The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 26, 1908, Image 6

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t . CHAPTER VII. Now this, being only a draft, had nelth-
I did not anticipate any serious consc- cr dato nor signature, and he must have
fluences from that evening's amusement, jumped at once to the conclusion that it
It seemed to me that Miss Dalrymple was was the conv of n will T -. ht
the mtst seemed to have settled down Into
a i solid block, and the big trees that skirt
the road on cither side Increased the ob
scurity.. However, the nne kent on hrr
ambling trot till presently, smash t Down '
she went, without any kind of warning,
up dashed the seat of the gig, and out I
flew, as though' 1, had been shot from a
I was on my legs in a moment, for ni)
first thought was of tlio will I had stuck
under the sent cushion, and I feared the
nag would start up a ndbolt with It. I
could hear her breathing heavily; sho did
not attempt to move. I ran back In that
direction, when bang 1 over I wept again,
Hat on my nose. I had felt something
strike against my shins, and as I rose
to my feet once more, I discovered the
Tl Cnl 1'mlrr tif Him.
According to tlio report of tlio Stnfc
(Jnmo Commission of Pennsylvania for
11K)7, song mid Insectivorous birds In
that stnto nro Increasing and Riuno
birds becoming Honrrcr. Benr nnd door
nro rapidly lncrenHlng.
Hears nro now protected in i'cnnyi
Improved DHohlnir Voyr.
A recent invention provides nn Im
proved ditching plow, especially adapt- vnnu )V ,,K Benson during
l.. it. ,,., nf 1IMI7 tlinro WLTO K1I1CH
It slackened ns I touched It, and thelBimntft construction, nnd cnimblo of of- ' k... ... ... 0,
next moment was whisked out of my ! foctlvo 80rvlco ,n , . chnrnctor of soil. nr Joseph ''iCnlbfuH,' chief gnmo pro
hands. Was this the wanton mischief ofjTf , t.,ti . i, ilruwn u J"sclm IVU,",un'
boys, or the sinister design of some one " ,s WlnHy ndnptcd to Ik druwn q rm,Iinil0dH ho
a ii at nun viikuiu ui , - ,,ncnc 0f n OUI)ty On 1110 SCIlips Ol IIUI
entirely occupied with the music, and draw up: nnd seeing that by this draft all cm,so o( ,)0th falls n cord was stretched . ed for digging tiling sower ditches or ,,rlng nnd mitninor months,
doubtless no tlURt of anything else Flexmoro's money was left to Awdrey, It ncross the roml- draining ditches. Tho dovleo is of very . Q BC118()n 0t 1007 there wore
u ui-. imiu iviiuvui. ire- uiiiHL navo convinced mm that this Instru-
Ing suggested to her. But that waa not ment was Intends tn rnv , ,m
the case with Lynn Yeames. He wns which I had led him to believe was made
carried away by the good looks of Miss in his favor.
Dalrymple, and perceiving that she was Tho sheet fell (mm hi. i.nj . ,
the best woman of the throng, both In ed hastily, picked It up. and reulaced It
appearance nnd family connection, he on tho table. I moved a chair, made a
magnanimously resolved to sink tho con- clatter with an eniDtv Dlate nn if I wata
bent upon plunder?
"My name's Anthony Keene, and you
shall suffer for this, you vagabonds, who
ever you are;" I shouted, as I groped
sideratlon of her being poor and resolved Just rising from my lunch, then I opened my way to the gig. I nm well known
j .ui er ui uny price, no manor now me door and entered my offico briskly,
rich ho might be by the death of his Lynn Yeames waa seated at some dls-
,,nclc- tanco from the table, looking pale.
oomcnow or otner ne proposed to her "How do you do, sir?" said I. "You
mat nignt octween tne parts, perhaps, don't look quite yourself this morning."
wuen ho led her into the adjoining room "I am upset; my uncle Is In a critical
lor retresnmonts, though more probably condition I don't know whether you
the old woman, his mother, shammed I know it. I came over tn foil vm, T
sleep In tho brougham to give her son the thought you ought to know, In caso there foolhardy Indeed to nttac kan old law-
ipportunuy as uicy were taKing Jiiss Dal- was any legal matter to arrange."
rymple home. "As It happens, there Is a very impor-
Two mornings after the concert Dr. tant matter to arrange. I have Just
Anurcy "ifu on me, loosing as yeuow come back from Flexmore House you
uH u oiu uui-uwu. neard nothing there7 Well of course I
iou must go up to u lexmore House
In Concyford, and I knew thnt If they
were boys they would scuttle off on hear
ing my name.
There wns no sound of voice or foot
fallonly the old nag gasping on the
ground. Then I felt sure it was the work
of a man; but I was not fearful of any
further mischief, for the thief must be
nt once," he said, without asking me how
I was, or any other preliminary civility,
Mexmore is In a critical condition
there's not n moment to spare."
"What docs he want me for?" I asked,
"Ho wants to see you about that fool
of a will you drew up for him. Get Into
my trap. I tell you there is no time to
"Aren't you coming with me?" I asked,
as ho put the reins in my hand.
No; I have another case to attend. I
can do nothing for Flexmore at present:
can place confidence in vou. Mr.
'I give you my word of honor that
you may depend upon my secrecy," he
hastened to assure me.
"Good, sir. I trust to your honor.
Your uncle Is about to revoke his will."
And I glanced significantly at the papers
on the table.' "I assure you," I continued.
'I have done all In my power to persuade
him to the contrary."
"Of course you have, in your own in
terest," said he savagely.
yer, who Is more likely to get him Into
trouble than yield much In the way of
Feeling about the poor old horse, I
found that both the shafts were broken,
so there was no thought of going on In
the" gig even if the horse's legs wero not
broken as well. The will was just where
I had stuck it, under the strap of the
cushion; I clapped It in my pocket, and,
after a moment's reflection, started off to
walk the remainder of the journey, leav
ing horse and trap in tho road to take
their chances.
A nice walk I had tumbling Into a
ditch on the right, and then into a ditch
on the left, running flat up against a
brick wall, nnd then pitching on to a pile
of flints by the roadside, all the time in
Scientific American. As shown In tlio tlu)S0 of n,,,
cs n benm A, .......
cngrnvlng, It comprises
which extends forward nnd with an
upward Inclination from tho cleaner H.
The lntter Is trlnngulnr In shape, bclnff
provided with two diverging wings. Tho
purpose of the cleaner Is to trnvcl over
"There Is no grenter destroyer of
bird life," he declares, "thnn tho houso
Tho Icelslntlvo npproprlntlon for
Aunties on noxious nnlmnls nnd birds
the surface of tho ground nnd remove IMun,cclt to lwct thL, demnndH
uiu excnvnica mnierini iroui iu i-uki-"
.. . . . ... , i unon It Inst year.
or tne ukcb. 'rue oenm a is mngeu i . ,, ,8 CBwl for, ,i the uddl
ne cicanor, so as w proruw tor n cor- h()rne(, ow) (UM,
umm u. ...uuu... ,0 tho outlawed ClllSS Is TO
uiu uenui unu luriiuug 1111 uiik'i i"" ,
with is a blndo C, provided with n cut
ting edge nt Its lower end, which serves
Miss Dalrymple has my instructions, and sometimes ; and after having had the sucn darkness and impenetrable fog, that
I can rely oh her carrying them otit." management of the estate for so many for a" 1 knew 1 mlght have becn walk,nK
1 drove over to i; lexmore House, sus- years "
meeting mischief. I found my old friend "WW on mrth han fndiirvwi him f
In bed. but perfectly calm and collected, yoke it?" he asked, taking very slight
Miss Dalrymple was in the room -with
little Laure, who clung to her hand as
though she felt that soon there would bo
but that to protect and befriend her,
Flexmore took my hand with a smil
a silent greeting that was more touching
than words.
pains to conceal his chagrin.
"I believe he has been considerably In
fluenced by Dr. Awdrey."
Dr. Awdrey?" he exclaimed. "What
has he been talking about?"
Well," said I, otlll witba good deal
of sham hesitation, "I believe vou were
half the time in a circle. To make mat'
ters worse, I found my nose was bleeding
from the fall I got over the cord. It
seemed to me I should never get to my
journey's end. nowever, after a time It
grew less, obscure, which made me think
I must have got clear of the Beagle
Woods, which was a comfort; and short
ly afterwards I heard footsteps approach-
inf- .
"Who's there?" I called when I telt It
dtartlnir .Iced Imloiira,
Any one who Intends to start seed
Indoors needs n knowledge of vnrtous
fncts concerning ench variety tho
length of time needed for gonulnntlon
thu time nniulred for the plant to reach
the blooming or frultngo stnge, nnd
whether It can lc transplanted to tlio
opon ground with safety In early
spring, or not until considerably Inter,
For lnstnnce. nnys Suburban Life
chrysanthemum seeds will terminate In
from five to ten days, but the plants re
quire n very long season of growth bo-
fore flowering, and the person who gets
ahead of Jack Frost must sow tho
seeds not later thnn Mnrch I nnd
enrller, If iwsslblr. WIUi vnrlctles
which germlnnto quickly, grow rnpld
to enter tho earth moro or less deeply
as the plow Is drawn forward, and
carry tlio excavated material to the
surface. At Its forward end this blade 1 nnd bloom enrly. tho sowing should
Is braced by menns of n support D, le delayed at least a month, to nvold
which is fastened to the benm A. At the trouble of repented transplant Ings,
the forward end of tho benm A Is n to prevent tho seedling plants from
"My dear," he said to Miss Dalrymple, indiscreet enoueh to Inform himtlifif .
uu UJual eave us lor iew minuies, had proposed to, and been accepted by, was tme 10 8Pea' lesl 1 rua "" Bomc to receive a link to which a pulley block
clevis bar E. which Is secured at Its
upper end to draft bar F, extending to
tho rear of the beam A. In this clevis
bar aro n Beries of apertures adapted
please; wo have a little matter of bus!
ness to discuss, my old friend and I.'
"Well, what is it, Georgo?" I askod,
going to the bedside.
nm m . .
iony, you must alter that will or
draw up another at once. You thought
right to tell Dr. Awdrey of the provis
ion I had made. He refuses to be Lauro's
guardian or trustee for her fortune.
"He won't get out of it If you let the
Will stand; we shall see
Miss Dalrymple."
"To what use has the rascal put that
knowledge?" he asked.
'We must not call Dr. Awdrey a ras
cal, sir," said I. "AH of us have our own
interests to look after. And really Dr.
Awdrey's case is plausible enough."
'I don't understand you ; what do you
mean t he asked sharply.
'You see it's almost an open secret; at
any rate the fact has for some time been
. . i i
uiing iresn. .. . is coiinwtml Thin Mnrlr sorveq tn re.
"Sam Martin. Be that you, Muster .. . , . . .,
Keene?" replied a well-known voice. ce,1 cab'e U,nt P tho
"Yes, it is. How far am I from Mr. windlass or drum of the traction en-
Flcxmore's house?" Kue for the purpose of drawing tho
"About half a mile keep straight on car forward. Owing to the lightness of
by the paling. Thought it were you, Mr.
Keene, by your .little squeaking voice.
Shall I turn, back wi' ye?"
"So. Go straight on. I've left the
doctor's trap in the road horse down
"But tho will must not stand ; he has known to Dr. Awdrey, that my old friend what yu 051,1 do with h' Mar
enown me tnat. nor tho child s saKe. I piOTmo .rc, ri t-i-.ii. o
uir Kin vreriruues sane, it must thn HiWnr nn f -,-!. fo,lo
oe auerea. j.ney must not De separarea. that inniM. tt, t
I Mvi uv.uoiuuuii mac uu a money must he leit in trust, and her Annt i0 : ,,. ramnrv"
gunraian ano trustee must De my nephew, ..Go on. .n for eoodness. gafeet" he
tin, and take care no one else comes into
mischief over It."
(To be continued.)
Lynn Yeames."
"Nonsense ! As soon as Lynn Yeames
finds he has nothing he will cease to pes
ter Miss Dalrymple; he'll never marry
her If he gets the money ; and then how
la your little Laure to live with her? A
proof that he doesn't mean to marry her
is that he has been hanging about her for
months, but has carefully refrained from
binding himself to any engagement
"You are wrong, Keene. He proposed
to her night before last
This took my breath away, and left
me no ground to stand on
"And she accepted him?" I gasped, af
ter an interval of silence.
"She did. Yeames told Dr. Awdrey
yesterday morning. He came at once to
me, and arrived at the very moment I
was seized with the attack otherwise I
might not have survived it. lie was
with me all night; and this morning,
finding mo sufficiently recovered to listen
to argument, he had this out with me. He
has the highest opinion of Lynn so has
Miss Dalrymple, or she would certainly
not have accepted him. I myself see no
reason to disbelieve In him. In fact,
It's only you, Tony, who stick out so
obstinately against him ; and you, as
'every one knows, are a man of strong pre
judices very strong prejudices."
"I a man of strong prejudices?" I gasp
d. "I, a lawyer, whose business it is
to weigh both sides of tho question and
decide impartially? I, an old man of
the world "
"I don't care what you may be ; I know
you are an obstinate, pig-headed old fel
low. But you must let me have my way
I know I am right. No argument will
change me I must have my way."
"Good," said I; "I'll draw up another
will. It shall be just as you wish.'
As I left the bouse I spied Lynn
Yeames coming down the road ; but I had
this plow, It may rendlly bo loaded
upon a truck and transported from
olaco to plnce.
null Orpluirlon Fonrl.
No varieties of fowls nre better suit
ed to the requirements of fnrmers and
others thnn Bnrred nnd White Plym
outh nocks. White
getting "leggy" nnd wenk.
Anerlra Una, tho Henlthloat CaffU
Socretnry of Agriculture Wilson says
the United Stntt has tho henltlilcst
cnttle of nny nation on the face of tho
earth. This Is owing to our rigid sys
tem of Inspection nnd our prompt mens
urcs to crndlcnti' diseases. In Kuropo
40 per cent of the cnttlo nro Infected
with tuberculosis, and In tho United
States only 10 per cent, and we will
soon have it entirely eradicated. Wo
have Inspectors in Kuropo, nnd not ono
imlinnl Infected In nny wny is permit
ted to be shipped to this country.
exclaimed, interrupting me Impatiently.
ell, sir, lately it has been obvious
that Flexmore's daughter Laure has form
ed a very strong attachment for Miss Dal-
rymple-r-a most extraordinary attach
"Yes. I know all about that.- Go on."
"Well, you see It is obvious that Miss
Dalrymple cannot marry both you and
Dr .Awdrey; while, at the same time, it
is equally evident that were j'ou the
child's guardian, and from any unfore
seen accident you might alter your inten
tion with regard to matrimony, Miss Dal
rymple could only marry Dr. Awdrey by
separating herself from the child Laure."
"But then I could be trustee to the
child's fortune, and leave her guardian
ship to Miss Dalrymple, couldn't I?"
"Oh, certainly, if there were time to
persuade your uncle to such an arrange
ment, which," I added, with a profound
sigh, "I fear there is not."
He turned bis back upon me and going
to the window, looked out into the thick
grey mist, while I, with two or three little
coughs, seated myself at the table, and be
gan laboriously to draw up the new will.
my spectacles low down on my nose, and
one hand on the old draft, which I fre
quently ocnsulted.
"How long will you be before you take
that thing up to the house to be signed?"
asked Lynn Yeames, who as I lifted my
eyes, I found was regarding me attentive
"Dr. Awdrey was good enough to lend
me bis gig that no time should be lost;
and, If all goes well, I shall bo at Flex
more's house at half-past two near as
He drew his hat a little lower over his
brows, and quitted my office without a
word. As the door slammed, I laid down
my pen, put my hands on my knees, and
hiiH nwl phiipkle. for I felt I had
no patience to speak to him, and jumping piayed that game of cross-purposes very
in the doctor s gig, i arovo on as quicKiy wei
as I could. 1 kept the gig at tho door; nut how would It end? That I could
and then, going into my office, I fetched not foresee. That he had gone off with
Wynhdottes nnd
B u Cf Orpingtons.
Hovr ICe Fonnd Out.
A hetrirnr In Tendon recentlv aCOOSt
ed n man nnd Avhined, "I'm paralyzed 00111 Barred Plym
in both me 'ands, mister, nn' can't th IlockB antl
work, for I can't &rasp anything with ' Wl'te Wyandottes
Could you spare mo a trifle, mis-
i are to be found In
terr, I every locality, nnd
"I'm denf," replied the gentliynnn. ' egKS fom thw"
"You'd better write down what you may be had nt rea
. want to sny. Here's pencil and a piece BoniluIe cost No
of paper." I variety seems to
"ruinf !o IM tlinufht thn liAPfrnrJ lla;e n Sinter
"Then c didn't 'ear about the paraly-10111"11 tbe fanning community thnn
sis. So he wrote down: "I've a wife tle tnarrod Plymouth Itock. Tho Or
rm,i lr chlldi-Pii starvln' at home, an' PlnSt0"8 are comparatively newcomers,
Ilnlntrliia I'referrrd.
The Iowa State Imnrd of control will
soon have 1,000 Holstelu cows nt Its
different Institutions. Different breeds
hnve iH-cn used heretofore, but It hns
been decided to hnve only one hreisl
nnd Holsteln wns selected been use of
Its mlik-glvlng qualities. Last yenr
tho cows nt the Iowa Institution gave
nenrly n quarter of n million gallons
of milk nnd this amount will be In
ivvv om-i.NOTorr.
and s x children stnrvin' at Home, an' : w-uj,,..., ,.-.. n, , , ,f ,... , , ,
bam in a dreffull state of destertush-1 I de their wny to a y, nl f tl 0 J" 1,1 J'
m tIa hnntlA.1 tho nnncr to the man. place in the utility class. Partial- ' ' ' .L L .r '
Ion." He handed the paper to the man,
who said:
Mraaarlno; Hr In flCacka.
To find the number of tons In long,
squnre stacks multiply the length In
yards by the width In yards, nnd thnt
.Inrlv muv thin ho Hm,i nf i,a t.., ... siucks miuupiy uie nqtinrc of the clr
.. ety. Buff Orpingtons are one of ninny ",f ,1H,,fl?k ,,n ynnl" hy
i in i . .. .. four times the iilMimio n n...i
divide by two.
. i i f 1 1 ii ii r i ii i rir i i uiu n w-u nn n f v ni n nil
"I f VarletleH and niS Z . " altitude In ynrds nnd
aiyzca in ooin minus uuu vumuu i group , t. ,-,,,: , "
... i fir TM i irnlnfftAn rnrll mi..
nnvthlnc: nnd vet can write " ". . - -...i..,. xnc-y are rap-
dcaf?' , ly replaclnff mnnjr woruout strains
uuu mougreis on our farms and have
"Didn't yer say yer were
"Yes to nnd out if you were an 1m- lfake" tt. front " utility pou.
jwstor, which you are, aH I supposed;
The quotient will be
the number of cubic ynrds. Divide by
fifteen for the nunlber of tons.
replied the man.
"Well; of nil the bloomln frauds, yoi
the biggest!" exclaimed tho beggar.
"The hldea of yer sayln' yer were deaf,
an' tryln' to Impose on a poor feller !"
And he shuffled off, snlfflng the air
with righteous Indignation. New Yort
The niot Act.
What Is cSmmonly meant by "reading
the riot act" Is better known than tho
origin of the phrase. The historical
riot act was passed by tho British Par-ng vurlety nnd uro likely to become
Venv I'oala,
Wyoming experiments in nrcservlnir
fence iwhIs show that when tba iwsts
try ranks ns, winter layers and market
fowls. There is
great demand for
eggs and fowls of
this breed. They h . "71
--." i will ini.finitAit-
1700 The
with crew of 700, w 2
...ouui pn ft vo)K0 thnt wi'
wreck ami tho low of all i
except two. "
1703 French nnd Indian war
treaty of Paris. "IH
1775-Chatham prcHmtoil hii aotki
Parliament for mrlil..u'J
1771V Col. Pickens, with a r ,
Una mllltln, defeated thTdi
imuuu river.
1780 Tho British, under fllr Hr;C
, Hi-Kim lueir Bitack m i
ton, a. j.
1781 (Jen. Oreene abandoned KortlGfll
ollnn to the HrltUh.
1801 John Marshall appointed ttwul
tl of the United State. 1
1801 New Jersey LeiUlaturi tudt
a a I .....
ovv lur too rrnuuai abolition of il
1KCW Rusala declared war
1HI5 Fort Boyer, Mobile, rcmstah
m iiruun.
1818 Congrewj of Ali-la-CbipM tl
184-1 William Wllllami of Renmjlf
occamo ttecretnry of war.
1830 President ordered ditpera j
armed invaders of Kanau.
1803 Federal prlaoncra llrtt cosMmI
AndurHonvllle, (Ja.
1807 A civil service reform Detail
troduced In the Uoum of Rw
187 Abdication of Klnj Amitm'i
Hpnlu and proclamation of i ra
870 First telephone patent trutii
Alexander uraliam IlelL
187D C'hnlr of tho Senat occtpWI
the first time by a netro
Blnncho K. Bruce of MUtWKi...
Houe nppolnteil a commlitei te $1
ventlgnte nllcgiil purcbaM
dcntlnl clectora In beliaK of i
J. Tllden.
1880 Great fire nt Brandon, M .:
Constitution of Japan proaslffl;
18JK Unlrerslty buildings at Tm
't&Kt Chinese fleet aurrendertd to I
1808 United StntM battleship
blown up In Havana bsibor,
Ion of 00 lives.
I)0 President McKlnley tip
Ienco treaty with 8psln.
1000 Belief of Klmberity fc;
tl)02 Anglo-Japanese alliance wo!!
UKJ.T (J real demonstration of
unemploycl In Trafalxar now-
100r Northwestern StntM swep
vcre blizzard.
Tim Orcroii notnto yield
large ns that of last year and Urt
h eood.
The hrooracorn crop of TM
burned off so that the char comes nbovo
legs nnd white
di i. -ii i
iiL-mi. uillCKCllS arc I'rorraa Ilutli-r.
hardy and grow The government inspection nt
rapidly. Eggs are vnted hutter Inst year showed a total
of medium or iarg- pnxluction of (W.OOO.OOO ikiuiuIs of mieli
er size, according butter, an Increase of ir jmr cent over
iu niram. me preceding yenr.
vuuo urpingtons are a most promls
liament In the reign of George I. In popular on account of their merits as
were dipped In crude petroleum nnd jOkln., nlonu will brine the farotrtiw'
M) tnis year.
Tuberculous hogs have bffl A
In Ial Crosso and conumed tDtrt, '
Ing to Dr. II. Rooine, United
Kxhlblts from mnny Statvi weft
ent at the Minnesota rancitrr r
..i i.. u. ii..., i i'h cat) 1
nuiiw in iiv. uu.. - i i
was liner than ever before MW w '
Ti,o.hyh?y bMd hOIja
season nt szi per iou,
Farm I'ncla ami ii1...-!..
Hogs need clean, pure water ns much 1 over paid thcro. The scarcity b JTI
, shortage In cars than a i
'ayers and table fowls. Exchnnge. as 1,10 rest of tho stock. 8eo thnt they ! to a shortage
Tho blackhead disease which has be- lh I ,,, "0t rcnUza " ,,,u
come so destructive to turkeys In 1 In ' " J'Ur ,a thv
Ket It.
1714. It enacts that felony Is commit
ted when twelve or moro persons un
lawfully, rlbtously and tumultously
assemble together to the dlsturbanco
or mo puijnc pence, wj ui cuiiiiuuo u- j wiuuno iu wrKuyn in tne cheap Bcrub
,.,.tUnr. tnn nn liiilr nftnr luting nnrn. DQHt ttiW V(!iru llMH )unn lltwlni- I '
manded to dlstwrso by tho sheriff or Kntion by tho experiment station at . y.ou ket'',? Tn cow that
. t Ma. A.1 1 J III .1 I 4.1 . . .
f ffZn to write he new one unon Mme definite and Immediate purpose undcrfjberiff or a jusUce or tho mayor , Kingston, Rhode Island. A small para- , CntH or 1,10 w
of foolscap to write the new one upon. wajJ conv need. Would he In the next . t. lft-nl1i, site mlcrosconle in iu m. t,mt L'ntH "'e than sho mnkeii?
Just at that moment my housekeeper came hour undo himself completely by throwing of the borough. site, microscopic In size, Is tho cause m, mnkes7
In to say that my lunch was served. I Ts Z Dalrymple 3 . InaWn? ST unclt "reading" of tho British riot , of the trouble. It lives In the tissue Is Imposs h e to plant nn orchnrd
mH nn hour's work before me: It would .,.i...oo.i n, , ir.i f act. which Js a necessary preliminary . 01 '"o turkey and causes lrrltatlonn or a windbreak In the winter Hm
take another hour and a half to carry It
over to Flexmore, get his signature, and
Just as I was finishing, there was a
ring at the bell, and my housekeeper
brought In word that Mr. Lynn Yeames
wished to see me. "Ah, ah !" thought I,
"he wants to pump me again, does he?
AH right; so he shall." Bo I bade the
housekeeper show him into my office, and
say I would be with him In a minute or
two. I emptied my cup, and rose to Join
my visitor In the next room.
In that moment It struck me that I had
loft the draft of the old will on the
office table beside the sheet of fresh fool
scap. I went on tiptoe to tbe door and
pooped through the green taffety blind.
Lynn Yearned was standing by the table,
looking round him curiously; I could see
blm distinctly, but he could not see me,
by reason of the light from the office win
4ew falling on tho blind. Quickly ho
caught up the draft, and ran his eye down
illowlng proclamation, which the voung poults exposed In Infected enn bo kept from taking tho nrolltH of
i: "Our sovereign lord tho ynrds die before they nro six weeks tho orchard this next bouhoii bv faith
Dth nnd commandeth nil ier.Old. Tho dlseaso has been popularly ful, Judicious spraying ""in.
depart to their habitations or to their
lawful business upon the pnlns con
tained in the net made In tho first year
of King George for preventing tumults
nnd riotous assembles. God Bave the
king!" Chicago News.
Not Yet.
Myles This matter of divorce Is get
ting alarming. I hope your daugbtor
hns not contemplated getting a dlrorco
yet 7
Styles Oh, no, not yet. You see, she
doesn't expect to bo married for three
til we got Into the Beagle Woods; theAY. nonths yotl Yonkers Statesman.
It contains:
king chargeth
sons being assembled Immediately to ' supposed to be confined to birds over
disperse themselves nnd peaceably to Blx weeks. It Is notably a dlseaso af-
marrying her? It would be sharp work; to Its being put Into operation, It Is not that result In tho death of tho affected 11 lB possible nnd prolltahle to plan ono
but men loso no time when their fortunes customary to recite tho whole of tho nru- -iue uiiono island experiments or 00UI-
are at stake. "We shall see," said I, re- wtntute, which is rather a long ono, but showed that moro than four-flfths of Fungous dlneases and Insect nea
turtilntr tst mv ivnrlr fnr which I honpd I 1.. ti.,. nii,.,inn ....nlomoilnii ...I. thn vniltlc ru-mltu nmn,,,! n i.j nn . t. 1. ...... ... PCSS
n "mJ " ' - i Ulliy Lull !UlltM
tnero wouiu oe no neea wnen i went up
for Flexmore's signature.
It was two o'clock when I got into
tho doctor's gig with tbe new will. My
house waa Just on tbe outskirts of the
town; Flexmore's was two or three miles
beyond on the other side of Beagle Woods.
The mist had been thick all the morn
ing; but it was thicker than ever when
I started, so that I could not see three
yards ahead with my glasses on. How
ever, I knew I could trust to the Intelli
gence of tho doctor's nag, who took that
road every day In the week, and nlghta as
well sometimes; and with my collar well
up. and my nose well down in a comfort
er, off I started.
I jogged along pretty comrortaoiy ur
fectlng young turkeys, but one from
which the older turkeys do not escape.
Of the ono-flfth that do escnpo or sur
vive its ravages nt least ten to twenty.
Tho five to eight qunrts of milk n
dny cow will never return tho farmer
an adequate profit, unless tho percent
ngo of butter fut Is high.
An nrgunient In fnvor of the open
In fruit ,... i.. . .. " "PVII
1va nn. uinl ...... -l.. ti , . .. I llCSd in fruit tniflu Iu ll,n it.. . ..
" ' " .v.k uiiijr uiu WiruUgilOUl IUQ " - muv 1110 ITUIC OU
year nt almost any nge. Bucn treL8 does not rot ho badly ns that
Tho eradication and prevention of on tret'H w,tU leniw ,iefllH.
the disease la somewhat dlmcult but no F,rHt tlin frnmowork, then the trim
reliance can bo placed on nny drug to mlnga. Ho with stock-rulslng Fomi
cure a bird thnt Is nlrondy Infected, to get the biggest kind of growth then
fllnco the blnckheod disease Is less pre- ny on tho fat as fast ns possibles.'
vnlent In dry situations It Is apparent A dairy cow must bo given moro fei
tnat sanity, weii-nralned in ruin
tor for r.l.l-8 lurkoy. u, a. '"J. ' V. ' T 1P I CZ. 11 ( .'""
The Minnesota grain lMP5
ment reports that more , thM W J 1
oi an wneat inspc- i - ; . y
Inspection lcpnrtnent f rjj el
CllUing AUg. Uli iwn a-
A band of 23,000
from Hoswell, N.M.,.0 .--
in Noutnern Aruo"
tho vegetation of a strip a nM i wj-jj
ns n whistle In their progrf ttiwa
country. .,
. ...... i n,i.r IlapW
has bought 0,000 ncrc. J, 1U s
furris, Texas, uiwn whlcb w u
llsh a colony operated n
commune. Tbe Inmi w"
i . Inlmr will V " "
vlded. .,.!
n. n. Walker, a stock sblppf
ard county, Mo., who has w '
the City of Mexico nejrj Ijy
charged with disfiguring fori
i. .7.11, in. ham w th a knIf' Ti
stntoncod to servo four
can prison. ,nLtt
The Minnesota State djiw
i... in.....r.i Hnn necr iWRu .
survey, for tWodltchw In AJ0,
which will dram f"; tloX '
swamp land ano ,, j fjo