-aa tliu inflammation can be
taken out and till tut) reatored to It normal
condition, hearing will bo doit roved forever;
nine enact out of ten tiro rained by Catarrh,
wh It'll la uothlnic but an Inflamed condition oi
the muroiia surfarc.
We wilt rIvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any
caao of ticafnem (canaed bycatnrrh) that run
not bo cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. Setid for
clrculnri, free.
V. 3. CHENEY Jt CO.,Tolcdo, O.
Bold bv Iru?Klta. 76o.
Take Hall' Family l'llla for conatlpatlon.
SldclrncUtnai Hint.
"Dora, would you be willing to marry
a young man who baa to make bla own
way in the world and who linn nothing ' Rhnnflrrlnnn
buLhI,.1?T,e you01f'"ra";d Shields, Sprague; D. 0. Dilworth, Spo-
"Certalnly, Gerald, If I cared enough 1 i-nnn r
for him, but at present I don't know of
any aucb young man. Froaty weather.
notice of his appointment as temporary
president of tho Stato Berkshire associ
ation, which is affiliated with tho
Amorlcan Berkshire congress. Presi
dent Bryan's appointment is tho begin
ning of tho organization of the Berk
shire association in tho stato of Wash
ington. This association reaches
through nearly all tho states o' the
union, and in tho.opinion of President
Bryan, Us coming into tho stato of
Washington marks an important step
in tho livestock Industry of tho North
west. DisouBslng the matter President
Bryan said:
"I bolievo tho Berkshiro association
la ono of tho most octivo and successful
llvostock associations in the United
States, and that Ha work in tho North
west cannot fail to produco good re
suite. The Berkshire is favored by
many of tho most prominent stock
raisers in America, among whom I
might mention Nick Gentry, of Bo
dalia. Missouri, who is tho greatest
broodor of Berkshire hogs in tho coun
try; Reuben Gentry, of Kentucky; Mr.
Ilocd, of 'Hood's Bareaparilla' famo;
and Georgo Vandorbilt, of Aehovillo,
Tennesaco. Among tho moat promi
nent breeders of Berkshires in tho
Northwest are tho Ladd estate, of Fort
land, and Mr. Paul Olagstone, of Spo
kane. I have raised Berkshire hogs
on my Pussy Willow ranch near Pull
man for tho past ten years, and am
thoroughly convinced of the desirable
qualities of this breed.
"It is proposed by the Berkshire
association to conduct an active cam
paign in the state of Washington, in
favor of this breed of hogs, prior to tho
Alaska-Yukon exposition at Seattle.
Then by the time of tho exhibit, our
state organization will be able to get
up a splendid exhibit, and we will
show tho farmers of tho state what sort
of an animal the Berkshire 1b when
proper attention is given him. Yes,
it is very likely that the stato experi
ment station will have a few Berk
shires at the exhibit. At the present
time we have somo Bpecimons of this
breed that havo been pronounced by
tho best Eastern experts as equal to
anything in the United States."
President Bryan today announced his
appointment of the omcers and direc
tors of tho state association who will
work with him in getting the Berkshire
association established in Washington.
They follow:
Vice president, Paul Olagstone, Spo
kane; secretary, J. II. Smith, Pullman;
treasurer, W. D. Goodrich, Wauna.
Directors: A. M. Stevens, Ellensburg;
A. A. Bomerville, Centralia; Pllnny
Castle Rock; W. W.
Spring Medicine
The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It fill
is the best because it does the most good.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes
timonials in two years proves its merit.
Snmatabn For thoa who Drefer medleln
In tablet form, Hood' Hamatiarilla I now pnt np
SnrsatabB For thoa who prefer medleln
In chocolated tablet called Saraataba. a well a
In the annul liquid form. Haraatab have Identi
cally the aarne curative propertlea aa the liquid
form, beeldea accuracy of do, convenience, econ
omy, there being no loaa by evaporation, break'
aito, or leakage. Hold by drngglata oraent by mall.
0. X. Hood Co., Lowell, ilaaa.
Mr. 3. T, lea, CO Oonld Street. Htoneham,
Maaa,, aayai "In U year experience 1 have never
known Hood's Saraaparllla to fall, for tprlng
hnmorsand na a general blood pnrlflen Itciirea
scrofula, ecrema i haa no equal aa a general
spring medicine. It gives me genuine satisfac
tion to aay thla."
Ooethe was 82
Faust. Who said '
when he completed
Too old at 40?"
Ml, 1
l lay oo permanent overcome proper
personal efforts wim itie assistance
ofioeoriij truly beneficial tavauve
remedy, oyrup oj figs and" D'uir oScnna,
which enables one to form regular
habits dally so that assistance To na
ture mny be gradual dispensed with
when no longer needed asthebestof
remedies, when required, are to 'assist
nature and not to supplant the natur
al junctions, which must depend ulti
mately upon proper nourishment,
proper efforts.and right living generally.
To get its beneficial effects, always
buy the genuine
'j manujottured by the
Pig Syrup Co. oniy
one size only, regular price 50f per Dottle.
There are
rials used in
the construction (of a
different mate-
The Best Fruit Tree and Berry Plant
Catalog; in the Northwest
192 Front St., Portland. Oregon
C. Gee Wo
The well known reliable
Root and Herb
Tina rondo a life ttndy of
roots and herb, and In that
tudy discovered and Is giv
ing to the world his wonder
ful reiredles.
No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used He Cures
Without Operation, or Without the Aid of oKnif a
J la guarantees to Curo Catarrh, Asthma, 1ang,
Throat. ItheamatUm. Nerroot nee. Nervous Debility,
Htomacb, Liver, Kidney Troatiln:al.Lot Manhood.
Female Weakness and All Private Diseases,
Jutt Received from Peking, China Safe, Sure
ana iteilabie.
U jou cannot call, write for srmpton blank and clrco
lar. Inclose 4 rents In stamp.
TrtEfr. tiEKWo tntiNHrfHMKnirmrEOO.
IS 1-2 First St.. Cor. llorrlson, Portland. Ore eon.
Please Mention This Paper.
No. 12-08
WHEN writing to advertisers please
mention this paper.
lan't It?" Chlcaeo Tribune.
Mnra ai i
mtipr? "in Srintm B1m Hra "Ka
thin mlS'S .1' 93-uo " Ha.BOihos
.I...0! prontar vmlum than mil v other.
F-a &.r'.i.r!Vaml 555 0,lt sho Cannot Da Equalled At Any Price
m ttia - Ioilas name and prim Is sUmpsd on bottom. Tk W'Wb"!:
VBBKSSBBaasassv u xmmmmir 1 a
to li m m a
Your Baking
- BaWngf Powder will do It! Get
a Can. Trv it for vnnr fnvnrlfrt mire. If
(Jpesn't raise better, more evenlv. hlcher.
- u
" it Isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor,
we return your money. Everybody
agrees K C has no equal.
pure, Wholesome,
r TJnarrlnjr IfaternalInsttnet.
"They look exactly alike, anil you drfc.
them exactly alike, Mrs. Hlcbsnjggl,"
laid the caller. "How can you tell them
"That lan't hard to do," answered the
mother of the twins. "If I alap Johnny
and he iweara a blue atreak I know it's
CTO ft. Titos' Dance ana sil Merroas Disease
IflO permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Orml
Ulrri Ileslorer. Hand for VHKK 2trlal bottle anj
trsatlss. Dr. 1L ILKlUe. Ld..t Arch BU, PhUa.,Ps,
Knvnue llcclproclty.
Cannibal Queen Well, good-by, dear.
I'm roIiib to my sewing meeting.
Cannibal King Wbnt charitable
work 1b the meeting engaged upon uow7
Cannibal Queen Wo are ranking
high-necked dresses for the poor no
clety women of London. London Tit
Bits. He Got tho Job.
"Tho lnnt time I saw you," said
Trovers, "your neighbor wnn't well,
l'ou remember you were telllug me
about hla Illness?"
"Yes," said IJerrlam, tho undertaker,
"It terminated favora er that is,
it terminated fatully." Philadelphia
Ilia Krror.
"Wo llvo nnd learn," observed Mr.
Ulcker, glancing up from his puper.
"Somo of us do," said Mr. Knocker,
acidly. "Havo you becu trying to Join
"Don't bo funny. But I'vo found
out for tho first time that tho French
expression 'hors do combat' doesn't
mean 'war horse.'" Cleveland Louder.
Of Interest to Farmers,
The following publications of Interest
to farmers and others have been leaned
by the Agricultural department of the
i Federal government and will be furn
. iohed free, so long a, they are availa
I blq, except where otherwise noted, up
on application to the Superintendent
of Documents, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D. C:
Bulletin No. 108. Irrigation Prac
tice Among Fruit Growers on tho Pa
cific Coast. By E. J. Wickson, M. A.,
professor of agriculture practice, Uni
versity of California, and horticulturist
of tho California agricultural experi
ment station. Pp. 54, pis. 10, figs. 7.
Frico 16 cents. This'bullotin gives the
results of a special investigation into
the conditions, oxtent and methods ol
irrigation as practiced among fruit
growers of tho Pacific const.
Bulletin No. 131. Plans of Struc
tures in Use on Irrigation Canals in
tho United States, prepared under the
direction of Ehvood Mead, chief of irri-
I gation investigations, office of experi
' ment Btations. Pp. 51, pis. 22. Price
60 cents. This is an album of plans
for irrigation structures, dosigned by
leading irrigation engineers of tho
Weat, made from drawings exhibited
at Paris in 1000 and at Buffalo in 1001.
Bulletin No. 158. Annual Report of
Icrrigaticn and Drainage Investigations
under the direction of Elwood Mead,
chief of irrigation and drainage Inves
tigations, ofllco of experiment stations.
Pp. 755, pis. 12, llgs 120. This is
the general report of irrigation and
drainago investigations in 1004. The
complete report was issued in limited
edition, which is now exhausted, but
it has been reprinted in form of nine
separates for free distribution.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deccivo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Ita Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over
30 Years.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Rome, under Augustus, had a fire brig
ade and force of night police, numbering
In all 7,000 men.
King Edward is fond of plovers' egg,
which he generally spreads on Russiu
black bread.
Whenever a sore refuses to heal it Is because the blood is not pure and
healthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old
blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most
usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid
dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally
begun to decline, nnd the poisonous germs which have accumulated because
of a sluggish and inactive condition of the S3'stem, or some hereditary taint
I which has hitherto been held ia check, now force an outlet on the face, arms,
fiuliotin No. 177. Evaporation Loss- legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and angry, festers and
ea in irrigation ana wator Koqulro- eats into inc surrounding tissue until it becomes a enronic ana stubborn
ments of orops. By S. Fortier. Tp. , ulcer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated.
04, pis. 2, figs. 10. Price 10 cents. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stuDbora, non-healing sore.
This contains tho results of tank oxper- (The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason
iraenta to determino tho quantities of , for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every
water ovaporatod from soils whloh re-'old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one.1
ceivo various cultural treatments and I Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, caa
t Ay n m onntif rr-v"v1 n?fo tttJ1 1 rAttiAtf
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out good blood
or bad blood ? You know, for
good blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
On.f requent eoi of bad blood I a iloitlih
llrtr. Thli produce! eonitlpntlon, l'oliouom
ubiUnoei r tutu abiorbtd Into th blood,
foilaad of btlng removed from th bod? dally
ai nature intended, Keep th boweli open
with Ajar'a Mill, llrtr pllla. All vegetable.
)Cad by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, UtM,
Aeo nuungiann oi
9 HAIR Y1008.
to which the wator was applied at dif-
I forent depths; it contains also a few
' experiments on the quantities of water
consumed by plants.
I Bulletin No. 188. Irrigation in tho
Yakima Valley, Washington. By 8.
O. Juyno. Pp. 80, pis. 2, figs. 4. Prioe
15 cents. This bullotin describes tho
irrigation works in tho Yakima valley,
j Washington, and discusses the water
supply, water rights, orops, and oppor-
tunitioa for Bottlomont.
To mnko an Iron run mnoothly, got
somo loaves from overgreen trees. Rub
hot Irons on thoin, nnd they will Iron
without sticking to starched clothes.
Leaves may bo dried for use.
ing the sore with caustic plasters or the
j cure
liesn. wens
rnoel of four ya&ra' tandlnfr.
crew larger ana
alarmed About It and, consulted, taken nwav another sore would come. h
was a Bmaii pimple at first but it sunreon's knife make a lastincr cure. If
a very -way until I beoamo every particle of the diseased
Peel fresh cucumbers and cut In
thin slices. Sprinkle lightly with salt
and let Btnnd for an hour. Drain,
iprlnklo with lomon Julco and paprika,
let stand for hnlf an hour or longer,
ihon uso for a flllliia botwoen ' thin
tjjlcM of buttered bread.
treafed n&Vut t1 cause the trouble is in the blood, and the
vertiaea, ana oommenoea its uss r, . . . ,
and after t4klnir it a while I was The cure must come by a thorough cleans-
puoci OI o. p. p., auu luors nai not u inumjr iui cuira uuu uima vi tv ti jviuu.
a sPa.T.A'.FiV0' th0 "oro lao It is na unequalled blood purifier one that
M. a, S. ourea It. . . . .... .
uca uiicvii juiu iut; Kircuiauoa unu
promptly cleanses it of all poisons and
taints. It gets down to the very bottom of
the trouble and forces out every trace of im
purity and make3 a complete and lasting
cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of th
blood so that instead of feeding the diseased
parts with impurities, it nourishes tha
irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood.
Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain nnd inflammation
leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood tha
pore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advica
youijeakc, Wa make no charge for the book or advice.
v thoh. owsk.
West tJnioa, Ohio.
. '
A '"ill
(' v.,