The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 26, 1908, Image 4

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    to mature the crops only by Fpp Joint Senntor
carefully conserving it to neet To tho voters, pf Crook, Lnko and
A Good. PMcejQ
- Published cvorr Thursday by
the demands of the 'lq?g. dry Khrnath Counties: I hereby doclaro
n .i. 1 s r inv nlatform : Stntoment No, 1. ''Ho
7 . ' .1 j'r 4 j tl,nr ia Rrcatest o. him jo yoiir eor
jng knows the differenpe. And, ..anrt h Tho pcop,0 pf Qrcgon aro cqm,
Ono ycar...k.., $1.50
It 18 againsp these dry Springs potent to olect nil .officers. Oregon
thaf provision must bp ipade. livestock breeder, Qrcgon frutgrqwers
They are the year's that test the a,ro wUMnmons. Lotus Rnko Oregon
J L . . -, tho greatest state for gqod roads, good
fanners of the seini-and re school .mr0 oods ,10nc8t weights and
Jl il !. . ! . .
Six months.. 85
Three months 50
Entered ns
lied ns second class matter August
t,aJ.tho Ijostorflco at Mndrns. Ore.,
the Act of Congrpss of March 8, 187U.
gious, auu upon uieir auuiiy 10 measures, honest political methods
?U, 1004
"make good' in those years Push ot Oregon, Pull for Oregon,
will depend the success or fail;
G. Sr-msqitn.
Dcinqcratjc. candidate for joint sona
ure of the farmers in this dis
Mar. 36, 1908
Htyp Madras Pioneer
V 'j
i h
Crook county's tax-roll Xs
year amounts to the enormous
sum of $10S,00Q. Last year it
. was $100,000, in round figures,
and the preceding j'enr outy a
few thousands less. The tax
rate, while lower in the amount
of mills levied, is higher iu fact
because of the increase in the
valuations placed on property
For iustance, tillable farming
lrtud which in this section was
assessed at $4 an acre two
years ago when the lev' was 1
mills, making a tax of S4 mills
an acre, is this year assessed at
$6 an acre, which at the rate of
fhe levy, 14.$ mills, makes 85.8
mills tax on the acre, and in
that two years the amount of
taxable property has steadity
increased. Thousands of acres
of farming land and timber
have been added t6 the tax-roll
in thoB6 two j'ears. But, with
millions of dollars added, to the
property whii h bears f the bur
den of taxation, the rate has
been greater the past two years
than it was the previous 3rears.
Tax figures arestubborri facts.
Thej' tell their own story in
their own way, and can't be
coaxed or wheedled into mak
ing matters look better than
they are. But, just as stub
bornry they point the way to a
remedy. It lies in a careful,
conomical, businesslike admin
istration of county affairs, and
that is the reason the demand is
so strong for an entirely new
I wish to state that I am a candidate
for tho Jlopublican noniinatjqn for joint
senntor to repiesent tho district con
sisting of Crook, Klamath and Lake
William Johuston, candidate
for the Republican nomination
for County Treasurer, spent sev
eral days in the Afudras couu- counties
try this week, in the interest of
his candidacy. Mr. Johnson has
I -w 1 J !
been a resident of Crook for L ; 110,rcw "I1 l! ,co so" " mn
. . . date for joint aiimtor from Klamath
many years and has friends in Lnko and Crook counties on tbo licnub
all sections of the county, and lican ticket, subject to tho decision o
Bonanza, Oregon,
he says he is meeting with en
pouragement in his cahdidaoy.
tho primary election.
L. F. Wiluts,
Klamath Falls, Or.
Thejd yasa strong niovenient
n jeal estate in Madras last
Tuesdnj'. With the wind blow
ing with a velocity of not less
For County Treasurer
To the voters of Crook punnty:
hereby announce myself as a candidato
for ro-election to the ollice of county
than 40 miles an hour all day, treasurer, on the republican ticket,
every ntty-joot lot in town
changed hands several times
or so it. appeared . to the poor
unfortunate who happened to
be out in it.
subject to your approval of the adminis
tration of the ofUee during my present
term. V. F. Kino
Hope keeps the heart alive,
else we should have long ago
despaired of relief for the trans
portation difficulties of Central
Oregon. Time after time has
the promise of railroad exten
sion into Central Oregon ,been
given, but always without ma
teriar results. Beginning with
the promised extension of the
Corvallis & Eastern, which, long
before thi3 section became a
populous farming district, had
its. survey across the mountains
and into Central Oregpn, up to
the present time with its half
dozen or more "prospects,"
Crook county has been scan
ning the horizon for the advent
of the iron horse. jCts eyes
have grown wearyvbut its faith
has never faltered.
This week we are re-printing
a Portland storj' of renewed ac
tivity on. the Mt. Hood road. It
is the one road "headed thin
way" upon which actual con
struction is in progress, and for
that reason offers the most im
mediate promise of rail trails'
puliation. The Pioneer prints
them all, these railroad stovie,
because it believes that the peo
ple of this section want aH the
news they can get on a subject
so vitally important to them.
And because, too, it" has an
abiding faith in the early frui
tion of Central Oregon's hope
of rail transportation.
Governor Chamberlain
offered a reward of $4000 on be-
lalf of the state, for the arrest
Of the murderer of Juluis Wal
lande, whose body was fount!
near silver Liaise two vveelts ago
under circumstances which in
dicate foul play.
For County Clerk
To tho voters of Orook County:
hereby announce myself a candidato for
has tne "1CC of County Clerk, subject to the
I 1 t tO t 1- .
approval 01 1110 uomocraiic voters ai
tho primaries to be held in April.
"y.utnKX Bitow.v.
For Sheriff
To the voters of Crook County
Announcements of candidates published
under this heading are paid lor at regular
auverusing rates.
T. T. Geer for Congress
Candidate for republican congression
al nomination in the second District.
Liberal appropriations for waterways.
equal opportunities and Privileges for
labor and capital, and uovernment con
trol otcorporations.
hereby announce my candidacy for the
oflice of Sheriff of Crook County, on the
Republican ticket, subject to tho ap
proval of the Republican voters at tiie
primary to ne held in April,
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the oflice of sheriff of Crook
county, subject to the approval of tho
democratic voters at the piimaries to be
held April 17, 1903.
Paulina, Or.
For County Judge
To the Voters of Crook County: I
hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the office of County Judge, subject to
tne approval 01 tne tno Itenubucaii
voters at the primaries to be held April
17, 1U0S. 1. u. 1SLM8.
Bend, Oregon.
For District Attorney '
Subject to the approval of the voters
of Urook and Wasco counties, l an
nounce my candidacy for the Republi
can nomination for District Attorney of
tho Seventh Judicial District at tne
1 coming primaries. 11 nominated and
elected Ishall endeavor to discharge the
duties of the oflice faithfully as the law
provides. Jmed w. wilsox,
The Dalles, ur.
Now offers you a splendid as
sortment of General Merchan
dise at prices that will make you
happy, cause you to call again,
and induce your neighbors to
come with you to
The Store That Gives Satisfaction
Carries a good line of fresh
drugs and patents. Pre
scription work and family
recipes made a specialty
Physician and Druggist
This upace has been reserved by the local
iroliliiuion orKuniiiluiin. unu win uo urcuiuuu
) mattur furnished by them eeh week.
To tho voters of Crook County: I
hereby announce myself a candidate for
nomination, on the Republican ticket,
to the office of Countv Judire. Your
support at .the primaries, April 17th,
wiilue truly appreciated.
fcincerely yours,
J. F. Blanciiahd.
To the Republican voters of the 7th
Judicial District:
I desirf the nomination at your hands
to the office of District Attorney and
will appreciate your votes at th6 coming
primary election 11 you ueem mo wormy
of your support.
W. 1'. jHUVKb,
Laidlaw, Oregon.
For County School Superintendent
To the republican voters' of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
For County Assessor
To the voters of Crook County: I
herel'V announce myself as a candidate
candidate for the oflice of county school for the ollice of county afcseasor, subjecV
superintendent. Your support at the j to tlie approval 01 tne iienuoncan voters
primaries in April will be appreciated, " "'o primaries 10 UL ,"T'1'". '
R. A. Foijd.
To the Democratic voters of Crook
County: I desire the nomination at
vour nanus at tne primaries in April lor
Cake for U. S. Senator
Prominent in Oregon ns a champion
vour support at tne primaries
heartily appreciated. Sincerely,
the oflice of County School Superin- of purtr politics, and an advooato of the
tendent, on tin- Democratic ticket, and eradication of the dangerous machine
system is lion. II. M. Cake, of Portland.
Mr Cake is seeking the ReptilOican
nomination for United States Senator
I hereby announce that I will be a ..,i ; ,i; n .nw n,.r.Aio
candidate for County School Superin- . ..." . ' . .. 11 .
. . , . . 1 . I atw.i.ltr irk flirt nnnn it I I it tinlw.wm In
toiident of Crook Uounty, subject to tne o"w rwr.v. v. ...
action of the Republican voters in the tho people and consequently belioveH in
will be
R. Cook.
primary election.
M. A. Lkhma.v,
Qneil, Oregon.
Tbe long dry spell lias re
vived interest in scientific meth
ods of dry hind fanning, in this
section, exemplifying the old
adage, "we never miss the wa
ter 'til the well runs dry." In
years of abundant rainfall in
this district the difference in the
methods of farming is not so ap
parent, but in the dry years,
when there ia moisture enough
For Joint Representative
. To the voters of Crook, Klamath,
Lake and Grant counties: I hereby
announce my candidacy for joint repre
sentative from the 21st Representative
UiHtrict of Oreiion. subiect to the ap
proval of the Republican votere of tho 0I' ftr our statu of Orcfon
district at the primaries to Do liolu
April 17th. V, 0. Con,
JJeud, Or. '
thuir election of U. S. Senators
Fortunately for those of us who have
little admiration for a wearer of .the
senatorial toga who has achieved his
exalted position by chicanery or politi
cal mothods, Mr. Cake is nothing 'of it
politician. He represents tho ohor
type; the roiorved, conservative and
able lawyer, who believes in tho aotivo
policies of Roosevelt and has unlimitod
To the Republicans of Klamath, Lake,
Crook and Grant Couutiws: 1 wish to
inform tho Republicans of Klamath,
Lake. Crook and Grant counties, consti
tuting tho Twenty-first Representative
District of Oregon, that my name will be,
presented for your consideration at the
Primary election to bo held April 17,
11)03, asking your suilniiies lor selection
us one of the itepumlcan uomiuoes lor
Joint Representative in said district, to
be balloted for on June 1, 1008.
II. A. Riuttaj.v,
f(5 Paisley, Or.
For County Surveyor
To tho votors of Crook County: I
hereby announce mysolf a candidate for
nomination, on tno jtcpuoiicau ticKei,
to tho ollice of county surveyor. I 10-
spectfully solicit your support at tho
primaries ou April if,
Fimnk Mav,
Though his record is not a political
oiif, Mr uauo nas prouaojy (lone more
towards the devoloprnontof Oregon than"
any other private citizen. It wf$ ho
wllp inaugurated tho plana of develop
ment and advancement lmt are bating
f .1 I If ..I . - 1 A I .
so succesiutiy accompiiuiitsu iy uiu
Portland Coinmorcial Club and thejOro-
S1 m it Vt
aon j;oveiopmeiit i.eaguo. ;wr. uano
was for fcevcral years president of tho
Portland Commercial Club and in that
position brought it, to its prugent state
of efficiency.
Oregon at this time has novo need of
proper representation in CongresB. No
one will deny tlml our growth and pro
gress lias neon reiaruou ny want 01
proper representation at tho natlpii's
Mr. Cake is 1111 ardent admirer of
Presidont Roosevelt, boliovos in ids pol
icies and is convinced that it 1b to tho
nation's best interests that thoy bo con
Daily Stages to Shaniko and Bend,
Livery Service in Connection. Stables at
Madras, Shanilco and Bend SrS&
Age nt
Madras, Oregon
The following ,adverUseinoiit appeared
n the newspaper recently:
Wanted A bartender. He must be a
total abstainer.
rue parnuox 111 tins appears twiieii o
make the following comparisons: j
Wanted A barber who never cuts Ills
WanU-d A baker who never eats bread.
Wanted A shoemaker who never wears
shoes. Wauted-rA minister who nover speaki
of Jesus Christ.
Jails Not Needed
A peculiar problem is being discussed In
the province of Prince Kdward Island.
The stiugestlon has been made that one
jail centrally situated is ample to meet all
the needs.
Tne plan heretofore has boon a jnll in J
each ciinty, hut oftentimes it hap
pened that all of them have been empty,
and it never happens that any of them aie
full. Tlie Charlottetown Guardian point
out that the percentage of population thnt
Is criminal Is the smallest iu I'rlnco Kd
ward Island of any province of Canada,
and therefore there is no need fur a prluon
in each county.
Tlii.s Is a striking tribute to the bencfltti
of the prohibitory law. If bar room ac
commodation is liicreaHed prUou .ici-om
niodatluuM must also he Increased. Where
bar room accommodation in reduced
prisons become less uecesitary.
In Prince Kdward Inland thuro are no
bar rooms and therefore 110 prisoners for
the Jails. Pioneer.
- -a
Tho Crlmo of Liquor Soiling
Once ni'ore tho liquor trafno ha been
lilt. The blow comes from the federal
boucli this lime. Judge Alston (i. Dayton
of the Ijnlteil States District Court for the
nortliorn district of West Vliginla, Is ihu
11 an who delivered It. And here Is the
way in which he did it;
"I have aid It, and I aialn proclaim It,
that uo man can be engaged In the sale of
liquor and be honest. He will take the
last dollar of a drunken oiiug man, kick
him out, and send him on to a drunkards
grav). I hey study dishonesty, and come
Into court and perjure theiiuwlvmi to avoid
piiiilsluiit-iit. W don't license anv man
lo ioh,st-al, or murdir.hiit jnu can take
me iicoiuou (-aioons generally or the coun
try, and the lumih rs committed under the
sale of liquor will avwage one murder for
every saloon iu the country."
Dtit here la a nui lou thing. If It Is dis
honest to boll liquor, or If liquor soiling
makes 11 man dishonest, why doih tlie
government Ukix; a jicoiixo to the man
permitting him to sell, and legalizing hU
dUhoncst hiiftiuoiis II It In dlshoiiest to
Mill liquor, Is It not demoralizing toll onxo
the sale of liquor. '
Hnek of the crime of Honor null lot In ih
other crime of licensing tlie helling. Th
iiu jinn iniiim 100 injiior Heiiur tsomutiiin-K)
hut the government continues to Umltf n,,,
1 he lime hns come when tli unvi-vu
iiieui niiiht dissolve naitiiitiHldii win. ii
criminal liquor busineN. An aroused and
i dignimt public mithiie'it demiindH It.
The liquor trnfllc Is loitering, and It Is
lutaiiious for Coiiuichm to
'bolster it up,
The members of Lovcland's Orchestra have secured Sat,
ford's Mall and will give a grand bail on the above !&,'
Everyone is cordially invited, and the management awuret;
those who attend that no pains will be spared to make tW
enjoy themselves, as the desire is to civc ONE GOOD ;
TIME, regardless of whether any money is made. Stfangw I
win uc maac acquainted. tour-piece orcncsira win jy
best music. Dance tickets will cost $1.00
FrAnk Loveland, G, Lovcland, Barney Cumming, C, A. Rijj
- - z3
. . .ggggggg JMM
op One
Beginning next Monday
we will sell for one week
7 bars Fairbanks
Regular 25c size Lemon and
Vanilla Extract
.1..,M......,.,.,..,- ,.ti,...(,(.H.',,M..,.),'l.r(.l -''''''VV.njWW"
' "' ' i'i 'ii'i.i,eiiH.eiec,iiiiH,eiiii,eiiPi.ii,eiir'.ei.M,"'"' ,r
. VladrasTrading Co.